Download interactive game based on fairy tales. Presentation - Interactive game based on Russian folk tales “A million fairy tales for children. in the thirtieth state

Lisetskaya Tatiana
Interactive game for older children preschool age"On the roads of fairy tales"

Interactive game for older preschool children"By fairy tale roads»

Purpose of the game.

Communion children to active mental activity.

Skill formation children solve problems based on mental analysis by putting forward a hypothesis and testing it;

Consolidation of ordinal and quantitative counting;

Development of logical thinking, ingenuity and intelligence

Upbringing interest in mathematics.

Rules of the game.

Select a game by clicking on fairy tale character.

Game 1

Game 2

To receive a new task, click on the arrow in the lower right corner.

After completing all the tasks of the game, click on the house to select a new game.

Game 3

To receive a new task, click on the arrow in the lower right corner.

After completing all the tasks of the game, click on the house to select a new game.

Game 4

Find the shape that matches the correct answer and click on it.

To receive a new task, click on the arrow in the lower right corner.

After completing all the tasks of the game, click on the house to select a new game.

To exit, click on the door.

Explanatory note for the presentation

I bring to your attention a game on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts "By fairy tale roads» For children aged 5-7 years.

This interactive game promotes the development of cognitive abilities in children, interest to mental activity, improvement of mathematical concepts. U children Computer skills are developed.

The material will be useful to educators preschool institutions, additional education teachers, teachers primary school.

1 slide – Game name

Slide 2 - Game selection.

3-5 slide Game 1

Count the objects and click on the number corresponding to the answer.

If the answer is correct, the number will increase and change color. Wrong answer - the number will disappear.

To receive a new task, click on the arrow in the lower right corner.

After completing all the tasks of the game, click on the house to select a new game.

7-9 slide - Game 2

Find the number corresponding to the answer.

If the answer is correct, the number will appear in its place. Incorrect answer - the number rotates.

To receive a new task, click on the arrow in the lower right corner.

After completing all the tasks of the game, click on the house to select a new game.

11-13 slide Game 3

Find the shape that matches the correct answer and click on it.

If the answer is correct, the figure will appear in its place. Incorrect answer – the figure rotates.

To receive a new task, click on the arrow in the lower right corner.

After completing all the tasks of the game, click on the house to select a new game.

15-17 slide – Game 4

Find the shape that matches the correct answer and click on it.

If the answer is correct, the figure will appear in its place or increase. The wrong answer is that it swings or disappears.

To receive a new task, click on the arrow in the lower right corner.

After completing all the tasks of the game, click on the house to select a new game.

To exit the game, click on the door.

Publications on the topic:

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Interactive game: “Visiting a fairy tale!” Scenario for grades 1-4

The event scenario is for primary school students from grades 1-4; it can also be held in camps of various directions.

Kalugina Larisa Vasilievna, teacher-organizer for primary school, municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 28 named after. October Revolution" in the city of Kirov, Kirov region.
Target: Summarize knowledge about fairy tales and cartoons, not only Russian, but also foreign.
test children's knowledge of fairy tales, both original and folk, knowledge of the authors of fairy tales;
expand your horizons on various types of fairy tales, both Russian and other peoples;
develop the ability to recognize fairy tales and their heroes;
teach children to work in a team;
develop a sense of camaraderie;
development of aesthetic and moral perception of the world.

Purpose: The development of an interactive game is intended for primary school students from grades 1 to 4, both in parallel and in the classroom, but children will need to be divided into teams, camps of various directions, for children's recreation areas; Junior schoolchildren aged 6 - 10 years can take part in the interactive game.
Equipment: seats for 4 teams, projector, screen, gifts for teams, certificates in the nominations “Connoisseurs of Cartoons”, “Connoisseurs of Fairy Tales”, “Connoisseurs of Songs” “Connoisseurs of Cartoons and Fairy Tales” different countries».
MUSIC “Visiting a fairy tale.”
Leading: Hello, dear guys! I am glad to see you at our interactive game called “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” Every person becomes familiar with fairy tales from a very early age. These are the very first works that people begin to read. After all, it is thanks to fairy tales that we become kinder, learn to condemn evil, admire kindness; they contain a lot of educational, interesting, and magical things.
And today we will check how you know them.
INSERT video: “The Storyteller” (how our fairy tales began: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman...”)

Leading: This is how storytellers began their tales. Guys, tell me, what kind of fairy tales are there? Absolutely right, they are author's and folk, author's fairy tales have their own author, but folk tales do not have an author, which is why they are called that - folk. I ask the teams to take their places (children come up with a team name in advance).
I present to you our jury:
- school librarian;
- director of the school theater;
- art teacher.
So, are our teams ready? Then I round (GONG)“Warm-up”, for the correct answer each team receives 1 point. Let's start with 1 command - choose a question.
There are 12 numbers on the slide, children select any number, then a question opens via a hyperlink, after the children answer, the answer appears by clicking.
The presentation shows the following numbers:

Number 1 – question:
Name a fairy-tale character who goes out of his way?

Answer:"Princess Frog"
Number 2 – question:
What is the name of the aircraft in which a woman first flew
to the air?

Answer: Broom.
Number 3 – question:
What is the name of the part of a woman's dress that contains rivers, lakes, swans and other environmental objects?

Answer: Sleeve.
Number 4 – question: What is the most reliable means of orientation in fairy-tale situations?

Answer: Tangle.
Number 5 – question: What was the name of the king who got cocked?

Answer: King Dadon.
Number 6 – question: What is the name of the sewing accessory that conceals mortal danger for fabulous centenarians?

Answer: Needle.
Number 7 – question: What reward for the feat do fairy-tale kings promise heroes?

Answer: Half the Kingdom.
Number 8 – question: Which Russian folk tale describes the life of a friendly communal apartment?

Answer: Teremok.
Number 9 – question: What starting product is needed to cook fabulous porridge?

Answer: Axe.
Number 10 – question: What is the name of the fabulous individual reusable aircraft?

Answer: Stupa.
Number 11 – question: What is the name of the “wild but cute ghost”?

Answer: Carlson.
Number 12– question: What is the name of the tavern where Pinocchio dined with the fox Alice and the cat Basilio?

Answer:"Three Minnows"
2 round (GONG)

Presenter: Based on the results of the 1st round, the team __________ (team name) is in the lead. And we are starting our 2nd round “Guess the cartoon”. So, here are 3 types of different types of cartoons - Disney cartoons, Soviet cartoons and 21st century cartoons. We'll start with the second team, choose which cartoons you will guess.
At the presentation there is a slide with cartoon characters.
1 picture with a Disney character.

And the picture has a question.

2nd picture on the same slide is a picture with a Soviet cartoon hero.

Caption on the picture.

3 picture with a cartoon character of the 21st century.

Caption on the picture.

The words in the inscriptions have hyperlinks to a picture from the cartoon; when you click on the word, it opens, then when you click on the picture again, the name of the cartoon opens, that is, checking the children’s answer.
1 picture and Disney Disney characters, on the hyperlinks of the picture and by clicking on the name of the cartoon, 6 in total:
1) "DuckTales"

2) "Beauty and the Beast"

3) "Rapunzel: Complicated story»

4) "Toy Story"

5) "Finding Nemo"

6) “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”

2 picture Soviet cartoons, on the hyperlinks of the picture and by clicking the answer, the name of the cartoon, 6 in total:
1) “Bag of Apples”

2) "Boniface's Vacation"

3) “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

4) “The Secret of the Third Planet”

5) "Flying ship"

6) “Shake!” Hello!"

3 picture new Cartoons of the 21st century, on the hyperlinks of the picture and by clicking the answer, the name of the cartoon, 6 in total:
1) "Kung Fu Panda"

2) “Treasure Island”

3) "Shrek"

4) “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”

5) “Masha and the Bear”

6) "Ratatouille"

Leading: And now, based on the results of the 2nd round, we give the floor to our jury.
The jury's word.
3rd round (GONG)
Music from cartoons. There are also 4 pictures with numbers on the slide:

Leading: Attention, we continue and begin the 3rd round “Music from Cartoons”, you are also offered a choice of 4 numbers, behind each number there is an excerpt from the cartoon, after listening to the end of the melody, you must name the cartoon from which it sounded, name the composer of this melody and the author of the text. Please, team 3, choose a number. If you know the song, sing along.
1 digitMusic sounds - an excerpt from the cartoon “The Town of Bremen”
Answer, on the slide the inscription: Song of the ingenious detective from the cartoon “Bremen Town Musicians” Song of the ingenious detective.

music by Gennady Gladkov

words – Yuri Entin

2nd digitmusic - an excerpt from the cartoon “Shake!” Hello!"
Answer, inscription on the slide: Song “Clouds” from the cartoon “Shake!” Hello!"

words – Sergei Kozlov

Music – Vladimir Shainsky

3rd digitmusic - an excerpt from the cartoon “Mom for a Baby Mammoth!”
Answer, inscription on the slide: Song “Baby Mammoth” from the cartoon “Mom for the Baby Mammoth!”, lyrics by Dina Nepomnyasha

music - Vladimir Shainsky

4 digitmusic – excerpt from the cartoon “Flying Ship!”
Answer, inscription on the slide: Song of “Vodyanoy” from the cartoon “Flying Ship!”

words – Yuri Entin

music - Maxim Dunaevsky

Leading: I ask the jury to announce the results of the 3rd round and the overall results after three rounds.
The jury's word.
Leading: Well, guys, are you tired? Let's take a little rest. Everyone stand up and repeat after me (do it 3 times).
Stretch my darling. pulling up
Pull the legs, pull the little hands. feet rise on toes,
Fatigue, go quickly, strength, come. tension in all muscles, arms bent at the elbows,
Smile, little peephole, at least once. a smile is a facial movement.
4th round (GONG)
Leading: Let's continue. Round 4 “Guess the cartoon!” We offer 4 numbers and 4 cartoons. Word 4 to the team, choose a number. By selecting a number, you will be shown an excerpt from the cartoon; after viewing, you must name the name of the cartoon and the author of this fairy tale.
Numbers in the form:

1st number – we show an excerpt from the cartoon “The Princess and the Pea” (duration 1.5 – 2 minutes).
Answer, and presentation slide: “The Princess and the Pea”, author Hans Christian Andersen 1805 – 1875

Number 2 – we show an excerpt from the cartoon “The Scarlet Flower” (duration 1.5 – 2 minutes).
Answer, and the presentation slide: “The Scarlet Flower”, author Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov 1791 - 1859

Number 3 – we show an excerpt from the cartoon “The Little Humpbacked Horse” (duration 1.5 – 2 minutes).
Answer, and presentation slide: “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, author Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov 1815 - 1869

Number 4 – we show an excerpt from the cartoon “Straw Barrel” (duration 1.5 – 2 minutes).
Answer, and the presentation slide: “The Straw Barrel,” a Russian folk tale.

“One’s own game” based on fairy tales by Russian and foreign writers for primary schoolchildren

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, teacher primary classes MKOU "Mikhailovskaya Osh" Kikvidzensky district, Volgograd region
Description: I bring to your attention the development of the game “Own Game” based on fairy tales by Russian and foreign writers. It can be carried out with students in a literary reading lesson, during extracurricular activities by subject. The game can be played as a team or individual.
Target: consolidation and generalization of children’s knowledge of fairy tales by Russian and foreign writers
- to form cognitive interest among schoolchildren;
- develop creative activity, intelligence, curiosity, horizons;
- cultivate interest in reading.
Working with a presentation:

The student (or team) selects a question category and its “value.” When you click on the number in the hexagon, you go to the slide with the question, and the color of the figure changes. When you click on a word answer, the answer itself will open. Using the control button (located in the upper left corner of the slide) you go to the slide with the “Your game” board.

Progress of the game:

Rules of the game:
The child (team) selects the category of the question, as well as its “cost” and gives an answer. If the answer is correct, then the student (team) receives the number of points with the selected value of the question. Depending on the “cost”, the questions of the game vary in difficulty.
Game questions:
Category "Tales of S.Ya.Marshak"
5 point question: What was the name of the old cat from the fairy tale “Cat House”? (Basil)
10 point question: Which month in the fairy tale “12 Months” hit the ground with its staff and said the following words:
Run away, streams,
Spread, puddles,
Get out, ants,
After the winter cold!
A bear sneaks through
Through the dead wood.
The birds began to sing songs,

And the snowdrop blossomed. (March)

15 point question: Do you remember what song the kittens sang when they asked to come into the cat’s house?
(Aunt, aunt cat,
Look out the window!
Kittens want to eat.
You live richly.
Warm us up, cat,
Feed me a little!)

Question worth 20 points: In The Tale of the Stupid Mouse, the animals came to lull the mouse to sleep. Place all the animals in the order in which the mouse called them. (duck, toad, horse, pig, chicken, pike, cat)
Question worth 25 points: What games did the heroes of “The Tale of the Smart Mouse” invite the mouse to play? (cat and mouse, corners, burners, tag, leapfrog)

Category "Tales of K.I. Chukovsky"
5 point question: The hero of Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr”, who swallowed a washcloth and forced the boy to wash himself. (crocodile)

10 point question: What did the crocodile steal in one of Chukovsky’s fairy tales? (Sun)
15 point question: Who wrote a telegram to Doctor Aibolit:
"Come, doctor,
To Africa soon
And save me, doctor,
Our babies! (hippopotamus)
Question worth 20 points: Who in the fairy tale “Telephone” needed five or six pounds of chocolate? (baby elephant)

Question worth 25 points: Where did the guests of the Tsokotukhi Fly hide, afraid of the spider? (worms - in corners, in cracks; cockroaches - under sofas; boogers - under benches; bugs - under the bed; grasshopper - behind a bush, under the walkway)
Category "Tales of H.H. Andersen"
5 point question: Find mistakes in the names of fairy tales: “The Darning Game”, “Stranded”, “Five from the Native Pod”, “The Steadfast Wooden Soldier”. (“Darning Needle”, “Spruce”, “Five from One Pod”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”.)
10 point question: “No, I never dreamed of such happiness when I was still an ugly duckling!” – these words were uttered by one of the heroes of Andersen’s fairy tale. What did he become when he grew up? (swan)

15 point question: No one in the world knows as many fairy tales as this hero of Andersen’s fairy tale knows. (Ole-Lukoie)
Question worth 20 points: In the fairy tale “Wild Swans,” the wicked stepmother turned eleven prince brothers into swans. But the sister managed to save them from witchcraft. How did she do this? (The girl wove shirts from nettles for her brothers.)
Question worth 25 points: To find out whether a real princess had come to the kingdom, the old queen put a pea on the bed under the mattresses and feather beds. How many mattresses and feather beds were there? (40 (20 mattresses and 20 feather beds))

Category "Tales of Charles Perrault"
5 point question: Which vegetable did the fairy turn into Cinderella's carriage? (pumpkin)
10 point question: Correctly match the title of the work with the illustration. (“Puss in Boots”, “Cinderella”, “The Fairy’s Gifts”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Tom Thumb”, “Donkey Skin”.)

15 point question: In the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty,” the princess fell asleep for 100 years. What object did she prick herself on? (spindle)
Question worth 20 points: How did the cat in the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” cope with the ogre? (The cannibal turned into a mouse, and the cat caught it and ate it.)
Question worth 25 points: What gifts did the sorceress give to the two sisters in the fairy tale “The Fairy’s Gifts”? (The younger one, when she spoke the words, flowers or precious stones fell out of her mouth, and the older one, snakes and toads.)

Category "Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm"
5 point question: The name of the girl who, by order of her evil stepmother, was taken to the forest, and there she ended up with the seven dwarves. (Snow White)
10 point question: In one fairy tale, an old woman gave a girl a pot that cooked delicious food. Which one? (porridge)

15 point question: In one of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, little people helped an adult. Who was this man and how did the little people help him? (This man was a shoemaker. Little men appeared at night and made boots from leather.)

Question worth 20 points: All these animals are musicians. And on which musical instruments did each of them play? (donkey - on the guitar, dog - on the drum, cat - on the violin, rooster - on the balalaika)
Question worth 25 points: Collect the names of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. (“Musicians of Bremen”, “Seven Brave Men”, “Little Men”, “Three Brothers”.)

Presentation on the topic: “Your own game” based on fairy tales by Russian and foreign writers

Abstract for the presentation game:

The game-presentation “Good Tales” with sound is designed for preschool children

Development program: Power Point

Purpose of the presentation: Clarify and enrich children's knowledge about fairy tales.


1. Develop the ability to recognize a fairy tale based on assignment.

2.Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking.

3. Cultivate an interest in reading fairy tales, a love of oral folk art.

The game-presentation “Good Tales” was made in Power Point with sound. Includes fragments using animation, hyperlinks to images are located at the end of the presentation, colorful backgrounds and pictures based on fairy tales are selected in the presentation. The presentation game consists of ten slides that change with a click. Each presentation slide has a task where children game form consolidate knowledge about fairy tales by choosing one of the answer options by pressing the right mouse button.

1slide: Title

Slide 2:

“Find the object that the fox found from the Russian folk tale and name this fairy tale?”

Four pictures are offered, you need to select the desired item and click on it. If the wrong answer is selected, the image swings with a knocking sound; if the correct answer is clicked, the object moves and the sound “Applause” is heard.
The transition to the next task is carried out by pressing the left mouse button anywhere on the screen
Slide 3: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“Find which of the fairy-tale characters the bear put in the box, and guess this fairy tale?

Six fairy-tale characters are offered; you need to select one and click on it. If the wrong fairy-tale hero is selected, then the image swings with a knocking sound, if the correct answer is clicked, then the fairy-tale hero moves into the box and the sound of “Applause” is heard.

4slide: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“Guess the fairy tale and what is mixed up in it?”

You need to select fairy-tale characters not from this fairy tale and click on them with the mouse. If the correct fairy-tale character is selected, the image disappears and the sound “Applause” is heard.

Slide 5: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“What object did the heroine of the fairy tale lose and what is the name of this fairy tale?”

You need to select the desired accessory and click on it with the mouse. If the wrong accessory is selected, the image disappears with a knocking sound; if the correct accessory is clicked, the item moves and the sound “Applause” is heard.

6 slide: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“What material did Naf-naf build his house from?”

Five types offered building material, you need to select the correct one and click on it. If the wrong answer is selected, the image disappears with the sound of a knock; if the correct answer is clicked, the object moves down and the sound “Applause” is heard.

7 slide: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“Guess the animal that belongs to each of the fairy-tale characters and what fairy tale they are from?

Using the mouse, you need to first click on any fairy-tale hero, and then on the animal that belongs to this fairy-tale hero. If the correct answer is selected, the object moves and the sound “Applause” is heard.

Slide 8: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“Guess what size the chair is, the girl broke it and name this fairy tale”

Three chairs of different sizes are offered; you need to choose the correct one and click on it. If the wrong answer is selected, the image swings with a knocking sound, if the correct answer is clicked, the object moves up and the sound “Applause” is heard.

Slide 9: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“What animal helped Khavroshechka carry out her stepmother’s orders?»

Four fabulous animals are offered, you need to select one and click on it. If the wrong answer is selected, then the image disappears with sound; if you click on the correct answer, then the fairy-tale animal moves down and the sound “Applause” is heard.

10slide: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“What did grandma cook “Kolobok” from?

There are seven items offered, you need to select one and click on it. If the wrong answer is selected, the image disappears with sound; if the correct answer is clicked, the object moves down and the sound “Applause” is heard.

Dear teachers and parents - participants of the exhibition!
