Download Captains: Legends of the Oceans (Pirates: Sea and War). Captains: Legends of the Oceans (City of the Empire in battle) Download Captains Legends of the Oceans for android

Captains: Legends of the Oceans is a vibrant Android strategy that invites you to join the glorious ranks of pirates and corsairs of the sea. Here, in the middle of the boundless blue, fleets of gentlemen of fortune converge. And only one Sea King knows how each of these meetings will end. A hot battle? A strong union? Or just a friendly exchange of prisoners? After all, here everything is possible.

But do not think that pirate freemen are continuous robberies of sea caravans. Once you gain experience and assemble an armada of dashing thugs, more sophisticated entertainment awaits you. Wars of clans and guilds. Hot assaults on fortified cities and defense of the native harbor. And of course, building your own maritime empire. Perhaps a trade one, or perhaps a full-fledged one, with the Emperor and Admiral rolled into one.

But no matter which path you choose, get ready for a serious fight. After all, in this game, each hero will sooner or later fight only for himself. Even if it means war against yesterday's friend.

Captains: Legends of the Oceans for Android

Game Features:

  • Huge space for battle;
  • Many ships available, from the humble flute to the mighty battleship;
  • Various methods to achieve your goals;
  • Skillful assistants, among whom legendary personalities can be guessed;
  • Vivid graphics that make you believe in the reality of what is happening.

"Captains: Legends of the Oceans" - a fresh look at MMORTS

Not long ago the company Borrete presented to the world a new, exciting MMORTS about glorious adventures in the vastness of the Seven Seas called “Captains: Legends of the Oceans”. The game, which outwardly appears to be a project of which there are dozens, still has unique features. Let's try to figure out which ones.

Similar features

The initial stage of the game is not something super new - this scenario can be observed in almost all games of the MMO strategy genre. The character is destined for the role of the founder of a small town, whose destiny is to become a great power or sink into the abyss of obscurity, becoming nothing more than a “farm” for other players. In this aspect, everything depends on the user himself - how correct and correct tactics he will choose, how quickly he will move towards creating a decent army, capable of, if not destroying, then at least reliably defending himself and holding back the onslaught of a conditional enemy.

Similar to any project in the Strategy genre (both mobile and PC) in "Captains" There are a number of basic buildings that can be improved, and those that operate at full capacity in non-stop mode. This is where the obvious coincidences end, giving way to innovation (or good implementation) in its purest form.

Project Features

Firstly, it should be noted that the game is loyal to all roles created by the users themselves. As in any social system, from the moment of its emergence regulatory factions gradually begin to emerge, moderating each other’s actions. So, the player can become a merciless corsair, whose livelihood is the destruction of lonely ships, attacks on fragile powers and merchant ships; try on the role of a deliverer from pirate filth, arriving in time to the place of the height of unequal and barbaric battles, winning over the sympathies of other civilized players; move away from military themes and become a Rogue Trader, whose fleet is designed more for defense than for causing damage and battles; or put together a strong flotilla and go in search of adventures and great treasures that the surface of the sea conceals.

The second distinctive feature is the practically unlimited possibilities for the planned development of both the flotilla and the city. In fact, all difficulties at different stages of development are associated with a lack of resources, which forces players to try on certain social roles. Of course, there are other, faster ways to farm resources. As an option, a donation system, which, however, the game doesn’t really encourage. The state can be improved by strictly following the intended strategy, taking into account force majeure in the form of attacks by other players and unexpected “gifts” in the form of valuable treasures.

Special mention is due to the realism that distinguishes “Captains” from other Borrete projects and, in general, from all other content on a similar topic. All events take place during the Age of Great Geographical Discovery - at the turn of the 15th century AD. The game contains realistically recreated trade routes, as well as units in the form of legendary ships and their equally legendary owners. The player can hire Christopher Columbus or Blackbeard to join his flotilla, as well as buy them

famous ships - you just need to reach the desired level. Each captain, using his own skill and abilities, gives both the fleet and the power additional experience points.

Overall, "Captains: Legends of the Oceans" represent a fairly fresh project, which is destined to grow and be supplemented with new features, develop and win the sympathy of an increasing number of players. It will not be possible to talk about all the diversity concisely - the game contains too many features.

Who knows, maybe sea battles in the world of “Captains” are exactly what you need!

Players form guilds to overcome difficult challenges, but it's also much more fun to engage in naval battles with friends. You should not neglect collecting resources, because without them it is very difficult to make various improvements.

Gameplay Features

Sea battles do not stop for a minute in the exciting online game “Captains: Legends of the Oceans”. Many ships that differ in class and purpose, as well as in size and many other parameters will be available to players.

This will allow you to develop your own battle strategy and tactical tricks. A well-chosen team is worth an equally powerful ship in a naval battle. In addition, the game has a well-developed trading system, which will allow players to earn some in-game currency.

Treasure hunting can also be quite a lucrative business for the brave sailor. The corsairs will try to interfere with the players, so you should be very careful when conquering the sea.

Game Features

The excellent three-dimensional graphics of the game “Captains: Legends of the Oceans” will appeal to all fans of this genre. The gamer will have access to more than 36 military and merchant ships, as well as the possibility of numerous improvements. A powerful historical base will allow the player to get acquainted with the most significant events in the world of navigation.

Just recently there was a beta release of a new game from the company Borrete - an exciting strategy about adventures in the vast expanses of the sea “Captains: Legends of the Oceans”.

The plot was based on the real world of the times of great geographical discoveries, the 15th-17th centuries AD. This is a period when all people dreamed of conquering the seas and oceans, but only a few dared to take seemingly rash actions. The player will take on the role of the manager of a small town, which has enough potential to become a powerful power. But what awaits the settlement ahead - glorious prosperity or death under the yoke of conquerors - from now on depends only on the ruler. Go on an adventure

The functionality of the game is not limited to the notorious development of your own empire. Power is only the first step on the path to glory and the title of legend of the seven seas. The main goal of "Captains" is to gradually increase the combat power of the flotilla, strengthen the economy and establish strong mutually beneficial cooperation with other users. The gradual development and growth of the state's needs will entail exciting adventures and the conquest of new lands, meetings with great personalities of the past era and the hunt for the untold riches of pirates hidden in the depths of the endless ocean. Only the player can decide which path to choose: the path of the noble deliverer of the waters from free pirates and evil bandits; the slippery path of a ruthless thief and raider, leaving behind only devastated lands; the risk-strewn path of a wealthy merchant, accustomed to doing business not with bloodshed, but with a wallet and the clink of gold coins. One way or another, threats will await both novice sailors and experienced sea conquerors at every step. Feel the taste of real victory A powerful combat flotilla is not a guarantee of victory, but its main component. In the game "Captains: Legends of the Oceans" ships are divided into four classes:

  • Battleships. Low-level ships that reduce the damage caused by enemy ships. Effective against Dreadnoughts and too vulnerable to attacks from Cruisers. Hit vertical rows of the enemy.
  • Dreadnoughts. Low-rank attack ships designed to attack a single target. Effective against large Cruisers, but practically useless against Battleships.
  • Corvettes. Designed to attack a horizontal row of enemy formations. They increase the damage inflicted by their own fleet and are effective against Cruisers.
  • Cruisers. High-ranking ships, equally good at attacking ships of all classes. Reduces the total perceived damage dealt by enemy Cruisers. Most effective against Battleships and Dreadnoughts. Basic combat unit. Gradually improving Shipyard, as a nice feature, you can build legendary ships in the game: the ship "Victoria", on which Magellan circumnavigated the world, or the terrifying frigate "Queen Anne's Revenge" - the ship of the famous pirate Blackbeard.
Conquer the sea
Increasing combat power is not the only way to take over the world. Sometimes forming beneficial cooperation and non-aggression pacts is the best way to divide and conquer. The player can create his own guild or join an existing association. It is also possible to send trade caravans, the successful departure of which will bring silver to the treasury, which can be exchanged for special-level items or other resources necessary for development. Take command and lead the built empire to world domination! And remember: the sea opens up for real heroes!

Gift code: dhhmgkbdunp

Captains: Legends of the Oceans (Pirates and Corsairs of the Sea)– a gaming application for true sailors at heart. Exciting naval battles, the atmosphere of the 15th century, pirate captures and much more await you in one application.

Why is it worth downloading Captains: Legends of the Oceans (Pirates and Corsairs of the Sea) for Android?

Simply download Captains: Legends of the Oceans (Pirates and Corsairs of the Sea) on Android and you can feel like a real ship captain. The developers have created about forty models of military and merchant ships. Each of them has its own pros and cons. The choice of a specific ship model is sometimes crucial not only for winning a certain battle, but also when passing through hard-to-reach places. But do not forget that in any battle, sometimes one strong fleet is not enough to win. The game helps develop spatial thinking, because without strategic techniques and tactical tricks, great success cannot be achieved in the gaming world.

The application only works online, with any Internet connection. The most realistic graphic design will be appreciated by gamers of any level.

If you want to become a successful navigator of the 15th – 17th centuries, you just need download Captains: Legends of the Oceans (Pirates and Corsairs of the Sea) on Android installed on your smartphone, cell phone or tablet. You will have your own port, which you will need to develop and create from it the largest trading port in the world. Establish useful trade connections, acquire and purchase goods on the exchange.

Assemble your own naval coalition. World-famous sailors of that time, such as Columbus, Magellan, agree to unite with you under one banner. But do not forget that most of the world's pirates will try to prevent you from completing your journey. They are driven by only one goal - to profit from jewelry.
