Download a comprehensive mod for World of Tank

  • Very useful mod called the "commander's cell". Allows you to move the camera much further away than is provided by the standard option.
  • Setting the desired zoom ratio for sniper shooting mode. Thanks to this, you will be able to zoom the camera as much as you need, and not specified by the developers.
  • Ability to disable switching to sniper mode using the mouse wheel. Useful for some tankers.
  • Tired of black spots on the sides when you're in sniper mode shooting? Now you can turn this off, thereby expanding your visibility angle.
  • Disable the annoying swaying of the sight with a dynamic camera.
  • Disable new FOV.

Full list

  • Commander's camera.
  • Horizontal stabilization.
  • Multiple zoom + zoom indicator.
  • Increased operating time of the 6th sense bulb.
  • Tank expert.
  • Tank destroyer handbrake.
  • Filter battle chat messages.
  • Free camera in replays.
  • Disables:
    • rocking;
    • filters and dimming in sniper mode;
    • scroll inertia;
    • a flash of red;
    • shaking when hit by a tank;
    • auto-select server;
    • speedometer on wheeled tanks.

As you can see, this one can help you in battle by adding new features to the game.

How to use and install the assembly?

Read the readme.txt file. Copy the folder from the archive to \World_of_Tanks\mods.

By default, most of the modpack's features are already enabled, but you can customize the mod to your liking using the P_MoD file, which is located in\scripts\client\mods. The comments in the file are in Russian, so there should be no problems with editing.

- Minimal and only useful changes to the original game interface
- Minimum installed files, minimum problems when game updates are released
- Easy to configure, the functions of each assembly file are described in detail
- Does not lead to a significant drop in the performance of weak computers

Description of all files included in the assembly:

I deliberately did not include heavy mods in the assembly (I posted them separately), so it weighs only 13 MB. All mods can be downloaded individually in the relevant sections of the topic below. Here, short review contents of the main archive, what works and how it works is described in more detail in the relevant sections of the topic below:

xvm.fev, xvm.fsb(Two additional files in the game sounds folder are responsible for the sound when detected)

These folders contain files of the modified hangar

Changed textures of railway platforms

This folder contains scripts needed for most mods to work:
1. Scripts that work autonomously:
client\AvatarInputHandler\ DynamicCameras\(This folder contains Zoom-Mod scripts)
client\gui\doc_loaders\ guidereader.pyc(Script that removes the video splash screen when the game starts)
client\gui\Scaleform\ RadialMenu.pyc(Z-menu quick commands)
client\gui\Scaleform\ RadialMenu.xml(z-menu setup file)
2. Scripts that work only in conjunction with the CameraNode.pyc and __init__.pyc files
client\ CameraNode.pyc
client\mods\ __init__.pyc(Needed to activate other scripts)
client\mods\ GunConstraints.pyc(Script for UGN operation)
client\mods\ MS.pyc(Script for the operation of lead and splash circles)
client\mods\ NoBinoculars.pyc(Script that removes shadow in sniper mode)
client\mods\ excel.pyc(Script for running the game statistics mod for a session)
client\mods\ excel\(Folder with settings files and images for the statistics mod)
client\mods\ BattleInterface.pyc(Script for damage panel of player zayaz)
3. Scripts required for XVM to work
client\gui\scaleform\locale\ __init__.pyc(Helper script)
client\gui\ mods\(Folder with main XVM scripts)

avatar_input_handler.xml(Zoom in arcade mode)
ZoomX.xml(Zoom setting in sniper mode)
NoScroll.xml(Disable switching to snipe mode using the mouse wheel)
gui_sounds.xml(Activation of the “Tank illuminated” sound with exposure timer)
messenger.xml(Color messages after the fight)

I only have modified tank icons in this folder

File folder fine tuning XVM mods
xvm.xc(This file specifies the path to the folder with XVM configs)
res\(Folder with icons of “light bulbs” of the “Sixth Sense” skill
configs\ @Default(Settings files for individual mods)
Folders l10n\ And mods\ are auxiliary, but critical for the operation of the mod

battle.swf(Responsible for the work XVM and the lamp of the sixth sense)
BattleShellCooldownButton.swf(Responsible for the projectile panel with large font)
crosshair_panel_arcade.swf(Arcade sight)
crosshair_panel_sniper.swf(Sniper scope)
crosshair_panel_strategic.swf(Sight for art)
crosshair_sniper.swf(Central crosshair in the form of a dot)
crosshair_strategic.swf(Mixing in art mode)
DamageIndicator.swf(Direction of fire indication)
DamagePanel.swf(Tank damage panel with a log of damage received, damage panel)
DPData.xml(If the damage panel was installed from zayaz, then this file is needed to configure it)

DamagePanel.xml(Damage panel settings file from the player GambitER)
GunConstraints.swf(New UGN for PT and Arta)
GunConstraints.xml(UGN configuration file)
Minimap.swf(Mini-map with names of tanks, part of the mod XVM)
MSSetting.xml(The file is needed to operate and configure the artillery sight)
PlayersPanel.swf(The file is responsible for highlight markers, part of the mod XVM)
StatisticForm.swf(Responsible for the appearance of the list of commands when pressing the Tab key, part of the mod XVM)
TeamBasesPanel.swf(Needed to display the number of people taking the base, part of the mod XVM)
VehicleMarkersManager.swf(Needed to display the Hit Log, part of the mod XVM)
XVM.swf(The file is responsible for the operation of all mods included in XVM)

...\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\0.*.*\gui\flash\(now in this folder there are only mods written in ActionScript 3)
Application.swf(helper file for running XVM mods in the hangar)
logos.swf(Clock in the hangar)
TankCarousel.swf(carousel of tanks in several rows)
TankCarousel.cfg(file with tank carousel settings)

When installing:

1. Check the installation path carefully (since the installer cannot determine it automatically)

2. Don’t forget to disable the new mini-map features in the game settings (so as not to interfere with the XVM inscriptions)

3. To install mods, unpack the contents of the installer into the root folder of the game: ...\World_of_Tanks\

Votspeak has several advantages over its competitors:

  • a gorgeous installer where you can see descriptions of mods, as well as their screenshots;
  • quick updates when the authors fix bugs or add new ones adapted to current patch cheats;
  • many settings for large mods such as XVM or P-MOD;
  • section with a built-in Tweaker, where visual effects are disabled.

Descriptions of cheats in mods from Votspeak

I’ll immediately note that some mods may not be in the assembly, because after each patch modmakers update their works so that they are adapted to the released update. The opposite situation is also possible; with the advent of new cheats, the authors of Wotspeak try to quickly include them in their modpack.

  • became more noticeable, and their color also changed. An excellent fix for artillery, now you can shoot much more comfortably than before.
  • In the place where one of the enemies just disappeared from the light, a shadow will appear - a dark silhouette of a car with its name. Particularly effective in the fight against clumsy tank destroyers, for example, T95.
  • Smart repair of broken modules and improved crew treatment algorithm. The installer configures the priority, thanks to which the cheat will instantly cure an important crew member.
  • Outside the drawing circle, opponents will appear as red pillars. And you can try to hit them! If more than just red is visible, then the opponent’s car is most likely in the shooting range.
  • Marked shot locations of an unexposed ART-SAU. When the volley occurred, a fire appears in that place. With the help of such information, you can very quickly deprive the enemy team of artillery support.
  • 3D tank skins. The game uses two types of models. The first two are displayed to the player, and the server ones are simplified; with their help, the game calculates the probability of penetration. By including simplified models, it becomes clear where the enemy has the most weak spots in the booking.
  • Hits made on a tank outside the rendering zone are shown with a sphere and an inscription above the shells panel.
  • Fix for replacing the operating mode of a standard fire extinguisher with a premium option. Imagine, now a standard fire extinguisher that costs a penny will work like an automatic one.
  • You can enable recharging display. There are two versions of the mod. The first shows CD timers for all tanks, including allies, the second writes on the screen the reload time of only artillery.

  • Improved auto-aims. The standard auto-aim is absolutely disgusting; it is capable of hitting (and even then not always) only a tank standing still. But cheats fix this problem and add many features. For example, an auto-aim from SAE can not only lock on a target behind cover, but will also independently take lead and be able to target the most weak points in defense of the opponent and will not even stop watching the enemy if he comes out of the light! Second option available on this moment auto-aim is just a small fix that removes the restriction on capture; now it will be possible to turn on auto-aim even if the enemy is hiding, but continues to glow.
  • Displaying points where the enemy has just destroyed interactive object on the battlefield. Simply put, any tree felled by an enemy or a destroyed house will appear on the minimap even if the enemy was not illuminated. The benefits of such information cannot be overestimated, especially in team games on the Global Map.
  • You can turn off the drawing of the sky and sun so that glare and rays do not distract from the game.
  • Several options for removing leaves. Firstly, you can use a simple script, secondly, a separate exe trainer is available, and thirdly, there is SpeedTree - an analogue of Tundra, which drops less frame rate.

Allowed mods

There are a lot of them here, to avoid confusion, the authors divided the installation into several stages, during each of which mods are selected from a certain category, for example, from the “Sights” section.

  • Large list of sound changes. These are full-fledged voiceovers, sounds for a light bulb, fire signals, light signals, etc.
  • , which removes PC-heavy visual effects from the game.
  • Hangar changes, where you can find statistics for the session, icons for the carousel and much more.
  • More visible platforms, new textures for destroyed tanks, white tracks and other appearance changes.
  • Section with useful items for combat. There are Sixth Sense lights, logs of damage dealt and received, information and damage panels, as well as damage direction indicators.

  • P-MOD, aimed at optimizing the interface and working with zooms. Improved magnification, zoom indicators, commander camera, session statistics and other changes, including improved camera performance.
  • XVM, the most famous mod for WoT, the main advantage of which is to show statistics of all players. But this is only one possibility out of several dozen; the functionality of XVM is truly enormous.
  • A variety of sights for all shooting modes.


  • The list of installed mods can be found in the install.log file, which is located in the Wotspeak mod pack directory in the game folder.
  • If some cheats are not yet in the build, this means that their authors have not yet managed to update them for the new patch.
  • If you need to remove any of the mods, reinstall the assembly, not forgetting to check the “remove all mods” checkbox.
  • Tundra as a trainer, not a script, must be launched separately using a new shortcut on the desktop.
  • In some cases, displaying destroyed objects does not work in conjunction with removing objects under fire from the map.
  • Player statistics in battle must be activated separately on the official Olenemer website.
  • The following mods can affect the frame rate: 3D skins, auto-aim Shaitan, Tundra, X-ray, display of barrel directions, as well as XVM.

Installing mods from Votspeak

  • Launch the installer, click on the mods you like and don’t forget to specify the folder with the client. Then the installer will do all the work himself. Please note: in the installer you can see all the keys responsible for the mode of operation of cheats; to do this, click on the “buttons” item.
  • Update date: 09 Oct 2018
  • Current version: 29
  • P0LIR0ID
  • Total marks: 2
  • Average rating: 3
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Latest update information:

Updated 10/09/2018:
  • adapted for 1.2;

P-mod is a builder for your personal gaming interface or the basis for your modpack. Depending on the purpose of use, the authors offer a choice of two mod options - with a single-file or multi-file configuration.

P-mod is not a collection of mods, but a complex mod with many functions. In the extended version, each element of the game interface is configured using a separate configuration file, which allows you to make it the basis of a modpack, similar to the one on which many are based.

Standard P-mod version contains all the same functions, but they are configured through one configuration file. This is more convenient for personal use, when you don’t need to take the mod apart and go through a bunch of separate files.

Both the standard and extended versions of the mod contain setup tips right inside the configuration files, so setup should not cause the slightest difficulty.

P-mod features

P-mod allows:

  • Set the number of steps per sniper scope and magnification factor
  • Set up the “command camera” - maximum distance in arcade mode
  • Disable camera sway when shooting and hitting your tank (dynamic camera)
  • Add session statistics and expanded information about the results of the battle to the game client
  • Set up a battle chat filter
  • Increase the display time of the “sixth sense” light bulb
  • Install/remove removable tank equipment in one click
  • And much more

Video - review

Video demonstrates the work session statistics P-mod. With its help, you can get comprehensive information about your current results and their impact on efficiency statistics and the balance of silver and
