Download computer games on safety for preschoolers. Card index of games based on fire safety rules. Game with the floor constructor “Fire in the city”

Goal: using story pictures to form children’s understanding of dangerous situations during a fire; the ability to behave correctly in a dangerous situation. Develop attention, logical thinking, coherent speech. Foster a sense of responsibility.

Progress of the game:

The teacher gives the players cards drawn into 10 empty rectangles (playing fields), then shows the children a plot picture depicting the situation during a fire (a boy plays with matches, a girl ran out onto the balcony of a burning apartment, an iron was left unattended, children turned on the Christmas tree, etc. ). The child, who has correctly described the situation, covers the empty playing field with a picture. The one who has the most closed fields wins.

Didactic game "Card Quiz"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the rules fire safety. Develop memory, thinking, speech. Foster a sense of responsibility.

Progress of the game:

The teacher lays out on the table, or puts in a beautifully decorated box, cards with questions on the topic of rules of behavior during a fire. The child who answers the question correctly gets a chip. The one who has the most chips at the end of the game wins.

Question options:

Name it possible reason fire;

How to call the fire department correctly;

What to do if during a fire there is no way to call the fire brigade and the routes out of the house are cut off by the fire;

Is it possible to extinguish a fire without first calling the fire brigade?

What to do if there is a smell of gas in the house;

Is it possible to hide in a closet or under a table during a fire?

Is it possible to set poplar fluff on fire?

Is it possible to create a draft during a fire by opening all windows and doors at the same time;

Is it possible to use the elevator during a house fire?

What needs to be saved first during a fire: money, documents or yourself;

How to properly leave a smoky room;

Is it possible to play with matches and lighters and why.

Didactic game: "Name the causes of the fire"

Goal: to develop knowledge about the causes of fire. To develop attention, memory, speech. Cultivate responsibility.

Progress of the game:

From the plot pictures proposed by the teacher (children collecting autumn leaves, children hanging burning candles on a Christmas tree, a boy playing with matches in the closet, children watering flowers, etc.), the child must choose those situations that could cause a fire and justify his answer, for that gets the chip. The one who has the most chips at the end of the game wins.

Didactic game: "Choose what you need"

Goal: to develop children’s knowledge about the items needed when extinguishing a fire, the rules for their use. Reinforce knowledge about objects that can cause a fire. Develop speech, memory, logical thinking. Foster a sense of responsibility.

Progress of the game:

The child is offered a set of object pictures (fire extinguisher, bucket of water, TV, telephone, sandbox, electrical socket, fire hose, kerosene lamp, fireman's helmet, lighter, gas stove, gas mask) from which he must select those used in extinguishing fires and those that are the cause occurrence of a fire. The one who answers correctly gets a chip. The player who receives the most chips wins.

Didactic game: "Fold the picture"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of conduct during a fire. Develop imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills. Cultivate perseverance.

Progress of the game:

The child must put together a picture cut into 8-10 parts depicting a fire situation.

Didactic game: "Good bad"

Goal: to form ideas about the beneficial and harmful properties of fire. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

Progress of the game:

The child is shown a picture depicting various uses of fire (both good and bad). Children are given cards depicting fire and objects related to fire (matches, firewood, gas stove, kerosene lamp, etc.) Children must place the cards on the picture - to the right place.

Didactic game: "Say a word"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about fire prevention measures. Develop vocabulary, attention, memory.

Progress of the game:

The teacher and the children stand in a circle and pass the red ball to the child who must finish the line of poetry.

Where people are careless with fire,

There a ball will rise in the sky,

There will always be a threat to us


One two three four.

Who has a fire in .....(apartment)

Smoke suddenly rose in a column.

Who didn’t turn off…..(iron)

A red glow ran.

Who's with the matches......(played)

The table and cabinet burned down at once.

Who dried clothes over ... (gas)

The flame jumped into the foliage.

Who's burning the house...(grass0

Who threw it into the fire?


Remember every citizen:

This number:….(01)

I saw smoke, don’t yawn.

And firefighters...(call)

Didactic game: "The Fourth Wheel"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about objects that can cause a fire, to develop logical thinking, to enrich children’s vocabulary.

Progress of the game:

From the four proposed pictures depicted on one card, the child chooses the extra one related or not related to the fire. Example - a boiler, a comb, a saucepan, a box; carpet, TV, painting, chair, etc.)

Role-playing games:

"We are firefighters"

Preliminary work:

  • excursion to the fire station,
  • conversations about the work of firefighters,
  • looking at the pictures,
  • reading stories about fire (L. Tolstoy “fire dogs”, S. Marshak “Cat’s House”, S. Mikhalkova “fire”),
  • drawing on this topic,
  • playing out situations about the rules of behavior in a fire,
  • OOD on this topic.

Goal: to develop the ability to develop a plot based on knowledge of PPD; coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners, observe role interactions and relationships in the game. Coordinate and predict role-playing actions and behavior in accordance with the plot of the game.

Equipment: a set of fire trucks, helmets for firefighters, buckets, shovels, substitute items - cords, jump ropes, a Swedish ladder, a sports rope, sports mats, a set of toys “We are firefighters”, a tape recorder (audio recording of a “fire flasher”).

Game with the floor constructor “Fire in the city”.

Preliminary work:

  • Construction of buildings,
  • Games with floor constructor,
  • Examination of the city street plan,
  • Tour of the nearby neighborhood,
  • Playing out situations on the theme “a fire truck on the city streets”,
  • Conversations about the firefighter profession,
  • Guessing riddles
  • Games with transport toys,
  • Conversations about rules traffic on the topic of special vehicles on the street.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot of the game; use attributes, constructor, building material, substitute objects. Promote the creative use of ideas about PPD in the game. Develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly unfold the yoke.

Equipment: different types of floor construction sets, diagram cards, toy fire trucks, small toys, audio recording of a fire flasher.

Role-playing game "Home Alone".

Preliminary work:

  • conversations on home safety,
  • learning proverbs about fire and water,
  • conversation on the topic “Fire is a companion and assistant to man”,
  • guessing riddles about fire, water, household items.
  • Examination of plot pictures on the topic “So that trouble does not happen at home”,
  • Introduction to proverbs about fire,
  • Didactic games on fire safety.

Goal: to develop the ability to take on a role in accordance with the plot of the game; use attributes, substitute objects. Develop creative imagination and game design , based on the acquired knowledge of PPD.

Equipment: toy household items (iron, computer, gas stove, microwave oven, washing machine, ironing board, electric kettle, hair dryer, etc.), substitute items (counting sticks in a box, etc.), telephone, accessories game “We are firefighters”, a play corner, equipped. children's and doll's furniture.

One of the main reasons for accidents with children on the road is that children, as a rule, are guided in their behavior by their observations of the behavior of adults in similar situations.

We need daily training of the child’s movements and attention, combining them with the example of the parents. Only then can children develop solid skills and abilities to behave safely on the street.

The child must be able to see those objects that are covered good review roadway. To do this, he needs to constantly show these objects when they hide a moving car. Rushing to a bus that has stopped on the opposite street, people often fall under the wheels of passing cars.

The skill of calm behavior on the street is very important for a child, so an adult, walking down the street with children, should not give in to haste, no matter what forces him to do so.

The curb stone of the sidewalk is a kind of border, beyond which the habits that operate in everyday life end. It is necessary to teach the child to slow down, stop, and take the necessary pause in connection with his transition into this dangerous zone. And here the example of your parents is of utmost importance.

Once on the roadway, the child is obliged to monitor his own behavior and learn to correctly assess the situation on the road. Developing this important skill requires some practice under the direct guidance of parents.

Games and activities on outdoor safety for preschool children


Target: to develop in children the ability, with the help of an adult, to choose a place to play and make the necessary buildings; develop the ability to set a goal, distribute roles and perform actions in accordance with the chosen role, with the help of a teacher, combine games with one plot, organize an extensive role-playing game; to form good relationships between children during the game; , rules of communication with other people.

Material: attributes role-playing games“Shop”, “Barbershop”, “Library”, “Shop”, “Chauffeurs”, “Hospital”; large building material; cap, whistle, baton for a traffic police inspector; toy cars.

Progress of the game: The teacher discusses the plot of the game with the children and outlines what is needed for this:

Build houses from large building material, make a road on the floor, make a zebra crossing from a plate, mark the sidewalk with bricks.

Along the road, place the attributes of role-playing games. Place near them road signs, there is a traffic light at the intersection.

Then the teacher and the children assign roles: store salesperson, librarian, hairdresser, doctor, traffic police inspector, drivers. The rest of the guys are pedestrians, the girls walk with strollers and dolls.

The traffic police inspector watches carefully to ensure that no one breaks the rules. Drivers must stop only where there is a parking sign. They can go to the store, library, hairdresser, hospital, or refuel their cars at a gas station, which is built from building material.

The teacher takes turns putting up signs and creating situations, and the children try to act correctly, in accordance with the sign. The teacher helps children during the game, resolves conflicts, and gives interesting ideas.


Target: continue to reinforce children’s ideas that crossing the street is only special places and at a green traffic light.

Progress of the game: In the kindergarten area, intersections and transitions are indicated. In the center stands a boy (“traffic light”) with a red circle on his back and chest and a green one on his shoulders. He holds two yellow circles in his hands. Children begin to cross the street at pedestrian crossings, and the “traffic light” turns to them either sideways or with its back, allowing or prohibiting crossing. If the “traffic light” has raised yellow circles, then you cannot cross yet, you just need to get ready, and those who did not have time to cross must linger in the middle of the street and wait for the green signal.


Target: reinforce children's knowledge that they can only cross the street when the traffic light is green.

Progress of the game: A mock-up traffic light is installed at the entrance to the kindergarten. When the children return after a walk, the teacher “turns on” the red light - “You can’t go”, then the yellow light - “Get ready.” You are only allowed to enter the premises when the light is green. After five to six days of this practice, all the kids will know that they need to cross the street when the traffic light is green.


Target: introduce children to specific traffic rules; Learn to cross the street correctly when the traffic light is green.

Progress of the game: Intersections and pedestrian crossings are marked with chalk on the floor (asphalt), and a traffic light is installed. Children pretend to be animals, put on various hats and go or go to Doctor Aibolit (educator), who takes his place at the end of the path and waits for the animals for treatment.


Progress of the game: the teacher appoints four presenters, two of whom receive red circles, the other two - green ones. The rest of the children will portray pedestrians and cars. Those children who will be “cars” can be given cars, and “pedestrians” - dolls. When the teacher whistles, the presenters raise the corresponding mugs, and the “pedestrians” and “cars” begin to move. The next whistle indicates a change of traffic light signal, the leaders change places or circles. "Pedestrians" and "cars" stop. After the next whistle, the movement resumes, and the offenders leave the game.


Progress of the game: The teacher immediately specifies where the road begins. Then he pushes the ball along the floor. The children take turns trying to catch him before he rolls out onto the road. A child who fails to hold the ball tries to do it again after everyone wants to take part in the game. If he runs out onto the road after the ball, he is out of the game.


Progress of the game: The teacher alternately raises three circles: red, yellow, green. Children must cross the intended “road” (carpet path, passage marked with ribbons, pebbles, etc.). Children who cross the “road” into a red or yellow circle leave the game.

Didactic games

for children

preschool age

on the topic


Maryenkova I.I.

“Guess the riddle from the picture.”

Goal: to help children remember the main group of dangerous objects and develop attention.

Equipment: pictures depicting dangerous objects.

An adult asks a riddle, and children guess and find the corresponding picture. An adult asks you to think and say why these objects are dangerous? Children tell what danger each object poses.

This is a cramped, cramped house. I'll sit under your arm
A hundred sisters huddle in it. And I’ll tell you what to do:
And any of the sisters Or I will allow you to walk,
It might break out like a fire. Or I'll put you to bed.
(Matches) (Thermometer)

Mushroom pickers really need it. They are usually for sewing;
You can’t cook dinner without it, And I saw them at the hedgehog;
You won't go hunting. Happens on a pine tree, on a Christmas tree,
What is this? And they are called...
(Knife) (Needles)

When it boils, steam comes out, I am all made of iron,
And it whistles and bursts with heat, I have no legs or arms.
The lid rattles and knocks: I’ll fit into the board up to the cap,
- Hey! Take me down! - shouts. And for me everything is just a knock and a knock.
(Kettle) (Nail)

I don’t want to be silent - he floats on my clothes,
Let me knock as much as I can! Like a hot steamer.
And it knocks day after day. All the linen has become amazing.
He has an iron head. Very smooth and beautiful.
(Hammer) (Iron)

I am very fragile, take care of me.
If you only break it, you will only collect the fragments.
(Glass jar)

Didactic game on the topic “Safety in the home” “Find and neutralize”.

Goal: develop the ability to navigate in space; exercise children in correlating the image of the location of an object with a symbol; develop the ability to classify objects into different types danger.

Game actions: searching for objects in different places.

Game rules: find the toy according to the picture.

Didactic game on the topic “Safety at home”

Goal: to develop the ability to classify and explain dangerous and safe situations depicted in the pictures.

Game actions: briefly explain the plot of the picture, its consequences.

Game rules: briefly and clearly describe the plot picture in accordance with its image.

Didactic game on the topic “Safety at home” "Ambulance".

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge and practical skills in first aid.

Equipment: pictures depicting medical supplies (thermometer, bandage, brilliant green).

The teacher plays out with the children a situation where a person has cut his arm, leg, broken his knee, elbow, has a fever, has a sore throat, has a speck of dirt in his eye, and has a nose bleed. For each situation, a sequence of actions is worked out.

Didactic game on the topic “Safety at home” “Pick a safe toy.”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about household items that can/cannot be played with; develop attention; foster a sense of mutual assistance.

Material: Pictures various items household and toys.

Progress of the game: the child offers to help the Tanya doll choose the objects with which to play; explain why you can't play with the others.

Didactic game on the topic “Safety at home” “If I do this.”

Goal: to draw children's attention to the fact that in every situation there can be two ways out: one is dangerous to health, the other is not threatening; cultivate a caring attitude towards yourself and other people, protect others, and not cause pain; develop thinking and intelligence.

Children are given the task to find two ways out of the proposed situation (threatening and non-threatening to life and health) or to offer two options for the development of this situation. After listening to the teacher’s story, the children continue it after the words: “Danger arises if I do...” or “There will be no danger if I do...” Children raise a red card if there is danger, a yellow one if danger may arise. for certain behavior, white - if there is no danger.

Didactic game on the topic “Safety at home” "Dangerous - not dangerous."

Goal: to teach children to distinguish dangerous life situations from non-dangerous ones; be able to foresee the result of a possible development of the situation; consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe behavior; foster a sense of mutual assistance.

Equipment: a set of pictures depicting situations that are dangerous and non-hazardous to life and health; cards of different colors (not possible, attention, possible).

Contents of the pictures: a child climbs stairs, reads a book, jumps from a height, is dressed inappropriately for the weather, coughs on others, a child sits, watches TV, plays with matches, stands on the windowsill, vacuums, plugs in the TV, takes out a toy from the top shelf closet, running on the wet floor, playing on the balcony, etc.

Children are asked to determine the degree of threat of the proposed situation to life and health, and to raise a certain card, depending on the danger.

After carefully listening to the teacher's story, the children raise a red card if there is danger, yellow - if danger may arise from certain behavior, and white - if there is no danger.

Didactic game on the topic “Safety at home” “One, two, three – find what’s dangerous.”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about sources of danger in the house; develop intelligence and attention; foster a sense of camaraderie.

Material: layout or game corner with household items, prizes (chips or pictures).

Progress of the game. The teacher or child turns away and counts to 3-5, and during this time the children must take from the model or in the play corner those objects that, in their opinion, may be dangerous. Then everyone explains their choice.

“Strangers” “If a stranger knocks on the door.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of opening the door when they are home alone, only to people living in the same apartment with them.

The teacher and children play out situations in which a child, being alone in the apartment, should not allow strangers into the house. One of the children stands outside the door, the rest persuade him to open the door, using attractive promises, affectionate words and intonations

Example situations:

The postman brought an urgent telegram;

A mechanic came to repair the faucet;

A policeman came to check the alarm;

The nurse brought medicine for grandma;

Mom's friend came to visit;

Neighbors ask for greenery for an injured child;

Strangers ask you to leave things for neighbors;

The woman needs to call an ambulance.

Didactic games on safety

“Strangers” “What will you do?”

Situation #1:

A young woman of a pleasant appearance says to a boy: “Hello boy! What is your name? And where do you live?" How should a boy respond to a stranger?

Three possible answers:

Now I’ll call the policeman!

Sorry, but I'm in a hurry!

My name is Vitya, do I live in this house?

Situation #2:

The child is lost. What will he do?

Three possible answers:

Run everywhere and look for mom.

Ask a passerby to take you to the nearest police station.

To stand in the place where you were lost.

Situation #3:

The man offers the boy a ride in the car, takes him by the hand and pulls him into the car. How should a child behave?

Three possible answers:

I will scream and call for help.

I'll go with a stranger.

I'll call you on the phone.

Desktop – printed game on the topic "Safety at home" “Connect the dots.”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about sources of danger in everyday life; develop fine motor skills, strengthen the skills of using a pencil, the ability to draw a line along the dots; develop the ability to complete a task that has been started.

Material: sheets depicting the outlines of objects (made of dots).

Assignment: connect the dots, color and tell why this object is dangerous.

Didactic games on safety

“Strangers” “Own, stranger, acquaintance.”

Goal: to teach children different ways to respond to a threatening situation.

Children stand in a circle. The driver is in the center of the circle and throws the ball to each child in turn, saying: “Own”, “Stranger”, “Familiar”. The child who catches the ball names the appropriate person and returns the ball.

Now you and I know which people are considered strangers. You can only trust close people. A stranger, a stranger, can cause great harm, greatly frighten, separate from loved ones, and take away something.

Didactic games on safety

“Strangers” “Where to run if they are chasing you.”

Goal: to teach children different ways to respond to a threatening situation.

Material. Pictures depicting a park, a deserted road, a stop with people waiting for a bus, a traffic police post.

Children look at the pictures, express and justify their opinion about where to run from their pursuers.

Didactic games on safety

"Strangers" "Guide"

Goal: develop a sense of responsibility for another person. Cultivate trust in each other.

Material. Blindfold according to the number of pairs of children. Objects are “obstacles”: chairs, cubes, hoops, etc.

Objects called “obstacles” are laid out and placed in the room. Children are distributed in pairs: leader - follower. The follower puts on a blindfold, the leader guides him, telling him how to move, for example: “Step over the cube,” “There is a chair here.” Let's go around it."

Then the children change roles.

Didactic games on safety

“Strangers” “These rules are important.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of staying at home, that they should not open doors to strangers.

The guys say the rules to each other in turns.

Don't open the door for strangers

Don't believe anything he says.

Never open the door if a stranger calls.

If the uncle is unknown,

Wants to take a ride

Or give you candy

You must answer: “No”

You cannot get into a car with a stranger without parental permission.

If aunt came up,

Took you by the hand

He says: “Let’s go to the cinema,” -

Don't go with her anyway.

If an unfamiliar adult tries to invite you to a movie or give you a nice toy, you cannot go with him.

You can't be gullible

Reveal secrets to strangers

They can easily deceive a child

And the money will take him far.

You cannot tell a stranger what is in the house.

If you do not forget these rules, then no harm will happen to any of you.

Didactic game “Say the word.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about wild animals, to consolidate the ability to listen to a text to the end, to answer correctly within the meaning.

Every literate child

Must know firmly from the cradle

If you are invited to swim,

To appear on TV,

They promise to give you candy

Answer firmly: .... "No".

They will offer you a monkey

Or even money to the bank,

Or even a ticket to the circus -

Answer firmly: ..... “No.”

They will call you to fly to the moon

Ride on…. elephant

There is a simple answer to everything,

You must answer: ..... “No.”

Don't let your uncle into the house

If uncle... do not know!

And don't tell your aunt

If mom is at ..... work.

After all, he is a cunning criminal,

Pretend to be a mechanic.

Or he will even say

What came to you... postman!

He will show you the package

(And under my arm... a pistol)

Or did he put on a robe,

And under it there are about five….. grenades.

Anything happens in life

With the one who opens the doors

So that you don't get robbed,

Not grabbed, not stolen,

Don't trust strangers

Close the door tighter!

Board and printed game “Collect a picture”.

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about safety rules at home, on the street, with strangers, to develop logical thinking, outlook, cognitive interest and speech activity.
Material: cards depicting different situations, cut into several parts.
Children are given game cards cut into 2, 3, 4 parts (according to the age and abilities of the child). Having collected the picture, the child tells what he collected.
For example: these are matches - they are not a toy for children, they cannot be taken.

Didactic game “I’ll start, and you finish.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about safety rules at home, on the street, and with strangers. Develop children's vocabulary, coherent speech, attention.

The teacher begins, and the child finishes:

Matches for children - ... (not a toy)

Don't leave the iron... (unattended)

Be very... (careful) with the stove

Firecrackers are dangerous - don't play with... (them)

Do not play with piercing or cutting... (objects)

Don't taste... (medicines)

Don't touch electrical... (devices)

Don't play with... (by fire)

Don't open the door to strangers... (people)

Don't talk to strangers... (by people)

You can’t play on ... (construction site), (road).

Don't tease... (dogs).

Wash your hands before... (eating).

Didactic game on the topic “Safety at home” "Caution".

Target:strengthen children's knowledge of home safety rules,Introduce children to the proper handling of fire, household appliances and electrical appliances. Develop attention, everyday skills, and the ability to concentrate.

Equipment:large game cards divided into 4 “cautions”, small ones with situations.

Large cards are dealt to the players. The driver shows a small card and names the situation depicted.

The player who recognizes his card describes the possible consequences of the situation depicted in big map and then gets a small one.

Didactic game on the topic “Safety at home” "Basics of Home Safety"

Target:introduce children to the correct (safe) and incorrect (dangerous) behavior of a child in the home. Develop perception, attention, memory, thinking of children.

Equipment:cards with plots of safe behavior of the game heroes and three empty windows, small plot pictures depicting the dangerous behavior of the heroes.

The presenter distributes large cards children. Shows one small card at a time. Children close the corresponding empty window with the “solved” card. The first one to close their windows wins.

Didactic game on the topic “Safety at home” “How to avoid trouble?”

Target:introduce children to dangerous situations that they may encounter at home, and develop the ability to avoid these situations.

Equipment:story pictures, danger signs X, safety rules in verse.

The presenter distributes cards with situations to the players equally and reads out poems. Players must recognize their picture from the content of the poem and explain how to get out of a dangerous situation and not get into it. For the correct answer, the player receives a card with a poem.

Didactic game on the topic “Safety at home” “So and not so.”

Target:consolidate the ability to distinguish life-threatening situations from non-threatening ones; develop attention; cultivate a desire to comply with safety rules.

Rules:Under the red card put pictures depicting life-threatening actions of the child, under the green card - non-dangerous ((allowed).

Material:2 cards – green and red. Pictures depicting dangerous and safe actions of children; signs are symbols.

The teacher shows the picture, the children take turns, explaining their choice, placing the picture under either the red or green card.

Didactic game on the topic “Safety at home”

"What do we know about things?"

Target:expand children’s understanding of the rules of safe behavior at home; develop attention, memory, cultivate a sense of cooperation.

Material:4 game cards depicting a cut, burn, hand bruise and fire, pictures depicting various household items.

Children have playing cards with a picture of “trauma.” The presenter holds up a picture depicting an object. Participants must guess what injury could result from improper handling of this item, match it to their card and take the picture. The first child to collect three pictures wins.

Didactic game on the topic “Safety at home” "Snail House"

Target:generalize children’s ideas about the rules of safe behavior; develop protective self-awareness; foster a sense of cooperation and strengthen numeracy skills.

Material:a playing field with a picture of a snail, inside a house, with which various household items, chips, and a cube are drawn.

Children take turns throwing the dice and moving their piece by as many spaces as there are dots on the dice. Each player names what is shown in the picture, where his chip is located.

Galina Podolina
Outdoor games according to fire safety rules

Fire in the hearth.

Goals: develop reaction speed, dexterity, spatial orientation, attention, endurance; to form a sense of courage, discipline, will and desire to win, a culture of behavior in everyday life.

One of the players portrays Fire (in half mask). He leaves his home - the hearth - and walks around the other players.

FIRE. I am Fire, don’t touch me!

PLAYERS (in reply)

Why did you leave the hearth,

Has he turned into our enemy?

FIRE: I, Fire - your friend and enemy,

Not with me no way to cope.

After these words, he hisses and waves his arms, catching children who enter the boundaries of the circle where Fire lives. If Fire caught with its own "flame"(those who disturbed the peace of his hearth, then turns him into a coal and puts him in his hearth. The one who remains not caught by the last player becomes a brave Daredevil who defeated Fire.

Fire Dragon

Goals: improve physical skills, the ability to walk at a side step, crawl; develop reaction speed, dexterity, courage.

Players stand in a circle, hold hands, walk in a circle with an extra step, for each step They say: “Fire-dragon, get out!”

The Sleeping Dragon lies in the center of the circle. When the Dragon stands up, straightens up and waves scarlet ribbons at chest level ( "tongues of flame", the players scatter.

THE DRAGON: The flames are getting closer and closer

Bend lower, lower!

All players dodge, bend low, and crawl so that the driver does not hit them.

Those who were not hit return to the circle.

Water and fire.

Goals: develop reaction speed, dexterity, attention, coordination of movements; create a feeling of friendship.

Two lines are drawn at a distance of 10 meters from each other. Girls line up on one line (Water), boys line up on the other (Fire, leading between them.

By command "Fire!" boys catch girls on command "Water" girls catch boys (stew fire) . Those who are sore go over to the opposing team.

Birds are in trouble.

Goals: develop reaction speed, dexterity, spatial orientation; to form a sense of duty, compassion for the animal world, and a desire to help others.

Several circles are drawn on the site, with nests with chicks in them. (children). Selected evil fire who wanders through forests, fields, meadows, scattering sparks of flame (red ribbons) and starts fires. The task of the rest of the players is to catch the ribbons - sparks - on the fly so that they do not fall into the nests, and save the chicks from harm. The game is considered over when all the ribbon-sparks are extinguished.

Who will put it out faster? fire.

Goals: develop reaction speed, dexterity, attention; improve coordination of movements.

Chairs are placed in a circle, each with one fire extinguisher on it. (substitute item).

The number of chairs is one less than the number of participants games. Everyone walks in a circle to the music. At the signal, everyone must pick up a fire extinguisher. The number of chairs and fire extinguishers is reduced until a winner is identified.

Master of the lake

Goals: develop dexterity, speed of reaction, attention, courage, the ability to complete the work started, overcome mental pressures, self-doubt.

At a distance of 10 - 15 meters from "lakes" a line is drawn along which the players line up. At the driver’s signal, players run to the lake with imaginary or real buckets. Behind the line is the owner of the lake, who does not want the water to decrease. Players must touch the line and draw water to extinguish fire(in a conventional place). Only when the owner is sleeping can you scoop up water.

The driver counts to five.

The evil owner begins to fall asleep (he covers his face with his hands and goes to sleep at the bottom of the lake). At this moment, the owner unexpectedly wakes up and catches the sluggish, gaping ones. The game continues until all the players are caught and moved to the home of the owner of the lake.


for children according to fire safety rules

Teacher Suvorova O.B.


1. "Sources of danger"

Didactic task:

Strengthen children's knowledge about objects that can be a source of danger.

Game rules:

Select items that may be a source of danger.

Game action:

Search and name of objects.

Progress of the game.

Children are given game cards depicting various objects. The teacher asks you to carefully look at the images of objects and answer the questions:

What could be the source of the fire?

What can be the source of human injury (cut, bite, injection, burn, poisoning)?

What can be the source of a person's death? The winner is the one who names all the images correctly.

2. « Do you know?"

Didactic task:

Strengthen your knowledge of emergency phone numbers.

Game rules:

Perform actions that match the image.

Game actions:

Moving chips around playing field in accordance with the number of rolled moves.


The game is played by 4-5 people, using chips of different colors. The child throws the dice and moves the chips. Legend:

Red Cross - name the emergency phone number;

Home - give your home address;

Policeman - give the police phone number;

Fire - choose from three rooms the one you need in case of fire;

Man in a mask - call the number needed in case of such danger;

Book - if the wrong answer is given, the player goes to this point;

Hand - if the correct answer is given, the player moves to this point;

Phone - dial the security phone number and go to the finish line.

The winner is the one who answered all the questions faster and correctly and came to the finish line first.

3. "What does the traffic light say?

Didactic task:

Reinforce knowledge of traffic lights and the corresponding actions of pedestrians.


Cards depicting traffic lights (red, yellow, green) and pedestrian actions.

Progress of the game.

The teacher invites the children to show a traffic light signal, which means: “go”, “stop”, “attention”. Then show cards depicting the actions of pedestrians at different traffic lights.

4. "Fourth wheel"

Didactic task:

Teach children to prevent the danger of contact with dangerous objects (needles, scissors, matches, medicines, etc.) Reinforce knowledge about behavior on the street without adults. Distinguish between edible mushrooms and berries.

Game rules:

Find extra item on the card. Prove why.

Game action:

Search for a dangerous object.

Progress of the game.

Children are given cards, each depicting four objects, one of which is superfluous (is dangerous). The one that the teacher points to (the magic arrow) explains what is unnecessary and why.


1. Edible mushrooms and fly agaric.

2. Toys and nails.

3. Toys and medicine.

4. Brush, pencil, pen, needle.

5. Raspberries, strawberries, currants and wolfberries.

6. Children play in the sandbox, ride on a swing, sled, a boy eats an icicle.

By analogy, other combinations can be presented.

5. « On a walk"

Didactic task:

To consolidate children's knowledge about proper communication and behavior with animals.


Cards depicting correct and incorrect actions when meeting a dog, bee, goat, hedgehog, ants in an anthill.

Game rules:

When asked by the teacher, show a picture with the correct answer, and then with the incorrect actions.

Progress of the game.

The teacher asks the children to answer what they would do in different situations that arose during a walk on a day off. (at the dacha, in the forest). You need to first show a picture with the correct action, and then show the incorrect ones.

On the road I met a dog. Can , n no way (children show card)

In a clearing, a wasp (bee) flew up to me. It's possible, it's not.

A goat is nibbling grass at the edge of the forest. It's possible, it's not.

I noticed a hedgehog in the grass. It's possible, it's not.

6. « Telephone"

Didactic task:

Reinforce knowledge of emergency phone numbers.

Progress of the game.

In front of the child are laid out cards with images of ambulances, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, fire, sports cars and cards with numbers 01, 02, 03. The teacher invites the child to choose any number and find the car that will come to this number.

7. « Fire"

Didactic task:

Strengthen children's knowledge about fire safety.

Game rules:

When asked by the teacher, show the answer picture.


Pictures of a box of matches, phone number 01; lightning striking a tree; iron; 02; 03; burning table; buckets of water.

Game action:

Select the correct picture from those offered.

Progress of the game.

The children are given cards. The teacher offers to answer the question by showing the desired card.

Why does a fire occur?

What should you do if there is a fire?

What phone number do you call for help?

For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. The one who gets the most chips wins.

8. « The game is a serious matter."

Didactic task:

Teach children to select suitable objects for games, to know what things they should not play with.


Cards with the image of a ball, scissors, a pyramid, a gas stove, matches, a knife, a tumbler, tablets, an iron, a needle, a doll, a car, a fork, a glass vase, etc.

Progress of the game.

Cards are laid out in front of the children reverse side up. The child takes out any item, looks at it and answers whether it is possible to play with this thing or not. (explaining why). For the correct answer he gets a chip.

9. "Sidewalk and children"

Didactic task:

Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules. Teach children to choose the right place to play. Cultivate a quick reaction to what is happening.

Progress of the game.

Invite the children to build a house with an arch out of blocks. The arch should be of such a size that toy cars could drive through it. Have the children place them in front of the arch. The dolls will depict boys playing football or girls playing hopscotch. You can use a ping-pong ball as a soccer ball, and depict hopscotch using strips of paper or strings. Several children can participate in the game at the same time and change roles. During the game, boys use peek-a-boo to pretend to play football, and girls use hopscotch to play hopscotch. At the same time, one child promotes toy car through the arch and honks loudly. Children quickly remove the dolls from the road and move them away from the arch. The plot can be varied. For example, a bunny leans out of the window of a toy house and warns of danger. A similar plot can be played out using a tabletop theater.

10. "Who can name more actions?

Didactic task:

Teach children to correlate actions with the profession of people acting in emergency situations.

Game rules:

Name only one action of a person in this profession. If the child cannot remember, he hits the ball on the floor, catches it and throws it to the leader.

Game actions:

Throwing and catching the ball.

Progress of the game.

The teacher offers to name the action that a person of the named profession performs, but only one action can be named (doctor, policeman, fireman). The one who names the most actions wins.

eleven. "Game-competition “Mushroom Picking”

Didactic task:

To consolidate knowledge of edible and inedible mushrooms.


Playing field, cube, chips, mushroom baskets, edible mushrooms (boletus, white boletus, boletus).

Progress of the game.

Children take turns throwing the dice, counting the number of moves, and placing chips. If it lands on a fly agaric, then the chip is returned along the red arrow; if it lands on a toadstool, the child misses 2 moves; if it lands on a circle with mushrooms (edible), then depending on the number on the circle, he puts the same number of mushrooms in his basket. . At the end of the game, the number of collected mushrooms is counted. Whoever has more wins

12. "Every thing has its place"

Didactic task:

Reinforce ideas about the rules of safe behavior, develop knowledge that for safety all objects must be put back in their place; develop observation and attention; cultivate a desire to keep the house clean and tidy kindergarten.


playing field with a picture of a kitchen; pictures-objects.

Progress of the game.

The box contains pictures of objects (image down). Each child takes one picture and puts it on the playing field - in place, explaining his choice.


Pictures-objects are “scattered” on the playing field. Children take turns putting them in place;

On the layout, put all the items in their places, first in the “kitchen”, and then throughout the “apartment”.

The same goes for the play corner.

13. "What where When?"

Didactic task:

Strengthen the ability to behave correctly in an extreme situation.

Game rules:

Answer the question of the game characters.

Progress of the game.

The teacher offers to play a game. There are letters from fairy-tale characters on the table, with a top in the center.

The teacher spins the top, takes the letter in the direction of the arrow, and reads the question to the children. Children consult and answer. For the correct answer they get a chip.

If there is an incorrect answer, then the teacher must say the correct one.

Letter 1:

Often you have to work with fire. What to do if I catch fire myself.



If you're on fire, it's a disaster

And even if the head.

Grab a blanket, coat, bedspread

And get your head in there.

Well, if there is water,

It's simply beautiful.

Feel free to pour water on yourself,

Lay more, don't be shy.

And then the fire will go out.

This is clear to all the guys.

Letter 2:

Guys, my tail froze in the hole. Help.



If your tail, or fingers, or nose is frozen,

Here's some advice for you - cover them warmly,

Drink some warm tea, and then go to the doctor quickly!

Letter 3:

A bunny was jumping along the path,

And he seriously injured his finger.

It turned out to be a fracture.

What should he do then?



Fracture, fracture,

We'll look for tires later.

We apply two splints.

If there is no tire nearby,

Then we take a ruler,

Or just a rack.

Broken off to size

Carefully applied

They rewound it with a bandage,

The doctor was called.

Letter 4:

Often you have to stay at home alone. Mom goes to get milk. What if someone knocks?

(Seven kids).


Call or knock

Don't run to the door.

Don't open the door right away.

Look through the peephole

Determine who came.

If someone is unfamiliar,

Don't open it for anything.

Letter 5:

Grandmother moved to the city and fell ill. We need to go see her. I'm afraid of getting lost. What should I do if I get lost?

(Little Red Riding Hood).


Know that you can always get lost in the city.

And so be very careful.

To other people's uncles, to other people's aunts

You don't fit.

Just tell the policeman your address.

Letter 6:

Guys! I went to school, I want to be smart like Znayka, but the school is across the street. I'm afraid of getting hit by a car.



Know the traffic rules by heart!

Red light - no way!

Yellow - be careful!

Go to the green light -

All roads are ahead.

14. « Dress the doll"

Didactic task:

Teach children to distinguish clothes according to the characteristic features of the profession (firefighter, rescuer, policeman, cook, doctor, etc.). To consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of clothing depending on the time of year and their activities at a given time (sports, walk, recreation, summer, winter, autumn, spring).

Game actions:

Dress the doll in accordance with the situation and profession.

Progress of the game.

IN game form children are invited to dress a doll for a specific purpose: birthday, sports festival and so on, or in accordance with the named profession. The one who completes the task correctly is noted.

15. "Connect the dots"

Didactic task:

Strengthen ideas about sources of danger in everyday life; develop fine motor skills, strengthen the skills of using a pencil, the ability to draw a line along the dots; cultivate the ability to bring the job started to the end.


cards with outlines of objects made from dots (iron, stove).

Game actions:

connect the dots, color and tell why this item is dangerous.

16. "We are rescuers"

Didactic task:

To consolidate ideas about dangerous situations in everyday life, about the correct actions in specific situations; develop attention; cultivate a sympathetic attitude towards the victim.


Game card with three empty windows (one at the top, two at the bottom); pictures showing children in specific dangerous situations; a set of cards depicting the correct actions.

Game actions:

Children choose cards depicting the actions that need to be performed in a given situation and arrange them sequentially.

17. "Put it in order"

Didactic task:

Familiarize children with what to do in case of fire. Cards with images are used

Telephone message “01” about a fire;

Evacuation of people;

Extinguishing a fire by adults before firefighters arrive, if this is not dangerous; firemen's meeting;

The work of firefighters.

Game actions:

Children must arrange the cards in the right order and talk about the actions depicted on them.

18. “Foldpicture(Puzzle)"

Didactic task:

A fire-themed picture is pasted onto cardboard and cut into several parts.

Game actions:

You can play with two teams. In this case, it is more interesting to use two pictures, so that parts of both pictures can be mixed when playing. The one who collects the picture faster wins.

A drawing or poster is shown showing several examples of violations of fire safety rules. The presenter names the number of violations and invites the children to name and show them in one or two minutes. The one who names everything quickly and correctly wins.

The picture shows a fireman, a cook, a doctor, a policeman, and each of them is not engaged in their profession. The child must tell from the picture what the artist mixed up.

19. "Burime"

Didactic task:

Develop phonemic awareness, the ability to rhyme, and consolidate knowledge about fire safety.

Progress of the game.

The presenter reads two-line poems; the children come up with the last word in the second line themselves, rhyming it with the last word of the previous line.

We will quickly defeat the fire,

If we call...


If the fence started to burn,

Get it quickly...


If everything is in smoke with us,

Put it on...


It's not in vain that the firefighters

The color of the car is bright...


Our fire hose was very old

And I couldn’t put it out...


The staircase rushed higher and higher,

I rose to the top...


Down the street like a bird

A car for a fire...


Trouble awaits in the fire

If it's over...


So that we can overcome the fire,

We need to be on time...

(be on time).

Oh, dangerous sisters,

These little ones...


Every resident must know

Where does it hang...

(fire extinguisher).

Don't yawn in case of fire,

Fire with water...

(fill in).

Wooden sisters

In a box. This...


If you don't waste your time,

You'll quickly deal with...

(by fire).

Different games