Download minecraft launcher from cool servers. How to log into our military server

We have been working for a long time on the functionality that you really need - Mod-pack system(mod-pack = assembly of mods), and finally present it to the general public. In this article, you will learn everything about this system and why it is one of the best Minecraft launchers on the market.

Download the launcher here:

Attention! This system is only available in new version launcher, if your current version is 2.22 or lower, you need to update. Via direct link download TLauncher: , .

Considering that testing is still underway, some errors are possible. We will correct them and after some time, all problems will be eliminated.

If you have any problems, you can contact us here!

As soon as you open our new version of the launcher, you may immediately notice a new button " TL MODS", next to the big yellow one. It is this new button that opens a page with mod packs and other controls.

By clicking on this button, a cache will be loaded which is updated over time and the page with the mod-pack system will immediately open. The interface is intuitive, so you can figure it out even without guides. We will look at the main functionality.

The first tab that opens is with “Mod packs”, it's already ready-made assemblies with various mods, tailored to one theme. In the future, it will be possible to publish packs you manually create to a common list, but that will come later.

Scrolling through the list of packs, you might be interested in something, you can immediately click on the “Install” button or click on the mod-pack area, this will open Full description.

On this page you can find a text description (Now, there is a description in Russian), as well as the following tabs: Pictures, Versions (different versions of one mod pack), Mods (those included in the pack), Resource packs and cards (if available).

Of course, it’s more interesting to assemble a mod pack with your own mods yourself. It’s easy to do this with us; first you need to create the base - the mod pack itself. Find the “Create” button at the top, click and fill in the field for the name of the mod pack - absolutely any one you like.

You can also uncheck the "Use launcher settings" checkbox for memory so that you can select the RAM value you need for this mod pack when you use textures high resolution. But if you leave the checkbox ticked, everything will still work fine. And to finish the settings, click on “Create”.

On the list the name of your pack will appear next to the inscription "Mod packs", means this is a successful creation. Now you can go to the “Mods” page to install them in our new pack.

There are no restrictions on the number of mods in a mod pack; you can add as many as you like, although you should always know when to stop. We have a pretty advanced mod installation system, if it requires an API (library), the launcher will automatically install it for you. Now, we can say with peace of mind that launcher with mods is TLauncher!

If you have a lot of mods in a pack, then you can easily search for them in your list of installed mods, just click on the name of this list (next to the blue magnifying glass icon) and enter the name of the mod, it will be found immediately. Plus, the switch next to the name of each mod allows you to disable the mod (by turning the switch to a gray state), which definitely saves your time - you don’t need to delete it from the game folder, and then turn it back on if you need to.

These beautiful icons on the right side of each mod mean categories; by hovering over the icon, you can find out the name of the category. If you want to sort the list by the one you need, then just select the one you need from the list of categories on the top right.

As soon as you have collected mods, you can start resource packs. Let's go to their page and start searching for things that interest you; as always, you can use the categories for quick sorting. Don't forget that in the game you will need to activate them in the settings!

In addition, if you don’t want to build, you can look for maps by going to the appropriate tab. A large list and various categories will not let you get bored!

We can say that this is all the main functionality - everything is very simple and clear, and most importantly it works. But no one says that’s all, there are a couple more important functions. One of them is manual installation, if you need to install a mod that we don’t have (although all will be added over time), a resource pack or a map.

To do this, click on the screwdriver button with a key to the left of the Mod Packs tab. Select the "Manual installation" item, a window will appear in which you need to select what you will install and a button to select a file, after selecting, simply click on "Install" and you're done!

Another important function is backups. It is needed not only to keep your packs intact, but also to transfer them to other players, for example, your friends. We click on the familiar screwdriver and key, select “Backup mods”, there we go to the backup creation tab we need. Where you can choose one mod pack or all of them, and make a backup.

Your friend, in your client, you will only need to go to the “Restore from backup” tab and select your backup file, the launcher will do the rest!

The moment has come when we can present you a new version of our launcher - 3.0. The new version is significantly different from the previous one. We can even call it revolutionary.

The new version was written from scratch, development lasted for two months. Our main goal was to surprise you and we believe that we succeeded. Troika has significant differences from all existing launchers, not only in appearance, but also in terms of functionality. We decided to “break” the typical launcher template. Let's now take a look at what we got.

The user interface of the new launcher is built on the new JavaFX technology. Therefore, you will need to upgrade to Java 8. Although this technology is also present in the now outdated Java 7, Java 8 has significantly improved it. But the launcher is displayed equally on everyone operating systems(except for font rendering).

First look
When you launch the application, the first thing you will see is the “start” screen. You can notice that the window layout has become larger. This was needed to fit more user interface elements.

Login form
At the next stage you will be greeted with a login form. You can’t go anywhere without it) During its development, its design changed 3 times. The latest version is the best. We would like to warn you that there is one design idea waiting for you, which the screenshot could not convey.

Actually, this is where the departure from the typical launcher template begins in the missing server selection (located in a different location) and the added automatic login function. Let's talk about the last point in more detail. In the "troika" we decided to remove the login form to the background. This means that you will see her less often. By enabling the password remembering function, the launcher will automatically go through the authorization process upon startup, bypassing the login hurdle - you will immediately be taken to your personal account.
The ability to use an email address as a login has become available. In the future, we are going to completely switch to authorization using E-mail as a login. This will improve the security of your accounts.

Personal Area
Having talked about the login form, we came to the most important thing - your personal account.

At first glance it may seem simple to you, but we assure you that everything you need is here. It’s just hidden well) The personal account is somewhat reminiscent of the one that was in Launcher 1.0.

The settings were made in the form of a sliding panel. You can open them using the “Settings” item in the service menu or using a special window button, which allows you to do this from any screen.

The first thing you will notice is that there are fewer settings compared to the previous version. Yes, this is true, but the functionality of the application has not deteriorated; on the contrary, we have only improved some of the options.
Let's list the options that were in the old launcher:

  • Remember password - moved to where it belongs - on the login screen.
  • Download client - obsolete option. Replaced by the new "Client Configuration Reset" feature.
  • Full screen mode - saved.
  • Offline mode - Only the option was removed, but the function remained and is now enabled automatically.
  • Enable shader support - saved (the function appeared in version 2.7 released a year ago - see news).
So we come to the most important thing, the point of any launcher - downloading the client. And our client loader is not simple, but round) We chose to abandon the typical progress bars (this is noticeable in the example of our server monitoring) in favor of circles. It turned out quite interesting. They even found a place to put the cancel button. Speaking of the button, we are the first who decided to add it. It's still not available in any launcher. And the button is needed - suddenly the user changes his mind about downloading the client. A typical launcher will have to be restarted, but we have a button to stop the process (although technically speaking, the flow).

Having finished discussing design solutions, let's see what the “troika” brought us in the form of functionality.

New "Client Configuration Reset" feature
This feature replaces the legacy client pumping. Do you know why this pumping of the client was necessary? - To solve problems with incorrect configs due to which the game did not start. True, with such downloading, precious screenshots and texture packs were lost and we had to wait a long time for the client to load. With the new feature, all this is now a thing of the past. The function still downloads client files, but does it selectively - only configs are cleared. Due to this, it works very quickly.

Shared library storage
All clients share a common repository of libraries and other resources. We took this idea from the Mojang launcher. This made it possible to reduce their weight due to the absence of duplicate files and speed up the download of the client - fewer files need to be downloaded. It will take a long time to download only the first client. Let's say you first downloaded the HiTech client, then decided to play on Magic - you just need to download its mods and you can play!

Client transfer
To implement shared storage, we needed to change the client folder structure. For this reason, the new launcher will not be found by clients of the previous one. We've added a feature that will help you migrate them so they work on the new one. This will save you from having to configure the client “for yourself” all over again.

Offline mode
The launcher can work even without an Internet connection, just like in the previous version. The only difference is that the mode is now turned on automatically. The mode allows you to launch a previously downloaded client for a single player game.

Works everywhere
One of our principles is to support all platforms and we are not going to stray from this path.
This software has been tested on the following operating systems:

  • Windows XP (displayed crookedly, but works)
  • Windows 7
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • OS X Yosemite

download minecraft launcher

Our unique minecraft launcher will give players excellent military servers with a huge amount of: weapons, equipment, planes, cars, tanks, helicopters and other military equipment. WoMPlay servers are dedicated to players who love to truly fight and develop with good friends. By logging into the server, the player will be able to choose any method of development:

1 . Well tuned economy- You will be able to buy and sell practically any resources, thereby accumulating money and spending it on more profitable things for your development.

2 . Mod on military equipment and not only " McHeli "- Crafting of this mod is completely allowed, you can create anything: helicopters, tanks, anti-aircraft guns and even ships.

3 . Main weapon mod" Flans " - Crafting is also allowed, but all crafting is allowed exclusively to donors, who can enter a special zone and create weapons there. But what about ordinary players, you ask? Ordinary players without privileges are given kits with weapons such as:/kit tools , /kit two .

4 . Quick start and development on the server - All players are given a lot of kits, where there are a lot of good items: /kit tools, /kit two, /kit three, /kit four, /kit five.

5 . Large map in the size of 14,000 blocks, with beautiful biome generation. At spawn there is a “Tablet - Random teleport”, which quickly teleports you to any place.

6 . The server has a fully configured assembly and fixed all possible dupes and bugs. Now you can play calmly, but if you find a bug or dupe, don’t hesitate to inform the server administration, she will reward you with money or good items and even privileges!

7 . Do you have a weak computer? It doesn’t matter, we have optimized the client for 70+ mods as much as possible. The maximum use of RAM in the client after a 4-hour game is (1000 MB of RAM). It will never rise again, so even at weak computer V open world you will have around (150 FPS), on average (250 + FPS).

9 . All privileges and teams are on sale FOREVER!

How to log into our military server?


There's just a lot on our server firearms, let's face it, more than 150 pieces. ranging from knives to launch missiles.


A large number of cars will help you and your friends quickly move around the world of Minecraft.


What could be better than flying with a friend and tearing apart other players? Each helicopter can be flown with its own partners. Before the flight, do not forget to fill the aircraft with gasoline and shells.


Tanks and anti-aircraft guns will help the player destroy the enemy in a matter of seconds; various military shells and machine guns will help you with this.

Airplanes and fighters

With great speed you will be able to move around on our server with the help of fighters and airplanes. Each combat unit has colossal damage. You can drop bombs, fire rockets and shoot your opponent with machine guns.


A large number of HD armor and other sets with additional effects. Each armor has its own properties and handles damage from machine gun bullets differently. Therefore, try to choose and get only the best armor.


The most interesting thing on our server is the Robots, they will perfectly help you move around our minecraft world without any fear. Most importantly, robots can be used in space. A robot in space can work much faster and get ore and you won’t need oxygen.

With it you can install mods, textures, skins, maps and seeds in one click.

After version 1.6, the developers introduced a new official launcher, which put an end to pirates, but we will save you by posting an excellent alternative. It is much better than even the one from the game developers, since everything is much more stable, there are more settings and functions. Therefore, you should pay attention to this Launcher for Minecraft.

Questions and answers about the Launcher (FAQ):

Question: Are there viruses in the launcher?
Answer: Naturally not! We are a reputable site that is trusted by many users. All antiviruses consider this file to be safe, so there should be no reason to worry. To make sure of this, you can look at the antivirus report.

Question: The launcher/game worked before, but now it doesn’t, what should I do?
Answer: Try to completely delete the minecraft folder, just before that save your worlds from the saves folder ( Full path to the game folder - c:\Users\UserNAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\), then you need to re- download TLauncher follow the links above and now try to launch the game/launcher.

Question: I downloaded and tried to run the program, but some error related to Java was displayed, what should I do?
Answer: Apparently you don’t have the latest version or it’s not the latest one, you can download it from our website or from.

Question: I don’t have any versions in the list - “not installed”, the news is not loading, how can I fix it?:

Answer: You are not connected to the Internet or your antivirus and firewall are blocking the connection. Therefore, add the launcher to your antivirus and firewall exceptions. P.S. Did not help? Try downloading the launcher from the link at the beginning of the news, you never know.

Question: Which versions of Minecraft are present in this launcher?
Answer: It has absolutely everything, from the oldest to the latest versions (Like the new one). And also there is Forge 1.14.4, Optifine 1.14.4, Forge 1.13.2, OptiFine 1.13.2, OptiFine 1.13.1, OptiFine 1.13, OptiFine 1.12, Forge 1.12, OptiFine 1.11, Forge 1.11, OptiFine 1.10.2, Forge 1.10.2, OptiFine 1.9, Forge 1.9, OptiFine 1.8.9, Forge 1.8.9, Forge 1.8, OptiFine 1.8, Forge 1.7.10, OptiFine 1.7.10, Forge 1.5.2, OptiFine 1.5.2 and others...

Question: How is this launcher different from the same one? TLauncher Legacy?
Answer: Completely to everyone, from appearance(which is more pleasant), to interesting functionality: a mod-pack system (installing mods, maps in one click), a skin system with support for cloaks and HD! There are smaller advantages, such as the game news area, where you can quickly learn the latest innovations. Fast technical support on various issues and much more.

Question: Or maybe MLauncher better?
Answer: This is fundamentally wrong, because you can call it stripped down, which only has a list of servers. TL also has this plus - its own list of Minecraft servers, as well as all the other advantages described in the news that are not implemented in the launcher. In addition, the lack of introduction of new functions negatively affects the gameplay of players.

Question: Which latest version of TLauncher?
Answer: On this moment last stable version is TLauncher 2.68.

You can find solutions to other problems on a special page: .


The developers proudly declare that it is the easiest to use, you can see this by reading short review by launcher.

Looking at the screenshot at the beginning of the article, you see that most of the launcher is occupied by a web page on which last news versions of the game, and sometimes the portal itself. Therefore, you will always see that a new version has been released, and you will also be able to read what has changed in it, so you will not need to look for this information on the Internet.

On home page In the lower left corner of the launcher there is a field for entering your nickname, which will be used in the online game.

Under this line there is another drop-down list, in it you can find the versions of the game, usually the latest version, or the one you launched last time.

Having selected a version that you have not downloaded, you will be prompted to install it by clicking on the "Install" button (Since this Minecraft pirate launcher, it will install the game for free):

By default, in minecraft launcher You don’t need to change anything in the settings, but if you want, you can see what’s there:

In addition, with the major update 2.0, TLauncher now has its own skin system, so now you don’t have to use third-party ones. And this gives more advantages - stability and more goodies. To install, you need to register on the TLauncher website, install the skin and log in to the launcher itself. Then select the version with the TL icon and run it. You can read a more detailed one; on our website, in a separate article, everything is sorted out in detail.

In the new major update 2.4, the developers pleased us with their own system for installing mods in one click. A TL MODS button has appeared in the lower right corner of the launcher, by clicking on which you can open a page with the catalog and management of the new system.

All new system tied to a mod pack (assemblies with mods). The first tab is called mod packs, in it you can find various assemblies on different topics: military, fantasy, technical and others. The catalog is quite large, you can select a category for quick search.

By clicking on the mod pack you are interested in, a full description will open. Where can I find brief information about the essence of the assembly, as well as the picture tab; versions; fashion; resource packs; cards. To start playing on it, just click on “Install” and it will appear in the list of versions, launch it and you’re done!

Naturally, through this system you can create your own mod pack, filling it with various mods, maps and resource packs. The system helps the user with various problems and in particular thinks about mod compatibility for him. In addition, there is a backup and manual installation system. Really worthy update!

Pros of this launcher:

- No need for constant Internet access;
- Easy to use;
- Multilingual;
- All versions of the game + with mods;
- Fine tuning games;
- Analysis of crashes and errors;
- Constant updates;
- Catalog with mods, resource packs and maps. And install them in one click!
- Multiplatform;
- Free skin installation;
- Ability to install a cloak and HD skins;
- Animated raincoats!

How to start Minecraft launcher on MacOS?

1. Install Java. (If there is any error, read point 2.)
2. Go to settings -> Protection and security -> click on the lock and enter the username and password for the computer -> from the item: “Allow the use of programs downloaded from” select “Any source”, a warning will pop up, we agree.

3. Download the launcher from the link above (Link called MacOS/Linux).

4. Launch the launcher by double-clicking the left mouse button.

Download old version TLauncher 2.22

Launcher version 2.22 remains popular and moderately stable, so download links remain. Although it is always better to use the current one.


(downloads: 2507951)


(downloads: 418161)

Version history:
- Shaders in the mod-pack system!
- Updated digital signature;
- Error correction.

2.685 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.684 Beta:
- Updated digital signature of the file;
- Error correction.

2.683 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.682 Beta:
- Shaders in the mod-pack system are already available!
- Error correction.

2.681 Beta:
- Error correction.

- Error correction.

2.672 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.671 Beta:
- Error correction.

- Error correction.

2.669 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.668 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.667 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.666 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.665 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.664 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.663 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.662 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.661 Beta:
- Error correction.

- Error correction.

2.66 Beta:
- Error correction.

- Error correction.

2.65 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.64 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.63 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.62 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.61 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.6 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.586 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.585 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.584 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.583 Beta:
- Added TL versions to 1.14.
- Error correction.

2.582 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.581 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.58 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.57 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.56 Beta:
- Forge 1.13.2 support.
- Error correction.

2.55 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.54 Beta:
- Error correction.

- New Year's update!
- Error correction.

2.53 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.52 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.51 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.5 Beta:
- Fixed a problem when connecting to the server, the error "Network is unreachable".

2.49 Beta:
- Fixed problem with launching Minecraft 1.13.2.
- Error correction.

- Added support for Rift and OptiFine 1.13 and 1.13.1
- Fixed bugs in mod packs.

2.48 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.47 Beta:
- Added OptiFine versions 1.13 and 1.13.1

2.46 Beta:
- Rift Mods support.

2.45 Beta:
- Optifine 1.13 support;
- A system for completely deleting game files and settings has appeared in the launcher settings;
- Improvements in the launcher update system;
- Improved support for Java 10;
- Fixed a bug with maps in mod packs.

2.44 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.43 Release:
- New page with mod packs. Create your own assemblies or download ready-made ones.
- Minecraft 1.13 support.

2.43 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.42 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.41 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.393 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.392 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.391 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.39 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.37 Beta:
- New update window! Bright and modern, as well as more opportunities to bring you news.

2.36 Beta:
- Technical update with mandatory update to 2.37.

2.35 Beta:
- Fixed a bug with low FPS in the game.

2.34 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.33 Beta:
- Improved mod pack removal function;
- Error correction

2.32 Beta:
- Improved stability of snapshots;
- Error correction

2.31 Beta:
- Error correction

2.3 Beta:
- Error correction

2.28 Beta:
- Fixes related to Amazon blocking in Russia (Now the game should definitely load).

2.27 Beta:
- Fixes related to Amazon blocking in Russia.

2.26 Beta:
- Fixed bugs related to the mod pack system and general improvements.

2.25 Beta:
- Fixed bugs related to the mod pack system and general improvements.

2.24 Beta:
- Meet the mod pack system: Install mods, texture packs and maps in one click!

2.23 Beta:
- Fixed a bug with launching snapshot 17w43.
- Added support for Java 9.

2.22 Release:

- Error correction.

2.22 Beta:
- Error correction.

2.21 Beta:
- Added versions Optifine 1.12 and ForgeOptifine 1.12.

- Fixed error java.lang.NullPointerException: Complete version is NULL.

2.20 Beta:
- Error correction.

- Error correction.

- Fixed an error when launching snapshot 17w13b;
- Other fixes.

2.18 Beta:
- Fixed an error when launching snapshot 17w13b.

2.17 Release:
- Updated game installation system;
- Now skins are displayed by default to all launcher users - even without using accounts;
- Error correction...

2.17 Beta:
- Updated game installation system.

2.16 Beta:
- Error correction...

2.15 Beta:
- Error correction...

2.14 Beta:
- New icon for licensed accounts;
- Fixed a bug with the Full screen mode checkbox;
- Error correction...

2.12 Release:
- Error correction...

2.12 Beta:
- Error correction...

2.1 Release:
- Added versions ForgeOptiFine 1.11 and ForgeOptiFine 1.10.2;
- Fixed an error when logging into the server from the main page.;
- Other bug fixes...

2.091 Beta:
- Error correction...

2.09 Beta:
- Error correction...

2.08 Beta:
- Error correction...

2.07 Beta:
- Error correction...

2.06 Beta:
- Error correction...

2.05 Beta:
- Error correction...

2.04 Beta:
- Fixed a bug with the developer console;
- Fixed a bug with authorization through TLauncher accounts;
- Fixed a bug with blocking the login field;

2.03 Release:
- Fixed errors with starting the game.

2.03 Beta:

Fixed an error when logging into the game related to licensed accounts.

2.0 Release:

Completely new launcher design!;
- Install your own skin on;
- Added the following launcher translations: German, Polish, Italian, Romanian, Spanish, Chinese.

2.01 Beta:

Fixed issue with Java 7.

2.0 Beta:

Update before release!.

1.974 Beta:

1.973 Beta:

Design improvements (Beta!).

1.972 Beta:

New application design (Beta!).

1.971 Beta:

Auto-install new version of Java 8 for Java 7 users
- Error correction

1.97 Beta:

Error correction

1.9692 Beta:

Increased account protection
- Added icons to versions in server windows

1.9691 Beta:

Fixed errors with displaying skins on servers.

1.969 Beta:

Install your own skin thanks to authorization.
- New language: Chinese.

1.968 Beta:

The launcher loading bar appears earlier.
- New launcher languages: Italian, Portuguese, Polish and Romanian.
- Launcher libraries are now stored in the folder specified in the settings.

1.967 Beta:

Reduced the size of the launcher, again!
- Improved the update system.
- Bugs fixed.

1.966 Beta:

Now the launcher weighs 2 times less! (All libraries have been moved to a separate folder, downloaded once)
- Three new launcher languages: German, French and Spanish

1.965 Beta:

Minor fixes.


Fixed a problem when installing versions manually.
- Error correction.

1.964 Beta:

Minor fixes.

1.963 Beta:

Minor fixes.

1.962 Beta:

Fixed an error when installing versions manually.
- Now, if an error occurs, you can indicate your email and your comments on the error when sending a report to the server.
- Other minor fixes.


Support for the new game version 1.9!

- Statistics collection system.
- Error correction.

1.96 Beta:

Fixing problems with latest versions snapshots.
- Improved background loading in the launcher.
- Improved analytics.
- Error correction.

1.955 Beta:

Added statistical functions to help developers develop the launcher.
- Error correction.


New version released! All innovations from beta versions have been added ( Licensed accounts, separate page for servers).
- Improved mirror system.
- Error correction.

1.952 Beta:

New features added for release (Not available yet!)
- Error correction.

1.951 Beta:

- Error correction.


New version released! All innovations from beta versions have been added.
- Error correction.

1.94 Beta:

Added a mirror for data (If unavailable main servers, the launcher will function normally, requesting everything from the mirrors);
- Error correction.

1.93 Beta:

User error reporting system;

That is, if any errors occur, you will be asked to send it to us so that we can solve it!

Review system in the launcher (For beta versions, under the "Play" button. For release versions, in the settings menu);

If you have any suggestions or find a bug in our launcher, you can let us know about it through the feedback system!

Automatic connection to the server from the news page (If the server is hosted);

If we place servers on the news page, you can connect to it in one click and start playing. Just hover your cursor over the server's IP and a menu will appear in which you need to select "Login to the server."

Launcher improvements on Linux systems;
- Fixed flaws in the design of the launcher on Mac OS X;
- Error correction...

Added in this build popular fashions. Number of mods installed in Minecraft launcher more than a hundred pieces and you and I, as advanced players of this construction sandbox, will play cool game, where many different mods have been added.

Dear players of a multiplayer sandbox in the Sandbox style and in the genre of a cubic simulator with construction elements, as well as adventures in survival mode. Introducing a cool Minecraft build with mods.

The coolest and coolest mods have been added to this Minecraft assembly, and we, as novice players of this construction sandbox, can bet that this is the most exciting assembly that can be found on the Internet for playing on a personal computer, and if we rate this assembly out of 10 scale, then we can say with confidence that this assembly with mods can be given the highest rating.

Hundreds of thousands of players have already added these mods to the game client, and they are currently the best of the best in their genre, as there are mods for magic items, spells, industrial mods, minimap mods, infinite items, items and other additions.

Mods for shaders will add even more realism and beautiful graphics to the game with which your Minecraft game will be the best toy in the construction genre.

If you need to install another shader pack, then you need to go to the graphics settings and select “Shaders”, then a list of all available shaders will appear on the screen.

The creator of this build paid special attention to all the mods and made the coolest selection of add-ons for the Minecraft game:

  • ReiMinimap 3.3.06- This mod, as you know, adds a mini map to the game, with which it will be convenient to navigate the area.

We can craft a map without a mod, but you need to constantly take it out of your inventory and look at it, otherwise you will have a kind of radar on which you can see a lot of things.

This mini map has a menu that opens with the "M" button and can be placed in the upper right corner, lower right, left and upper parts of the screen, as convenient for you, and you can also change the size.

On the radar we can see monsters and player names. You can also choose which mobs to show, or you can open a full-scale map and put a mark, for example, we found a village of local residents or there are a lot of diamonds in the cave, then we put a mark and at your leisure you can take a powerful pickaxe and start mining.

  • Status EffectHUD 1.10- This very simple mod will show how long it takes for you to blow various potions, spider bites and other magical actions.
  • ExtrabiomesXL- New biomes that will be much different from the original world, and in which the tallest trees will grow from different materials and blocks for epic construction.
  • InventoryTweaks 1.54b- Do you have a mess in your inventory? Then after pressing the "R" button you will quickly fix it, and that's it identical blocks that were scattered will be folded neatly into stacks in the inventory.
  • BackTools- This mod can be called visual, since it does not perform any special functions in the game, but simply the item that you used before will be shown behind your back.
  • SmartMoving- When the player moves, swims or jumps, all movements will be as realistic.
  • Jammy Furniture Mod V4.4- This is also a mod made for the interior, and there is also a lot of stuff for the beautiful design of your home.
  • Twilightforest- With this mod you will immerse yourself in " dusk wood", where you can discover the latest mobs, dangerous labyrinths and caves.

To build a portal that will take you to another dimension, you need to dig a 2 x 2 hole, then pour water, then plant flowers around it and throw one diamond into it, to do this, press the " button Q".

  • Extra Doors v1.3- If you are already a little tired of iron and wooden doors, then this mod will add 4 more types of crafting doors from different ores.
  • Doubledoor forge v4.6- This mod is made so that you can install 2 doors that will open at the same time.
  • Zombie Awareness v1.8.5- Craving more extreme sports? Well, now when you attack one mob, all the others that climb nearby will attack.
  • Morebows- Another mod was made for real hunters, and with it a couple of new bows were added for hunting mobs or other players on the server.
  • Sophwolves 2.1.3- Even more wolves will appear in the Minecraft game.
  • ChestTransporter 1.1.6 Universal- This mod will make it easier to transfer chests, for example, if you have a lot of valuable things in a chest and you want to transfer them to another, then you can use one little thing and transfer the entire chest, along with the things.

Buildcraft 3.7.2- Added construction mod


Coral Reef- If you love the sea, then you will like this mod, which adds a lot of new plants to the sea world.

PaintersFlowerPot 1.5

The mod adds a couple of dozen colors.

Thaumcraft 3.0.5- For advanced wizards, we present this mod, which has magic items, armor, staves, teleportation and many other epic things.
Industrialcraft 2 1.115.341- This mod adds a hundred new mechanisms.
BiblioCraft 1.2.1- This is a very huge mod, because there will be so many things here that you can change your interior at home so that there will be chairs, tables, clothes hangers, lamps and many other items.
PortalGun 1.5.2- Fantastic weapons will be useful to you for opening a portal or throwing mobs in different directions.
Emerald Tools v1.1- New recipes for crafting tools and weapons from emerald.
  • EnchantingPlus 1.14.6- When enchanting objects, the effect that will occur with a sword, pickaxe, shovel or ax will be shown.
  • GraveStone 2.3.1- When you kill mobs, after they die you will see tombstones or statues.
  • Smallboats- We have a gift for fishermen in the form of two new fishing rods.
  • SecretRooms Now with new things it will be possible to make a secret entrance to a cave or a hidden door.

Fans in the game Minecraft can create production and extraction systems that can trim entire mountain ranges for resources, and then reposition them to maintain a beautiful appearance.

Railcraft and Traincraft - Railway and trains will now be an integral part of the Minecraft game.

Minecraft- a game, but mainly a simulator and designer of various designs. It's also a blank canvas where creative designers and builders can use dozens of tools to create their own games and buildings, but if that's not enough for you, you can install mods and get even more tools, blocks, as well as modern weapons or a fantastic arsenal. If that's not enough for you, then learn Java and create your own mods.

The developer spent a lot of time and patience on this assembly, which made a working launcher, while all the mods are perfectly compatible and function. The game is configured HD Optifine and now all fonts will be shown clearly on the screen and in the game menu, and you can also select graphics settings for both simple and powerful computers.

How to install Minecraft 1.5.2 build?

Download and unpack the archive with the game into a folder .minecraft

  • for Windows 8, 7, Vista - C:/Users/Your computer name/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft
  • for Windows XP - C:/Documents and Settings/Your computer name/Application Data/.minecraft

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