Skyrim main quest. Walkthrough of the main story. Walkthrough of the quest: “Blade in the Darkness”

Skyrim is huge and there are a lot of things to do in it. There is a fight against dragons, a war for independence (or vice versa), and guilds that desperately need our help, and an abyss of side quests. In such a world, a detailed guide will not hurt. And he is in front of you.

Alduin rocks!And here comes Helgen. All our people have already gathered, the only thing missing is a dragon.

Here we will lay out in parts everything that is most useful for the traveler - the passage of both the main plot and everything else. We will pay special attention to important non-obvious details and secrets that are easy to overlook and miss.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Part of the guide will be devoted to bugs encountered in tasks. We will tell you what difficulties may arise, how to avoid them and, what is also very important, how to solve the problem if an evil bug still overtakes you.

Main plot

To freedom!

So, our hero was captured while crossing the border. We ran into an Imperial ambush, and now we are being taken to execution along with the rebels. On the cart next to us are the resistance leader Ulfric, his comrade Ralof and the horse thief Lokir who fell under the hot hand. After a long journey through the forest, the procession enters Helgen.

After the carts stop and Lokir plays the role of “third corpse from the left,” we will have the opportunity to choose the race, appearance, gender and name of the hero.

ADVICE: If you don't want to wait until the ride scene plays out every time you create a character, save right after you get off the cart.

And then the dragon Alduin will fly in and drive everyone out of the forest. Enjoy the show. When the game returns control, slowly walk into the tower. Everyone around will pretend to be in a hurry and panic, but don't worry - even if you get caught in a stream of flames, it won't cause much harm. Just do what Ralof says.

“Black Arrow, you have never let me down! Strike straight!”Which sword to use? And most importantly - who?

Climb the tower stairs, jump into the tavern and, under the leadership of Hadvar, slowly move through the entire Helgen to the dungeons. Then you will be offered a choice - to go down into the dungeon with the imperial Hadvar or with the rebel Ralof. This is not yet a choice of side in the conflict, so there is not much difference.

ADVICE: however, if you plan to become a blacksmith, it is better to choose Hadvar. Escorting him to Riverwood will give you free access to blacksmith supplies.

Now your hands are free and you are able to pick up things and help your companion in battle. Move through the dungeon, destroying enemies and collecting everything that is lying around.

ADVICE: Take every opportunity to gain an initial set of armor and weapons. Decide what exactly you need - light armor or heavy. Search all the bodies and chests. Don't rush - they won't start without you.

Together with your companion, you will go through the barracks (or tower), a warehouse, an interrogation room where you can equip a master key, and end up in a cave. The enemies there will be soldiers, spiders and a bear (you will be asked to quietly bypass him).

This is the end of the underground passage, and with it the quest.

Before the storm

And here comes Whiterun, best city Skyrim.

You can immediately go about your business, but it’s better not to leave your companion - go with him to Riverwood to meet new friends, the blacksmith Alvor or the mistress of the sawmill Gerdur. And don’t forget to choose a suitable guardian stone along the way.

Now that we know about the return to the world of dragons, it would be nice to go to Whiterun and tell the jarl there about it. Of course, there is no rush - this can be done in at least a year.

ADVICE: Even if you don’t plan to go through the main story, it’s better to still get through it to the dragons and voice magic in order to be able to absorb souls, study screams and accumulate valuable materials for forging armor.

The task is easy to complete - we cross the bridge, go up the road along the mountain and go over the hill. The city of Whiterun is already visible there. To enter, talk to the guards. The jarl lives on the top of the hill, in the castle of Dragonsreach.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Along the way, you will become acquainted with the Order of the Companions - the local equivalent of a fighters guild. However, joining this order provides both some advantages and very serious disadvantages - namely lycanthropy, which, due to bugs, cannot be completely cured. So before you join the Companions, make sure you understand the risk: you risk walking around with hairy ears for the rest of your days.

Talk to the housecarl, and then to Jarl Balgruuf the Elder himself.

Windy Peak

The bandit Arvel beat and beat the spider, but didn’t finish it off. We'll have to finish off the creature with a slipper.

The jarl will direct you to a court magician named Farengar Secret Fire. The magician will ask you to find the Dragonstone tablet in the Windy Peak dungeon.

Windy Peak is the same rock structure we saw on the way to Riverwood.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: If you have already cleared Windy Peak on the quest of the Riverwood merchants and did not forget to take the Dragonstone there, you will be able to present it to Farengar without leaving the place.

The easiest way to get to Windy Peak is from Riverwood. We cross the bridge, follow the path, turn left to a lonely tower. From it - to the right and through the pass. The entrance to the dungeon is guarded by bandits.

Inside, your enemies will also be bandits. If you do not attack immediately, but overhear their conversation, you will learn about the dark elf Arvel, who ran into the depths of the dungeon.

In the puzzle room, before pulling the lever, rotate the columns in a "snake, snake, whale" configuration.

After a fight with a flock of rats, get ready to repel the attack of a giant spider while the screams of that same Arvel hanging like a cocoon in the web. There is no need to stand on ceremony with him - he is not going to keep his promise. Kill him or wait for him to ask for trouble himself. Take the golden claw from his cold corpse.

In the following rooms you will learn to recognize draugr pretending to be dead in stone niches. The rule here is simple - if a draugr is wearing clothes (loin rags), it means he is pretending to be. You can shoot at him from afar. Here you will encounter traps - a door with spikes and swinging blades.

ADVICE: If your companion keeps running into the same trap and can't get through it, just leave him behind and move forward. He'll catch up on his own.

In the large room, you can knock down lamps hanging over puddles of oil, creating fiery barriers and traps for the draugr. In the room with the waterfall, open the grate and follow the flow into the depths of the caves. To open the door with a secret, look carefully at the Golden Claw and repeat the configuration of the pictograms - “bear, butterfly, owl”.

Now all you have to do is defeat the draugr who has risen from the grave and, approaching the wall with cuneiform writing, absorb the word of Power. The exit is on the left.

THIS IS A BUG: You must read the word of Strength on the wall while standing. If the hero is in stealth at this moment, you may be overtaken by an evil bug that prevents you from taking the Dragon Stone from the draugr’s body. If a bug does occur, try saving and loading.

Return to Farengar and don't forget to bring the Golden Claw to the merchants. As a reward, the jarl will allow you to buy a house in the city for five thousand gold. But not now, but only after the next quest is completed.

Dragon in the sky

“Dovahkiin! No!"

A guard runs into the room and says that a dragon has been spotted near the city. Go to the jarl and discuss the problem - he will order you to accompany the housecarl and soldiers to the watchtower in the role of an “expert on dragons” (after all, the hero has already met one and survived - why not an expert?).

The path to the tower will be long, but productive - a fire-breathing dragon named Mirmulnir has indeed appeared. Now your task is to stay alive. This fight is perhaps one of the most interesting, because Mirmulnir is really dangerous for an early-level hero. Mirmulnir “blazes with fire,” beats its tail and bites. It’s best to hit him from the side, or even better, from afar, preparing to dive into the tower at any moment to escape the flames.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: however, in such battles it is better not to leave the dragons to the guards, but to inflict at least some damage - otherwise it may happen that the dragon will not share its soul

Before his death, the dragon curses loudly: they say, did I really run into Dovahkiin? The hero will consume his soul. Use the shout and the housecarl will order you to return to Whiterun. Walk to hear the distant cry of “Dovahkiin!” from a nearby mountain.

The jarl will tell you that the cry from the mountains is the call of the elders from the monastery of High Hrothgar. Time to visit the elderly. If you want, take Lydia with you - your new companion, your personal housecarl.

The Way of the Voice

And now the elder will teach us to run faster than a deer.

Getting to High Hrothgar is not easy. It is better to get around the mountain from the north, passing by the Honning meadery and the Waltheim tower. Follow the road without turning anywhere until you pass the Amol Fort. Behind it is a bridge near a wide waterfall and a fork. On it, take the mountain path and turn right again at the next fork. Move along the path higher and higher. If you come across a cave with a troll, then you have almost reached your first stop - the village of Ivarstead.

At the bridge, take the quest to deliver provisions to High Hrothgar. Climb the famous Seven Thousand Steps Road. On it, the main danger will be the ice troll in the middle of the path. If you feel that the hero is too weak to fight such a monster, just go around his cave.

ADVICE: You can also bring the troll with you to High Hrothgar - the elders will instantly scream him to death.

At the entrance to the monastery, throw the provisions into the chest (then do not forget to return to the village for your reward). The elders will meet you inside. They will ask you to shout at them, and then teach you the second syllable of Ruthless Force and the first syllable of Swift Charge.

After the hero successfully passes through the quickly opening and closing gates, you will be given new quest- find the horn of Jurgen the Windcaller. The horn lies in the Ustengrev tomb.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: If you read all ten signs by the road on the way to Hrothgar, then wild animals will not attack you for 24 hours.

Horn of Jurgen

The same cuneiform where we will study the word “ghostly shape”. Pay attention to the waterfall on the left - there is a secret.

To find Jurgen's Horn, you need to go through the vast Ustengrev dungeon, which is near the city of Morthal. I advise you to take a companion with you to make it more fun.

The dungeon is a mound, next to which there is a bandit camp (most likely, when you arrive, bandits and magicians will fight there). To enter, you need to go down the spiral staircase. Inside are magicians, their zombies and draugr.

Clear the first hall, turn left and move along the corridors. When you encounter draugr fighting necromancers, help the weaker ones and finish off the survivors.

Clean out the rooms with large urns, and in the next large hall, deal with the draugr crawling out of the sarcophagi. After this, the corridors will lead you to Ustengrev Depths.

To go down into the huge cave, you need to go through the dining room. When you see the lamps above the oil, get ready to use them to tame the new draugr crawling out of their “sleeping places.” To look into the room with the pentagram of souls, activate two handles - one next to the bars, and the other on the right on the wall, next to the sarcophagus.

Now you are in a large cave. There's a lot of interesting stuff here:

  • Down by the lake is the word of Power: Ethereality (don't miss the chest nearby).
  • Behind the waterfall, right next to it, there is a secret chest and a secret draugr guarding it.
  • A secret area that can be reached by dashing between columns over destroyed bridges.
  • A fire trap that will most likely catch a skeleton.
  • A skeleton sitting on a throne pretending to be dead.

Behind the bridge is a puzzle. Three stones with motion sensors open three grates in one corridor. To pass through the corridor, you need to stand at the stone closest to the bridge and with a two-syllable Swift dash jump through the bars, activating two other stones along the way.

Jurgen's horn returned to its rightful place, and the hero received a reward free soul dragon.

Next, fire traps and frost spiders await us, including one giant one. Then you will need to crucify the web blocking the road. And finally we find ourselves in the hall where the horn should be. But he is not there - instead there is a note. An unknown person is waiting for the hero in the attic of the Sleeping Giant tavern in Riverwood. Which is odd since this place doesn't have an attic.

The hero became sad, but there was nothing to do. Coming to the surface, go to the tavern and ask the owner named Delphine for a room in the attic - this will serve as a password for identification. After a serious conversation, the hero receives the horn and can now safely take it to High Hrothgar.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: if after visiting the monastery you return Jurgen's horn to the dungeon and place it on the same pedestal where you took the note, you will receive a free dragon soul.

It is not necessary to go to the monastery right away, you can do another one first story quest, "Blade in the Dark." But it is still recommended to visit Hrothgar, because there they will not only recognize us as the Dragonborn, but will also give us the last syllable of Ruthless Force.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Now you can ask the elders where you can get more spell syllables - sometimes they will mark potentially “fishy” places on the map.

Blade in the Dark

Another dragon has risen from the mound. Now we will extract the skeleton from it.

Through complex mathematical calculations, Delphine found out in what place in Skyrim she would emerge from the grave. new dragon. This is Kin Grove. Let's go there.

A village woman will meet us at the foot of the hill next to the Wooden Lace inn. She is in a panic - a dragon has appeared on the hill. But this is not our dragon yet, but Alduin, who is engaged in its resurrection. To avoid jumping on the rocks, use the path behind the stone, near the far corner of the tavern.

There is no use shooting at Alduin - he will finish his job. Having cursed the hero dirty, the dragon will resurrect his dead brother Saloknir, and he himself will fly away.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Now from time to time you will come across not just dragons, but Alduin, reviving dragons before our eyes.

The sooner you attack the resurrected dragon, the better - it will not have time to acquire flesh and gain strength. But even the battle with the skeletal Saloknir will not be easy for a weak hero. He spits fire, and there is no tower nearby to hide. If you are not confident in your abilities, let the lady (Delphine) go ahead. If, of course, you took her with you.

After the conversation, Delphine will assume that the Aldmeri Dominion is involved in the resurrection of the dragons. To find out if this is so, you need to visit the Thalmor embassy.

Diplomatic immunity

What things should I give to the elf “smuggler”? Yes, everything at once!

Delphine sets a task: to get into the Thalmor embassy. First, you need to meet with the Bosmer Malborn - our man (that is, an elf) embedded in the embassy. The occasion will be a gala reception hosted by Ambassador Elenwen.

Malborn is waiting for us at the Laughing Rat tavern in Solitude. He demands that you give him everything that needs to be brought to the embassy.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: For camouflage at the embassy, ​​it’s a good idea to stock up on Thalmor robes with a hood. But these clothes will only help those who do not have tails, fangs or scales.

You can give Malborn the entire contents of the duffel bag, even the clothes. This is convenient, because then you can take everything on the spot, at the embassy. Delphine will provide us with new clothes and an invitation, with whom we meet at the stables, next to the city gates. There we get into the carriage and go to the embassy. We present the invitation to the guard.

Elenwen herself will meet us inside. Malborn is right there - he's the bartender. In order for the elf to lead us through the kitchen to the “security” part of the embassy, ​​the public needs to be distracted. There are several ways to do this, but the easiest way is to directly ask Redguard Razelan to entertain the people. Give him a drink and when the show starts, go with Malborn to the kitchen. Along the way, take your things from the chest.

Then there are two options - either break into Elenwen’s personal chambers with a saber drawn, or sneak there. The second is more difficult. First you need to wait for the chatting guards to leave, then sneak behind the magician’s back on the second floor. There are also guards on duty in the courtyard between the embassy and the solarium, but the most difficult thing is to lure him away from the wizard, who is leaning his back against the desired door.

It will be easier to play hide and seek in Elenwen's private quarters. Search the chest - you will find a report on dragons, a couple of dossiers and a key to the basement.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: in one of the bedrooms on the second floor there is an “Unusual Stone”. If you don’t take it, you won’t be able to complete the “thieves’” quest to collect Barenziah’s stones (the game simply won’t let you into the embassy a second time).

Now go down to the basement, where the Thalmor are torturing a prisoner - a thief named Etienne. Kill the executioners without delay while the prisoner is still alive.

Almost out! The ice troll is knocked out - all that remains is to take a step out of the cave into the fresh air.

As soon as you exchange a few words with Etienne, a second prisoner will appear in the basement - our old friend Malborn. His cover has been blown, and a couple of Thalmors promise to kill Malborn if the hero does not show up. It is advisable to attack the Thalmor as quickly and vigorously as possible so that Malborn survives and can join.

The key to the hatch is on one of the Thalmor. An ice troll is hiding in a small cave under the solarium. There are three of us, so the balance seems to be in favor of the forces of good. But if you don’t want to fight, you can run away and immediately go with a report to Riverwood.

The Tamriel Empire is now on the verge of complete collapse. The supreme ruler of the province of Skyrim was killed. From now on, newly formed alliances lay claim to the throne of Skyrim. And at the very peak of the war, an even more terrible threat awoke... Dragons, who once lost their way to this world, found it again. From now on, the future of the province of Skyrim and, in general, the fate of all of Tampriel will hang in the balance. And only Dovahkiin - the Dragonborn hero who was gifted with the power of his voice - will be able to fight Dragons.


As usual, the game will begin with you going through your basic training. As soon as you can control your hero, follow the soldier. He will show you how to jump and run. After which, Hadvar will tell you about the basics of combat. Once you find yourself in the armory, search all the chests for equipment.

Once you are armed, go to the gate. You won’t be idle for long, as they will open up and your opponents will attack you. After this small battle, read the book that lies not far from you. The book will give you additional skill points. And in the box you can find master keys.

Hack the cage that will be nearby. Inside there will be a magic potion, a couple of coins, a book with a spell and the corpse of a magician. Next, rummage through the corpse and receive a quest on the magical path of your development.

View other cages and chambers. Once you look around, you can go down further, to the next hall. Here you will need to defeat four opponents.

After you defeat them, then move on. And then again there was a skirmish with five soldiers. After you kill them, move on until you come across a sleeping bear. Now you will be given a bow and arrows, which you probably already have. You can quietly pass him, or you can kill him, it’s up to you to decide.

Now the entrance is just a stone's throw away. Once you go further, you won’t be able to change your character. But if everything suits you, then go to the “free bread”.

Before the Storm

After escaping, Hadvar will ask you to go with him to his uncle Alvor, a blacksmith in the town of Riverwood. If you agree to this, then you will be able to learn more about the valiant Legion, receive the task of joining it, and of course you will be able to enlist the support of your first companion. Go to the small town that is located at the foot of the mountains.

When you enter this settlement, find the blacksmith Alvor. The house is not difficult to find; you can notice it immediately as you enter the town. Talk to Alvor. Find out about the supplies, then tell him what happened in Helghan. In a conversation with him, you should definitely find out about the city of Whiterun and Jarl Balgraf.

In this town you may meet another useful companion - Sven or Fendal. By profession they are archers, so the difference will not be big when choosing. And they will ask you to take your letter to a girl named Camilla Valerius. The girl usually walks the streets or sits in her brother's shop. She needs to give the letter. You'll have to lie about who the author will be. Once you point out the false author, you can safely return to the one who was shown in a good light.

In Camilla's brother's shop, talk to her brother Lucan, from him you can learn about the missing golden claw. After which it will appear on your map new mark, which will indicate the location of Windy Peak. Now the search for this golden claw will begin.

The Golden Claw

As you go into the mountains, you will find yourself in Windy Peak. On the way to it, you will come across enemies, but it will not be difficult for you to defeat them. Once you go up, you need to defeat the local robbers. Then find the door and enter Windy Peak itself. Immediately after entering, you will find yourself in a large hall and there will be two robbers and a couple of chests. In them you can find many useful items for you.

Now you need to go down and along the way destroy all the enemies that meet you. Sooner or later you will come to the mystery statues. You need to turn the statues so that the statues of two snakes and a fish are turned towards you. After which the previously closed gate will open for you, which will lead you even deeper into the dungeon. There will be a table here, spirit stones will lie on it and a chest will stand next to it. Soon you will be attacked by rats. They won't pose any serious problems for you. A more serious battle will be a little further. As you go down the stairs and move on, your path will be blocked by a cobweb - chop it down or burn it with magic. Now a huge spider will appear that uses its poison, and it is already much stronger than the previous enemies.

Once this monster is killed, you will be able to free the captive Arvil, who is caught in the web. Free him, but be careful not to miss him, because despite his loud words, he will simply abandon you, so you need to kill him. The golden claw will be with him and he will not want to be separated from it. Thus, it is better to deal with it at the first opportunity.

But don't stop and move on. Next there will be group burials - a crypt, where you will meet the local undead - Draugr. They are very vulnerable to fire, so it would be a good idea to attack them with magic or an enchanted fire sword.

Go further and watch your step, as there are a lot of traps here. At the very end of the hall you can find a chest. Next to it will be a chain-shaped lever that you will need to pull. Pull this chain. After which you can find two more chests and go deeper into this cave. Along the way you will meet a couple more opponents and many other rooms. Eventually you will reach a door with this combination lock. To solve the riddle of this door, rotate the relic you found in your inventory. The riddle is this: a bear, a butterfly and an owl. After you collect this combination, insert your claw into this hole and the doors will open for you.

Descend further and you will find yourself in one of the tombs. Soon you will reach a wall where there will be symbols in the dragon language. This stone will teach you your first dragon word or Shout. Scream - Ruthless Force. This word will automatically revive a strong enough draugr. Once you defeat him, you will receive the first Dragon Stone. It is better to study this location as carefully as possible, as there are a lot of useful items here.

Now nothing will hold you in this tomb anymore and you can return to dear Riverwood. In order to give the found claw to Lucan and, of course, receive his reward. Your next goal is Whiterun.

Dragon Rising

Now from Riverwood, you can go to the northwest side. On that side will be located great city Whiterun. But the guards won’t really want to let you into the city, so you need to either buy guards, persuade them, or say that you need to get to the Jarl as soon as possible with an important message.

Once you find yourself inside this city, you need to quickly go to the Jarl and tell him about what happened in Helghan at the treasury. After the conversation, he will send you to the magician Farengar, who will immediately give you the task of finding the Dragon Stone in Windy Peak. But since you were there, you can simply give the pebble to Farengar. Upon completion of the task, information will immediately be received about an attack on the watchtower to the west.

Now the Jarl of Whiterun will ask you to go and help his soldiers defeat this dragon. Follow the squad from the city. You will need to enter into your first battle with the dragon. After you are able to defeat him, his soul will come to you. And now you can connect the soul together with the powers found by the word. Subsequently, you will achieve your first Shout. Show how he acts to the guards and they will call you - Dragonborn or Dovahkiin.

Return to the Jarl and tell him about what happened on the battlefield. After this, your path will lead to High Hrothgar. The last thing you can do in Whiterun is take your companion Lydia with you. She is your personal housecarl.

The Way of the Voice

High Hrothgar is located at the very top of the mountain, which is located near Whiterun, but you have to go around to climb up the path. You won't be able to climb all the way up. You can make the path easier, but longer; in principle, there is no choice. In general, you need to go to the cute village of Ivarstead, which is located in a northeast direction.

Once you pass this small village, you can follow the path to the top of the mountain. The path will go through tigers, wolves, frost snakes and ice trolls. It won't be difficult for you to walk this path.

Once you are at the very top, go inside High Hrothgar. In this fortress live people who call themselves Greybeards. They will help you study the power of the Voice. Now you will need to pass a couple more tests, after which you will be taught a new Shout and a couple of words.

Once you learn to control your power, the Greybeards will give you a new task - to find the horn of Jurgen the Summoner. You can start your search from the town of Ustengrev. This tomb will be located in the Solitude city area.

Horn of Jurgen Windkeller

The grave will be located very deep in the tomb. You can get to the Ustengrev location with the help of a cart, a horse, or with your own two. The cart will cost you a couple of hard coins.

Inside this crypt you will first encounter two bandits and necromancers. Once you deal with them, continue your way deeper into the crypt. Eventually, somewhere in the middle of the crypt, you will take part in a battle between the draugr and the magicians. To begin with, it is better to destroy the undead, and then the magicians themselves.

Move to the left and then along the bridge, into the very depths of Ustengrev. Beware of various traps and the undead that live in this crypt.

In the southern part of the crypt, on the lower floors, you can find a lever that will open the gate for you. After the gate you can find a chest, but first you need to defeat several enemies, so be prepared.

Move further, but in the northwest direction. On your way you will meet various and very aggressive evil spirits, so keep your shield ready. Cross the bridge and then you will find about three runes on the ground. Before activating them, go up the stairs on the right side and destroy one of the skeleton archers. After which, you need to quickly click on the ruins and run through the doors that will open for you.

The next room is your control point. But the trouble is, Rog won’t be here. But you can find one very interesting note in which you will be offered to rent a room for the night in a familiar tavern in the town of Riverwood. Before you leave, be sure to search the room that is located in the eastern part, there will be a lot of useful things there.

After the search, you can safely return to Riverwood.

A Blade in the Dark

Once you find yourself in the Riverwood settlement, immediately go to the local tavern and rent a room as indicated in the note. You need to request a room in the attic. But as it turns out, there are no such rooms here at all, but instead you will be given another one. Stay overnight in it.

In the morning, the girl Delphine will wake you up. She will tell you why she left this letter and give you the Horn of Jurgen the Summoner. Now she will need to go with her to chop off the limbs of another lousy dragon.

To find this dragon, follow the mark that appears on your map, it will be somewhere in the eastern part of Skyrim.

The road will be very long for you, so the best option would be to buy yourself a horse that will make your travel easier.

When you finally reach your destination, you will be forced to fight a dragon named Saloknir, who will be resurrected before your eyes by an ancient evil - Alduin. This battle will not be too difficult and, in principle, will be no different from the battle near the city of Whiterun.

After you show the dragon who's boss, return to the Riverwood village and talk to the girl Delphine again. If she is not in her place, then just wait 1-2 nights.

For completion of this assignment you will be given the Blade as a reward, and your next location will be the Thalmor Embassy, ​​which is located in Solitude.

Diplomatic Immunity

You can see the location of the city of Solitude on your map. You can get there on your own two feet, there is also an option with a cart. But you can use the previously opened crypt; it is located not far from the city, so you won’t have to walk for long. Once you are in the city, go to the tavern called "The Laughing Rat" and talk to a man named Melborn. He will tell you to put on your equipment. Don't worry, he is not deceiving you as you think. Therefore, the things that he takes from you, he will later give to you. Once you've talked to him, go outside and meet your friend Delphine. Change into the clothes that were given to you. After that, get into the carriage provided to you and go to the Thalmor party.

Once you are there, you will need to give the letter to the guard, after which you will get inside the building.

First, inside this house, talk to the ambassador named Elenwen, and then to the man named Razelan Estate.

He will soon ask you to bring him drinks, so you will need to fulfill his request. Find a local waitress and take drinks from her. After which, ask him to arrange some kind of mini-scene to divert all attention and sneak deeper into the house unnoticed. Once Razelan arranges this for you, immediately find Malbor in the bar and he will immediately take you to the desired room through the kitchen. By the way, he will also return your equipment to you.

Now you need to make your way quietly inside the building, while trying to kill the guards as quietly as possible. Get to the second floor, after which you will go into the embassy courtyard and enter the main Thalmor building. It will be necessary to neutralize all the guards in the building and go to a small room that is located in the northwestern part of the house. There will be a chest here. Search it and find Dragon Research, and a key to the interrogation room. Here you will find such interesting documents as the dossier on Ulfric and Delphine. Now go up the stairs and open the doors with the key, then go inside. And here, you will already find a dossier on Esbern’s friend. On the left side you will find a cell where a man named Etienne Rarnis is locked. Once you talk to him, you can find out a lot of interesting information for yourself.

Now the guards will attack, so it will need to be repelled. Once you do this, return for the captured Etienne and get out of this place. As you exit, Delphine will meet you. Talk to her and move on to Riften.

A Cornered Rat

You can find the city of Riften on the map in the southwestern side. The distance will be quite greater, so it makes sense to use a cart. You'll need to find old Esbern, but your only lead is a man named Brynjolf. Here it is, finding it is not a problem for you. During the day he wanders around the market, and at night he is already in the tavern. Once you talk to him, you can find out about the thieves guild, which is located under the city of Riften itself. Apparently they are protecting Esbern. No matter who is protecting him, you need to find him, so go underground in search of the desired target. At Rathway Warrens.

It's quite difficult to get inside. There will be a lot of bandits and traps on your way. Eventually you will get to the "Broken Jug" - the local hideout of all bandits and thieves.

Go to the local bar and chat with Wekel. Ask him about Esbern. You can find out from him, win, or extract the necessary information. Now go east, thus going even deeper into Rathway Warrens. After a long walk through the corridors and rooms, you will finally find Esbern. Talk to him, ask about Delphine and about the 30th day of the month of Frost. After you say that you are Dovahkiin, he will agree to become your companion.

Now go back to Riverwood. Here Esbern and Delphine will finally meet, and you will be able to find out your next goal, namely the Temple of Heavenly Shelter.

Alduin's Wall

You're off on a long journey again. This time your path lies in the southwest direction. The path is very difficult and difficult to pass, so if there are nearby markers, it is better to move to them. Once you are near the temple, you will need to fight through Mount Kart. But with the support of Esbern and Delphine, this should not be a difficult task for you.

In the northwest side you can find three pillars. They need to be installed as follows: on each of the pillars there should be a symbol that signifies the rebirth of the dragon.

In the next room, several fire traps will await you, but even here, the same symbols can guarantee you complete safety. Now you need to pull the chain so that your path is completely safe and the next bridge is lowered. Eventually you will end up near a stone head. Here Esbern will start chatting, wait until he finishes and click on the seal that you see. In the next room, look at the fresco that is depicted on the wall. Talk to Delphine, after which she will tell you that you will need help from the Greybeards. So we need to return to High Hrothgar.

The Throat of the World

When you return to the Greybeards, give them the Horn of Jurgen the Windcaller, so your trials will be over. Talk to the elder Greybeard Arngeir and learn how to defeat the dragon Alduin.

They will tell you about the dragon Paarthurnax, after which go out into the courtyard and learn a new cry.

You will need to go south and then climb the mountains. Thus, you will reach the Center of the World. Paarthurnax will be here. After talking with him, you will need to find the Ancient Scroll. But here’s the problem, no one knows where he is, not even the elder Greybeards. Therefore, before leaving, you will need to chat with the dragon again, after which he will be able to increase the power of your Shout.

Now you can return to Hrothgar again and talk to Arngeir. He will advise you to go to the College of Mages in the city of Winterhold.

The city itself is located far, far to the north. Once you arrive there, it will be closed to you. To get there, you need to pass these entrance exams and find a girl named Faralda.

As soon as you get inside, you will immediately fight with an orc named Urag dro-Shub. After talking with him, you can get a book about the Ancient Scrolls. The author of the book is Septimus Signus. You can find this author in the northern part of the College of Mages. When you find him, talk to him and he will give you a sphere and a cube, and then he will tell you that you can find this Ancient Scroll in a location called Alftand.

Elder Knowledge

Altfand is located in the southwestern part. Not far from Signus's camp. Once you are near the ridge of the mountain, cross several bridges and reach the entrance to the ice cave. Go deeper. And then the voices of two Kadhits will begin to be heard, and you will immediately notice that a couple of dwarven mechanical spiders have been destroyed here. After this, go further and find out that the gate is closed, so turn west.

But don’t turn away from the path and move on. At the end of your wandering, you will reach platforms on the left side. They will need to be overcome, after which there will be a very high-quality reward.

Now you can go back and go through one hall. Continue your way forward and go up one level, after which you will need to go through a corridor with moving walls. Once you pass this test, you will finally reach the Dwemer sanctuary.

Move on. On your way you will encounter a couple of enemies and a chest with Endrast's chatter. Next, a room with traps will await you. Better protect yourself from plates with traps that will be activated when pressed. Go further until you find yourself in a room with wild elves and one switch that will open a previously closed gate for you. Expect a centurion to greet you behind these gates. As you go further, you will come across two more opponents that you will have to defeat. After winning, you will need to turn on the mechanism that is located in the center of the room. A staircase will open for you, which you will need to climb and move on. Continuing further, you will reach the Tower of Mzarka.

At the top of this tower you can find one mechanism. You will have to press the button four times. The third one will have to be pressed twice. You only need to press the far left one once. After which, you can finally take the Ancient Scroll and Runic Lexicon.

Now you can safely return to Parthunax, then to Upper Hrothgar.

You can give the Runic Lexicon to Signus, after which you will receive additional quest and a very good reward.

Alduin's Bane

Return to the Center of the World and stand in the center of the site. And use the Ancient Scroll. Thus, you can learn a very powerful Shout, but the trouble is, Alduin will suddenly attack you.

As soon as you can win, immediately talk to Parthunax and go to the city of Whiterun to Jarl Balgraf. It will not be very easy for you to persuade him, because there is a bloody war going on, so you need to spend your time to alleviate the situation.

After a little agreement, return to the Greybeards. They will agree to negotiate, but your responsibilities will include inviting General Tullius and Ulfric Stormcloak.

Thus, you need to visit Solitude and the city of Windhelm.

Then return to High Hrothgar and conduct the necessary negotiations.

After an agreement has been reached, one of the members of this meeting will talk about the dragon Odaving.

And you will also be asked to kill the good dragon Paarthurnax, but this condition no longer becomes mandatory.

Nest of the World Eater (The World-Eater's Eyrie)

Go to the Jarl and tell him that everything is ready so that you can set a trap. Now all that remains is to use the Shout, which can summon a dragon. Subsequently, the dragon Odahviing will appear. It is necessary to engage in battle with him and lure him into an invented trap.

After this, talk to the dragon Odahviing and be sure to release him. You can pass the order to the guards or do it manually. You can talk to him again, after which he will agree to take you to Skuldafn. Keep in mind that your companions will not travel with you, so it is better to stock up on everything you need.

Make your way to the Temple and go inside. Go forward until you reach a room with pedestals.

Now you need to stand on the north side, after which three birds will open a room for you in which there is a chest. Display a bird, a snake and another bird. This way you can go even further.

Now go across one bridge to the spiral staircase.

The code for another door consists of a wolf, a butterfly and a dragon.

We need to push through again. After you break through, the road to Sovngarde will be waiting for you. What many people in the province of Skyrim are talking about.


Chat with the ghost and walk through the fog very carefully. Alduin is nearby, so he carefully monitors all your actions. Your destination will be even further away.

Tsun will be ahead, so talk to him so that he can help you get into the Halls of Valor, if, of course, you can pass the test of strength. Once you have won your well-deserved victory, then cross the bridge and go into the Hall. Now you have to talk with Ysgramor, after which you will need to enlist the help of heroes from the past. With their help, you can reach the finals of the entire battle. To begin with, you will need to use Scream of the Clearing Sky three times.

After you are able to defeat the dragon Alduin, then talk to the ghost Tsun again and he will teach you the Shout of Valor.

And now you can safely return to your native lands, to the province of Skyrim. The finale and the game is over.

How to beat Skyrim?

Let's start talking about a fairly popular role-playing game Skyrim, the fifth part of the series The Elder Scrolls, or in our opinion - The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. How to complete the quest, what adventures await you, what heroes and places you will meet. Let's talk about this, let's plunge into the mysterious Skyrim.

How to complete Skyrim: missions

To make it easier for you to understand how to complete a mission in Skyrim, we will structure our narrative as a step-by-step examination of the game’s episodes. This is especially important if you are new to this roleplaying game.

Episode "Freedom"

We called our first episode quite optimistically, although it would seem that the beginning promises to be different. Well, first of all, we are criminals. Secondly, we are riding in some run-down cart, surrounded by the same criminals and guards, and hearing about completely unkind events in Skyrim. Thirdly, as it turned out, we are also suicide bombers, and in the Helgen fortress, where our convoy is heading, the executioner is waiting for us.

All criminals are being checked by name. Now it’s your turn, which means the moment has come to create your hero. Here only your imagination and taste, and we will continue the conversation on how to beat the game Skyrim.

We tried, created a hero, and he goes and bows his head before the executioner... But, as in a good fairy tale, oh, a miracle! A fire-breathing dragon lands on the tower. There is panic, confusion, screams all around, everyone is running, and we get the opportunity to join the game.

In the company of Ralof and Ulfric, you need to hide in the tower. On the way you will come across a hole broken by a dragon, this is where you need to jump. Well, the imperial Hadvar is already waiting for us on the street, who will accompany us to the main fortress tower. Here you will be faced with a choice for whom you will fight next: decide to go against the rebels - keep Hedvar company; decided to destroy the imperials - go with Ralof.

In the building, your partner will cut the bonds. We take armor, weapons and keys from one of the corpses (to free ourselves from shackles).

Long corridors are your path. Spiders and other enemies are the ones worth fighting. Upon completion, you receive the task of heading to Riverwood, where you will need to find Ralof’s sister (if he is your companion) or Uncle Hedvar (similarly).

Episode: "Before the Storm"

In Riverwood we find a woman who will provide you with the keys to the house. You can spend the night there. In gratitude, you go to Vaytarn and tell him about the dragon’s invasion so that he can prepare to defend Riverwood. Here you also receive the task of helping Faringar.

Episode: "Windy Peak"

We continue to figure out how to beat Skyrim.

For a more detailed study of reptiles, Faringar needs dragon stone, that’s exactly what you have to find.

Let's go shopping. We are interested in the one with the name "Riverwood Merchant". Here you can also receive a new task. You will hear a couple talking about stealing their golden claw. If you agree to help in finding him, then Valery Lukan’s wife (the man in the couple) will take you to the bridge, telling you about what happened.

The search for the golden fire will take place on Windy Peak. By the way, prepare your onions, you will meet a couple of banditos that you need to deal with. We walk along the corridors and see a treasure hunter, who, unfortunately or fortunately, is hit by trap arrows. In order not to die, you need to avoid the trap by solving the problem. In front of you there will be three stones with different images. Make a combination of them: Snake_Snake_Fish. He pulls the lever and finds himself in a room with a spider. To make it easier to fight him, stand slightly in the passage where you entered and shoot him with a bow or using magic.

The spider is killed, and in front of you is the claw thief. Free him, but don't relax. The thief will run. And you are behind him. We catch up and take the claw.

In the Nordlings' hall you will again encounter a puzzle. We study the golden claw and build a combination, from top to bottom: bear_moth_owl. And again the battle with the Dragurs. Next, we examine the language of dragons on the wall. Here we have to meet an unknown enemy, which depends on your level. We grab the dragon slab and return to Valery Lucan and receive 400 gold for our efforts.

Episode: "The Way of the Voice"

We are heading to the city of Ivarstead, from where the procession to the Great Hotgar monastery will begin. Let it be quite boring. We meet Arngeir in the temple and demonstrate to him (at his request) “Ruthless Strength”. Next, a certain Einart will teach you a new word of power.

Another Borri character teaches you the "Rush" shout. Let's put it into practice.

And then we get the task again - getting Jurgen's horn.

Episode: "Jurgen's Line"

This horn lies in Ustengrev, in the Hjalmark swamp in a certain tomb. In that same tomb we fight dragurs and skeletons (not so difficult). We reach the bottom, we come across a passage with three grates, near which we see 3 magic stones. When we approach the stone, the grate will open; as soon as we move away, it will close. This is where we remember our “Rapid Dash”, and use it.

Next are descending slabs with fire, spiders and cobwebs, through which we pass in search of a door behind which... there is no horn. But you will find a note. She will direct you to Riverwood, where you need to rent a room in the attic.

In the city we ask Delphine for the room she needs, which she doesn’t have, but there is another one. Go there with Delphine, where she admits that the note was left by her. After which she will lead you to the wardrobe, or rather to the room hidden in it. There Delphine will tell you why you surrendered to her. Listen carefully.

Delphine will give you Jurgen's horn, which we return to the Greybeards. Well, you will be rewarded with the third word of the cry “Ruthless Force”.

Episode: "Blade in the Dark"

With or without Delphine, you need to go to the Kin Grove. Here we meet Alduin, he revives a dragon named Saloknir. There will be a fight with the dragon. We kill, swallow his power, enjoy Delphine’s trust (if you are with her).

Episode: "Diplomatic Immunity"

We continue to learn how to beat the game Skyrim. For a long time? But how exciting.

We are looking for information that compromises the Thalmor, the alleged culprit of the dragon invasion. Delphine will give us the keys to her secret hideout in Riverwood.

Further in Solitude, in the Laughing Rat tavern we meet with Malborn (an acquaintance of Dolphins). He will give us the invitation we need to a gala reception at the embassy. And then we head to the stables, where Delphine will give us clothes suitable for the reception.

At the party, we take brandy from the maid and head to Razelan, who, as they say, is “already ready,” but agrees to cause a commotion in exchange for a drink. While everyone is distracted by the heavily drunk Razelan, you, along with Malborn, head to the kitchen. We kill or bypass all the guards using the stealth skill.

We go out to the house where we look for documents. By the way, you need a room on the 2nd floor.

In the basement we kill the enemy and free Etienne Rornis. He will share with us the available information.

The guards appear, we interrupt them, take the keys, unlock the hatch and dive into it.

By the way, the Thalmor have nothing to do with awakening dragons. He himself is looking for the culprits. We find out the clue: Esbern is a member of the Order of Blades, hiding in the city of Riften. So, how to complete this mission in Skyrim? Of course, find Esbern.

Episode: "The Hunted Rat"

To help you, you need Brynjolf, who can be found in the Buoyant Flask or in the trading area.

Vekel the Warrior will tell you about an old man similar to Esbern who lives in the Anthill. That's where we'll find him. Don't forget that you will have to fight with competitors. Convince Esbern that you are not an envoy of the Thalmor, simply say Dolphin’s phrase: “Remember the thirties, the beginning of frost.” Esbern will let you in.

Episode: "Alduin's Wall"

After the battle with the Thalmor people, we go with Esbern to the Sleeping Giant. We go to Delphine’s chambers, where we listen to the old man’s story about Alduin’s wall.

Through the Karthspire camp, seething with enemies, we head to the Temple of Heavenly Harbor. In the temple we put out the signs of the Dovahkiin facing ourselves in order to lower the bridge. Using the sign of the Dragonborn, we walk along the plates.

Let's meet the seal. You'll have to leave your blood on it. We find ourselves in Sky Harbor, where we reach Alduin's wall.

Episode: "The Throat of the World"

We go to High Hortgar, look for Arngeir, talk to him.

Another character on the path to completing the game Skyrim is Paarthurnax, who has the cry “Dragon Slayer”. It is located at the highest point in Skyrim - the Throat of the World.

At this stage we will get the cry "Fire Breath".

Episode: "Ancient Knowledge"

We need Esbern (he is in the Sky Harbor Temple).

You also need to go to the College of Winterhold. We speak with Ugar gro-Shab (keeper of the scrolls). We receive a book whose author, Septimus Signus, lives in the far north.

We talked a lot about how to beat the game Skyrim. For the sake of intrigue, we will skip some episodes; you will have to go through them on your own. By the way, if the previous descriptions were not entirely clear, there are other ways to find out how to beat Skyrim: the video will help you. Find it on the Internet. In the meantime, we will list the episodes that await you.

  • "Beyond the ordinary"
  • "Curse of Alduin"
  • "Fallen",
  • "Endless time"
  • "House of the World Eater" Let's stop here a little and give a couple of tips. Here you will be in the temple, where you will once again encounter riddle doors. To open the right door, the answer is: bird_bird_bird. For the left: bird_snake_bird. Then enemies and spiders. And, we turn the stones: fish_snake_bird - then the bridge lowers. And a door with a clue: fox_moth_dragon.
  • "Sovngarde"
  • "Dragon Slayer" - here it is, the final episode exciting game Skyrim. You are there! We are sure that you will easily cope with completing the missions of this game.

We are starting a game that in itself can become the first in any of its similar genres. A game that is ready to outdo almost any competitor. A game that once again amazes our imagination with its scope. However, if you play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, then you must have heard about its predecessors - Oblivion and Morrowind. However, even if you haven’t heard, you will soon be completely convinced that the game is epic. You have to participate in writing new history and become an integral part of it. What could be more worthy?..

According to a long and firmly established tradition, you will not be able to start the game as a free citizen who is absolutely free in his decisions. You are... in custody, let's call it that. Therefore, you will have to act according to the situation. Together with the captured jarl, the leader of the uprising, Ulfric Stormcloak, you are being taken to execution. Yes exactly. Soon destined to die. On the way in the cart, you will listen to the conversation between the captured Nord and the thief from Rorikstead. Considering that you haven't created your character yet, listen carefully to everything. I really liked what Ralof says and the way he says it, so the scales at the beginning of Skyrim swung towards the Nords... So much so that I even thought about creating a Nord for myself. But... More on that later.

For now, you will simply drive forward, watching the interaction between the absolutely calm Nord before his death and this very thief. However, this is not the first time for us to simply observe. At the entrance to the village where your life should end, you will see a general communicating with a high elf (in this game, a High Elf is a race, not a height). It seems like a small thing, but in the future there will be a very interesting development. And in general, don’t overlook a single little thing, don’t do anything that could damage your reputation, otherwise you can harm the passage of Skyrim. Remember - you live in this world, so don’t spoil your home.

But now the festive carriage has arrived at its destination and the imperials call you one by one. They name him and send him to the place of future execution. As is the case in The Elder Scrolls games, you will only now be able to create your character. And I advise you to stay longer on this page, because after the start of the game you will no longer be able to change anything. So here we go.

Preferred race in Skyrim walkthrough

First, you have to decide on your race. We will dwell on each of them in more detail so that you have an idea not only from what is described in the game, but also from the experience of the person playing. Let's start in order.

Argonian is an upright walking reptile. The main trump card of this race is resistance to poisons. Also, during long swims, they can spend longer under water. Yes, and they can heal quickly. True, this is where their advantages of completing Skyrim for this race end. I can only say that potions help with resistance to poisons, magic and elixirs help with treatment, and you can simply swim competently.

Breton- a magician and an anti-magician rolled into one. Magic will practically not work against you, and you can be a very dangerous opponent to any enemy. The unique feature of the race allows you to almost completely resist enemy magic in the passage of Skyrim. An ideal option for a person who wants to move a lot and come up with sophisticated combinations of spells to win.

High Elf- the most strong magicians. If you are an experienced player and prefer to kill enemies from a distance using only the power of your mind, this race is simply made for you.

Imperial- one of the most interesting races. Thanks to their innate abilities, Imperials make the best traders. But they also have the ability to use magic and use weapons, because you cannot leave your goods defenseless. The racial ability will help calm down enemies, and then immediately deal with them. Vile but effective in the passage of Skyrim

Khajiit- erect walking cats. Like all felines, Khajiit have ideal flexibility and are very dexterous. It is the Khajiit who will make the best thieves in the game. They cause the most damage in unarmed combat. They are the ones who see in the dark. In general, fans of thieving skills must choose the Khajiit.

Forest Elf- the best archer. The colossal damage that they will inflict with their arrows cannot be compared with any of the races. Although you can develop shooting skills for anyone, it is most correct and appropriate for a forest elf. And he has good inclinations for theft. Of course, the Wood Elves are inferior to the Khajiit in their ability to steal, but this race is a very worthy choice. And animals tamed by forest elves can provide invaluable assistance in battle and even save lives during the passage of Skyri.

North- people of the north who, in light of their natural talent, perfectly resist the magic of cold. All spells from this branch will only deal a quarter of their damage. They specialize in axes and with their war cries and fearlessness are ready to put almost any enemy to flight.

Orc- the best blacksmiths who are able to repair any armor in the field. Wear extremely heavy armor and heavy weapons. If you're looking for agility, don't go with the Orc. But if you are used to going ahead, then equip it to the maximum and you will have no equal on the battlefield. If an orc falls into a berserk state, not a single enemy will survive a meeting with him in the vastness of Skyrim.

Redguard- You won't find better fighters in the empire. The feeling that they are born with weapons and even in the mother’s womb show their fighting qualities. Their better physique makes them very tenacious, and poisons practically do not harm them. If you like variety in weapons, then choose the Redguard. His fury of battle will also add to the weapon the uncontrollability of the owner.

Dark Elf- the last of the races available to us. An interesting combination of magic and stealth. You can hit your opponent without him even realizing he's dying. Since ancient times, dark elves have been immune to the fire school of magic, so in Skyrim they can be very appropriate, given who we have to fight. But we won’t set you up for something specific in advance...

So, the choice is made. It's time to start creating the character's appearance and choosing a name. I’ll tell you a secret that I completed all the games in The Elder Scrolls series as a Redguard. Therefore, Skyrim will be no exception. By the way, pay special attention to the appearance of the character, since you will very often carry out the final blows, which can be quite beautiful. AND main character should always please you with his appearance. However, we continue...

When everything becomes clear on the lists of the Imperials, they will still decide to execute you, so as not to mess around. Proceeding into the circle, you will listen to the general’s speech, designed to denigrate Ulfric. But the speech will be interrupted by a strange noise, vaguely similar to the roar of an animal. However, this noise will not interrupt the ceremony of cutting off heads. The first execution will be carried out, you are next in line. The roar will repeat again, but you are already being forced to your knees, and the executioner raised his ax to strike. You're waiting for the last second of your life, but the source of the strange noise finally appears above the tower at the beginning of Skyrim. The dragon came to burn the village. Yes, they have not been heard of for many years, many considered them a fairy tale, but today the fairy tale has come to life, giving you hope, albeit illusory, for salvation.

To freedom!

This will begin the first task in the game, in which we simply have to survive. And despite the fact that at first you just need to get to the fortress by following Ralof, then it will develop very rapidly. Ralof will offer to hide through the tower, but the dragon plans a little differently - the tower is broken, you cannot go up in the Skyrim walkthrough. Ralof will advise you to jump onto the roof of the inn and run. Look at the top of the screen, there is something like a mini-map. It’s easy to determine the direction from it, so you won’t be able to get confused. Just run where you are directed. Now, unfortunately, there will be nothing to profit from. Jump from the attic to the ground and move in the indicated direction.

Now you will have your first choice - follow Ralof or follow Hadvar. In principle, the difference will be insignificant. You will still have to follow Ralof further, especially when you get out. Only in this case will the imperial warriors be hostile. Although this cannot be said that this is bad, since additional equipment during the passage of Skyrim will not hurt us.

Enter the fortress. I chose Ralof because the Imperial equipment is better and will allow me to immediately dress my Redguard as expected. You can choose the second path - the result will still be the same. The fortress is waiting for us new stage quest "Freedom!", which forces us to escape from Helgen. In the hall you will first learn how to search bodies and use equipment. Take everything from Gunyar and equip yourself. Now you have your first encounter with the Imperials. I won’t describe how to kill them - just fight, there won’t be any problems. Search the bodies and get the key that we so lacked for freedom in the passage of Skyrim.

As one might guess, this is the same key that will open the doors and allow you to move on, following Ralof. You will have to follow him, but you can periodically turn the wrong way, searching the rooms and getting additional loot. Go down the stairs, picking up the cabbage you need along the way. walkthrough The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim to restore health and nutrition. The dragon will again destroy the passage, so you will have to go even deeper underground to get out of the village.

In the next room there are a couple more Imperials waiting for you, who you will have to kill if you followed Ralof. You find yourself in a storage room that needs to be searched for potions and other loot. Remember what a barrel looks like, which you can climb into, and take potions out of it. Got enough? You can go further by first taking all the meat and seasonings. For what? It's simple. You will cook your own food from them Skyrim time passage, which has a beneficial effect on your character.

We move after Ralof. In the next room where we stop, you have to pick the lock of the cage. It's easy to do. The question is solely about the shaking of the master key. Rotate the master key with the mouse to the desired position and press the default "A" button. Press and release quickly. If the pick shakes, do the same procedure after turning the pick. In general, this is how locks open. In the cage, remove his clothes from the magician’s body, which you can sell at a profit or put on yourself. I advise you to hack all the cells, as this will give you a couple of hacking skill points.

Along the way, in the next corridor there will be two doors on the right and left - pick the locks on them too to increase your hacking skill in the passage of The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. Ralof will meet his friends, who will help you in further battles before leaving the dungeon. This room should also be searched. Next you will find more Imperials who need to be killed. And search, of course. Your companions will cope on their own, but it is better to kill everyone yourself, as this will give you additional experience points in handling the chosen weapon.

Ralof will open the way, but immediately behind you the passage will be blocked with stones. Therefore, you will again have to move only together. Going down, Ralof will lead us straight. And you can turn left, where there is some more loot. When you collect it, follow your companion. Carefully! In the next room there is a crowd of spiders interfering with our passage of Skyrim! As always, search them and continue moving.

After reaching the next cave, immediately climb onto the ledge on the left - there is a health potion and a couple of things there. Now deal with the bear. She is a dangerous opponent, but practically incapable of killing. Another simulator to raise your level. That's it, the dungeons are over. Run a couple more hundred meters and the task “To Freedom!” will end!

Before the storm

So, do not forget that there is a small error here, either in the translation or in the developers. Ralof will tell you that you need to split up, but at the same time he will strongly encourage you to follow him. Our goal is to get to Riverwood, where Gerdur, Ralof's sister, lives. She will help us a little. Basically, I advise you to get to Riverwood, collecting all the flowers and ingredients along the way, and then start acting on your own - either simply traveling around the world, or completing all the tasks in a row. But first, let's go to Riverwood. You need to follow Ralof along the road, periodically listening to his comments on our upcoming passage of Skyrim. Basically, you will encounter only one interesting thing on the way - three stones that allow you to choose a specialization. You can choose from the skills of a warrior, thief or magician. The amount of experience you gain from these directions will depend on the choice you make.

When you reach Riverwood, immediately follow Ralof to the left, where you will have a conversation with Gerdur. She will send her son to guard the high road so that the Imperials do not get close undetected. You will hear a lot of interesting things from the conversation between Ralof and Gerdur, after which you should communicate with Gerdur yourself, which should be done regularly in the passage of Skyrim. She will ask you to go to the local jarl who lives in Whiterun to inform him about the dragon attack. The mission "Before the Storm" has been continued. Now we can move straight to Whiterun, or we can do one thing interesting task, which you will receive at the trading post.

Head to the Riverwood Merchant, where selling out is vital. It is with him that you can begin the task “Golden Claw”. It should be noted that this task is a side task, therefore, in principle, it is not necessary to complete it. But I see no reason to refuse it, as well as any task in the passage of Skyrim.

In addition, you can go to the northeastern house of Fendal. If you wait until evening, the owner of the house himself will come and may offer you a task. It consists in the following. Fendal and Sven fight for Camilla's favor. And Fendal decided to forge a letter from Sven so that Camilla would give up the very idea of ​​​​being with Sven. You can take the letter to Camilla, or you can give it to Sven. In the second case, Sven will write his letter on behalf of Fendal, which can also be attributed to Camilla. In the end, depending on your actions, Camilla will prefer either Sven or Fendal. And the one who wins can become your assistant. Choose for yourself who you prefer - the archer Fendal or the bard Sven. Personally, I chose Fendal because he is very useful as a shooter in Skyrim.

Let me remind you that we have the task “Before the Storm”. Considering further events, I advise you not to get the golden claw now, but to go to the Jarl of Whiterun. Go north, Whiterun is indicated on the map. I advise you to go straight north, regardless of the difficulties with the road. This should be done in order to go through the Pelagio farm south of Whiterun, where you can kill the giant and get directions to the Companions in Arms guild. However, it will be possible to get there anyway. But additional experience It won't hurt us during Skyrim.

Approach the gates of Whiterun and talk to the guard. Say you have important news and they will let you in for free. Once you enter the city, chat with blacksmith Adriana Avenici, who will teach you the basics of blacksmithing, armor crafting, and sharpening. Plus, she will ask you to take the sword to her father, who will present this sword to the Jarl’s eldest son. Agree, of course.

If you go to Greymane's house, you can take on the quest "Missing Person", which requires you to find the missing member of the Greymane clan, Thorald. Immediately talk to Avulstein, who will ask you to find evidence that Thorald is alive in the house of the Sons of Battle. Walkthrough Skyrim will take you there. Right there in the house, read the book “Lost Legends”, which will give you the task “Forbidden Legend”.

Enter the house of the Sons of Battle and go to the far closet on the first floor. There is a book on the table that needs to be picked up. It is better to do this when no one is in the house, otherwise the book will have to be stolen. However, see for yourself, completing The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim gives you ample opportunities. This book will tell us about the fate of Thorald. Take her and go to Gray Mane’s house to Avulstein. He tried to go and free his brother by force, but I decided that I would do everything myself. But we'll deal with this later. Now it's time to go to the jarl on the mission "Before the Storm."

After the conversation, the Jarl will send troops to Riverwood and decide to give you another task. In order to understand its essence, you need to talk with the court sorcerer. He is in the next room, where you need to go after the Jarl. Farengar will send you to Windy Peak. If you remember, we needed to go there on the “Golden Claw” mission. Well, agree and move forward, having first questioned Farengar.

Well, is it time to move to Windy Peak? Be careful, when you approach it, you will be greeted by three unfriendly bandits. Kill them, collect trophies and go inside. Inside there will be two more enemies and a locked chest containing some loot. Well, it's time for us to go down. I warn you right away - there will be a lot of cobwebs, so be careful, don’t be scared. Fortunately, there is only one way, you can't go wrong. After walking a little way, you will find several lockers. There is fabric there, but you don't really need it. Around the next turn, more bandits are waiting for you, so you can shoot them right away. Well, or kill in close combat.

In front of you will be a gate with three symbols visible above it. Or rather, there are only two symbols, and the piece between them fell out and lies near the lever. The secret is to line up the same order of symbols on the left wall as above the gate. These are the snake, the snake and the fish. Otherwise, you will take damage when using the lever. Climb up the stairs - there is a hidden healing potion waiting for you. That's it, now you can safely go through the opened gates. Three rats cannot be considered opponents. Collect loot from the niche and go down the spiral staircase.

The next room is completely covered in cobwebs. It should be said that the hint is very transparent. Well, okay, we are no strangers to killing all sorts of nasty things. Moreover, you will begin to hear a voice coming from the corridor. And this voice will tearfully beg for help. Go down a little lower and get ready - around the corner a huge spider is waiting for you, which will descend from the ceiling. It is better to shoot him with a bow, since he will not squeeze through the arch. But if you are a fan of close combat, then now is the time to show your prowess. After the death of the spider, you will see a man in the web, who begged for help. Free him after getting as much information as possible about the claw, and be prepared to kill him, because he won’t just leave. In the next room, collect the trophies and move forward. Considering that embalming tools were lying here, the quests “Golden Claw” and “Windy Peak” led us to a very interesting place.

Be careful, as you go down you will begin to encounter the mummified remains of people who are very aggressive. Now be careful - after three draugs there is a circle on the floor, stepping on which you will activate the trap. It hits very painfully, but you can take advantage of this by moving the draugs in a circle. As long as the trap doesn't hit you later. In the next room there will be a drag mage who fights very painfully. But there shouldn't be any problems with it either. Half a flight of stairs below you will also meet three draugs. And another corridor with a trap. You can run through these swinging axes, but they won't be able to kill you. The main thing is that it doesn’t kill your companion.

And we are going lower and lower. I wonder where our search will take us? You are waiting for the next draugr, who die from a couple of shots or blows, some loot and rise a little upward. Then - a room with a waterfall and another draugr. There is also a chest with another share of the loot. We have only one way - along the movement of water. Pull the ring that will open the gate and move forward. The waterfall flows down, but we don’t need to jump from a sharp cliff. Near the chest, turn right and go down below. We will have a choice - to go down to the place where the waterfall falls, to the chest, or just go straight. Of course, the first option is preferable, since it is more profitable.

It is clear that the dungeons are man-made, but very neglected. There are roots, landslides everywhere... And there are quite a few monsters. Another enemy awaits us - a restless draugr. More serious than ordinary draugs, but still just as weak. He guards the passage to the sanctuary, where we will go as soon as we open the chest to the right of the exit.

It will be a long walk to the next corridor with traps, but you won’t encounter anything interesting on the way. But after the traps, three draugs will be waiting for you - one immediately near the entrance and two above. Collect trophies and go up to the floor. There, after passing through the bridge and opening iron door, you will be taken to a door, which should also be opened using the correct sequence of images. If you take it from the bottom up, then there should be an Owl, a butterfly and a bear. Lined up? Move on. A large cave awaits you, at the end of which there is a strange slab with a strange image. Be sure to save before going there. And then boldly come close to it and use it - you will learn your first dragon cry. And that’s great, but for now you won’t be able to use it. Therefore, just turn around and kill the drauga overlord who appears behind you. A very strong opponent, but he leaves behind an interesting axe, a slab that needs to be taken to the jarl, and other loot. In short, you will need everything. That's it, it's time to go out. Climb up the stairs and use the pedestal at the top. Search the next chest and exit to Skyrim. That's it, the tasks are finished and it's time for us to return to the Jarl and Riverwood to turn in the tasks.

For completing the "Golden Claw" quest you will receive 400 coins. And having gone to the Dragon's Reach to submit the task to Farengar. He will send you to the Jarl for a reward and a new task. It turns out that a dragon was seen nearby. You will be sent along with Airilet to hunt for the dragon. And as a reward for the previous task, they will give me a helmet, which I personally did not wear, but sent for sale. In addition, you will be allowed to buy houses in Whiterun.

Dragon in the sky

So, things can’t wait, and we urgently need to follow Irileth to confront the dragon. It's time to leave Dragon's Reach and head to the Watchtower. Sell ​​your unwanted trophies and leave the city. We need to get to the Western Watchtower, where Airileth is already waiting for us. Upon arrival, you will not see anyone, but when you approach the tower itself, you will hear a command to go to cover and not waste arrows. Well, that's a great idea. However, you won’t be able to sit out for long - either shoot the dragon that has sat on the ground, or kill it hand-to-hand. But keep in mind - it may hurt. And if you don’t use additional means of protection, it’s scary to get into hand-to-hand combat.

Cheat codes
“Mus-cor-ta! There are people here, he’ll pour some coffee...” This is just one of the options that can be heard when listening to the main theme. To help players find out whether the local people will still pour a cup of coffee, we present the author’s walkthrough of Skyrim: The Elders Scrolls 5, from which you will definitely learn all the subtleties world The Elders Scrolls 5. This game is also remembered for the fact that the release date took place on the magical date - 11/11/11. Let's start our passing Skyrim games (Skyrim)!

We find ourselves in a cart with three people unknown to us. Most likely, we were caught for crossing the border, and if this is so, then these people are not friendly towards us. And the question immediately arises - where are they taking our hero?

To freedom!

Well, here is the answer to the question that interests us - a village called “Helgen”. The guards take us out of the cart, and the check of people against the list begins. It immediately turns out that we are not on their list. We customize the character according to your wishes. The only things that remain unchanged are the race of our hero (Nord) and his gender (male).

The fact that we are not on their list does not mean that we are not in danger. We, along with the rest of the prisoners, are escorted to the place of execution. We don’t have to wait long, then someone’s head turns out to be severed and the next one should be ours. The question doesn’t have time to arise: “But the game has just begun, and they can’t cut off our heads?” Suddenly, out of nowhere, a dragon of considerable size appears, looking for the roof of the building as a landing site. All this, of course, leads to panic and chaos, and gives us the opportunity to escape. The most convenient shelter is a tower. We run into it and go up. But be careful, you need to be in time, jump away, otherwise we will be fried by the very creature to whom we are indebted for the opportunity to escape. A hole appears below, we jump into it. Continue straight ahead until we are faced with a choice. We meet Ralof and turn right with him.

In the building we approach our companion, search the deceased, the one lounging at the table, and immediately meet two unexpected guests, whom we quickly deal with with an ax ("R" key to activate; attack - left mouse button; defense - right). Don't forget to check them out and go to open door. Along the way we deal with the guards, take away their clothes and equipment. The sword will be much cooler.

We collect booze and drugs and move on to the cage, go into it and search everything that is there (including the wizard’s body) and take the bag from the table. We follow our allies through the caves. When we meet archers, we deal with them and replenish our arsenal with a bow (not a machine gun, of course, but it can take it off from a distance). We lower the bridge, go straight and to the right. We meet tarantulas, deal with them and take their poison. Tarantulas are not such strong opponents, so the battle does not last long.

The imperial soldier has no idea what awaits him next...

Skyrim - walkthrough

Before the storm

It turns out that our friend Ralof has a sister in the town of Riverwood. The girl has her own sawmill and she can help us. To get into the city, we follow Ralof, and if we suddenly fall behind, we will have to follow the signs. We find his sister, tell us about the dragon who helped us escape and she directs us to Whiterun (who is the local jarl). His soldiers can protect the city. To visit him, you should go north without turning anywhere. We come across imperials who cannot be touched if we want to get into the city. Near the jarl's house we communicate with the guard, to whom we tell about our mission and after that he explains where to find Whiterun. We go to Dragon's Reach, we come across Airileth who refuses to let us see the ruler, but then it turns out that Balgraf the Elder himself wants to talk. We tell him about the dragon that broke the roof and warn him that he might attack Riverwood.

Windy Peak

Following the trail we find Farengar, who asks us for help. The point is this - In the Windy Peak temple, you need to get a tablet that indicates the burial places of ancient dragons, its name is appropriate - the Dragon Stone. We will need a horse (you can steal it from the stable at night, but do not forget to return it in a timely manner). At the temple we deal with the robbers (by the way, a horse can help with this). We go inside and don’t turn anywhere. Everyone you meet on the way is allowed to be stabbed and searched; you can find a lot of interesting things. At the gate we turn left and arrange the statues in the required order (snake-snake-fish).

The passage of Skyrim is just beginning!

The lever opens the gate, and we move on. We kill the rats and go down the stairs. We cut through the web with a sword and kill a huge tarantula. If there is a shortage of vital units, we use drugs. We examine everything and enter into a conversation with the spider captive. We free him, and he repays us by running away. We caught up, first we kill him, and then the draugr. We find the Golden Claw on the former prisoner. Next, the path leads to the sanctuary, but be careful, watch your step and don’t fall under the ax.

Inside you need to find a steel door, but before that you have to go around several traps and kill the draugr, up along the bridge and here we are at the goal. Before us is a puzzle of stones, solved as follows: small - an owl, medium - a butterfly, large - a bear.

We use the claw taken from Arvelius as a key. We go straight to the statue. We get a new magical ability from the luminous rune. Next you have to defeat the lord of the draugr and take the stone. We return along the nearby passage. On the map we go to the Dragon's Reach and give Farengar what he asked for.

Dragon in the sky

Locals report a dragon in the vicinity of Whiterun. We follow to Balgraf and decide what to do. With the soldiers and Irileth we head to the tower, and when a fire-breathing creature appears, we take refuge in it. We are faced with a choice: go out to deal with the creature using sword and magic, or climb onto the roof and shoot using a bow and arrow. The choice is yours. From the dead creature we pick up a new scroll with a spell (activated by pressing “Z”) and return to Balgraf to boast about the work done.

The Way of the Voice

Our fame has reached the ears of the wizards from High Hrothgar and therefore we are invited to visit the Throat of the World, located on the top of the mountain. Having accepted their invitation and found the entrance, we chat with Arngeir, before whom we demonstrate our power. Einart teaches us a new ability, and meanwhile the master silently watches us. Then they arrange sparring to deal with the “rivals”; it is worth using “Ruthless Force”. At the end of the battle, the master leaves, we follow him. We notice a sign on the ground that we need to stand on and follow the master again. The gates open. To pass them, you need to use the "Rapid Dash".

Horn of Jurgen

Having found out that we are not cut out for business, the head of the elders sends us to the swamps of Hjaalmark to the crypt of Ustengrev, for the horn of Jurgen. On the way we meet weak opponents, whom we leave behind and, having stumbled upon a door, we go deeper into the crypt.

We kill the vile draugr and skeletons, go down to three closed doors. To get through, you will have to use the “Rapid Dash” (it’s not for nothing that we were trained). The bottom line is this - we use it only when we approach the second stone and the next jerk after the next stone.

Do you hear? Under the floor there are hidden mechanisms that activate the fire. Now we either wait for the furry creatures to recline, or we carefully move along the stones. We cut the woven web and the door. We pull the “string” and the door opens. Down along the bridge, we find a letter in a stone hand, open the door - expensive yellow metal, search the box. Along the cave to Ustengrev.

We return the same way we came.

The letter says that we are waiting for the one who got ahead of us at the “Sleeping Volcano” (don’t be afraid, this is a tavern). We arrive there, rent a room and go up to the room. We are waiting for the manager, who will escort us to the horn. We take it, learn new magic and there is nothing else to do here.

Blade in the Dark

Together with Delphine we head to the Kin Grove. Along the way we meet people frightened by the dragon. We find him and kill him. We try not to get caught by giving up our friend's shoulder. We attack him when he lands. After the victory, we'll talk to my friend.

Walkthrough of Skyrim

Diplomatic immunity

It turns out that these winged creatures know how to rise from the dead and, what’s even worse, they help their relatives in this. Your friend thinks this is the work of the evil Thalmor.

In Riverwood we talk with our friend again and head to Solitude. We look for the captive Malborn in a diner called “The Laughing Rat”. We talk and leave him our weapons (this is necessary).

We approach Katla’s farm, take Delphine’s invitation and put on the suit, and give her the handcuffs and helmet.

We give the invitation card to the guard, meet Elenwen and talk with Malborn. I advise you to stock up on food (what if it comes in handy?) We take alcohol and sit down on the bench with Razelan. We get him drunk and persuade him to get a little rowdy. We return to Malborn and go into the kitchen, where our things end up. We deal with the opponents and inspect the floors. We find Elenwen's bedroom and hide in the room on the right. We kill the remaining guard and search the box. We go down to the basement, where they torture some poor guy and kill his offenders. We find a book in the box and run back to help Malborn.

We take the keys from the guards and, having unlocked the lock, go downstairs. If you want, you can save Rarnis; if not, well, I feel sorry for the poor guy.

Rat cornered

We have to find a certain Esbern who has a wealth of information about winged fire-breathing creatures. The path lies to Riften. We talk with the guard and go to the Bee and Sting tavern, where we talk with Brynjolf. If you fail to persuade him, then you will receive additional task. I did it differently - I learned about Esbern from the owner of the establishment.

We leave such a wonderful establishment and go to the “Rat Hole”. We deal with everyone who is unfriendly and here again the choice is to break down the door (if you are an expert in this matter), or go straight ahead, bypassing dangerous traps. One way or another, the road leads to the Wild Flask. We talk with Wekel about the old man; if he refuses to talk, we will have to fork out a little. We follow to the anthill, having first looked into the storage room. It turns out we were late.

Esbern is behind the door, but to get through, you need to repeat the phrase that Delphine said. The door is open. We introduce ourselves and tell the story of a girl who needs help. He agrees to help, and the further road lies to Riverwood.

Alduin's Wall

Together with him we deal with the enemies, it’s not so difficult, because he summoned the Astronach and therefore the opponents do not pose much of a threat.

Having returned home, we go into the secret room, talk with Esbern and pick up the book he left behind.

The answer to the question that interests us is on the Wall of Alduin, which is located in the temple “ Heavenly Harbor" We leave the tavern and what do we see? A dragon trying to burn the city to ashes. We'll have to finish him off and move on; his relatives will meet along the way. Kill or ignore - your choice. A large concentration of enemies awaits at the entrance to Kartspire Cave. There is also someone to fight with inside. It is unlikely that we would have defeated everyone alone.

For the bridge to lower, all arrows must be pointing down and only down.

The next task is more difficult - you are looking for the right road that leads to the goal. I advise you to follow the arrows.

We pull the “string” and the door opens.

You need to stand in front of the big head. Our heads will open dearly to us only when we shed blood on the cast in the circle. Happened? Don't rush any further, look in the box. And now up and to the left. A box with interesting content - don't miss it. Now look at the wall, maybe you can find out something. No? Well, then talk to Delphine.

Throat of the World

The girl and Esbern remain in the temple to study the wall manuscript in detail, and we go with the elders, they probably have the necessary information. Upon arrival, we talk with Arngeir and receive a refusal. We are waiting. He changed his mind, but then it turns out that Arngeir does not know the Dragon Slayer spell. Instead, he directs us to Partkurnax (the one who knows all the Shouts), but the path lies through the mountains and so Arngeir teaches us “Clear Sky”. On the way we “get acquainted” with ice ghosts and in the end we stumble upon a dragon. It turns out that this dragon is Paarthurnax. He teaches us “Breath of Fire,” admits that he also doesn’t know “Dragon Slayer,” and talks about the ancient Nords who used a scroll that sent Alduin to travel into the future.

We return to the temple and talk with Arngeir. In his opinion, one of the masters in Winterhold should be familiar with the Dragon Slayer spell and could help us. But here’s the thing: after crossing the bridge, we can’t get inside. To open the gate we need a key, but where can we get it? We talk with the girl by the bridge, her name is Faralda. She forces someone to yell at her using Ruthless Force. We passed, and immediately turning left, we find ourselves in the Arcaneum. It’s worth talking to the owner of all these books; he probably knows something about the Ancient Scroll. This old man's name is Urag gro - Shub. We introduce ourselves to him, and he volunteers to help us. I brought several books. Read them and ask him if he knows about the psycho's notes. He will certainly tell you about the scientist Segonia.

We are heading to this scientist. Along the bridge, straight, left and straight along the slope and we come across a cave made of ice, this is his home.

In Alftandt we go into the ice ruins and, as we go deeper, we destroy the cyborgs and Falmers. We pull the lever and up the stairs. A centurion appears who must be destroyed if we want to follow our goal. Needless to say, you need to avoid his breath and not approach this creature at all. We killed, picked up the key from the body and continued moving. Before you defeat Sulla Trebatius, you will have to deal with Umana, who has strong defense. We lower the Dwemer mechanism and enter the Black Reach.

We go into the tower and go straight, opening the door to the left. Having risen up, we rest against a mechanism with a small number of buttons. In the right stand, open your inventory and put the item. We press the buttons (those on the right) and the button on the left opens. Click on it twice and then on the newly appeared one once. We took the scroll and get out of this tower. Open the map and select the Throat of the World. Once in in the right place, select in your inventory, in the book section - an ancient scroll. Now it’s time to go back in time and get an answer to the question - “How did people drive out the powerful Alduin and kill the dragon?” Forward.

Alduin's Curse

Having returned to our time, we realize that we are forced to deal with Alduin on our own. The Dragon Slayer spell is now available to you. But don't forget that your friend and ally Paarthurnax is also susceptible to this spell. Proceed carefully. Land Alduin and only then attack.


We almost defeated Alduin, but he manages to escape. After talking with Paarthurnax, we go for help to Balgruuf, who in turn puts forward a condition - to reconcile the empire with the Storm Brothers. After talking with Arngeir, we go to a reception with General Tullia and Earl Ulfric.

We go to Windhelm to persuade Ulfric to a truce and for the same purpose to Solitude to Tullius.

We return to Arngeir and after the conversation we go to listen to how the peace deal will go. Things don't go as smoothly as expected, but eventually a truce is established. Talk to Esbern, he will tell you interesting information, about our allied dragon. It turns out that Paarthurnax and Alduin were once friends and in order to enlist the support of Delphine and Esbern in the battle, we have no choice but to kill Paarthurnax.

We go to talk with Balgraf to Dragon's Reach. Use the call of the dragon when you find yourself in the gallery. Odavin will fly to your call, but you don’t need to kill him, just cripple him and, once in a trap, he will give away Alduin’s location. We tell the guards to let our prisoner go and ride him to Skuldafn.

Complete walkthrough of Skyrim

House of the World Eater

Upon arrival at the place, you can walk slowly, destroying everyone in your path. I don’t advise you to ignore them, you may regret it later. The road leads us to the entrance to the temple. We place the pillars sequentially (on the sides of the bird, in the center of the kite).

The lever opens the way for us. We deal with the vile draugr and find the entrance to the cave, where furry ice creatures await us. In the next room we solve another puzzle and press the lever (sequence: top right - bird, top left - fish, bottom - snake).

We go upstairs twice and open the gates blocking the path to the doors. We are met by the leader of the draugr, from whom we confiscate a claw made from Diamond. Another puzzle (small circle - dragon, medium - butterfly, large - dog). But the claw came in handy - we put it into the gap. We jump into the portal, trying not to wake up its guard (why the extra trouble?).


Clear the sky using " Clear sky" and on the way to Tsun. After the conversation, a battle will break out, be careful, it’s not that weak. Our goal is not to kill, but to cripple, like a dragon.
Having crossed the bridge, we meet Ysgramor, he gives us warriors - Gormlaith the Golden Handle, Old Felldir and One-Eyed Hakon. We dispel the fog and head to the exit.


Our goal is Alduin. We use “Clear Sky” three times and notice the dragon. The fight with him is no different from the fight with other dragons, besides with us 3 good warrior. We use the “Dragon Slayer” spell to land it and attack.

Different games