Skyrim walkthrough Heart of the Daedra. Daedra Heart. An original way to get a Daedra heart

There are a lot of possible activities for the player, including crafting things and alchemy. And there is one very rare and healthy ingredient - Daedra heart. And today we’ll talk about where to find them and what you can do with them.

Receipt options.

Although this is a very rare ingredient, there are quite a few options for getting it. Let's start with quests in which you can find daedra hearts:
  1. "Shards of Past Glory" - getting the task is not difficult, you just need to go to Dawnstar and talk to the owner of the museum, Silom Vesula. He will send you in search of weapon parts. In total, you can get 5 hearts for this quest.
    You can pick up the first heart from Draskul's corpse while searching for the pommel for the blade. After you collect the 3 necessary parts, Sil Vesul will inform you that this is not all, you also need a sheath, but he already has the sheath, so all you have to do is recreate the blade. We go to the sanctuary of Mehrunes Dagon, kill Sil there, kill two dremora and take their hearts. After entering the sanctuary, two dremora will also appear. Accordingly, we also kill them and take their hearts.
  2. Note: The sanctuary location is updated every 10 days, so you can farm 4 hearts at a time there.
  3. The second quest suitable for receiving hearts is "Star of Azura" . You can get it. We complete the quest, don’t forget to search the corpses, we get three hearts.
  4. Two more hearts can be obtained while completing the task "Walking Nightmare" , search Vaermina's room, the hearts will be on the shelves in the locker.

Other ways to find the Daedra Heart in Skyrim

  • Also, when the player’s level is above 25, there is a chance of a heart appearing in the alchemists’ assortment. If we are talking about alchemists, then one heart is guaranteed to be bought in Falkreath, but this requires a level above 4th.
  • By the way, you can steal hearts from NPCs, for example, in Jorrvaskr, in Whiterun, there will be one heart on the table next to Kodlak’s room. This location will also be updated once every 10 days, so it is also suitable for farming.
  • You can find another heart by looking into the Evergreen Grove. There is a swamp in it, and in the center of the swamp will lie the corpse of an alchemist. We search him and take the heart. Daedra, of course, and not an alchemist.
  • You should also visit the Night Callers Temple. Look for the alchemy laboratory there, search the closet, perhaps there will be a couple of hearts there.
  • If you have chosen the path of a magician, then you have probably visited the College of Winterhold. In this location you can summon Velek Sein. Go down to the basement, summon and kill him, get another heart.
  • Among other things, I advise you to search the corpses of all Forsworn who were unlucky enough to meet you. There is a chance that when you search you will find hearts.

That's all, now you know where to find Daedra hearts. It would be wiser to use all these hearts to create

"Skyrim" is a game that both schoolchildren and adults have been playing lately. What is the secret of the game's popularity? First of all, in the originality of the world and the high-quality development of the plot. In order to make the game process more enjoyable, in this article we will talk about where to find the heart of a Daedra in Skyrim.

Item Description

Daedra Heart is an alchemical ingredient that is necessary not only for crafting, but is also useful in its raw form. So, this item is used in the game to obtain specific effects after its use. If skills allow and there is an alchemical laboratory, then the heart is processed, as a result of which it is possible to create potions. The effectiveness and strength of the potion depends on the player's skill level. Naturally, the higher the skill level, the better the result.

It is not surprising that many players are looking for an answer to the question of where to find the heart of a Daedra in Skyrim. Let's consider several options.


In Skyrim, as in any other analogue game, in order to get something, you need to approach someone and complete a task. This is the main occupation of the players. Many quests can only be completed once, although there are also those that reset once a day. So, the player will be asked to bring one heart to the orc blacksmith of the jarl in Markarth. His name is Mot GroBagol. This is the first quest. The second is called "Cursed Tribe". By completing it, the hero also brings a heart for Atub.

Where can you find a Daedra heart in Skyrim?

After completing the quest "Shards of Past Glory" in the sanctuary, hearts are collected from the bodies of the Dremora. It is worth noting that they appear once every ten days.

In the quest "Black Star" the hero will meet three dremora, from which you can collect the required material.

Sometimes hearts appear in alchemist shops. Despite the fact that they are rarely on sale, you should not give up trying. Don't have the item you're looking for? Come back later. The game is designed in such a way that hearts can go on sale at any time.

Of course, not the main supplier of hearts, but Enthir can always find a couple.

After the hero completes the quest to deliver salt, Arcadia begins selling one heart. The only problem is that you will need to try hard for this (you need to become a jarl and buy a house). So to speak, to win the sympathy of the local population.

Sleeping Giant Tavern in Riverwood. Look for the merchant Orgnar. He sometimes has 1-2 hearts. This is what is so wonderful about Skyrim. "Heart of the Daedra - where can I get it? Why is it needed?" Such questions will arise in one way or another for any gamer.

Windhelm. Need hearts? Go to the "White Bottle". 1-2 items are sold there.

If you find the corpse of an outcast, search it. Daedra hearts are rare among them, but nevertheless there is a chance.

Once you find yourself in Jorrvaskar in Whiterun, you can try to steal one heart. It lies in Kodlak's room, right next to the Skyrim map. The interior of the game is updated ten times until the very end of the story. This means there is a chance to find ten hearts. The only caveat is that they sometimes fall to the floor, so if you don’t see them right away, don’t despair, but look below.

Before the destruction of the Watch Hall, hearts may lie there too.

If you summon and kill Velek Sein in the basement of the College of Winterhold, you can get one heart. By the way, the basement is called Midden in the game.

If desired, two Daedra hearts can be found in the laboratory of the Night Callers Temple. They lie not far from the cabinet with "Vermina's Apathy", literally in the next cabinet.

"Black Reach". By luck, there are also one or two hearts in the laboratory. Where can you find the heart of a Daedra in Skyrim besides the listed locations?

If you have reached level 30 or higher and purchased the House of Warm Winds, then you have a chance to find a heart by searching the alchemist's laboratory. Naturally, the higher the level, the higher your chances. Therefore, this option is not suitable for everyone. Besides, when you buy a house, you only get a chance to find hearts.

It also depends on the hero’s level whether he will find the desired item in the Evergreen Grove on the body of the alchemist. The body is located in the middle of the swamp, and the chance of an artifact appearing depends, as mentioned above, on the level of the seeker.

During the quest "The White Flask", one Daedra Heart can be found at the end of the cave in the apothecary's bag. It is located to the left of the bottle itself.

What potions include Daedra Heart?

Among other ingredients, the heart is included in potions with the effects “Restore health”, “Fear”, “Stop enemy regeneration”, “Magic damage”.

Other Ingredients - Saber's Eye, Monarch's Wing, Fierce Mushroom, Creeping Vine, Frost Miriam, Frypan Root, Namira's Rot, Human Heart, Blue Dragonfly, Shimmering Flower.

Is there a code to the Daedra's heart?

Reflecting on where the heart of the Daedra is in Skyrim, more experienced players begin to think about codes and cheats. It's so simple: open the command line, enter a few intricate phrases, and you're done. The path, of course, is far from the most honest, but given that you need a lot of hearts for a full set of armor and weapons, you can use the code a couple of times. Why ignore the experience of predecessors? So, the answer to the question: “Where can I find the heart of a Daedra in Skyrim?” Enter a simple command player.additem 0003AD5B 5.

> Daedra Heart

Daedra Heart

Finding a Daedra heart in Skyrim is not difficult, but the difficulty lies in the fact that you need a lot of Daedra hearts. The main consumer of this ingredient is the hero's industrial complex, that is, blacksmithing. Daedra hearts are also used to prepare potions on the alchemy table.

Daedra heart, original name Daedra Heart is an ingredient in computer game The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. The weight of the item is 0.5 units, the base cost is 250 gold coins. The weight of the item is relatively high compared to most alchemical ingredients. The cost is low, it is not recommended to sell Daedra hearts to traders, since this item is rare, its effective cost is much higher. The effects of the Daedra Heart in alchemy are as follows: health restoration, damage to stamina regeneration, damage to mana, fear. You can discover some of the effects in the game by eating a Daedra heart, as well as when preparing a potion, using this thing as the third component. Daedra heart code (id): 0003AD5B. More information about adding things to your inventory is written on the website in the article id items Skyrim. However, this option for obtaining Daedra hearts will not be very fair, but it will be very effective.

Those who play honestly can find Daedra hearts inside the Dremora, after first killing the evil creature. Also, necromancers and other passers-by are moderately rich in such items, but finding them (Daedra hearts) in the game in this way is quite difficult. More precisely, they are rare. There is also an option with a ritual, when the heart of a Daedra is obtained from a human and a black soul stone. But all these methods are labor-intensive and will not ultimately cover the needs for the Daedra hearts of the skilled blacksmith of the armor of the same name. If in Oblivion we often visited the plane of oblivion, so that dremora were encountered in abundance, then Skyrim gives such encounters infrequently (one of them in the Black Star quest). The relative strength of the Dremora themselves has also increased, so it is quite difficult to kill them in a fair fight; the battle with these creatures was mentioned earlier on the site in one of the articles. How merchants obtain Daedra hearts for their stores still raises many questions, but in Skyrim this ingredient can be bought for gold. You need to look, first of all, in alchemy shops. But even in this case, getting a sufficient number of hearts is quite problematic - these rare items merchants have little. Let me remind you that the assortment of each merchant can be replenished with the item you need every 48 game hours. But not all players will want to spend so much time on such boring activities.

Daedra hearts are mainly used to create powerful Daedric armor (a class of heavy armor) and weapons. Alchemy requires this ingredient in much smaller quantities than blacksmithing. So many players get the required number of Daedra hearts using the command player.additem 0003AD5B 5, which is entered into the console. Yes, this path is not fair, but forging a full set of armor and weapons requires much more Daedra hearts than can be easily obtained in the game. It is possible that this was done intentionally by the developers, since such weapons should be rare, like the Dremora in the world of Tamriel.

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Daedra in the universe of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim are demonic entities that live in one of the planes of existence called Oblivion. Their hearts are a rare, powerful and expensive alchemical ingredient that can be used to make various potions: health restoration (if mixed with swamp pods, origma eggs, blue mountain flower, demon mushroom and other ingredients), magic damage potions (using glowing dust or sea acorns), damage potions, strength regeneration and others.

Despite the fact that in the fifth game of the famous series called Skyrim there is no permanent access to Oblivion, finding Daedra hearts, although difficult, is possible. There are several places where you can obtain them, and some merchants and alchemists sell this alchemical ingredient to those who have sufficient knowledge of alchemy. Daedra Heart is not a unique ingredient in alchemy; it can be replaced with other substances that have the same effect.

If a character eats a Daedra heart raw, and not as part of a potion, then with high alchemy skills it is possible to obtain a magical effect or even several.

The Daedric Heart can be used not only in alchemy, but also in blacksmithing to make Daedric armor and weapons. For each item - sword, shield, helmet, armor, gloves - you need one heart. You will also need ebony ingots and leather strips. You can create such armor both in a regular forge and in the legendary Atronach Forge.

Where can I get a Daedra heart?

Passing in Skyrim quest“Shards of the Past”, during which you need to collect the fragments of the Razor of Mehrunes, the character ends up in the Sanctuary of Mehrunes of Dagon, where he will have to face several Daedra and kill them. There are four demons in total, so you can get four hearts at a time.

After completing the quest in this location, the premises are updated every ten days, including new demons, so you can periodically visit this place to get four hearts again.

On the quest "Azura's Star" you can find three Daedra hearts: during the passage the character finds a unique soul stone, gets inside it and fights with three strong magicians fire, which turn out to be demonic entities. After defeating the Daedra, you can take their hearts.

This ingredient does not need to be obtained on the battlefield, especially if you prefer to develop skills such as trading or rather than combat magic and weaponry. Daedra hearts are sold by Enthir, a member of the College of Winterhold, the owner of an alchemy shop in Whiterun Arcadia (only after you complete the task of delivering frosty salt), and sometimes hearts are sold by other alchemists if your alchemy level is above 25.

The Daedra Heart can be found in certain locations or stolen. For example, this ingredient is in the Jorrvaskr building in Whiterun, in Kodlak’s room, in the Watch hall near Dawnstar, in the laboratory in Blackreach, in the House of Warm Winds (available only after level 30), in the Everfree Grove in the body of an alchemist (may not be , if you have a low level), in the Gloomy Castle in Solitude.

Skyrim - RPG game, which all fans of fantasy worlds have been playing for many months. In this game, there are exactly 15 powerful Daedric artifacts that the player can obtain by completing quests. About game Skyrim, where to find Daedra - artifacts, as well as such a rare ingredient as the heart of the Daedra, we will talk in this article.

Daedra Artifacts

  1. Mehrunes' Razor - Daedra Mehrunes Dagon. First, you should get an invitation from the courier to the museum, which is located in Dawnstar. The character must be at least level twenty. It is also possible to simply eavesdrop on the conversations of local residents and thus begin completing this quest.
  2. Mace of Molag Bal - Daedra of Molag Bal. The quest is called “House of Horrors”. The character must be at least level ten at the time of accepting the quest. You can get it in the city of Markarth near one of the houses near Sentinel Turan.
  3. Wabbajack - staff - Daedra Sheogorath. We go to Solitude and find Dervenin, who walks the streets in this city.
  4. Volendrung is Malacath's powerful two-handed hammer. You must be at least level 9. We go southwest from Riften and find the Orc fortress Largashbur, and in it the shaman Atuba, who will give you the quest.
  5. Azura's Star. To receive the quest, you should go to Azura's Shrine, which you will find on a mountain south of Winterhold.
  6. Ring of Namira. The quest is called “Taste of Death”, which you can start by talking with brother Verilius in Markarth.
  7. Skin of the Savior or Ring of Hircine. You can get this or that artifact into your possession by completing the quest that Daedra Hircine will give you. To do this, you must arrive at the cemetery in Falkreath and talk to Mathies. It is he who will open this quest for you, and with it the opportunity to receive an artifact.
  8. Clavicus Vile mask. You can get the Artifact of Daedra Clavicus no earlier than level 10, in Falkreath, by completing the quest with the dog Barbas at the request of the local blacksmith.
  9. The book Ogma Infinium from the Daedra Hermaeus can be given to you after completing the quest given by Septimius Signus. He is located southeast of Winterhold at his post.
  10. The Spell Breaker shield can be obtained upon reaching level 12. To do this, you need to complete the Daedra Peryite quest in his sanctuary, northeast of Markarth near Kesh.
  11. Rose of Sanguin - staff. You can get it by completing the quest given to you by Sam Geven at level 14. This character appears in a random tavern throughout Skyrim.
  12. The Radiance of Dawn is the sword that you will receive from the Daera of Miridia. The statue is located west of Solitude.
  13. The Skull of Corruption is a staff that you will receive from the Daedra Vaermina. The quest is taken in Dawnstar from Erandur.
  14. The Ebony Blade is an artifact of Mephala, which you can receive after level 20 if you become Thane of Whiterun. Going to the tavern, take an interest in the rumors and find the quest “The Door That Whispers.”
  15. Ebony chain mail. Read the book of Daedra Boethiah, which is called that. Level 30 is the minimum.

Skyrim. Where to find the Daedra heart

They can be found by completing the following quests: “Shards of Past Glory” and “Star of Azura.” You can steal the heart in Jorrveskr (the tray near the cabinet), or purchase it from the alchemist in Falkreath.
