How many cards are there in the imaginarium? Rules of the game Imaginarium. Official rules of the game

You can't believe the impossible!
“You just don’t have enough experience,” the Queen remarked.
“When I was your age, I devoted half an hour to this every day!”
On some days, I managed to believe in a dozen impossibilities before breakfast!

Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland"

The board game “Imaginarium” is for those who want to blow their minds, but don’t know how. Unexpected associations and the strangest twists of fantasy, yours and those of other players, await you during an exciting game.

About the game

“Imaginarium” is a Russian analogue of the famous French game “Dixit”, produced since 2008 and won many prestigious awards. This is a card-word game, which is based on the need to come up with associations for the images on the cards and understand the flight of someone else’s imagination, and the pictures, in turn, can be very difficult.

The game will appeal to everyone who wants to put their irrepressible imagination into practice or develop their imagination to unprecedented heights. The ability to think outside the box is the path to victory at Imaginarium! For those whose creative (in a smart way - divergent) thinking is not very developed, the game will be a little more difficult, but it will give them the opportunity to “pump up”. From the point of view of psychologists, the game allows you to learn a lot about the personality of other players and improve their interpersonal connections.

The Imaginarium game is a board game, so in addition to the cards themselves, you will need a horizontal surface where they can be laid out. Ideally, of course, there would be a table - at the very least, it would be very convenient to slide under it laughing, and the game and the players would provide plenty of reasons for fun.

Basically, the Imaginarium game is probably intended for adults; the age limit on the box is 12+, but it is still intended for an older audience. Firstly, it will be more interesting if all participants have a certain level of erudition and some cultural baggage, allowing them to make associations more complex and intricate. Secondly, the very content of the pictures may be too dark for the fragile child’s psyche.

In addition, children have less developed associative thinking and the ability to abstract from specifics.

But if you want to play with the whole family or offer a game to the kids, then it was created especially for such an occasion. board game"Imaginarium Childhood". The game “Imaginarium Childhood” will help children, starting with the youngest school age, develop flexibility of thinking, forcing you to look for non-standard solutions for the sake of victory. However, it is not so simple and boring as to not captivate adults.

In Imaginarium you can mix different sets to make the gameplay even more fun.

The game mechanics are based on several principles. The main one is associations.

Not logic, not luck, but the ability to turn your imagination in the right direction and guess how your opponent’s fantasy worked. Voting: Players must make their choice and confirm it with a voting token.

Simultaneous actions: participants lay out cards and vote in parallel with each other, and not in turn; the turn is observed only when the leader changes.

How the game appeared in Russia

The Russian version of the game was created by Dixit fans Timur Kadyrov and Sergei Kuznetsov, which became cramped within the foreign version. They decided to launch their own project and give it the name “Imaginarium”, which can be translated as “Imaginarium”. The first edition of the game was released in 2011, published by Stupid Casual.

Being in fact the successor to the game “Dixit”, “Imaginarium” is not officially licensed by its copyright holders - apparently, the creators did not agree on the characters. However, only the mechanics of the board game were directly borrowed, and according to the laws of the Russian Federation, it is not subject to patenting - take it whoever you want, use it as you want. Therefore, according to the law, the authors cannot be accused of plagiarism, especially since the game was released completely new and in no way worse than the source code.

There are actually quite a few differences between Imaginarium and Dixit. The design and general mood are very different: “Imaginarium” rather goes into gloom, and “Dixit” into “cuteness”. However, these complex moods are compensated for in the game “Imaginarium: Childhood”, where the authors focused on warmth and kindness. Therefore, the board game “Imaginarium: Childhood” is intended not only for children, but also for everyone who wants to revive bright memories.

In addition, “Imaginarium” is more dynamic, it has different scoring rules, and the gameplay. In fact, only the basic idea remained from its predecessor.

While "Dixit" was drawn by an individual artist, the illustrations for "Imaginarium" and its additions, such as "Imaginarium: Ariadne", "Imaginarium: Odyssey" and others, are, so to speak, a collective work. The authors of the game searched on the Internet for ready-made pictures that suited their idea and bought them from artists - and there were more than a hundred of them. In 2014, there was even an art exhibition “Imaginarium”, where their “crazy” works were presented.

Purpose of the game

If you follow the rules, the goal of the game is simple: score as many points as possible and move further than the rest before the game runs out of cards. It's formal.

In fact, the game is aimed at helping participants develop their inner Imaginarium / Imaginarium, learn to work with associations, not only with your own, but also with the associations of people around you. A study was conducted on the effect of board games on teenage schoolchildren, and Imaginarium was noted as improving creative thinking. Therefore, they can safely be offered both the classic version and “Imaginarium Childhood”, with kinder pictures - this edition is approved for use by children over 6 years old.

Packaging, design and localization

The box for the game “Imaginarium” is quite impressive, 30 by 30 centimeters, and it weighs almost a kilogram when filled. The picture on the box is quite surreal, but what else can you expect, because the artists clearly turned on their “Imaginarium” to the fullest.

The flight of imagination of the artists is clearly visible in the drawings themselves, to which associations must be invented. They are different in style, but this is rather the highlight of the game.

Inside the box is divided into three sections. The main one is occupied by a field in the form of the night sky with clouds floating across it. The field does not need to be laid out on the table - it is built into the “podium” and is part of the box. If you lift it up, you will find room to store additional sets. The clouds are numbered - this is, in fact, a point counter along which the players' chips move. The remaining cells are occupied by cards, voting tokens and chips.

The game is made entirely in Russian. However, apart from the instructions and inscriptions on the shirts, words are not found anywhere - the basis of the game is immersion in visual execution. The instructions, by the way, are printed against the background of the Milky Way.

The game “Imaginarium Childhood” is implemented in lighter and happier colors, the pictures are not so sophisticated - it is more reminiscent of Chukovsky’s “Confusion” than the gloomy “Imaginarium” for adults.

Now the Imaginarium line of games is produced by Cosmodrome games.


In the Imaginarium box you will find: a playing field, also known as a point counter, cards with pictures, voting tokens, player chips and instructions.

The basic set contains 98 large-sized cards - 8 by 12 centimeters (by the way, the size is exactly the same as in the Dixit cards). On each there is a drawing to which you have to come up with an association. The back of the cards is decorated with an image of a whale flying on balloons against the background of the moon, and the inscription “Iimaginarium”.

The player chips are made in the form of seven winged elephants of different colors - yellow, pink, green, blue, red, white and black. In the first editions they were made of wood, but now they are made of plastic because the game is too popular and the manufacturer does not have enough time to paint the figures. Plastic, of course, doesn’t look so presentable, but what can you do?

The instructions are written in lively language, and for children are also illustrated with specific examples with pictures.

Everything lies loosely, so there is enough space left to put cards from additional sets into the same box, and not create more entities.

The contents of the Imaginarium Childhood game are exactly the same. In addition, both sets are fully compatible.

Number of players

The minimum number of players for Imaginarium is four people. Anything less is simply not interesting. The optimal number is seven people, one set is designed just for them. However, considering that all sets are compatible, you can bring up to two dozen players - the main thing is that there is enough space at the table. Naturally, the more players, the more fun, but the duration of the game begins to tend from half an hour to infinity.

The difficulty of the game "Imaginarium" is normal, even, rather, easy, if you do not have problems with associative thinking. It does not require any special skills, the rules are simple. The game itself and a good imagination are enough.

Player categories

Perhaps the main criterion for dividing players into categories is age. The Imaginarium board game is not intended for children under 5 years of age. They will not understand it simply due to their poor skill in operating with abstract concepts. It is better to choose other educational toys for your baby.

For especially smart preschoolers, you can start with the games “Imaginarium Childhood” or “Imaginarium Soyuzmultfilm”. There are quite clear pictures, from which it will not be very difficult to guess the intended association.

You should start mastering the “adult” version no earlier than in adolescence, but it is better to wait until adulthood (for some players this occurs only at the age of 30, but usually earlier). This is due to the fact that at times there are pictures that are completely unsuitable for a child’s or simply vulnerable psyche.

If you prefer to work in concrete terms rather than using your imagination, then skip logic games forward to your shelf, because in Imaginarium the logic is quite alternative.

Rules and course of the game

Rules of the game in Imaginarium take up four pages, but are quite simple. In fact, they can be reduced to one line: you need to come up with associations with pictures and guess what others meant.

When you open the box with Imaginarium and pick up the rules of the game, you see Full description progress of the game, even with pictures. The principles of scoring points are described, how many cards are more convenient to take for playing with different compositions, various subtleties of the game that can be observed or ignored.

In Imaginarium Childhood the rules are slightly different, mainly in the principle of scoring. However, no one is stopping each specific company from adopting certain rules at home independently. The main thing is that it is interesting to play.

Preparing for the game

The board game “Imaginarium”, although it has simple rules, but they should still be studied before starting the entertainment. After the rules have been read and remembered, and the essence of the game is understood, each player chooses the elephant they like. Seven players - seven elephants, six players - well, the rest is clear.

Cards form the basis of the Imaginarium game. The game does not necessarily include all the cards from the set. If there are seven players, then the entire deck is used. If it is less, then some of the cards will have to be set aside so that everyone has an equal share. For 6 people we take 72 cards, for 5 – 75 cards, for 4 – 96 cards. If there are more than seven people who want to play, the creators recommend breaking up into teams (from 4 to 7 teams) and continuing to play as usual. If you play using add-ons, then make sure that the total number of cards in the game is a multiple of the number of players. According to the number of players, reduce the number of voting tokens by removing the extra color and extra numbers.

It is determined who will be the leader first. You can find out using voting tokens, dice or counting cards.

“Imaginarium” for children begins in exactly the same way, only the youngest player goes first, and then the role of the leader goes clockwise.

Progress of the game

Board games "Imaginarium" from Cosmodrome games, for children or adults, have similar rules, differing in minor details.

At the beginning of the game, elephants are placed on clouds with number 1. At this stage, you can take a closer look at playing field and notice that not all clouds are the same. Some of them have additional pictures. These are instructions and at the same time restrictions on the associations made. If a player is standing on one of these clouds at the moment when it is his turn to be the leader, then he is obliged to comply with them.

The crossword field is in the shape of the number “4” - which means the association must be formulated in exactly four words. Question mark - ask an association-question. “Abibas” icon - figure out how to connect what is drawn on the map with some famous brand, slogan, advertisement that everyone knows. TV - the association is tied to a film, cartoon or series. A book - you have to come up with a whole association story. However, if desired, this point of the rules can be completely ignored or you can introduce your own restrictions.

In the game “Imaginarium Childhood” these icons are different, and instead of clouds there are stones with numbers from 1 to 30. If there is a life preserver on the stone, then a loss will not throw the leader back. Puss in Boot – associate with fairy tale characters. Book of fairy tales - the association should begin with the words “Once upon a time.”

Before the first move, each player receives 6 cards from a shuffled deck. Of course, they do not need to be shown to other participants.

The player who happens to be the leader first selects one of his cards, voices his association on it and places it face down on the playing table. The association can be in any form. One word, for example, "synthesizer" or "bike". Or a phrase, a passage of a poem or song, even a set of sounds.

All other players thoughtfully look at their cards, choose the one that, in their opinion, most suits this association, and place it face down on the table. Without showing or voicing it.

When everyone has laid out the cards, the presenter collects them, shuffles them and places them face up in a row and puts a number from the voting tokens on each card, starting from the leftmost one. And then the fun begins, because the point of the Imaginarium game is to guess which card gave rise to the association.

Being a presenter is not that easy. You may not earn points, or even lose those already scored, if the association turns out to be too simple or too complex.

If he looks, for example, at a flower in a pot and says “flower” or “pot,” then, of course, everyone will guess his association, and the presenter will be forced to take three steps back.

Or he will see a trampoline and call, for example, not “falcon flight” (flight can still be tied to jumping), but “parking lot” (it’s somewhat problematic to guess that the trampoline has a flat black area and the parking lot too). Then, most likely, no one will simply understand what he wanted to tell them, his card will not be chosen, and the presenter will again be forced to step back, because fantasy is fantasy, but you need to see the shores.

This rule does not apply only in Imaginarium Childhood and only to players under six years old - the children's world should be without sadness, even if something failed.

The complexity of associations must also correspond to the average intellectual and creative level in the company of participants. For some, the most obvious ones are available, others easily guess the most unexpected ones, because they are playing on the same wavelength with you.

Guessing the leader's card

Guessing the leader's card is the main goal in the game. When a player believes that the word “rocket” meant, say, a children’s gurney in the shape of a raccoon, then he looks at what number the card of interest is under, takes his voting token with the corresponding number and places it face down in front of him. Keep in mind that it is pointless to vote for your own card - it is definitely not a hidden card.

Examples of unsuccessful associations

As already indicated, unsuccessful associations are those that are easily clicked by all participants, or those that no one can solve. The “doctor’s set” is easier to connect with Aibolit, the “watch” with a walker or alarm clock, and the “runner” with a running athlete or with a zipper.


An important stage of the move is scoring, which is based on the number of correct answers.

If the presenter did not show off his imagination and all participants guessed his drawing, then he retreats 3 clouds back (but not further than number 1). If the association, on the contrary, turned out to be tricky and no one guessed, then the leader is thrown back 2 steps.

If several people guessed the picture, then each guesser and the presenter receive 3 points for this, and the presenter also receives one point for each player who guessed correctly. Ideally, you should strive to ensure that everyone but one guesses it correctly.

Those whose cards were pointed to by mistake are also not offended - for each token with their number they receive a point. If a player has scored so many points that 39 clouds are not enough for him, then he goes to the second round. The main thing is not to forget how many laps you have already completed.

In Imaginarium Childhood, points are counted slightly differently to make it easier for children. The presenter and players receive 2 points for correctly guessing the picture, and the presenter receives one more for each guesser. The presenter loses 2, not 3 points, if the association riddle turned out to be too easy or too difficult. Players under 6 years old don’t go - I feel sorry for the little ones.

End of action

When all the points have been distributed and all the elephants have flown into the heavens, the players take one card from the deck so that there are 6 of them again, and everything is repeated. When the deck is empty, they play out what is left.

If all the cards are over, then it’s time to sum up. Whoever flew the farthest in his imaginarium won.

More interesting things - major additions

There have been many additions to the Imaginarium game, all of them are fully compatible with the main deck or can also be replaced. According to established tradition, they bear names from ancient Greek mythology.

Imaginarium Ariadne

The first additional set, which was released in 2012. There are 98 cards in the deck. In general, it is more positive than the basic set, although there are cards with quite complex, and even dark humor. There are many references to various brands in the pictures. On the cover is a thinker trying to find a way out of a strange labyrinth. The set is designed mainly for an adult audience, although it can be shown to teenagers without much fear. You can try playing with a set without the main deck, if you don’t mind the lack of a playing field and chips.

Imaginarium Pandora

The most abstract set of additional ones. “Strange” can be said about all 98 cards from it, although many are bright and seemingly joyful. Players will have to rack their brains, first coming up with associations for them, and then guessing them. On the cover is a box with interesting guests. The authors suggest opening this box and unleashing the demons of your imagination.

Imaginarium Persephone

The most philosophical additional set. 98 illustrations on abstract topics, including, as the title suggests, issues of life and death. The instructions briefly describe the authors of the pictures. On the cover there is a “miracle tree” and a cheerful company.

Do you know what upset us most when we bought Imaginarium? The fact that it cannot be played by two people. The minimum is three people, but on the box they say that the game is for 4 people, and they’re not lying. Indeed, you can truly feel it and get that same buzz if there are at least four of you at the table.

Two in the house, not counting the dog

And together - well, it’s just melancholy and hopelessness. There is a box, but you can’t play. But one fine day our house was lit up with good news - you can play “Imaginarium” together! Rules for two players from a certain Igor appeared on the Internet. More detailed information We don’t have anything about the hero, so Igor, if you can hear us, write to the post office and we will tell the world about you.

How to play Imaginarium together?

So, here we present the rules for playing Imaginarium for two players.

Cards are not dealt to the players; the leader (1st player) opens 5 cards from the deck and places them on the table. Then the presenter makes an association for one of the cards laid out, says it out loud and, as confirmation, places a token on the table with the number of the card he made (number down).

The second player has 3 tokens in his hands and places them on the card that he thinks the leader wished for. If the player is in doubt, he can place his tokens on different cards.

That is, the player has the right to put all three tokens on one card, or put all tokens on different cards, or put 2 tokens on one card, and the 3rd on another.

The presenter opens his token, showing which card he wished for. Next we count the points.

Scoring. "Imaginarium" for two.

Number of player tokens on the hidden card

Stays in place

Departs by 3 minus the number of cards with tokens

Moves 2 steps forward

Moves 1 step forward

Moves 1 step forward

Moves 2 steps forward

Stays in place

Moves 3 steps forward

Elephants (player pieces) move onto the field and the turn passes to the second participant. Now he becomes the leader, and the first - the player. The same actions are repeated. The first one to reach 30 points wins.

Well, is it possible to play Imaginarium together? Can!

We tried this option and it turned out to be no less interesting than playing big company! Now we enjoy playing “Imaginarium” together.

Friends, if you also came up with your own rules of the game "Imaginarium" for two players, then write to us by email and we will post them on the site for the joy of other players!

« Imaginarium" - this is quite simple, but despite this it is very exciting game, in which you need to come up with associations for the images from the box, which are rather unusually drawn. All the images were drawn by inveterate artists, perhaps even with some deviations, because of this associations - from the simplest, for example, “friendship”, “summer”, “inaccessibility”, to the most unpredictable and crazy, in the style of “This is how it should have been done” ", "Where to laugh?", "Chuck-chuck! Run faster!”, there may be just a bunch of them.

Description of the game Imaginarium

I took the picture out of the box and came up with an association: what next?

Now we take this card and place it face down on the table. The task of the other players is to find among their cards the one that is most similar to this association and put it next to it. Next, all these cards are shuffled on the table.

I guessed! The point of the game is for each player to guess what I put in?

You guessed wrong! If this were so, then to win the game you would only need to come up with a simple association. In order to win here, it is necessary that at least one of the players can guess your hidden card, but the best option will be if everyone but one can guess what kind of card it is.

How should you come up with associations?

If you have the opportunity, then it is advisable to complicate it and not give away the meaning, that is, try to somehow veil your thought. But this needs to be done carefully and clearly, so as to confuse some and divide opinions. Over time, it will teach you how to make riddles correctly in order to win! Once you are at ease, you will immediately feel a surge of creativity and gradually learn to understand the thoughts and even emotions of other players.

Like this??

” is one of the most “communication-promoting” games that greatly helps people remove boundaries and communicate with interest. Through associations, you will try to find out your opponent’s most personal thoughts, try to understand him better and better determine the chain of thoughts of other players. It must be said that this thing is not just soulful, but also a definite favorite among games in terms of developing relationships.

Who can I give the “game” to?

  • You can just take it home, you definitely won’t go wrong with the choice.
  • Ideal for an evening game with friends.
  • Any person who is in one way or another connected with creativity will appreciate it.
  • Are you having a party? Take with you you know what :)

What's in the game box?

A field for counting points (for convenience, it is printed directly on the box).
98 large maps with images.
49 cards with which players will vote, 7 pieces.
7 flying elephants in the form of chips for moving around the field (there are two types depending on the edition, plastic and wooden).
Rules correctly translated into Russian.

Is it worth buying Imaginarium?

Without a doubt, this board game will be a worthy addition to your game shelves. There are quite a few association games like this one, especially since the game is designed in a very high-quality and unique style. A box with a game will help you brighten up more than one day in the company of friends and, most importantly, it will help you better understand your friends and establish proper communication.

Imaginarium cards

The cards are worth mentioning separately. Further in the text there will be a story about cards, but I would like to say a few words now. Each card is an individually drawn picture. More than a hundred different artists and illustrators worked on each illustration in the set. The images on the cards sometimes make you think and plunge into the world of fantasy and dreams. The beautifully crafted features of each picture speak about the quality of the game itself. Once they fall into your hands, you want to admire them and admire them!

Rules of the game Imaginarium

At the beginning of the game, each player is given a choice of bishop and several cards, which must be the same color as the bishop. According to the rules of the game, there are seven voting cards. Typically, the game requires as many cards as there are people participating in the game. For example, if you are playing with seven players, then card number 6 will not be useful to you.

Determining the first move in the game

First you need to decide who will start the game first. This is where voting cards come in handy. All participants take their voting cards, mix them thoroughly and draw one at random. The highest number on the card will determine the first move. In practice, nothing limits you from choosing another real way to determine the starting one. Rock, paper, scissors will work too :). The game then progresses clockwise from the starting player.

Progress of the game

  • Each player takes his bishop and places it on area 1 of the playing field.
  • The deck with illustrations is carefully mixed and from there each player is assigned 6 cards.
  • The player who goes first comes up with an association and voices it.
  • According to the rules of the game, each turn a different participant becomes the leader. The presenter makes an association based on any picture of his cards, pronounces this association out loud to the other participants and places the card he made on the table face down.

Guessing the leader's card

The main goal of the participants is to guess exactly which of all the cards on the table the presenter wished for, and to vote for it. All participants select one voting card with the required number and place it face down (the number must match the card they thought of). The presenter does not take part in the voting and does not have the right to comment on the pictures posted on the table. It is prohibited to vote for a picture that you yourself posted. When the final decision has been made by all players, the voting cards are turned over and the points received begin to be counted.


  • According to the rules, if all players have guessed the leader’s card, then he moves his bishop 3 moves back (or to the beginning, on field 1, if he has not yet run further than 3 fields), and the other participants remain in place.
  • If no one was able to guess the leader’s card, then the leader moves back 2 moves. Plus, points are given to players whose cards are correct.
  • In any other situation, 3 points are added to all players who correctly guessed the card. 3 points are added to the presenter’s account and a point for each participant who guessed it correctly.
  • Each player gets one point for the other player who chose his picture.

Players move their bishops on the playing field by a number of points, which depend on the points received in the last round.

The full version of the rules can be downloaded

Imaginarium - a game for the company

A board game in which the player himself comes up with associations for various pictures while trying to discover the associations of other players. The goal and the whole point of the game is to figure out how other players thought when they made their associations. She is a great fit for the company and has gained popularity among a large number of people for her original approach to illustration.

Saw the light in 2011.

Game mechanics in the game:

  • Vote
  • Associations
  • Simultaneous actions





Imaginarium Childhood


Russia - Stupid Casual

What inspired you to create?

It's long and interesting story- it all started about a couple of years ago, one day I came across the game Dixit. I just fell in love with it and printed about 9 thousand cards for it. I played it a lot, one might say until I lost my pulse.

Where did you manage to dig up so many pictures?

There are a lot of them on the Internet and most importantly, they are all selected and selected. Mostly these cards were from the Russian-speaking population; they probably didn’t like the quality of the original ones and decided to make their own.

And you realized that you want to create them?

After some time, I thought about it and realized that if I liked these cards, then someone else must like them. A couple of years ago we started releasing our own additional sets through Triominos, and then other networks. But as soon as things got a little better, we realized that it was somehow wrong to release an addition to a game that was completely not yours, and in order to save the remnants of our karma, we decided to create our own. Still, we had slightly different game mechanics, and our scoring field was different. And the rules of the game were different. After checking the mechanism for releasing games in Russia, we realized that this is more than possible here. The main requirement was the uniqueness of the game; if the game is unique, then we are within the boundaries of the legal zone. This is how the story began.

How did you select the artists?

Social networks and the basics of crowdfunding came to my aid. The first set came from the guys from There are quite a large number of Russian illustrators there. We tried to choose the best with our own eyes. Further, for subsequent sets it became clear that we could not limit ourselves to one social network and we began to look for new artists in different corners. The scheme was like this: we look for and buy images.

Were there any requirements for cards for the game?

No, it's pretty hard to get an illustrator to draw 98 cards and have us all like them when they're done. The situation was like this, the illustrator showed us his database of images, which he was naturally ready to sell and we had already collected the required number for ourselves. For example, we were provided with a database of 600 images, so we selected 98 of them.

That is, some of the artists were already a little crazy from birth and all this was not drawn according to your order?

You are absolutely right, we almost always just chose, there were very rare cases when we asked the illustrator to add or remove something, but this was very infrequent.

To many of the players, or rather his cards seem a little gloomy. Why is this so?

Initially, the game was conceived for an adult audience, so we added expression and darkness, I think this added some charm to it.

Aren't you afraid that they will copy it?

Absolutely not, one might even say the opposite. If this segment of games is copied, and copied well, this will only add a spirit of competition. Healthy competition generates industry development. And if the cards are of poor quality, then you won’t have a chance to sell the game.

A whole box of creative associations!

More great game can't be found. After all, she teaches kindness and creativity. The game does not provide any strict rules. They exist, but they are more creative than the rules of other games. Your imagination will thoroughly enjoy the game process, and you will discover new world associations.
Board game Imaginarium - amazing game to search for associations that should arise when seeing unusual pictures. They were created by creative artists who put so much meaning into them that it is sometimes difficult to guess what they wanted to say.

Associations and imagination! Intuition to the rescue!

The goal of the game is to guess as many of the cards as possible from the cards laid out, those that the presenter wished for, and get a decent number of points. Whichever player successfully completed the task becomes the main winner.

Why fantasize and imagine?

The presenter takes a card from the deck, and, showing all the skills of fantasy and imagination, comes up with an association for it. Moreover, such that even your child or friend would not be able to quickly guess, otherwise the whole point of the game would be lost. While other players must be at a loss and guess what kind of association you have in mind. They have time to think and then vote to choose what they think is best. It's like a secret society of associationists, but it's so fascinating...

Everyone is captive of associations!

The board game Imaginarium is a magically associative game designed to awaken the imagination and creativity in every player. Anyone from 3 to 7 players can come up with and guess associations. And even those who think that they have problems with imagination or none at all. This is wrong. It just needs to be developed...
The game is designed for children over 12 years of age and adult parents who do not want to drown in the world of everyday problems. The Imaginarium will completely immerse you in an unusual atmosphere and give you genuine emotions of joy.

The Imaginarium game is a creative hit for everyone!

It miraculously completely removes communication barriers, develops you as a person, and you will look at the world with different eyes - full of beauty... Imaginarium teaches you to better understand the people around you and strive for the opportunity to guess someone’s thoughts and actions. The Imaginarium game is the best gift, from which positive energy emanates from the outside, and a deep and beautiful meaning of associations is hidden inside the box. She'll be great family game, will surprise everyone at any holiday. It is limitless, like all the associations in the box.
This is more than a game - it is the beautiful art of play coupled with creativity.

How to play?

  • Before starting, each player chooses an elephant of a certain color and to match the voting card. All bishops are placed on the playing field at the starting mark. The deck with pictures is shuffled and everyone is dealt 6 cards.
  • Each player becomes the leader at least once during the game. He must make an association for one of his cards. Then he says it out loud for his opponents, thereby laying out this card face down.
  • The rest of the players need to guess the card that the presenter wished for. To do this, the presenter takes a card and mixes it with the cards of other players and turns it over with the pictures facing up. Next, players vote and lay out a voting card with the required number so that everyone can see it.
  • After this, points are counted. And according to the points scored, players advance along the playing field. The winner is the player who reaches the final mark.

What is in the box?

  • playing field;
  • 98 picture cards;
  • 49 voting cards for 7 players;
  • 7 chips in the form of flying elephants;
  • rules of the game.

If you're bored with gadgets or just finally want to take your mind off them, turn your attention to board games from the category

February 3, 2016

One of the most fun ways to have fun with friends and family is to play something. And if you choose the game “Imaginarium”, the rules of which are quite simple, then time will fly by, and you can learn a lot of new things about each other. After all, this board game was created in order to guess other people's thoughts using associations.

"Imaginarium": rules of the game

Before you start having a pleasant time, it’s worth understanding what the essence of this entertainment is. The main idea of ​​Imaginarium can be expressed this way: you need to come up with associations for the selected picture and try to guess the drawings of other players through the explanations they provide. Everything is quite simple - turn on logic and imagination, and you are guaranteed a sea of ​​positivity, laughter and pleasant emotions.


Before you start playing Imaginarium, the rules of which are described here, you need to prepare a game deck. To do this, you need to decide on the number of cards. After counting down the required number of pictures, set aside the extra ones. For four players (the minimum number) you will need 96 cards, for five you need 75 cards, for six you need 82, and for seven players ( maximum amount) - 98. If it’s not logical, then those are the rules! Now everyone must choose a chip and cards of the same color needed for voting. There are only seven sets in the game, and if, for example, five players are playing, then the extra chips and cards need to be removed.

First move

The board game “Imaginarium” (the rules are presented here) does not imply any competition, but you still need to choose a leader who will make the first associations. The authors of the game themselves offer this method: take voting cards and choose one at random, turn it over and check with other players. The leader is the one with the largest number in the picture. But this is not necessary, and you can choose the player who makes the first move at your discretion.

Now the presenter must choose one of his pictures, make an association for it and put it face down on the table. And here we come to the most interesting thing in the game “Imaginarium”, the rules of which we are now analyzing. An association can be anything, from a line of a song or poem to an indescribable set of sounds. It all depends on your imagination.
The rest must choose from their pictures the one that best matches the explanations of the leading player and also place it face down on the table. After which the presenter shuffles the cards and lays them out already open. Now you need to number the pictures and try to guess the card of the leader, who is not involved in the guessing. Everyone chooses a voting chip with the number of the card that, in his opinion, belongs to the leader, and places it number down in front of him. Here you need to clarify that you cannot choose your own card. After all players have made their choice, the tokens are turned over and scoring begins.

Imaginarium rules: scoring

The bishops should be moved around the field in this way: the leader’s chip, as well as the players who guessed his card, moves forward 3 steps. Also, the chips of all players move as many steps as the number of people chose their card. For example, the presenter Sergei, and Katya and Roma guessed his card, and Kostya chose Katya’s card. This means that Sergey moves 5 moves forward, Kostya stands still, Katya gets 4 moves, and Roma gets 3. But if all the players guessed the leader’s association, then his piece moves back 3 cells, and the bishops of the other players stand still. If no one guessed the card, then the leader’s bishop retreats 2 squares, and the remaining chips move as many steps as the players chose their card. For example, no one guessed the leader’s card, but 4 players chose Masha’s picture, and two players chose Mikhail’s association, which means Masha’s bishop goes forward 4 moves, and Mikhail’s only 2.

The presenter faces a rather difficult task - to come up with an association for the card that is not too obvious, but also not difficult. But this is the beauty of the game “Imaginarium”, the rules of which we analyze. After all, each picture is quite ambiguous and sometimes evokes various feelings, which turns the game into a verbal battle over this or that choice - no one will be bored. At the end of the turn, all played cards go to waste and everyone is dealt new map from the deck, and the leading right goes to the next player in the circle.

Additional tasks

Some fields on the map are marked with special icons, and the leader who lands on such a cell must take into account some restrictions. If the chip lands on a cloud with the number 4, then the association should consist of 4 words. Once on the field with the image of a TV, the player must come up with an explanation related to the film, series, cartoon, and so on. For a field with an interesting Abibas logo, you need to come up with an association associated with a brand - this could be a slogan or an excerpt from an advertisement, etc. If the leader's bishop lands on the field with a question mark, then the association should be interrogative. And finally, the book sign indicates that the explanations should be given in the form of a story.

The final

You can play Imaginarium endlessly. The rules of the game assume the ending as soon as the cards in the deck run out. In this case, the winner will be the one who has moved forward as far as possible across the field. But if you wish, you can always shuffle the deck and continue the adventure. And if one of the elephants reaches the last cloud, then you can send it to the next round - it all depends on the desire of the players. But what to do if it begins to seem that all the cards have been studied inside and out and you want to learn something new? In this case, you can always purchase additional decks, because the developers spoil their fans with interesting new products.

"Imaginarium" for the whole family

Some of the pictures in this wonderful game are quite provocative, and many parents feel awkward explaining their associations to their children. In this case, the “Imaginarium: Childhood” option is suitable for the whole family. The rules of this game are almost the same as the adult version. In the same way, the required number of cards is counted, chips and tokens are divided. After the distribution, the youngest becomes the first leader, and the game continues in the same way as described above, but with some differences. First of all, participants under six years old do not go backwards, even if they do not correctly match the card. Also in the game “Imaginarium: Childhood”, there are two points for a guessed move.

Additional tasks: a stone with a lifebuoy means that the player does not retreat back, even if no one guessed his card, or everyone chose his association. If you find yourself in a field with a cat, then your association should be made up of any fairy-tale character. If a stone with a book falls out, then the explanations should begin with the words “Once upon a time.” The end of the game occurs if one of the players reaches field number 30 - he becomes the winner. That's all you need to know about the board game "Imaginarium: Childhood". The rules of the game are more simplified and understandable; understanding them will not be difficult.

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