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Walkthrough Spider-Man 3

The Third Spider-Man is an action game based on a film license, which, however, with its plot moves is only very vaguely reminiscent of the film on which it was made.
The action begins from the place where the authors of the second film opus left us. Parker reveals how idyllic his life has become. Relationships with Mary Jane are improving, serious challenges from underworld also no. However, once you enter the game, things will naturally go awry. Enemies are advancing from literally all sides, and even a mysterious black liquid has fallen on the city.

In order to settle scores with the villains, you will need to complete 42 missions. The creators of Spider-Man 3 decided to finally turn their brainchild into a bestiary and placed Scorpion, Venom, Rhino, New Goblin, Sandman, and Crazy Miner in the sequel. Add to this the flocks of street punks who will also spoil your blood from time to time and you will get a complete picture of your new busy life. The entire gameplay takes about 10 hours, the lion's share of which you will have to deal with defusing bombs.

Mary-Jane Delivery Missions

But let's return to the secrets of passing the game. The third Spider-Man is considered a project with RPG elements. Therefore, after each completed mission, you will discover new super attacks and the opportunity to upgrade your character. Some of our favorite missions are those where Jane-Mary asks us to take her to some area in the city. At the same time, depending on the girl’s wishes, you need to fly slower, faster, higher, lower. Each successfully completed mission allows you to increase Spider-Man's health level.

(Start watching at 0:56).

Perhaps the only thing that spoils the fun of Spider-Man 3 is the poor controls. The creators never fulfilled their promises regarding assigning combo attacks to a single key, but combat system They’ve diversified so much that even professional gamers find it difficult to remember combinations of attacks. In addition to the traditional blows that he uses good man Spider, if also his own set of moves for Spider-Man in a black suit.

Flying around the city on a web is also not very convenient. Primarily due to the inadequate operation of the camera, which touches the corners of the house with every turn, which slows down the change of perspective. Among the useful innovations, we note the slowdown, which allows the superhero to dodge enemy attacks, and the spider sense, which brightly highlights suspicious objects in space (even if they are around the corner).

Walkthrough of mini-games

Mini-games that are seamlessly integrated into the main outline of the plot deserve special mention. During gameplay you have to go through Fahrenheit, Tomb Raider: Legend, God of War and Call of Duty 3. Your main task in such a mini-game is to press the button that appears on the screen in a timely manner. Please note that the button icon itself is small and appears only for a few fractions of a second, so you need to react to its appearance instantly. To be on the safe side, click on the icon several times. If you don't have time to do this, your hero may die. In this case, you will have to reboot from the last checkpoint.

Additional missions

If regular missions cannot boast of some exciting plot, then the additional ones bring real pleasure. One of the most interesting is the clearing of city areas from mafia gangs. In order to reduce the crime rate in the city, it is necessary every time as you see. That someone is stealing a car, jump on the roof of the car, push the thief out of it and tie it up until the police arrive. After each such arrest, the crime rate in the city will fall.

Much in passing additional missions depends on the situation in which you find yourself. The bandits in the third part behave in a non-trivial way; they not only attack ordinary civilians, but also each other. In our opinion, the most successful missions are pursuit missions, when you need to get close to the enemy unnoticed. The “hot-cold” indicator and, of course, your ingenuity and skill will help you stay unnoticed.

In general, there are plenty of small scripted scenes in the third part. Get ready to rescue, destroy, clear mines, and so on. Eats missions with stealth elements, for example, when you need to photograph corrupt police officers in order to bring them to light.

You can watch the passage of one of the additional missions here:

Walkthrough Spider-Man 3: City Neighborhoods

There are three gangs operating on the streets. These are goth girls who specialize in stealing fashionable clothes and attacks on places of cultural leisure of citizens. Chinese fighters who operate mainly in the Chinatown area (they are fluent in kung fu techniques and other oriental wisdom). And punks. In order to finally stop the pogroms that this or that gang is organizing, it is necessary to get to their bosses and quickly neutralize them. In order to complete the final missions and kill the superbosses, you need to find a chink in the armor of each of them. Super attacks do not affect these monsters.

The most revealing from this point of view is the review of the last mission, which we invite you to watch right now:

(Start watching at 1:16).

In general, as you explore the city, a sea of ​​fun and dangerous missions, mini-games and quests awaits you. In this regard, the new game can be called a kind of medley of genres. To successfully complete Spider-Man 3, you will have to master both arcade action and simple fighting.
The city in the game is truly impressive. According to the developer, it has become several times larger. It takes about three minutes of flight to cross it from end to end. One of the most interesting locations is the New York subway. Overall, the metropolis has become much more attractive and lively. Real traffic jams appeared on its highways, and pedestrians filled the sidewalks.

Chapter 1: Oscorp is your friend.

Several months have passed since the "rogue scientist" Curt Connors unleashed the terrible Lizard on the residents of New York. Oscorp's reputation has been completely restored during this time, and now the company presents to the public its new genius - Alistair Smythe.

Together with our friend Gwen we follow Oscorp Tower. We penetrate into the secret laboratory, where we encounter hybrids and Doctor Alistair. As punishment, Gwen is given the task of escorting the hybrid, but suddenly he wakes up and breaks out of the capsule. General panic gripped the laboratory and we were kindly asked to leave this place. At this time, we are watching the employees and our friend, who was attacked by one of the creatures. We put on the Spider suit and begin the rescue. We make a jerk by holding the corresponding button and abruptly releasing it. We jump over obstacles, run through doors with green signs. The combat is quite simple, we make strikes and dodge. We overcome large chasms with the help of a web. From the room with lasers, activate the control panel. Then hold down the dash button and direct your gaze to the area not covered by the laser. Having jumped there, we jump down and go into the next room. We quickly press the appropriate button to emit cobwebs into a huge fan. When the blades finally stop, we pass forward through them. There is a similar fan nearby, slow it down, go further, activate the console. We jump into the window with a jerk and move through the open doors. We interact with the ventilation shaft cover above the door, from there we find ourselves in the room with robots. Let's step back by pressing the corresponding button and attack one of the enemies in a dash. We continue the battle, building powerful combinations, and do not forget to dodge when a notification appears on the screen. We return to Gwen and bring her to the safe zone. She is infected, but there is no vaccine. We take the phone from the table and improve the hero.

Spider-Man explains to Connors what happened a couple of hours ago when he was fighting hybrids scattered throughout Manhattan. Let's fly around the city a little: the web clings directly to the sky, so we can fly everywhere. After a small earthquake, turn on the phone and mark the epicenter of the event on the map. Having reached there, we rescue the reporter and begin a fight with a huge Smythe robot that emerged from the ground, which mistook us for a hybrid. Despite the impressive size of the enemy, it is quite easy to deal with him. We make dashes into its open areas and destroy the orange areas. Next, we make similar jerks in the area on the sides of the enemy’s main weapon - quickly press the attack button and periodically dodge. We finish the battle by shooting webs at the blue energy sources on our legs.

Chapter 2: "Escape is impossible."

Hybrids are rampant in the city, and there is no cure for the infected scientists. Spider-Man has no choice, he will have to join forces with an old friend... or enemy? Everything is so confused...

After talking with Connors, we decide to free him. Turning around, we jump into the ventilation shaft at the end of the corridor. We find ourselves in the main hall with prisoners. We jump onto the balcony on the left and get to the control panel. The guard tries to stop us, but accidentally hits the control system with a stun gun, which leads to the opening of all cell doors. A passage has formed above the control panel, along it we get out into the main hall. Let's calm down all those who escaped and then jump to the door, from where we'll get into the next room with prisoners. We save the medical staff from the raging ones, here we can grab illuminated objects and stun enemies with them. We follow the corridor, clearing it of enemies freed from the cells. We pull the lever on the wall and quickly run to the door that opens (we can use the dash). We pass through two consecutive mines. We neutralize the enemy in the toilet, get out into the room, where we also stun the prisoners. We continue to walk along the corridor, jumping over the resulting fiery barriers. We meet Filicia, who also managed to escape. Having rested against the last door, at the top of the left wall we will see a small window. Through it we penetrate into the warehouse and deal with the opponents. Connors is waiting for us behind the next door. We need to help him open the door. In the center of the wall we break out the hatch and, after going through the shaft, we find ourselves in a room with a control panel that opens the door. There are enemies in the courtyard, and shooters also control everything from the windows. We go to the next room and go up the stairs to the second floor. We neutralize the enemy at the window and try to jump down. Before that, let's make a dash at the enemy for opposite side building. We jump down and attack the prisoners. Seeing the lasers aiming at us, it is best to retreat and rush to attack the shooters, they should be a priority! Having dealt with last opponent, we leave this place with Connors.

After a grand escape, Spider-Man returns home with Connors. Now their task is to create a vaccine that will cure all those infected. We deliver our friend to our apartment so that he can begin creating a vaccine.

Chapter 3: "In the Shadow of the Past."

Gwen and the rest of the infected are still locked in quarantine, where they desperately resist the mutation. With Gwen's help Spider-Man learns that materials about Connors' research are in the hands of Oscorp. But this won't last long...

Let's look around the apartment: to the right of Connors there is a closet with clothes, to the left there is a board with materials (we can replay one of the previously completed chapters at any time and find a lot of materials). We leave the apartment through the window, and before leaving we receive “spider bugs” from Connors, designed to monitor police conversations. While in the city, we look for three antennas (marked on the mini-map) and when we fly next to them, we perform a dash on them. Thus, we can listen to the negotiations of law enforcement officers and stop crimes in the city in a timely manner. They are not particularly original: beat up one criminal who is pestering a civilian.

We get to the raging Rhino Hybrid. We stand in front of the SWAT vans and, when he runs towards us, we dodge by pressing the corresponding button. Now we have a couple of seconds to use a dash against the enemy. We do this combination three times and win. We get to the Oscorp building and get inside through the ventilation shaft.

Spider-Man intercepted the police signal and knows the exact coordinates of the crime scenes in Manhattan. But first we need to get Connors' materials from the Oscorp archives. From the outside the building appears abandoned. What could be simpler? We move along the mine, with a jerk we silently eliminate the guard (purple target). We jump down and deal with other enemies. In the next room there is a balcony, jumping onto which we will get to the next room. First, we'll stun the shooter on the balcony, then the others down. Interact with the box at the top in the center. We enter the next shaft and get straight to the elevator, on which valuable cargo is being transported. We watch the convoy and notice a suspicious paparazzi. Turn around and see the mine grate. Having passed along it, we silently eliminate two guards. There are several more mines ahead, we go through them all and eventually we will be able to get to the shooter. Let's neutralize him and other enemies below. Don't forget to retreat when the notification appears, especially if there are a lot of enemies. We also throw illuminated objects at them. Having passed to the end, we push the box at the top. We jump up and move along the ventilation shaft. And here comes the mysterious paparazzi - it turns out to be TV reporter Whitney Cheng. She, like us, is looking for Connors' files. Let's take her main weapon - the camera and send her to the next room. Let's deal with the enemy that appears: we jump over it and quickly attack. We go into the corridor, where we shoot the web at the turret, then destroy it in a dash. We communicate with Whitney, at her request we photograph the Oscorp box.

We pass through the opened door. Let's go through the ventilation on the right and get out to the bridge. We wait for the enemy to approach the spider zone and silently eliminate him. There is a lone enemy at the bottom right, let's neutralize him. To the left of the bridge there are four guards patrolling, all with weapons. You'll have to return to your original position and go along the left ventilation. We wait for opponents and eliminate them. The rest, perhaps, can be dealt with by sharply attacking in a dash and quickly retreating. Whitney will open the next door for us, we get to the enemies and destroy them - first of all, the one at the top. We activate the control panel that turns off the lasers, and another one that opens the door. We meet with Whitney and interact with the control panel. We follow the reporter and see that she was discovered by a security guard. We were also discovered, but we will not let ourselves be offended. We deal with the guards and go to save the girl. You can get to it through a small gap in the center. We defeat the enemies and free Whitney. Next, she opens the oven door and releases a container with important data. Protecting her from shooters while she tries to extract files. We act quickly, flying between the balconies. Having finished with them, we help Whitney and get out of the archive through the door with a green sign. We move through the warehouse, after getting out of it, a notification will appear - when you press the button, the elevator will be indicated. A machine gunner came down to us, of course, when he attacks, we immediately retreat and strike in a dash. In addition, we carry out a series of powerful blows. Having dealt with him, we return for Whitney and head to the elevator. We receive files from her, promising that we will regularly take important pictures.

Spider-Man rescues a tablet with Connors' materials literally from the jaws of an incinerator. In the archives, he meets Whitney Cheng, a journalist studying Oscorp. Now Connors will be able to develop a cure and save Gwen and her colleagues. What could go wrong? Once on the street, we are attacked by two snipers. If we wish, we can destroy them or ignore them and return to the apartment. Connors made a good living from the apartment owner's money. Instead of Gwen, Smythe was on the other side of the screen. He is also developing a vaccine, the only question is who will cope with this task faster.

Chapter 4: “The Delight of the Hunt.”

To complete the vaccine, Connors needs one more component - a DNA sample from one of the hybrids that escaped from Oscorp. This is not a problem for Spider! We get to the sewer system and, having broken the grate, we get inside. Spider-Man discovers that the hybrids are hiding in the sewers. So you have to go down there! Yes, not the most fragrant adventure awaits the Spider... Using the web we move through the air. On the right we will notice a mechanism that opens the gate; we will have to use it twice, or maybe three, if we don’t manage to get through in time. Once in the center, where many tunnels come from, let's go to 47 (we came from 46). We will encounter many infected people, which can only be dealt with using a special technique. When they are huddled together, we grab the luminous objects and deal a crushing blow with them. We go further and get out into the same tunnel system. In the center, press the corresponding button and wrap everything in a web. Use the movement buttons to move from one web to another. The one that vibrates and points to the right path. We are getting closer and closer to the hybrid, we jump up and destroy a large number of infected people. Don't forget to throw nearby objects at them. We find the Oscorp sign and call Cheng. If you wish, we can take a photograph of it (only the logo itself should be captured in the lens!). There is another mechanism ahead, this time we use jerks to make it on time. The pipes are arranged in a zigzag pattern, along which we can easily cover a long distance. Then we go through the ventilation system and find stronger infected who can attack from a distance. Moreover, when fighting with them, you need to constantly jump behind them. We try once again not to make any noise, but to move as quietly as possible, quietly eliminating enemies. Finally, we get to the hybrid and begin the fight. You will have to leave constantly - this best tactics, and throwing punches in a jerk.

Chapter 5: "Crush the Spider."

Spider has only a few seconds to get the rat's DNA. After all, we were attacked by a Hunter! He gets us out, which isn't surprising given his aerial maneuvers. We chase the enemy through the air to slow him down and shoot with cobwebs. Having caught up, quickly use a dash (a notification will appear). Sometimes the enemy uses an electric field, of course, in this case we do not come close. Three hits and final neutralization, quickly press the corresponding button. After the victory, two more Hunters will appear, we deal with them in the same way. We take away the beacon from the latter, which allows us to listen to Smythe’s conversations. And finally, let’s attach the bugs to their rightful place – radio towers, which, by the way, are guarded by robots.

Spider-Man destroyed Hunter Alistair Smythe. Now all that remains is to deliver the DNA sample to Connors and the vaccine will be ready! That's what we'll do. Gwen's diagnosis is worse, but her colleagues have succumbed to the virus even more. And so Dr. Strams was dragged away by the robot, recognizing him as a hybrid.

Connors has made a vaccine! It's time for Spider-Man to return to Oscorp and save Gwen and her colleagues. The entrance to the building is somewhere in the middle. Flying around, we will definitely find it. We clear the floor of shooters, preferably silently. We go to the next room through the upper window of the door. We deal with the opponents and destroy the force barrier. We go upstairs through the elevator shaft. We clear the floor in the same way, after which Gwen helps bring down the elevator. We will find a ventilation passage in the elevator shaft. When moving along it, notifications will be displayed that you need to evade. Let's not hesitate, otherwise the monster will pierce us. Having got out, we begin to destroy the power barriers. To do this, we stand right in front of the power sources, and the robot should be between us. We grab it and throw it at the target. In this way we will open the way and be able to move forward. We deal with two machine gunners from the shadows. In the next room we destroy the laser-guided turret. We will meet them more than once, but in the meantime, ahead are the Oscorp corridors with the familiar huge fans at which you need to shoot webs. With laser walls, on which there is sure to be an area where you can slip. And naturally Gwen, desperately waiting for the vaccine. The insolent Smythe takes the medicine and injects it into himself. The effect occurs instantly - the paralyzed legs do not allow the scientist to stand up.

The vaccine didn't work. Alistair Smythe can't walk now, and Spider-Man is, of course, to blame. The situation is heating up... Indeed, there is an enemy in almost every square place. We quickly pass the robots and go towards the guards. In a dash, we deal with the sniper on the left and immediately destroy the power block. We continue moving until we get to Scorpio. White warning above the Spider's head - we dodge, red - we fly away. Having dealt with him, we leave the building through the gap.

Outside we encounter a giant snake-like robot S-02 that has escaped from Oscorp Towers. You can see a blue power source on his body; you need to shoot a web at it. When the laser is pointed at us, we naturally fly away. Having destroyed an important part of the enemy, he will try to make a surprise seizure from underground. Press the appropriate buttons and finish. We perform these steps several times. Next, the battle moves to the roof of the building. Here we must dodge away from the tentacles and jump over the laser. Moreover, you constantly need to shoot webs to start QTE. We again dodge the blinded enemy and, quickly pressing the button, try to snatch the important part. We also perform these steps several times. Having won, we return to our apartment.

After a difficult battle against Smythe's robot S-02, Spider-Man returns home. Connors will have to properly explain himself about the vaccine... Having completely exhausted our strength, we go to bed. When we wake up, we realize that Connors has made a new vaccine. Meanwhile, scientists, including Gwen, have been transferred to a biological laboratory and are preparing to test a vaccine prepared by Smythe on them.

Connors has found the key to a new vaccine! The key to saving the city. However, perhaps he was already late... Having got out of the apartment, we discover that the phone is broken. In fact, something is preventing you from catching signals. The jammer needs to be eliminated urgently. Finding it is very simple: we climb a tall building and carefully look around - the source emits a red pillar. We destroy the robots, the generator and get to the Oscorp biological laboratory.

Chapter 7: “A Spider to the Rescue.”

Once inside the building, we will eliminate the shooters on the top floor. Then we'll deal with the rest. Let's go into the room and open the door through the control panel. We go forward and find ourselves in a large hall, with rising columns. Ahead we see a deployed panel, which opens all the rooms. Let's destroy the cannons and enter any of the rooms, from each there is a way up, where the machine gunner and the power unit are located. Having dealt with everyone and destroying all the blocks, an elevator will appear. There are similar four blocks there. Don't forget to step back, because the floor of the elevator emits electricity when we stand on it. We jump into a deep hole and find ourselves in a quarantine zone. We follow the long corridor, eliminating enemies. We jump even lower, enemies with shields appear on the right. Having dealt with them, we go to open door. We pass the lasers and use the blue wires to calculate the generators. One of them is at the bottom, the second is on the other side at the top. The central door will open, leading to the protected area. We deftly avoid the cannon using jerks. We slow down the fan with web shots. We find ourselves in another elevator, destroy the generators, and after each one it is advisable to retreat. Voila, the door opened and the scientists were in front of us. We go to the entrance, eliminating the security. Of course, we don’t stand on laser surfaces. We also destroy many robots. Soon a big red robot will appear, sent by Gwen herself. We give scientists a vaccine, and it works! All that remains is to save my friend. We go to help through the gap in the wall. We climb higher and higher, clinging to hard surfaces. There should be another passage in the wall, we pass along it and continue to climb up. Finally, we get to Gwen and inject her with the vaccine.

Spider-Man saves Gwen from the virus, and her colleagues from evil robots. Connors's cure works! Gwen refuses to fly with us, so we'll deal with the snipers and go to the port. We save the worker from Scorpio. We attack him with all our might, when he climbed onto the wooden bayonets, we wait for the moment to attack. Having won, we return to the apartment and communicate with Connors.

Chapter 8: "Explosions and Breakthroughs."

While Connors is trying to organize mass production of the vaccine, the number of infected people is growing. What are you waiting for, Spider-Man? It's time to get down to business. We open the map and look for the blue dollar sign ($) - this is the bank where the robbers broke into, taking advantage of the chaos in the city. The entrance to the interior is located just below the roof.

An unknown number of armed men seized the St. Gabriel Bank. Who are they? Will Spider be able to stop them? The robbers, led by Filicia, are trying to get the codes to the main safe. Soon the villainess leaves with the manager. We eliminate the shooters on the top floor (they are in yellow jackets). There are arrows below, but the easiest way is to bring down a huge chandelier on them all. Next, the path to the security room will open. We destroy the shooter and the armored enemy. We jump over it and attack from the back. We go around the corridor and save the policeman. We return to the control room through the opened door. We observe the arrival of the police, they capture several robbers. We go up to the second floor and go to the director's office. We get to the storage facility along the ventilation shaft. Let's kill all the enemies and go to the subway. Having got off at the station, we will deal with the enemies and continue moving along the carriages. We get to Filicia and begin the fight. We shoot at her with a web, jump away from the source of electricity, carry out a series of blows while the enemy is paralyzed. When she starts hiding from us, we press ourselves against the ceiling and figure out her location, then in a dash we strike. We repeat these steps until complete victory. We grab Felicia and return to the storage room, and from there we get to the elevator. The further fate of the thief will be decided by the police.

The phone does not work again, this time you will have to destroy three sources of radio interference, which are easy to detect by the red pillars. Gwen reports that Alistair Smythe has learned that Peter Parker is hiding under the mask of Spider. We return to the apartment and discover a pogrom. And here is the culprit of the pogrom himself...

Chapter 9: "Spider Killer"

Connors has disappeared, and the Killer robot has destroyed Stan's apartment! What other surprises await us today? We fly after the Hunters and neutralize all three. Their radius of electric shock has noticeably increased, so as soon as we see a flash we move away as far as possible. After flying a little more, Alistair Smythe will contact us and indicate the location of Connors - a robot laboratory.

Chapter 10: "Goodbye Spider-Man!"

Spider-Man must rescue Connors from the depths of Smythe's robotics laboratory and help him create a vaccine before it's too late! We climb forward and notice Smythe and Connors. We go down and destroy the robots on the level. There are also four zones below, each of which is guarded by a turret. In these areas, you need to disable the generators, which will open the way to the conveyor. We go to the center and, jumping over the heads of the robots, we get to the next room. Again we deal with many enemies, despite the fact that we need to cover up four passages in the corners with cobwebs, through which robots arrive in endless numbers. When the elevator with additional enemies comes down, we eliminate them using explosive cylinders. We go inside and slow down the fan with cobwebs. We jump down and break out the ventilation grill. There is a long wander ahead among the pipes, we are afraid of hot steam. You just need to wait a little. Finally we get to Connors and free him with the help of robots. We grab them with a web and throw them into generators protected by force fields. We run away, but at the last moment we are captured by Smythe's Rangers, only Connors manages to escape.

Alistair takes the web from us and injects some kind of vaccine that puts thousands of nanobots into the blood. When Smythe appears in iron form, we will not be able to do anything. He will transfer us to the other side and the robots, by the way, do not react to us at all. We go forward, in the hall with the elevator we take the web shooter and the telephone from the table. We come closer to the levers and activate them. We get out into the scaffolding. We move forward, jumping over chasms. If the abysses are too long, then we move along the red pipes on the right. A notification will also appear when you are about to shoot a web at the lift's control panel. We cover the holes in the pipes from which steam oozes with cobwebs. It is useless to engage in battle with enemies, so we simply ignore them. We get to the corridor and cover the emerging turrets with cobwebs. Before reaching the last door, we will enter a room with a green sign. We climb up the boxes and find ourselves in a room with a reactor. Let's go down and scout out the situation. We notice a weak area on the wall. There are reactor switches on the bridges to the right and left. We activate each of them once. We go upstairs and activate the reactor. Through the resulting gap, we get to the office bypassing the robots. We pass through the corridor into a room with boxes. We climb up them and cover the fan with cobwebs. We get out into the hall and run along bridges and pipes.

Spider-Man has lost his strength, he is getting weaker and weaker. He urgently needs to find Connors. We get out into the city and discover something terrible. Everything is on fire, people are in panic, there is devastation and vanity all around. We follow to Connors' underground laboratory through the alleys.

Chapter 11: “Such is my destiny.”

At the Lizard's old laboratory, Connors tries to recreate the vaccine before Smythe unleashes an army of robots on the city. We get to Connors and Gwen, the Spider’s strength is already running out. So Connors injects himself with the vaccine and turns into the Lizard. We get out into the city.

Spider-Man may not have superpowers, but he's still a superhero! He is obliged to help Connors (more precisely, the Lizard) defeat Smythe. Whitney Cheng helps us get on board the huge robot. The lizard throws us down, where we eliminate three generators and at the same time restore our superpower. We help the Lizard destroy small robots. Then together we open the door and disable one of the external generators. We continue to destroy the robots, open the door and destroy the second generator. We begin the fight with Alistair. We run in a circle, dodging the laser and without stopping, we shoot cobwebs. When he is paralyzed, we go behind him and perform a dash. We repeat these steps several times until we tear off all the laser installations.

Chapter 12: “Where the Lizard Hides.”

Alistair Smythe is defeated! Spider-Man promised to return Connors to the hospital. But the Lizard has other plans for this... Once in underground city, we move forward, covering the steam sources with cobwebs. We deal with the infected and go upstairs. Similarly, we defeat the enemies and climb up through the gap in the wall. We crawl forward and see a piranha hybrid in the water. Turn on the first valve to begin draining the water tank. Take the red pipe on the left and go down. We unscrew three more valves, two of which are hidden behind the fans, and slow them down with web shots. When the door opens, we go inside and begin the battle with the boss. There is still water at the bottom and this is enough for the hybrid to hide from us. Therefore, occasionally we unscrew one of the valves and strike the enemy. We also deal with his assistants. Having won, we get out of the tank and through the rubble we get to Gwen. We protect her from the infected and the Lizard himself, jerking her away from Gwen. Finally, the Hunter is repaired and with its help we go after the Lizard. Unfortunately, the robot quickly becomes unusable.

The lizard is quite strong, but he, like other bosses, has weaknesses. We try to attack the enemy from the air, that is, in a jump. When his appearance glows red, we perform a dash. Having chained the Lizard to the wall with a web, we quickly interact with the broken Hunter. After several repetitions, we go down into the drain and pursue Connors. We continue the fight, this time we shoot with cobwebs and when the enemy freezes on the platform, we quickly make a dash. We are trying to inject him with the vaccine until the attempt ends in success. We watch the final video and credits.

Bonus: after the credits, you can watch another video and learn about the fate of Alistair, who escaped from prison. Chapter Thirteen is optional, as it only opens up the city to complete the remaining side quests.

The passage of the game begins with an acquaintance with the already considerably matured Peter Parker, who has matured, but has retained a bit of childish naivety - it will manifest itself as the game progresses. And so we see how main character quickly gathers to help law enforcement officers after receiving information that the police have encountered criminals. After this, we are immediately entrusted with controlling the Spider and moving it to the place of further action.

Here it is important to spend a little time in the city, look around and get used to the surroundings. You will spend most of the gameplay in the air, moving from location to location using web jumps. In Marvel's Spider-Man, it is possible to move around using the city subway, but we strongly recommend not using it. The fact is that it is on the city streets that you can not only enjoy the environment, but also find various Easter eggs and hidden objects that will open access to new costumes for Parker.

Once you feel you have spent enough time exploring the area, follow the marker. At the scene we find police officers who entered into a confrontation with the criminals. You need to take part in the battle by following the game's prompts and getting used to the local combat system. It consists of a collection of different strikes that can be combined into more complex techniques. They are divided into those that can be performed in the air, on the ground, while jumping, in flight, and so on. Also, don’t forget about dodging; the main character has very little health, so any attack, even from an ordinary enemy, can take away a significant part of your HP.

As soon as the battle is over, we go to the next marker. Using a web, we make our way past police cars to the building where the criminal has been captured. Here we are faced with a cut-scene that ends the current task and begins the next one.

Mission: Main Event

When you defeat the first wave of enemies, a second one will appear. Here you need to press the L2 and R2 keys simultaneously in order to climb up new level and start the fight there. After a short scene, the hero will find himself near the elevator - use the shaft to move on. awaits you new location with enemies - a large hall where you need to act more carefully.

To cope with everyone, heal yourself periodically. Also use the combination of the L1 and R1 buttons to throw environmental objects at your opponents. When you have dealt with everyone, rise a little higher and fall into the ventilation shaft. Move forward until you reach the grate. Press "square" to stun the enemy - this will protect yourself from the alarm. Jump down and move towards the room with the timer. Here you need to act as quickly as possible - eliminate all enemies until the timer shows “0”, otherwise the whole room will explode. When there is no one left but you, press triangle and turn off the timer.

When the explosion occurs, follow the marker. After eliminating the opponents, we find ourselves in a room with fire.

We approach the column, press L1 and R1, moving the obstacle away. We go into the vacated path and save the girl from the rubble. Once we're done, we move on to the ventilation shaft. From it the Spider gets out into a room where new types of opponents are already waiting for you. They fire from rocket launchers, so dodge in time - a single hit will cause you enormous damage.

When all enemies are defeated, go through the door to Fisk's office. While moving, hold R2 - the hero will begin to use elements of parkour to avoid obstacles. What follows is a battle with other enemies dressed in police uniforms. Frontal attacks have no effect against them (they block all damage with a large shield), so use the circle key to roll and attack the legs. When you're done, get ready - you'll face the first boss.

Mission: Defeat Fisk

When you go through the red door, you will meet Wilson Fisk - one of the leaders of the criminal gang behind much of the chaos. During the first stage of the battle with him, you will need to deal with the turrets. Here you need to dodge in time by pressing L1 and R1, and after the structure explodes, launch it at the boss. Once you do this several times, the second stage of the confrontation awaits you.

Here we catch objects flying at us, sending them back with the same combination of buttons. After that, use the web on the enemy, weakening him, and perform a sequence of pressing several buttons. Beware of the boss's attacks - they, like other super moves, can send you to the spawn point after several hits.

Once you complete the second stage, you will find yourself in a boss room where the next part of the battle will begin.

The only difference here will be the appearance of several waves of ordinary enemies, which you will need to deal with as quickly as possible. It is important to first of all defeat them and, at the same time, dodge the attacks of the main enemy. When you have dealt with the “miniens”, proceed to the same actions - using the web and throwing objects at the leader of the group. To complete the battle, you will need to press several buttons in succession at the end, following the prompts that pop up on the screen.

Mission: My completely different job

After completing the boss fight, the game will give you several upgrade points, which are best used to level up the Perfect Dodge skill.

Now you will get acquainted with another part of the gameplay - very tedious, but mandatory. We move along the marker on the map to the laboratory, get inside and watch a cut-scene in which Peter and Otto cause an unintentional breakdown in the equipment. To solve the problem, we go to the mechanical arm and use it to fix the breakdown.

This interactivity is presented in the form of a small mini-game in which you need to match several different elements together until they are connected into a common network (here you will need to conduct a current to the yellow figure).

Once you have solved the three essentially identical puzzles, proceed to another station where the next mini-game awaits you. Here we recreate the diagram and thus define the substance. Just move different elements according to the pattern and you will be able to solve this riddle in no time.

When you complete all the puzzles, you will be given some experience. Then we go through the door to the street and proceed to the next mission.

Mission: To protect the world

We follow the marker to the police station, climb it and meet with Yuri Watanabe. Then we go to the tower and set up the sound waves, synchronizing the channels using the controls. When you complete this action, open the city map and go to the tab with side quests.

We jump down, move to the red triangle, where we perform the first activity - fighting crime. At the moment, we just need to defeat the villains trying to break into the building, but it happens that such side missions will require us to take some other action.

When you have dealt with the first opponents, move to another mark and fight again. Here you will need to save the hostage and fight a new type of opponent - Brutus. Try not to fall under his attacks, use environmental objects as your main weapon. When you're done, head to the next marker, the tower, to set it up and see the next area. Right there we find the first collectible item, hidden in a backpack.

We move to a jewelry store that the villains are trying to rob. Fight them, then the next wave, until reinforcements arrive. After that, we move to the last side goal - a new tower. When we hack it, we will gain some experience and move on to the next stage.

Mission: Old and new

Before starting this stage, it is best to fly around the city and discover other areas, so as not to waste time on this in the future. When you're ready, head to Octavius's lab. On the spot, you will enter into a dialogue with a scientist who will find your Spider-Man suit. Don't worry, Parker will be able to convince him that he is just helping a superhero in his superhero business, so to speak.

We approach the computer and read the message, during which the game will introduce you to how to create new Spider suits and modify existing ones. The main currency here will be tokens, which you can earn while completing side quests. So if you want your Parker to look cool, don't ignore missions like these!

After familiarizing yourself with the functionality, create a more advanced suit with the Combat Concentration modification.

This skill will allow you to restore concentration very quickly during battle; you will appreciate this bonus literally right away. After this task is completed, we move on to the next one.

Mission: Fisk's Cache

The quest marker points you to the construction site, let's move there. On the spot, for the first time, you will be able to create a gadget that will allow you to deal with a crowd of opponents much faster. Open the gadgets screen and create an Impact Web, the main function of which is to create an impact effect. Hitting an enemy from the web with the device will help you, for example, push him off a ledge or pin him to a wall.

It will also be useful to know that when the mission starts, your hero will first be invisible to all opponents. This will allow you to knock out each enemy one by one as soon as the corresponding icon appears above their head.

However, keep in mind that the “Danger” sign above the enemy’s head means that if he is stunned, an alarm will be raised. In this case, you better look for another target (single).

The main task is to repel as many as six enemy waves. If you realize that this is too difficult to do, step back and think about your future strategy in more detail.

This is one of the tasks of Frisk's shelters, which have additional conditions. If you can complete them, you will receive a few extra tokens, which can then be used for new upgrades. In this case, we need to perform several finishing moves and pin the opponents to the wall. When you're done, move on to the next chapter.

Mission: Attractions

At this stage we will have to take photographs. After all, you all remember that Peter, in addition to “spidering,” is also engaged in professional photography?

We move towards the building on the marker, climb to the very top and when you press the top button of the controller, we switch to attractions mode. Press R2, point the lens at the neighboring building and press R1. The photo will be taken correctly if you see a green frame on the screen during the process.

As soon as we complete the training, we will have access to explore all the sights of New York. We'll also earn tokens for additional shots, so don't miss out! At the end you will get a little experience, then we move on to another stage.

Mission: Very good friend

First of all, we move to China Town, where we need to visit the institute for caring for the homeless. At the entrance you will meet many people in need of help, but you are not obliged to help them - you can just talk to some of them.

We go to the kitchen, then up the stairs, where we need to talk with Martin Lee. It is located near the dining area and after you start the dialogue, a cut-scene will start with your Aunt May, for whom those present have prepared a pleasant surprise.

When you've talked to everyone you want, move towards the exit of the building. A little later you can use this place to quickly move around the city.

Mission: Do not touch the exhibits with your hands

We follow the ventilation shaft straight, then go down - we find ourselves on scaffolding above a group of bandits. We eliminate the enemies one by one and follow to another hatch. We pass through it and find another enemy. Stun him while maintaining invisibility, after which we move to another shaft and go down again. When you deal with all the remaining opponents and watch the scene, we move to control Parker’s girlfriend.

We follow the lady talking on the phone. Talk to her and take pictures of several museum exhibits, including the mystical statue that Rose pointed out to you. When your guide returns, follow her to the toilet - another scene will trigger there. Now you need to move stealthily: walk past the lion statue, staying close to the alcohol shelves, wait for the woman to turn the other way. Stealth your way to the cabinets on the right and go through the door.

Mission: The Riddle of the Statue

When you find yourself in the room with the statue, go to the Kingpin painting. We go to the table, pay attention to the leaflet on the left and take the notepad on the right. Then we return to the statue and click on the elements in the following sequence: right hand, right hand, mouth, left hand, head.

When you're done, go to the exhibit on the right and pick up the item. We place it in the hand of the statue, after which the game returns us to playing as Peter.

When you talk to Mary, move through the ventilation and eliminate several opponents. A little later you will be revealed, so you will have to fight a new type of enemy - Demons. When you defeat them (be careful, the Demons use explosive weapons in battle), a cut-scene with Stan Lee will start, after which the mission will be completed.

Mission: Shocking Return

We watch a video with Shocker committing a crime, after which we chase him around the city, staying on his tail the whole time. Here you need to act quickly, since the enemy is quickly gaining momentum and staying at an acceptable distance from him is very problematic. Your task is to stay on the villain’s tail until the corresponding icon appears on his head. However, the Shocker will still elude Parker, and you will have to repeat this action several times.

After several attempts, you will still be able to catch up with him, after which the task will be completed.

Mission: Mask

From the current stage, you need to complete as many side quests as possible and make a good costume for the hero, since in the future you will need the maximum set of improvements to advance further.

Go to a homeless center. When you talk to everyone and find some items, go upstairs to Lee's office. Martin will tell Peter some details about the circumstances under which the mask was found at the crime scene in the museum. Once you finish the dialogue, leave the place and gain experience.

Mission: An unforgettable day

A fairly short task - we return to Octavius’s laboratory. There, talk to the doctors and watch the cut-scene.

Mission: Harry's Favorite Project

We are moving towards the Harry Osborn research station. We open a task related to wastewater treatment plants in New York. Using webs, fly through clots of toxic gas to collect samples. In total, you need to fly through eight such clumps, which will most likely be located close to each other.

Mission: Financial Shock

You will have to fight Shocker again. We avoid incoming impacts in the form of sound waves that the Shocker spreads around itself. It is useless to attack him in close combat (he uses special defense), so act from afar.

During the second stage of the battle, wait until the enemy finishes performing a power strike and deal damage while the Shocker is weakened. After a short cutscene, the battle will continue again. Now you need to act from above, swinging on the web (the boss will constantly emit sound waves that spread along the ground, so they will easily knock you down and cause serious damage if you stand).

After the end of the second cutscene, Parker will immobilize his opponent. When you notice that Shocker has begun regeneration, eliminate a separate element of his shield (the corresponding icon will appear above his head). We repeat this action several times until the boss is defeated.

Mission: Tangled Tangle

Before starting the active phase of the mission, try to eliminate all snipers from silent mode. Once you've eliminated the biggest threat, deal with the regular enemies on the ground. When you finish, you will see a police car arriving to help - the cop will continue to help you.

We rise to the roof of the warehouse and go through the hatch. We see a taser on the ground - we move towards it, after which we see how Peter comes up with a new way to create a gadget for himself. A little later, when the creation of the item is completed, your hero will be able to electrify his web and, thus, transfer a charge of current to the enemy or some object in the environment. As a test, shoot a new web at the gate control panel and clear the passage for the policeman.

By pressing the R3 button, we scan the area. We find the box above the Spider and shoot him with a new web. We find an empty cache, after which we move upstairs to the red container with the second cache. Wait for the cop to get into the elevator, then help him get into it. Behind the windmill we find another box, jump down and take up the next elevator, shoot at the panel and move on.

We go along the corridor through the passage that was opened a little earlier. We climb the wall and help the policeman find the right path. We move further up until we find the Demons' shelter. To fight opponents, it is recommended to use a previously created gadget - there are a lot of enemies, and this way you can deal with them as quickly as possible. When you have defeated all the waves of enemies, the stage with the pursuit of the truck will begin. Try to catch up with him, dodging the missiles flying at you. As soon as you find yourself next to the car, press the “triangle” and deal with the opponents while performing a sequence of pressing different buttons (hints will be on the screen). Upon completion of the stage, a scene with the policeman and Peter will begin.

Mission: Home sweet home

After completing the previous task, you will have access to a system for quickly moving around the city. This can speed up your journey through missions, although most players prefer to get to the desired location by flying between houses. Parker's system for moving around New York is implemented quite well, and along the way you can complete some side quests or find hidden objects.

We go to Parker's house, where we learn that the hero is being evicted. Among other things, our character’s scientific records disappeared from the premises, and now we need to find them. We go to the garbage truck, the location of which is indicated on the map. When you arrive at the place, go to the ventilation shaft. We move further through it and find a truck. We inspect the car, but we don’t find any records here. After talking with the operator, we go to inspect the next two cars, and again we do not find the documents. The second time we talk with the operator and find a third car.

When you arrive at the scene, you will notice that the driver is in trouble. When you have dealt with the threat, talk to the rescued person. In gratitude, he will allow you to dig through the trash, where you will find Parker's important documents. You will then be able to create a web bomb that will hit a crowd of enemies in the area of ​​the explosion. You will immediately be given the opportunity to test the device in action on arriving enemies. When you're done with them, follow the marker and watch the cutscene.

Mission: Riddle

Now new types of tasks begin - the search for clues that the Black Cat left for you. According to the first finding, you will have to return to the homeless assistance center again. Another video with the heroine awaits you on the roof, in which the girl will ask you to find her.

First we need to find a figurine. Afterwards, move to the telescope and look through the device, trying to find the statue. As a rule, next to each element left by the Cat, you will find special graffiti, by which the find can be easily identified.

Once you find the figurine, take a photo of it. The task will end here, but the game will tell you that New York is full of other figurines. If you can find them all, you will get access to a unique suit for Spider-Man.

Mission: Finding accommodation for the night

Another simple task in which you need to return to the center and sleep in Aunt May's office.

Mission: Straw and the camel

As usual, at the beginning of the mission, enemies will not be aware of your presence. So we try to use the opportunity to deal with the maximum number of bandits silently. When you cope with this wave, we move into the building and encounter another group. Just dodge the energy shots and counterattack.

After the battle is over, Parker will contact Kingpin and we will learn that the interlocutor will help us if Spider saves two people. On the map you will see several points that will indicate large forces of opponents. When fighting them, try to throw as many enemies off the roof as possible - this is the easiest way to victory.

Beware of the Demon Brut, who can kill you in a few hits. Dodge attacks and use your gadgets. When you're done with him and the rest of the bandits, we go up to the roof and watch the cut-scene. Press the buttons successively, following the prompts, and continue to pursue the helicopter. Dodge the missiles and get closer to the target, then press triangle and use the web.

When you land inside the building, run forward while holding R2. Get inside the car, go around the helicopter and press square. After this, you will be attacked by Demons, which you can easily deal with. During QTE scenes, press the buttons according to the prompts and stop the helicopter. We gain experience and move on.

Mission: And the award is presented...

The mission begins with a long video in which we see an explosion occur in a building. As a result of the event, there will be many wounded, and you are among them. After this, the game will take you to control Miles, who we follow to the building on the left. We jump over the car and get to the mother. We go to the forests, intending to save the woman. When you save her, move further through the forests to the destroyed car. Wait until the guard with the flashlight moves a decent distance away from you. Then we go around a couple more enemies in the same way and penetrate into the destroyed building.

We go to the car, and then to the scaffolding. We jump down and go to the barricade. We wait until the enemy turns his back to you. Here, watch your step, as there are shards of glass scattered on the floor, which, if you step carelessly, will let everyone know about you. As soon as you pass the dangerous section, go further along the marker and watch a touching cut-scene. This completes the task, and you receive a large amount of experience.

Mission: Dual Purpose

As before, you will find yourself in an area with enemies who don't know about you yet. Study the terrain and the location of opponents. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to act completely covertly here, so get ready to fight a crowd of opponents.

Once the fight is over, go to the closed door and reset the panel using the electrified web.

There are a couple more shields nearby, do the same with them. We get to the warehouse and move towards the shaft, through which we find ourselves in a room with weapons. We study the location and find several useful items, among which are the plans of a criminal group. When you talk to Mary on the phone, go to the exit to the street.

When you find yourself near a base with large forces of Demons, create a new device - a landmine. This gadget will allow you to immobilize opponents who find themselves in the affected area. Here you can immediately try out your new acquisition on AI dummies.

After the battle is over and the area has been cleared, go into the building and search it. On site you will find clues to the location of the Demon warehouses - this is another area of ​​side quests. If you decide to complete all these quests at once, you can get a lot of tokens (in each task, enemies will attack you in waves, and there will be quite a lot of them).

As we progress through this stage, we will meet a Demon wielding a whip. When you're done with him, move further along the marker on the map, where another battle awaits you. If you do everything correctly, the mission will end and you will be given another reward.

Mission: Secret Plans

May is waiting for you at the help center, talk to her. After the scene, you can walk around the building, chat with the locals and help them clean up. When you're done, head to Martin's office.

The door to the office will be closed, so you will have to get inside through the ventilation.

Once you're in the office, go to Lee's desk and open the drawer. There we find the key in the journal. Go to the picture hanging on the wall and activate the mechanism hidden in it. The puzzle is solved quite simply - we just make a sign similar to Yin-Yang, after which a passage to a secret room will open for us. Explore the room, get trapped and use the web on the shields. We go down through the hatch, where we meet Martin - this completes the task.

Mission: New stage

We move towards Octavius's laboratory. We talk with the doctor, after which we examine the room. If you're interested in getting Easter eggs, there are plenty of items that you can interact with through mini-games. When you're done, go to the platform with the mechanical arm and watch the next cutscene.

Repair the device by connecting the lines. When you succeed, talk to Octavius ​​and complete the task.

Mission: Dinner date

Another task where you have to “steer” another character.

Wait for the guard to leave. Go forward and throw the toolbox onto the floor, distracting the next opponent.

Move between the boxes and glass, then to the left (do not jump over obstacles, as enemies will be able to both see and hear you). Drop the box down to the engine again. Launch the device and wait for the enemy to go down. We go up, then down and further to the right.

Guess the moment when the guards turned their backs on you. Go to the marker on the map to the barrels. Examine the find, after which a scene with a Tombstone awaits you. Once complete, head left and pick up the box. Throw it, distracting the enemy, and head to the office, where we need to photograph the drawing. There is a GPS device on the table, pick it up and complete the task.

Mission: Upstream

At first, we help the cops deal with the bandits, using our gadgets and dodges to reduce the damage. Through the parking door we get inside to the wounded guard, after which we watch the scene. A crowd of enemies will appear with firearms and energy weapons. We melt with them using the web, after which we move to the elevator and go up. When the elevator falls on you, jump away and perform the same maneuvers in several other shafts.

When you find yourself next to the room where the doctor is being held, eliminate the enemies silently before they realize that you are nearby. Next you will face a battle with several waves of opponents, among which there will be enemies with swords. Dodge their attacks and stun them when the enemy opens up. The task will end with the completion of QTE actions.

Mission: What's in the box?

At the beginning of the task, follow the marker and watch the cut-scene in which Taskmaster will appear. This character will test your abilities with various activities, which are reflected on the map with special marks.

The very first task will be that you will need to catch several bombs in flight with a web and detonate them while avoiding damage. You need to hurry, as this mission takes time to complete and the faster you do everything, the more substantial the reward you will receive. If you enjoyed completing such tasks, you can repeat them as many times as you like until you collect tokens for the next upgrades.

Mission: Back to School

We move through people until we find Mysterio. We follow him through the tunnel, take off the mask and realize that we were mistaken. We return to the street and find another opponent - the Vulture. Using the R2 button we get to the balcony and communicate with the man. After the conversation, we jump down and go to the place where the doctor is.

During the trial you will be attacked by the Rhino. When you free yourself from the capture, run after the doctor - into the building through the window. Here we save several teenagers who are threatened by Demons. Through the ventilation we move to another room, and after the battle - again into the ventilation. After a short scene, we fight with the enemies, and then we find ourselves on the street. On the spot we see how Lee uses his power to turn people into zombies. The main threat to you is the Rhinoceros, the other opponents are quite weak. Defeat everyone, wait for the police to arrive and complete the task.

Mission: Hacking

We go along the marker, press R3. When you find hidden wiring, move up to the panels. When you perform the action, the enemies in the location will realize that you are nearby and will begin to search the room. Climb a little higher and go around the lasers. Remember that being discovered by enemies at this stage will result in mission failure, so try to stay in the shadows.

When you see the second module, hack it. After this, flying drones will appear in the location. Go to the cable and remain undetected. Hacking another device will cause helicopters to appear nearby. Use the R2 button to speed up the hero when there is no one in the way. When you hack the last device, proceed through the shaft above the door to Osborn's office. We find the necessary data on the computer and view the slides.

Mission: Without invitation

Now we are again faced with a stealth mission. We go forward, press L2 and distract the enemies with the help of special devices. We make our way under the gate to the left, distracting the enemy by throwing a third-party object.

We go upstairs and take a photo. Then we go down to the engine, start it and, when the guard goes to check the situation, we run to the awning.

After this we find ourselves behind the second enemy. Turn right as you exit the tent, pick up the toolbox and throw it to the side. We move through the container, climb onto the truck and wait for the car to move. Move a little to the right to avoid detection, then go up and drop another distracting item. We move to the left and find ourselves next to the next guard. Distract him with the sensor and go downstairs. Here we take a second photo while the guard is not looking, after which we go to the generator and turn off the power.

We go through the building to the trucks. We distract the guard standing next to the tents, move to the right and penetrate through the hole in the fence into the next location. We go again through the building to the yellow marker, distract the attention of the last enemy and enter the tent. After this, our heroine will receive very valuable information, and you will complete another not very pleasant stealth task.

Mission: Strong connections

We will have to visit Doctor Octavius ​​again in his laboratory. Move towards it, then go get some safety glasses. Through the next mini-game, find the first error when installing protection on the device. Here three riddles await you at once, in which each next one will be more difficult than the previous one.

When you finish working with the device, a story cut-scene will start in which you will learn that the doctor is suffering from some kind of illness. While touring the lab after completing the scene, Parker will receive a call from Mary Jane, and that's it for visiting the science center and generally completing of this assignment will end.

Mission: First day

When you see Miles attacked by bandits, deal with the opponents and watch the cut-scene. When control passes to another hero, answer the phone call and move forward, past stalls and other shopping establishments. Ahead you will see other enemies who are blocking the path to the homeless assistance center. Use your character's hacking abilities to hack the drone. We jump over the fence and move straight until we reach the barricade. Using the activated drone, get over the obstacle into the garden. We crawl under the gate and break open the red box.

Then we go around the enemy, bypassing the shards of glass on the ground. When you reach the next obstacle, activate the car's engine remotely for a distraction maneuver. Standing on the box, we jump over the fence.

Answer the next phone call and move towards the center. Having taken coffee, we go to the homeless. After several cutscenes, control will return to Parker.

Mission: Conflict of interest

Here we immediately begin pursuing Lee’s convoy and dodging the missiles that the criminals are shooting at us.

We get closer to the truck, find ourselves on its roof and deal with several opponents. When you're done, free all the remaining cars by pressing the buttons as prompted. Next, we return to the car, next to which an enemy with a whip is waiting for you. During the battle, perform QTE actions.

At the next stage we find ourselves in a strange world created by Martin himself. While Lee is reenacting some tragic scenes from the past, keep an eye on him - Lee is emitting white light, so it will be difficult to miss him. When you do everything, a battle will begin with the boss himself and a large number of ordinary “minions”. After several hits on Martin, a cut-scene will start, and then the next stage of the battle follows.

Now you need to catch the missiles flying at you using a combination of the L1 and R1 buttons, and send them back to the “address”. When you successfully complete this action four times, you will return to the familiar world, after which you will do a couple more QTE scenes and complete the task.

Mission: The one who got away

The game once again pleases us with stealth as Mary Jane. Let's go forward and examine the exhibits along the way. When you get to the desired item, you will see a scene in which Martin is stealing the device. After this, we will see Peter approach the building and conduct a dialogue. You need to determine the number of drones inside by asking your partner to distract the guards. Go to the yellow marker, where you will find a tablet.

After a short video, Peter will appear again and save us from our enemies. We jump down from the balcony and move to the left, preventing the guard from catching you. You can now ask Peter to catch an enemy and then stun him. Control the Spider, getting rid of opponents. When you've dealt with everyone, go to the OSCORP inscription, and then to the yellow marker.

When you see Martin, call Peter. The criminals activate a bomb, which you have to defuse. To achieve your goal, perform the following steps one by one:

  1. Rotate the device.
  2. Disconnect the last cable located under the red wire.
  3. Pull the other cable.
  4. Disconnect the red cable.
  5. Pull the first cable.

When the bomb is defused, control returns to the Spider. You will immediately see that there are a lot of enemies next to you - choose the best way to neutralize them. If you decide to act covertly, it will take longer than a frontal attack. But in the second case, you will have to deal with Bruts and opponents armed with rocket launchers.

When you have dealt with everyone, follow the marker. A battle with Negativity awaits you on the spot. After a few successful hits on the boss, Martin will charge himself and attack you from afar. When he fires several energy shots, feel free to get close to him and attack - at this moment Martin will be especially vulnerable.

After taking some damage, Lee will begin to assume a new pose. At this time, you need to jump straight up, and not to the sides. Follow the sequential procedure of pressing buttons according to the prompts and complete the battle with Negative.

Mission: Breakthrough

The task begins with Peter approaching Otto and examining the mechanical arms made by the scientist. During the process, the game will present you with three difficult puzzles that you have to solve through the already familiar mini-game. The task is difficult, so try to think through every action.

True, no matter how hard you try, according to the plot, Dr. Otto admits that he made a number of mistakes that even the brilliant Peter Parker could not solve. While watching the cut-scene, you will learn that the interlocutor has decided to take revenge on Osborn, after which the task will be completed.

Mission: Reflection

The simplest part of the game, which is performed through a conversation with your aunt in the center and the fact that Peter sees on TV a message about another attack by criminals.

Mission: Quarantine

Peter will have to fight with a large number of prisoners who have escaped from their cells. But don’t worry, although there are a lot of them, the opponents are quite weak. When you complete the first stage of the battle, Parquet learns that some prisoners are trying to take over the helicopter. Try to stop them, after which you will meet with Electro.

When you find yourself in another part of the prison, fight the criminals again. Having dealt with everyone, go to the door and meet with the Rhino. From now on, all the key villains of the Spider-Man universe will gradually join the battle. Give chase until you meet Scorpio. Then we fight with the prisoners again.

Follow the marker to the wall, go through the opening and chase Electro. When you catch up with the fugitive, the Vulture will appear. Accelerate until you find yourself in a warehouse, where you need to avoid projectiles flying at you and move gradually upward. When you get to the very top, you will see a scene in which the villains will surround the Spider. They are led by the Octopus, the battle will end with your defeat (don’t worry, it’s necessary according to the plot), and this will be the end of the task.

Mission: Yes to the fire

We go forward along the marker until we see how Electro attacked the building and locked several people in it. Attack enemies, use the web to manipulate the electrical panel. When you're done, head to the next skyscraper and follow the same steps. The last electrical device is located on the helicopter, which must be destroyed as soon as the helicopter is in the affected area.

You will see how the police were attacked by a new group of enemies. Deal with them and meet Rhino. Watch a short scene, after which we need to deal with several groups of prisoners at the points marked on the map.

At the top of the building, the Spider will be attacked by Sable's minions. They use special jetpacks, so get close to them and quickly attack before the enemies fly up. At the end of the battle, Parker's phone will receive a call from Mary Jane, who will inform you about the burning homeless assistance center. We go to the place to save the aunt and Miles. Upon arrival at the scene of the fire, we watch a cut-scene in which Peter saves the unfortunate people, completing the next task.

Mission: On the trail

We follow the marker on the map and begin testing the device with a mini-game. After finding the desired sample, we scan the area and follow the trail of the substance. He will lead you to the ventilation shaft of the building, through which the Spider will be able to get inside the building. Use the electric web on the shields to locate the bandits' hideout.

On the tables you will find some documents that will allow you to understand why the villains joined the Octopus. Also study the map on the chest, and then find and activate the ultraviolet lamp. With its help, on the same map you will find hidden clues about the plans of your enemies - Peter will make the necessary notes as soon as you target certain areas on the map. When you're done exploring, look for a chest labeled Icarus.

Mission: Battle against Electro and Vulture

When the Vulture grabs you, the battle will begin. Spin around your opponent and use shooters to stun. When you damage the boss, he will proceed to the transformers, which you need to destroy as quickly as possible. After you're done with Electro, the Vulture will appear on the stage. The best way to attack him is with mechanical feathers, which the boss himself sends at you. Some time later, both villains will join forces against Spider.

After the first QTE scene, another stage of the battle will follow. Perform actions several times, defeating enemies, and send the scoundrels to where they belong - to prison.

Mission: Poison Streets

We will see Peter suffering from severe hallucinations after being bitten. Moreover, the entire city has been seriously transformed - you need to navigate through it, bypassing the poisonous clouds. Go to the top of the building, where the hero will begin analyzing the substance. Explore New York with its contaminated rivers. Then go to the greenhouse, where Parker will get even worse.

Now you have to travel in a world created by the inflamed consciousness of the Spider himself. Move around the location using the web and parkour, trying to keep up with Octavius. At the end of the path you will find a plant that is one of the ingredients for making an antidote.

We're heading back to New York. Go to the science center. Along the way, Peter will begin to see huge tentacles that will try to pull you into clouds with poison. Avoid falling into any trap. Later certain time you again realize yourself in another world, where we will need to follow Otto. Go through the tunnel and up the wall until you reach the medicine. We return to the city, moving towards to the right place, dodging Scorpio's sting.

And again another world, this time with the same Scorpio. He jumps from place to place and shoots poison at you, so dodge and try to stun the enemy. When you're done, move on and meet a new group of enemies (several scorpions). If you do everything correctly, Peter will wake up in the laboratory and begin the next task.

Mission: Supply

When you get to the center, receive a phone call from Miles. He will tell you how things are, after which control will switch to the young man. Follow the lamps, hack them and pass the enemy who has his back turned to you.

First trace through the glass, and then go through the passage in the wall. After examining the medical instruments, we understand that there is nothing interesting here. We launch the drone and walk past the guard, moving along the boxes.

We hack the next device, distract the enemy and go left. We launch a new device and continue forward to the marker.

We get into the tent and examine the medicines. When you're done, go to the barricade and activate the drone. Look at the sniper, move forward until you reach the car. In it you will find the necessary ingredients, after which the Rhino will appear in view. We hide behind the boxes, then move towards the lanterns and sneak into the hatch next to the villain. Wait until the Rhino leaves, get out of the hatch and again climb the boxes a little further.

The rhinoceros will begin to throw boxes to the sides. Wait for him to take a different route, approach him and rush forward. We continue through the container, jump down and go into the tunnel. Again we wait until the enemy is busy with his own business and leave the tunnel. You need to lure the Rhino to the right side of the location, after which we move to the container and turn on the radio. When the enemy moves past you, head towards the exit and complete the chapter.

Mission: Smash

Finally, we will fight against Rhino. In most cases, he just rushes ahead, so you need to dodge the boss’s attacks, luring him to various objects. As soon as the Rhino falls, deal damage with shooters. When you successfully complete this action several times, Scorpio will appear. Now it is best for you to focus on killing Scorpio, since he is fast and will constantly interfere with you. Remember how you fought him in the world of illusions, here he will use the same tactics.

When you've dealt with Scorpio, return to the battle with Rhino. Perform dodges and lure him onto objects, as you did before. When you do it, you will see a scene in which the next villains are tied up and sent to places not so distant.

Mission: Come visit

Approach the yellow marker and start the next task. Mary Jane will meet several people and talk to them. When a guard appears in the room, go around him and go behind him. A little further we find a taser, with which we stun the enemy, sneaking up from behind.

We hide behind the trash can and attract the attention of the guard using the sensor. When you deal with the enemy, go to the room with the monitors. After stunning the next enemy, go to the panel and launch the elevator. Enter the room with people through the open door, wait until Sable and Osborn appear on the spot. Try to quietly make your way to the elevator, through which it will open to the unguarded part of the building. Here you can find many different elements that will allow you to dive deeper into the history of the world.

When you put on the mask, a scene starts. We go into the hidden room and approach the picture with the hiding place. Trying to use the control panel will fail, but you will learn that you need a special key to do this. Go to the table and pick up the note with the digital combination. Go to Osborn's bedroom, look at the photo and expand it. Read the magazine after entering the room, from which you will learn about Osborn's illness.

Sneak left towards the cover. We wait until the path is clear and move to the marker on the map. We go into the kitchen and position ourselves so that we have an overview of the living room. We wait again until everyone has left and move along the corridor to the elevator. Wait until the guard turns away, then run left. Use the code you received to open the door and proceed to the table. Manipulate the drawing until you combine the Osborn building, the VIP and the Sable patrol.

The correct placement will allow you to find out the location of the Devil's Breath. You will also learn a lot of interesting things from the past of Mister Negative.

You will realize that you have attracted the attention of enemies. Leave the room and move to the right, hiding in the corridor with the elevator. We wait until the guard leaves, after which we go to the dining room. We stun the enemy and go into the room with the pool.

Try to avoid new enemies as you make your way to the balcony. At the very end, Sable will still catch up with the girl, and Spider-Man will appear on the scene and save his beloved.

Mission: The crux of the matter

In this mission you will first have to deal with snipers, and then with all other opponents. When you complete the battle (there will be a lot of enemies, use gadgets), move into the building and follow Martin. Follow the trail of ominous matter, jump down and find your opponent.

Moving between different dimensions, we discover photographs of Lee's parents, after which we return to reality. Now we fight with Negative, who uses a sword and charges for shots from afar. Throw monitors at him until you knock Negative to the ground, then attack the enemy in close combat. Perform QTE actions, dodge attacks and deal damage at the moment when the boss completes a combo.

A little later you will find yourself in another dimension, deal with weak opponents here and return to real world. Now, in addition to dodging Martin’s familiar techniques, you need to avoid his jumps - move around the location using the web.

Now most big problem for you are third-party opponents. Try to deal with them first, and then return your attention to the Negative. When you deal enough damage to him, a new cutscene will start in which the Octopus will appear. The enemy will once again knock Peter out, after which you will find yourself in the support center, and the penultimate task will be completed.

Mission: Pax in white

We follow to Octavius' laboratory, where Peter can create a new suit for his future battle with the Octopus. The confrontation with him is the most difficult in the game, so follow our advice, otherwise you will not win.

When the battle starts, always move around the location, do not stay in one place for too long. If you make a mistake, Otto will quickly get close to you and will actually kill you right away with a series of quick blows. However, you can’t hesitate at the top either, since the Octopus can throw various items. They can be caught and sent back to the enemy, which is the best option - after stunning Otto, deal damage without fear for your own health.

When you remove some of his health, the boss will climb onto the transmitter. Here you can shoot him from your devices, after which the procedure should be repeated from the very beginning. Do this until a cutscene starts, after which you and the boss will move outside the building. Here you should also dodge attacks and throw at

Octopus items until the series of videos starts again.

This stage will mark the completion storyline V new game about Spider-Man. Marvel Studios has not changed its principles, and after the end of the credits you will be able to see a new scene with the Goblin. Check them out to reveal a little more detail about your favorite universe.

Once you finish watching, the game will give you maximum scope for exploring the city. You will be able to complete all side missions, create all costumes and learn any upgrades.

Name of the game: The Amazing Spider-man 2 in Russia is published as " New person spider 2"

Genre: action

Platform: Android, iPad, iPhone, PC, PS3, PS4, X360, PS4

"Sometimes I wonder

How would my life turn out if a hedgehog bit me?”

Walkthrough of the game The Amazing Spider-Man 2.


We start the game as Peter Parker. We leave the store and see a man screaming that his bag was stolen. We walk along the street where the target designator points, while getting used to the controls. When we hear a shot on the street, we go to the place where it was fired. We see the murdered Uncle Ben and watch Parker tell his story.

On the trail of the killer

Take a photo of the gang leader, defeat the criminals

Two years later. Let's get used to managing the web and Spider-Man's movements in the city. When we hear the police radio message about the robbery, the goal will be to get to the alley. We fly there on the web, take a photo of the gang leader. Spider-Man will feel the danger, we look around from above there will be a crane that will fall on us. We fight with the criminals, interrogate the leader.

Boxes with weapons. Herman Schultz

We get to the location of the arms deal. We use our intuition to discover boxes with weapons, deal with the bandits and wrap 3 boxes in cobwebs. Herman Schultz appears, we defeat him in battle and ask about Ben’s killer.

Life is a struggle

Communication tower.

We get to the communications tower. It is blocked by antennas. Sitting on a communications tower, we turn on our intuition and look down at the buildings. 3 antennas will be below on the buildings. We move towards them and block them. After which you can open a map of Manhattan and see various events in the city - crimes being committed, robberies, thefts, and so on. For preventing crimes and performing heroic deeds, our heroic bonus will increase.

Investigate street crimes. Save the townsman.

We get to the crime scene, fight with the bandits, they throw a Molotov cocktail at the building and it catches fire. We need to get a resident out of a burning building. We jump through the window to the second floor onto the stairs, on the left we break down the door for those passing through the room to another staircase and go up to the floor above. We break down the door, in front of us there is a fire behind it, a townsman. We pull the beam to bring it down on the fire and put it out. We grab the citizen, jump out the window with him and carry him to the medical gurney.

Stan's Comic Shop

We go to Stan's store. Now we can collect figurines during the adventures of Spider-Man and comics. You can also play the slot machine while going through combat tests. We leave the store.

Get to Carradine

We go to Carradine's meeting with the buyer. He will escape by car taking a hostage. We chase the car on the web and, approaching, jerk towards the car. We open the door on the left and throw out his accomplice. If we fall off the car, we catch up with it again. Then you need to tear out the rear window of the car and pull out the hostage. In order for the action button to appear - tear out the glass, we go down a little lower on the rear hood.

Aunt May's house

After listening to the message, we send him home to Aunt May. In the room we can try on Spider-Man costumes, each of which has its own bonuses. We can also replay missions. by clicking on the photos on the wall. We talk with the aunt, after which we go to Oscorp.

Raid on Oscorp

Find Oscorp installation

We climb the Oscorp Tower. We deal with the Russian bandits and pull back the broken helicopter to penetrate the building. We make our way through the shaft of the building and silently eliminate the bandits. We shoot cobwebs at the running fan to stop it. We rush past the red-hot red pipes.

Activate coolant flow.

In the laboratory we deal with the bandits and untie Dillon’s hands. In the same room you can take a photo of the prototype for flights and on the door that Max opens there is a photo of the Oscorp emblem. The warning system will turn on. Max will open the door for us and jump onto the conveyor belt. Near the generator we turn on three cooling units.

After the installations are launched, warring gangs will appear. We find 4 boxes with weapons and code the boxes.

Defeat Shocker

After we find all the boxes with weapons, Schultz, aka Shocker, will appear. We fight with him and bounce away from him when red waves appear above the spider. and we attack again. When he starts jumping onto the installations, we simply shoot the web at the levers so that they go down and hit him again.

Hunter's Day

Criminal activity

We perform two heroic deeds in order to increase our karma in the eyes of the residents and so that the special group does not attack us. After completing work on the crimes, we go to Central Park, deal with some more bandits and find a note from the escaped criminal.

Defeat the goon

After this, we move to the bus stop, where a shootout is taking place. We deal with all the bandits, after which a pot-bellied guy will appear, he’s also a thug. We shoot at him with a seismic impulse to cause dizziness, and immediately fly up to him and start hitting him, as soon as he comes to his senses we run away from him and again direct the impulse at him and mutize

Craven's Lair

After the victory, Kraven will appear on the thug, we go to his hideout. We listen to him talk about fighting crime, take 3 photos of interesting objects in his house. Afterwards we look at his stuffed hybrids and leave the lair

Into the lion's den!

After Craven, Parker will receive a call from Felicia, aka Catwoman. We leave Aunt May's house and go again to meet Craven, only in a spider suit. Spider-Man agrees to work with him.

We go to the place where small bandits live and take photographs of the four from the roofs of the building. As soon as we take a photo of everyone, one of them will run to the box from Oscorp. We take photographs of the boxes from the forklift. Then we quietly follow the truck to the Russian shelter and penetrate it through the sewer.

Russian refuge

A stealth mission begins in the lair, so for this mission I recommend upgrading Spider-Man’s “VISION” ability, which will allow you to better see enemies in intuition mode and their visibility area, which is illuminated with a red glow. Next, we carefully and slowly eliminate all the gangsters. Unlocking a new suit for Spidey. We deal with the agile Russian. To do this, we don’t let her jump too much, we pull her towards us, or we ourselves pull ourselves towards her and hit her. Afterwards we photograph the archive.

Danger threatens everyone!


In the city we go to the theater. As Parker, we interrogate Harry Osborn. During the dialogue, a suspicious waiter will approach you. We follow the waiter. In the back rooms we see the waiter come through the door and change into Spider-Man. From above, we tear off the ventilation grill with cobwebs and climb into it.

Inside we see how Russian bandits are holding waiters hostage, we fight with them, not allowing them to come to their senses and kill the hostages. The door through which the waiter left under the load, we pull the load down with a web to open the door and quickly jump through it with a jerk until it closes.

Having reached the waiter, the spider senses danger, we look around to determine the source. We find another thug to our right. We deal with him in the same way as with the first one, we direct a seismic impulse at him and hit him while he is stunned. More Russian bandits will come running, we’ll deal with them.

We dress up as Peter Parker again and go to the theater. We need to eavesdrop on the guests, so we approach the girl (Felicia) near the bar. Fisk will appear, let's go question him. After talking with him, we leave the theater.

High-tech weapons storage facility and the Russians

Having found out that the Russians are bringing weapons into the city, we follow their trail to the truck into which they load the weapons. At the dock we fight with the Russians and destroy 4 containers with weapons, to do this we tear off the lids with cobwebs and simply smash them until the container explodes.

We see the bandit enter the hangar. We penetrate into the hangar through the ventilation from above, in stealth mode and with intuition turned on, we eliminate the bandits. After which we jump into the circle with the hostage and stay in this circle so that the hostage is not killed and at the same time deal with the bandits. Afterwards, we untie the townsman and learn from him a description of the Carnage Killer.

Hunting and prey


We get to the meeting place with Craven, who is already watching the killer. We fight with him, after victory the spider talks to Craven, and Clitus is taken to a psychiatric hospital.

cat claws

Police convoy

Spider-Man is now being hunted by a special group, so we try to move carefully around the city; if a flying drone of a special group does follow us, it will be easier not to run away from it, but simply incapacitate it by clinging to it.

We get to the police escort. We accompany him, fighting off ambushes, using intuition to find mined cars along the convoy route.


Having heard from the police that some impostor robbed the museum, we go there to find out what happened there. We get to the museum and get inside through the ventilation on the roof. Spider-Man discovers that an ambush from Kingpin's men awaits him inside.

We must not be seen by surveillance cameras. If you haven’t already done so, pump up your intuition to the maximum in order to see all enemies and their field of vision. The cameras are not so scary, we just climb the ceiling and walls just above them and eliminate 12 bandits one by one.

Defeat the Black Cat

The catwoman moves quickly, disappearing and suddenly appearing in different places. We just don’t let her go behind our backs, we try to pull her towards us. She will begin to disappear and appear in different places in the museum. We turn on our intuition to see it, where it is. You can try covering it with cobwebs. After victory she will run away. And we find out that Fisk is the Kingpin.

My ally is my enemy!


We go to Harry Osborn's house to talk to him about Fisk. During a conversation with him, we learn that Harry is sick with his father’s genetic disease, and Fisk wants to take control of Oscorp, and Craven works for him. We're heading back to the city to fight crime. After completing heroic deeds, we head back to Harry's house. Jumping onto the limo we talk to him.


We go to Craven's lair. Inside we see that he moved off it. We search his lair to find evidence. In the hall where his stuffed animals stand, we see that one place has been prepared for Spider-Man. A little further we find a stand with photographs of a spider from which we find out that he was researching our hero, studying his abilities and capabilities. The spider's intuition will immediately work, we are looking for the source of danger, darts will fly, I will immediately say there is no point in dodging, one dart will still hit. Kraven uses darts to put Spider-Man to sleep.

We find ourselves in the park with Craven. We fight with him. It causes us to hallucinate and we see many doubles and fight them off. When he hides in the trees, we turn on our intuition to find him, as soon as we find him, we are attracted to him to throw him out of the tree, and hit him again. After the victory, we ask him about everything he knows.


Fisk aka Kingpin

We go to Fisk's tower and get into the truck that is going to Fisk. We need to get out of the truck, upgrade as much as we can to improve the ionic web, which corrodes the armor. We shoot it at the car doors so that the web will corrode them after it turns black and knock it out. As soon as we get out of the truck, a special group soldier will immediately meet us. Normal attacks do not harm him while he is wearing armor. Using an ion web we corrode his armor until it turns black, after which we break the armor and neutralize the fighter himself.

By the way, after the appearance of the ion web, you can destroy Oscorp boxes, from each box we will receive + 1000 points to improve your abilities.

In the estate where Kingpin is hiding, we need to destroy 5 special group soldiers in armor, who are covered by ordinary bandits and thugs with machine guns. As soon as we deal with everyone, the passage to the Penguin's safe house will open. We use intuition to find the gate, destroy it with an ionic web and go along the opened passage.

Defeat Kingpin.

Having reached Fisk, aka Kingpin, we fight him. You shouldn't stand next to him for long. As soon as he runs towards us, we dodge his ram, as soon as he crashes into the wall, after that we can beat him with impunity for a couple of seconds, during which time his lives are taken away. When he starts calling armored fighters, we launch seismic impulses at him to slow him down, and at the same time we deal with the fighters so that they do not interfere. Again we wait for his rams and beat him up when he crashes into the wall.

Power surge


To get to Electro, you need to remove the electrical shield around him. We destroy 4 electric generators. Flying drones will interfere with us, we disable them by tearing them off at the bottom of the engine. Having turned off all the generators, we jump into the field with Electro, determine the source of danger in order to dodge the boss’s blow.

After that, we shoot the web at Electro to cover him all over, we are attracted to him and hit him while he is in the web. As soon as he frees himself, we run away from him and dodge his discharges, throw him with cobwebs again and hit him. When he frees himself from the web, he sends a wave of current around him, we move back or jump over it.

When he has half his lives left, he will grab Spider-Man and fly up, press the button that is shown to us to free himself from his strangulation and start beating him. Having fallen to the ground, Electro will begin to run away from us, launching electric balls behind him, we chase him and shoot the balls with a web and try to hit him. Having caught up with him, we fight him again on the roof, shooting cobwebs. At the end of the battle in the air, we deal him the final decisive blow.

Green Goblin

Defuse the bombs

Spider-Man is now a threat to the task force that must be eliminated. The special group put up special shields between the houses so that the spider could not fly through them, and small drones fly everywhere, cover them with cobwebs to get rid of them and collect all the bombs that the green goblin scatters, throwing them into the water.

After eliminating the bombs, we go to the Oscorp tower. flying special squad fighters will appear in front of the entrance. We pull them to the ground with a web and finish them off. After the victory, we save three townspeople from their burning building, and turn on our intuition to detect them.

Green Goblin

A green goblin will appear; after talking with him, we go after him. We get to him and then chase him to the roof of the house. We shoot with a web, catch one of his fallen drones with a web and throw it at him to throw him off, after which we hit him until he flies. We jerk towards the goblin and hit him in flight.

On the roof he is armed with drones, we shoot them with cobwebs and grab one of the drones, throwing it at the others, after which we hit the goblin himself, dodging the fire that he shoots around him. Also, when you scatter all the drones, it is best to attract the goblin to you and beat him.

Complete ripper


Having heard the police message, we go to one of the policemen. He will tell us that there was a riot in Ravencroft, and the special group sent there got into trouble. We go there, clear all points of rioters, special forces soldiers, psychotic mutants and save the trapped innocents.

After capturing the points, we go to help Donald Mencken. We stay in a circle next to him and deal with the enemies. After the rescue, we ask him about Cassidy, and quickly drag him out to the parking lot, making sure that the fighters do not hit us, otherwise for some time he will lose the ability to shoot webs. We go to Ravencroft

In the footsteps of Carnage

There are fighters inside and the cage is under tension. We eliminate the fighters, trying not to get caught in the electricity. We enter the cage in which Max Dillon was sitting through the gap with a jerk. We jump out of it in the same way. There is a large gap in the wall nearby, we pull the beam away from it with a cobweb and jump there with a jerk. We make our way to the Poisons wing.

We follow Cassidy's trail, ahead of us we will meet mutated plants or symbiotes, we launch a seismic impulse at them to neutralize them. We make our way to the meeting place with Cassidy.

Defeat Carnage

We fight with Cassidy, having won, we question him after which he mutates into something similar to Spider-Man. We fight him. We open all the shutters to open fire around. We shoot at him with a seismic pulse and try to throw him into the fire.

When he starts jumping on the pillars above in a circle, we turn on our intuition and shoot him with a seismic pulse so that he falls down, preferably to the place where the fire is burning. He will call his doubles, who will attack us in the arena, and he himself will continue to shoot from above. I just gave up on the doubles, running away from them and shooting at him so that he would fall into the fire every time.

The final

After defeating Carnage. We will be shown a scene in which Peter is in the Wall comic book store, talking to him about Uncle Ben and how he can continue to live. And Fisk and Chameleon are planning new insidious plans.

Flower delivery in Yelnya Flower shop AZHUR.
