Skyrim time of hardships correct passage. Where to find a Redguard woman in Skyrim and what to do with her. Negotiations with Kematu

Skyrim is single player RPG game in the fantasy genre. It attracts players from all over the globe with its rich open world, a huge number of different monsters and characters. The passage takes several hundred hours.

How and where to find a Redguard woman in Skyrim, the player can only find out when he starts the quest “Dragon in the Sky”, without starting the passage of this assignment, side quest“Time of Deprivation” will not be available to the character. If the sequence is followed, the hero should go to Whiterun.

In Whiterun, the player can watch a scene of a dispute between a guard and the Alicrians. He can intervene in a dispute and then one of the strangers will turn to him asking for help. Alikrians need to help find the criminal Sadiya, who was sentenced to trial. The character will have to find out where to find a Redguard woman in Skyrim. The hero shouldn't go far. The Outlander is hiding in Whiterun, in the Prancing Mare tavern.

The player needs to go to the establishment and find a dark-skinned lady who works there. When entering into a conversation with a Redguard, the character should mention the Alicrians, then Sadia will offer to talk in private. The hero follows the woman to her room. In the chambers, the fugitive will begin to threaten the player, but a few phrases will calm her down, and she will begin to pour out her soul, begging for help. The character faces a difficult choice.

He can go to the mercenary and tell him where to find a Redguard woman in Skyrim, it’s easy to get there, but here the strongest survive, so the player can, without a twinge of conscience, hand over the fugitive and receive an honestly earned reward, at the same time completing the quest.

But if the hero wants to protect a poor woman being pursued by mercenaries, then he will have to run around and shed a lot of blood for the same amount of money.

The player has chosen a difficult path, now he will have to get rid of the assassins and their leader who are looking for Sadia. The character heads to Dragon's Reach, where one of the mercenaries is languishing in prison. In order for a mercenary to speak, you will have to pay a fine of one hundred coins for his freedom. After making sure that the money has been paid, the prisoner will tell the player where Kematu is hiding.

Not far from Whiterun, there is a small cave called the Trickster's Lair, where Kematu and his guys settled. Before going to this dangerous place, it would not hurt for the hero to increase his level, put on strong uniforms, or take a companion with him. In the Trickster's Lair, the character will have to cut his way through the crowd of bandits who are guarding Kemata and his warriors.

Once the last bandit is dead, Kematu will appear with his retinue. The player can immediately deal with him or talk and find out the Alikrian version regarding the Redguard.

If the hero chooses the second path, he will have to decide for the second time whether to give Sadiya to the enemy and receive a reward. Or kill the mercenaries and Kemata, and then return to the fugitive for a well-deserved payment. The character may still prefer to return the Redguard to the hands of justice. He will need to return to Whiterun and trick Sadia into the stables, where she will be captured by the Alicrians. As a result, the hero will receive a long-awaited reward.

It is up to the player to decide which side to take in order to complete this quest. For any choice, the reward will be the same for both Sadia and the Alicrians. After receiving the money, the task will be completed.

This quest is the fifth installment in the Skyrim series. The quest retains the concept of a huge and open world. The player has the opportunity to move freely throughout the province of Skyrim.

And these are no less than nine large cities, many settlements, vast areas of mountainous landscape and wild lands. The player will also have to deal with household chores: cooking, blacksmithing, farming, working with ore. Playing time can reach 300 hours. Completing the quest Time of Deprivation in Skyrim reveals the presence of two hidden storylines. The choice of one of them predetermines further development games. In Whiterun, two Alicrians approach the hero with the task of finding a Redguard woman. We find a dark-skinned woman, Sidia, in the Prancing Mare tavern. If you sit on a chair or bench, it will fit itself. We inform her that they are looking for her, and the frightened Sadia asks for a face-to-face conversation. After this, the Redgar woman climbs up the stairs, inviting you to follow her.

And here the player must independently solve the main task of the Time of Deprivation - come to the aid of the fugitive or hand her over to the soldiers without too much fuss. From this point on, the plot development can go in two different directions. In the game, Sadia is in some way the starting point for two storylines. If you make a decision in favor of a woman, you need to follow her to the top floor of the tavern. There she will tell about the reasons for her persecution and asks to get rid of the mercenaries and their leader Kematu. After which the hero goes to prison to meet with the prisoner. He promises to tell about Kematu's whereabouts if they pay a fine for him. The amount of 100 gold is given to the guard. The freed prisoner sends the hero to the location “The Trickster’s Lair.” There, in the dungeon, you will have to fight with bandits of different levels, then with six more Alicrians, while in a grotto flooded with water we find Kemata himself. He will tell you that Sadia is a dangerous state criminal who must be tried. And again the player is faced with a dilemma - hand her over to Kemat or continue to hone his combat skills in the fight against the Alicrians. If we win, we return to Sadia and receive a reward of 500 gold.

Or it was possible initially to deceitfully lure the Redgar woman out of the tavern to the stables and hand her over to the soldiers. As a result, the reward is the same 500 gold. Or after talking with Kematu, take him to the same stables - the same 500 gold. The main thing is not to forget to accompany her, otherwise the woman will stop and not go anywhere. Thus, the reward is the same in any case. Only in the second case, the time to complete the game is significantly reduced. If you don’t want to betray Sadiya, you will have to fight several opponents at the same time, and this is quite difficult and time-consuming. In any case, the decision remains with the player. Completing the Time of Deprivation quest in Skyrim is unthinkable without using shouts. This is an effective method that allows you to turn the tide of a battle in your favor, even in a seemingly hopeless situation. "Ruthless Force" - knocks back and stuns the enemy. "Rapid dash" - jump forward over a long distance. “Time Slowdown” - the movement of characters, with the exception of the hero himself, slows down significantly. The game Skyrim always presents its users with non-standard and original tasks. The Time of Deprivation Quest is a clear confirmation of this.

Quest given by: Alik'r warrior.
Requirements: Completed quest Dragon in the Sky.
Reward: 500 gold.

After killing the dragon, we head to Whiterun. Right at the exit from the city we see two Alik'r warriors being chased away by a guard:

We talk to them, they give us the task of finding a Redguard woman.

We go to the Prancing Mare, talk to Sadia (You can just sit on a bench or chair, after which she will come up to you):

She asks us not to hand her over to the Alik'r.

You can go to Rorikstead and turn it in.

We agree not to give it away. She directs us to the prison, which is located under Dragon's Reach (the prison will be indicated by a marker).

We speak with the prisoner Alik'rts.

He asks to pay his fine. For this, he will agree to give us the location of Kematu, the leader of the Alik’rts. We pay the guard who is standing nearby 100 gold pieces and talk to the prisoner. He directs us to the location “The Trickster’s Lair”:

Let's go and clear the dungeon.

Dungeon map:

In the dungeon there will first be leveled bandits, and then 6 Alik'rts + Kematu.

As soon as we approach Kemat, he will speak to us.

IN this moment decide whether you are going to extradite Sadiya.

The reward from Sadia and from Kematu is the same, but if you do not want to betray it, you will have to fight seven opponents at the same time. I note that they are very strong opponents, especially when surrounded.

If you decide not to hand over Sadia, we kill everyone, return to the Prancing Mare and receive the reward.

If you decide to help Kemat, then we agree with him. He offers to trick Sadia into leading her to the stables.

We go to the Prancing Mare and talk to Sadia. We lie to her, after which she gets up and runs to the stables.

Attention! You must accompany her all the way, otherwise she will stop and not go anywhere. I also don’t recommend doing fast movements.

As soon as we arrived at the stables, Kematu will neutralize her, after which he will pay us 500 gold.


Exercise - good way raising money at the beginning of the game, and fighting against strong opponents is very difficult, but if the goal is to improve the skill of weapons or magic on opponents, then this is a good option.

The most profitable thing would be to turn it in at the very beginning in Rorikstead and skip the main part of the quest (you will be sent to Kemat, who will offer to deceive Sadia).

, Dragon's Reach

  • Reward: 500 gold
  • ID: MS08
  • Brief walkthrough

    1. Receive a task from the Alik'ri warriors
    2. Find Sadia in The Prancing Mare
    3. Talk to her or report her to Rorikstead
    4. Kill Kemata or bring Sadia to the stables
    5. Receive a reward from Kematu or Sadia

    Detailed walkthrough

    Wanted woman

    Note: You don’t have to go to the prisoner, but immediately after talking with Sadia go to the Trickster’s Lair.

    The Rogue's Lair

    Kematu, leader of the Alik warriors

    When you reach the Rogue's Lair, you will see that it is full of bandits. Make your way through the network of tunnels, killing every bandit in your path, until you reach a passage with a waterfall. As soon as you pass through the wall of water, Kematu, the leader of the Alik'r warriors, will begin a conversation. He claims that Sadiya is wanted on charges of treason.

    If you still want to help Sadia, then you will have to fight Kematu and his four warriors. The fight against many Alik "r warriors can be made easier with the help of a bear trap located in the labyrinths that lead to the cave where Kematu is waiting. You can promise to help deal with Sadia, and then use a bow to kill all the warriors. After the death of the mercenaries, you can rob their bodies , thus receiving additional compensation for their efforts.

    ...Or bring a traitor to justice

    If you decide to help the Alik"r capture Saadia, Kematu or the Redguards you spoke to in Rorikstead will ask you to lure her to the Whiterun Stables. Go back and talk to Saadia in The Bannered Mare and ask her to follow you. Once she gets to the stables, Kematu will use a paralyzing spell on her. Talk to him for your reward.

    Alternative Routes

    While Kematu and Saadia are talking at the stables you can still kill Kematu before he casts the spell on Saadia. This will get you the reward from Saadia and the gold Kematu is carrying without having to fight the rest of the Alik"r. If you kill him after he casts the spell, however, Saadia will attack you when she gets back up.

    You can also allow Kematu to cast the spell on Saadia and collect the 500 gold reward thus ending the quest, then kill Kematu to undo the spell on Saadia. At this point Saddia will be hostile right away so use a Calm spell on her then talk to her and she will give you the 500 gold reward for killing Kematu. You can then Loot Kematu's body to get 200 gold, his attire, and his sword. Once the Calm spell ends Saadia will become hostile again, Kill her then loot her body she will also have gold and jewels. Both characters will be dead but you will have gained maximum rewards equaling out to 1200 gold plus random jewels.

    You may also command a follower to attack Kematu. As they cannot die, they will weather all the damage and kill all of the Alik"r for you, netting their loot and the reward(s) even at a very low level.


    • The Whiterun guards won't release the Alik'r prisoner, even though you paid his fine. Apparently they " lost the key" to his cell and "will eventually get to it".
    • It is not only possible to evade the majority of enemies in Swindler's Den, but also to skip stage 101 of the quest. At the beginning of the dungeon, it is possible to jump up onto the cliff on the right side of the entrance, where the first enemies found inside the cave are: when you get to the second chamber, jump on the table and, with your back to the chair, jump onto the rock in front of you, as if you are trying to jump through it. Then, look slightly to your left; about your 11 o" clock, you will see a gray-ish slanted rock wall of a sort. Jump onto it and keep on pressing your jump button while looking up and you should be able to jump up to the ledge there. From the pledge, follow the path until you run into Kematu. You come up behind his men this way, and Kematu doesn't hear you coming as he is supposed to. This skips the dialogue and quest stage trigger that you would normally get when passing through the waterfall and up the stairs.
    • In order for Saadia to make it to the Whiterun Stables, you may have to meet her outside of Whiterun's main gate.
    • If you do choose to help Saadia, you may tell her you will kill Kematu, then go to the Alik"r soon after. This will tell you that you have sucessfully killed Kematu, and may earn you extra money.
    • Both sides will claim to be acting against the Aldmeri Dominion and both sides will claim the other is acting on the dominion"s behalf, so it"s not really clear who"s on whose side. Additionally there are no notes or other clues to either verify or falsify the truthfulness in either party"s claims.


    Quest stages

    In My Time Of Need (MS08)
    The final Journal entries
    10 Some people calling themselves Alik'rs are looking for a Redguard woman in Whiterun.


    : Find a Redguard woman


    : Talk to Sadia


    25 It turns out that the maid in the Prancing Mare is actually a runaway lady of noble birth from Hammerfell. She claims that she is fleeing assassins sent by other noble families, and asks to stop them before they find her.


    : Talk to the captured Alikr in prison


    : Inform the Aliks about the whereabouts of Sadia


    : Find a way to penetrate the Alik'rtsev's hideout


    : Penetrate Alik'rtsev's hideout


    : Kill Kemata


    : Kill Kemata or talk to him


    : Kill Kemat OR bring Sadia to Kemat


    : Kill Kemata


    : Return to Sadia
    175 The head of the so-called “assassins” whom I was asked to destroy claims that Sadiya betrayed her people and collaborated with the Dominion, and they want to take her to trial. I had no choice but to agree to lure her into a trap in the Whiterun stables.


    : Bring Sadia to Whiterun Stables


    : Talk to Sadia
    200 I managed to save Sadiya from the assassins sent to her by the Alik'rs. Their leader was destroyed, and Sadiya is sure that now the others will scatter, and she will finally be safe.
    201 We reached an agreement with Kematu, and with my help he captured Sadiya. He promises to take her to Hammerfell alive, but then the court will decide her fate.

    It's been 7 years since Bethesda Softworks released the fifth chapter of its unrivaled gaming series. The Elder Scrolls. We are talking about one of the most iconic and iconic computer games- Skyrim. The diverse system of tasks ensured its incredible popularity. By completing quests with various passage options, where it depends only on the person’s choice what the end of the next story will be, you can completely immerse yourself in a fabulous virtual world. This article is about one of these tasks - “Time of Hardship”, under the terms of which the player will have to find a Redguard woman in Skyrim.

    Suspicious Alik'r

    Following the storyline of the quests, Dovahkiin kills the dragon, which burned the Helgen fortress to the ground and now threatens the capital of Skyrim - Whiterun. Very pleased with himself, our hero returns to the jarl for his reward. His backpack is full of war trophies, which can fetch decent money. However, after passing through the gates of Whiterun, the player witnesses an argument between two dark-skinned people and a guard. They are unsuccessfully trying to find out where to find a female Redguard in Skyrim. Redguards are disliked for their They are extremely intolerant of foreigners, and their temper often leads to skirmishes that end in bloody violence. The guard doesn't stand on ceremony with the Alik'r and shows them the exit. The Redguards turn around and approach Dovahkiin. They offer the player a decent amount of money to find a female Redguard in Skyrim. This is how the task “Time of Deprivation” begins.

    Meet Sadia

    Having sold the goods obtained during the campaign to traders, our traveler decides to find a Redguard woman in Skyrim. First of all, he heads to the Prancing Mare tavern. Who else knows more news and rumors than the innkeeper? A pleasant surprise awaits him here. A black maid named Sadia works at the tavern. As soon as the Alik’r were mentioned in a conversation with her, she became worried and suggested continuing the conversation in a secluded place - on the second floor of the inn. Having agreed, Dovahkiin follows the Redguard. Finding themselves alone in the room, Sadia snatches a dagger and threatens our hero.

    After reassuring the woman with a promise not to harm her, the player learns that the girl's real name is Iman. She comes from a noble Hammerfell family and openly opposed the Aldmeri Dominion. For this, she is now being pursued by hired killers - the Alik'r. The girl complains that she has no one to turn to for help and protection except our hero. She asks Dovahkiin to find the leader of the mercenaries named Kematu and kill him. Information on further searches can be obtained from one of the Alik'r, who, according to Iman, was recently arrested while trying to infiltrate Whiterun.

    Negotiations with Kematu

    Thus, having found a Redguard woman at passage of Skyrim, the player sets out to search for the “Lair of the Trickster.” This cave was indicated on the map by the same Redguard prisoner whom Iman advised to interrogate. Having covered a dozen kilometers, Dovahkiin approaches the entrance to the “Lair of the Rogue.” Bandits rule here and are not at all happy with the guest. It is useless to negotiate with them, so you have to fight your way through the underground tunnels. Having cut down about a dozen heads along the way, the player finds the leader of the Alik'r people - Kemata.

    The only problem is that the leader is guarded by six Redguards who are ready to give their lives for him at any second. It would be very reckless to engage in battle against seven warriors. The situation seems hopeless, but at this moment Kematu offers negotiations. Our hero agrees and says that he found a Redguard woman in Skyrim. In response, Kematu said that Iman was a traitor. She surrendered Hammerfell to the enemy and fled, but the city survived. Now the noble Redguard houses want revenge. They hired the Alik'r to search for the fugitive.

    Correct solution

    Now the player is faced with a difficult dilemma - who is right: the Redguard woman found in Skyrim or the Alik’r people. Unfortunately, the truth will remain shrouded in mystery, no matter what choice the player makes. However, there is a solution that, although it will not open the veil of secrecy, will bring double reward to our hero. To do this, you need to agree to Kematu's terms and bring Sadia to the Whiterun stables. When the reward is received, the mercenary will need to be killed, and the “calm” spell cast on the awakened Redguard. After that, talk to her and receive the promised reward. As a result, the player will receive 500 gold coins as a reward from both characters.

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