Slither io freezes. Games: IO Games. Set Slizario's priority to higher

The game is now so popular that you hear about it almost everywhere. And one of the most discussed topics is lags. Today we’ll figure out what to do if lags when launching.

Lags in games are a very common occurrence, which quite annoys absolutely all game lovers. Let's look at the reasons and look for a solution to this problem.

Why does lag?

There are few reasons for the brakes in this toy, but they exist, and now we will analyze each of them in detail.

  1. Internet. Since the game is browser-based, the Internet may be the first reason for your terrible lags. On a weak Internet, you may not even think about a smooth game.
  2. Servers. The game is new and very popular, which puts a lot of stress on the servers, because it is played all over the world. This happens quite often, so if you have a super powerful computer and the Internet, you still observe lags, then it’s probably the server that can’t handle it.
  3. Computer. This is quite trivial, but it can still cause your problems. If you have, say, 1 GB of RAM and a weak processor, then you should think about a new computer.

These are common causes of lag that can affect the worm image.

Now let's move on to the optimal solutions to solve our global problem.

Playing without lags

How to remove lags in this cool game and start being at the top of the rankings. I will only advise what you can do yourself and without any problems.

  • close open tabs your browser, because they eat up a lot of RAM and this significantly affects the game;
  • when entering a nickname, do not forget about reducing graphics quality. On the top right, instead of High Quality, selects Low Quality;
  • we use latest versions browsers and preferably something modern. There are rumors that Chrome copes with this task better than anyone else;
  • the extreme case is installing additional mods and connecting scripts. We find this by simply entering “mods in” in YouTube.

I think after doing all these steps, your favorite game will stop lagging and will be more enjoyable.

As you can see, except for connecting mods, you can do everything in just a couple of seconds. It seems like a small thing, but we like problems to be solved in a simpler way.

After several weeks of playing Slytherio on different devices I noticed that on some playing field lags and freezes. After analyzing this problem, I learned how to fix it, and this article describes how to play Slytherio without lag. is a browser game in which most events are processed by the JavaScript interpreter. The web browser has to process hundreds of fairly complex requests arriving several times per second. Because of this, when playing on relatively weak devices, lags can be observed, that is, while playing, freezes are noticeable. However, you can try to correct the situation with lags, which will require a number of manipulations on the computer.

You can learn about ways to solve the problem with lags in from the video:

Run Slizario on Google Chrome

Google Chrome is now the most popular browser. Its widespread use is largely due to the good optimization of the script engine, which is why many web applications run somewhat faster in it than in other browsers.

Therefore, a person who encounters lags in using FireFox, Opera, MS EDGE or another browser should try running the game in Google Chrome. For some this solves the problem.

Set Graphics to Low

On weak computers, to get rid of lags in Slizario, you need to change the graphics settings for the game. To do this, you need to find the icon “ Graphics", click on it and select " Low". After saving the new value, you can try to enter the game.

Such manipulations will make the picture less attractive, but the brakes should decrease significantly or disappear altogether.

Increase process execution priority

In addition to the browser, many people keep several other programs open that use CPU time (for example, torrents, instant messengers, etc.). As a result, the remaining CPU power on weaker PCs is not enough to execute scripts and process all the game data.

Telling your computer to run the full Slitherio application first is very easy.

After this, the computer will use all its processor power to try to process all the codes and data in a timely manner.

Script substitution

If all of the above fails to improve performance to an acceptable level and the Slizario game is still laggy, there is something else you can do. To do this you will need to download the extension Tampermonkey from the Chrome Web Store and add a special script to it. This video will help you understand how this is done:

If all else fails and still lags

It may be that following the above steps, although it led to some improvements, playing is still uncomfortable. This is often due to very low computer power and/or low internet connection speed (or high ping). In such cases, the problem with freezing can only be solved by replacing/upgrading the device or connecting to another provider.

On powerful computers with a stable connection, lags can also occur. However, this often happens due to heavy load on the selected server. To get rid of the brakes, you just need to press F5 and select the Slizario server, which is, for example, only half full.

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When you start this game, you will control a funny colored worm. He crawls around a virtual field and eats shining food particles. The more you feed, the faster the worm grows. But during the online game Slither Io you must always take care of safety! After all, skirmishes with other worms can end with your character breaking into a particularly nutritious meal. Players in multiplayer locations often provoke collisions against the sides of their worms - whoever hits their head disintegrates. Apply the same tactics - you need to play hard online for free, otherwise you won’t be able to survive for long in a competitive environment. The game (another name for Slater io) became in 2016 one of the most popular games in the world and there are a lot of worms crawling on its map!

For those who have fallen in love with Agario, it is enough to know that the game is from the same series. This will attract initiates like a magnet. The challenge here is to grow from a tiny worm into a solid snake. But becoming a seasoned representative of a family of reptiles is not so easy. This requires special tactics, otherwise the brothers will devour and not choke. Everyone here is for himself - there are no friends in a snake's den. - play online and become a giant

At the beginning of the game you will have to control a bright-eyed fool. Please understand right away that modest people have no luck here. The gluttons get more happiness, and even then not for long. And all because gamers from all over the world can play online at the same time. So the remains of your worm can easily end up in the belly of a foreigner. You, in turn, will also be able to enjoy overseas delicacies.

Agario-style snakes are convenient because you can end the game at any time. also impresses with its simplicity and ease of management. You won't need anything other than a mouse. It is she who will need to learn how to move so that the worm not only moves across the playing field, but can also quickly dodge any collisions. Using clicks, you can accelerate your snake; this point is also very important.

The online game is designed in such a way that you need to feed your pet, but you won’t be able to eat someone in the literal sense of the word. If you crash into the smallest worm, you die here. But you can crawl on your own overgrown tail in Slitherio to your heart’s content. Once you grow to an impressive size, you will see for yourself how small baby snakes can be squeezed in a ring, but until you reach the size, beware of such maneuvers by your opponent.

Which tactic to choose

In order for the baby snake to successfully grow into a snake, he will have to collect luminous balls across the playing field. They are the food and the subject of showdowns in Snakes of considerable size, crawling, simply leave behind them a trail of such luminous points. Moving along them, you can refresh yourself a little and at the same time find yourself in the thick of things.

The main action takes place in places where snakes gather. The rule is the same for everyone: you can’t bump into anyone, which means that by successfully exposing your side to your opponent, you can not only emerge victorious from the fight, but also have a nice lunch. At the same time, you need to be on alert, because there are quite a lot of freebie lovers. Everyone wants to eat to their fill and grow.

The dead snake is a cluster of luminous points. And if you start the meal from one side, for example from the head, then someone else will not disdain the tail. And then everything is the same as in the problem about points A and B, only the question in it will sound a little different. Some snakes will survive and become even fatter, while others will have to turn into food.

Gameplay features of

To control the situation, it is necessary good review. This means we advise you to open the game in full screen by clicking on the green button located above the playing field. In the upper right corner you will see what you need to strive for, this is where the current list of favorites is located. There is a map right below playing field, and in the lower left corner your current indicators.

Very important point is that is a multiplayer game. Over time, you may have sworn enemies here who turn your pet into their own lunch with enviable consistency. You just need to remember their names so that you can come and take revenge next time.

Having learned to survive, you can make an agreement with your friends and enter the game at the same time. This way there will be much more chances to restore justice. And you will have fun. With support, you can jointly occupy a virtual terrarium and feel like a winner, at least for a while.

In this article I will tell you how to eliminate lags in, making sure that the game did not slow down, worked without problems, and each of the users was able to get the full range of positive emotions from this wonderful game.

The game is a massively multiplayer game that is becoming increasingly popular every day. Thanks to the simplicity of the plot and ease of gameplay, it is accessible to almost any group of users, from young to old. The developers are already working on creating skins and cheats for the game.

Having a simple and convenient gameplay,, however, requires knowledge of various tricks and tricks, without which it will be quite difficult to survive even for a couple of minutes. However, knowledge of all these secrets and the ability to accelerate correctly in is often offset by lags of the game itself, which make normal gameplay difficult. At first, the game constantly slowed down for me, there were delays in the movement of the characters, and this really made me nervous and irritated.

Since the Slytherio game is quite dynamic, the presence of hundreds of simultaneously playing users can sometimes affect the smoothness of the picture on the screen. It can freeze, slow down, and then suddenly suddenly speed up. In short, this does not contribute to normal gameplay. But often the reason for annoying game lags is not this, but something else. Next, from the banal to the complex.

Step 1. Internet speed and computer power

Perhaps I will be banal, but a significant reason for lags (delays) in work may be low computer power and low Internet connection speed for a particular user. If you have a weak computer and slow Internet, then you shouldn’t hope to get rid of lags in the game. As one famous character from the movie said: “you need an upgrade.”

By the way, if, in addition to the game tab, you have any other tabs or windows open in your browser, or if you have any third-party programs running that are not needed for your computer, then it is better to close them too. This will free up memory and processor resources for the game itself.

Step 2. Use Google Chrome

Some users who played this game on different browsers exciting game, note that on Google Chrome the game slows down the least. Try it, it can be a viable option to reduce lag in

Step 3. Switch graphics resolution to low

An easy way to reduce lag is to change the game resolution to a low resolution. To do this, just go to the game website, and in the initial screen at the top right, click on the “Graphics” icon, setting the value to “Low”. This will get rid of some of the lag in the game, at least it helped me. The full screen version of the game has this feature.

Step 4. Set the game priority to high

Another option to reduce the amount of lag is to set the game process to high priority in the Task Manager.

You can see what it looks like in the video:

Step 5. Working with scripts

Another way is to use scripts that turn off the background in the game and make the game run smoother. How to do this using the console and a special script can be seen in the video:


As you can see, there are various ways to reduce the amount of lag in a game, making its gameplay smoother and more playable.

Run the game on Google Chrome, select a low graphics level, set a high priority for your browser in the task manager - and you are guaranteed to be able to get rid of some of the lags in the game, which will allow you to fully enjoy its exciting battles.

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