Mercury ore ingot id. Cheat codes for Skyrim. Hearthfire DLC Ingredients

Steel ingot is an item used in game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for crafting (creating items). Namely: it is used to create steel one-handed and two-handed weapons, steel armor, and to improve these items.

What is it for?

To create items from steel, you must have the "Steel Armor" ability. This ability can be selected in the “Blacksmithing” skill tree if you level it up to level 20. Steel armor protects the character quite well at first.

Armor and weapons are created using an anvil. In addition to ingots, you may also need other crafting ingredients. To improve equipment, you need a workbench (armor) or a whetstone (weapon). By upgrading items, you increase their characteristics, such as damage or defense. You can find all the necessary crafting machines at any forge.

How to get it?

Steel ingots in Skyrim can be obtained in several ways:

  • Craft it yourself. To create one steel ingot, one unit of iron ore and one unit of corundum ore are required. The smelting of ores into ingots is carried out in a smelter, which is often located in a forge right next to the anvil. The ore itself for the ingots is usually mined in the corresponding mines scattered throughout Skyrim, using a pickaxe, or purchased from blacksmiths and merchants.
  • Buy. Steel ingots are inexpensive and fairly common. You can find them from almost any blacksmith, as well as some other merchants. A little trick: if you bought all the ingots from the blacksmith, but you don’t have enough to craft a set of equipment or level up a skill, then just sleep or wait a few game days - the ingots will appear in the merchant’s stock again.
  • Find or steal. You can find many ingots lying around in caves or near forges. If you're not afraid to get your hands dirty, you can steal a few from the blacksmith shops.

It can also sometimes be found as loot from draugr in dungeons, but this is purely random. It is much easier to mine or buy ore and smelt the ingots yourself.

"Ancient Ingots 5: Skyrim" is a game in which there is a civil war. Main character goes to execution and finds out that he is dragonborn. His ability speaks for itself: the hero must kill the dragons that have begun their awakening.
As you progress through the game, you need to collect ingots to create your own weapons in the forge or for resale, as well as receive some coins.

Let's describe the most popular bars. What are these ingots?

  • The Ebony Ingot is the most valued item in the game because this special item can be used to create high quality armor in the forge.
  • Mercury and corundum ingots are very rarely found in Skyrim.
  • Steel ingots are most often found near blacksmiths or draugr. You can also find iron ingots there.
  • Gold and silver bars are very difficult to get, but you can try your luck at the Khajiit merchant or cheat and use the code.
player.additem [code of the bar you need] [amount of bar you need].

Let's give an example of using this code. player.additem 0005AD9D 3. Here we load 3 ebony ingots into the game. If the scheme for entering the code is clear, let’s consider the codes of the bars themselves.
First, let's figure out how to call the command line into which you need to enter the code. It's very simple! Press the tilde located below the “Esc” button and enter the code with the desired ingot. Don't forget to indicate the required number of items!
. We order steel ingot with code 005ACE5.
. iron ingot write it under code 0005ACE4.
. We will load the silver bar under the number 0005ACE3.
. Corundum, the one you rarely find, we order more 0005AD93.
. Orichalcum, also a rare ingot, let's take 0005AD99
. We also load the maximum amount of ebonite ingot under the code 0005AD9D.
. We take the gold bar under the code 0005AD9E.
. Mercury ingot, stop looking, don’t waste time. Just enter 0005ADA0.
. Dwemer metal ingots, don't be scared by the name, write it in and see where it comes in handy 000DB8A2.
. Purified malachite is very beautiful in life, but look at it in the game with code 0005ADA1
. Peeled lovely Moonstone indispensable in the game 0005AD9F.

First, equip items with bonuses and be sure to drink the blacksmith's elixir before upgrading on a workbench or in front of a whetstone. If you are just creating an item, then the skill does not have much effect and it follows from this that you will save the elixir for better times improvements.

On the page you will find an article on the game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Ingot Codes - Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Ingot Codes

Due to the variety of items and resources for crafting, even an experienced player can get confused. A lot of ingots, fabrics, elements, ores - it’s impossible to keep all this in your head. If you need to find a corundum ingot in Skyrim, then use the instructions from this article.

Description and purpose of the item

If you are searching for this resource, you probably already know why it was created. If not, then read on.

Like all other ingots, they are used in crafting armor of various rarities and types. It is worth noting that the resource is required both for crafting through a workbench using the Blacksmithing skill, and through magic. If you have the Hearthfire add-on installed for Skyrim, corundum ingots are useful for creating strong castles.

Where to find?

IN big world Skyrim there are several places where you can get a ready-made item. This way, you don’t have to waste time selecting the right resources, leveling up your skills, and crafting itself.

The largest accumulation of ore, from two units of which ingots are created, is located in Cherny Brod. In this small camp there is a mine in which you will also find several ready-made corundum ingots in Skyrim.

The next advantageous location is Broken Helm Hollow. You can also find veins in the dungeons of the Nordic ruins called “Ustengrev”, not far from the Windy Peak, and also near the cave called “The Trickster’s Lair”. In these locations, the ore deposits are replenished, and in all other places where you find corundum, the veins will be disposable.

How to create?

Corundum ore itself will not be useful to you unless you craft ingots from it. In turn, the ingots are useful for creating armor and shields. In addition, it is used to improve some items. To craft a corundum ingot in Skyrim, you need to use a regular smelter. For this ingot, two units of ore will be enough.


If you do not want to receive items through fair play, then simply use the cheat code for the resource. Each item in the game has a unique value, when you enter it with the necessary command, you will receive this resource in your inventory. First, you must open the console using the "~" key and enter the command player.additem 0005AD93 X, where the letter X should be the number of bars. After this, press the Enter key to activate the code and check your character’s inventory - the desired resources will appear in it. Now you know where to find a corundum ingot in Skyrim and what it is needed for.

"Ancient Ingots 5: Skyrim" is a game in which there is a civil war. The main character goes to execution and finds out that he is dragonborn. His ability speaks for itself: the hero must kill the dragons that have begun their awakening.
As you progress through the game, you need to collect ingots to create your own weapons in the forge or for resale, as well as receive some coins.

Let's describe the most popular bars. What are these ingots?

  • The Ebony Ingot is the most valued item in the game because this special item can be used to create high quality armor in the forge.
  • Mercury and corundum ingots are very rarely found in Skyrim.
  • Steel ingots are most often found near blacksmiths or draugr. You can also find iron ingots there.
  • Gold and silver bars are very difficult to get, but you can try your luck at the Khajiit merchant or cheat and use the code.

If you don't have time to look for ingots, run around the map and look for the best place where to get them, we have come up with special codes for bullion to help you.

player.additem [code of the bar you need] [amount of bar you need].

Let's give an example of using this code.

player.additem 0005AD9D 3. Here we load 3 ebony ingots into the game. If the scheme for entering the code is clear, let’s consider the codes of the bars themselves.

First, let's figure out how to call the command line into which you need to enter the code. It's very simple! Press the tilde located below the “Esc” button and enter the code with the desired ingot. Don't forget to indicate the required number of items!

We order steel ingot with code 005ACE5.
We will enter the iron ingot under the code 0005ACE4.
We will load the silver bar under the number 0005ACE3.
Corundum, the one you rarely find, we order more 0005AD93.
Orichalcum, also a rare ingot, let's take 0005AD99
We also load the maximum amount of ebonite ingot under the code 0005AD9D.
We take the gold bar under the code 0005AD9E.
Mercury ingot, stop looking, don’t waste time. Just enter 0005ADA0.
Dwemer metal ingots, don't be scared by the name, write it in and see where it comes in handy 000DB8A2.
Purified malachite is very beautiful in life, but look at it in the game with code 0005ADA1
Refined beautiful moonstone is indispensable in the game 0005AD9F.

A little tip for new players. When you arrive at the blacksmith, the quality of the things you improve is affected by your blacksmithing skill.

First, equip items with bonuses and be sure to drink the blacksmith's elixir before upgrading on a workbench or in front of a whetstone. If you are just creating an item, then the skill does not have much effect and it follows that you will save the elixir for better times of improvement.

Cheat codes - console commands written below are for PC only. Not all codes are case sensitive, but it is best to type them as written.

In order to enter the console and enter cheat code commands, you need to press the tilde ~ key (on the Russian keyboard layout this is the letter E).

Basic commands

Description and instructions

tgm- god mode, you are invulnerable, the magic does not dry out, even with a big fall you remain alive and well.
tcl- you can go through walls, bars, and rise through the air, for example, if you have lost your way and want to quickly climb to the top.
unlock- open the lock. Open the console, click on the lock with the cursor and enter the code. After which the lock will be opened.
psb- adds all spells, shouts and talents.
tdetect- impunity mode, you become invisible and walk freely among enemies, and when you attack, they do not fight you.
showracemenu– character creation menu, where you can change: race, gender, appearance and name of the character. After changing your race, in early versions of the game, your character's level will become 1. This will also reset all your upgraded skills. In game version, after changing the race, the character level remains the same. Be sure to save your game before using this command command.
sexChange- change gender to the opposite. The head will remain the same.
player.setav invisibility 1 - turn on invisibility. After this, neither enemies nor friends will notice you. To disable invisibility, enter 0 instead of 1.
tmm 1- open the world map (all points on the map).
killall- kill everyone (friends/enemies) in this location.
tfc- free camera mode.
tcai- disables and enables artificial intelligence for everyone around. After using the cheat code, everyone stops fighting.
set timescale to 0- stop time. Default: 20. If you enter 10000 instead of 0, then one day will pass in a few seconds.
kill- kill the target marked with the cursor.
advlevel- raise the level. Does not add ability points.
player.modav carryweight 1000 - increase the maximum carrying capacity of the character by 1000 units.
player.setav speedmult X - set the movement speed to X%. Used after running with the key held down. Default: 100%.
player.setscale X- increase the growth of your character, where X: 1 - 100%, 2 -200%, etc.
player.additem 0000000F N - get N gold.
player.additem 0000000A N - get N master keys.
player.setav Health X- set max. number of lives in X units.
player.setav Magicka X - set max. amount of magic in X units.
player.setav Stamina X - set max. amount of strength reserve in X units. If you set the value to a high value, the character will not get tired while running.
player.setav attackdamagemult N - increase weapon damage by N times (added by Avenger).
player.setav leftweaponspeedmult N - increase the attack speed with a weapon in your left hand by N times.
player.setav weaponspeedmult N - increase the attack speed of weapons in the right hand and two-handed weapons by N times.
player.setav LeftitemCharge N - load the weapon in your left hand with N charges.
player.setav RightitemCharge N - load the weapon in your right hand with N charges.
player.placeatme 0010BF90 - Summon the Spectral Horse. Can be used indoors.
player.setcrimegold 0- cancel the reward on your head.
qqq- exit the game via the console.

Miscellaneous items

Description and instructions

Potions, Gems, Soul Stones, Arrows, ID Ingots, Leather, Ore
For example: player.additem 00039CF3 5- you will receive 5 potions to fully restore your strength.

00039BE5 - fully restores health
00039BE7 - fully restores magic
00039CF3 - fully restores strength
00073F34 - “Deadly poison” - 65 units. poison damage
00039D12 - "Enchanter's Elixir"
00039967 - “Blacksmith’s Elixir”

00038341 - Falmer
00034182 - ancient Nordic
000236DD - dart (can only be obtained after completing the main storyline)
00020F02 - rusty iron
00020DDF - iron
000139C0 - Daedric
000139BF - ebonite
000139BE - glass
000139BD - elven
000139BC - Dwemer
000139BB - orcish
0001397F - steel

Soul stones
0002E4F4 - large (empty)
0002E4FB - big (Large)
0002E4FC - great (empty)
0002E4FF - great (Great)
0002E500 - black (blank)
0002E504 - black (Great)
00063B27 - Star of Azura (empty)
00063B29 - Azura's Black Star (empty)

000DB5D2 - Leather
000800E4 - Leather strips

Dragon ingredients
0003ADA3 - Dragon Scales
0003ADA4 - Dragon Bones

00071cf3 - Iron Ore
0005ACDB - Corundum Ore
0005ACDC - Ebony Ore
0005ACDE - Gold Ore
0005ACE1 - Malachite Ore
0005ACE0 - Moon Ore
0005ACDD - Orichalcum Ore
0005ACE2 - Mercury Ore
0005ACDF - Silver Ore

00063B47 - diamond
00063B43 - Emerald
00063B42 - Ruby
00063B44 - Sapphire
00063B46 - Amethyst
00063B45 - Garnet
0006851E - Flawless Amethyst
0006851F - Flawless Diamond
00068520 - Flawless Emerald
00068521 - Flawless Garnet
00068522 - Flawless Ruby
00068523 - Flawless Sapphire

0003ad52 - bearish
0003AD93 - horse
0003AD75 - snow wolf
000DB5D2 - leather
000800E4 - leather strips
0003AD8F - cow
0003AD90 - deer
0003AD8E - goat
0003AD74 - wolf

0005AD93 - carundum
0005AD99 - orichalcum
0005AD9D - ebonite
0005AD9E - gold
0005ACE5 - steel
0005ACE4 - iron
0005ACE3 - silver
0005ADA0 - mercury
000DB8A2 - Dwemer metal
0005ADA1 - purified malachite
0005AD9F - purified moonstone

00063B46 - amethyst
00063B47 - diamond
00063B45 - garnet
00063B43 - emerald
00063B42 - ruby
00063B44 - sapphire
0006851E - flawless amethyst
0006851F - flawless diamond
00068521 - flawless garnet
00068520 - flawless emerald
00068522 - flawless ruby
00068523 - flawless sapphire

0003AD5B - Daedra heart
0003ADA3 - dragon scales
0003ADA4 - dragon bones
000E7ED0 - hawk feathers
0003AD60 - Salt of the Void

Treasure Chests

Each chest contains all the items of its class.


Example: player.placeatme000C2CDF- get a chest with all enchanted weapons

000C2CDF - enchanted weapon
000C2CD7 - enchanted armor, jewelry, clothing for a mage and robber
000C2CE0 - standard weapon
000C2CD6 - standard armor
000C2CDE - staves
000C2CD8 - armor and jewelry, clothing for a mage and robber
0010D9FF - skill books
000C2CD9 - spell books
000C2D3B - regular books
000C2CD4 - arrows
000C2CDA - ingredients
000C2CDB - keys
000C2CE1 - scrolls with spells
000C2CE2 - potions, elixirs and tinctures


After opening some chests (with weapons enchanted by armor), the Skyrim game may freeze for 30-60 seconds. (depends on the power of your PC). Wait a while and everything will be fine.

If, after opening a chest with enchanted weapons/armor, instead of just one item, you press the [R] key (take all), then the duration of the freeze will be reduced by 2-5 times.

The chests contain all items of their own class - there are a lot of them and only 1 copy of each item. If you want to make a lot of such items (ingredients), find out the ID of the item and create the required quantity of these things using the cheat player.additem ID quantity.

Weapons, armor

player.additem [weapon_code] [quantity](without parentheses).
Example: player.additem 000139B4 1- get 1 ax

Daedric weapons
000139B5 - bow
000139B4 - ax
0001DDFB - inferno ax - +30 units. fire damage; sets the target on fire.
0001DFCB - thunderstorm ax - +30 units. electrical damage; takes away 15 units. of magic.
0001DFEF - petrification bow - Chance to paralyze the target for 6 sec.
0001DFE6 - inferno bow - +30 units. fire damage; sets the target on fire.
0001DFE9 - winter bow - +30 units. cold damage; takes away 30 units. reserve of strength.
0001DFF2 - bow of thunder - +30 units. electrical damage; takes away 15 units. of magic.
0001DFFC - Sacred Bow - Undead level 40 and below flee for 30 sec.
000139B9 - sword
000139B3 - battle ax
000139BA - war hammer
000139B6 - dagger
000139B7 - two-handed sword
000139B8 - mace

Unique weapons with bonuses.
000F1AC1 - “Dragon Scourge” - +40 units. damage to dragons and +10 units. Electric damage against everyone. (added by zalex2004)
000F5D2D - “Pale Blade” - +25 units. cold damage; subtract 50 stamina from the target; weaker creatures and people take flight for 30 seconds.
000956B5 - "Wuthrad" - Especially deadly against elves.
000B3DFA - "Chalk's Eye" - Fiery explosion deals 40 damage. damage within a 4.5 m radius and sets targets on fire.
00035369 - “Staff of Magnus” - Absorbs 20 units. magic per second, if the enemy has no magic, it absorbs his health.
0010076D - “Staff of Hevnorak” - For 30 sec. deals 50 damage. damage per second from lightning. Apply to the surface.
000AB704 - “Holdir’s Staff” - Calms weak enemies for 60 sec. or captures their souls if they die.
000E5F43 - “Staff of Yurik Goldurson” - deals 25 damage. damage and takes away 50 units. of magic.
000A4DCE - “Bloody Spike” - Fills the soul stone if the enemy dies within 3 sec.
00053379 - “Fierce” - +15 units. cold damage; takes away 15 units. the enemy's reserve of strength.
000F8317 - “Cooler” - +30 units. cold damage; Chance to paralyze the target for 2 seconds.
0001C4E6 - “Axe of Sorrow” - Takes away 20 units. the enemy's reserve of strength.
00094A2B - “Phantom Blade” - +3 units. additional damage, ignoring armor.
000AB703 - “Curse of the Red Eagle” - Sets undead level 13 and below on fire and causes them to flee for 30 sec.
0009FD50 - “Red Eagle’s Fury” - +5 units. fire damage and sets the target on fire.
000B994E - “Valdar’s Lucky Dagger” - +25% critical strike chance.
0006A093 - “Staff of Tandil” (staff) - Creatures and people of level 12 and below do not fight for 60 sec.


0002AC60 - “Ring of Hircine” - Additional transformation for werewolves.

0001A332 - “Ogma Infinum” (book) - After reading, you can get +5 to the following skills (only 1 of 3 lines is randomly selected):
Smithing, Blocking, Shooting, One-Handed, Two-Handed, Heavy Armor;
Breaking into, Light armor, Stealth, Pickpocketing, Speech, Alchemy;
Illusion, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Enchantment, Alteration.

0003A070 - “Skeleton Key” - Infinite master key.

player.placeatme- install the item.
Example: player.placeatme000BAD0C- install an alchemical laboratory

000BAD0D - pentagram of souls (large).
000D5501 - pentagram of souls (small).
000BAD0C - alchemical laboratory (large).
000BF9E1 - forge (large).
000BBCF1 - sky forge (very large).
0001A2AD – anvil.
000D54FF - alchemical laboratory (small).
000727A1 - tanning machine for leather processing.
0006E9C2 - whetstone.
0009C6CE - smelter.
000D932F – workbench.
00089A85 – mannequin.
CC16A, CC163 - single door.
CC164 - double door.

B2456 - dragon head.
3FA65 - elk antlers.
D9285 - crab.
D9276 - goat head.
3858F - fish.
DD9E0, DD9E1, CF264 - elk head.
D928F, D928D - the head of a “big cat”.
D9289, D9288 - wolf head.
D9287, D927D - head of the beast.
D8282, D9281, D927F - bear's head.
93D39, 93D3B, 93D3D, 93D3F, 93D41, 93D43, 93D45, 93D47, B7E3E, B7E40, BF9CF, BF9D1, BF9D3, BF9D5 – square carpets.
95498, 954A3, 954A4, 954A5 - carpets (round).
5C015, 5C016, 5C017 - animal skins.
5AD5B - ceiling lamp.
FFF46, FFF48 - blue light source.
7EA42 - wall burning candles.
1F24A - table candle.

tai- disable/enable artificial intelligence of the selected character (mannequin). The character (mannequin) will freeze and will not move.
OpenActorContainer 1- open the mannequin's inventory.
ResetReference- clear the inventory (remove all items) of the mannequin/NPC and set the initial stance. It is recommended that you apply tai to this object before using this command.

Spell Tomes

0009CD51 - Flame
0009CD52 - Frostbite
0009CD53 - Sparks
0009CD54 - Soul Capture
0009E2A7 - Candle Light
0009E2A8 - Oak Flesh
0009E2A9 - Summoned Sword
0009E2AA - Raise a Zombie
0009E2AB - Summon Pet
0009E2AC - Fury
0009E2AD - Courage
0009E2AE - Small amulet
0009E2AF - Treatment
000A26E2 - Magic light
000A26E3 - Stone Flesh
000A26E4 - Iron Flesh
000A26E5 - Telekinesis
000A26E6 - Water breathing
000A26E7 - Life Detection
000A26E8 - Paralysis
000A26E9 - Ebony Flesh
000A26EA - Undead Detection
000A26EB - Reviving a corpse
000A26EC - Summon Flame Atronach
000A26ED - Summoned Ax
000A26EE - Banishing the Daedra
000A26EF - Summon Ice Atronach
000A26F0 - Summon Storm Atronach
000A26F1 - Summoned Bow
000A26F2 - Ghost
000A26F6 - Prikah Daedra
000A26F7 - Horrible Zombie
000A26F8 - Expulsion of the Daedra
000A26F9 - Dead Thrall
000A26FA - Fire Thrall
000A26FB - Ice Thrall
000A26FC - Thunder Thrall
000A26FD - Fire Arrow
000A26FE - Ice Spike
000A26FF - Lightning
000A2700 - Fire Rune
000A2701 - Frost Rune
000A2702 - Storm Rune
000A2703 - Fire Cloak
000A2704 - Frost cloak
000A2705 - Lightning Cloak
000A2706 - Lightning Cloak
000A2706 - Fireball
000A2707 - Ice Storm
000A2708 - Chain Lightning
000A2709 - Wall of Flame
000A270A - Wall of Frost
000A270B - Storm Wall
000A270C - Firestorm
000A270D - Buran
000A270E - Thunderstorm with lightning
000A270F - Mute footsteps
000A2711 - Calm
000A2712 - Fear
000A2713 - Encouragement
000A2714 - Rabies
000A2715 - Invisibility
000A2717 - Peace
000A2718 - Raut
000A2719 - Katavasia
000A271A - Harmony
000A271B - Call to Arms
000A271C - Hysteria
000A271D - Quick treatment
000A271E - Healing Hands
000A271F - Scare away lesser undead
000A2720 - Steady amulet
000A2721 - Scare away the undead
000A2722 - Large amulet
000A2725 - Repulse lesser undead
000A2726 - Repulse Undead
000A2727 - Treatment of neighbors
000A2728 - Circle of protection
000A2729 - Scare away lesser undead
000D2B4E - The dragon's hideout needs to be checked
000DD643 - Great Treatment Needs to be checked
000DD646 - Mass paralysis
000DD647 - Scourge of the Dead
000FDE7B - Circle of protection
000FF7D1 - Clairvoyance
00109112 - Ore transmutation
0010F7F3 - Ice spear
0010F7F4 - Incinerate
0010F7F5 - Lightning discharge
0010FD60 - Summon Dremora Lord


player.additem [amount].
For example: player.additem 00045F96 1- receive 1 “Spell Breaker” shield.

00045F96 - “Spell Breaker” (shield) - After blocking, absorbs up to 50 units. spell damage.
0002AC61 - “Skin of the Savior” (light armor) - +50% resistance to poisons and +15% magic.
00052794 - "Ebony Chainmail" (heavy armor) - You move more quietly, and enemies who get too close take 5 points of poison damage per second.
000D2846 - “Mask of Clavicus Vile” (heavy helmet) - +10 to eloquence. Magicka recovery speed +5%. Favorable prices +20%.

000240D2 - “Razor of Mehrunes” (dagger) - Chance to kill the enemy when dealing damage.
000233E3 - “Mace of Molag Bala” (mace) - Takes away 25 units. reserve of strength and magic. Fills a soul gem if an enemy dies within 3 seconds.
0004E4EE - “Radiance of Dawn” (sword) - +10 units. damage When killing undead, there is a chance of a fiery explosion that drives away or destroys nearby undead.
0002AC6F - "Wabbajack" (staff) - Random effect with each use.
0001CB36 - “Rose of Sanguine” (staff) - Summons Dremora for 60 sec.
00035066 - “Skull of Corruption” (staff) - +20 units. damage Dreams collected from sleeping people increase damage to 50 units.
000EA29C - “Ebony Blade” (two-handed sword) - The target does not perceive a weapon attack as an attack.
0001C4E6 - “Axe of Sorrow” (two-handed axe) - Takes away 20 units. the enemy's reserve of strength.
0002ACD2 - “Volendrung” (two-handed hammer) - Takes away 50 units. reserve of strength.

0002C37B - “Ring of Namira” - +50 units. reserve of strength. By devouring corpses, you increase your health level and recovery rate.
00063B27 - “Star of Azura” - Infinite soul stone.
00063B29 - “Black Star” - Soul Stone.
0002AC60 - “Ring of Hircine” - Additional transformation for revolfs.
0001A332- “Ogma Infinum” (book) - After reading, you can get +5 to the following skills (only 1 of 3 lines is randomly selected):

  • Smithing, Blocking, Shooting, One-Handed, Two-Handed, Heavy Armor;
  • Lockpicking, Light Armor, Stealth, Pickpocketing, Speech, Alchemy;
  • Illusion, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Enchantment, Alteration.

0003A070 - “Skeleton Key” - Infinite master key

caqs- complete all stages of quests.
getstage- find out the stage of the quest.
movetoqt- teleportation to the key point (the last unfinished stage) of the specified task.
player.placeatme- calling a specific object.
player.resetquest 0- remove the activated quest.
player.completequest- complete the activated quest.
player.setstage [level]- receive a special quest.
resetquest- remove Quest.
saq- start of all quests.
setstage [stage number]- sets the stage of the specified quest (usually 1 - beginning, 255 - ending) - helps in treating quests that are “frozen” due to script errors.
showfullquestlog- show all quest texts.
showquestlog- show the quest text.
showquesttargets- show quest targets.
showquestlog 0- show the text of the current quest.
showquestlog 1- show completed quest texts.
sqs- show the stages of quests.


To make a character your companion, partner. To do this, do the following:
approach the required character;
open the console and click on the character;
enter setrelationshiprank player 3
then enter addfac 0005C84D 1

After which this character will have a dialogue: “Follow me. I need your help."

set playerfollowercount to 0 - adds dialogue for taking on new partners. After entering this command, the old partners will continue to follow the player, but you can take another partner. As soon as you take someone else as your partner, the old partner stops following you. If no one is following you, no companions, then this command is useless. Maximum amount partners - 1. There is no point in introducing something else instead of it - it will not give any effect.

stopcombat- stop the fight with the specified friendly character.

Before using this command, apply player.setcrimegold 0
If there are several enemy NPCs near you, then to stop the battle you need to apply this cheat for all of them at once, without closing the console.

If at least one NPC attacks you (you did not apply this code to him), then all the others will begin to attack.

If all else fails, take the attackers out of the city (before doing this, it is recommended to turn on the invulnerability mode tgm) - apply the command tcai(so that everyone freezes and does not move anywhere) - take a comfortable position (so that everyone is in sight) - without closing the console, apply the command to everyone in turn stopcombat. After the command has been applied to all characters, enter again tcai And tgm(if these modes were enabled).

All characters hostile to you are shown as red dots on the compass at the top, and until these dots disappear they will attack you.

This command does not work on permanent enemies (monsters and story NPCs), those who always attack you.

psb- all spells, dragon cries and talents.
player.teachword- learn a certain cry.
For example: player.teachword 6029A - learn the first word of the “Thunderstorm Call” shout.

The order of studying the calls: first the first, only then the second, and the third. Otherwise it won't work.

6029A / 6029B / 6029C - Storm Call
20E17 / 20E18 / 20E19 - Fire Breath
48ACA / 48ACB / 48ACC - Time dilation
2F7BB / 2F7BC / 2F7BD - Swift Charge
46B89 / 46B8A / 46B8B - Call of the Dragon
13E22 / 13E23 / 13E24 - Ruthless Force
602A3 / 602A4 / 602A5 - Ice form
60291 / 60292 / 60293 - Friendship with animals
3291D / 3291E / 3291F - Elemental Fury
32917 / 32918 / 32919 - Ethereality
5D16C / 5D16D / 5D16E - Frost Breath
44251 / 44252 / 44253 - Dragon Slayer
60297 / 60298 / 60299 - Death sentence
60294 / 60295 / 60296 - Whisper of aura
6029D / 6029E / 6029F - Kin World
3291A / 3291B / 3291C - Fright
602A0 / 602A1 / 602A2 - Voice cast
5FB95 / 5FB96 / 5FB97 - Disarmament
3CD31 / 3DC32 / 3CD33 - Clear Sky
51960 / 51961 / 51962 - Call of Valor

To use dragon screams, you first need to activate them using the souls of dragons. That is, kill the dragon or add the required amount using the cheat:

player.modav dragonsouls N - get N souls of dragons. This cheat sets the total number of dragon souls absorbed, rather than adding N pieces.

To activate dragon screams, press - Magic - Shouts - select the required scream that you want to activate - press [R] - Ok. Now you can use this shout.

player.setav shoutrecoverymult 0 - dragon screams have no cooldown or cooldown for reuse. If you entered this code after using a shout, you will need to wait until it is restored, after which you can use this shout all the time without waiting for it to be restored.

These cheat codes will help you quickly upgrade all your skills and get all the perks.
advskill N X- raise skill N by X experience units. Core team to upgrade all skills and perks.
player.setav N X- set X skill level N. This cheat does not add “ability points”, but is necessary when your skill level reaches 100.
player.setlevel N- set character level N (1-255). Can be used to lower a character's level after using a cheat advskill .
List of all skill names for commands advskill And player.setav

Usage example:
player.setav Block 50- set level 50 of the “Block” skill.
advskill Destruction 100 - raise “Destruction” by 100 experience (not levels).

Alchemy - alchemy
Alteration - change
Block - block
Conjuration - witchcraft
Destruction - destruction
Enchanting - enchantment
HeavyArmor - heavy armor
Illusion - illusion
LightArmor - light armor
Lockpicking - hack
Marksman - shooting
Onehanded - one-handed weapon
Pickpocket - pick pocketing
Restoration - restoration
Smithing - blacksmithing
Sneak - stealth
Speechcraft - eloquence
Twohanded - two-handed weapon

To change the amount of magic, lives and stamina, use the following cheats:

player.setav Stamina X - set max. quantity of stock in X units.
player.setav Health X- set max. number of lives in X units
player.setav Magicka X - set max. amount of magic in X units

Skill Boost
All of the codes below enhance a particular skill by (base value * N%). That is, if your base weapon damage is 15 units, and you entered 200 as the value, then the base damage will be (15 + 15 * 2) = 45 units. To disable the modifier, enter 0 as a value. The exact same formula is used to calculate the duration of spells.

Example: player.setav DestructionPowerMod 100 - increase damage from all spells from the school of destruction by 100%

OneHandedPowerMod - one-handed weapon
TwoHandedPowerMod - two-handed weapon
MarksmanPowerMod - bows
BlockPowerMod - shield
SmithingPowerMod - blacksmithing
HeavyArmorPowerMod - heavy armor
LightArmorPowerMod - light armor
PickPocketPowerMod - pickpocket
LockpickingPowerMod - hack
SneakPowerMod - stealth
AlchemyPowerMod - alchemy
SpeechcraftPowerMod - eloquence
AlterationPowerMod - change
ConjurationPowerMod - witchcraft
DestructionPowerMod - destruction
IllusionPowerMod - illusion
RestorationPowerMod - restoration
EnchantingPowerMod - enchantment
Note: Changes to these modifiers are reflected in the weapon and spell descriptions.

Controlling other characters

Control of any character or monster is as follows (do everything strictly in the specified sequence) :

1. switch to “third person view” with the button F;
2. approach the required character or monster;
3. open the console, click on the character with the mouse and enter the code:

close the console.
To return to normal game and gain control of your main character, enter in the console: TC And player.TC. After gaining control of an NPC, you will only be able to move with it and will not be able to attack.

killall- kill everyone (friends/enemies) in sight.
kill- kill the selected character/animal.
resurrect 1- resurrect.
stopcombat- stop the fight with the specified friendly character. Before using this command, apply tcai (so that everyone stops and does not move, do not forget to turn it back on after stopkombat) or type player.setcrimegold 0 .
openactorcontainer 1- open the inventory of the selected creature. You can exchange items.
removeallitems- clear the inventory of the specified character.
equipitem Item ID- equip the selected character with the specified item (see item IDs below). With this cheat you can dress any character, give him a weapon and put armor on him.
inv- show the contents of the inventory (list) of the selected object.
duplicate allitems player - copy all items from the inventory of the specified NPC or object to your inventory.
resetinventory- reset inventory contents. Dress the selected character in the default, initial equipment.
setownership- obtain ownership rights to the specified item. (added by Robin)
disable- hide the specified object.
enable- show an object that was hidden using the disable cheat.

Construction materials

IN Hearthfire expansion in construction you will need materials. For the lazy, here is their list:

To add straw 10 pcs. you need to enter:

player.additem 03005a68 10

Where 03 005a68 10 - 03 because in the Hearthfire launcher it is third in the queue for downloading add-ons. If the cheat code does not work, enter the first numbers 04. Or 02, or 01 instead of XX (if the add-on is loaded 4th, 2nd or first).

Purchased/found materials
Clay XX003043
Glass XX005a69
Goat horns XX00303f
Mined stone XX00306c
Sawn log XX00300e
Straw XX005a68

Crafted Items
Door hinge XX003011
Iron parts XX003035
Lock XX003012
Nails XX00300f

Children's doll XX00c1de
Wooden sword XX004d91
Amulet of Akatosh 000C8911
Amulet of Julianos 000c8917
Amulet of Dibella 000C8915
Amulet of Talos 000CC846
Amulet of Arkay 000CC848
Amulet of Mary 000c891b
Amulet of Zenithar 000878BB
Amulet of Kynareth 000C8919
Amulet of Stendarr 000CC844
Iron ingot 0005ACE4
Big horns 0006BC0A
Saber fang 0006BC04


Ingredients in Skyrim they are found almost everywhere. They are needed for making various poisons and potions, as well as for alchemical experiments..

To add 10 origma eggs to your character's inventory.

Enter the command in the console Player.AddItem 0007E8C8 10 and press Enter - the cheat code is activated.

For ingredient IDs starting with XX

Comment! For DLC items whose ID starts with XX. For the code to work you need XX replace with numbers, similar to the serial number of the DLC installation. For example, if you installed the Dragonborn DLC first, then instead of XX you must put 01 .

Base ID EditorID Ingredient name
00106E1B CritterPondFish02Ingredient Abecean perch
000B701A NirnrootRed Scarlet Nirnroot
0004DA22 Mushroom03 Belyanka
0004DA23 Mushroom04 Demon mushroom
00106E1A CritterPondFish03Ingredient Betta fish
0007E8B7 SwampFungalPod01 Swamp Pod
0006BC0A AntlersLarge Big horns
00057F91 Hanging Moss bearded moss
0003AD61 BriarHeart Heather Heart
000134AA Thistle01 Thistle branch
0006AC4A JazBay Jazzbi grapes
0007E8C1 GiantLichen Giant lichen
0006BC07 SabrecatEyeball Saber eye
0004DA24 Mushroom05 Namira's Rot
00077E1C MountainFlower01Blue Blue Mountain Flower
000F11C0 DwarvenOil Dwarven oil
00052695 CharredSkeeverHide Roasted Skeever Skin
000854FE Pearl Pearl
00063B5F SprigganSap Spriggan sap
0003AD72 TrollFat Troll fat
0003AD6A IceWraithTeeth Ice Ghost Teeth
0007E8C5 SlaughterfishEgg01 Killer fish roe
0006BC00 MudcrabChitin Mud Crab Claw
0006BC04 SabrecatTooth Saber Fang
000E7EBC HawkBeak Hawk beak
0006B689 HagravenClaw Sorcerer's Claw
0001BCBC DBJarrinRoot Root fryer
00059B86 Nirnroot Nirnroot
00034CDD BoneMeal Bone flour
00077E1D MountainFlower01Red Red Mountain Flower
0004DA20 Mushroom02 Bloody Crown
000727DF MothWingLuna Moon Moth Wing
000727E0 MothWingMonarch Monarch Wing
000727DE MothWingBlue Blue butterfly wing
00023D77 BirdEgg03 Egg
00045C28 Lavender Lavender
00077E1E MountainFlower01Purple Purple Mountain Flower
000D8E3F MoonSugar moon sugar
0004DA25 Mushroom06 Fierce mushroom
00085500 PearlSmall Little pearl
0006BC0B AntlersSmall small horns
0006BC02 BearClaws Bear claws
000B08C5 BeeHoneyComb Honeycomb
000EC870 MoraTapinellaBits Mora tapinella
00034D32 FrostMirriam Frosty Miriam
0003AD5F FrostSalts frosty salt
0007EDF5 Nordic Barnacles sea ​​acorn
0004DA00 Mushroom01 fly agaric
0003AD5E FireSalts Fire salt
000BB956 DragonflyOrange Orange dragonfly
0003AD64 GiantToes Giant's finger
0002F44C Nightshade Nightshade
0009151B SpiderEgg Spider egg
0006BC0E WispWrappings Veil of haze
0003AD66 HagravenFeathers Feathers of the fortune teller
000E7ED0 HawkFeathers Hawk feathers
000B2183 CreepClusterRoot creeping vine
000705B7 FavorThadgeirAshes Ashes of Berit
0003AD76 vampireDust Vampire Ashes
0003F7F8 Tundra Cotton Cotton grass
000A9195 CritterBeeIngredient Bee
000A9191 BeeHiveHusk Bee's nest
0004B0BA Wheat Wheat
0003AD73 glowDust Glow Dust
0007EE01 GlowingMushroom Glowing mushroom
0003AD5B DaedraHeart Daedra Heart
00106E1C CritterPondFish01Ingredient Silver perch
000E4F0C DragonflyBlue blue dragonfly
00106E19 CritterPondFish04Ingredient Cyrodiil Spadetail
0001B3BD snowberry snow berries
0006ABCB CanisRoot01 Dog root
00034CDF SaltPile Salt
00074A19 MS03BlackBriarSecretIngredient Salt
0003AD60 VoidSalts Salt of the Void
0003AD71 Taproot Taproot
0006BC10 PowderedMammothTusk Pounded mammoth ivory
0004DA73 FireflyThorax Firefly Thorax
00083E64 SpikyGrass01 herbal pod
0003AD5D FalmerEar Falmer's ear
0003AD6F SkeeverTail Skeever tail
00106E18 CritterPondFish05Ingredient Histkarp
000B18CD HumanHeart Human heart
001016B3 HumanFlesh Human meat
00034D22 Garlic Garlic
0006F950 ScalyPholiotaBits Scaly
0003AD70 SlaughterfishScales Killer fish scales
0003AD63 Ectoplasm Ectoplasm
00034D31 ElvesEar Elven ear
0005076E Juniper Berries Juniper berries
000516C8 deathBell Poison bell
000889A2 DragonsTongue Dragon tongue
0003AD56 ChaurusEggs Chaurus Egg
0007E8C8 BirdEgg01 Origma Egg
00023D6F BirdEgg02 Pine Thrush Egg

Dawnguard DLC Ingredients

Hearthfire DLC Ingredients

Code Ingredient name
XX003545 Salmon caviar
XX00F1CC Hawk Egg

Dragonborn DLC Ingredients

Quest related ingredients
