Creating maps and plans of the area download the program. Programs for working with maps. Building a 3D model

Undoubtedly Google Maps is the leading mapping service on the market, providing GPS tracking and navigation services. But today the scope of application of cards is constantly expanding and has already gone beyond traditional route planning and searching for objects.

We often come across maps showing environmental pollution, maps of urban transport or airplane traffic (remember the famous one). In business, maps can be used to display and analyze the location of customers or retail chains. Travel companies can use maps to inform their clients about the travel route and tourist sites (attractions, establishments Catering, hotels and hostels.

It is clear that geolocation services will play an increasingly important role in the future and the need for such services will only grow.

Taking this into account, there are already several online services on the network that allow create your own maps, i.e. place markers and notes on them, show routes and highlight areas, draw cartograms (also known as heatmaps) and much more.

The created maps can be opened for public access, embedded in a page on your website, or exported to PDF for preparing printed materials - as already mentioned, the scope is very wide.

So let's move on to consider the most popular map services.


Mapme is a powerful modern tool with rich features. Allows you to manage a set of various cards and their contents. Tags and categories, import from Excel are supported. It has the ability to make maps public and embed them in web applications.

Cost: Free, $99 and $199


An interesting service that allows create animated maps to describe your journey, schedules of various events, etc. You can add markers, icons, photos, notes to the map, move them, highlight and change the boundaries of territories, and much more. And the created maps can be shared by embedding them into a website.

Cost: free


A solid application containing many useful and advanced solutions for creating and editing maps, display equally well on both desktop computers and mobile devices. Click2Map main module - kart, which allows you to place markers on them, and photos, text messages or videos. These marks can contain custom fields, import from various databases and automatic creation of markers based on this data are supported.

Cost: $39 per month

Zee Maps

Zee Maps - online service for creating and publishing maps with a whole set of modern and unique tools - a search mechanism, personal cards, more than 30 various markers and the ability to highlight entire areas, three-level access (regular visitors, group members and administrators). In addition, it is possible to attach various media materials to the marker - photographs, audio and video recordings and save maps in PDF and PNG format for brochures and presentations.

Cost: free (up to 5 cards) and paid, depending on the tariff plan.

Scribble Maps

Another powerful and feature-rich service for creating and publishing various cards. Also offers the ability to add markers, notes, custom widgets, save maps as PDF or images. In addition, there are tools for measuring distances, areas, as well as integration mechanisms into desktop and mobile applications.
Available for integration with .

Cost: free


Effective tool for creating various static maps- satellite, hybrid, street. There is a set of tools for setting markers and adding various information, as well as exporting them to KML format for viewing in Google Earth.

Cost: free

Heatmap Tool

Heatmap Tools uses the full power of the Google Maps API to visualize various geoinformation data and create so-called “cartograms” (aka heatmaps). You can configure various display parameters, such as marker radius, color, transparency, etc. Data import via CSV format is supported.

Cost: free (with watermarks and restrictions on the number of objects and views) and paid depending on the tariff plan.


Using MapTiler is as easy as 1-2-3. One - scan a paper map or create it using a GIS system (for example, AutoCAD MAP 3D). Two - process it with MapTiler. Three - publish it on the Internet, embedding it, for example, on a page of your website. At the same time, integration with such popular hosting providers as Dropbox, Google Drive and Amazon S3 is provided.


And finally, let's look at Mapbox - a professional service for developers. The application allows you to create vector maps that display various data in real time, has a powerful search engine for coordinates and addresses, and provides several APIs and auxiliary tools (for example, for converting satellite images into vector maps, plotting the optimal route).

Cost: Both free and paid plans available

Choosing a program for creating maps

IN modern world There is an acute problem of the need to use the latest computer technologies in most scientific fields. For example, computer technology has become indispensable in geography, where maps are the main components of the presentation of the area. Various characteristics are measured using special electronic instruments such as artificial satellites, spacecraft, aircraft and probes. geographical objects. This area of ​​geographical knowledge is called computer geography.

Diagrams and maps, unlike various tables, can give us a general image, a picture of the area. Therefore, they are the main means for expressing geographical patterns. However, it is worth noting that today there are many programs aimed at high-quality creation and design geographical maps. The most commonly used map program is DataGraf (DG). It is quite simple and compact, so with minimal effort you can create a cartographic image from a series of numerical data. The main advantage of this computer programs for creating geographic maps is its analytical operating principle without using geographic coordinates.

Typically, when creating cartographic illustrations based on number series, geographic information systems such as MapInfo and ArcView are used. However, they are more complex and expensive, since their main goal is to solve special problems in a geographical area, without involving a large number of users.

Another commonly used map creation program is T2K PRO, which includes a basic GIS (Geographic Information Systems) dataset, transferring the geographic information found into Google Earth. In addition, with this program you can use geographic data stored in special files and databases. The main component of the program - Tiles2kml - is capable of generating thumbnails of drawings, which are subsequently used on a PC or on the Internet.

Another highly efficient software is the GIS.NET component. It is based on modern vector technologies and is used to draw complex maps of absolutely any terrain. The main priorities of this map creation programs are support for various geographic images, including topographic and satellite photos, customizable symbols for marking settlements, automatic adjustment and optimization of the transmission mechanism maximum quantity topographic details.

It is also worth noting that very recently the Sovzond company launched a new version software package ENVI 4.4. New features of this program include photogrammetric support and processing of the resulting images. The program is also capable of automatically reading a file with RPC coefficients and performing ortho-transformation with or without the use of ground control points. An external DEM file created on the basis of the obtained cartographic material can be used as a relief model.

As a rule, when creating a particular geographic map, it is necessary to take into account all the capabilities of the program for creating maps, and consider the type of map itself as the reference point. Since cards differ in their purpose, experts recommend using not one program, but several, when creating the card itself. This is due to the fact that each individual program is aimed at solving a specific problem, that is, it uses certain parameters. However, in any software a certain component may be missing and then the map may be incomplete (depending on the requirements). In other words, there may be some missing geographical features or the pictures will overlap one another, thereby creating obstacles in reading the geographical map. Based on the above, when creating geographic maps you cannot do without a number of GIS packages.

Three-dimensional terrain model in GIS "Panorama"

A three-dimensional terrain model in the GIS "Panorama" is a surface built taking into account the terrain, on which an image of a vector, raster or matrix map can be superimposed, and three-dimensional objects located on it corresponding to the objects of a two-dimensional map. She is complete 3D map, which allows you to select objects on the model in order to request information about the object, edit them appearance and characteristics. On the three-dimensional model you can see both above-ground and underground objects.

Creating a 3D model

Creating a three-dimensional model does not require lengthy preparation; it is enough to have a two-dimensional map and a height matrix. Using these data, it is possible to construct a three-dimensional model of the relief of the selected area. To build a three-dimensional model taking into account objects located on a given map, a library of three-dimensional images of objects is needed, which is added to the classifier of any map.

Together with the classifiers of electronic vector maps, libraries of three-dimensional images for various scales are supplied. To obtain a three-dimensional view of the existing electronic cards It is enough to connect one or more libraries to the classifier and assign a suitable image to the selected objects. If you need a more detailed and individual display of objects, you can create your own three-dimensional images using Symbol editor .

Building a 3D model

To build a three-dimensional terrain model, the following can be used: a vector map, a height matrix, a triangulation relief model (TIN model), a map classifier, a library of three-dimensional images of objects, digital photographs of terrain and digital photographs of terrain objects. The composition of the source data can be different and depends on what type of model needs to be obtained.

Types of 3D terrain models

Typical three-dimensional models are created according to city plans, topographic maps or overview maps. Typical models contain terrain surfaces, buildings, road network objects, pipelines, wells, traffic lights, vegetation objects, hydrography and other objects of simple shape.

Building a standard model is the most fast way obtaining a high-quality three-dimensional terrain model. Standard models can be used to visually assess the relative position of objects, taking into account the features of the relief and their height (Figure 1.1), and analyze the relative position of power cables and pipelines for various purposes (Figure 1.2).

1. Detailed 3D models

Three-dimensional models of detailed views describe the terrain with objects, the appearance of which is customizable individually, and are created according to city plans. Detailed view models contain the surface of the terrain, typical objects and objects, the three-dimensional image of which approaches their real appearance on the ground (architectural structures with entrances, pipes, elevator towers, design elements, etc.).

To configure models of the detailed appearance of individual objects, you can use the assignment of appearance textures through the semantic characteristics of these objects.

In the editor of the three-dimensional view of objects of the GIS "Panorama", it is possible to import symbols from the VRML format, so some elements of the individual view of objects can be created in three-dimensional editors of third-party developers and loaded into various templates for displaying these objects.

2. Three-dimensional models of interior spaces

Three-dimensional models of interior spaces allow you to describe the three-dimensional appearance of the interior and are created on the basis of floor plans (Figure 1.5).

When displaying three-dimensional models of interior spaces, individual objects and entire interiors can also be used, created in various three-dimensional image editing programs in VRML format and imported into the classifier’s three-dimensional image library vector map GIS "Panorama".

3. Topic models

Thematic models are created from thematic maps and are used to design statistical diagrams. One example of using thematic model technology can be the creation of a three-dimensional terrain model based on a map of the operational situation (Figure 1.8). Models imported from the VRML format and used to symbolically display map objects fit perfectly into the setting of a thematic map.

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Let's get acquainted

Mind maps are diagrammatic representations of the key ideas in a book, the main points of a speaker's speech, or your most important action plan. With their help, it is convenient to restore order in information chaos. Mind maps have many names - mental map, mind mapping, thought map, connection diagram, mind map.

The word mind is translated as mind. Psychologists are sure: by drawing maps with felt-tip pens on sheets of paper, you will really become smarter and unlock the potential of your brain. Let's leave these thoughts to scientists and talk about the practical implementation of mind mapping.

What, where and how to draw?

The map vaguely resembles a tree. Or a spider. Or an octopus. In general, something that has a center and branches.

In the center is the main idea or problem. Key points depart from it. Each item is also, if necessary, divided into several smaller items. And so on until the whole problem is clearly worked out.

What's good about the card format?

  1. A schematic text is perceived better than a sheet, because it is shorter and simpler.
  2. Saves time perceiving information.
  3. In the process of drawing up a map, memorization of the material improves.
  4. When working on projects, areas of responsibility are clearly shown by coloring the branches.

How to create maps

Let’s not get fancy and complicate it – let’s use the algorithm of the map author himself, Tony Buzan.

  • Maintain a hierarchy of thoughts;
  • At the center is the most important question. Graphic images (drawings, pictograms) are welcome;
  • Give volume to images, blocks, rays. This makes the map easier to perceive;
  • Leave a distance between the blocks, do not make a palisade of rays;
  • If you need to emphasize the connection between elements, use lines, arrows, and the same colors;
  • Express your thoughts briefly and clearly. Simple font, one keyword above the corresponding line, the main lines are smooth and bolder, place the words horizontally.

Mind map - like the Glavred service, only for the brain. Helps clear debris from thoughts.

Mind maps are useful... work:

  • Plan work projects. Many programs allow shared access among all team members. Changes are made to the map, tasks are prioritized, and the implementation process is monitored;
  • Prepare and conduct meetings. With the help of cards you will draw up an outline of your speech, highlight key points, establish the logic of the narrative. The programs have the ability to create a presentation - this will help you visually present materials for the planning meeting;
  • Make a strategy. Cards, in my opinion, are an ideal option. They help to go from the general to the specific;
  • Brainstorm. Some programs even have a special mode. training:

  • Write down the key ideas of the seminar or lecture. Such a note will help you remember the teacher’s train of thought;
  • Organize your information. You always have free space to add an important thought. everyday life:

  • Plan. I use cards to create plans for the week, month, and prepare for important events;
  • Make lists. This could be a list of books, movies, webinars, purchases, gifts, or just a list of things that need to be done sometime;
  • Write notes on the books you read. One main branch - one chapter. Brief thoughts, theses, and main points fit perfectly into the map format. In addition, some programs have the ability to take hidden notes. Hover your mouse over a specific block and a window will open with a detailed description of what is written in the block.

We evaluate

I chose 15 programs (+3 from the editors) for creating mental maps. The selection includes popular drawing services and little-known ones. They differ in design, export capabilities, and ease of management. Some programs are more suitable for personal use, while others help you plan work and study effectively. The description applies only to free versions. Read the review and choose the program that is convenient for you.

For your convenience, I have also prepared a comparative table of the capabilities of all programs presented in the table.


Features of MindMeister:


  1. Free basic package. There are only 3 cards in it. They can only be exported as text; you can also receive one card per invited friend;
  2. Personal tariff ($4.99). Unlimited number of maps, multiple page printing, export to drawing, PDF, priority support;
  3. Tariff Pro ($8.25). Everything in the previous plan plus Login to Google Apps for Domains, multi-user licensing, export to .docx and .pptx, custom map themes for the entire team, receiving statistics and reports;
  4. Business tariff ($12.49). Everything that is in the previous tariff plus the creation of groups within the program, the creation of a custom domain for logging into the system, support for exporting and creating backup copies, priority support around the clock.

My impressions

The program is worthy of attention if you have small requests. MindMeister even in free version has quite a wide functionality: different styles and colors of blocks, changing the color of the text and its style. A small menu appears on the right and you use the switch buttons to change the design mode. Convenient, compact, simple. Maps are easy to draw: select the block from which the next rays should come and click on the plus sign. If you want to color the blocks and add icons and emoticons, that will work too.


Features of MindMup:

  • All the basic capabilities for creating high-quality design are present;
  • Simple controls;
  • Free export to PDF (link available within 24 hours);
  • Maps are synchronized if there is one account on the devices;
  • Import images from disk or cloud in 2 clicks.


  1. Free package. Users of the free version can create public maps up to 100 KB for a period of 6 months;
  2. Individual Gold ($2.99/month). Unlimited number of cards, up to 5 messages in mail, card capacity up to 100 MB, storage on Google Drive;
  3. Team Gold ($50/year for 10 users, $100/year for 100 users). Unlimited number of maps, work with Google/GAFE;
  4. Corporate Gold ($100/year). Unlimited number of users and maps created by them, work with Google/GAFE.

My impressions

MindMup is ideal for beginners because there are no complicated steps involved. You can insert a picture or edit an inscription with two clicks, create new blocks or delete them with one click. At the same time, the map looks aesthetically pleasing, it is clear and logical. It can be personalized by adding photos. At the time of adding, you can easily change the size of the image, place it under the text or on the side.


Features of Mind42:

  • Only basic functionality: adding icons, notes, main and additional nodes;
  • Laconic card design;
  • Export in JPEG, PDF, PNG and several more formats;
  • You can add your card to general groups Mind42 or view other people's maps;
  • Possibility of collaboration on the map;
  • The priority of the block task is set. You can easily view the priority by hovering over the special icon.

My impressions

It seems that the creators of the program have already decided a lot for me. For example, they established their own order in which the branches would be located, and offered only one type of font and blocks. But you can set the priority and progress of tasks. In general, the capabilities of Mind42 are modest, like young girls in ancient Rus'.


XMind Features:

  • A large number of templates: fishbone, business plans, SWOT analysis and other useful things;
  • Stylish design, bright design - background for the entire map or separately for blocks, big choice styles, lines, colors and shapes;
  • Conducting a brainstorming session;
  • Convenient creation of presentations.


  1. Free. All types of charts and synchronization with the cloud.
  2. XMind: ZEN Desktop ($4.58/month). Fully functional desktop version.
  3. XMind: ZEN Desktop + Mobile ($4.99/month). Desktop + mobile versions.
  4. XMind: ZEN Mobile ($1.24/month). Mobile version.
  5. XMind 8 Pro ($129). The PRO account offers export in PDF, PPT, SVG, OpenOffice, more than 60,000 icons, Gantt charts, presentation and brainstorming modes.

My impressions

XMind is definitely worth using. I was thinking about a paid version, but for now the stripped-down free version is enough for me. The program has a lot of possibilities. Choosing it to simply draw up plans or notes is like driving a Ferrari through the village. The program is more suitable for professional team work. I like XMind for its design and ease of drawing.

MindJet Mindmanager

Features of MingManager:

  • Templates are divided into categories - meetings and events, management, strategic planning, personal productivity, problem solving, flowcharts;
  • In terms of design options, it resembles Word - it’s just as simple and easy to choose text color, flowchart shape, fill, font, alignment, bulleted lists;
  • Prioritizing actions. You can set the order of task completion, set beacons such as “risk”, “discuss”, “postpone”, “expenses”, “for”, “against”;
  • You can brainstorm, build Gantt charts, and link cards together. Easily switch between map tabs;
  • There is a MindManager Plus web account for saving files in the cloud;
  • Transfer data from Microsoft Outlook.


Perpetual license. For Mac it costs 13,000 rubles, for Windows 25,000 rubles. Creation interactive maps, setting time frames for completing tasks, exporting maps in different formats.

My impressions

Mindmanager offers a lot of training materials and a technical support service. The card design can be as simple as it is playful if you want. The controls are simple, all the necessary buttons are at hand. If you study this program thoroughly, you can easily use it for home and work. Data from Excel, Outlook can be inserted into the card, and other cards can be inserted. Personally, I don’t need so many functions yet.


Features of PersonalBrain:

  • From the design, you can only change the theme;
  • Most features are available after purchasing paid work packages;
  • Complex program management;
  • Shows a 3D image of the mind map.


  1. Basic paid package ($219). Printing, adding files, links, pictures, notes are available;
  2. Pro packages ($299). Integration of calendar and events, spell checking, saving reports, multi-page printing, and exporting maps are provided. The difference between the Pro License, Pro Combo, TeamBrain packages is the presence of a desktop version and cloud storage.

My impressions

I didn't like it. First, I went through the application installation quest, put checkmarks and dots in the required fields. Then I opened the map and was disappointed in the controls. If you click in the wrong place, the central block changes and you are disorganized. Well, the design is gloomy. In general, I didn’t make friends with her.

iMind Map

Features of iMindMap:

  • The program offers 4 modes: recording ideas and thoughts, brainstorming, creating mind maps, converting data into 2D and 3D presentations, PDF files, tables and other formats;
  • About 130 styles;
  • There are hints at the beginning of work: click on the icon, use Tab and Enter;
  • There is a spell check;
  • Very bright animated presentations;
  • You can make notes for each branch, use icons from the series finance, transport, arrows, calendar, communications, flags, numbers, people, etc., change flowchart formats, set deadlines and priorities, add audio files;
  • Time Map;
  • Import files in IMX, Doc, Docx, IMM, MM, MMAP formats;
  • Export files in PDF, SVG, 3D image, table, web page, project, audio, DropTask, Power Point presentation, zip file.


  1. For home and study (80€). Create and edit maps, add images, create art projects, add links and notes, 30 days of use, one license;
  2. Maximum (190€). Adds to the capabilities of the previous package brainstorming, creating presentations, exporting videos from YouTube, integration with DropTask, three-dimensional image, conversion to different formats, a license for a year and 2 computers;
  3. Maximum Plus (250€). Adds to the capabilities of the previous package books and discs by Tony Buzan, the founder of mental maps.

My impressions

One of best programs which I used. I would put XMind and MindMup next to it. Very easy to operate. Easily switch between capture, brainstorm, mind map and time map modes, draw blocks and relationships between them. If you want to recreate the atmosphere of drawing with markers on whatman paper, then in iMind Map you can draw branches by hand.


Bubble Features:

  • The controls are not very convenient, you need to get used to it;
  • Only the general color scheme changes; you cannot change the font, text color or node shape separately;
  • 3 cards are created for free;
  • The map is saved in JPEG, PNG, HTML formats.


  1. Premium ($4.91 per month). Create an unlimited number of maps, track the history of changes, add files and images;
  2. Corporate rate. It has several licenses available, management account user, creating user branding. The cost of the corporate plan depends on the number of accounts and subscription period.

My impressions

Nothing special. The controls seemed a little complicated to me, the design seemed ordinary. Who needs a business style card - welcome!


Comapping Features:

  • There is only one type of card;
  • Small design options;
  • Maps can be sent by e-mail, saved in SVG, PDF, Xmind, Freemind, MindManager formats;
  • The service is used for brainstorming, event planning, and training.


Paid versions are based on the number of licenses and the version: online or desktop. One online license costs $25 per year, desktop costs $49, and the maximum package of 100 licenses costs $612 and $1,225 is the discounted price.

My impressions

Nice program, but I don't like this map structure. I like it when the main idea is in the center. The design didn’t work for me either. Why is she nice then? Its simplicity, unobtrusive design. I liked how the notes on the map, for example, “competitor analysis,” are highlighted in gray. They do not distract attention, but provide benefits.


Features of MindGenius:

  • Well suited for team work, educational process. Emphasis is placed on working with enterprises;
  • The design possibilities are optimal - the size, color, font type, background fill color, and block shapes can be changed;
  • Add pictures, links, notes - this function is also available;
  • There are mobile applications for iOS and Android;
  • Export maps in MS Office applications, JPEG, PNG, PDF, HTML
  • There are a large number of different templates, there are Gantt charts, Swot analysis, and training guides are provided for each type.


  1. MindGenius2019 by subscription ($160/year, from the second year – $56/year). Includes the program itself and a subscription to the online version + updates.
  2. MindGenius2019 lifetime ($256). Includes perpetual software license and one-year online subscription. After a year, the latter can be renewed for $42.
  3. MindGeniusOnline ($16/month or $160/year). Subscribe to the online version.

My impressions

Nice design, clear controls, great capabilities - a good program, in general. If I manage a company, I will take MindGenius into account.


Features of Mapul:

  • Unusual design. Bright rich colors of lines and blocks;
  • Maps are saved in JPEG, SVG formats;
  • Small selection of colors and fonts;
  • Not very convenient controls. The lines are difficult to change after drawing, the text jumps along them and is difficult to read.


  1. Free version. One card and 4 images;
  2. Premium package. The number of cards is unlimited. Premium can be purchased for 3, 6 or 12 months. Accordingly, $25, $35, $49.

My impressions

The design simply captivated me: bright, juicy, unusual. But the drawing process let us down. I want to align the line - instead the program draws me an additional branch. In general, if you get used to it, Mapul can become your favorite.


Features of Mindomo:

  • Three accounts: teacher, businessman, student;
  • 24 card templates available;
  • Possibility of collaboration on the map by several users. When the card is changed, notifications are sent by email;
  • There is a backup option;
  • Audio and video recordings, images, hyperlinks, icons, symbols are added;
  • The priority of tasks is set, comments are added to blocks.


Purchased for six months. All plans include an unlimited number of mind cards, backup to DropBox and Google. Disk, adding audio and video, password protection of cards, desktop version, synchronization between devices, 7 import formats.

  1. Premium ($36). It has 8 export formats, 1 GB of memory, 1 user;
  2. Professional ($90). It has 12 export formats, 5 GB of memory, 1 user;
  3. Team ($142). It has 12 export formats, 15 GB of memory, 5 users.

My impressions

After working at Mindomo, there is some kind of pleasant aftertaste. Drawing is easy - just click on the button next to the block. Pictures are inserted easily and immediately in the optimal size. I liked that you can make notes for each block in the form of simple text or lists - very convenient.


Coggle Features:

  • Tooltips on English language;
  • A kind of management. New branches, for example, appear by double-clicking, the color scheme appears when clicking right click;
  • There is only one map in the free version;
  • Export in PNG, PDF formats;
  • Working together on a map. There is chat and comments;
  • History of changes. The slider moves along the scale, returning the map to the desired editing segment;
  • More than 1600 icons;
  • A gallery of other people's maps is available;
  • Synchronization with Google Drive, account required.


  1. Amazing. $5 per month or $50 per year. Unlimited number of cards, presentation mode, shared folders, download images from high resolution, wide selection of color schemes;
  2. Organization (corporate). $8 per month. Added a separate workspace, consolidated billing, user and deadline management, and corporate identity.

My impressions

I didn't like the design at all. It’s not very difficult to understand the controls, the tips are nearby. Lines and blocks are easy to create and change direction. The slider for undoing changes to the map is a real lifesaver.

ConceptDraw MINDMAP

Features of ConceptDraw MINDMAP:

  • There are ready-made themes. The design capabilities are standard: the size of the letters changes, the background of the text and the map itself is filled;
  • The map is converted into a text list and vice versa;
  • Hyperlinks, notes, icons, tags are added;
  • Extensive presentation creation options;
  • Maps are imported from Xmaind, FreeMaind, MindManager, Word, Power Point programs;
  • Export to PDF, web pages, MindManager, Word, Power Point formats. You can export a checklist file with completed and uncompleted tasks;
  • You can demonstrate presentations on Skype, post on Twitter, send by email and save in Evernote;
  • In addition to maps, you can draw diagrams and various flowcharts, manage projects;
  • By default, the map is saved on your computer in the “My Documents” folder.


This program has complicated pricing. It depends on the number of users plus additional functions are taken into account. For $199 you will purchase the simplest version for 1 license, an update to the program costs $99, a package for corporate use costs $299, and 10 licenses for educational purposes cost $638.

My impressions

There are many useful functions in the program. In addition to the service for creating mind maps, there is also a line of programs for creating business graphics and project management. In general, this is a huge set of tools specifically for business.


Features of LOOPY:

The service allows you to create “live” diagrams in which elements move between blocks. This allows us to illustrate some cyclical processes.


The service is free, no registration required.

My impressions

Very few possibilities for card design. The main thing is that the maps turn out to be “live”; with their help it is convenient to depict dynamic processes. The resulting diagram can be inserted onto the website as an interactive element.

Features of

  • No registration required. When you first log in, choose where to save the files. If to the cloud, then authorization is required through the appropriate service.
  • The files are not saved in, but in your storage - Google Drive, OneDrive, or your computer's hard drive.
  • Multifunctional tool. In addition to mind maps, you can make flowcharts, simple infographics, visualize business processes, and even design page layouts.
  • There are online and desktop versions, as well as integrations with many tools, including Jira and Trello.


The tool is free without any restrictions. Except when you need to deploy the product on your server.

My impressions

There are too many functions and capabilities for a quick sketch of thoughts and plans. Because of this, the service is more complex than those designed specifically for mind maps. It may take longer to create. But this is an excellent option when you need to make a diagram for a presentation and other similar tasks - complete freedom of action will allow you to draw it exactly as you need it and design it in the corporate style and colors.


The tool is free without any restrictions. If you install the program on your server and some functions are missing, you can contact the developers.

My impressions

The first impression is confirmed - the tool is very simple and without frills. Features include adding emoji, links and notes. You can also change the block style, background and border colors, text style and color. In my opinion, the tool is well suited for personal use and quick sketches.


Features of SimpleMind

  • Works for different platforms: Mac, Windows, iOS, Android.
  • The page size and number of elements are practically unlimited.
  • The free version has quite a few restrictions - no export, you cannot add media files, links and emoji, and the ability to edit the appearance of cards is limited.
  • There is no online version, you need to download it to your computer.


  1. Free basic version. Supports standard mind map functionality and several design styles.
  2. Full version(from €24.99) All the functionality of the program without restrictions.

My impressions

Let's compare

For convenience, I have prepared a comparison table of services for you. Click on the image below to download it.

We use

For drawing simple cards with plans for the day, lists and ideas are well suited:

  • MindMeister,
  • MindManager,
  • MindMup,
  • Mind 42,
  • Wisemapping,
  • Comapping,
  • mapul,
  • SimpleMind.

The programs are easy to use, all the necessary functions are right at your fingertips.

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The winter cold outside the window and drifts on the roads are not very pleasing to lovers of active recreation and tourism, but they provide enough time to finally sort out pictures, routes and impressions from past hikes. Therefore, now is the time best time to write reports about your adventures and develop routes for the future. Of course, all travelers know and actively use the excellent Google Maps service for these purposes. However, the list of map services does not end there, and in this article you will learn about worthy alternative tools for creating, publishing and analyzing custom cards.

Scribble Maps

What sets Scribble Maps online service apart from many of its competitors is that this service is perfect for both beginners and cartography experts. Its simplicity and functionality make Scribble Maps one of the most popular mapping applications in education and science. The service offers users a wide range of capabilities, including marking maps, measuring distances, importing data in KML format, importing tabular data, applying custom labels, text, images and much more.

Open Street Map

Service Open Street Map (OSM) professes the same principles that formed the basis for the creation of the world famous Wikipedia. All the information here was collected through the efforts of tens of thousands of volunteers who provide the project with data from personal GPS trackers, aerial photography, video recordings, satellite images and street panoramas. While the accuracy of this data varies greatly by region, it is safe to say that OSM contains more detailed and up-to-date information than Google Maps for some areas.

The map editing function is available to all registered users. You can export data from your GPS device, draw routes manually, place markers, mark interesting and memorable places, give descriptions and comments. It is possible to export maps in OpenStreetMap XML format or as an image (PNG, JPEG, SVG, PD), and you can also get HTML code for inserting into any website.


Although Build-A-Map comes across as a little frivolous with its big, flashy icons, it's still a mature tool for creating maps and diagrams. The source of cartographic information here is Google Maps, on top of which the user can create his own layers and apply the necessary data to them.

The Build-A-Map service allows you to add not only banal marks and tracks, but also text labels, circles, polygonal shapes, lightboxes with photographs, plot routes, and so on. To all this, you can add weather information, Google Places points, and pictures from the Panoramio photo hosting site. The map obtained in this way can be saved in the service storage and shown a link to it, or you can receive a code for embedding in a web page.


The Tripline service is unlikely to be able to help in developing a route for serious travel, but it is simply ideal for creating a multimedia presentation about the roads traveled. In its work, the service combines three components: a track of your route, photos and musical accompaniment, best representing the spirit of your adventure.

By combining all this together, the service will generate a spectacular story about your impressions, during which the viewer will move around the map along the route you took and see photographs linked to the shooting location. All this accompanied by wonderful music, of course. Having spent one effort after your trip on creating such an interactive report, you can paste it onto your page or blog, send it to all your relatives and publish it on social networks.


ZeeMaps provides users with a fast and easy way to create and share interactive maps of the world. With it, you can visualize tracks in KML, KMZ or GeoRSS formats on the map, add your marks and comments. Distinctive feature This service is able to work with tabular data. So, if you have a table with the coordinates of the necessary points or, for example, the residential addresses of your clients, then you can feed this data to ZeeMaps, and it will accurately plot them on the map.

All cards are stored on the service’s servers and can be accessed at any time via a unique link. In addition, it is possible to print the map, save it as an image and receive an html code for embedding in a website or blog.


This service is interesting because it allows you not only to plot a track on a map, but also to see what it will look like in reality. TripGeo uses data from Google Maps and Google Street View and combines them into one interface, allowing you to take a virtual trip along your chosen route.

You will need to indicate the start and finish point, as well as the desired method of transportation (car, bicycle, foot). In addition, you should specify a few more parameters regarding rendering speed and image scale, after which TripGeo will select the optimal trajectory for you and immediately create a special widget in which the lower part will display the map, and the upper part will display the map. real view this place. All you have to do is click on the Play button and go on a journey.

The TripGeo service can serve well not only when preparing a trip, allowing you to more accurately find out information about the area, but also if you need a detailed explanation, for example to city guests, of driving directions. Now you don’t have to explain over the phone the signs of the street you need to turn onto, you simply send a link to the route created in TripGeo, and the person will definitely get to their destination.

The QuickMaps service lives up to its name: you can make a map here as quickly as possible. To do this, you don’t even need to register - just come up with a name for the card, short description and you can get down to business.

Although at first glance it may seem that there are not so many tools here, in fact everything you need is present. You can mark tracks with straight lines or free-hand drawing, make text notes, import KML or GPX files from the Web and upload them from your computer. And in terms of various markers, QuickMaps can give a head start to much more serious services.

Map constructor (Yandex)

This service is part of the Yandex.Maps project and, of course, draws information from there. In many cases, especially when it comes to the territory of Ukraine or Russia, this data may be even more accurate and detailed than that of foreign competitors. The map constructor allows you to plot a route, measure distances, draw polygons, and place points on the map area you need. Markers here can only be of one type, but each can be accompanied by a number and a comment that will appear when you click on the point.

You can save the finished map and immediately receive a code to insert into your website or blog. The service's capabilities are best suited for creating interactive maps that demonstrate, for example, the location of your company or store, a travel route, or a meeting point for a public event.


As the creators of the service hint to us in its name, it is used to create animated maps. With its help, you can create a real multimedia presentation, where routes will be drawn according to the scenario you specify, markers will appear and disappear, and photographs and even videos will be shown at the right points. To evaluate the capabilities of the service, it is best to look at one of the maps created by it.

The main feature of this service is that you can use it to fairly accurately display not only the events that happened to you along the way, but also the time dynamics of the trip. Thus, Animaps is probably the most suitable service for creating an interactive report, after viewing which everyone will receive comprehensive information about your trip.

Bing Maps

The Bing Maps mapping service has long been somewhat in the shadow of its main competitor. And it was completely in vain - after the beginning of the friendship between Microsoft and Nokia, this service began to use data from Nokia Maps, which has always been distinguished by good coverage and excellent detail.

Within Bing Maps, the user receives only the minimum functions necessary to build a map, namely placing markers, drawing tracks and polygons with various types of lines, adding photos and comments.

To demonstrate the finished map, you need to save it, after which you can receive a direct link to the map and a code for embedding into any web page.


In this article, we looked at ten services designed for creating, editing and publishing custom maps. They all have their own features and different functionality, so choosing the best one greatly depends on the tasks you face. If you just need to make a driving map for the site, then the easiest and most convenient way is to use the Map Constructor from Yandex or QuickMaps. If you need to make an informative report about your trip, it is better to pay attention to Tripline and Animaps, which allow you not only to attach photos and videos to the track, but also wrap it all in an effective package. Well, for really serious work with maps, you should use Scribble Maps or Open Street Map, which have very rich functionality.

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