Speedcubing - “Speedcubing is the best intellectual sport for developing a child’s perseverance, mental abilities and motor skills.” Speedcubing competition

Glossary of terms and abbreviations:

Alg - an algorithm, that is, a formula written in the language of rotation of a given puzzle, needed to solve a specific situation.

Single -a single attempt, considered separately from others.

Avg/AO (Avg/AO - Average/Average Of) - With The average time from several attempts (for example, Aug12 - from 12 attempts), where the best and worst are not taken into account, and the arithmetic average of the rest is considered. The Aug5 format is familiar to most competitive disciplines.
5 assemblies made - (4.64); 5.50; 5.95; (10.44); 6.55
We find Aug5: we do not take into account the best and worst (they are written in parentheses), we add up the rest and divide by 3:
(5.50 + 5.95 + 6.55) / 3 = 6.00,
i.e. Aug5=6.00

Sotka- 100 builds, Aug100. A relatively reliable indicator of stable build time.

MO (Mean Of)- the average time of several attempts, where all attempts are taken into account, without deducting the best and worst. The MO3 format (average of 3 attempts) is most often used for disciplines such as blind solving, kicking, number of moves, 6x6 and 7x7 cubes.

WR (WR - World Record) - world record in some discipline. Any record can be set by average time (VR Aug) or by a single attempt (VR Single).

UWR (Unoficial World Record) - an unofficial world record, that is, set at home and captured on camera (as evidence), but not within the framework of official competitions. Not included in the WCA database.

NR (NR - National Record) - national record.

EP (ER - European Record) - European record.

CR (Continental Record) - continental record.

NAR (NAR - North America Record) - North American record.

Sub- (Sub-) - a prefix used to simplify the recording of time, which sets an upper limit on the time of an assembly or series of assemblies, roughly speaking, rounding up.
For example, the time 16.34 can be designated as sub-17. A rougher rounding is also possible (in this case, for example, to sub-20), but it is justified only if the assembly time is significant, for example, 51.75 is a sub-minute; 5:42.11 - sub-6 [min], etc.
The word "Sub" is not a noun! Therefore, it is incorrect to say “Such and such a sub.”

PB (Personal Best) - Speedcuber's personal record for this puzzle for the entire time he practiced assembling it.

Flip- turning one corner of the cube in its place (usually random). It makes it impossible to assemble the puzzle in the traditional way, and therefore requires turning this corner back mechanically (by hand). If a corner flips during assembly, you can turn it back. Stopping the timer with a flipped corner results in a DNF.

Pop- individual parts of the cube fly out during assembly. More often associated with looseness of the cube or instability of its structure, as well as aggressive or careless rotation. If a cube gets knocked during assembly, you are allowed to fix it without stopping the timer, and then continue assembly. There is also the concept of Explosion (“explosion”) - the flying out of a large number of parts, literally, the collapse of a cube in your hands.

Lock Up- “jamming” of the cube, difficulties in turning the edges due to the design features of the cube, its strong tightness, and weak angle cutter. Highly depends on the speed and style of rotation.

TPS (Turns Per Second) - an indicator of rotation speed, measured in the average number of strokes per second.
67 moves were made in the assembly, the assembly took 15.6 seconds.
TPS = 67/15.6 ≈ 4.29

Look Ahead - calculation skill further moves during assembly, “look ahead” at upcoming turns while performing current ones. Trains with experience.

Slow Turn - a method of training a bowhead, which consists of assembly with a small TPS, but with equal pauses between turns (rhythmic rotation). You can use a metronome to maintain a certain tempo. With this method of training, the cuber gets used to thinking about further actions without haste and finding rational solutions, without relying only on speed.

WCA (WCA - World Cube Association) - World Speedcubing Association, which sets the rules for holding official championships and unites speedcubers into a single system.
Official Rules, the results of all competitions and other information about them, records, participant profiles are posted on the WCA website - www.worldcubeassociation.org
WCA puzzles (WCA disciplines) are those that are included in the official WCA list:

Scramble - a sequence of moves, written in the language of rotating a puzzle, by which it becomes entangled.

For example:
Scramble 3x3 - U" R B U" L" D2 F L U F R" B2 R" D2 F2 U2 F2 L2 B2 L2
Scramble Square-1 - (6,5) / (1,-5) / (3,6) / (0,-3) / (0,6) / (6,6) / (5,5) / (3,-3) / (-3,6)...................
Scramble Megaminx - R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ U" R-- D++ R-- D++......
Scramble Clock - UR0+ DR1- DL1- UL1- U4+ R0+ D1- L4- ALL0+ y2 U5+ R2+ D5- L1- ALL2- DR UL

Delegate- official representative of WCA in this region, who monitors the competition and resolves controversial issues. It is impossible to hold an official championship without a delegate.

CFOP - original name Jessica Friedrich method; composed of the first letters of the names of the stages of the method - Cross, F2L, OLL, PLL. This method is used by the vast majority of speedcubers (in one modification or another).

Steps of the CFOP method:
. Cross (Cross) - the first stage, assembling the correct cross of the same color on the bottom side.
. F2L (F2L - First 2 Layers) - assembly of the first two layers. Each of the 4 pairs is assembled not by one algorithm, but separately (A pair is an edge and a corner corresponding to each other).
. ALL (OLL - Orientation of Last Layer) - Assembling the top side ("header") using one algorithm. There are 57 initial cases in total (each requires its own algorithm), but you can bring any situation to one of the 7 “cross” ALL (with the upper cross already assembled).
. PLL (PLL - Permutation of Last Layer) - placing the remaining elements of the last layer in their places, leading to the assembly of the entire cube. There are only 21 situations, each of which requires its own algorithm, but the PLL can be solved in several stages using two algorithms - for rearranging edges and corners separately.

X-Cross - random or pre-calculated assembly of a cross with a ready-made first pair of F2L. Double X-Cross- with two ready-made pairs.

Skip- a situation when a certain stage is assembled on its own, that is, skipped (skipped). For example, ALL-skip, PLL-skip, LL-skip (skip of the entire last layer, that is, both ALL and PLL).

Color/Calor (Color, Stickerless) - coloring of the cube, in which the plastic on different faces has its own color, that is, multi-colored stickers are not needed.

Multicolor/Multicolor, Calor Neutral (Multi Color, Color Neutral) - The speedcuber's skill is to start assembling the cube equally well with any color. Most people collect from the same color each time at first (usually white) - SingleColor, then they get used to collecting from one of two opposite colors depending on the initial situation (for example, white-yellow) - DoubleColor, and then they learn calor -neutral.

Corner cutter- the ability of a cube (or other puzzle) to “cut a corner”, that is, to freely allow the next face to be rotated without twisting the previous one by a few degrees. In modern models it reaches 45 degrees or more.

Inspection/Preinspection - 15 seconds, which are given to the speedcuber before starting the assembly, to inspect the cube and plan the first few steps.

"+2" - a penalty to the participant in the form of two seconds to the main time of the attempt. Assigned when the timer is stopped with one edge under-rotated by more than 45 degrees, or when the pre-inspection time is exceeded by no more than 2 seconds (from 15 to 17 seconds).

DNF (Did Not Finish) - a penalty to the participant, which is recorded instead of the time in this assembly if it was not completed correctly (the timer was stopped when 2 or more faces were not turned over / a corner was flipped / the cube flew apart / discipline rules were violated, or the timer was started after the 17th second of the pre-inspection).
In Aug it is considered the worst attempt. If there are 2 DNFs, then Avg = DNF

Hi all!

For those who don’t know what speedcubing is, I’ll explain.

Speedcubing is an intellectual sport, the meaning of which is to different options formulas to solve a Rubik's cube (and not only the cube, but also different types puzzles specified in the rules of the World Rubik's Cube Association (WCA)).

This sport is entering our world at a very fast pace; tens of thousands of people around the world take part in speedcubing.

A lot of training centers have been created for high-speed puzzle assembly, including blind assembly and foot assembly.. There are so many options and methods of assembly!

My son was 7 years old at that time when my husband decided to teach him how to solve a Rubik's cube.

Training fell on spring break (March 2018) .

During this time, my son learned to solve a Rubik's cube in an average of 4 minutes. The cube was the usual 3x3x3 for 100 rubles from the tent.

A couple of months later we ordered on the website AliExpress The Rubik's cube is better and the assembly time has been reduced to 2 minutes.

We didn’t think at all about participating in any puzzle-assembling activities; my husband wanted to teach his son how to simply assemble puzzles to develop motor skills, perseverance and intelligence.

The husband himself learned to assemble cubes (2x2, 3x3x3, 5x5x5, mirror cube irregularly shaped 3x3x3, pyramid both in real life and in electronic form) from a video on YouTube. My son collects all this except for the 5x5x5 cube.

Quite by chance, we saw that a major official speedcubing competition would be taking place not far from us (School "Svetlye Gory" in Otradny MO) Svetlye Gory Open 2018 July 1, 2018

And we decided to participate. It was necessary to pay 250 rubles for participation in assembling a 3x3x3 Rubik's cube.

It was possible to participate in several types of assembly, but we decided that for now one type would be enough for us.

We did not specifically prepare for the competition, because not much time had passed from the moment my son learned how to solve a cube before the competition, and my son did not pick up a Rubik’s cube very often.

I repeat once again that it was not important for us to learn how to solve a Rubik's cube for a while, but the assembly time was sufficient for participation in the competition.

Arriving at the competition, we plunged into the world of speedcubing. I was surprised that there were only teenagers. There were very few people over 18 years old. Well, in 30 years there were only a couple of people.

Many participants, naturally, came with their parents.

I won’t describe how the competition takes place, you can watch the video on YouTube.

Briefly, I will say that the participant solves the cube five times, the worst and best time are discarded, and the average build time is calculated from the remaining three results.

You need to come with the cube already assembled.

You must not touch the cube after solving it until the judge writes down the result.

My son was lucky to be not only a participant, but also a runner (seating participants, carrying/bringing assembled/disassembled cubes).

The cubes were sorted by scramblers ( Scrambler) according to a special formula.

My son's average time to solve a Rubik's cube was 1 minute 28 seconds. Not the worst thing, especially considering that he had only recently learned how to solve a cube and had not spent hours studying formulas.

The fastest speedcubers collect in less than 7 seconds. The pyramid is assembled faster.

The atmosphere is amazing, the kids are happy, so it makes sense to get kids interested in solving already popular puzzles!

What is speedcubing? For some it is a hobby, for others it is a game, and for younger children school age– this is a way to develop. IN modern world computer and digital technologies, parents strive to provide their children with popular gadgets from an early age. Today, children master phones and tablets before they can speak. But the most valuable contribution to the development of children's intelligence is made by classic educational toys - such as the Rubik's cube, chess, and soroban abacus. Solving a Rubik's cube the fastest is the main goal of speedcubing, and summer is the most convenient time to teach this to a schoolchild.

What to do with a child in the summer? Speedcubing school for children from 7 years old

Studying in the summer is of great importance for preparing for school and for the development of the student. But when choosing developmental courses for children summer period must be treated with great care.

We offer some tips to help parents decide where to send their children in the summer:

  • it is important that the student is interested;
  • so that the lesson does not look like school lessons;
  • so that training does not take much time;
  • so that teachers are kind and know how to captivate children;
  • so that the baby feels the results of the time and effort spent.
What can a child expect at the Soroban® speedcubing school? The training program for beginner speedcubers lasts one month and includes 8 lessons at school, where the child will receive:
  • acquaintance with the super popular toy - the Rubik's cube;
  • studying the principle of solving a puzzle, the correct algorithm for assembling all the sides of a toy;
  • practicing the technique of solving a Rubik's cube to speed up the result;
  • fun competitions;
  • live communication with children and the coach;
  • small achievements at each stage of learning;
  • a lot of positive emotions;
  • and in the end - the ability to assemble a puzzle in minutes (the fastest result - 1 minute - was shown at the Soroban® Speedcubing School by a student from Nizhny Novgorod.

We should talk in more detail about how a puzzle, even if it is not so modern, can develop intellectual abilities. For example, did you know that children of speedcubers develop clear diction, excellent writing skills and the ability to make quick decisions? The secret is that while solving a Rubik's cube, the fingers of both hands actively work, fine motor skills develop, and the neural centers responsible for all of the above abilities are activated. Advantages of speedcubing:
  1. It forces you to concentrate on the task. To find the right solution, you need to keep a lot of information in mind: the pattern of moves made, the location of colored squares on all sides. Therefore, the child has no opportunity to be distracted. This activity is recommended for hyperactive, restless schoolchildren.
  2. Develops phenomenal visual memory. Just as in mental arithmetic, students memorize the structure and principles of counting on the abacus, so in speedcubing they memorize in order to later visualize the diagram of a Rubik’s cube, the proximity of different colors on different edges of the cube, the location of moving and stationary elements. In addition to visual attention and memory, there is also the development of spatial thinking.
  3. Development of logic. Logical thinking and analysis are necessary to connect all the moves made with those that will be made. The student calculates his actions in advance. This is a very useful skill for learning math, as well as for achieving larger life goals than solving a Rubik's cube.
  4. Speedcubing is an excellent method of strong-willed education. Discipline, determination, confidence - all these are the results of the courses.
Speedcubing school is a kind of urban summer camp for schoolchildren, where they can relax, have fun, develop, acquire new knowledge and new friends. This is a win-win formula for success. Read more:

Video about Mental Arithmetic in Soroban


Soroban makes cartoons

Soroban School is a real discovery

Agree, speedcubing It sounds somehow strange, and not the best associations come to mind. In fact, there is nothing scary in this competition, because everyone has been familiar with the “sports equipment” of speedcupping since childhood.

How did speedcubing come about?

Far away for many 1974 Ernő Rubik created one small logic toy that has gained popularity all over the world. Well, do you understand what we are talking about? Of course about Rubik's Cube.

Since its inception, the toy has sold more than 350 000 000 copies, ranging from original ones to various analogues of the cube. On this moment sales of the puzzle continue, and Rubik's invention belongs to the company Tom Kremer, a friend of the creator of this amazing toy.

Name Rubik's Cube sounds the same in all languages ​​of the world. The only exceptions are German, Chinese, Hungarian and Portuguese. They call it a toy Magic cube.

Erne Rubik had no idea that the cube he created would become so popular. The toy was originally created as a teaching aid , which was supposed to clearly show university students the basics of mathematical group theory. Who knew that this would be the beginning of speedcubing.

Speedcubing – competitions in express fee Rubik's cube.

Today, there are many speedcuber clubs that not only compete with each other in speed building, but also develop their own tactics.

Speedcubing competition

Rubik's Cube speed competition seriously. You don't have to think that a bunch of kids gather with puzzles in their hands somewhere under the stairs at school and, noting the time, skip the entire school day, supposedly competing.

The World Cube Association is responsible for the competition - W.C.A., it also hosts the annual European Championship. The approach to the event is responsible. Before assembly begins, all cubes are mixed according to a certain algorithm, the computer does it. Thus, each participant receives cubes with absolutely identical positions.

The next goal is simple - complete the puzzle the fastest. Participants have five attempts, and far from the best result is included in the final standings. The judges do not take into account the best and worst times. From the three remaining indicators, the average time is calculated, which is the final result.

Speedcuber records

Can you solve a Rubik's Cube? Commendable. However, there are those who do it with unimaginable fast speed.

Today the speedcubing record holder is Felix Zemdegs. The cube, measuring 3x3x3, was assembled by a guy in just 5.66 seconds. And this is the officially registered result. There are rumors that Felix can cope with the task and for 5.36 seconds. Think about what you manage to do during this time?

A regular build sometimes seems too boring to speedcubers. At such moments they begin to improvise. For example, Mikhail Pleshkovich assembled a cube blindly Only for 27.65 seconds. Fakhri Rayhan went even further and completed the puzzle kicks. It didn't take him much longer - 27.93 seconds. We don’t know about our readers, but the authors of the article certainly cannot boast of such developed lower limbs.

In the meantime, we remind you that it accepts bets on a wide variety of championships. It is quite possible that on the eve of the speedcubing competition there will be several flashes in the line betting options. And to make signing them not so scary, we are giving you a promotional code for an increased bonus upon registration - 1xs_1177. You can find out how to use it.

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Natalia Reva

“I brought my daughter, who is not at all inclined towards mathematics, to Ein&Stein, she was amazed at the results: after a year of study, she qualified for the World Championship in Mental Arithmetic.”

I brought my daughter, who is not at all inclined toward mathematics, to Ein&Stein and was amazed at the results: after a year of study, she qualified for the World Championship in Mental Arithmetic. In our case, this is simply an incredible result!

And after the championship, my recognition for our teachers is simply limitless: 70 countries were represented, most of which brought children who passed the national selection! And we came from a separate school and all (!) all the children returned with a reward!!!

Thanks to Ein&Stein for the preparation and faith in our guys. Needless to say, my second child is also an Ein&Stein student in three majors))) Thank you!!!


“...my son’s results at school amaze me: he has straight A’s in math, he can count complex numbers faster than anyone else...”

Hello! When we came to a trial lesson in arithmetic, we were immediately hooked by the program; my son really liked the teacher. We didn't wait long for the group, about 2 weeks, and then we started practicing.

We've been going to Einstein for almost a year, and my son's results at school amaze me: he has straight A's in math, and he can count complex numbers faster than anyone else. But the most important thing for me, as a mother, is that Kirill has an excellent memory. We now learn poems with ease; in Russian he always had a 3... But now there are no such grades in the diary, only 5! I am very pleased with the results; many of our classmates also study here. The school has excellent teachers who are always attentive to the children!

Starting this year, the school has introduced creative mathematics for kids, and now my youngest son also attends these classes. Thank you very much to Tatyana, the head of the brilliant school, for this opportunity to develop our children! In general, the children really like the design of the room and classrooms; it’s a pleasure to study in such classes! Success and prosperity to our beloved school!

“...and suddenly my 7 year old daughter, after 4 months of classes, tries to speak English...”

I am very glad that my daughter’s acquaintance with English began with the Helen Doron program, with the wonderful teacher Ligana :) and unexpectedly, my 7 year old daughter, after 4 months of classes, is trying to speak English, which is not yet very correct in terms of grammar , but quite meaningful.

Mental arithmetic after the summer holidays is somewhat difficult, and breaks in classes are evil, but I think we will overcome this together with our teacher. If you want your child, regardless of age, to feel like an individual, you are welcome :) to Ein&stein.

Yulia Sannikova

“Amazing school! It is important that the level of EVERY teacher is very high!”

Amazing school! It is important that the level of EVERY teacher is very high! For me, this is one of the important criteria when choosing a school.

Having gone through a shift of four study teachers in English, we stopped right here! I see the result, these are the best results in four years of studying it! I recommend.

Elena Kovaleva

“Yesterday I went to an English lesson for the first time, I jumped out of the office and said: when are we going to go again?”

For my child, Ein&Stein School is a holiday. You have to see how happy his face is when he comes in and out of school. The school's excellent teaching staff, cozy atmosphere, and always friendly administrators create a comfortable environment for children. And the knowledge that he receives is incomparable with other similar institutions.

Yesterday I went to an English lesson for the first time, and rushed out of the room saying when will we go again? Many thanks to the wonderful and ideological leader Tatyana Aleksandrovna for the knowledge we receive and love for our children. I would like to tell everyone, send your children to Ein&Stein school and you will not regret it!!!

“...the school’s chosen teaching methods clearly work and produce results literally “before our eyes,” and for me it is very important that the child goes to class easily and with great pleasure.”...

We've been going to Ein&Stein for just a short time, not even a month. We have mathematics and English, the result after the first lessons is excellent, which was a complete surprise. The school’s chosen teaching methods clearly work and produce results literally “before our eyes,” and it is very important to me that the child goes to class easily and with great pleasure. After an already busy day, evening classes at Ein&Stein do not add the slightest bit of fatigue, but on the contrary, which was also a surprise - the child asks questions with interest about what he has already learned at home and “demands” information (the little “why” is now also in English)... .

There were no problems with organizing classes; moreover, they met our wishes, and now our studies at Ein&Stein are as comfortable as possible for our schedule... The atmosphere at the school is homely, conducive to learning and friendship...

Special thanks to the ideological and actual organizer and creator of the school, Tatyana Stein, for the non-standard approach to the education and development of our children, for the child’s opportunity to master information using interesting, non-classical teaching methods. I would say thank you for a worthy, effective alternative to those development and training schools, of which today are a dime a dozen, you are the best...
