List of temporary dragons. Walkthrough of Legends of Dragon Mania: secrets and tips. Characteristics and required materials

" is a game for connoisseurs of the power of fire-breathing creatures, which are rightfully considered the descendants of dinosaurs. How to cross dragons in order to breed truly legendary and powerful creatures that will give you pleasure from the game?

Crossbreeding is the main process in the game, since this is how you can acquire new warriors. They will help fight hostile dragons. Just don’t forget that the birth of a little dragon is just the beginning. He needs to be raised and fed so that he grows up strong, powerful and becomes a reliable friend.

Where to start breeding?

Crossbreeding begins by placing 2 adult dragons in the Nest. Remember that adults are dragons from level 4. They are the ones who can start mating, after which there is a small chance that the player will end up with an egg. It is placed in a special incubator to allow the small egg to mature. Subsequently, a small dragon will hatch from it, which needs to be provided with ideal conditions for living in a separate home. It must correspond to the element of the dragon.

Popular dragons to breed


A rare dragon whose characteristics fully correspond to the entire list of earthly elements. Its advantages are Earth, Fire and Water. Select adult dragons so as to combine 2 elements - Lava and Water or Earth and Boiling. It is this step that will increase the chances that the Element will hatch from the egg within 20 hours.


Also a rare dragon that carries within itself the element necessary for further successful crossing. The main element is Metal. Usually it is used for battles only at the initial level. To crossbreed, it is necessary to bring together parents with the elements Metal and Snow. Within 12 hours you will know about the appearance of an egg if mating is successful. And in 17 hours a small dragon Mercury will appear in the incubator.


A unique dragon that can attack perfectly. His legendary attack can be complemented by new attacks that will surpass the strength of any opponent. To crossbreed, you will need to supplement the Greens with the elements Native, Elephant or Owl. The probability of successful mating is 4%. The crossing will continue for at least 2 days and another 2 days are needed for the baby dragon to be born from the egg.


A dragon that perfectly uses fire and wind in attack. It only takes 5 minutes for the parents to mate, so you should give them a chance. And more than once. Incubation also takes only 5 minutes. The elements Earth and Smoke are the best options for the appearance of Native dragons.


Another popular dragon that destroys enemies from the face of the earth. For crossing, choose parents with the Metal elements, as well as Gingerbread or Agnes.

And may the mating be successful!

Dragon Mania Legends is a game from Gameloft in which players raise and train a personal army of dragons to fight evil Vikings. We'll talk about how to play Dragon Mania Legends and give you some tips and strategies to help you defeat these bad guys.

You can collect coins from the dragons' lair long before you earn them in the game. Dragons store gold in varying amounts depending on their type and the lair in which they live. Each lair has a maximum amount of money it can hold. When the lair is almost full, an icon will appear indicating that you can start collecting. However, you can click on the lair and start collecting long before this point. This is a good way to ensure that your dragons can continue to guard the gold, especially if you have stopped playing for a while.

Pamper your dragons more often for coins and gems. Dragons love attention. Pamper them up to three times every two hours for light gold and rare gems. The higher the dragon's level, the more gold you will receive by pampering it.

No necessity buy dragons. Although you need to buy basic elemental dragons (Fire, Water, Wind, etc.), any dragon with two or more elements can be raised. It will take some time, but persistence gives good results.

Make sure your farms are continuously growing food. Dragons really eat a lot, especially after level 4. Maintain a constant harvest on your farms, build as many of them as you can afford, and upgrade them constantly if possible. Grow food according to how you play. If you log in once a day, grow as much food as possible within a few hours.

Explore the options "How To? by Dragon of the Month and Dragon of the Week to get breeding tips. Every week and every month, Gameloft introduces rare and legendary dragons. Read the “How To?” section on these dragons to learn how to breed them.

Successful breeding rare dragons takes more, how one attempt. Don't be discouraged if you cross two dragons in joyful anticipation of a rare species, but end up with an ordinary beast of humble origin. Try again.

Don't throw food around when feeding dragons - feed carefully. Yes, it's great fun tossing food to your favorite dragons, but tread carefully. When your dragons reach level five, one single piece of fruit becomes a lot of food.

Battle strategy in Dragon Mania Legends

Are you planning hard the battle? Hire a dragon or train your own. Click on the dragon to open the training option for a small amount. Training increases their strength for a couple of hours. You can also rent a dragon (“Rent a Dragon”): to do this, click on the “Hire” icon under the battle table. You will get a beast from one of your friends list. Dragons need to rest a bit after they are recruited, and in addition, they need additional combat energy to take to the air.
IN battle please pay attention attention on dignity And flaws. Dragons in Dragon Mania Legends are subject to a small number of elements, which means that each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages. However, don't try to memorize them: in the battle preparation screen you are given access to a chart that shows who is weak in what. Click on the “I” icon in the circle to view the chart. You can also access the chart by visiting the dragon in its lair and viewing its personal information.

Search chests With treasures on map. When you enter the ancient portal, quickly scan the map: you may find a chest containing gems.

Legends of Dragon Mania is a very interesting and exciting game where anyone can become a breeder and trainer of dragons. This game will appeal to everyone, regardless of age and gender. Everyone who has started playing is interested in one question: how to get a dragon in dragonmania. There are several options, which we will talk about next.

What types of pets are there?

Before we begin describing how to get pets, we will briefly talk about what kinds of pets there are.
In the game Legends of Dragon Mania there are the following types of dragons, which differ:

  1. By elements - Fire, water, wind, earth, metal, green, energy, emptiness, light, darkness.
  2. By rarity - Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic.
  3. Representatives of the highest level are legendary and divine.
  4. Witchcraft pets.
  5. Bosses.
  6. Clan.

We will look at the types in more detail in the next article, but now we will begin to describe the methods for obtaining dragons.

Methods of obtaining

The following methods exist:

  • Breeding.
  • Purchase.
  • Participation in promotions.
  • Participation in clan competitions.
  • Get from a set of cards.
  • Get in the dungeon.
  • Defeat the boss in battle and buy it.
  • Purchase VIP status.

You can also get a pet for collected friendship points, for inviting friends, and Prairie — by going to Facebook.

General provisions

Regardless of the method of obtaining, the egg with the dragon will end up in your inventory. Or, as is the case with conventional breeding, directly into the incubator. If you wish, you can send the eggs to the incubator or leave them in your inventory. If you get an egg with a pet that you already have, you can sell it directly from your inventory (previously this was not possible).

After placing the egg in the incubator, you need to wait a while (or pass it for diamonds), and only then open the egg. When the egg opens and a small dragon appears, you can sell it or place it in a dwelling with the appropriate element.


The most common way to get a dragon in dragonmania is normal breeding in a nest. To do this, you need to select two pets with the necessary elements in the nest and press the “remove” button. After this, you will see the time after which you can pick up the egg with a new pet.

You can find out which dragon will appear only by waiting the required amount of time or by looking in a special calculator on the official website of the game.

Tricks of breeding dragons in dragon mania

  1. Pets can only be crossed once they reach level 4. The higher the dragon level, the greater the chance of breeding rare pets. And individuals with low levels most often produce normal offspring.
  2. Some one-element dragons do not interbreed. For example, Water and Metal or Light and Shadow. Therefore, it is necessary to cross hybrids with such elements.
  3. When crossing two dragons, you can get a pet that will have an element from one parent or from both, with a certain degree of probability. The more elements the parents have, the more unexpected the offspring you will get. Very rare dragons will usually take many attempts to obtain. But it's worth it, since such a pet will bring more experience and victories.
  4. The more time the parents spend in the nesting area, the rarer the dragon you will get. Breeding time can vary from 30 seconds (Fire) to 2 days (legendary pets).

After the breeding time has passed, a heart will appear above the nest, which means the end of the process. You click on it, and the egg and offspring are automatically placed in the incubator if there is free space there.

Please note that you cannot sell the egg before placing it in the incubator, even if you already have one. You need to wait until it appears and only then sell it or place it in a vacant home.

Witchcraft Breeding

This breeding is practically no different from the usual one. The only condition for getting a magical dragon is that its parents must be enchanted.


The easiest way to get a dragon in legends is by purchasing. You can buy it for:

  1. gold,
  2. diamonds,
  3. dungeon tokens,
  4. as well as real money.

Behind gold Only basic one-element pets can be purchased once the player reaches the required level.

Behind diamonds You can buy almost all other dragons that can be obtained through normal breeding, bosses and some legendary ones. The exception is divine ones, which can only be obtained during promotional periods by fulfilling certain conditions.

Behind dungeon tokens You can only buy dungeon residents.

Behind real money you can get a set that will include a dragon, as well as some resources such as housing, crystals, coins, food, a potion of anger, etc.

Participation in promotions

  • By participating in promotions that are periodically held in the game, you can also get a pet. By completing the objectives of the promotion, you will receive an egg or a breeding token.
  • The breeding token provides an increased chance of being obtained in normal breeding when crossing certain elements or pets. The breeding token is valid for a limited time.
  • You can only get a divine or legendary dragon by participating in promotions and fulfilling their conditions.

From the deck

You can get a dragon in Dragonmania in card sets. To do this, you need to collect a certain number of fragments from a set of cards.

Fragments can be obtained:

  • completing daily tasks;
  • when viewing advertisements;
  • taking part in the League;
  • as a gift from friends;
  • buying sets of cards for clan currency and witchcraft tokens.

Clan dragons

Clan dragons perform specific tasks.

  1. Reduces breeding and pet appearance time,
  2. increase gold production in homes,
  3. help in battles, etc.

You can only get a clan dragon through joint efforts.

The egg of the first clan pet is given freely, and it must be warmed in the incubator 50 times. Only after this the dragon will appear. To get the next one, you need to take an active part in clan competitions. Win and receive cards. When the required number is collected, it will be possible to breed the next clan pet.

Each Dragon Mania Legends player tries to breed as many different dragons as possible. This helps in completing various quests, exploring caves, and also for breeding new pets. Most players are interested in the question of how to breed a sunflower dragon. After all, it is available for breeding already at the initial levels of the game.


The Sunflower Dragon looks like a lizard with petals on its head. This is a rather beautiful pet - its body and head are green, and instead of legs there are leaves. On her head is a wreath of yellow petals, somewhat reminiscent of a sunflower. And at the tip of the tail there is an unopened bud.

Sunflower is a rare dragon. He has two elements - fire and greenery. The trainer will be able to breed this pet upon reaching level 11.

Sunflower can easily be confused with another inhabitant of the game - Rose. This pet itself is yellow. But the petals on his head and the bud at the tip of his tail are red.

At the initial levels you will receive a breeding task. Therefore, the question of how to get the Sunflower dragon is very relevant at the initial levels.

How to withdraw

There are two options for how to get the sunflower dragon:

  • purchase an egg in a store for 900 diamonds;
  • remove using normal dilution.

Since the elements fire and greenery do not interbreed, the sunflower dragon cannot be bred with single-element dragons of fire and greenery.

To get a sunflower dragon, you need to place two hybrids with the necessary elements in the nest.

The following combinations are suitable for breeding:

  1. Bee / Smoke + Leaf / Seed
  2. Lava / Salamander / Runestone + Avocado / Farmer / Faun / Tree
  3. Boiling / Pop Art + Candy / Watermelon / Scout
  4. Amber / Ceremonial / Ladybug + Amber / Ceremonial / Ladybug

There may be other combinations. But these are the best options. Since this rare representative of dragon mania, then breeding it may require more than one attempt at crossing.

The Sunflower Dragon can also be obtained when trying to breed other pets, as a side pet.

Withdrawal time

It will take 12 hours to hatch the Sunflower dragon. And after placing the egg in the incubator - 16 hours and 50 minutes.

If you have a VIP of the second or higher level, then the hatching lines are reduced to 9 hours and 36 minutes in the nest, and 13 hours and 28 minutes in the incubator.

Characteristics and required materials

The characteristics of the Sunflower dragon at a certain level are presented in the table.

Level Health Attack Gold/Hour
1 202 64 340
10 1.042 332 1.204
20 6.454 2.051 2.164
30 39.959 12.700 3.124
40 247.412 78.633 4.084
50 1.531.907 486.874 5.044
60 9.485.165 3.014.592 6.004
70 58.729.641 18.665.559 6.964
80 363.638.458 115.572.223 7.924
90 2.251.553.484 715.592.740 8.884
100 13.941.025.712 4.430.761.637 9.844

You can see how many witchcraft materials you will need in the picture below.
