Calm indoor games for children. Calm games for children. "Who came to us?"

Not only adults, but also children have stress in their lives. Here are 14 playful meditations for young children to try.

  1. Third Eye. Lay the child on the floor and place a small pebble, glass or crystal on his forehead. Ask to think about it, to imagine its color or multicolor, to feel warmth or coolness, its weight and other qualities. "The magic stone will help you to be more calm and relaxed ... Breathe, and let its magic slowly penetrate into your body and fills all of you to your fingertips." If the child is tired of lying, let him try to take different poses, without dropping a stone and without stopping to be aware of it. You can try to stand in a half-bridge, make a "birch" or throw your legs behind your head.
  2. Stop and listen. For this game, you will need a Tibetan singing bowl or bell that lasts long enough. Let the children move freely around the room, but as soon as the bowl or bell sounds, they should stop, freeze and close their eyes. Let them listen to the sound very carefully, and only when it finally dies down do they begin to move again.
  3. Dumb bell. Sit with the children in a tight circle and ring a bell (or several). Let each child ring the bell if he wants and listen to the sound. Then try to pass the bell so that it does not ring. Show the children how to do this very carefully and quietly. This magically calms children down and prepares them for relaxation. You can do this together, passing it on to each other. Children are children, so you may have to repeat the game a few times before they know they don't need to call. If the game becomes too easy, pass the bell to the one who sits further away from you - for this you will need to get up and walk, still without breaking the silence.
  4. Pass the fire. The same exercise can be done with a candle and move smoothly and slowly so that the light does not go out.
  5. Bell circle. Sit in a circle and close your eyes. Have one child hold the bell and slowly walk around the circle outside so that it doesn’t ring. Then, going up to someone he chooses, he quietly rings him over his ear, gives the bell and sits down in his place. The game continues like this for several minutes, until you allow the children to open their eyes and see - everything has changed places, but the circle remains intact. And silently walking around, and sitting quietly in a circle, waiting for the bell over the ear - very concentrates and soothes children.
  6. Zoo paradise. Nice kid's game to try and memorize the poses of all kinds of animals. She brings calmness, love of silence and self-control. For her, you will also need a Tibetan bowl or a long-ringing bell. Assign a yogic animal, or have the children take turns choosing for themselves, and have them move around the room, imitating the movements and sounds of this animal. When children hear a sound, they should freeze in this animal pose and remain motionless until the bowl stops singing.
  7. Sleeping elves and fairies. Play some relaxing music and arm yourself with Fairy Dust. Let all children rest in the child's position (knees under you, relaxed arms extended along the body to the legs). Each of them is a fairy or an elf. Walk around and lightly touch their backs with your fingertips, “covering with magical fairy dust”. She will give them the magical power to remain as still as possible. Who will last longer?
  8. Calm water. Everyone lies motionless on the floor. If someone moves, he will have to step aside. In this game, we do not just say “not to move”, but rather invite you to engage in motionless lying - this will be more sincere.
  9. We go across the sky. It is safer to do this meditation game in pairs outside. Let one of the children hold a small mirror under their eyes, turned upward to the sky, and the second leads him. When you walk with a mirror near your eyes, it really looks like you are walking on the clouds: you have a completely different perspective and your eyes open to a whole new world.

Preschoolers 4-5 years old will be happy to play not only outdoor games, but also those where you need to think. It is recommended to emphasize in games on the development of observation, memorization, logic, imagination and speech skills, and in outdoor games - on improving coordination, speed, dexterity and attentiveness.

Here are some suitable games:

  1. Cat and mouse

Active play. Develops agility, speed, attentiveness. It can be successfully held among a company of different ages. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
There are two variations of this game.
First. All but three players join hands and stand in an open circle. A "mouse" and two "cats" are running inside. "Cats" must catch up with the mouse, but it's not that easy, because she can easily run between the players in the circle, but they cannot. After that, all three of them stand in a circle and new cats and mice are selected.
Second option. In one corner is the house of the cat, in the other - the mink of mice, in the third - the pantry, where there are small items representing supplies. The cat falls asleep in the house, and the mice run from the hole to the pantry. On the clap of the leader (or after the words of the rhyme), the cat wakes up and begins to catch mice, which are trying to run to the mink. At first, the cat is played by an adult who pretends to catch, but lets the mice run away. Verbal accompaniment can be added to the game:
The cat is guarding the mice,
He pretended to be asleep.
Here he hears - come out the mice,
Slowly, closer, closer
From all the cracks creep.
Dzap - scratch! Catch it soon!

  1. Carousel

Calm active round dance game... Develops coordination and synchronization of movements, dexterity, attentiveness. Ability to control the power of the voice. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The leader, together with the children, stands in a circle and everyone begins to say the text slowly and quietly:
Barely, barely
The merry-go-rounds began to spin.
(In this case, the players begin to slowly move in a circle)
And then, then, then
All running, running, running.
(The pace and strength of the voice grows, at the same time the speed of movement increases. Players start running) The next part is pronounced with a decrease in the pace and strength of the voice:
Hush hush! Do not hurry!
Stop the carousel!
(With these words everyone stops).

  1. Kangaroo

Active play. Develops dexterity, quickness in movements. It can be successfully held among a company of different ages. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Two teams are competing. Holding a matchbox (or a similar object) with your feet, you need to jump like a kangaroo to the opposite wall (or chair), stop and say loudly: "I am a kangaroo!" (this statement is also assessed by the presenter). Then you need to jump back and pass the boxes to your teammate. The winning team will receive prizes.

  1. Superfluous word

Calm game. Develops attention, logic, the ability to combine objects into groups and select generalizing words. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Before the start of the game, the presenter explains that in the Russian language there are words that are similar in meaning. The presenter lists 4 words to the children, and they name which is superfluous, and explain why they think so. You can play not only with nouns, but also with verbs and adjectives.

  1. Sweets

Calm game. Teaches communication, the ability to formulate questions and answers. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Good game to start the holiday, allowing children to be liberated. Any candy or dragee will be required. Each child is asked to take as many sweets as he wants. Then a plate of refreshments is passed in a circle. Then the presenter announces the rules of the game: each guest must answer the number of questions from others, equal to the number of sweets he took.

  1. Hot ball

Calm game. Develops agility, speed and attentiveness. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
A game of chance: everyone stands in a circle and passes a ball to each other to the music. When the music stops, the player who did not have time to pass the ball and stayed with it is eliminated (you can put it in the honorary audience, you can take forfeits). The last participant without a ball wins.

  1. Missing numbers

The presenter counts to 10, deliberately skipping some numbers (or making mistakes). Players must clap their hands when they hear an error and call the missing number.

  1. Fluff

Calm game. Develops discipline. Suitable for home use.
An old Russian game. The teams stand opposite each other, between them there is a line that cannot be crossed (for example, a ribbon). The presenter throws a feather (you can use a fluffed cotton patch) over the heads of the participants. Task: transfer him to the side of the enemy. Attention, the team that stepped up the ribbon or touched the feather with their hands is considered a defeat.

  1. chamomile

Calm game. Allows you to be liberated. Suitable for home use.
Suitable for starting a party if guests feel constrained. For the game, chamomile is prepared in advance from paper. The number of petals should be equal to the number of guests. On the back of each are written light funny tasks, for example, crowing, jumping like a frog or on one leg, repeating a tongue twister, crawling on all fours, etc. Children tear off a petal and complete the task. If the children do not yet know how to read, the task can be depicted in the form of a picture or read to the presenter.

  1. Hedgehogs

Active play. Develops speed, fine motor skills. Suitable for outdoor and indoor use.
Team play... It requires a 1.5 m rope and 30 colored clothespins attached to it. Adults play the role of hedgehogs. The players run up to the stretched rope one at a time, as in a relay race, take off one clothespin, run to the "hedgehogs" sitting on the chairs and attach it to any place in their clothes or hairstyles. It is good if the distance from the rope to the hedgehogs is 10 meters. The team whose hedgehog bristles better wins. which will have more clothespins - needles. The second team can be given a prize for the most original / cute / funny hedgehog (as appropriate).

  1. I go, I go

Active play. Develops speed and attention. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
A fun, emotional game that gives young children a lot of fun. Children line up behind the leading chain. He goes and says the following words: "I walk, I walk, I walk, I lead the children with me (an arbitrary number of times), and as soon as I turn, I will overfill everyone at once." catches them (for babies it is better to pretend, letting them escape). The game is well suited for the home, when the presenter leads from room to room, repeating the first lines. When the coveted "overfishing" is pronounced, the children screech across the apartment to the place of salvation.

  1. Spider and flies

Shimmering game. Teaches children to run in different directions without colliding, and freeze at a signal. Develops coordination and attention. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
In one corner of the room (site), a spider web is indicated in which the "spider" sits. The rest of the children pretend to be flies: they run, circle around the room, buzz. At the signal from the host: "Spider!" flies freeze in the place where they were caught by the signal. The spider comes out of the web and looks closely at who is moving. The one who has moved is taken to his web.

  1. Who am I?

Calm game. Develops logic, broadens horizons. Suitable for home use.
Suitable for the start of the holiday. Upon entering, each child receives a new name - bear, fox, wolf, etc. A picture with a new name is attached to his back, he does not know about it, until, with the help of leading questions, he finds out everything about himself from those around him. Alternatively, you can describe this animal only with adjectives (for example: sly, red, fluffy ... - fox). The task is to find out who we are talking about as soon as possible.

  1. Seasons?

Calm game. Develops attention, logic, broadens horizons. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The host chooses any time of the year and calls it to the players. Then he begins to list the phenomena and objects associated with this time of year. From time to time he utters the wrong words. When they hear a word that has nothing to do with this time of year, children should clap their hands.

  1. Edible - inedible?

Calm game. Develops attention and logic. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The presenter throws the ball to one of the players and says a word. The player must catch the ball if the word means an edible object, or throw it away if the object is inedible. The most attentive wins. You can take forfeits from the wrong ones, according to which funny tasks are then secretly assigned.

  1. Obedient Shadow or Mirror

Calm game. Develops attention. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Two players are selected (for example, with the help of a counting board), one is the shadow of the other. The "shadow" should repeat the actions of the other player, as synchronously as possible. If within a minute the player does not make a single mistake, he becomes the main player and chooses a shadow for himself from among the other players.

  1. Search for treasure

Calm game. Develops the ability to navigate in space, logic, attention, the ability to match parts, to assemble a mosaic. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
A map of the place where the treasures are hidden (apartments or streets) is drawn up in advance, cut into pieces, each of which is obtained by the players as a reward for correctly guessing the riddle or completing the task. Having made the map like a puzzle, all the invitees are looking for a treasure and discover something tasty or interesting. Before this game, it is better to practice and make a similar plan with the children, saying how and what is indicated. It is important to draw the attention of children to the fact that the plan is, as it were, a top view. In case of difficulty in the search for the treasure, the presenter prompts, directing the children in the right direction.

  1. Hot cold

Calm game. Develops logic. Suitable for home use.
Suitable for the start of the holiday, if you hide various trinkets in the room in advance. The arriving guest starts looking for the hidden prize, and the others tell him if he is going right. If he approaches the hidden object, they shout "Warmth", if very close - "Hot", if he moves away "Cool" or completely "Cold".

  1. Missing numbers

Calm game. Develops attention and numeracy skills. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The leader counts, deliberately making mistakes or missing numbers. Players should clap their hands when they notice a mistake and correct it.

  1. Have a chance

Calm game. Develops attention, fine motor skills. Suitable for home use.
Cubes (or pins, etc.) are laid out on the floor according to the number of players minus one. Players walk to the music around, and as soon as it dies down, they must grab the cube. Whoever did not get the cube is eliminated (or gives away forfeit).

  1. Where we were, we will not tell you what we did - we will show

Calm game. Develops motor skills, imagination, attention, broadens horizons. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The presenter quietly tells the player the profession, so that the others do not hear. The player says "Where we were, we won't tell you what we did - we will show you" and tries to show without words what the people of this profession are doing. The rest are guessing. The right player shows next.

  1. In the old closet

Calm game. Develops speech and the ability to distinguish parts of objects, expands horizons. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The presenter, together with the players, says:
In the old closet, at Anya's grandmother,
Where did I go -
Many miracles ...
But they are all "without" ...
Further, the presenter names the object, and the player to whom he points must say what detail of the object may be missing. For example: a table without a leg, a dress without a pocket, etc.

Take care of your hands

The players form a circle, standing one step apart. The teacher appoints one driver, who stands in the middle of the circle.

Children stretch their arms forward, palms up.

At the signal of the teacher: "Take care of your hands!" the driver tries to touch the palms of one of the players.

As soon as a child standing in a circle notices that the driver wants to touch his hands, he immediately hides them behind his back.

Those children whose palms were touched by the driver are considered losers. When 2-3 losers appear, the driver chooses another child instead of himself (but not from among the losers) and changes his place with him.

Magic word

The driver shows various movements and addresses the players with the words: "Raise your hands, stand, sit down, stand on your toes, walk in place ..." etc.

The players repeat the movements only if the driver adds the word "please". The one who is wrong is out of the game.

Hot hands

Children form a circle.

The driver stands in the center of the circle. The players standing around him raise their hands to the level of the waist and hold them with their palms up.

The driver seeks to hit someone in the palm of his hand. The players, escaping, quickly give up. The one who is offended by the leader becomes the leader.

If there are many players, there can be two or three people driving. The players may not remove their hands, but turn them with their palms down.

The game takes place more lively when the driver tries to quickly move in a circle in different directions.


Children form a circle and walk in a circle one after another.

At the signal of the driver: "Stop!" stop, clap their hands four times, turn 180 ° and start moving in the opposite direction. The person who made the mistake leaves the game.

Earth, water, air

Children sit in a circle or in a row.

The presenter walks between them and, pointing at each in turn, says the word: "Water!" The child he pointed to should name a fish or animal that lives in the water.

If the leader pronounced the word "earth", the child names the one who lives on the earth, if the word "air" is called - the one who flies.

Golden Gate

Two presenters are appointed. They stand up, holding hands, and lift them up, showing the gate. All other participants go through the gate, saying:

Golden Gate

Not always skipped.

The first time he says goodbye

The second time is prohibited,

And the third time

We will not let you pass.

The presenters put their hands down at the end of the verse. In front of whom the gate was closed, that participant stands up with the presenters, raises his hands.

The game continues until all participants turn into a gate.


The horse runs, runs. (We clap our hands on the knees.)

The horse walks on the grass. (Three palms of the hands.)

And here is the barrier (We take air in our mouth and hit on the cheeks.)

And another barrier ...

Actions change. The game is repeated several times.


Children choose a "master" and two "buyers", all the rest playing - "paints".

Each paint comes up with a color and quietly calls it to the owner. When all the paints have chosen a color, the owner invites one of the buyers.

The buyer knocks:

- Knock Knock!

- Who's there?

- Customer.

- Why did you come?

- For paint.

- For what?

- For the blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says:

Walk down the blue carpet

Find blue boots

Carry it and bring it back!

If the buyer guessed the color of the paint, he takes the paint for himself.

A second customer approaches, the conversation with the owner is repeated. So the buyers take turns and sort out the paints.

The buyer who guesses the most colors wins.

When the game is repeated, he acts as the owner, and the buyers are chosen by the players.

The buyer should not repeat the same paint color twice, otherwise he gives up his turn to the second buyer.


Children stand in a circle, and the driver is inside a circle. He holds a ring in his palms, which is imperceptibly trying to pass on to one of the guys. With the palms folded into a boat, the driver opens the palms of the children in turn. Children closely monitor the actions of the driver and their companions. And the one who got the ring does not betray himself.

At the signal of the driver: "Ring, ring, go out on the porch!" - a child with a ring runs out to the center of the circle. He becomes a driver.

If the children noticed a ring in him before the signal, then they do not let him into the circle. The game in this case is continued by the former driver.


Children form a circle, walk in a round dance and say:


Play the horn

One two Three -

Tanya, turn over you!

The named girl (boy) must turn 180 °. Game continues.

Who left?

Children stand in a circle or semicircle.

The teacher invites one of the players to remember those who are nearby (5-6 people), and then leave the room or turn away and close their eyes.

One child is hiding.

The teacher says: "Guess who left?" If the child guesses, then he chooses someone instead of himself. If he is mistaken, he turns away again and closes his eyes, and the one who was hiding returns to his place. The guesser must name him.

Who has arrived?

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements.

Who has arrived? (Put the palms and fingers of both hands together, clap the tips of the thumbs 4 times.)

We are, we are, we are! (The tips of the thumbs are pressed together and motionless, with the tips of the other fingers they quickly and simultaneously clap 3 times.)

Mom, mom, is that you? (Clapping with the tips of their thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes! (They clap the tips of their index fingers.)

Daddy, daddy, is that you? (Clapping with the tips of their thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes! (We clap with the tips of our middle fingers.)

Brother, brother, is that you?

Oh, little sister, is that you? (Clap with the tips of their thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes! (They clap the tips of their ring fingers.)

Grandpa, is that you?

Grandma, is that you? (Clapping with the tips of their thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes! (We clap the tips of our little fingers.)

We are all together

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap our hands.)


Children form a circle.

Without holding hands, children move with side steps, first in one direction, and when repeating words - in the other direction, saying:

Together we dance -

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

Our favorite dance -

This is lavata.

The host says: "My fingers are good, but the neighbor's is better." Children take each other by the little fingers and repeat words with movements to the right and left.

Then the driver gives other tasks:

My shoulders are good, and my neighbor's is better.

My ears are good, and my neighbor's is better.

My eyes are good, but my neighbor's is better.

My cheeks are good, and my neighbor's is better.

My waist is good and my neighbor is better.

My knees are good, but my neighbor's is better.

My heels are good, and my neighbor's is better.


The two players are facing each other.

The players simultaneously clap their hands, and then join their palms in front of them (right with left, left with right). Then the palms are connected crosswise - right with right, left with left. Then clap - and again palms together.

At first, the movements are done slowly, and then faster and faster until the palms are tangled. Then the game starts over.


Put your hands on the floor (table). Squeeze one palm into a fist, put the other on the plane of the table.

Simultaneously change the position of the hands. The complication of the exercise consists in acceleration.

We walked in Africa

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements.

We walked in Africa (Stamp our feet.)

And the bananas were harvested. (Depicts picking bananas.)

Suddenly a huge gorilla (We circle a large circle with our hands.)

Almost crushed me. (We knock on the chest with our right, left hand.)

I will give it to mom, I will give it to dad (We knock on the right, then on the left knee.)

And do not cheat yourself. (We knock on the chest with our right, left hand.)

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements.

Ten, nine, (Clap their hands.)

Eight, seven, (Slapping on the knees.)

Six, five, (Clap.)

Four, three, (Spank.)

Two, one. (They clap.)

We are with the ball (They cover their eyes with the inside and then with the outside of the palm.) We want to play.

Only need

We find out: (Clap on every word.)

Who will be the ball (Stomp on every word.)

Catching up. (They squat.)

Find and be silent

Children stand in a line facing the teacher.

He invites them to turn and close their eyes, while he himself hides an object.

With the permission of the teacher, the children turn around, open their eyes and start looking for the hidden object. The finder comes up to the teacher and quietly, in his ear, says where he found it. If the child said correctly, he steps aside.

The game continues until all the children find the item.

Low - high

Children stand in a circle.

An adult says: “We have decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest there are different Christmas trees growing: wide, low, high, thin. I will tell:

"High" - raise your hands up;

"Low" - squat and lower your arms;

"Wide" - make the circle wider;

"Thin" - make the circle narrower.

The game is more fun if the adult is trying to confuse the children.


The game begins with the roll call of the driver with the players:

- Ding, ding, ding!

- Who's there?

- Where?

- From the land of fairy tales.

- And what are they doing there?

- They wash (dance, draw, run, comb their hair, squat, smile, etc.).

The players imitate or perform the named action.

Five names

Children are divided into two teams.

Two players, a boy and a girl (representatives of two teams), stand side by side in front of two lines.

At the signal, they must go forward (first one, then another), having taken five steps, and for each step, without the slightest mistake, hesitate (without breaking the rhythm), pronounce a name (boys - girls 'names, girls - boys' names). At first glance, this is a simple task, in fact, it is not so easy to complete.

Five other words can be named (animals, plants, household items, etc.). There are many names, but not everyone will be able to pick up five names and pronounce them one after the other without delay in the rhythm of a step.

The winner is the one who copes with this task or is able to name more names.

Edible - inedible

Children stand in a circle.

The driver says the word and throws the ball to the player.

If the word means food (fruits, vegetables, sweets, dairy, meat and other products), then the child to whom the ball was thrown must catch it ("eat"). If the word means an inedible object, the ball is not caught.

A child who has not coped with the task becomes the driver, names the conceived word and throws the ball to someone.

Tick ​​- tock - knock

Children are scattered.

The teacher gives a signal: "Tick!" - children make bends to the left and to the right; at the signal: "So!" - stop, and at the signal: "Knock!" - jump in place. The one who made a mistake is out of the game. Signals are repeated 5-8 times. The sequence of signals should be changed.

At the end of the game, the most attentive player should be noted.

Three, thirteen, thirty

They choose the driver. The players stand in a circle and open up to outstretched arms. The driver stands in the center of the circle. When the game is played for the first time, it is desirable that the teacher be the driver.

The teacher explains that if he says: "Three" - all the players put their hands to the sides; if he says, "Thirteen," everyone puts their hands on their belt; if he says: "Thirty" - everyone raises their hands up (you can choose any movement).

The teacher quickly names one or the other movement. The player who made the mistake sits down on the floor. When 1-2 players remain in the circle, the game ends; the winners are announced.

Free place

The players sit in a circle.

The teacher calls two children sitting next to him. They stand with their backs to each other and at the signal: "One, two, three - run!" - run to different sides around the circle, run to their place and sit down.

The adult and all the players note which of the guys was the first to take the free seat.

Then the teacher calls the other two children, the game is repeated.

Sit, sit, Yasha

Children form a circle.

In the center of the circle is a blindfolded child. The rest of the players, holding hands, walk in a circle and say:

Sit, sit, Yasha,

Under a walnut bush.

Gnaw, gnaw, Yasha,

Roasted nuts

Gifts for the dear.

Children stop and clap their hands:

Chock, chock, piglet,

Get up, little man Yasha.

The child driver gets up and slowly spins around inside the circle.

Where is your bride

What is she wearing

What is her name

And where will they bring it from?

With the last words "Yasha" goes to the children, chooses any child, feels him and tries to guess who he found, describe his clothes and call them by name.

Guess what you did

Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher chooses one child who moves 8-10 steps away from all the players and turns his back to them. He must guess what the players are doing.

Children agree on what action they will portray. According to the teacher: "It's time!" the driver turns, approaches the players and says:

Hello children!

Where have you been?

What have you seen?

Children answer:

What we saw - we will not say

And what we did - we will show.

If the driver guesses, he chooses another child instead of himself. If he answers incorrectly, the game is repeated with the same driver.


Children move freely around the hall (playground).

On one clap of the driver, they should jump, on two claps - to sit down, on three claps - to stand up with their hands raised up (or any other variants of movements).

All children represent some kind of action, for example, playing the accordion, riding horses, etc. The driver guesses the action being depicted. If the driver has not guessed, then he loses. The children tell him what they were doing and come up with a new action. The driver guesses again.

Then another driver is selected, the game is repeated.


Children stand in a circle or scattered.

Even for the most sociable child Kindergarten is stress. Try to spend a few hours in a big noisy company, and if you are a calm and "quiet" person, you will soon have a headache, irritation begins to accumulate, and a desire to quickly go home will appear. And your baby spends the whole day in such an environment, so by the evening the seething tension is ready to break out along with tears, screams, whims.

What can parents do to help their child relieve daytime stress? Unfortunately, there is no magic cure - one for all. You always need to take into account the individual characteristics of a small person: age, character, temperament.

First, you should carefully observe the child, talk with the caregivers to determine what kind of help your daughter or son needs. If the baby is constrained and timid during the day and "makes up for lost time" in the evening, you need to help him to relax, to speak out, but not to allow him to become even more aroused.

One of the best anti-stress tricks is playing. It allows the child to relax, relax. Try to follow a few simple rules.

First, the choice - to play or not to play - should always remain with the child. Perhaps just today he is so tired that he just wants to take a walk or read. Secondly, the "evening" game should not be noisy, accompanied by running and shouting.





Educator Gangan S.V.

The child went to kindergarten - and you cannot recognize your baby: he becomes uncontrollable, rushes around the apartment like a meteor, jumps on sofas and beds, screams, laughs, easily breaks down into tears ... "How you changed the child! - the parents lament. - I'll have to talk to the teacher! ". And in the kindergarten they say: "Very obedient boy!" or: "Such a quiet, calm girl!" Mom and Dad are surprised. But in vain!

Even for the most sociable child, kindergarten is stressful. Try to spend a few hours in a big noisy company, and if you are a calm and "quiet" person, you will soon have a headache, irritation begins to accumulate, and a desire to quickly go home will appear. And your baby spends the whole day in such an environment, so by the evening the seething tension is ready to break out along with tears, screams, whims.

What can parents do to help their child relieve daytime stress? Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet - one for all. You always need to take into account the individual characteristics of a small person: age, character, temperament.

First, you should carefully observe the child, talk with the caregivers to determine what kind of help your daughter or son needs. If the baby is constrained and timid during the day and "makes up for lost time" in the evening, you need to help him to relax, to speak out, but not to allow him to become even more aroused.

If the child in the kindergarten is a "hurricane" and cannot stop at home, it is up to the parents to smoothly, gradually transfer the energy "into a peaceful channel." It is good to plan the evening in advance so that the child gradually releases from the accumulated tension, participating in the life of the family, and at the same time so that he has time to be alone with his thoughts and the events of the day.

One of the best anti-stress tricks is playing. It allows the child to relax, relax. Try to follow a few simple rules.

First, the choice - to play or not to play - should always remain with the child. Perhaps today he is so tired that he just wants to walk or read. Secondly, the "evening" game should not be noisy, accompanied by running and shouting.

If your child is "quiet" during the day and "savage" in the evening, play helps to relieve tension and give out destructive energy.


Prepare unwanted newspapers, magazines, papers and a wide bucket or basket. A child can tear, wrinkle, trample paper, in general, do whatever he pleases with it, and then throw it into the basket. The kid may like to jump on a heap of pieces of paper - they spring perfectly.

If the little man did not sit down even for a minute in the kindergarten, and does not stop at home, games with a gradual decrease in physical activity, which do not contain an element of competition, will help him. One of these games is


Encourage your child to arrange pins or small toys in random order at a short distance from each other. If you have a sports complex at home, you can hang toys on it. Then ask him to close his eyes and from memory to collect all the objects - "mushrooms" - in the basket. The collected "mushrooms" can be sorted by color, shape, size ... You can attach a note to one of the items with a further plan for the evening: "Let's read?" or "Can you help me in the kitchen?"

Having muffled the "extra" energy in this way, you can go on to your usual home activities - reading, dancing, watching a film strip. Even if it seems to you that classes in the kindergarten are not enough, try to remove all the additional burden from the child at least for the first month of adaptation to kindergarten.

Try to let your baby spend as much time as possible outdoors. If time permits, walk with him - this is an ideal opportunity to talk with your son or daughter, discuss the events of the day. Do not postpone this conversation for "before bedtime" - if something unpleasant or disturbing has happened to the baby, do not let it press on him for the whole evening.

Try eliminating the TV from your toddler's evening entertainment. The flickering of the screen will only increase the irritation and stress on the tired brain. An exception can be made for "Good night, kids!" - this program is broadcast at the same time and can become part of the "ritual" of going to bed.

Almost all children are well helped to cope with the daily stress of playing in the water. Put some warm water in the bathtub, put an anti-slip mat, and turn on a warm high shower. All the scum of the day - fatigue, irritation, stress - will go away, "drain" from the baby. Water games obey general rule, - they should be quiet, calm. You can blow bubbles (ask your child to blow out a big ball and a tiny bubble), play with sponges (watch how they absorb and release water, make your child a "rain" from a sponge, turn them into boats or dolphins), just give two or three jars - and let him pour some water back and forth. The sight and sound of pouring water is soothing - in 15-20 minutes the child will be ready to go to bed.

Light, subtle smells also help to create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. To do this, only one or two drops of oil, such as tangerine, are added to the aroma lamp. Warm citrus aroma well refreshes the air, soothes, relieves nervous tension. The smell of mint perfectly relieves stress - it refreshes and invigorates well. But you should not use it if the child is less than six years old, and it is better not to do it before bed.

If your child is allergic and you hesitate to use scented oils, put a small canvas bag with valerian root in the baby pillow or attach it to the head of the bed - this will help your baby sleep more peacefully.

Before going to bed, you can give your baby a relaxing massage, listen to quiet melodic music, a cassette with recordings of the sound of the sea or the sounds of rain.

Remember all the joys of the past day, imagine how the next one might pass. No matter how wonderful the kindergarten is, no matter how many professionals work in it, no one can help your child better than you. If the kid knows for sure that at the end of a noisy day he will have a "quiet pier", eight hours in the kindergarten will not seem to him such a deafening eternity, and the stress will recede.


You will need a box of paper clips. Paper clips are poured onto the table. At the signal of the leader, the opponents (2-4) collect the chain with the help of paper clips. The winner is the one who, within a specified time, collects the longest chain of paper clips.


You will need: Bean seeds, pumpkin seeds, large pasta, etc. All seeds are mixed before the game and divided into equal piles according to the number of players. At the signal of the leader, the participants in the game must sort all the seeds into different heaps. The first to complete the task wins.

Options: Conduct a blindfold competition, arrange a team competition.


All children leave the room. Someone is hiding a large, loudly ticking alarm clock. The children return and look for an alarm clock. If someone found it, then he whispers in the ear of the presenter, where the alarm clock and silently sits on the floor. The child who was the last to stand, as a punishment, entertains all the children - sings or reads a poem. Tip: for small children, it is better to put the alarm clock on a saucer or something metal so that it can be heard better.


Children sit in a circle and carefully look at each other's clothes, trying to remember who is wearing what. Then the driver is chosen with a rhyme and he goes out the door. Several children change clothes and call the driver. He must determine who is wearing other people's things and who they belong to.


You will need a lot of pairs of shoes, towels. Children sit in a circle or at a table covered with paper or oilcloth. Everyone puts their shoe or slippers on the table. Then the children take turns blindfolded to the table and try to find their shoes by touch.

Option: For older children - everyone is looking for their shoes on the table at the same time. Guess by the voice. Children sit in a row. The driver sits with his back to them, next to the assistant (preferably an adult). The helper calls the children one at a time, without giving names. Children behind the back of the driving voice represent some kind of animal. The driver must guess who it is. If he guessed right, he swaps places with him.


Children sit in a row or circle. The driver walks in front of them and, pointing at each one in turn, says: "Water, earth, air." He can stop at any moment. If the driver stopped at the word "Water", then the child to whom he pointed should name a fish, reptile or animal living in water. If it is called "Earth" - you need to name the one who lives on earth. If it is called "Air" - the one who flies.


A chest (box) filled with different things is being prepared. Each of the players puts his hand into the chest (you can't look !!!), gropes for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out - to check.


For any number of players. The first player draws a house on the board or easel. The next player remembers the drawing, then closes his eyes, turns around himself and, without opening his eyes, draws a window, door, pipe or bird on the roof to the house. What kind of drawing will you end up with?


Participants in the game are invited to consider any jar, bowl or saucepan. You can't pick it up. Then take a piece of paper and try to cut the jar lids so that they line up exactly with the opening of the jar. The winner is the one whose lid exactly matches the opening of the can.


Everyone is sitting in a circle, the driver is in the center. He asks everyone in turn: "Do you like your neighbors?" If someone does not like it, the question follows: "What kind of neighbors do you need?". The player must give either names or some feature that must be present in his new neighbors. For example: "I need neighbors in

jeans "- then everyone who is in jeans changes places, two of them sit in the seats of their former neighbors. The driver can also take the vacant seat. Those who lacked a chair become the driver, and everything starts from the beginning.

11) 1-2-GOOD DAY

They all play in a chain. It is necessary to count in order from one to infinity (how many will turn out), but instead of numbers that end in three or are divisible by three, one should say "good afternoon." That is, the first says "one", the second says "two", the third says "good afternoon", the fourth says "four", the fifth says "five", the sixth says "good afternoon", and so on. The one who made a mistake is eliminated from the game until there is only one winner left.


Play standing in a circle. The presenter begins: "Grandma went to the market and bought an old coffee grinder" and shows how she will grind coffee (she turns the imaginary handle of the coffee grinder with her right hand). The person standing next to him repeats the same words and also begins to turn the handle, etc. round. When everyone is involved in the process, the leader's turn comes again and he shows the following movement: "Grandma went to the market and bought an old iron" (stroking with her left hand, without ceasing to grind).

The following circles: Grandma bought an old sewing machine (step on the pedal), a rocking chair (swing) and finally, a cuckoo clock ("Ku-ku, Ku-ku, Ku-ku,"). The point is to do all the actions at the same time.

It is well known that in order to calm down the raging band of tomboy, you need to go to calming games. In this article you will find a selection of just such games, cooling the ardor of heated children's hearts.

Like herring in a barrel

The driver is selected. The rest close their eyes and count in chorus, for example, to twenty. At this time, the driver is hiding. Having finished counting, the participants open their eyes and begin to look for the driver. The one who finds it, imperceptibly hides in the same place, waiting for the others. As a result, players will start to cram in one place, like herring in a barrel, until everyone is there. The first finder of the driver becomes the next driver.

Jacques said

This game does not require any preparation, and its conditions can be changed depending on the whims of the driver, "Jacques". So, the goal of the game is to unquestioningly fulfill the requirements of the driver, which he puts forward, after the phrase "Jacques said." And while pronouncing the phrase itself, everyone should freeze. Driving time is determined by agreement, eg 2 minutes.

Examples of calming tasks: close your mouth, squat, walk in a circle, massage your feet, shrug, touch your ear ...

Examples of tasks for amusement: scratching your nose, standing on one leg, stretching your tongue, giving your neighbor a foot massage, clapping with your feet, making a grimace ...

Anyone who listened to the task earns penalty points. The winner is the one who passes all trials with the lowest penalties. He becomes the next driver.

Clown nose

First, you need to draw a simplified face of a cheerful clown without a nose and hang it on the wall. You also need to cut out several red circles, "clown noses", according to the number of participants, to back side which to attach pieces of double-sided tape. Children take turns blindfold with a scarf, spin them around them a couple of times and lead them to the image of a clown. The player's task is to glue the "nose" on the clown's face as accurately as possible. The one who does the best job wins.

Find a change

The driver is selected. The rest of the participants take a good look at it. Then, the driver retires to another room and changes something in his appearance, for example, changes his shoes, pinches his hair in a different way, takes off his watch, rolls up his sleeves ... Upon the driver's return, the rest should discover the change. Whoever does it first wins by becoming the driver.


The driver is selected. He pulls a card from the bag with the name or image of an animal, and his task is to depict this animal, without words. The rest guess. The one who guesses first wins by becoming the driver.

Sweet carousel

The driver is selected, the rest are in a circle. The driver is given a bag of sweets, and he is placed in the center of the circle. The music turns on and the children begin to walk in a circle, humming a song. When the music turns off, everyone stops, and the one who is in front of the driver gets one candy from the bag and becomes the driver. The game lasts until the package is empty. The winner is the one who gets the most sweets for the game.

Isn't it hard for you?

The driver is selected. The rest sit on chairs in a circle. The driver is placed in the center of the circle and blindfolded with a scarf. Then they spin it around a couple of times and offer to touch any chair and sit on the knees of the one who sits on it, with the words: "How hard is it for you?" He, in turn, must answer "Yes" or "No", and the driver must guess who it is by his voice. If the driver guessed it right the first time, he sits on this chair, and the player who was sitting on it becomes the driver. If the driver has not guessed, he goes to any other chair, until someone guesses.

In my house

Players land in a row or in a circle, the one who starts in this round is selected, and the order of the players. The first participant says the phrase: "At my place ...", naming at the end one of the objects or one of the people. The timer is timed for 1 minute. The task of the rest is to name any word that rhymes with it. Moreover, you can not name words not in rhyme and repeat the words already pronounced by someone earlier. Anyone who breaks the rules is out of the game. The tour continues until the timer expires. Next, the one who sits next to the one who started in the last round starts. Example: “I have a vacuum cleaner at home. - Pump, cable, cross, mowing, colossus ... "," I have a pillow at home. - Girlfriend, crown, mug, tub, shavings ... "

Blind artist

The participants are divided into two teams. In each team, one driver is selected. They are blindfolded with a scarf, given a pencil and placed against the wall with a sheet of paper. The rest of the players are shown a pre-prepared simple drawing, which the drivers must repeat with their eyes closed, receiving instructions from their colleagues like: "Move your hand to the right, down, make a circle, draw a horizontal line, ..." You cannot call objects by their proper names. After 5 minutes, the game stops, and everyone sums up the results together. The winner is the team that has a drawing that looks more like the original.
