Sports game fort boyard for preschoolers. Scenario of the game “Fort Boyard. Game: “Take as many steps...”

"Fort Boyard" Sports festival in the preparatory group

within the framework of the educational complex “My City, My Country”

Gashkova Olga Petrovna,

MADOU kindergarten No. 155 of the city of Tyumen

Target: To form in pupils the need for physical activity and physical improvement.


  • To consolidate ideas about the natural resources of their native land, their region in which children live, through sports competitions.
  • Improve motor skills of preschoolers (walking, jumping, throwing),
  • Teach children to navigate in real space using a map.
  • Continue to teach how to act in accordance with the rules of the game.
  • Foster a desire to win and a sense of teamwork;
  • Deepen the child’s understanding of his personal qualities, capabilities and achievements.


Elder Fury's costume, video projector, chest with natural resources of the Tyumen region, drawn maps of the route, containers with colored water with toys - spiders, snakes, Kinder barrels, "spider web" - cord, medicine balls, containers of different sizes, cord with paper cylinders, gymnastic sticks, “obstacle course” - bench, barrier, envelopes, balls, numbers, audio CD with sports songs, CD with music, decoration of the game room on the theme: “Fort Boyard Castle”, “ combination lock" - calculator.

Leading method: gaming, competitive

Preliminary work: Conversation with children about the old castle "Fort Boyard", looking at illustrations of ancient castles, watching the TV program "Fort Boyard", making attributes for a sports festival - envelopes, decorating containers, cylinders from waste material, designing maps - diagrams, recording a video letter from Elder Fura.

The progress of the holiday:

Children from the preparatory group enter the playroom to the musical introduction to the TV show “Fort Boyard.”

Presenter: Children, an emergency happened in our kindergarten: the natural resources of the Tyumen region disappeared from our museum. Guys, what riches were presented in our museum.

(Children's answers)

Presenter: We received a strange video letter to our kindergarten email. Let's listen together.

(A message from Elder Fura is included:

Fura: Hello girls and boys. I am Elder Fura. It’s hard to imagine the old Bort Boyard castle without me. I live at the very top in the old tower, I am its keeper. There have been no guests in my castle for a long time. And I decided to have a little fun. I managed to get the riches of your museum and hide them on the territory of my castle, in a chest with combination lock. To find the chest, you need to go through many tests within a certain time, collect the lock code, which consists of numbers. If you do everything correctly, you will find the chest and use the code to open the lock where your museum exhibits are hidden. And to make it easier for you to search, I sent you maps by mail. Study carefully and go. I’m not saying goodbye, we’ll meet again.”

Host: Guys, do you like this game? Are we going in search of minerals?

Children: Yes.

Presenter: to hit the road, you need to do a sports warm-up.

(to the song: “It’s fun to walk together….children do warm-up)

Host: Dear players, your task is to divide into two teams. Both teams set off at the same time. All tasks are completed very quickly, on time. Whose team gets to the treasures of our museum the fastest will receive a well-deserved prize and return the lost item to the kindergarten! Before each stage of tasks, you need to agree on who you trust with this important task, choose one person from the team. The captain leads the team. And we will start our competitions with captains warming up

Stage 1. Armwrestling. Fight of 2 captains on hands.

(The captain of which team won is the first to set off with the team, having studied the map)

Presenter: The teams disperse in different sides hall

Stage 2. There are inflatable balloons hanging on the stairs, one of them contains the code number 2. Children untie the balls, go into playroom No. 1 and pop the balls in different ways, find the number 2)

(Children of the second subgroup untie the balls, go into playroom No. 2 and find the number 2)

Stage 3. In the game room No. 1 there is a room of “fear”

(Containers with colored water, spider toys, snakes)

Task: You need to choose one team member who can cope with the task and the team trusts him. Find the code number in 1 minute)

Stage 4. In the corridor there is a “web” (a stretched cord), the entire subgroup, one by one, goes through the “web” so as not to touch the threads of the web. If they do, the bell will ring. The whole team works. (time 1 minute)

Whoever hurt it comes back. Additional time is given.

Stage 5. IN play group No. 3 container with water, barrels from kinders float in one barrel, code number 4, you need to use your teeth, without touching the water with your hands, to get the barrel.

Stage 6. One child goes through the “web” corridor, jump up and get the barrel with the next number. 5.

Stage 7. Two teams meet in the middle of the corridor

They are met by Elder Fura, who offers to solve riddles:

“What is the sweetest thing in the world” (dream)

“What is the softest thing in the world” (hand)

Presenter: We study the map and move on

Stage 8. Room of nasty things in the game room No. 4 In different containers, husks, shells, etc.

(one child finds code number 6 in 1 minute)

Stage 9. In playroom No. 2, along a stretched cord with a gymnastic stick at arm's length, the child moves paper cylinders, on one of which a code is attached (number 8)

Then the children go up the stairs to the playroom

Stage 10. Obstacle course: walking on a bench, jumping over a “barrier”, climbing a “Swedish” wall (envelopes according to the number of children are hung on the wall) Children take turns going through the “test course” One child from the team must find (number 9) in the envelope

After this, the children go to the group, get dressed and go out to the kindergarten territory.

Using the map as a guide, they go in search of a chest with natural resources around the sports ground. Whose team found the chest first completes the task:

Stage 11. " Hit the chest with a snowball." (Performed by the whole team one by one)

Stage 12. Arrange the numbers in ascending order.

(Whose team collected the numerical code faster is given the right to open the combination lock.)

Presenter: So we have found the natural resources of our region. I suggest going to the gaming room and meeting Elder Fura.

Fura thanks the children for their determination, intelligence, resourcefulness, courage, friendship and treats the children with sweet prizes. Children bring exhibits to the museum, where the senior teacher awards them with medals.


  1. › Fort Boyard(TV game)
  2. Fort Boyard [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: ›FortBoyard
  3. Musical accompaniment [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
  4. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
  5. N.S. Golitsyna Non-traditional physical education classes
  6. Z.F.Aksenova Sports holidays in kindergarten
  7. N.M. Solomennikova Organization of sports leisure for preschool children
  8. V.Ya. Lykova T.S. Yakovleva Sports events and entertainment
  9. T.E. Kharchenko Sports events in kindergarten.
  10. S.N. Zakharova Holidays in kindergarten.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

For children of the graduating group of kindergarten.

Children enter to the music gym and line up opposite the Masters of Shadows.

Leading: I am glad to welcome you to this mysterious fortress - Fort Boyard. The tasks prepared for you by the inhabitants of the Fort will be difficult but interesting. For each victory you will receive a key, and at the end of the game you will be able to get to the treasury, where the main prize awaits you.

Today the teams competing are: “Adventurers” and “Fortune Hunters”. Teams under the leadership of the captain announce their name and motto.

Captain 1: Team... Children: Adventurers!

Captain 1: Our motto... Children: We are adventurers, We came to Fort Boyard to play And our motto is to win!

Captain 2: Team... Children: Fortune hunters!

Captain 2: Our motto... Children: In order for us to have luck, We must win in the Fort!

Leading: Elder Fure, the Master of Fire and the Master of Shadows also take part in the game. And now I propose to enter into battle with the inhabitants of Fort Boyard and overcome all the difficulties that they have prepared. Step by step to the competition site!

They move: - Walking - With high knees “climbing the stairs of the Fort” - In a squat “through the low tunnels of the Fort” - Running - Forming into two columns in teams

Leading: Start warming up!

A set of rhythmic exercises:

    – stand on your toes, arms up

    – lower yourself onto your feet, arms to the sides

    – arc downwards right hand up

    - the same with the left.

    – squat, touch the floor with your right hand, left hand on your waist

    – stand, arms up

    – squat, left hand to the floor, right hand to the waist

    – stand, hands on the belt.

    – turn to the right, right hand to the side

    – stand, hands on the belt 2 times

    – turn left, right hand to the side

    – stand, hands on the belt 2 times

    – tilt to the right, hands behind head

    – tilt to the left, hands behind the head

    – stand, hands behind head 2 times

    – steps in place, raising arms up with wrist turns

    – steps in place, arms through the sides downwards with wrist turns

    – jump into a lunge on the right leg

    – cotton 2 times

    – jump into a lunge on the left leg

    – cotton 2 times

    – turn around, placing your foot over your right shoulder

    – jumping on two legs, hands on the belt

    – jumping on two legs with clapping overhead


"Strong Men"

Each team needs to crawl along a gymnastic bench on their stomach, simultaneously pulling themselves up with both hands; run to the hoop, lift the dumbbells by 4 counts, run around the hoop and run back to the team, passing the baton to the next participant. The team that completes the relay faster wins.


Master of Fire: In front of you is a glass of water. You need to raise the water level in the glass to the red line. Children run up and put pebbles in it. The task must be completed in turn, passing the baton to each other. (Do it).

Elder: The ______ team raised the water level in the glass faster. She receives the KEY.


Leading: The next competition is “Multi-colored chain”. You need to jump over the gymnastic sticks lying on the floor on two legs, then take a long colored stick and move the plume to the end of the rope. Then the stick must be put back in place and returned to the team. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Elder:(sums up the relay, gives the key).


Elder: And now I will tell you riddles. You are ready?

  • A cloud was walking across the sky,
  • A cloud of beads has lost
  • Beads are jumping along the path,
  • Like crystal peas.
  • I weave fine lace,
  • You won't notice it on the fly.
  • Who got caught in my net -
  • It will remain hanging in it.
  • I'm running down a flight of stairs,
  • Ringing over the stones,
  • From afar by song
  • You will recognize me.
  • So that blades of grass grow faster,
  • He makes paths in the ground.
  • If he digs deep -
  • Lugu can breathe easily.
Elder: You have solved all my riddles, and each team receives a key.

Leading: The result of the next relay will show us the most united team, because only united children who know how to act together can win it. At the signal, the first number stands sideways to the team, the second runs around him and stands next to him, placing his outstretched hand on the first’s shoulder. The third runs between the first and second snake and stands behind the second, putting his hand on his shoulder, etc. The team that returns to its original position first wins.

Elder: sums it up, gives the key.


Master of Shadows: I invite one player from each team to the table. While my clock is counting down, you must remember in what order the pictures are located. Then I will turn the card over and you will have to reproduce the memorized version.

Elder: Summing up, handing over the key.


Leading: The next relay race is “Building Fort Towers”. Each team must move " construction material" along the "narrow bridge" and build a tower according to the diagram. Each participant takes 2 cubes. The winner is the team that built the tower correctly and completed the task faster.

Elder: Sums up the game.


Master of Fire: I invite one player from each team to join me. In front of each of you are three containers - with beans, with pasta and with nuts. But only one of them contains the key. You need to find it as quickly as possible and raise it high. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner.

Elder: Sums up the game.


Leading: In this competition you will need not only speed, but also attention. You need to run to the module, take one toy insect there, turn it over and look at the written number. At the next stage, you need to take a card with this number, turn it over, determine the first sound of the drawn picture and place the letter on the board under the desired number. (for the first command the word “message”, for the second the word “labyrinth”)

The final

Elder: sums up the competition and the entire game. The winner of the game has been determined, but that's not all. A surprise awaits you, because you correctly composed the words - MESSAGE and LABYRINTH. I give the captain of the winning team a message with a labyrinth in it. If he walks along it correctly, he will come straight to the super prize - the treasures of the Fort.

The captain walks through the labyrinth and finds a treasure trove - a basketball hoop, covered inside with fabric and tied at the bottom with ribbon.

The captain pulls the ribbon and treasures fall on top - small caramel candies (do not put chocolate ones). Within 1 minute, the winning team collects candies into a special large container.

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Shusharina Lyubov Gennadievna
Scenario of the game "Fort Boyard"


Target: to promote the development of curiosity and cognitive interests in older preschoolers through educational games.


To consolidate children’s knowledge about the natural and human world around them, the properties and qualities of objects, signs and symbols.

Develop an interest in the history of your family, pedigree, and homeland. Develop coherent speech and logical thinking; understand the meaning of proverbs, improve the ability to guess riddles, and navigate according to the plan; develop physical qualities.

To cultivate moral feelings, the ability to act amicably and together in a team, while showing ingenuity and resourcefulness. Bring joy to children from educational games.


The hall is decorated like “Fort Boyard” using modules and decorated with balloons; hourglass (1,2,3, min., boxes of "Kinder surprises" with words; box-"chest" with prizes ("gold coins" - chocolate medallions); dry pool with plastic balls and small objects - toys, different in properties (wooden matryoshka, rubber ball, wooden cube, metal car, etc., 10 pieces in total); two easels.

Demo material: family coats of arms made by parents together with their children, family pedigree; cards with logic tasks - 9 pieces, floor plan of the hall, signs and symbols (coat of arms of Russia, flag of Russia, money, music, road signs).

Preliminary work: reading works of fiction; observations in nature; conversations about the family, creation of projects: “Family Coat of Arms”, “My Pedigree”; study of signs and symbols; working with a plan diagram (groups, areas, use didactic games cognitive orientation; conversation about the game "Fort Boyard" (for adults).


Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle. The teacher (leader) announces the start of the game.


Guys, you came to play at Fort Boyard. Difficult things await you here, but interesting tasks. Each task is allocated certain time, we'll keep an eye on him hourglass. For each successfully completed task within the specified time limit, you will receive a “golden” key and a hint for the keyword. At the end of the game a surprise awaits you - it is in the chest. You can open it if you collect the keys and guess the keyword. Elder Fura is waiting for you. Good luck, children!

The players say the motto: “One for all, all for one!”

TASK I. Riddles of Elder Fur. (Time is checked using an hourglass. It takes 2 minutes to complete this task.)

Here is my first riddle: “Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but a story.” (Book).

Second riddle: “Without arms, without legs, but the gate opens” (Wind).

(Note: Elder Fura gives the children a key if they solve both riddles within 2 minutes).

Well done, here's your first key.


Onward to the next challenge!

(If the children do not solve at least one riddle, the team receives a penalty point and leaves the “hostage player” to complete an additional task. For example, expressively read the poem “Kinfolk” by Y. Akim or perform a physical exercise).

TASK 2. “Think, decide, answer correctly.”

Educator: -Guys, you need to find 9 cards. They are hidden in the tunnel.

Whoever finds the card will answer. (All children walk through the tunnel, looking for cards with tasks. 9 people remain, the rest of the children sit on chairs. If they have difficulty answering, they help their friends. Time to complete this task is 3 minutes).

The cards are displayed on an easel.

"What's in common?" (3 pieces)

"What's extra? (4 pieces)

"Find a logical pair" (2 pieces). (If children answer at the set time, they receive the key; if they don’t have time, they do additional task. For example, "Collect beads." You need to use + or - signs in the examples. 2 people are invited to an additional task).

TASK 3. "Question answer".

Topic: "Nature".


Questions for the boys:

How many seasons are there? (Four)

A man-made birdhouse? (birdhouse)

Who is called the ship of the desert? (Camel)

Biggest bird? (Ostrich)

Winter apartment of a bear? (Den)

First spring flower? (Snowdrop)

Fastest animal? (Cheetah)

A thorny desert plant? (Cactus)

How many legs does a spider have? (Eight)

The girls answer:

Hottest time of year? (Summer)

Without hands, without an axe, a hut was built? (Nest)

Fox's house? (Nora)

Tree with white bark? (Birch)

Smallest bird? (Hummingbird)

Fortune telling flower? (Chamomile)

First month of spring? (March)

Slowest animal? (Sloth)

Is a dolphin a fish? (No).

Note: When completing the Question and Answer task, the team must give 12 correct answers in 2 minutes to receive the key.

If necessary, in the form of a penalty point - an additional task:

Game "Edible-Inedible".

TASK 4. "Affairs of everyday life."

Children, at the request of the teacher, stand up and walk through the arch with a gate, jump from hoop to hoop, as in the game "Hopscotch". Then they approach the easel on which the “Family Coat of Arms” stand is installed.


What is this? (Children answer).

Who wants to talk about their family's coat of arms? (3 persons)

The rest of the children sit down on the chairs.

Children's stories about their family's coat of arms.

Educator: Family is the most precious thing a person has. It is not for nothing that people have composed many proverbs and sayings. Do you know them?

Children name 5 proverbs in 1 minute.

For example:

The family is full of harmony.

There is no sweeter friend than your own mother.

Gold and silver do not age; father and mother have no price.

Children are the flowers of life.

The children are good - a crown for father and mother, bad - the end for father and mother.

Place 4 hoops on the floor. Children move under musical accompaniment. After the end of the music, 4 people in each take place in the hoops. Those children who did not have time to take a place in the hoop say their name and what it means. For example:

Polina is independent.

Arina (as Irina) - peace.

Marina is a seafarer.

Maria is sad, madam.

Then these children sit down. Game continues. The command is given to take a place in the hoop, 3 people each. For those who do not have enough space, it is necessary to say what their names mean. For example:

The novel is strong, strong.

Fedor is a gift from God.

Alena (as Elena) - sunny, torch.

After completing the game, children move on to the next challenge.

TASK 5. "What is it made of?

Game exercise "Find and tell." Description game exercise. In an inflatable pool, among a large number of plastic balls, there are hidden toys made from different materials: fabric, plastic, faux fur, wood, rubber, metal. The teacher tells the children:

Toys are hidden here. You need to find them and tell them what they are made of.

Girls are invited to complete the task first. (Their answers)

For example:

I have a matryoshka doll. It is made of wood.

The ball is rubber.

Then the presenter invites the boys. (Their answers)

The machine is metal.

The cube is wooden.

The locomotive is plastic. Etc.

Note: You have 3 minutes to complete this task. If children are unable to complete the task on time, an additional one is given. For example: “Correct the artist’s mistake” (Game to match the number of objects with the number).

Then the presenter invites the children to go to complete the last, decisive test.


Elder Fura sent us a plan that shows the place where the last task is hidden.

Children look at the floor plan of the hall, find the place according to the diagram, and bring a packet with an assignment.

TASK 6. "Decipher the signs."

Children open the package, there are different signs: images of the coat of arms and flag of Russia, road signs, money, music signs, images of letters, numbers (10 characters in total). They take one image at a time, answer, and earn a key.

Note: The set time is 3 minutes.

After completing the tasks, the teacher invites the children to Elder Fura.


Let's hurry with the obtained keys to the elder Fura. (Children count how many keys they have collected). Instead of keys, Elder Fura gives the children “Kinder surprises.” They contain hints for the keyword. For example, 6 keys - 6 "tips". Children open Kinder surprises and find clues. The teacher reads words to the children. For example: parents, help,

son, daughter, love, care. Children must name the key word - "FAMILY" .


Now we will check if you guessed the keyword correctly.

Inserts the key into the box (chest) and opens it. There is a surprise - “gold coins” (chocolate medallions).

The children are happy. HOORAY!

The teacher hands out chocolate medals to the children, praising them for their ingenuity and friendship:

Well done! You won this game because you were friendly, resourceful, smart, skillful and dexterous. We won a prize - "gold coins". But don’t forget the proverb: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!”

The children say goodbye to the guests and leave the hall.

For several days, the Rosinka kindergarten was out of its usual schedule. Fort Boyard is played here. The teachers prepared for this event for 2 weeks in secret from the children. We sewed costumes and looked for props. And almost until the night before the start they decorated the rooms to create a special atmosphere. The first gong sounded on Tuesday. The game has begun.

Six teams of seniors and preparatory groups Today we found ourselves in a whirlpool new game. After the greeting and introduction to the characters, the stern Monsieur La Boule notifies that it is time to start, and the countdown has begun.

Participants will face seven tests from the meters and masters of the Fort. They receive their first task from Elder Fur. The team that gives the most correct answers to the sage's riddles will receive the key. Then the participants scatter throughout the garden building.

Nannies and educators are hidden under the masks of masters. On the eve of the game they stayed in the garden until late in the evening. They created the right atmosphere in the rooms.

Maria Schwartz, color meter:

“All with our own means, with our own strength, we are all crazy hands, so there would be an idea”

There are also failures. For example, Mark and his dad failed to meet the deadline on one of the tasks. Now he is waiting for the team to help him out.

Mark Panin:

“Our assignment was to do this with dad, but we didn’t do it.”

After a couple of minutes, the team gives the correct answer and the Panin family is back in the game.

Stanislav Panin, Mark's dad:

“I thought everything would be much more dry, but as practice has shown, everything is very interesting and great”

One of the most difficult tests for the guys is the illusion meter room. You need to find the key in one of the vessels. The containers are filled with sand, nuts, plasticine and toys. However, the guys don't see what's inside. They operate by touch in complete darkness.

Elena Lyutova, illusion meter:

“But not everyone, how many teams have already passed and only one team out of three has found the key”

Fort Boyard - takes place as part of the Healthy Baby project. The game lasts two days. And this is just the first season. There will be several of them. The plot of the famous show was taken as a basis. In the process of completing tasks, children develop logic, thinking and attention. Uni learn to work as a team, make decisions and help each other out.

Elena Martynova, head of the Rosinka kindergarten:

"We added something new of our own, with elements of geocaching. They have already learned very well - this is how to make a call to a friend, this is work on Skype, on WhatsApp, they are now receiving route sheets, they will look. This could be a call to “Alice” they They deal with it too."

All participants receive prizes, but only one winner is selected. The “Warm Hearts” team of group 12 collected all 7 keys and became the leader of the first season.

Birthday in the style of "Fort Boyard": an exciting and dynamic program for an amazing children's party. This team game based on the famous television show will captivate any company, and the variety of tasks will allow each participant to show their strengths and open up from an unexpected side. The quest lasting 2-3 hours can be carried out both outdoors and in any room.

Participants of the quest "Fort Boyard"

6-15-20 players who are divided into 2-4 mixed teams.


A clean place in nature: a city park, a private yard, a forest, a grove, a stadium, a beach.

Premises: spacious Entertainment Center, premises of a children's educational and play establishment, a cafe hall, an assembly hall of a cultural institution, an abandoned indoor building, an apartment.

Travel time: 2-3 hours.

Rules of the quest game “FortBoyard”

  • players are divided into teams that will compete with each other by drawing lots;
  • each team comes up with a name and motto for itself;
  • each team needs to collect as many keys as possible;
  • the key is issued only when the team correctly completes the task within the specified time;
  • players will receive a treasure chest only when they guess the word encrypted by the Guardian;
  • The title of winner is given to the team that has collected the most keys and has the right to be the first to open the treasure chest;
  • In honor of the holiday, the treasures of the chest are divided among all participants in the quest.

Fort: an area with a large number of tasks and tests for players, passing which they will receive secret keys. The heroes of the game are the presenter, Elder Fura and members of the participating teams.

The game is divided into stages:

  1. Riddles: Each one has a maximum of 2 minutes to solve.
  2. Funny questions: up to 2 minutes to answer.
  3. “Strong, dexterous, talented”: the timing of competitions varies.
  4. Secrets of the Fort Guardian: Elder Fura.

A certain time is given to complete each stage. If a participant does not meet the given time, the task is considered not completed and the key or hint is not given to the team. But, if the task is completed ahead of schedule, the team can use the time saved as a bonus when going through the next stages.

Inventory for the quest

The main thing: a sufficient set of keys. They can be either real or cut out of cardboard or scrap materials. You will also need:

  • inflatable balloons;
  • markers;
  • markers;
  • sheets of paper;
  • suitcases or travel bags;
  • hats, scarves, sneakers or sneakers, shirts;
  • scotch;
  • transparent cups;
  • colored drinks;
  • puzzle sets.

All equipment will be needed in quantities based on the number of players and teams in each specific case.

Quest script with tasks

Greeting, introduction to players and rules of the game, formation of teams

The host cheerfully greets the participants in the game and congratulates the birthday boy. Invites each quest participant in turn for an introduction and a brief description. Next, he suggests breaking up into teams. To do this, a draw is carried out, for example, in the form of a lotto. Formed teams come up with a name and a short motto. The presenter introduces the teams to the rules of the game.

Competition 1. Riddles

The team that solves the most riddles gets the key.

Kostya has a notebook in his briefcase,
What's in it? Still a mystery
Let the student earn a number in it,
And in the evening he will show you at home...

Answer: diary.

Sharpen your sharp nose,
Draw a colorful picture:
Grass, sea, sky, beach...
What are you holding?

Answer: pencil.
She's at work during the day,
After: daddy's wife,
If there is a holiday, there will be a lady,
I will answer: this is...

Answer: Mother.

Without which you can’t live
Is it difficult for adults and children to live?
Who is always with us, friends?
Our friendly...

Answer: family.

Get in here, buddy.
One: I'm flying to the ceiling,
And then three somersaults!
Everyone is running to the miracle net.
"Jumping" projectile: ...

Answer: trampoline.

Two wooden horses
They're taking me through the snow.
I hold a stick in my hands,
But not for beating: it’s a pity.
To speed up my running pace
I touch the snow with them.

Answer: skis.

The string rings, she sings
And the song will sink into the soul.
Six strings intertwine freely,
After all, the instrument is forever fashionable.
He is a miracle couple for a musician,
What is the name of the instrument?

Answer: guitar.

I go to the stage in the twilight
In a smart, elegant tailcoat.
I'll wave my magic wand:
And the violins burst into tears,
The harpist plucks the string easily,
And the pipes will wear out.
They all sound very nice!
I am the most important one in the orchestra!

Answer: conductor.

Competition 2. Funny questions

The team that answers the most questions receives the key.

  1. When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? Answer: spare.
  2. If a horse is given a bath, what kind of horse will it be? Answer: wet.
  3. Which month is shorter than the others? Answer: May (according to the number of letters in writing).
  4. Which cup should you not drink from? Answer: from empty.
  5. What do we cook but don't eat? Answer: lessons.
  6. What do we see with eyes closed? Answer: dream.
  7. What notes can you eat? Answer: beans.
  8. What is heavier - a kilogram of hay or a kilogram of nails? Answer: weigh the same.
  9. What happened on February 30? Answer: nothing, February doesn't have 30 days.
  10. Why does a cat meow? Answer: because he can't speak.

Competition 3. “Strong, dexterous and talented”

Keys can be obtained in each competition.

  1. "Jump like a kangaroo" challenge. Team players stand at the starting line. The first player performs a long jump and stands still while the leader comes up and marks a line with chalk along the toes of the jumper's shoes. The next player comes up and switches with the first places, so now the toes of the second player's shoes are touching the chalk line. This trait will be the starting line for him: he also makes the longest jump possible. And so each team player jumps in turn. The team whose final chalk line will be the furthest will win.
  2. Quest “Ready to go.” For the task, suitcases (travel bags), sneakers, shirts, scarves, and hats are brought out. There should be one inventory for each team. A closed suitcase with a set of clothes is placed in front of each team. At the “Start” command, players quickly open the suitcase, take out clothes and put them on themselves, fastening all the buttons, fasteners, and tying the laces. When the player is ready, he claps his hands and begins to take off everything he is wearing and carefully put it back into the suitcase. When the first participant has completed the task, the second one enters the game. And so on until the last member of each team. The team that completes the task faster gets the victory and the key.
  3. “You have a letter” task. At a certain distance from the start line there is a mark that determines the return point. One participant from each team starts the game. The player extends one hand, palm up, and the leader places a sheet of paper (notebook or A-4 format) on his palm. You cannot hold the paper. At the “Start” command, players begin moving towards the mark; upon reaching it, they turn around and move back to the start. If the piece of paper falls to the floor, the player must stop, pick it up and put it back on his palm, and the competition continues. Having reached the start, the paper sheet must be transferred to the outstretched palm of the next member of his team, after which he will begin his participation in the competition. The team that completes the task first wins the competition and receives the key.
  4. "Greedy Beef" task. Time to complete: 5 minutes. There should be a lot of inflated balloons small size. In this case, there should be no long strings from the tails of the balls. Players must collect and hold as many balls as possible. You can put it under your clothes, hold the “tail” with your teeth, or squeeze the balls between your arms and legs. The team that collects the most balls in 5 minutes will win and earn another key.
  5. Task “Artist, draw for me...” Time to complete: 10-15 minutes. Attached to the wall album sheets by the number of teams. The facilitator instructs each team to draw a specific picture. No one except the team members should know what exactly needs to be depicted. The players agree among themselves which part of the image each of them draws. The first player approaches the “easel” and begins to depict a given character with felt-tip pens. Having finished his part, he gives up his place near the easel to the next player on his team. After the allotted time has passed, the players put their markers aside, and an authoritative presenter evaluates the “pictures.” The team that completed the task as accurately as possible receives the next key.
  6. Task "Abracadabra". The presenter offers to speak a number of well-known tongue twisters. The team that does the task better overall gets the key.
  7. Task “One for all...”. Time to complete: 10 minutes. In this competition you are invited to assemble a puzzle picture. The team chooses one player who will fight for the key one for all. The presenter gives the players identical sets of puzzles. Within the allotted time, players must present finished paintings. The key to the piggy bank is taken by the team whose representative has compiled the plot completely or as accurately as possible.

Competition 4. Secrets of the Fort Guardian: Elder Fura.

At the final stage of the quest, the Guardian of the Fort comes to the participants: Elder Fura. He admires intelligence, dexterity, and unity of teams. But, before allowing the teams to reach the treasures, he offers to compete with him in tasks, the completion of which requires the use of eloquence, memory and attentiveness.

Quests from Fur:

  1. Players will need to remember and name as many positive qualities of each other as possible that helped the whole team get to the finish line with the keys.
  2. All participating children need to name the dates when their family members were born: parents and other close relatives.
  3. Each team is invited to come up with an original greeting for the birthday person.
  4. On Fur's table there are cups of drinks for each team (juice, tea, compote). After drinking all the drinks, the team will be able to read the letters on the bottom of each cup, from which they need to make a word (the letters are marked in advance by the organizers on the bottom of the transparent cups on the outside with bright markers). Just hearing the right word, The Guardian will give the treasure chest to the players.

After the winning team has had the opportunity to collect as much treasure as possible from the chest in 1 minute, without using other objects except their own hands and hems, the other team must be given the same opportunity. “Treasures” can be candies or small souvenirs. You can simulate the weighing process, as in the television version of the game, or offer to put the collected prizes in identical transparent containers to compare the volume.

At the end of the quest, satisfied participants can take a photo with the smiling and satisfied old man Fura.
