Fight the Chosen to get unique reward weapons

I completed Vanilla 2 times, on a veteran; I just decided to play the game on the Terminator legend, and the guys really burned out on me, because of the faceted jambs and stupidity of the game moments, without saves it really eats into my eyes; I don’t want to crap the game to a low standard, it I really like it, I’ll just highlight the game’s disadvantages taking into account the addition:
- We didn’t fix the 3d squares (marking), because in many cases it interrupts the specified moving point in the wrong direction where needed, and most often it twitches and you have to measure millimeters with the cursor; was it really difficult to make 2D squares? It’s not clear
- Saving VIPs is a separate topic, logically the same engineer or scientist should be valuable for Advent, but in practice they don’t care in the game, because next gene ai
- AI bots, and why is he so stupid, essentially the game is cell-by-cell, chess is also cell-by-cell, but in chess, AI destroys all the wheels of the player with sticks, which is what the developers were doing;
But instead of smart bots, they sunk 3 layers of fat and a non-topic number of bots; Damn, even in 1 long war I remember how the bots sometimes flanked, here it was more like an accident;
- Pseudo-random and prolag of situations (or cells), every mission there is always someone who will hit point-blank range 3 times in a row 80% of the time, or crit 2 times in a row, all tactics
on the teminator it gets to the point of absurdity, if you’re lucky, you can at the beginning of the game and take out a base with 25 mobs and a favorite in addition (real situation), or you can just miss with 3 overwatches on a spearman and get a critical one-shot from a kilometer away from someone else, and screw up simple mission;
-Pseudo camouflage-game with a specialist forces you to come out of camouflage or simply shoots you out; it either adjusts patrols directly towards you or completely stops patrolling if it has covered one of your fighters with vision; this is stupidity worse than the mechanics of boss rulers
- Zombie mechanics, this is my favorite simply, firstly, spawn in a random place and if it is next to your fighter, and if the game wants him in disguise or not, he will die, no matter what you do, they will get you from half the map and one-shot you in a crowd, this is of course rare, but such situations did exist; secondly, the priorities of zombies are probably 2 times higher in Ik than in Advent, thirdly, zombies and Advent calmly stand next to each other until they catch fire; fourthly, scripted exploding cars; fifthly, special missions and events related to zombies on the global map; that means Advent has arrived, blew up everything in the camp, surrounded it on all sides, but the explosion of his mother grenade spawns a dozen zombies in the middle of the map, what the...............pztt; yes There are also missions with the destruction of all the zombies on the map, the only problem is that they spawn there endlessly, and you need to “distinguish” the spawning zombies from the necessary ones, and how can I do this, dear crooked developers?? Yes, and why is there a timer in the mission? where only zombies and Advent left this base long ago,
where is the logic? and an event that adds wanderers to each mission, I play through the grenadiers because the legend is not a question of whim but cheapness-effectiveness, and here they gave me a crap about this, and I wouldn’t have said anything about it if the developers had implemented it sensibly;
-Lags and bugs: Overwatch doesn’t slow down for 30 seconds, mobs don’t move at all, chances of getting hits are ruined, synchronization of actions is disrupted (for example, at the beginning
HP is removed, then the mob walks to the point, then teleports to a completely different point, and at the very end the fighter comes out of disguise and shoots overwatch at him)
then the game crashes, then something else happens that prevents you from playing normally;
- Remove random and scripted reinforcements from this game altogether, utter nonsense
- Why didn’t they add the haze? Essentially the same haze is blind only due to the debuff with a larger area and silence, can anyone tell the meaning of the haze? And why does unnecessary, poorly sold junk cost so much?
In general, there is a lot more that can be described, the essence of it all is that the game does not give the player complete control over the situation due to stupid, ill-thought-out mechanics of lags, stupidity and randomness; and I don’t believe that there are people who can play the legend-terminator easy skating rink... ... no losses, it’s just anril, with all the knowledge of the game and understanding of the mechanics, the location of the packs, their number, the complexity of the type of missions, the features of correct movement and other little things, I get 2 crits on the scoreboard and the failure of the mission as a consequence,
here, no tactics will help at all because there are timers, and there is no need to talk about additional settings in at the beginning of the game, I I turned them on, but there are still frostbitten mission types where
you have to run like hell, this is the murder of a general where, as I said above, the game does not allow you to get close to him through stealth, and the defense of the resistance where you run after a tattered spearman and smear with overwatches and at the same time he knocks out all the civilians here and there; ALL GURU LEGENDS TERMINATOR please comment on the above, maybe I’m wrong about something, but the teminator in this uncut game is nonsense IMHO;

XCOM 2: War of the Chosenis a massive expansion that adds new features and systems to the second part of the famous strategy game, significantly changing the story campaign XCOM 2. Even true fans of the series can get lost in all this diversity. That is why we decided to tell you in a separate guide about everything in order. You will read about everything you need to know before entering into the conflict of the Chosen.

New factions, bosses, missions, enemies - it's all there XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. There is so much new in the expansion that this guide will only cover some of the changes. The Chosen Ones, huge bad bosses that randomly appear on maps - and that's just the beginning!

With the Bond system, you'll have even more unique soldiers, different rooms, tons of gadgets to explore, and three resistance factions at your disposal for even more fun in covert operations.

Get ready to meet the Chosen (Hunter, Assassin and Sorcerer)

The Chosen are a separate enemy faction in XCOM: War of the Chosen. These cunning predators appear in random order, and the abilities of each of them turn their enemies into full-fledged bosses, capable of terrorizing, capturing and killing members of your squad. The only way to kill the Chosen is to hunt down their Citadel (using the new strategic layer with missions, which we'll talk about later) and destroy the regeneration sarcophagus.

The Chosen One

There are three Chosen, champions of the enemy faction, who compete with each other. Everyone wants to take over the Earth for their own purposes, so you won't be fighting two or three united Chosen at the same time. But they can appear during any regular mission, unexpectedly crashing the party and ruining your seemingly perfectly thought-out tactical combat sequence.

Important note. The real threat from all three Chosen comes from their capture ability. All three enemies will attempt to capture members of your squad and interrogate them in order to reveal the location of the Avenger. If the Avenger is discovered, the aliens will launch a devastating attack.

The Chosen One will be resurrected after being killed. Each Chosen One controls a random area on the map. When you find yourself in these territories to complete a mission, the likelihood of superbeings appearing during battle increases rapidly. One of the negative effects of the appearance of the Chosen Ones is a decrease in overall income.

The Chosen have a weakness - each of them is vulnerable to one of the three heroes of the new factions that you can recruit. We'll talk about the new factions in a separate guide, but for now let's look at the new types of regular enemies.

New enemies - Cleaner, Priest and Ghost

Adventa has acquired three new soldiers who are ready to cause serious trouble for the XCOM organization. The Sweeper is a heavy infantryman armed with a flamethrower. The Priest uses various psychic abilities to stun or disable his opponents, while the Ghost is a stealth sniper who can be completely invisible on the battlefield or create shadow clones.



  • Armed with a flamethrower. Releases fiery flames over a wide range. Often present when attacking settlements in terror missions. Can also use incendiary grenades.
  • It explodes when killed, so keep your distance.


  • Armed with a magnetic rifle and many psionic abilities. Can control the mind, use Stasis, or merge with allies - when you kill the Priest, you also destroy the improved soldier with whom his mind was merged.
  • Sometimes Priests can avoid death while on the verge of it.


  • Uses stealth to organize ambushes and shoot with a sniper rifle. At will, he can disappear from the battlefield.
  • At close range, he uses an ability that allows him to create a shadow clone.
  • Has lightning-fast reflexes and can heal himself using a unique ability at a great distance.

The three devastating Advent enemies aren't the only new enemies in the expansion. The Wanderers are a swarm of mutants that you will encounter very often. They can help or hinder your opponents.

Wanderers are mutants that attack both people and aliens

The Wanderers are a group of mindlessly wandering zombies that are the result of alien biological weapons. They do not distinguish between targets and kill aliens with the same desire as people. The wanderers are attracted by loud sounds and continue to walk in their direction. You can't defeat a swarm of wanderers. You can run, but you will never win - eventually they will take you by numbers.


Note. When fighting Wanderers, you get a free action after each headshot. You can chain headshots continuously to take out an entire group of enemies before running away. But be sure to keep an eye on your ammunition!

This is why you should try to direct the Travelers towards the aliens. Grenades and other loud noises, including gunshots from ADVENT soldiers, will attract these zombified humans.

Choose your faction - Reapers, Intercessors and Templars

Another bright and extensive innovation from the DLC War of the Chosen ties into three new factions that have emerged around the world that can be convinced to work alongside XCOM. They are considered independent, but winning their allegiance will give you specialized XCOM units that are devastating in battle.

Advice. Each faction provides a separate bonus in the strategic layer. Finding and unlocking factions will allow you to gain additional knowledge (Reapers), quickly heal soldiers (Templars) or accelerate the creation of builds (Intercessors).


There are three factions - Reapers, Intercessors and Templars. Each of them has competing ideologies, but by providing your services and helping them (by completing missions for them), you can convince them to join the ranks of XCOM. Send soldiers to carry out secret operations. Do not forget that while completely improving relations with one faction, you will ruin your position with another. Perhaps the choice of one of three factions in War of the Chosen should be fundamental to you. Do this before starting the game. We will talk more about each faction in a separate guide.

Unlock bonus skills with the new soldier affinity system

The Bond system is another sophisticated addition XCOM 2, which allows you to make your soldiers much more unique. If soldiers encounter special events(for example, the two of them are the last survivors of the entire squad, or one saves the other), then a relationship is established between them. Each soldier has a base cost. The more soldiers work together, the higher their production costs. When two soldiers become attached to each other, they will often appear at a bar, drinking, training, or participating in other activities together.

Interconnection system

That's when you will get comrades. You need to send them together for execution various missions- As their friendship increases, you will gain new abilities that are exclusive to teammates.

Connections will provide additional points for companions, providing various bonuses, including faster recovery from negative effects, speeding up hidden actions, increasing the supply of action points, or the ability to attack the enemy with a “Double Strike”.

Until one of the tethered soldiers dies, the second, surviving one, will not be able to establish a relationship with the other. If one of the attached people sees his comrade being killed, he will fall into uncontrollable anger. But this is only one of the possible negative effects. There are many others.

Send soldiers to non-combat operations

Covert Action is a new addition to the strategy layer, allowing commanders to send individual soldiers on non-combat missions with many incredibly useful benefits. You can rescue soldiers captured by the Chosen, uncover recruits, operatives or resources - or hunt down the Citadel of the Chosen.

Hidden Actions

Examples of hidden actions:

  • Hunt for the Citadel of the Chosen.
  • Rescue of soldiers caught by the Chosen Ones.
  • Finding the headquarters of a specific faction.
  • Confronting the activity of the Chosen Ones.
  • Recruiting faction soldiers.
  • Unlocking Resistance orders.

Hidden actions do not always end in success. If the stealth action fails, your soldier may return to base wounded, or you will be tactical map, having two or three soldiers at his disposal. You can assign additional operatives or team members to increase the chances of successfully completing covert actions.

As a reward for stealth actions, you will be able to unlock Resistance orders. These are special installations that can be opened for each individual faction and enjoy their benefits in the long term. Reapers can slow down mission timers or summon additional Resistance soldiers to assist in battles. Intercessors speed up construction and provide special explosive weapons. Templars can limit the negative effects of any effects or increase the chances of a "Breakthrough" in research.

There are even more of these bonuses!

Fight the Chosen to get unique reward weapons

To find the Citadel of the Chosen, the commander must perform three hidden actions to find information (optional). Once you complete these three information gathering scenarios, the Citadel will become available.

Invading it and defeating the Chosen One will reward XCOM unique weapon- each Chosen One has two special weapons, which can be picked up and equipped to operatives. They are all incredibly powerful!

The Chosen One

Here are the weapons you will receive for killing each Chosen:

  • Hunter - sniper rifle and a pistol.
  • Killer - shotgun and blade.
  • The Sorcerer is an assault rifle and psi booster.

Consider which of the following rewards are more important, and then decide which Chosen One should be killed first. The choice is related to the required weapon!

Use save scamming

This is one of the famous cheating techniques available in similar tactical games. It is based on the ability to constantly save and reload to obtain a successful result during a move.

As you know, any soldier has a certain chance of miss/hit. If the Save Scum function did not work, then when you reloaded the last save and repeated the action, you would get the same result. For example, you saved, shot, missed, reloaded the last save, shot again and missed again. It would be like this all the time and saving would become pointless.

But in this case, the function works, so when you reboot and repeat the action, you may get a completely different result. Default in XCOM 2 The automatic saving function is active after each move. If the game seems too difficult, then there is no reason to resort to lowering the difficulty level - just reboot and repeat the steps, act differently, etc. Use this opportunity to avoid losing valuable troops in the game.

In this walkthrough, we'll tell you how you can get the Intercessor and Reaper in XCOM 2: War of the Chosen and deal with the first Chosen. Let's add that before finding new factions you will encounter a swarm of mutants called Wanderers.

Once you complete the extensive training, you will finally be able to learn useful information about the factions. When the video ends, access to a lengthy mission will open, leading to a battle with the Assassin, one of the Chosen. Each of these bosses has its own advantages and disadvantages that are randomly generated, but they almost always use the same attacks and battle tactics.

Before interacting with factions, you will need to complete a special Resistance training mission. She will help you learn interesting information about the Intercessors and Reapers, as well as how to create an alliance with them. This benefit will begin immediately upon completion of regular training. By scanning the corpse of an Adventa officer, you will gain access to a video with the Wolf, who is the leader of the Reapers. This faction will agree to negotiate with XCOM during one of your tactical forays.

Preparatory stage

In the tactical mission "Intercessors or Reapers" you will encounter new opponents - the Wanderers. In addition, you will have to divide your group into two teams of two fighters. Unfortunately, the division occurs randomly, but the Resistance troops will come to your aid.

Start of the task

You will have at your disposal a couple of random fighters and a Reaper class hero. Let's immediately note that this character comes out of disguise a little differently than other XCOM soldiers. The fact is that he uses a special form of camouflage technology called "Shadow". Actions do not lead to a 100% loss of camouflage, but the likelihood of this is constantly growing. Under the influence of the Shadow, these heroes are able to continue to move.

As a result, the reaper can become an excellent scout. It can be used to explore hidden areas. However, do not forget that he has one charge of the “Shadow” skill, giving him the opportunity to become invisible again (once per task). After a short period of time you will encounter the Travelers. These enemies attack in large groups. Shoot them in the head for extra action points.

Travelers are mutants who do not act alone, but move only in large packs. One or two wanderers do not pose a threat, but a couple of dozen may well ruin your life. These opponents will always outnumber you, but there is one way to quickly deal with them.

A combination of headshots is best method against the Wanderers. It works as follows: attack the first enemy in the head, thereby killing him the first time. For this you will get the opportunity to shoot a second time. Shoot the monster again at its brainless stalk, earning a third shot, and so on until you miss. As a result, it will be possible to kill several Wanderers at once.

Note: Special attacks such as throwing a grenade will not give you any extra action.

We recommend that you first target the weakest mutant (some of them have the minimum number of HP). You'll probably finish him off with the first shot. By the way, when firing a pistol, ammunition is not consumed, so snipers are an ideal class for destroying weak Wanderers.

It is necessary to avoid confined spaces, that is, rooms inside buildings, and remember that not all of your fighters can enter disguise. Mutants will instantly attack you as soon as you get close to them. Be sure to reload your weapon between battles and don’t rush anywhere, since there are no time limits in this task. Don't waste your Shadow skill.

The main target will be marked with a marker. When you get to the right place, you will see 4 Wanderers. Deal with them using the Reaper. He can kill at least 3 at a time. Once you reach the meeting point, get ready to begin the next stage.

Resistance training - part one

You will begin the task again, controlling a couple of your soldiers and a hero from the Defenders faction. The latter once worked for Adventa and is a real pro in handling heavy weapons and grappling skills.

Intercessors can fire 2 times in one turn with their special rifles (one shot costs only one action point) or shoot once and then move to another position. With the help of a grappling hook, these characters are able to move without spending action points or reach hard-to-reach places.

In this mission you will have to fight the dangerous Purifiers fighting for Advent. They use flamethrowers and attack at medium distances. You need to step back and not let them get too close. Lead the Intercessor across the bridge and place your fighters as far away as possible. Lure your enemies into a trap, and then escape using the hook.

Deal with the cleaners, and then go through the gate, where you will see a huge army. A cutscene will begin in which the hero deals with the troops by blowing up the truck. Next, start holding the line for four turns, destroying waves of wanderers. Then a squad of 4 opponents will appear. In this situation, support soldiers or newbies will be most useful. After killing all opponents, do not forget to reload.

You shouldn't shoot when enemies are too far away, otherwise you will often miss. Let them get close to you a little, and then just kill them one by one. Next, head to the required point. You must reach it within 3 turns, otherwise a new group of mutants will come to you. Follow the path and use the grappling hook to move around for free. Then start covering the rest of the XCOM fighters, giving them the opportunity to quickly escape.

Resistance training - part two

Having escaped from the enemy, the Reapers and Defenders will join forces to fight one of the Chosen Ones - the Assassin. This will be your first meeting with this enemy. Now you will be able to control six characters at once.

You can very quickly find out all the weaknesses and strengths of the boss. They are generated randomly, so we will not describe them. Let us only note that you need to pay special attention to them in order to be better prepared to meet this enemy in the future.

Each boss will have its own weakness. In addition, they are all vulnerable against one of the three heroes of the new factions, that is, the Chosen One can receive increased damage from the Templar, Intercessor or Reaper.

Sometimes the Assassin will have a strong side that allows him to remain in the “Shadow” even after being shot. It will be impossible to detect such a boss, so if such an enemy appears, it is better to restart the game and hope that this time its strengths will be different.

Note: Disguise the Reaper as early as possible by using Shadow.

The killer will first try to stun and then kidnap your fighters. If a soldier is stunned, then you need to quickly approach him and put him in order using the “Revival” skill. Otherwise, the Chosen One will probably take the stunned fighter with him.

Once the Assassin attacks, he will reveal his location. After this, he will have to use the ability to go into the Shadow again. Take advantage of this chance and inflict maximum damage on the enemy. Of course, the Reaper can bring the greatest benefit in this battle. The Intercessor will be useful to you for capturing the enemy and inflicting double damage on him in one turn. Then the boss will disappear from all radars. Go to the point where you last saw him. By doing this, you will force him to come into the light - this will help you deal the final blow.

Resistance Training - Part Three

Having dealt with the Chosen One, get ready to meet another crowd of wanderers. In addition, an evacuation point will arise. There will be no restrictions on time or moves, and therefore rushing in this situation is not recommended. Always be on the move and don’t let your fighters fall behind, otherwise they will be killed by an endless swarm of mutants.

Note: if you have a small amount of ammunition, you should not use reloading. Wait until the wanderers appear, and then use the extra action points you get from headshots to kill a lot of enemies per turn. Or you can send one of them to the light and then reload the weapon.

Do not leave the raised platform. Ahead, before the evacuation point, you will encounter a large squad of mutants. Reload your guns and get ready to fight your enemies. A crowd of monsters will also attack you in the store.

Get to the right place to complete the mission. The Reaper will become your ally, but Pratal Mox (Protector) will be captured. After this task, you will be told how to free captured soldiers using hidden actions. Then you will be given a new hero - the Intercessor.

In the end, we note that you need to save soldiers who were captured by the Chosen as quickly as possible. The point is that these bosses can interrogate your allies and find out where the Avenger is. In this case, you will have to repel a massive enemy attack.

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