Stalker secret paths 2 talk to Magomed. Meet the Swamp Doctor

The “Secret Paths” mod is a prequel to “Shadows of Chernobyl” and covers the main events of the Zone even before Strelok turned off the “Brain Scorcher”. In the game, as the heroes of the story, there are all the stalkers from Strelka's group: the Swamp Doctor, the Phantom and, of course, Fang, which some players have difficulty finding. Meanwhile, finding Fang is not difficult if you know some of the features of the mod.

Meet Fang

For the first time, the main character meets Fang in Pripyat, after searching for documents in the bunker and multiple combat skirmishes with Monolith adherents. You can receive the first quest to find Fang after talking with the Ghost. He sends Strelok to his comrade in order to help him, promising that he can lead him to the swamps.

Fang is on the same floor, but in the opposite part of the building. There is a bug in this part of the game that is activated during a dialogue with an NPC and throws you out of the game with a critical error. You can install the appropriate fix, or you can simply save before the conversation: the bug does not always work.

Having accompanied his partner to the swamps, while carefully guarding him, Strelok learns that the Ghost is asking to return to him for a reward. After returning to the swamps, Fang disappears in an unknown direction, and the player continues to complete the main line of quests.

Fang is captured by mercenaries

In order to find the missing Fang, the player must complete the quest in the X16 laboratory. This is another flaw of the developers, left in order to maintain the consistency of the main line of tasks. In dungeon X16, the player needs to find a laptop, which is hidden on the top ledge of a fancy device. It looks like the autoclave from the final video of “Shadows of Chernobyl”, only it is placed vertically.

When the laptop is found, additional information appears in the quest list indicating that Fang is being captured by mercenaries. The player should go to the “Bar” location and leave the bandits’ base from the wild areas. In the wasteland there is a ruined farm located a couple of kilometers from Bar.

There are eight mercenaries on the farm, most of them wearing reinforced body armor or exoskeletons. Therefore, it would be a good idea to stock up on armor-piercing ammunition for your weapon. Having cleared the area of ​​invaders, Shooter receives a quest update and must talk to Fang. The NPC is located in the only stone building on the farm, in its central room.

I recommend downloading the walkthrough

Get with the Forester to his house in the forest

The forester gets off the bus and peers through binoculars. Then he finally starts to run, and we have no choice but to run after him. The first stop is near the green cop Niva, next to it, by the way, there will be the blood of a stone. After another grazing through binoculars, the Forester again breaks down and runs on. Now along the way you can find a twist. The forester stops again, we talk to him, and a passage to the “Forest” location appears. We move into the forest, the Forester appears behind us. We go into his “penthouse” and talk to the old man. After the conversation, a quest appears to find your brother, but you won’t find him without a barrel and an armor plate, so we’ll target the Forester like we did against Sidorovich.

Find Mandrake Root

The forester sends us to look for this very root, and gives us our, so to speak, basic equipment: a leather jacket and a vertical shotgun. The road is long, so let's go. Along the way you can admire the forest and rare anomalies. We will also be amused by the fact that Strelok, who has not fully recovered, will sometimes stagger along the way. Along the way you may encounter blind dogs or wild boars, ideal targets when there is a vertical line. But still, be careful, the stamina and strength of some monsters have been increased, and I was hit by a pack of flesh along the way. We come to the ravine and look for the mandrake. It will be under a stone, you will immediately see it in the ravine. By the way, before you take the plant, turn down the sound. And after we have the root, the wild boars run out. We deal with them and return to the Forester. We talk to him, the quest is completed. We talk to him again and get a new one.

Find Associate Professor Vasiliev

This time the old man asked to find a courier from scientists hiding in a cave from mutants. We go to the place marked on the map and see a stone, the path to which is blocked by an anomalous field. Using bolts we make our way to the stone, and we see a small hole below. We crouch down and make our way along it deeper into the cave. And there we see our old (still alive) friend Vasiliev. Here a surprise awaits us: Vasiliev, saving his ass, dropped his backpack. And now you will have to go with him to Yantar to get medicine for the Forester. Well, at least he gives away his Colt.

Escort Vasiliev to the scientists' camp on Yantar

We run after Vasiliev. Along the way, they play music for us, which, together with glitches, creates an eerie atmosphere. After some time, the ecologist stops. From a conversation with him we learn that we will get to Yantar through an underground cave in the swamp. Again we run after Vasiliev right into the center of the swamp and again talk to him. After the conversation, we “dive” into the cave and appear on Yantar.
Here the side quest “Help Vasilyev fight off zombies” appears. For the first time I'm taking down snorks with a double-barreled shotgun. Fortunately, you can take away the AK from the zombies. In general, they helped and moved on.
After completing the last quest, he will knock down a couple more zombies, and then you can talk to him. After the conversation, we run after him into the bunker. As a result, Vasiliev runs into his “booth”, and we head to the head of security, Den. He, in turn, will direct Strelok to Sakharov, already known to us. Our old friend Kruglov will also be in the bunker. We approach Sakharov, talk with him, sell him unnecessary ones, get 2000 and medicine for the Forester

Take the medicine to the Forester

You will have to find the way back without the help of marks on the map. Sakharov suggested that the exit to the forest was in the eastern part of Yantar. To the right of the road there will be a lowland with a broken bus. We go behind the bus, and a mark appears on the map with the road to the Forest. We go into the forest and give the Forester the medicine, then we get a new task.

Pick up a box of provisions

The scientists didn’t give the shooter any food, so you’ll have to go to the Dead City and look for the Forester’s hiding place. On the way in I came across a controller, be careful. Upon arrival at the Dead City location, we are met by 3 stalkers, from a new group - the Drifters. After talking with the main one, we are taken to some Leila. We come to their base and talk to Leila. And then it turns out that they have already found our food and won’t just give it up. We'll have to work it out. The shooter is sent to the chief of security, Demon, to help him clear the city of mutants. Accordingly, the task “Find the Demon” appears. It is not difficult to find, it is marked on the map. The demon gives an Abakan shooter and an improved overalls, as well as a task to clear the five-story building from zombies. The house that needs to be cleared is located next to a house with a broken roof. Let's look at the screenshot if you don't understand. There is no need to enter the rooms in the house; all the zombies will be on the staircase. We just go up the floors, take out the zombie, and return to the Demon. And all this for the sake of a box of food!? We talk to the Demon and return to Leila. She gives the box back and directs Shooter to the guy who brought him here. Only he knows how to return to the forest. It can be seen by going down the stairs. We talk to him, and he leads us to the transition point to the forest location. We go there and talk to the Forester. The quest is over. The screenshot shows a zombie house

Find 3 mandrake roots

The task is to go to the swamp and dive into the cave, the same one through which Strelok made his way with Vasiliev to Yantr. Now there is no transition to Yantar, but just a cave. We jump into the cave and make our way forward. Along the way we collect artifacts. Next there will be frying, so we take out the bolts and go through them. We reach a hole in the ground and jump over it. We go further, on the left there will be a wooden box, in it there is an SVD. We pass further, and a wall grows sharply behind us. The first root will be right there. We go further and immediately find ourselves on a fiery poltergeist. We kill him and move on. A fork in the road appears before us. Let's go left first, there will be another root. Then we return and go right. There is a fork in front of us again: straight ahead, there will be electric trains, and to the right. We go to the right, and there lies another root. A wall grows behind us again, and the poltergeist appears again. After we have dealt with the poltergeist, we turn off the sound for a while. He raises the mandrake, and the Arrow begins to glitch. Turn on the sound. We go further into the cave. Where there should be 2 controllers, but for some reason I didn’t meet them. We leave the cave into fresh air and go to the Forester. The old man gives us 45,000 for three roots. The quest is completed. Now we talk to the old man again, and he tells us that Leila contacted him, and she has information about Strelka’s brother. We go to the Dead City, fortunately there is a mark on the map. Then we go to the wanderers’ base. If you forgot the way, then here it is: we go straight along the road, then the first turn to the left, and until we reach the entrance to the base. Let's go to Leila. She says that the same guide has returned who may have information about the shooter’s brother.

Find Grieg

Guide Grieg is marked on the map, so finding him will not be difficult. From a conversation with him, it turns out that the traces of his brother Strelka should be looked for in Pripyat. Grieg doesn’t want to take him there, but he can show him the path from the Dead City to Pripyat. But not for nothing.

Find 10 dog tails

Well, why does this idiot need dog tails? Okay, let's climb around the city. Yes, there really is something dead in this location, there is silence everywhere. You can’t even hear the screams of the mutants, and besides, these destroyed houses...

Somehow we got distracted. Look for dogs not in the city itself, but in the surrounding area. We give the tails to Grig, in return we receive information about the trail to Pripyat. Damn, we haven’t even been to the cordon yet, and we’re already heading to Pripyat. First, you need to get underground in the Dead City. Next to the building where the conductor stands, there is a park with a fountain. Not far from the fountain there is a Cossack, we approach him, and he takes us underground. We go along the underground tunnel to the end. We are teleported to another tunnel. Again we go to the end, and the Pripyat location appears loading.
And then there’s some kind of déjà vu! The shooter came to his senses on the bus, and there was some guy standing next to him. We talk to him, and it turns out that Strelok fell into a crater, and all his things and money were torn apart (damn, my SVD is gone!). And here’s the most interesting thing: the stalker who found him is a member of the monolith. And now we are “offered” to pass a test to join the group.

Destroy a flock of snorks in Pripyat

Kill snorks without armor from a Colt?! PPC!!! Well, okay, let's go to the Ferris wheel. As it turned out, the problem is completely solvable. This Monolith's signature Colt is quite powerful; it kills a Snork with one shot to the head. By the way, it’s also a good idea to cut them down with a knife, using the right mouse button. When the snorkeling is over, we return to the bus and report. Monolith says that the shooter passed the test, and we find ourselves in Chernobyl, in the sarcophagus itself.

Talk to Charon

Our shooter is now a Monolith. We go to this Charon, and he reads a sermon to us. After reading the sermon, we receive a task.

Clear the lower floors of the sarcophagus from burrers and find the stolen decoder

Before the task, you can quietly knock out a couple of non-quest characters. They will have a monolith exoskeleton and a normal trunk.
Now listen carefully to how to find the decoder. We go down the stairs. Then we go all the way to the place where there will be a turn to the right and to the left. We go left, enter the hall with pipes, and immediately turn left. There will be a staircase down there. We go down it and find ourselves in another room with pipes. We go forward, and on the left there will be a “room”, in it behind the barrel there is a decoder. By the way, in the same room with pipes, there is a wooden box with good art. Then we go and kill the burrers who are still alive, and return to Charon. By the way, dwarfs die from the first shot in the head.

Clear Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant 2 from infidels

The quest is given, of course, by Charon. First, we go up to the room with the monolith. Then we jump into the teleport and walk forward along the iron bullshit, pass through the hole in the wall and find ourselves in a hall with large windows. We follow it to the end, and there is a transition to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. We go to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and go to Solomon, it is marked on the map. We speak with Solomon and run to kill the infidels. When the stalkers were finished, it dawned on me: I need to check the names of the stalkers. And I found what I was looking for: stalker Dmitro Captain. We go to the Sarcophagus, go to Charon, report, mission complete.

Get into the monolith's control bunker and clear it

Before this task, Charon gives us a very good anomalous hard drive. Let's move on to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. There will already be a mark on the map to go to the bunker. Let's go there. We take everyone out in the bunker. There will be zombies, a burrer and some bloodsuckers. We return to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, then to the sarcophagus. We speak with Charon.

Talk to Marvin + complete his instructions

Marvin is located next to the Monolith, it is marked with a yellow dot on the map. He will give us the task of finding manuscripts in several places and bringing them back. Before searching for each manuscript, he will teleport you (using the “power of the monolith,” incorrect) to the part of the location where the manuscript lies. Each time we look for the manuscript and return to Marvin.
The first one will not be difficult to find, it is located behind the column. After picking it up, the Arrow will take you to a tall building. From there you have to jump.
The second time Strelka moves to the roof of the radar. Let's go down one level. It is better to see the manuscript before you go down. Taking the best available weapon, we save, and then jump into the teleport. At the spawn point, two guys in exoskeletons are already waiting for you. It’s quite possible to pass this place the third time.
Marvin’s orders stop here, since Charon has an important assignment for Strelok. Let's go to Charon.

Pick up medicine for Charon in Pripyat

The goal is to take medicine for the Monolithians from the swamp doctor’s assistant in Pripyat, since many of them are unhealthy (who would doubt it?). We are leaving for Pripyat. To do this, you need to go through the lower levels of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where we killed the Burrers.
At the entrance to the front part of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant we are met by the Monolith Dyak, who needs to help clear the territory from the military. This quest is optional.
We move to Pripyat. Then we go straight to the stadium building. We go up the steps and turn right. The Paramedic, the Doctor's assistant, will be standing there. But as it turns out, he won’t just give us the medicine, since Charon is very much in debt. And now the Paramedic needs either 2 night stars or 10 dog tails. We give him what he wants and return to Chernobyl to Charon.

Clear Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant 2 from infidels

Some Monolith member contacts Kharon and says that the base in Pripyat has been captured. We speak with Charon and go to Pripyat to meet with Mahon. We talk to Mahon and go with his guys to take out the mercenaries. Be careful, there may be chimeras there. When there is nothing left of the mercenaries, we speak with Mahon again. He will give you the task of knocking out the mercenaries from the central square, which, as you already guessed, is located in the center of the location. We go there, carefully take out all the mercenaries and return to Mahon, he will give us an anomaly detector. Now we return to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant to Charon and receive a new task from him.

Meet Marvin at the hotel

Now we have to continue training with Marvin. Charon, after talking with him, teleports Strelok to Pripyat to the hotel where Marvin will be waiting for him. I advise you to immediately remember where the hotel is located on the map. We talk to him, he hints to us about some kind of carousel, and then the main character is transported to a Ferris wheel.

Complete Marvin's third task

The manuscript will lie directly in front of the Shooter. We lift it and make our way down the iron beams. I advise you to immediately shoot the snorks that live under the Ferris wheel. We return to the hotel for the next task of our, so to speak, teacher.

Complete Marvin's fourth quest

Now Marvin takes Strelok to the attic of the house. On both sides we will already be met there by 2 mercenaries in exoskeletons and with SHAFTs, we shoot them in the head. Next we take the manuscript, it will lie in the corner of the attic. There will be several more mercenaries under the house, so we won’t get out of there just like that. We climb onto the roof, from there we bring down the mercenaries and go down through the broken roof along the boards. To get to the hotel, you will need to go underground, those who completed the original game know what I mean.
After returning to the hotel and talking with Marvin, we, together with the Monolith, are transferred to the roof, where we will receive the next quest.

Complete Marvin's fifth task

We talk to Marvin and get the last test from him. A task specifically for parkour lovers: you need to jump from the roof of a building to the roof of a five-story building, where the fifth manuscript will lie. You can see where it lies in the screenshot. Before picking it up, I advise you to save it just in case, since we are immediately transported to another place straight to the mercenaries in exes. I don’t know about you, but I just ran away, they’re not that easy to deal with. Let's return to Charon.

Interrogate and eliminate the spy

Charon sends us to Dyak to interrogate the spy. We move on from the sarcophagus to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, we see a diesel locomotive ahead of us. We follow the road that is to the right of it to the end. There will be a monolith parking lot, where the Deacon and the spy will be. We complete the quest and return to Charon.

Talk to the Paramedic

For some reason, the Paramedic needed the shooter. Let's go to him. It turns out that we will see the “dead” character of PM - the Ghost. The mercenaries are holding him, and we have to free him.

Free the ghost from the clutches of mercenaries

We shoot the mercenaries and approach the Ghost. If you cure the Ghost with a first aid kit, he will become a Monolith, and this is highly not recommended. We speak with the Ghost and take him to a safe place, interrogate him, return to the Paramedic. After talking with him, we return to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, along the way the task “Return to Charon” will appear. Let's return to it.

Kill the Ghost

Charon has identified the Phantom and now orders him to be killed. We are leaving for Pripyat. On the way, the Paramedic contacts us and asks us to come see him. We come to the stadium to the Paramedic, he asks the Shooter not to kill the Ghost. After the refusal, the Paramedic injects Strelka with some crap, and after that he becomes a neutral stalker.

Protect the Ghost

We run to the place where we left the Ghost. Fortunately, it is marked on the map. We bring down all the mercenaries trying to kill the Ghost and approach him. If you previously treated him with a first aid kit as a Monolith member, then I congratulate you: you turned him to the side of the monolith. Now try to wound him and heal him with a first aid kit, or replay the game. Since Radar controls the monolith, it will not be possible to move from there to the swamps. So the Ghost sends Strelok to the control bunker in order for him to get documents with information about the path from Pripyat to the Swamps.

Find a diagram of underground communications of Pripyat and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Monolith Control Bunker

On the way to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Pripyat we will be met by several Monolithians. Personally, 2 pseudo-giants did everything for me. We move on to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, then to the sarcophagus, and finally to Chernobyl NPP2. Here Solomon will take away all our equipment. After talking with him, he will give the Shooter a shotgun with 120 rounds, with which we take out the three Monoliths hanging out nearby and go to the bunker.
You'll have to wander around the bunker a bit before finding the document. After picking up the document, 6 fanatics in exoskeletons and armed with VALs will appear at the exit from the bunker. Not bad, right? We kill them and go out into the fresh air. Solomon will be waiting for us there. We talk to him and receive a quest to take the package to the bartender. But we will deal with this later, but for now let’s return to the Phantom.
We speak with the Ghost, the quest is completed. He directs us to Fang, who will be standing on the same floor as the Ghost. We must save before talking with the fang, if you have not installed the fix. We talk to Fang and follow him, he will take Strelok to the transition point to the swamps. But not everything is so simple: there is a battle on the street between the Monoliths, mercenaries and mutants. We try to walk next to Fang, and at the same time do not let anyone kill him. We reach the transition point, but then Fang receives a message from the Ghost on his PDA, asking him to return to him.

Return to the Ghost

We return together with Fang to the Ghost. He gives us 3 army first aid kits and a gravel gun unknown to us. The Ghost will tell you how to use it. Let's go to the swamps.

Meet the Swamp Doctor

We appear in the swamps. That's it, relax, hide the barrel and go to the Doctor, the legend of the Zone and the fourth member of the Strelka group. Without straining, we go into his house and under no circumstances shoot at his patients, otherwise the Doctor will be a little offended. A conversation with him will reveal a lot of information about the Captain, but you will read it yourself. This ends the quest; the next one can be taken from the Doctor.

Find and destroy the swamp creature

The Swamp Doctor complains about some kind of swamp creature. This is a new monster, you did not meet it in the original part of the game. Don't worry, he's not scary. After hitting the Bonecrusher with a firearm, some spiders crawl out of it. It is possible to kill him. You can shoot him, and then the spiders. Spider legs are expensive, but collecting them all will take a lot of time. You can also shoot him with an artifact from a gravity gun. The most powerful anomaly is obtained from a gravity artifact. By the way, keep in mind that the artifact produces an anomaly several times larger and more powerful than the usual one. And yet, the monster will not go into the anomaly on its own; you need to manage to shoot at it or near it. In general, everything turned out quite funny for me. I saw that the monster ran behind the house, and on the ball I shot art behind the house. Got it. That's it, the job is done, let's return to the Doctor. And this redneck only gives us 5 thousand. Okay, the gravity gun was worth it.

Talk to Grig

We speak with the Doctor, he sends us to the wanderers' checkpoint to talk with Grig. Let's go there. Grig knows how to get from the swamps to the forest, but he won’t tell us just like that: instead, he will give us another task.

Escort Kent to the measurement site and back

A trivial task. Kent will be waiting at the end of the bridge near the broken down truck. We talk to him and accompany him to the measurement site. There will be some zombie women there, we take them out and talk to Kent. He begins to take measurements and runs back to his point. We run after him, then talk to him and return to Grieg. He will give you the coordinates of the transition to the forest. The quest is over, we go into the forest.

Help the Forester fight off monsters

The shooter appears in some cave, and we immediately receive the quest. We leave the cave, shoot the cats trying to have lunch with the Forester, and talk to him. If you have a first aid kit with you, you will receive a recipe for transmutation. The first aid kit will be in the Forester's house. And if you climb the ladder onto the roof of the Forester’s house, you can find a box there. It will contain a stalker jumpsuit and 3 first aid kits.

Talk to Sutuly

Slouchy is the leader of a new group for the game - hunters. Let's go to him. He won’t just show us the passage to the military warehouses, for this we will have to shoot a flock of wild boars with two hunters. We go to the Greek, talk to him and move forward. By the way, the Greek will give you ammo for an AK and a shotgun, and a couple of scientific first aid kits. Unprecedented generosity.

Help hunters shoot wild boars

We run after the Greek, then shoot the wild boars. It's an easy job for three, but wild boars are very tenacious in fashion. We talk to the Greek and run after Zakhar, he will take us to the path to the military warehouses. Along the way you will meet 2 bloodsuckers and several poltergeists. When Zakhar stops, talk to him. A transition will appear, and also a new task: Find Sobolev and give him a letter from Zakhar. Let's move on to Army Warehouses.

Meet with Lukasz

The shooter appears at military warehouses in the village, in one of the houses, right in the lair of the bloodsuckers. We quickly go down the stairs to the basement: there will be a cache there. In addition, from there you can shoot bloodsuckers who will be in sight. Or make them out of gravel guns with some kind of art. Personally, that's what I did. And those who remain will be killed exclusively with a knife. Well, that’s it, we’re done with the bloodsuckers, now we run to Lukash, he will be waiting for us along with a rather large detachment of freedom.

Help freedom capture the military base in the warehouses

Lukash asks for help to capture a military base. OK, let's go. When I saw the horde of Svoboda members, the thought flashed through my mind that there would be no problems with the warriors. But in vain. I advise you to save it now. Now we take out two warriors sitting on the hill opposite us and slowly capture the base. Make sure that Lukash and Cap remain alive, otherwise the quest will fail. That's it, we've dealt with the warriors, let's go talk to Lukash. Are you thinking about winning an award? Bummer, Lukash sends Strelok to capture the barrier from Vo. Well OK, let's go capture the barrier. I just don’t advise you to go and capture it with Svoboda: they will trample through radiation and mines. It’s better to go around on the road, and while the warriors are distracted by the Svoboda fighters, they can be quietly put down. Cap must survive, so save often. That's it, let's return to Lukash. He will give you a reward and the next quest.

Find stalker Lefty

Lukash asks to find him so that he can help freedom with the base. But first we need to go to the informant so that he can show us the way from the warehouses to the bar. He will be in the village, where in the Shadow of Chernobyl it was necessary to bring down the traitor to freedom Pavlik. We will return to this quest later.

Find a special folder in the territory of freedom for the Informant

The informant, of course, won’t just tell us anything; he needs to find documents at the military base. I marked where the documents are located in the screenshot. They lie under the ruins of a brick building. I advise you to look for this place yourself. We took the documents and returned to the Informant. Then it turns out that the Captain is mentioned in the list of agents, and now he has taken a job as a guide for duty. Okay, more on that later. Now we're going to the Bar. And don’t forget to take the next quest from him, otherwise we simply won’t get on the radar any other way.
Hmm... And the bar is run by bandits. At the entrance you will have to pay 2 mowers. Well, it’s okay, there are a lot of interesting things on the bar’s territory. So first we go to Borov. He's a bartender, so where will he be? That's right, in a bar. We talk to him, he sends Strelok to the Count. He will be in the place where he could take part in the battles in the arena. But first, let's take the quest from the guy standing in the place of the bartender's guard. You can also take the quest from the brother who stands near one of the tables. Now we go to the Count. He tells us about mercenaries, about turntables and other crap. Well, in general, read for yourself.

Bring documents and weapons to the Count

We leave the bar towards the landfill. To our right there will be an iron mesh (fence), at the end you can jump over it. That's what we do. We go forward and see a path ahead of us, we follow it towards the amber. And then there’s a surprise: there’s a ton of snorks. 24 handsome men. I counted them by the number of snorkels in my backpack. The best way to kill them is with the F1 grenade. When there are no snorks left, you can go forward along the path, and there will be 3 boxes there. We take their contents, turn around, and see 7 bloodsuckers in the place where the snorks were, or rather in the place where their bodies now lie. I do not recommend using the contents of the boxes. We deal with the bloodsuckers and follow the path towards the bar. We go out onto a “piece” of wild territory and turn to the right.
We go out to the bar, give the bandit 2 mowers and go to the Count. Do you think there will be a good reward for killing so many monsters? No, other than that, as always. The reward is one of the barrels and cartridges for it. Armor-piercing cartridges, which by the way can be obtained from Borov for 4 bottles of vodka.

Find the Prince and bring him the gun

What kind of mission is this? Anyway. This quest is taken, of course, from the Count. We go to the military warehouses and go to the barrier. A helicopter will be marked on the map next to the barrier (zoom the map closer). Let's head towards him. There will be a box under the helicopter, and in it is the Prince’s gun and some junk. We take everything and go to the radar. If the transition to the radar is not marked on your map, then you need to take the quest from the informant.
Strelok's radar is met with very evil kinks. And a little further on there will be a controller. Then we will meet a large pack of dogs. We jump onto the rock and shoot the dogs from there. We shot the dogs, let's move on. Now we encounter an ambush by military stalkers, who, apparently, have been waiting for us for a long time. We take them out and collect all their swag for ourselves. At this checkpoint there is a trailer, the entrance to which is blocked by an electra. It contains berryl in perfect condition. A few meters later there will be a second checkpoint of military stalkers. We kill them and clean their corpses of things they no longer need. We reach the intersection (Look carefully at the PDA) and turn in the direction opposite to where we went in the X-10. In short, we walk along the road, which is hidden behind the trailer. Well, I think you'll figure it out. We follow this road to the end, kill the chimera, go through the electra and see the Prince. We give him the barrel and take on the next task. Now let's save. There will be 3 mercenaries waiting at the entrance. Now pay attention to their names, and to the contents of the fifth scroll from the monolith. Now we will move on to the quest from the Informant.

Take food and first aid kits to the diggers

Now we go to the very end of the radar to the military base. The diggers that the Informant asked to save will lie there. You will notice them immediately on the PDA. Be careful, there will be 3 chimeras there. When the chimeras are in the next world, we come to the main thing. It will lie in the middle. First we talk to him, and then we give him a first aid kit. To complete the quest, you must have 5 first aid kits, 5 cans of stew, 5 sausage sticks and 5 bottles of vodka. By the way, there will be a trailer with Svoboda body armor nearby.
We speak with Sviblov and receive the next quest.

Bring the carcass of the super-bloodsucker to Sviblova

The bloodsucker is marked on the map. Let's go to that place. I’ll warn you right away: I spent all my bullets on him and 2 more knife blows. I advise you to take advantage of a bug in the game and shoot him from an elevated position, from afar. He will not react to shots in any way. If you don't want to waste ammo, you can kill him with four stabs. You can also kill him with a gravity gun, and then use it to get the bloodsucker out of the anomaly. But make sure that the anomaly doesn’t tear him to pieces. If you can't drag a corpse, take off the suit. We drag the corpse to Sviblova and talk to him. 5 FIRST KITS! Here's a redneck. Yes, I spent as many cartridges as I could buy the entire bar for. We take the next quest from the same Sviblov.

Catch the traitor

Sviblov has a rat in his group, and he asks to catch it. To get to the place where he left the cache, you need to bypass the entire radar and go into the forest. There are tons of monsters in the forest, and there is a lot of radiation all over the radar. In short, I’ve already suffered, but I don’t envy you. We go to the hiding place and wait. We see one Chistinebovets, wait for the command and kill him. He has no weapons, so you can freely shoot him in the back. Here an amulet with protective properties mysteriously appears in our inventory. We don’t touch the corpse of the Chistonebovo man, it’s empty. Let's return to Sviblov. He will give us some kind of crap carbine and the quest is over. Uhh... I can't even believe it. Don't forget to talk to the wanderer stalker who will be standing near the wall. He will lead Strelok to go through the magical amulets and give him a quest to collect them.

Find documents and system unit in laboratory x-10

We take the quest from Sviblov and go to X-10. Along the way, be sure to break all the boxes we come across. They will contain both armor-piercing cartridges and scientific first aid kits. We move forward and take out the mutants. There will be a system unit near the place where the burrers accumulate. For more details, look at the screenshot.

Then we go down the stairs and go to the place where in the Shadow of Chernobyl the Shooter turned off the brain burner. In that room there will be documents in the corner; it is impossible not to notice them there. Before picking them up, I advise you to save, as after this a

too many mercenaries. And one will appear right behind you. We make our way to the exit, clearing the path from enemies along the way. We leave the laboratory. We give what we got to Sviblov. At this point, the quests from him are completed, you can return to the military warehouses, get the second part of the documents for the Count.

Bring the second part of the documents to the Count

We move on to the military warehouses and come close to the transition point to the bar. Turn right and go straight up the hill. After a few tens of meters a box with documents will be visible. A little further on there will be 2 boxes with swag, be sure to take everything from them. Now you can go to the bar and go to the Count. By the way, the 2 guns that were in the box can be sold at cost. We speak with the Count, the quest is over.

Help Sakhatam free his friends from prison + Find the Prince’s hard drive + Collect debt from the stalker or shoot him + Help debt repel the attack of bandits

Now we are looking for the stalker Sakhaty on the territory of the bar. We talk to him and receive the quest “Help Sakhatam free his friends from prison.” We go to the Prince. We talk to him, we get the quest “Find the Prince’s hard drive.” After the conversation, we take on another quest.
Let's return to Sakhatom. From him we learn that the hard drive lies in the Dark Valley. We go to the landfill and head to the depot. Zheka will be there, we talk to him. He offers us a piece of Semetsky's map in exchange for repaying the debt to the Prince. We agree. Now we move to the Dark Valley.
At the entrance we receive a may-day from Voronin and the quest “Help the debt to repel the attack of bandits.” Let's run to help. Take out the bandits, it is advisable to kill a dozen at once with an F-1 grenade. Make sure Voronin stays alive. We approach Voronin and talk. We receive the reward and take the quest to talk with the captain. We approach the captain, talk to him and give him a letter from Zakhar. We continue to talk to him until the end. Now let's go look for the hard drive. We go to the gas station, there will be a two-story building nearby. There will be 5 bandits in it. We kill them and look under the stairs. That's where the hard drive will be. Although in some cases it ends up with one of the bandits. Now we can return to the bar. We give the hard drive to the Prince and hand over 2 quests to him. And of course 25 thousand. In return we receive the “Mom’s Beads” artifact. Now we run to Sakhatom and take the recipe for transmutations from him.
We take a quest from the prince to find a bag of grass and go to the dark valley.

Clear the area adjacent to the x-18 laboratory from monsters

Voronin asks Strelok to clear the area of ​​monsters. When I got there, there was a lot of crap there, but, in my opinion, the main task was to kill all the snorks. Stock up on ammo and go destroy them. We clear the area, return to Voronin and take on a new quest.

Find the bandits' cache in the Dark Valley and bring the contents to Voronin

First you need to find the bandit Zhila. Go to the other end of the Dark Valley, or rather to the factory. The vein will be sitting northeast of the factory. Let's talk. We will not immediately learn from him where the cache is located. First you need to run back to Voronin and beg him to take Zhila under protection. Now we go back to Zhila and take the coordinates of the cache. It will be on the roof of the main building, where you will need to climb a wooden ladder. There will be a lot of mutants on the factory grounds, so be careful there. And don’t forget to put your unnecessary equipment in some hiding place, because the contents of the bandits’ cache will weigh somewhere around 45-55 kg. We take the contents and return to Voronin. We give him the swag and receive a reward. After this we get the path Cordon - Dark Valley.

Fill up landslides

Immediately after accepting the quest, we run to the swamp, which is located under the bridge. We need to be in time before the landslides run away. We bring them down. I advise from optics. We collect their tendons and go to Petrenko. He gives as a reward a very powerful shotgun, an analogue of the chipper from Call of Pripyat.

At the beginning, you will find yourself inside a bus in the territory of the Dead City. The Forester is nearby. Together with this character, move straight to the house located in the forest. At his request, find and bring the mandrake root.


After this, you will need to complete the task related to the search for Associate Professor Vasiliev. And Vasiliev himself will offer you a reward if you take him to Yantar - just follow him, and when you are near the lake, talk again. Enter the lake and talk to Vasiliev again to open the path to Amber.

In this location, protect the professor who was attacked by zombies, and then go inside the bunker. Before this, you need to talk with Dan. Head to Sakharov and ask him for the medicine. He will give you medicine for the forester. A transition point to the forest will also appear.

Deliver the received medicine to the forester and talk to him again.

Below you can see the video walkthrough Stalker 2: Secret Paths:

Finding a Provision Box

On the territory of the Dead City you will need to find a box containing provisions inside. Go there, following the marker until you meet Izotov. After talking with him, go to Leila, with whom you will also need to talk.

You need to help the Demon, whose location is marked on the map. Having reached the character, find out that you need to kill zombies inside a five-story building. Do this by killing ALL enemies on ALL floors.

Return back to Leila to pick up a box of provisions for the forester. Go to Izotov so that he can help you get to the transition point to the forest. Give the box to your friend and talk to him again.

Now you should find three more mandrake roots. And this time you will have to visit the cave. Having obtained it, return to the forester and receive your reward. You will receive a message from the same Leila from the Dead City. Follow there and chat with the woman.

Follow the marker to get to Grieg, who needs ten tails.


Kill the dogs and give the character the desired items. After this, you will have to visit the catacombs under the Dead City, and the entry point will be indicated in the dialog box - be careful.

After going down into the catacombs, move forward until a cut-scene starts.

Charon's Quests

When you find yourself inside the bus in Pripyat, talk to Mervin and complete his task. After this, you will find yourself inside the Sarcophagus, where you should talk to Charon. Go to the lower floors to kill the Burers and find the decoder, then give it to Charon.

After this, it will be necessary to destroy the opponents on the territory of Chernobyl NPP-2. Head to the marker to find the transition point to the desired location. Find Solomon and kill the infidels with him. When everyone is dead, report the successful completion of the mission to Charon himself.

But that's not all! Now you will need to kill the enemies inside the Monolith control bunker. Do this: everything is simple, since the necessary transition points are marked with markers.

Solomon: cases and medicines in the walkthrough Stalker: Secret Paths 2

Go to Solomon to take on a new task related to the disappearance of 3 cases. Find them using the markers, and then return to the quest giver. Take the next quest from him. You will need to find a food box. Go to the grocery store in Pripyat and pick up the box. Also proceed to the territory of Chernobyl NPP-1, where you will need to find medicines.

Near Solomon there is another character - Roma Bayonet. After talking with him, start a new task related to finding snorkel stops. Kill the enemies and collect the stacks. Another soldier will be walking nearby and needs a bottle of vodka. After accepting the quest, go to Charon.

In turn, he will send you to Mervyn, from whom you need to undergo training. Go to the Monolith and do everything you need to do. Return to Charon so that he will direct you to the territory of Pripyat, where the doctor is located. We need to take his medicine away. After leaving the Sarcophagus, you will meet Dyak. Help him, and make the character take the weapon of one of the dead, or sell him one of your guns.

Afterwards, talk with the Deacon, who will give you a hint about the location of the medicines Solomon needs. Go to the territory of Pripyat, where you will find the container Solomon needs. It's quite simple!

Once at the stadium, you will meet a paramedic who will give medicine for Charon only if you bring him two Night Stars artifacts or dog tails. Artifacts can be found near the character, which will allow you to continue.


Inside the grocery store, find a box with food, and then return to Charon to turn in all the tasks and give the medicine. Follow again to Solomon and give him the food and medicine you found, while give the feet of the killed snorks to the Bayonet.

Helping Mahon and interrogating the spy

To continue the passage, go to Charon. It is necessary to find Mahon, as well as provide assistance in protecting the base on the territory of Pripyat. Mercenaries raided this base. Run to Pripyat and talk to Mahon. He, in turn, would like you to clear the House of Culture from enemies. Do so.

Talk to Mahon after completing the quest to continue walkthrough Stalker: Secret Paths 2. After that, kill the opponents on Lenin Square. Hand in the task and follow Charon’s instructions to see Mervin, who is waiting for you at the Pripyat hotel. Your training will continue here. Having done everything that is required of you, return to Charon.

Now you will need to interrogate the spy, detained and guarded by Dyak, at Chernobyl NPP-1. Ask questions, after which the Dyak will kill the prisoner. Go back to Charon. As you move into the Sarcophagus, you will receive a message from a paramedic who asks to meet with him.

Walkthrough of the game Secret Paths 2. Ghost's Quests

Go to the character and find out about a new task related to the release of the Ghost. A marker will appear on the map. Do as you are asked, and then accompany the character and turn in the quest to the paramedic.

Again, go to Charon, who wants you to kill the Ghost. Follow the marker, and at the exit from the Sarcophagus you will again receive a message. Go to the paramedic, from whom the message came, to receive a quest related to protecting the Ghost. Chat directly with the Ghost himself, who will ask you to find a map of communications located underground in Pripyat.

Follow the bunker with the Monolith control panel, killing the enemies that stand in your way. If there is such an opportunity, then recapture the modified VAL machine gun from Mahon. You can injure Mahon and then heal him so that he becomes a friend and repairs and exchanges are available to you.

When you go to Chernobyl NPP-2, Solomon will rob you and then help you. Go in search of the map inside the bunker, pick it up and deliver it to the Ghost. At the exit, Solomon will meet you again and ask you to deliver the package to his daughter.


Agree and then leave this place. After handing over the map to the Ghost, go to Fang, who will direct you to the transition point to the swamps. Run back to the Ghost to get the grav gun, then leave the location, going in search of the doctor in the swamps.


When you meet the doctor, you will learn that you need to find and kill the Swamp Thing. Complete this quest and then head to the checkpoint where Grieg is waiting for you. The character will be sent to a meeting with Kent, where measurements need to be taken. Escort the NPC, kill the enemies, and then proceed back to Grieg. You will find out where the transition point back to the forest is.

Once there, assist the forester by killing the cats. Go to the hunters on his own instructions, talk with Sutuly and go to the Greek. Help him fight the boars, and then follow Zakhar to continue Walkthrough Stalker: Secret Paths 2.


When you go to the transition point, let the dogs bite Zakhar to heal him. This way you will make a friend out of Zakhar, thanks to which you will avoid troubles in the future. Having arrived at the place, talk with the desired character and hand over the letter addressed to Sokolov. You will receive a transfer point to the army warehouses.

Army warehouses

In this location, talk to Lukash to receive from him a task related to the capture of a military base. Help Lukash. BE SURE to take the new barrel that will fall out after killing Belchuk. Return back to Lukash to report on completing the quest.

During the attack on the enemy base, make sure that none of the quest characters are killed! For example, opponents can kill Cap, which will lead to a stop and complete completion of the plot. Here you can use one trick: the base can be cleared before you talk to Lukash. But not completely: let 2-3 military men and Belchku himself remain alive.

Next, Lukash will ask you to assist in capturing the Barrier. In this case, Cap must survive. After killing the military commander at this base, take the modified VAL. Return to Lukash and turn in the quest, and then take on a new task related to Lefty.

Follow the informant, who demands that you find a special folder located at the Freedom base. Having done this, give the folder to the informant to receive a transition point to the location with the bar. The character will ask you to deliver food to the miners at the Radar location. This will create a transition point to the desired location.


At the request of Sviblov, within the framework of Walkthrough Stalker: Secret Paths 2 kill the bloodsucker, then find and kill the thief Fedya the Robber. Tell Sviblov about completing the task. Go to the Wanderer on a quest related to the Amulet. Chat with him about everything to receive a quest to find 6 such Amulets. The same hero will ask you to find for him the system unit and documents hidden on the territory of the X10 laboratory. Do this and return Sviblova.

Quests in the Bar

On the territory of the bar, right at the entrance, you will meet Zhenya Ninja. He will demand money from you for entry. Pay every time you need to, because otherwise you will worsen your relationship with the bandits and will not be able to complete the entire quest chain.

Inside the bar, chat with Borov and go to meet the Count. Take on a new mission from Potapov, during which you will have to find several parts of instructions for producing a minigun.

At the Count's request, go to the helicopter, find boxes and documents and hand over the character. Next, he will ask you to find a weapon for the Prince. Give it to the Prince on Radar, after which the last character will send you to the army warehouses, where you need to get the boxes and documents located on another document. Take all this to the Count.

Assignments of the Prince and General Voronin

Also inside the bar you can find Sokhaty, with whom you should talk to take on the task. Afterwards, go to the Prince and talk to him. You need to find this character’s hard drive, and then deal with Zheka from the Landfill, who owes money to the Prince. Talk to Sokhaty again to find out where exactly the hard drive is.

Go to the Landfill, where you should find Arkasha and take on the task related to the murder of Noodles. Afterwards, find Zheka to ask him about Semetsky’s hiding place. Find the tanker, whose terms you will have to agree to.

It's time to visit the territory of the Dark Valley. Help the Duty fighters fighting the bandits, and then talk to Voronin, who will direct you straight to the captain. After communicating with this character, you will receive a tip to the location of Mohammed. You will also need to deliver the radio to Zakhar.


The general will ask you to complete a task related to the destruction of mobs inside X18. Having completed it, go inside to pick up the hard drive that the Prince needs, after which, following Voronin’s quest, find Zhila. When you negotiate for him, you will learn about the bandits' hiding place. Find its location and return to the general to get the path to the Cordon.

Talk to Petrenko and kill the swamp crawlers, then in the X18 laboratory find what the tanker asked you to find.

Go to the territory of the Landfill to return the found “Thunderstorm” to the tanker. Give him the diary too. Follow the Prince in the bar area to hand over the hard drive and money as Zheka’s debt.

You will receive a new quest related to the bag of the plan. Visit Sokhaty and turn in the previous mission to him, and then get to Borov to find out the whereabouts of the antique dealer. Now you will need to find the courier.

At the army warehouses where you have already visited earlier, find the bag with the plan and return it to the Prince. Ask Voronin at the Debt base about the courier, then go to the factory and free the character. You will find out where Borov's PDA is located. Find him using the marker, as a result of which you will receive a message from Borov himself and you can continue walkthrough Stalker: Secret Paths 2.

Walkthrough of the game Secret Paths 2. Varyag's Quest

On the territory of Agroprom, help the Demon and chat with Lefty. Be sure to bring what he asks for, and then talk to the Imp, agreeing to complete the quest. Go down inside the catacombs where Varyag is located. If you don’t want to lose what you managed to collect, hide all the items in some kind of hole before meeting the Varyag.

Walk four circles, take the weapon to Petrenko and receive a gift that should be given to the Bes. Do so, then return to Borov so that he will send you to Lukash.

Go to your destination and talk to Lukash. He needs a container with radioactive elements. Find it and give it to the quest giver. Soon a message from the Ghost will appear, and Lukash will ask you to kill the enemies at the checkpoint on the territory of the army warehouses. Follow his instructions.

Talk about everything with the Miser, who will ask you to find bread for him. Go to meet the Phantom, then go straight to the magician and do what he asks you to do.

Visit the Ghost again, and then get him dynamite in the box. Go to the Prince and cover the Cross, then turn in the quest.

At the Cordon, you should help Tolik, and then talk with the Wolf and give him what he needs.


Talk to the Fan. From Varyag you will learn about Yarofeev. Visit the bartender and give him the parcel from Sokolov, which he asked to give to his daughter. Go to a meeting with the major, kill him and report the successful completion of the task to the bartender. After this, visit Sidorov in the peacekeeping corps.

Sidor's quest

An old acquaintance will ask you to provide him with services and go to a meeting with General Smith. You will learn about Mohammed and Baker. The baker needs flour, so you will have to get it, while Smith will direct you to Brown, who in turn will issue a new task related to the search for Corporal Foster. Find him and bring him back to base.

General Smith

You will receive a message from Sidor, after which you should go to the character. Having received a letter from him addressed to the bartender, you will learn about Mohammed and follow to Yantar.

Using the transition point at the Baker, go in search of flour. Go through the location with the bar, talk to the ranger and agree to his terms. Having found a bag of flour, take it straight to the Baker. Having given the necessary item, you will find out where you can get a gravity suit. Take another quest related to finding tools. Visit the bartender, who will give you a task related to searching for documents on the territory of the X16 laboratory. Once found, the documents should be delivered to Fang.

Colonel Brown

On the territory of Agroprom to continue Walkthrough Stalker: Secret Paths 2 meet the doctor and take the box from him that the Baker needs. Visit the ranger to take on the quest to find the “Conductor” artifact. He will ask you to communicate with the Lector. Visit the Count to receive a transfer point to Rostock and Amber, as well as a quest related to a conversation with Caesar.

At the army warehouses, you must talk to the Miser, to whom you will give the finished bread. Afterwards, the man will need help finding the case in Rostock. Agree to help.

Give the resulting gravity suit to Lefty so that he can improve it.

Walkthrough Stalker: Secret Paths 2: Rostock

When you find yourself on the territory of Rostock, make the necessary artifacts, and then find the case and the radar. Go to a meeting with the railway workers and complete the simple tasks received from them. Proceed to the territory of Amber, where you will talk with Den. Per his request, kill the enemies inside X16.

In a conversation with Caesar, give him the flash drives and deal with his task. Deliver the documents and PDA to the Count, then talk with Sakharov to take on a new quest. As part of it, talk to Sviblov and place several tags on different mobs.

Kruglov needs the “Controller Heart” artifact, so agree to help. Return to the railway workers and give them three helmets, then talk to the Lector and agree to a new quest. In the same Rostock, place a mark on the pseudo-giant and pick up the “Liquidator” artifact, which the ranger needs. Give the item to this character.

Visit the Count to receive a new quest related to the Fang. You will also have a transition point to the territory of the Dead City. Give the necessary items to Lefty, Hoarder, take the quest from the informant, which is connected with two other artifacts. From Sviblov you will receive information about a scientist who has gone mad, after which you will receive a quest to find a special barrel.

Visit the Baker and give him the tool, and then mark the bloodsucker on the territory of Cordon, while you will need to look for the chimera in the Dark Valley.

Murder of Doronin

Go to Agroprom to find the “Heart of the Controller,” an artifact needed by Kruglov. Take it to the NPC and, on his instructions, visit Voronin. Hand over the quest, in which mutants were tagged, to Professor Sakharov. A transition point to the radar will appear. He will also give a new task related to the liquidation of Doronin. Visit Den to find out where Doronin is and also exchange a sniper rifle for artifacts.

Follow the location with Voronin, but on the way stop by the Lector, to whom you bring the artifact. This way you will know where the Snake Eye is. Give the found suitcase to Voronin to get a tip on Petrenko. Tom needs an improved RG-6. Complete all activities associated with this quest. Climb to the roof of laboratory X16, take the desired position and kill Doronin, then turn in the quest to Sakharov.

From Kruglov you can pick up a special barrel that the mad scientist needs, while Sakharov will give you a new task related to finding a laboratory assistant. You will have a transition point to the Agroprom location. Go there, find what is left of the laboratory assistant, pick up the device and take it to Kruglov. Talk to Dan again to find 3 disks for him. Do it.

Head to the X10 laboratory, where you just need to pick up the scientist's diary. Find the Snake Eye on the radar and return to the informant. Give him the two artifacts he needs to collect his reward.

Talk to Sakharov, for whom you should have already found the diary of a scientist from the X10 laboratory. The man will then adjust the helmet for you. Go inside Lab X16 to find a laptop and other items. There will also be a letter here that you will have to take to Fang. Having done this, you will receive a task related to visiting the X18 laboratory. You will also learn about the PDA that Hog is looking for. When you meet the monk, new information will appear, as well as the conditions for obtaining that same PDA. Go to the bar to give Potapov the instructions for the minigun and find out when you can pick up the weapon.

Follow the territory of the X18 laboratory, take the flash drive and other things, and then give it to Fang. Fang will require all this to be delivered to the bartender, who has saved another task for you.

Help Leila in completing Stalker: Secret Paths 2

From Sviblov, using the Count's tip, you can get a transfer to the Dead City location. Sviblov will also give you a quest to find Karina. Visit Leila, who will send you to the forester. In turn, the forester will give you a task in which you need to visit the hunters. Sokolov’s radio should be given to Zakhar, but Karina’s coordinates can be found out from Sokhaty.


After freeing Leila, guide her to the desired point to find the PDA. Move forward to the transition point to the swamps, where you will talk with the doctor and give the flash drive you received from the ranger. Visit the Dead City, where you will meet Fim. After talking with him, get to the ranger through the warehouses. On the territory of the warehouses themselves, find the “Superconductor” artifact, as well as the PDA that Borov needs. Give it to the quest giver.

You will receive a new task from the bartender, in which he asks you to deliver a letter to General Voronin. Do this to get a transfer point to the peacekeeper corps. Go to the arrow with the Trader, after which you will receive a new letter to Voronin from the bartender. Take it to get an answer for Sidor. Talk to Sidor and help take over the bar. At the exit you will meet Mohammed, with whom you will have to talk.

Kill the enemies in the bar area, as Sidor asked, and then escort Voronin straight to headquarters. Talk to the bartender and go to the meeting with the doctor using Fang. On the territory of the Dead City, talk to Leila and meet the doctor in the swamp, who will need mutant parts. As soon as you bring them to him, he will open the transition point to Pripyat.


Pripyat: final

Here you will need to talk to the paramedic, complete his quest and visit the Monolith bunker. Inside the Sarcophagus you will meet Semetsky. Chat with him to find out about Brother. Solomon will be met at the entrance of the bunker and you will have to carry out his instructions.

Once you meet the ranger, decide which ending to complete walkthrough Stalker: Secret Paths 2.
