Old World of Tank maps. World of Tanks map. Earns gold for you. Monthly bonus - for issuing a card

Lately I've been writing all about rare tanks. But all this time I wanted some nostalgic material. Remember what was once in the game. What the players liked or what made their chairs “burn.” And then I remembered! We have more than a dozen cards that were introduced into the game at one time and then removed for one reason or another. In general, in this material we recall the locations removed from the game. Well, for those who cannot remember this, because they simply did not play in those days, a short excursion into the history of the game.

Pearl River

To be precise, we have 12 cards that left " World of Tanks" The first card in our memories will be “ Pearl River " Remember that multi-level Asian setting?

The map was introduced in update 8.5 (April 18, 2013). It was possible to move around it in a circle. In the center there was a huge hill that could not be driven up. In one of the subsequent updates, not very soon after the map was released, corridor drives were made along this hill. In fact, 90 percent of the entire map was corridors. There was a small plain in the center, along the river bed. But few people played there, and usually only light tanks flew there. Heavy tanks and self-propelled guns went to the upper right corner to “butt” in the gorge. Medium tanks went into the mountains on the left side of the map. Playing an ART SAU here was not very comfortable - after all, this was a multi-level landscape...

In update 9.10 (September 1, 2015), the map was removed from the game. " Pearl River"was liked by a very rare player and therefore its conclusion was greeted with joy.


My favorite " Nightmare", or as it was officially called " Komarin" He received such a nickname due to the fact that the atmosphere here was somehow gloomy, and the game here was boring.

This map was introduced in a very distant update numbered (October 6, 2010). An ordinary Russian village, which is located on the banks of a small river. The area is swampy. There are a lot of memories with this card. So, for example, here, when the map was released, the sound of a barking dog was turned on during a collision with a doghouse. And what caused even more laughter was that the players sometimes got confused in the databases. Respawns were on one side, and bases on the other. The player came to capture the base, but the capture did not happen! It turned out that the player was trying to capture an allied base.

In update 6.4 (May 11, 2011) " Komarin» underwent the first changes. In the center of the map, on the so-called island, buildings were added and the number of bushes was reduced. In 7.4 (June 14, 2012), the map was completely removed from random battles and left only in the training room and in company battles. A little more than a year later, in update 8.8 (September 10, 2013), my favorite “ Komarin"in a slightly revised form. My joy knew no bounds! In update 9.2 (July 29, 2014), new changes were made to the map. There are more edits in 9.4 (November 4, 2014). And so, in update 9.8 (May 26, 2015), the map finally left our game. Looking at the number of changes on the map, you can understand that it was useless to redo it and change anything on it. But no matter how inconvenient it may be " Nightmare“I liked it for its atmosphere. I will never forget this card.


Devil's spawn called " Overlord" The map was created based on the Allied landings in Normandy in 1944.

The map is supposedly historical and very beautiful, but is completely unplayable and unbalanced. In most cases, the team from the top respawn won. " Overlord"was introduced to the game in update 9.7 (April 22, 2015) and was removed from the game less than a year later. Somewhere at the end of 2015 - beginning of 2016. In February 2016 " Wargaming“even launched a vote on which map is the worst in the game. This card turned out to be our “ Overlord" I was very excited when I came across this card and I was incredibly happy when I found out about the release of this card.


The son of a port worker... Ahem! Game location " Port» with many railway tracks and an industrial area. The railway tracks are here VERY a lot of.

« Port"was introduced into the game in update 7.5 (July 26, 2012). By the way, in the same update CT level X was introduced. The map represented a busy industrial zone with some kind of guardhouses, warehouses, and pipes. The highlight " Porta“Numerous railway tracks were considered, of which there are a lot here. Among the carriages it was even possible to lose orientation in space. After a year and a half, the map was removed from the game in update 8.11 (February 11, 2014).
On the map one could find the logos “ World of Warplanes", for when the card appeared in the game - " aircraft"were preparing for release. And one day the map returned to the game, but in a redesigned form for a game event " Tank racing", which took place in the fall of 2014.


In update 7.2 (March 29, 2012) in " World of Tanks"a small 600 by 600 map called " Provinces" High-level techniques were shining at each other almost from respawn.

« Provinces"reminds" Mittengrad" Two slopes on which vehicles respawn. Soon the developers realized that it was impossible to play like this and in update 7.4 (June 14, 2012) the map became available only for vehicles up to level III inclusive. In update 9.10 (September 1, 2015), the map was removed from the game. I absolutely don’t understand why she was taken out. It was fun to play around with low-level tanks. " Mittengrad“I still don’t like it as much as I liked it” Provinces", which was recreated based on the war in Italy of 1943-1945. #SourTake BackThe Province

Ruinberg is on fire

Same " Ruinberg", but on fire. Oh yes, there was also the effect of some kind of rain, but it was only on maximum settings graphics.

« Ruinberg is on fire"appeared in our game with update 8.11 (February 11, 2014). Then, by the way, there appeared winter version « Himmelsdorf" And if " Winter Himmelsdorf"is still in the game, then here it is" Ruinberg is on fire» left the game in update 9.5 (December 22, 2014). I absolutely don’t understand why duplicate cards are needed, but with different effects. Can you explain? I look forward to your explanations in the comments.


Early autumn in the mountains of the North American region. It was very beautiful and atmospheric.

In update 8.9 (October 29, 2013), the map " Northwest"appeared in the vastness of random battles. It was very beautiful, but difficult in terms of gameplay from the bottom right corner. In update 8.11 (February 11, 2014), this issue was fixed by adding a new direction. I liked playing here after its change, but in 9.7 (April 22, 2015) the map was removed from random battles, and in update 9.8 (May 26, 2015) it was completely removed from the game client. The map, it seems, was not very bad. Well, and the corridor... We had corridors on many maps at that time.


A small Soviet town, which was somehow industrial and had the name Severogorsk.

« Severogorsk" appeared in the game with update 8.7 (July 23, 2013). The map immediately attracted attention because in one of the garages there was “ Sturmtiger"and he could be seen through the slightly open gate. There was very little playable space on the map - most of the free space was occupied by mountains. One of the updates tried to fix this, but it didn’t work. In update 9.5 (December 22, 2014) " Severogorsk" left us.

Hidden Village

At the end of 2013 " Wargaming"tried to cater to the Asian market and introduced a ton of Asian content into the game. Map « Hidden Village "was drawn in some haste and added to the game.

This "appeared" Hidden Village» in update 8.10 (December 20, 2013). It was all in Japanese style with cherry blossoms. But it was absolutely unplayable, in my opinion. Two corridors and a hilly wasteland along the river. There were three directions here and on two of them there was standing. In game version 9.2 (July 29, 2014), attempts were made to make some changes. But they were not successful. In update 9.10 (September 1, 2015), the map was finally gotten rid of.


A real quarter of Stalingrad, now Volgograd. Many new unique buildings and houses were created especially for this map. And here, for the first time, trenches were used, which reduced the speed of the tank.

« Stalingrad"was added to the game with update 9.4 (November 4, 2014). And if " Overlord", a map taken from a real area - was very unfortunate, then with " Stalingrad“Everything was fine. Most players " Stalingrad"I liked it. But those who didn’t like him stubbornly cried on the game’s official forum. As a result, in the fall of 2015 the map was removed from the game. But they promised to somehow fix it and return it back. I hope that someday we will be able to fight again on the streets of virtual Stalingrad.

Dragon Spine

When an old player hears the phrase " Dragon Spine- He panics. He begins to shake, he gets lost in space. It gets dark in my eyes. A feeling of nausea appears. " Dragon Spine“It’s better not to remember. This is a card for excruciating torture.

In update 7.3 (May 3, 2012) in " World of Tanks"a map appeared with the name " Dragon Spine" A map whose real playing space occupied 10 percent of the total area. This map had such a height difference that tank owners Maus and people like them simply closed the game if they got this card. You could play on this map as much as you wanted, but you would never remember where you had to turn to get to where you needed to go. I described everything so confusingly, in fact, just like the map itself. Already in update 7.4 (June 14, 2012), the map was removed from random battles for processing. Returned " Dragon Spine» only in 8.1 (October 25, 2012). The map did not stay in the game for very long, and already in update 8.4 (February 28, 2013) it was again sent for rework. They did something with her there for a long time, but decided that it was better not to do anything. In update 9.6 (February 10, 2015), all map files " Dragon Spine"were permanently removed from the game.

South coast

Like Crimea, but only “ South coast " The map is dedicated to the battles for Crimea in 1942.

Update 7.5 (July 26, 2012) added the map " South coast", which has a network of Crimea. The map even at the supertest was called “ Crimea" A small resort town on the seashore, where virtual tank battles. One day the card was taken out of the game for recycling and returned. But for some reason it never caught on in the game. In 2015, it was decided to permanently remove the map from the game. I personally didn’t like the atmosphere that reigned on the map. But it was nice to play here.

So we remembered all those 12 cards that left our game. Some of them we loved, some we hated. Each player has their own opinion about each card. I would like to hear your opinion about any map. Share in the comments what you remember from these 12 cards. It will be interesting to read many opinions. I have already expressed my opinion.

How to order a card?

You can order a card on the website through an online application or at any bank branch. When ordering online, you can receive free courier delivery to 5 cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Krasnodar.

How and when will I receive in-game gold?

Game gold is credited monthly (at the beginning of the month following the reporting month) depending on non-cash turnover on the World of Tanks card. The more purchases you make with the card, the more gold you receive. Accruals are reflected in your game account.

Is it possible to combine gold accumulated in the game with gold awarded for purchases?

Yes. All gold received goes to game account, to which the card is attached. Linking the card is carried out by entering the twelve-digit number indicated on the card under your name on the game website.

For what card transactions is game gold not awarded?

Game gold is not awarded for cash withdrawals and bank commissions on the card, written off in accordance with the current tariffs. In addition, the bank does not credit gaming gold for transactions in casinos and sweepstakes; purchase lottery tickets and bonds; transactions made in favor of mutual funds, pawnshops; on transactions with financial organizations; for all operations related to the transfer of funds to accounts/cards of Alfa-Bank JSC and other banks; for transactions related to the transfer of funds to increase the balance of electronic funds (Yandex.Money, WebMoney, etc.), for transactions related to the use of the card for commercial purposes: transactions for payment of goods and services for legal entities (for example, purchases of food products, furniture, etc. in large hypermarkets), for transactions made in METRO Cash&Carry, SELGROS Cash&Carry, for transactions made directly from a bank account, without entering card data (using Alfa-Click, Alfa-Click Mobile"). The Bank reserves the right to cancel erroneously accrued units of game gold and change the list of transactions for which game gold is not credited.

Full list Merchand ID codes for which gold is not credited

Why haven't I been credited with gold?

You may not have activated the World of Tanks card in the game. To activate, you need to link the card to your account: by entering the twelve-digit number indicated on the card under your name on the game website.

Can I use the gold earned from the card in the mobile version of the World of Tanks game?

On this moment gold received for purchases using the World of Tanks card can only be used in the desktop version of the game.

World of Tanks is filled with many beautiful and picturesque maps, many of which are prototypes of real places. In those maps that are created from scratch, one way or another, there are elements of the real natural landscape of those places, be it elevation changes, small villages and many other details that add even more realism.

Natural (rocks, trees) and man-made (buildings, walls, buildings) shelters and most of them are destructible, which also allows you to use tactics and strategies to defeat enemies, especially if you play with friends in a platoon.

The maps are square-shaped and by default, the size is one kilometer per kilometer, but some have smaller dimensions, for example Ensk.

The mini map is divided into squares, which is why it resembles a naval battle map in a notebook

If you believe the developers, in the future there will be more extensive maps for battles between teams of 30 people, which will allow the use of more sophisticated tactics and strategies. But how many maps are there in World of Tanks in total? According to various sources, the number ranges from 36 to 52, and new cards are constantly being added. Most cards have a level limit, usually 1-3 and 4-11, but some are available at any vehicle level.

In update 0.7.4, the developers came up with a clever move. Instead of adding new maps, Assault and Encounter modes were added, which change the spawn point. For example, in Assault, the alignment of forces is such that one team is in a more advantageous position to defend, while the other must capture a point or destroy the defenders.

Because of this, already boring and boring cards were revealed in a new guise

Update 0.8.0 introduced a new concept of physics into the game, which forced players to change their attitude towards tactics, strategy and the usual routes along which they could get to strategically important points. This radically changed the way many players played, not just any one card, but all the cards in the game.

An event is held for almost every holiday and very often temporary game modes, for which new cards are being developed. It’s difficult to say right away how many maps in World of Tanks were created for events, but details can always be found online.

In addition to maps, many players were given event tanks at events to play on these maps.

For example, to play a kind of football on the “Abandoned Stadium” map, special tanks were added that could not be used on a regular battlefield. To get to the event map, you need to select an event tank and start searching for a battle.

Discuss Watch

In April, before introducing the tank premium account in update 1.5, we told you about a special grace period. When you purchased or received a general premium account during this period, you were automatically credited with the same amount of tank premium. Please note: *The grace period ends on September 1, 2019. After that, when purchasing or receiving [...]

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Details from the developers: This vehicle comes from a family of British assault tanks, led by the Badger already present in the game. She is similar to him both in appearance and in performance characteristics. You can immediately note its survivability: the vehicle’s durability is 1400 units, and this is a very high value in comparison with its classmates. Reservations are not far behind, reaching a value of 228 […]

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Main. 1. Twelfth season on Global map will be short - only one month. It will begin on August 12 and end on September 12. 2. Two types of highly profitable provinces will appear on the map (

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Actually, this is what the footprint looks like. 2 months in tanks. Compiled in a very understandable and beautiful map. What remains unsolved is “SHOP” [end of September]. No information. And it’s not very clear from: “Festival Fair” [mid-August - mid-September]. What's a festival without a fair? Every day, directly in the game client, the new premium tank […]

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This is the return of the so-called regime Battle Royale(Battle Royale) in World of Tanks. The name, of course, was chosen completely crazy. Why? Yes, because the game already had a large mode with the same name in patch 9.9 (July 14, 2015) and it was about something completely different: vk.cc/9EE0tS “Steel Hunt” on the maps “Monte Rosa” and “ Lost City"Remember this? A […]

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The most anticipated fan mode is racing. — “Tank Races 2019” (end of September) is the final stage of the “Tank Festival”. The race starts at the end of September and will last two weeks. In the photo we can see the racing map in HD at the Port location. Hmm, should we expect a full return of the Port? * Also in the photo there are 3 tanks, as we understand it, […]

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Each dot means something and has its own date. LF, marathon, fan modes, sale, store, etc. It is very difficult to arrange all the dates and understand the events, but on the 2nd screen we made sketches (this is all very inaccurate (!), except for the beginning and the Front Line). There are 11 events and 12 dates in total. * Document (clean, full size): vk.cc/9Eygco

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Dates in September: from September 16, 07:00 (Moscow time) to September 23, 04:00 (Moscow time). What’s new: New 2nd map (winter) “Kraftwerk”. It appears randomly and cannot be influenced. There is an opportunity to pick up the final reward - a tank

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Yes, about him again. Set 8 for September will be called “Hotel”, according to the ICAO phonetic alphabet. What is now known about its composition? Well, it's hard to understand yet. Firstly, the package has lost its national link, and it may also not have a unique commander. The preview picture for September shows two nations in turn: China and the United States, and […]

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... - Small update July 31, WoT [Mods will not crash]. Tomorrow morning, July 31st, a small update will be released that will fix some bugs in the “Last Frontier” event. Game servers And clan portal will be unavailable from 06:00 to 06:45 (Moscow time). What will be fixed: An error in which, after destroying a vehicle, it is impossible to select the next one. An error in which […]

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UPD2: There was a link in the photo that leads to a Gif image: imgur.com/ryAcMT4 Sanya (@SanyaTranslate) from Twitter: “Now let’s get more complicated. To get the next element, you will have to try. I advise you to carefully examine the picture. By the way, what do you know about Imgurs?”

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The creator of the website and mobile application WoTBase noticed (vk.cc/9DxSlH) that in the latest micropatch in one ...

... someone added strange lines from the update files (localization file). There is a trace in the lootboxes localization file. terms: Twitter_Account_SPECIAL SanyaTranslate Twitter_Account_SPECIAL SanyaTranslate Initially, the lootboxes file itself was responsible for the text for New Year's boxes of luck (lootboxes), and in the latest micropatch the lines containing a link to the Twitter account were sewn up in it. twitter.com/San… Immediately the question is, did this […]

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At the second iteration of the General Test 1.6, the customization decals were again replenished (11 pieces in total) and a new category was added: Pin-Up. Just for those pinup girl lovers. Alas, the game is 12+, so there is no real nudity, which is a pity

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Main changes: New map for the front line "Kraftwerk" and ap British lt: LHMTV: Jaguar J.60 engine power changed from 135 to 140 hp. s.. Engine power of the Rolls Royse FB60 has been changed from 135 to 160 hp. s.. GSOR3301 AVR FS (GSOR): Daimler D2458 V-8 engine power changed from 250 to 265 hp. s.. X level - […]

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... Full list of changes (patch note) of the second general test 1.6: We are launching the second general test updates 1.6. Main addition - new map"Kraftwerk" for the "Front Line" mode. Cards. A new map “Kraftwerk” [winter, European] has been added for the “Frontline” mode. Former map"Suburbia" at the super test. Issues fixed. On Frontline, the respawn time has been reduced from 30 seconds […]

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Sandy River Prokhorovka Fisherman's Cove Studzianki Ensk These are locations already familiar to everyone, only for PvE they are slightly shortened. But no one made new loading screens for them, apparently there wasn’t enough money at all. Everywhere 1 goes.

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"The Last Frontier". Stand until the last! From July 25 to August 5, World of Tanks will host a new PvE event - “The Last Frontier”. Play alone with random allies or form a team of five and defend the Eastern or Western Front. Your task is to fight off waves of enemy attacks, each of which is stronger than the previous one. The enemy's equipment […]

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... Minsk_exp4. The difference is only in 1 position, so we will omit this information. Very soon Minsk will break the anti-record for the number of alterations at the supertest. Concisely and concisely in 1 minute, we invite you to take a look at the July edits in this map from card makers. In theory, already on track. The patch changes should go into release. In this version we added [...]

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answers from WoT developers this week, there was also a free session “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) or in Russian literally: “Ask me anything you want” on Reddit in the tanks subreddit. Questions from English-speaking Reddit players were answered live by: Andrey Beletsky - Creative Director of World of Tanks Maxim Chuvalov - Director of Operations of World […]

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Fans Games World of Tanks often discuss the advantages of a particular technique, comparing its advantages and disadvantages. However, such gurus often forget about an integral part of the game, without which the gameplay and other features of the game mechanics are simply impossible.

These are locations where hot tank battles take place. Many veterans remember with nostalgia the cards removed by the developers from the game, while newcomers are not even aware of their existence.

Therefore, we invite you to take a short excursion into the world of nostalgia and recall some game cards. There are only 12 such locations, let's visit their vastness again.

The location appeared in the game client April 18, 2013, with exit patch 8.5. Initially, travel through the central part of the map was closed: there is a monumental hill. Therefore, the battles took place on the outskirts, where players of both teams rushed, trying to occupy strategically important positions.

In subsequent updates, through corridors appeared in the structure of the central hill, so the useless embankment turned into a key point of the location. In addition to the hill, a river flows in the center of the map and there is a small village, but here only light tanks dominated: those thrust into the center were instantly dismantled, shot from the side hills.

The location was characterized by multi-level terrain, which made life much more difficult for artillery operators.

The map was archived in September 2015, with the release of update 9.10. The location was frankly unbalanced, so many people welcomed its removal.

This is one of the oldest gaming locations, nicknamed “Nightmare” by tankers. The name came from unbalanced respawns and frankly sluggish gameplay. Card entered in October 2010 when the patch came out 0. 5. 5. 1 (just think about this figure!).

So, the location represents an average village located in a swampy area. The release of the map was remembered by many: the collision of a tank with a dog kennel was accompanied by the hysterical barking of an angry animal, the bases were located on one side, the respawns on the other. Therefore, some tankers proudly stood up to capture their own base, indignant that the timer was not ticking.
Update 6.4 from May 2011 brought some revival to the map. The central island has acquired houses, and the amount of green space has decreased. Patch 7.4 excludes the map from random battles, leaving it available only for training.

A year later, in the fall of 2013 (update 8.8), Komarin returned to the random slightly modified. Subsequent edits were made in patches 9.2 and 9.4. The final point was reached on May 26, 2015, when, along with the release of patch 9.8, the developers decided to permanently remove the map from the client. The changes introduced could not affect the gameplay, although many World of Tanks fans liked Komarin.

Historical map dedicated to the Allied landings in Normandy.
In fact, the map turned out to be very colorful, but completely unplayable. The imbalance was that the team occupying the top respawn received a clear advantage.

Location appeared April 22, 2015 when it came out update 9.7. The location did not last 12 months and was removed from the game client. Interestingly, WG conducted a survey among players in an attempt to identify the worst gaming zone. Overlord won by a large margin.

This map depicts an industrial area dotted with strings of railway tracks.
The Port location has appeared in the game summer 2012. At this time the global update 7.5, when players were first introduced to Tier 10 medium tanks. The map was a jumble of buildings, pipes, hangars and railway lines.

The latter were presented in incredible quantities, so one could get lost among the standing carriages. It is curious that the map contained emblems of WORLD of WARPLANES, which was preparing for release.

This area appeared in the game spring 2012: update 7.2. This is a miniature location, 600*600 in size. As a result, high-level equipment exposed the enemy immediately after the “Fight” command, and an orgy without tactics or strategy began.
The map is designed in the form of two opposite slopes, where team respawns are located, with an open space in the center. The location cannot boast of shelters, so it was transferred to a “sandbox” so that equipment up to level 3 inclusive could frolic.

This happened three months after the map was released. On September 1, 2015, update 9.10 was released and the map left the game client forever. It should be noted that many remember with sadness and emotion the dynamic battles on the “Province” map.

Not a very successful clone of the Ruinberg map. Why on fire? The developers added a little disturbing smoke and introduced a rain effect that appeared only at maximum graphics resolutions.
This misunderstanding ended up in the game along with the “Winter Himmelsdorf” location and lasted until updates 9.5. By the way, snow-covered Khimki still pleases the eyes of players, and the smoking “Ruins” have gone into the archives. Many people do not understand such movements of developers who add modified types of maps, clogging the game client.

A beautiful autumn map simulating the mountainous regions of Central America.
The location appeared in October 2013: release updates 8.9. Colorful landscapes, intriguing atmosphere and outright imbalance for lower spawn players.

The problem was fixed in subsequent updates when new attack vectors were introduced. The location was removed in update 9.7, which was released in April 2015. The developers motivated their decision by the corridor nature of the map, which could not be fixed. In vain, the location was really good.

Provincial snow-covered town of Soviet times.
The location appeared in patch 8.7, release date – summer 2013. It is curious that a real STURMTIGER was hidden in one of the hangars, visible through a crack. Unfortunately, this was the only point of interest on the map.

Limited space, chaotic pile of mountains. In subsequent patches, the developers tried to solve this problem, but to no avail. In the winter of 2014, the map left the game client.

A tribute to the players of the Asian region, but done in a hurry.
The map appeared with update 8.10 what happened December 20, 2013. Blooming cherry trees and rounded roofs of houses evoked a Japanese mood, however, the beauty did not solve the problem with the dull gameplay.

There were only three attack vectors available to the players, two of which were downright despondent. Attempts to make corrections were unsuccessful, so the map left the game with the release of update 9.10.

Historical map depicting a real quarter of military Stalingrad.
The location appeared in November 2014, patch 9.4. There were destroyed houses and dug trenches, impeding the speed of movement of equipment. The card evoked two feelings: some rejoiced, others cried.

Unfortunately, the developers listened to the latter, and the map was removed from the game in 2015. It was stated that after the fix, Stalingrad would return to the game.

A map based on Chinese motifs that will drive players into hysterics.
Location appeared spring 2012 and caused outright bewilderment in the gaming community. 10% of the playability of the total map area looked complete mockery over the tankers getting here.

Considering the constant changes in the landscape, the owners of slow strands could not leave the rep at all, but go and make themselves some tea. Only a person with a phenomenal memory could remember the passages in this pile, so moving along the Dragon Ridge was reminiscent of Susanin’s trek into the unknown.

The card was sent for recycling four times (!), but they could not resolve the situation. Finally, the developers accepted defeat, and in update 9.6 disappeared, bringing tears of joy to the vast majority of players.

The location is dedicated to the battle for the Crimean Peninsula, and therefore represents a resort coast.
Appeared in patch 7.5. In principle, it is a completely playable location with several directions for attack. For unknown reasons, the map was removed from the game in 2015, after an attempt was made to improve it.

Here are the cards flashing by, which brought the players many joyful and sad moments. Regardless of playability and gameplay, these locations are worthy of being remembered.
