Stream Lia. Biography of Liya Novikova. Brief biography of Liya Novikova

Poker brings successful poker players not only a lot of fun, but also decent financial rewards. After all, this is a money game. What do players spend their earned currency units on? Of course, on beautiful life! Well, and for the game (yes, as they say, poker is not a stable thing - today you win someone, tomorrow you... won). You can read about this and much more in our new section “You can’t forbid living beautifully.”

Today we have our sights on the Russian Liliya "Liay5" Novikova, whom everyone in the poker community simply calls Lia. She is often described like the catchphrase of the Soviet film comedy “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” only in a modern way: “A poker player, a gamer and just a beauty.”

Last spring it became PokerStars Team Pro Online. But even before acquiring this status, the girl’s life was bright and eventful. What makes Leah's life beautiful? Let's find out.


“Travel” is probably my favorite section in the series of articles “You can’t forbid living beautifully.” Well, think about it, who doesn’t like to travel? Leah, for example, loves. Even more. She visited many countries. At the same time, her poker trips are just beginning. Which means everything is still ahead of her.

It is worth noting that Novikova is one of those people who, in the evening, “having nothing to do,” can easily take off and go (or even fly) to another country. Therefore, it is not surprising that last year Leah, together with her friend Artyom (one of those who introduced her to poker), just went to Minsk to while away a boring evening and meet with friends.


Leah lives in Moscow. And this city offers a lot of opportunities for entertainment. Quests, karaoke, Buddha bars, restaurants, concerts, parties - this is how the girl whiles away her evenings with her friends. Only, unlike her peers, who can only devote Friday and Saturday evenings to entertainment, Leah has at her disposal all the days that she, of course, does not devote to playing poker. In addition, the girl travels often, which opens up even more opportunities for entertainment.

Karaoke with friends:

Not only does Leah often visit restaurants in her native Moscow and does not miss the opportunity to sit in them abroad, some time ago the girl in Paris made a whole trip to champagne houses with wine and champagne tasting. So you can no longer surprise a beauty with exquisite drinks.

Other entertainment:


There is no doubt that Leah loves animals. She has a couple of dogs and chinchillas at home. She even spoke about this in a video broadcast, during which she was introduced to the poker community as a new member of the PokerStars team.

Perhaps there are fewer chinchillas now... or, conversely, more. But, according to the latest known data, there were 7 of them, and three of them were black. The girl tries to choose interesting names for her pets, for example, she has the little ones Lebron, Bonya, Prince, Spectra and Mirana.

For a long time, two Spitz dogs have lived in the Novikov family - Platon (white) and Magnus (red, mixed breed).

And in September, the girl introduced her subscribers to a new pet – a Samoyed named Mimi.

In addition, Leah is always ready to help yard and homeless animals. Often on her pages on social networks you can see a call for help finding a home for the dog. On a regular basis, the girl sends money to different shelters.


Soon after gaining PokerStars Team Online status, the girl got a brand new car. It was the Nissan GTR supercar.

But this, of course, is not the only car that Novikova drove. According to her, the most intense sensation was caused by riding a horse like this:

And, despite the star status, you can meet a girl on a handsome two-wheeler. By the way, she now also has a new, carbon bike, and she bought it for herself quite recently, during a trip to Minsk to play offline poker.

“I love cycling more than running. For several years I tried to switch to running, but I still like cycling more. I didn’t skate professionally, but for the soul.”


Unlike most top regulars, you don't often see Leah in the gym these days, but that doesn't mean she doesn't play sports. She has a couple of very sporting hobbies, such as snowboarding, rowing, and boxing. She previously played volleyball for several years.

In addition, Leah visits various sporting events or entertainment.


Leah's taste in music is very specific. She graduated from a music school with a degree in piano, sometimes plays the guitar and attends classical concerts. And at the same time, he listens to rap and goes to various rock concerts and festivals. She was lucky enough to attend many concerts of famous performers. Here are photos from some of them:

And from time to time you can meet her at classical music concerts:


Many players came to poker from eSports, and this is not surprising. Well, of course, except for such a small detail as the fact that Leah is a girl. Although I am for gender equality, you must admit that there are not many representatives of the fair sex in the world who have achieved the status of professional e-sports player and then become a member of the team of professionals at a famous poker room.

Now, I dare to suggest that Leah doesn’t have much time that she can devote to games, but I simply could not help but mention this girl’s “passion.” Liay5's favorite games include Dota and Diablo.


“The second hobby after poker is cooking. I really like to cook, especially pastry.”, - Leah herself admits.

In her case, a standard male statement a la “woman, your place is in the kitchen”, in principle, may not offend the girl, but even make her happy. As well as a gift in the form of a Kenwood kitchen machine for the New Year.

Novikova completed pastry courses for beginners and often pleases her family and friends with mouth-watering desserts and simply delicious food.

Perhaps her love for cooking remains because she does not have to prepare meals for the whole family several times every day. Routine, after all, kills the romance of cooking.

Girlish joys

Yes, Leah plays poker professionally, has considerable experience playing Dota and drives a Nissant GTR, but this does not mean that she has renounced all “girly” things.


“It’s a standard phenomenon, you go with 1 suitcase and come back with three,”- Leah wrote one day after returning from abroad.

And we are not necessarily talking about clothes. Leah may spend a lot of time choosing books or cooking utensils, for example.

And as a consequence of shopping - the acquisition of various pleasant little things:


Few girls don’t like flowers, and Novikova is clearly no exception to the rule:

“I try to always have flowers on the table, it boosts my morale!”


It’s difficult to say whether popularity is a positive or negative factor in Leah’s life. The girl repeatedly suffered from attacks from so-called “armchair critics” and recently admitted that being a public figure is difficult for her. But there are certain advantages to this. Largely due to her popularity, she gained the status of PokerStars Team Pro, and as a result of this she met many famous poker players.

And not only with poker players...

Being a girl in the poker world is hard. We are often perceived as more of a "cute variety" than a serious competitor. Therefore, I am glad that Leah is trying in every possible way to destroy this myth, achieving considerable success. And in parallel with this, Novikova continues to live her busy life, full of adventure and entertainment. She develops in different areas, travels and visits new places. The girl is young and promising, so everything is still ahead of her... And, yes, you can’t forbid living beautifully...

Lia "Liay5" Novikova was a young successful poker player from Russia who died in 2019.

Previously, the girl was known as professional player in DotA (Defense of the Ancients) and others computer games. She became famous in the Russian-speaking poker community thanks to her blog “Diary of a Gamer,” which Leah has been running since 2012.

She gained worldwide fame in March 2015, when Novikova signed a contract with the most famous poker room and became PokerStars Team Pro Online. In 2017, she continued to run a personal VKontakte group, stream and promote poker to the masses in various other ways.

Novikova preferred online poker, where she achieved considerable success. Leah's main discipline was hyperturbo. In 2015, she also played Spin&Go frequently. After signing a contract with PokerStars, Liya Novikova became a frequent guest of offline series. The girl’s most significant result was her victory in the NLH Deepstack Big Ante tournament for €1,100 at EPT Prague in 2015 (winning €49,440 or $54,070). At this event, Leah won her first significant poker trophy - a PokerStars spade.

Leah is quite popular online. Streams, recordings and photos of Liya Novikova gained many views in a matter of minutes. But popularity also has reverse side. The girl was often criticized for her words or actions; Novikova’s personal life was subject to active discussion. Despite this, Leah continued to show good results in poker and strived for further development as a professional player.

June 11, 2019 as a result of an accident. In a few days she would have turned 27 years old.

The unexpected death of a famous poker player from Russia became a tragedy for the poker community. The news about what happened appeared in the girl’s VKontakte group. For the first 24 hours, information about this was taken as a joke, until it was confirmed by close friends of the girl and Lia Novikova’s boyfriend, Arthur. Later, information appeared in the media that the cause of death was a faulty electrical appliance (most likely a hair dryer) in the bathroom.

Interesting facts about Lia "Liay5" Novikova:

  • The girl's real name is Liliya Novikova.
  • Leah loved animals very much. She had chinchillas and three dogs at home.
  • Novikova graduated from the technical university of Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, specialty: design engineer.
  • "Liay5" started her career in poker with a bankroll of $50 and within a year, with the help of a coach, she grew from a limit of $1.5 to $60. Initially, Lia’s working discipline was turbo Sit&Go tournaments, then the girl began to play hyperturbo 6-max professionally.
  • Liliya Novikova’s main hobby could be called cooking. The girl graduated from pastry courses and loved to cook various dishes.
  • Leah led an active lifestyle and was involved in sports such as snowboarding, basketball, rowing, boxing and the like. The girl also loved to ride a bicycle.

You can read more about what life was like for Leah 5 in the article

Our poker darling, athlete, graduate, and finally, just a beauty Leah Liay5 Novikova found something to please the male-dominated half of the poker community this spring. And yes, in this article you will see not only Lilia’s interesting hands at the poker table.

Loli Chanterelle on PartyPoker Millions in March

Sochi was booming this spring. No, not resorts or the Olympics, but large poker series, one after another, which visited the city. It all started with PartyPoker Millions which took place in the city from 17 to 27 March. That's where I went first Loli Chanterelle, playing both in tournaments and at cash tables.

Liliya took part in one tournament and was eliminated when two of her pairs were run over by a straight. A girl took part in another tournament - she ended up at the same table as Anatoly nl_profit Filatov, reached the second day, but did not go beyond the bubble, and left with nothing. Then she suddenly caught a cold in the fresh Sochi breeze, lay there for several days with a fever, but soon returned to the game and registered for the Main Event of the series with a buy-in $1000 + 100 .

"Hi all! I passed, or more precisely, survived until the second day of the $1,100 tournament with a stack of 193,000 chips. I had a fever, cough, and snot all day. Today we continue to play at 15:00 Moscow time. Good luck for me!"

Funny hand #1: how to change the turn in your favor

One funny hand happened to her here. The blinds reached the level of 500/1000, there was also an ante of 100. One of the players present at the table, an obvious fish, called the blind in the UTG position, the girl in the middle position raised to 3,000. Everyone except this fish folded.

The flop comes: K♠ 8 3 . Leah asked the dealer if there was a check, but the dealer did not hear, and opened the queen of clubs with the turn. The girl was indignant and began to claim that she did not say “check”. The dealer stated the opposite. The angry girl referred to neighbors who could confirm Novikova was right, which they did. As a result, the girl bet on the flop, the dealer shuffled the queen of clubs back into the deck and placed the four of diamonds on the board.

Satisfied Lilia summed up what happened as follows:

“Learn how to buy sets correctly)))).”

“Finally, we were seated at the tables and playing. In 30 minutes there is a lunch break.🍿🍨🍡And now it’s level 13, blinds 4000-8000. Good luck for me! ♣♠♦ “

Funny hand #2: the fish lost on the second kicker

Still sick, Loli Lisichka “reached, or rather, survived” to the second day with a stack of 193,000. Here another interesting hand happened to her. The blinds were already 6,000/12,000. Preflop, another fish in the UTG position raised, and two regulars called his bet. Leah thought and thought and also called with the king and queen on hands. The players in the blinds folded.

The flop came K♦ 9♦ 2 . Everyone checked, Leah bet 85,000. Fish called, the rest folded. Then the turn: 5♦. The girl and her opponent checked. An 8 comes to the river. Fish bets 165,000, Leah calls with sad thoughts that he made a diamond flush. However, he had king-ten offsuit.

Leah finished this tournament with 25th place having received as a reward $7.000 , and on March 28 she returned to Moscow. Before leaving, she took out this cap “Make Poker Great Again”(“Let's Make Poker Great Again”), parodying the election slogan Donald Trump "Make America Great Again", however, someone stole this cap from her while the girl was away from the table. Lilia's father, a lover of such souvenirs, would have been left without a gift if she had not been helped out by a St. Petersburg friend who gave Lilia her own cap.

Liya Novikova's results at PokerStars Championship Sochi

Well, literally the day before yesterday in Sochi ended PokerStars Championship . Leah took part in it too, both in cash games and tournaments. And again - the girl’s usual routine: “skating-sleep-skating-sleeping”.

So, in one tournament (5th event P.S.C. with a buy-in of 18,000 + 1,800 rubles) she managed to bring 114 thousand rubles(which is equivalent to approximately $1.992 ), having reached 20th place. In another tournament (25th event P.S.C. with a buy-in of 30,000 + 3,000 rubles) Novikova, having run into aces, also dropped out on the second day in 20th place, having received 125,000 rubles, or $2.201 , if translated into greens. Liya also stopped by the women's tournament with a buy-in of 12,000 + 1,200 rubles, where the Ukrainian became the winner Olga Ermolcheva, but didn’t win any prizes. Thus, Novikova increased the amount of her tournament winnings from $74,355 to $85.548 .

At the same time, the girl streamed her game on Instagram and on Twitch, holding a drawing of small Star Star souvenirs and clothing among subscribers.

“I’m sitting and rolling a tourer for 33,000 rubles. To be honest, I’m tired of the series, I want to go home and stream back))”

The best photos of Liya Novikova from Sochi

And especially for those who clicked on the title of this article in order to look at the photographs of Liya Novikova, here is a small selection of cute Sochi photos of Loli Lisichka.

“Yesterday I finally forced myself to go to bed)) I’m in a super fighting mood today, I’ll go play the women’s tournament in an hour and a half! I hope to receive good luck wishes from you, since yesterday there was a complete dead card and misses regarding boards or repurchase 😢”
“We’re sitting and playing, 1 person until the prizes, I decided to take a photo for now) 117 people in the game. It's hand for hand. The APD bubble has burst, everyone is already in the prizes”
"Hi all! I played cash games until the morning, beat off the daily odds and plused. 🙂 Now I’m already playing a tournament that started at 13:00. At Filatov’s table 😱” “I’m playing a women’s tournament. The field is sweet, there are no regs, but so far they have handed over the bases. But I still live in tourism, I need a little luck!)” “Some people say that I’m a snake, maybe, right?) I’m sitting in a 66K tournament, there’s a lot of people. We'll drag it!) P.S. Who skated how?

Liya Novikova is a professional poker player and member of the TeamPro PokerStars team.

At the age of 12, Novikova no longer had equals. She had a dream: to become the best professional in the world. However, she got tired of playing against weak opponents, and she switched to online games.

Leah, in the past, is the captain of several famous Dota teams, she took part in competitions and earned good money from the game. But, according to Novikova, the game ceased to be promising, and making money became harder and harder.

That's when she decided to switch to poker. Even admission to the Bauman Moscow State Technical University did not discourage her from playing, and Leah was a frequent guest at private tournaments. But she quickly got tired of it, and she registered on PokerStars under the nickname “Liay5”, choosing draw poker and Sit’n’Go as her main disciplines.

In 2012, Novikova devoted all her free time to studying, started a streaming channel and created several blogs dedicated to playing poker. She had a goal: to achieve Supernova status and get into the PokerStars online pro team, which, by the way, she succeeded. In 2015, the manager of the online giant announced that she had passed the casting for the role of a member of a team of professionals.

Today, Liliya Novikova's main achievement is winning the Deepstack Big Ante at the EPT in Prague. In the final, she was the chip leader and invited her opponents to share the winnings, but they did not take her seriously and refused, and a little later Lilia won first place and took her 50 thousand euros.

In addition to poker, our heroine has a lot of hobbies: boxing, archery, snowboarding and even rowing. In an interview, Lilia admitted: sport helps me let off steam and cope with tilt. But besides physical activity, she is also interested in cooking.

And this year the girl graduated from the Moscow State Technical University, where she received the long-awaited engineering diploma! But this does not in any way prevent our heroine from winning prizes and maintaining a contract with PokerStars.

Top 3 skids of Liya Novikova:

3rd place

Victory in “Woman's Sunday” with a $55 buy-in, in which only representatives of the fair sex took part.

In the final, Liya fought with the representative of Brazil under the nickname “blablair”, who was unable to resist the pressure of our compatriot and finished the tournament in second place, receiving about $900.

And our heroine, having won first place, earned $1,300.

2nd place

Silver goes to the first tournament that Leah won as a PRO player.

PokerStars organized a special tournament for players of the CIS and Baltic countries, where just under 1,200 players took part, and the prize fund exceeded 8 thousand dollars.

Leah showed great game, confident actions and excellent reading of opponents, for which she received well-deserved $1336.

1 place

Undoubtedly, the first place in our top is taken by Liliya Novikova’s victory in the NL Deepstack Big Ante event for 1,100 euros, as part of EPT Prague.

Having reached the final, having beaten all her opponents, Leah took her prize: cup and 50,000 euros.
