Story line. Complete walkthrough of Watch Dogs Complete walkthrough of watch dogs

Walkthrough of the story campaign Watch Dogs recorded on a PC on medium and maximum levels difficulties. Complete walkthrough games with everyone side quests took approximately 15 hours.

Note: beware SPOILERS!

Chapter 1: Family Man

Chapters: "End of the Eighth Inning", "Big Brother", "Backstage Pass".

A year after the tragic death of his niece, Aiden Pearce is on the trail of the killer.

Chapters: “Annoying fly”, “Open your world.”

Geordie Chin asks you to do him a small favor and deliver one person to the appointed place.

ctOS - what is it?

This computer program, which runs Chicago. With its help, you can control traffic on the roads and in the subway, build bridges, monitor lighting, and monitor what is happening using video cameras from anywhere in the city. In addition, ctOS stores all the personal data of every Chicago resident.

Chapters: “Thanks for the advice”, “Remember”, “And this is not pizza.”

Aiden Pearce is on the trail of Damien, his old friend. It's time to pay him a visit.

Chapters: “A spoke in the wheels,” “Red doesn’t suit you.”

Someone's ready to reveal Aiden Pearce. According to information received, this person is in prison. We'll have to silence him.


Reputation is a system that allows you to determine the reaction of society to the actions of Aiden Pearce. If the townspeople support the protagonist, then I will talk about him in the media as a hero. If Aiden has a bad reputation, then people will start to shy away from him. However, this will not be reflected in the gameplay or plot in any way.

Chapter 2: Who is Raymond Kinney?

Chapters: "Hang in there, kid", "Fragile things", "Collateral damage".

Damien grabbed Pierce's sister to start working as a team with him.

Chapters: “One foot in the grave,” “The entrance is somewhere nearby,” “In a hurry.”

Clara found out something about the secret bunker in which ctOS was being developed. It is necessary to find him and restore his work.

Commercial companies in Watch Dogs

IN real life Chicago is the second most important city in the USA. It is the economic, industrial, transport, and cultural capital of the entire Midwest. In Watch Dogs, not only large but also small commercial companies do business in Chicago.

Blume- the company that created the ctOS system. Her responsibilities include developing and maintaining the functionality of the computer program.

WKZ TV is the largest television channel in Chicago.

Bogen is a company that produces small and comfortable cars.

Pharmingtons- network of pharmacies.

Chicago Transit Authority- public transport operator. In real life, it is a city corporation that also operates in Chicago.

Proviblue Bank- city bank.

Brewed Delight- the most famous cafe in the city.

Chapters: “Brotherly devotion”, “Tyrone won’t pull it off.”

The tracks lead to the base of the criminal organization Viceroys. Pierce must check everything before visiting the bandit's lair.

Chapters: “Uninvited Guest”, “Without Noise and Dust”, “Looking into the Abyss”.

Aiden Pearce wants to use Bedbug for his own purposes. He needs him to steal the codes from Iraq (the head of the Viceroys).

Watch Dogs Organizations

DeadSec- a community of hackers that opposes the use of ctOS.

Black Viceroys- a gangster group consisting of only African Americans. It is headed by Delford Wade, nicknamed "Iraq".

Fixers- an organization of mercenaries led by Geordie Chin (an acquaintance of Aiden Pearce).

Default is a hacker organization that is at war with DeadSec.

Chapters: “Risk Move”, “Role Example”, “Wiretap”, “Against the Rules”.

The main character had to pretend to be millionaire Lucky Queen in order to get to the closed auction. However, Pierce is quickly discovered. He has to run away.

Chapter 3: Between First and Second

Chapters: “Steps behind you.”

To decipher the code, you need the help of ctOS creator T-Bone.

Chapters: “Ahead,” “The future is just around the corner,” “By any means necessary.”

T-Bone asked that his biometric data be removed from Bloom's network.

Levels of suspicion

Levels of suspicion - alert system. There are four levels of suspicion in Watch Dogs.

White level: Nobody suspects the main character.

Yellow level: When police begin scanning the area, yellow circles appear on the mini-map. The longer you are in them, the sooner you will be noticed. If the yellow bar reaches 100%, the police instantly find the main character and begin hunting for him.

Red level: Bandits or police will hunt you until you escape from them. To do this, you need to break away from the chase, and then, when the hero is lost from sight, get out of the white circle.

911 : When you stop a car and eject the driver to take his place, he can call 911. Until he calls the police, his phone needs to be taken away. Then the call will be interrupted and the driver will simply run away. There is also an option to quickly escape from the crime scene.

Chapter 4: Revenge

Chapters: “Face to Face”, “Rat’s Nest”, “Default Situation”.

Damien decides to take revenge on the protagonist after he refuses to work with him again.

Chapters: "Little Sister", "Ghosts of the Past", "No Going Back."

Aiden manages to find and save his sister. Now we need to take her to a safe place.

Multiplayer modes in Watch Dogs

The game has four multiplayer modes:

1. "Invasion"

In common parlance this game is called hide and seek. You invade another user's game and start copying their data. The enemy's task is to find the hacker, yours is not to catch his eye.

2. "Decryption"

Team battles 4 on 4. Both groups fight to upload a file to the Internet before their opponents. The one who does it first wins.

3. "Surveillance"

You find yourself in another user's game and get important information before running away.

4. "Racing"

Car racing on the streets of Chicago.

Additional tasks in Watch Dogs

In addition to completing the story campaign, in Watch Dogs you can investigate crimes, save civilians from hooligans, destroy gangster dens, interfere with the underground arms trade, catch a serial maniac or slave traders, and also spend your free time playing mini-games. There are only six of them: poker, thimbles, chess, “who can outdrink who,” NVZN (you need to destroy aliens with a laser), Cash Run (a race during which you need to collect gold coins).

Chapter 5: Exit

Chapters: “Everyone loses sometime.”

Damien was completely distraught. He has taken control of ctOS and is doing everything to eliminate Pierce.

Achievements in Watch Dogs

  • Family Man - Complete the first part.
  • Who is Raymond Kinney? - complete the second part.
  • Between the first and second, complete the third part.
  • Revenge - Complete the fourth part.
  • Exit - complete the fifth part.
  • Hello everyone - interrogate and stun Morisse.
  • End of the Road - Complete 40 Eliminator Contracts.
  • Scarecrow - Destroy 15 gangster dens.
  • Peephole - Invade privacy 30 times.
  • Fighter - Catch 20 criminals.
  • Clear signal - unlock all ctOS towers.
  • Sysadmin - hack 16 ctOS towers.
  • Sanity Test - Collect eight burner phones.
  • No disk space - open all songs with the SongSneak app.
  • On position - check in at each Hotspot point.
  • Known as the “avenger” - complete all investigations in the game: “Human Trafficking”, “Missing Persons”, “Arms Trafficking”, “QR Codes”.
  • Threads of Darkness - complete the last task of the investigation “The Missing”.
  • Road Wars - Complete 18 elimination missions.
  • Freebie - Unlock all skills in the skill tree.
  • Scrap Metal - Destroy ten cars.
  • Stalked - Be the target of surveillance 5 times.
  • Communication error - interrupt 10 calls to the police. Not a single citizen should suffer in this case.
  • Bookmarks - mark 100 goals.
  • Magic Smoke - Kill four enemies in a row in concentration mode.
  • Gambling addiction - take part in five different mini-games.
  • Houdini - escape the police chase 15 times.
  • Object "White Rabbit" - hide from police scanners 15 times.
  • Stealth - Evade a level 5 police scanner.
  • Explosive Hat Trick - Kill 3 enemies with one explosion.
  • Equipment failure - Shoot out the tires of cars 15 times.
  • Read only - scan 16 "QR codes".
  • Saturday Show - Complete the last task of the investigation "Arms Trafficking".
  • Cancellation of Client Rights - Complete the final task of the Human Trafficking investigation.
  • Tongue loosened - outsing three opponents at level 10 of the game "Who will outdrink whom."
  • Hacking - Complete the Network Hacking mission successfully 10 times.
  • On Your Tail - Complete the "Network Surveillance" task successfully 10 times.
  • Freeway - Complete the "Online Racing" task successfully 10 times.
  • Phantom - conduct network surveillance without being noticed.

Unlike many of its peers, Watch Dogs 2 is a real sandbox. And it really is possible to complete many missions in different ways: by sneaking past enemies, engaging in battle, or manipulating the surrounding equipment. Which path to choose is up to you, but we decided to compile a list of tips that will make your passage easier and more fun.

Let's play ghost

The first and probably most important advice is use cameras and drones. Don't forget that Watch Dogs 2 is not a game where there is only one way to complete a mission. And most importantly, it’s not a project where your enemies can’t do anything to oppose you. They will surround you, press you in numbers, throw grenades at you - surviving against a pack of opponents is often not easy. Especially when armored fighters enter the fray or reinforcements arrive.

Instead of playing Rambo, it’s better to hack the camera or send your “jumper” into action, analyze the situation, eliminate everyone you can using traps. Well, then, perhaps, it already makes sense to steal the digital key and go into hell yourself.

Second tip - go around locations from different sides, before bursting through the front door. There is often a much shorter and safe way to the goal. And all you need is to get the necessary key or unlock the door from the inside, and this can be done using a drone or even cameras.

With the help of cameras you can penetrate into any place and do a lot of things.

Another trick that can make the passage much easier is remote driving cars. Better learn it early- there will eventually be a lot of situations where this skill will save you from unpleasant chases or unnecessary battles.

For example, imagine that you were hiding in a car from the police: you turned off the engine, drove into an alley, and there was nothing left until the end of the pursuit. But suddenly a patrol car drives into this very courtyard. The best way in this case, simply make their car drive away, which will briefly distract the pursuers.

In the same way, you can direct cars at entire clusters of opponents and eliminate them all at once. A real “carmageddon”! And even armored enemies, who cause a lot of problems in battle. There are also missions where you need to destroy something, and here cars also come in handy, especially when parked right in front of the target. Well, in a chase, you can simply force an enemy car to drive off a cliff. It really helps to get away from your pursuers!

And as soon as possible build a quadcopter. It costs about 67 thousand in-game dollars, but that’s literally three bags of money that you can steal from one of the gangs (and without any problems, try it). But the benefits from it are great. Using a drone, you can assess the situation from above, play various tricks on your opponents and steal keys, and at the same time do not depend at all on the location of the cameras. Well, thanks to the height, it is much more difficult to be noticed with such a drone than with a ground jumper.

Save your nerves

There are also less global tips, however, they can greatly change the feeling of the game. For example, we highly recommend Don’t forget about the ability to quickly move. You will have to drive often during a mission, but you will save a lot of time, which can be devoted to side quests and other much more interesting things.

If you don’t like this approach, there is advice for motorists: avoid cheap sedans, better choose (or even buy) a muscle car or sports car. It is on them that the physics and sound of the engine show themselves with the best side, reminding about Driver: San Francisco, and not about the first part, where driving was simply unpleasant.

Driving such cars is much cooler than copies of any Japanese small cars.

Don't forget to activate traps "in reserve", even if there are no opponents there now. You will soon restore the resources necessary for hacking, but such a move can greatly help if the enemies decide to attack at the most unexpected moment.

Another way to get rid of the guard who is about to discover the main character is distract with his own mobile phone. Then you can calmly sneak past or even stun with your fist - the enemy won’t even notice it.

We also recommend early acquire the ability to set criminal gangs or police against a person. Sometimes you don’t even need to get involved in a shootout: you call the “lads”, and they will sort it out themselves. Well, if they don’t figure it out, then at least they’ll make some noise, and it’s much easier to get past the lingering guards to the goal.

We fight with the police

Very often the police and various security companies will put a spoke in the hero’s wheels. But you can also fight them. First of all, if you see that a witness has decided to call the cops - just call him on the phone. Or activate an ability that distracts everyone in the area.

Well, to escape from the cops, it’s best to turn off the road into some kind of gateway, as far as possible change car faster and hide in it. If the courtyard is narrow enough, then even a helicopter will not help law enforcement officers find you. Especially here The ability to open a car without first disabling its alarm system will also come in handy. Activate this skill as early as possible. Otherwise, you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation: the police will come running in response to the noise and you will have to run away from them again.

A stun gun and hand-to-hand combat techniques are not only silent, but they are also more effective than firearms.

And finally, we come to the main “headache” of the heroes of Watch Dogs 2 - armored fighters. Weapons are not very good against them - these big guys, thanks to their helmets, can withstand even direct hits to the head. Traps do not always help either, especially if there are several opponents. But they are easy to crush with a car(especially remotely controlled), and it's even better to beat them... hand to hand. Attacking with fists and from around the corner, main character puts the big guy down much faster than with a bullet. Although we still advise just in case buy explosives and something heavy in advance, like grenade launchers. Believe me, at the last levels this can make life a lot easier.

* * *

This is where our educational program ends, although we are sure that if desired, everyone will find a dozen more ways to “cheat” the game. Still, Watch Dogs 2 is an extremely bold and rich game that allows you to experiment and play through it the way you want.

Mission 1. End of the eighth inning

After 11 months, Aiden Pearce finds his family's killer. In the basement of the baseball stadium, we enter the technical room and interrogate the killer Maurice. The name of the customer cannot be found out.
Let's start playing. Aim (right mouse button) and shoot (left mouse button) at Maurice. But it was only a threat; there are no cartridges in the pistol. When the hero turns away from the person being interrogated, we prepare to repel the enemy’s blow (the “F” key is a quick action).
Goal: Leave the locker room when ready
Hack mobile phone, lying on the floor (key “Q” - hack). Listeningaudio recording Maurice 01from the phone. You can hack the soda machine on the right, but this is a useless action. On the shelf to the left of the door you can findmedicines. We take it from the left wallchemical component.
We leave the room. On the way we meet another armed enemy with a tattoo on the floor of his face, but our accomplice neutralizes him in time. An accomplice fakes the murder of two people and then reveals that he has already called the police. We urgently need to leave this place.

Objective: Sneak past the Police
There are two corridors ahead. First we go into the right corridor, in front we break into the washing machine. The police will follow this noise. We go to the left corridor. Along the way, you can hide behind boxes and other objects (key “C”). We approach the car, turn left and exit the underground parking lot.

Goal: Hack the camera
We climb onto the trash can (spacebar), and from it to the second floor. Here on the left wall at the top we see a security video camera, we hack it (press and hold the “Q” key).
Goal: Follow the data flow line to its source
After hacking, the view from the camera is turned on. We point the lens at the opposite wall, from here we hack the second video camera.
Goal: Unlock the door
From the second camera we see two policemen, and to the right below them there is a switchboard on the wall, we hack it.

Goal: Reach the upper level
We walk forward and see a policeman on the way.
Objective: Use a lure to distract the coop
We take it from the nearest tableelectronic parts. Open the weapon menu (middle mouse button), select the “Bait” ​​section (switch positions by moving the mouse), assemble a device from the parts (key “E”). Throw the device at the indicated point (key “G”).
While the policeman goes to the right towards the sound, we quietly move forward to the escalator.

We go into the hall where there are a lot of people. Hiding behind the counter, we can view the personal data of the people standing nearby (key “Z”). Some of them allow you to withdraw some money from your mobile account. In the corridor we go to the ATM and take away the stolen money.

We pass along the corridor. Ahead, behind the glass, we see fans at the stadium. We turn left and see two policemen behind the glass doors. Here Aiden Pearce calls a hacker he knows under the nickname Hooligan17 (Badboy17) and asks for help to gain access to the building's information network.
Goal: Find and hack the guard with the access code
We find a camera on the ceiling above the police and hack it. We look forward from the camera, and on the second red column we hack into another video camera. From here we hack the phone of one of the guards on the right.
Goal: hack local network stadium (Hack into the stadium’s network)
We turn the video camera to the left, we see a red column next to the doors, we hack the shield on it.
Goal: Create a blackout
We get into the server room, here above the cabinets we turn off the power supply.

Goal: leave the stadium ( Escape the stadium)
The lights are turned off. Up ahead, two guards move to the left, one continues to look to the right. We quickly walk to the opposite wall behind the guard. Then we go along the wall to the left. The police won't notice us even at a distance of a couple of meters. We leave the room.

On the way out, the hero calls his Asian accomplice, his name is Jordi Chin. Then through the cafe we ​​go out onto the street.
Goal: Leave the police search area
On the street, police cars are already converging on the stadium building. We just move forward without attracting attention to ourselves. Geordie Chin suggests going to the left, where the getaway car is already prepared in the garage. But you can hide in another way: at the intersection you can turn left, walk to the river bank, board a boat and go further away.
Goal: reach your hideout
Opening global map(key “M”), on the western island we see the goal of the task, we sail to it. We go into the motel, on the second floor we enter our room.
In your room you can hack the device lying on the table and listenaudio recording Aiden Pearce 05. On the nightstand in the corner we take electronic parts, in the bathroom we take chemical components and unstable chemical components. At the chest of drawers near the bathroom you can change the hero’s clothes, but so far there is nothing except the standard suit.Goal: Go to sleep
Having examined the entire shelter, we lie down on the bed and fall asleep until the morning.

Training mission. Crime detection

Goal: Exit your motel room
We go outside and see several people and their personal information.
Goal: check people for potential crimes near your hideout
We walk around the motel, hacking cell phones of ordinary people in search of information. For some you can overhear a conversation, for others you can download a melody to your mobile phone, for others you can withdraw a small amount of money from your mobile account.
After some time, criminal activity will be discovered in the next block.
Goal: Investigate the potential crime area
We focus on the minimap in the lower right corner, go to the blue triangle symbol. We approach the yard where the crime is being committed. But you can’t go in there right away; first you need to collect evidence.
We hack the camera hanging on the building next to the Italian store. We turn the camera into the alley on the right, hack the second camera. We point the second camera down and film how two people communicate. The video camera triggers the alarm.
Goal: stop the crime
We catch up with the fleeing criminal. You can shoot him from afar, but if we take him alive, we will get more experience. You can catch up with a person at an intersection if you break the traffic light in time and turn on the red light. We stun the criminal (key “F”).
Additional mission completed. For this we get a reputation increase.

Mission 2. Big Brother

After completing the first missions, we can safely move around the city. To continue completing the main story quests, turn on the map (key “M”), find the yellow hexagon symbol (the next mission is in the northern part of the left island), plot a route to it (left mouse button). Having arrived at the place, hold down the “E” key to start the mission.

Goal: Join the party in the backyard
We approach a house decorated balloons. This is the house where the remaining family of the hero lives - sister Nicky and her 10-year-old son Jackson. We go around the house on the right side along the path. We meet with the family in the backyard.
Goal: enter Nicky’s home (Head inside Nicky’s home)
We continue to communicate at home. At this time, Niki receives a call from a stranger.
Goal: listen to Nick’s phone (Listen in on Nick’s phone)
We hack the phone and listen to the conversation. A stranger is threatening our family. We determine the location of the caller.

Goal: stop the suspect (Take down the suspect)
We go out into the street and immediately get into the nearest car. On an adjacent street, the suspect drives away in his car, and we pursue him. You cannot take shortcuts along neighboring streets, as the suspect will go into an underground tunnel to another island.
To stop a criminal's car, you can hack traffic lights at intersections. When his car stops, we get out and shoot the enemy.
Goal: Hack the caller’s phone for answers
We hack a mobile phone and find out some information. Next, the hero contacts the hacker Hooligan17. Together they agree to hack the city's ctOS network to obtain the necessary information.

Mission 3: Backstage Pass

Goal: buy the 416 assault rifle (Purchase the 416 assault rifle)
We enter the weapons store, communicate with the seller (key “E”). In the purchase menu in the second tab we buy weapon 416 for $1200.
Goal: Locate a guard with the access code
We approach a closed area, highlighted in red on the minimap. We bought the rifle as a last resort; there is no need to shoot here. It is also not necessary to enter a closed area.
We stand in front of the closed gate, hack the video camera hanging on the pole on the right. We hack the 2nd camera in the lower right corner of the construction site, from it to the camera above the stairs.
Goal: Hack the guard for the access code
Inside the room behind the right wall there is a guard who has an access code. We go to the cell on the left, examine the guard and download the code from him.

Goal: Use access code to reach the servers
We return to the previous chamber above the stairs. From here we look forward, hack the sound device, which attracts the attention of the guards. We quickly move to the video camera on the chest of one of the guards. When the guard goes and looks behind the boxes, we break open the shield on the wall. We get to the line hacking menu.
Puzzle Network. Here we rotate the circles with switches (key “Q”) so that they close the line, coloring it blue. The 1st section is a straight line. The 2nd section is a line with one loop, here you need two blue lines to come to the castle symbol at once. The 3rd section is a line with a loop, where one node is painted red - this is a burglary detection device. It is better to turn the red node last, since after turning it the countdown timer will start.
Having hacked the line, we find ourselves in a video camera inside the server room. We hack the server and gain access to the city network of the area.
Goal: Leave the area
If you don't start a firefight in a mission, leaving the zone will be a piece of cake.

Training mission. Network hacking

Objective: Find the enemy hacker (Find 2XTheTap)
Aiden Pearce is not the only successful hacker in town. Right before the next one starts story mission someone remotely hacks our cell phone and starts downloading all the data. We can only roughly determine the location of the enemy hacker.
The hacker is somewhere in a small park, you need to find him among ordinary passers-by. The only thing that is known is that he must have a cell phone. The screen shows the progress of downloading our data. If we don't make it to 100%, the mission will fail.
The hacker turns out to be a man walking around the park in a circle, wearing a brown jacket (perhaps, with each new passage, the person’s appearance is chosen randomly).
Goal: kill the hacker before he escapes (Kill 2XTheTap before he evades)
The person found must be killed. If we don’t catch him on foot, he will run across the road and get into the car; we will need to catch up with him by car.

We are hiding from the crime scene. You can easily get away from police cars if you lift the sliding bridge behind you or close the metal gate behind you.

Goal: enable online contracts application (Access the Online Contracts App)
After completing the mission, the game prompts us to see a list of similar additional missions, to do this, open the map (key “M”), go to the map of online contracts (key “right”). Such missions are highlighted in purple on the map. Initially, there is one such task in each district of the city. You can play online contracts only if the game is connected to the UPlay servers (not available on pirated copies games).
Goal: select a contract and request a target (Select Online Hacking and request a target)
We select any task and try to enable it. Even if you fail to connect to the UPlay server, the task will still be completed.
The threat of hacking has been eliminated, now you can return to completing the story mission.

Mission 4. Seat in the back seat

Asian mercenary Geordie Chin offers to complete one of the tasks assigned to him by his customers.
Goal: achieve Western Island to receive a contract (Reach the West Island for the driving contract)
On the spot we receive the task of leading a person through police checkpoints.
Goal: reach the fugitive undetected
We're going north. We constantly look at the minimap, yellow circles appear there - search zones, if we do not leave such a circle in time, the police will begin to chase us. If you get caught, you first need to hide from the police, then continue the task.
We approach the garage, break open the gate, and inside we find a car and an armed man in the back seat.
Goal: escape the lockdown area undetected
We are on a small intermediate island, here all the bridges are blocked, the only way out of the encirclement is to go to the south of the island. There are two parallel streets leading south, but they are constantly patrolled by police cars and one helicopter. Our task is to drive through the side streets, hiding from the police. When one of the cops' cars passes by, turn off the engine and hide in the car (key "F"). When the danger has passed, we turn on the car engine again and drive on.
Goal: Deliver the fugitive and avoid all detection
On the southern edge of the island, one of the roads is not blocked; we drive along it. We are going to the designated area. Inside there is a showdown between the client and customer Lucky Kunn. Let's leave this place.

Mission 5. Open your world

Goal: meet with Hooligan17 (Meet with Badboy17)
We go into the underground passage and meet with the hacker Hooligan17, who turns out to be an informal girl named Clara Lille. She downloads utilities to our phone for hacking the ctOS city network (now almost all abilities are available to us on the “Skills” tab). But now you need to gain access to the ctOS central office.

Goal: infiltrate the ctOS Executive Offices
We drive through the underground parking lot to our goal. There is a restricted area patrolled by a dozen guards. You won't be able to pass through here unnoticed, but before the start of the battle you can hack the video camera to inspect the area, count the guards, and perhaps eliminate someone with an electronic explosion. After that, we enter the zone and shoot the guards. The locked door can be opened by hacking the shield on the wall on the right.
Goal: Locate a guard with the access code
We enter the office. Here on the lower floor we also hack into the cameras, count the enemies, then destroy them with precision. We get the access code from one of the guards; he walks along the central path of the lower floor. On the second floor we find a panel for using the access key.

Goal: get access to an unsecured computer (Hack the access point to breach the unsecured laptop)
We hack the network. This time the puzzles have become much more difficult.
1 network. First, we turn the switches on the left and right to power the central node of the network. Remove the lock from the central unit. Then we turn the left switch to the position from bottom to left, the central one - from bottom to top and to the right, the right - from left to top.
2 network. We turn the switches so that the flow of information goes first to the top, then to the bottom node, and from it to the right to the end node. (If you are confused, you can start building a flow from the end node to the start one, so you will immediately see one single solution option).
Goal: hack the computer (Hack the laptop to upload a virus and give Clara access)
Having hacked the network, we look through the video camera at the boss of the security department of the Blum Corporation. While he is talking on the phone, we download a virus to him and hack his computer.
Goal: leave the building (Escape the Plaza)
Access has been gained, now we quickly leave the building - through the second floor we go out onto the street.
Goal: prevent the police from being called (Escape the Police scan undetected)
Enemies have discovered a hack in the system and are now trying to call the police. Hacker Hooligan17 gives us a special Jam Coms ability - blocking outgoing calls ("G" key). We immediately use this ability so that the enemies are left without reinforcements (the ability temporarily stops the yellow search zone).
We move away from the building, avoiding getting into the yellow search zones.

Goal: get to the signal source (Reach the mystery caller's signal source)
We come to a deserted alley and climb up the boxes to the second floor. There are a lot of objects around that can be hacked and exploded, but we don’t touch them for now, they will come in handy later.
Goal: Pinpoint the signal’s location
We see a ctOS network shield on the wall, but its signal is protected on both sides.
Goal: Find and activate the ctOS Boxes
We hack the video camera on the right wall. From the camera we look to the right at a high illuminated area, there we hack the second video camera. With the 2nd camera we look down at the site, hack the first signal blocker.
The second blocker cannot be seen from here. We return to controlling the hero, go downstairs, go into a well-lit alley. At the left wall around the corner we see a small elevator. Around the corner from above, next to the elevator, there is a video camera, we hack it. We look straight from the camera, and on the opposite wall we break into the second blocker.
Goal: Access the building network to reach the signal source
We return to the ctOS shield and begin to hack it.
1 network. We bring the signal to the blocked node from both sides and open it. We turn the triple switch down, and turn the unlocked switch to the right.
2 network. We supply a signal to the blocked node from three sides and open it. We first carry out the upper signal to the left, and along the upper path we bring it to the end point. Using the unlocked switch, we pass the signal to the right. We carry out another signal along the lower path.
Goal: Investigate the apartment
The view from the video camera is turned on. We hack the camera near the laptop. Then we hack the phone. An old acquaintance, hacker Damien Brenks, gets in touch.Goal: Kill all fixers or escape

At this time, the alley was surrounded by assassins and hitmen. You can’t leave cover, so we hack cameras and explosive devices around to kill enemies.
In a minute the light will go out in the alley. In the dark we can quickly get out of the encirclement. We come out from behind the cover, run forward, jump to the ground, run through the door on the right, and find ourselves in an underground parking lot. From here we leave by car and leave the danger zone.
Goal: trace the location of Damien's call (Follow the traced call to Damien)
We reach the memorial. We find old man Damien near the statue of infinity. He tells us everything he knows and offers to work together as before, but Aiden Pearce refuses.


We just arrive at the cemetery, watch a video - a memory.

Mission 7. This is not pizza

Jordie Chin tells us that a man with a tattoo on his face survived the showdown under the stadium. Now he is in prison and is ready to testify against us. We need to get in touch with the prison authorities.
Goal: Climb to meet Jordi on the patio deck
We climb along the right column to the second floor balcony. Our accomplice has already tied up the residents of the apartment and set up a sniper point here. (In one of the rooms we findaudio recording Malcolm Deodato 02). Our task is to get to the other side of the river.
Objective: Infiltrate the rail yard
We get down from the balcony and go down to the pier. We get into the boat and sail to the left pier on the other side. Before entering the restricted area, we hack the video camera and blow up a couple of enemies through it. We enter and finish off the remaining ones. Sniper Geordie will help us.
Objective: Eavesdrop on the enemy boss (Interrogate the Fixer Boss)
There's a blocked door ahead. The blocker is located on the wall of a small two-story building near the shore. You can hack the camera on the second floor of the building, look down through the lattice balcony and break the lock.
We enter the doors and interrogate the wounded boss of the eliminaters, Lance Brenner. It's about a man named Angelo Tucci, who carries out illegal torture and interrogations in prison.
Goal: Kill all fixers of escape
We go back out onto the street, enemy reinforcements have already arrived here. You can only kill the closest enemies, run along the right wall, and quickly return to the boat. One of Aiden Pearce’s abilities is to temporarily disable the helicopter’s electronics, we use it (first you need to purchase it in the skills menu). Having temporarily turned off the helicopter, we board the boat and leave the danger zone.

Mission 8. A spoke in the wheels

Goal: find Angelo Tucci’s niece (Use the Profiler to find Angelo Tucci’s niece)
Hacker Clara Lill did not find Angelo Tucci himself, but approximately determined the whereabouts of his niece. Let's go look for her.
We enter the hall of a skyscraper building. Here, near the Connelly Square sign, there is a musician with a trumpet, and next to him is our target - Helena Tucci.
Goal: Hack the niece’s phone
You can’t get too close; we hack your phone from at least 8 meters away. First, the hero calls Helena's phone, introducing himself as a police officer. After this, Helena will call her uncle. At this moment, we hack her phone and determine where her relative is.
Goal: Kill Angelo Tucci before he reaches prison the prison)
Angelo is driving on the eastern freeway, moving from north to south. We go out into the street, get into the first car we come across, drive to the right intersection, turn right, after that we can drive straight to the highway without turning anywhere.
On the highway, we leave the car across the road, get out and pick up a rifle. Good to have with you sniper rifle, but a regular assault rifle will also work. (If you have already saved up enough money, then you can generally buy a grenade launcher at a weapons store). Angelo Tucci is driving in a motorcade of three cars, we need to aim for the middle one.
Goal: Eliminate Angelo before he escapes
If it was not possible to kill Angelo with a targeted shot, then we shoot at the wheels of the car, so it will not go far. We finish off the enemy.
Goal: kill Angelo’s accomplices or escape (Kill Angelo’s alies or escape)
It's easier to destroy two more bandits' cars than to run away from them.

Mission 9. Red doesn't suit you

The hero comes to prison and surrenders to the police to get to the witness. He is placed in one of the cells.
Goal: leave your cell (Escape your cell)
We look out the door window. In prison, almost all guards have a hidden video camera on their chest. We hack the first camera.
We are trying to hack the security guard's camera on opposite side second floor. If we can’t aim, we try to hit him through other video cameras.
Using the camera of the second guard, we hack into the video camera in the control room. Inside the room we hack the remote control.

Goal: find a survivor (Locate the survivor)
Going out into the corridor, we immediately hide behind the columns (key “C”). The guards must not be seen, nor can they be hit from behind, otherwise the mission will fail. We examine everything through video cameras, then we begin to move. Running between the columns, we get to the stairs, wait for the guard below to turn away, go down and hide under the stairs. We run into the control room on the first floor.
Objective: Access the network to view the exercise yard
We pass through the room to the landing. On the second floor in an empty room you can takeelectronic parts And audio recording Malcolm Deodato 03. On the third floor there is a guard on duty in the room, you can’t go in there, but you can open the doors and hack the cell phone on the table from afar, for this we’ll getaudio recording Damian Brenks 08.
In the next block of the building we go down to the first floor and run into a separate room. Here there are only two guards moving around two rooms. We hack the video camera of the first guard, use it to hack the second one, and then the shield on the wall.
1 network. First, turn all the switches at the top and bottom. Only after this do we turn the triple switch to the left. Unblock the node, from the triple switch we carry out the signal to the right to the end node.

Objective: find survivor Raul Lionzo ( Find the stadium survivor: Raul Lionzo)
We switch between video cameras, peer into the faces of the prisoners to see their names. The one we are looking for lies down at the double gate at the entrance to the exercise yard. We see how two guards take Raoul to the basement for torture.
Goal: get to the survivor in the basement
We hack the video camera on the first guard, and from it we hack the shield in the far right corner. Let's return to the hero. We lean against the wall and quietly move forward. We wait until both guards turn in the other direction, at which time we quickly run into the opened elevator.
Goal: Take out the survivor in the basament
We enter the room, take the shotgun on the box, and begin to shoot the enemies.
After the victory, a heavily armored enemy will descend into the basement. We hide around the corners, constantly shoot at the armored car, and hack into explosive devices. As soon as the enemy approaches, we run back around another corner. Having fired more than 20 shots, we destroy the enemy.
We go to the door and break it open. We communicate with prisoner Raul Lionzo, who has a half-face tattoo.

Goal: Exit the prison
We go into the hall. There's a locked lattice door here. We enter the right door, in the room we findmedicines, Ingredients And audio recording Malcolm Deodato 04. Through the window of the room we break open the shield behind the bars. We go outside.

Goal: escape the police
On the street we were surrounded by police. We immediately hide behind the nearest shelter. We get into any car, accelerate and drive onto the springboard in the far left corner of the roof. This is how we get onto the subway rails. You can drive along the rails to another island, the police cars won’t catch up with us, and the helicopter can be hacked with a special skill.


If you don’t know how to complete a task, find the necessary item, or defeat this or that boss in the game, then you are welcome to the section Walkthrough. Here we publish a wide variety of videos of each level, collaborating with users on YouTube.

For each walkthrough, we attach a small plot description of the game and a list of missions so that you can immediately become aware of the events described in the game. In addition, we mention the author of the walkthrough with an active link to his channel so that you can subscribe to other user broadcasts.

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Who will outdrink whom, Chess, Cash Run.

  • Achievements .
  • general information

    Developer: Ubisoft. Publisher: Ubisoft.

    Time to complete 100% completion of the game is 50 hours.

    Watch_Dogs. Walkthrough

    In Watch_Dogs, Chicago is controlled by the Central Operating System (ctOS), which contains information about all residents. And whoever gains access to it will gain control of the city.

    Aiden Pearce is a prominent hacker with a criminal past whose actions caused a tragedy. To avenge his family, he goes on the warpath - and you along with him. Aiden is able to hack and use everything that is connected to the city's information network - everything that surrounds him. Access security cameras, upload personal data, track people's locations, control traffic lights and public transport...

    System requirements
    Watch_Dogs. Walkthrough of the game on PC

    Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
    CPU 4 x 2.66 GHz
    (Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.66Ghz)
    (AMD Phenom II X4 940 3.0Ghz)
    8 x 3.5 GHz
    (Intel Core i7-3770 3.5 GHz)
    (AMD FX-8350 X8 4 GHz)
    Video card 1 GB Video RAM
    (Nvidia Geforce GTX 460)
    (AMD Radeon HD 5770)
    DirectX 11
    2 GB Video RAM
    (Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 ti)
    (AMD Radeon HD 7850)
    DirectX 11
    25 GB 25 GB
    operating system Windows Vista (SP2),
    Windows 7 (SP1)
    Windows 8 (64 bit)
    Windows Vista (SP2),
    Windows 7 (SP1)
    Windows 8 (64 bit)

    Passing story missions. Act 1

    Act I mission selection menu:
    , , , , , , , , , , , .


    The game begins in the lobby of the expensive Merlaut hotel. Hacker Aiden Pearce and his accomplice Damien Brenks hack into the computer of one of the guests and steal money from an electronic account. But the security system detects the hack in time, and the hacker is identified. Aiden Pearce manages to escape the crime scene, but his name is already becoming known.

    After this, we see how an unknown customer instructs the killer Maurice to kill the hacker’s entire family. After some time, a motorcyclist attacks Aiden Pierce's car and shoots her. The main character's 6-year-old niece, Lena Pearce, dies in the accident.

    Mission 1. End of the eighth inning
    Watch Dogs. Walkthrough. Bottom of the Eighth

    After 11 months, Aiden Pearce finds his family's killer. In the basement of the baseball stadium, we enter the technical room and interrogate the killer Maurice. The name of the customer cannot be found out.

    Let's start playing. Aim (right mouse button) and shoot (left mouse button) at Maurice. But it was only a threat; there are no cartridges in the pistol. When the hero turns away from the person being interrogated, we prepare to repel the enemy’s blow (the “F” key is a quick action).

    Goal: Leave the locker room when ready

    We hack a mobile phone lying on the floor (key “Q” - hack). Listening audio recording Maurice 01 from the phone. You can hack the soda machine on the right, but this is a useless action. On the shelf to the left of the door you can find medicines. We take it from the left wall chemical component.

    We leave the room. On the way we meet another armed enemy with a tattoo on the floor of his face, but our accomplice neutralizes him in time. An accomplice fakes the murder of two people and then reveals that he has already called the police. We urgently need to leave this place.

    Objective: Sneak past the Police

    There are two corridors ahead. First we go into the right corridor, in front we break into the washing machine. The police will follow this noise. We go to the left corridor. Along the way, you can hide behind boxes and other objects (key “C”). We approach the car, turn left and exit the underground parking lot.

    Goal: Hack the camera

    We climb onto the trash can (spacebar), and from it to the second floor. Here on the left wall at the top we see a security video camera, we hack it (press and hold the “Q” key).

    Goal: Follow the data flow line to its source

    After hacking, the view from the camera is turned on. We point the lens at the opposite wall, from here we hack the second video camera.

    Goal: Unlock the door

    From the second camera we see two policemen, and to the right below them there is a switchboard on the wall, we hack it.

    Goal: Reach the upper level

    We walk forward and see a policeman on the way.

    Objective: Use a lure to distract the coop

    We take it from the nearest table electronic parts. Open the weapon menu (middle mouse button), select the “Bait” ​​section (switch positions by moving the mouse), assemble a device from the parts (key “E”). Throw the device at the indicated point (key “G”).

    While the policeman goes to the right towards the sound, we quietly move forward to the escalator.

    We go into the hall where there are a lot of people. Hiding behind the counter, we can view the personal data of the people standing nearby (key “Z”). Some of them allow you to withdraw some money from your mobile account. In the corridor we go to the ATM and take away the stolen money.

    We pass along the corridor. Ahead, behind the glass, we see fans at the stadium. We turn left and see two policemen behind the glass doors. Here Aiden Pearce calls a hacker he knows under the nickname Hooligan17 (Badboy17) and asks for help to gain access to the building's information network.

    Goal: Find and hack the guard with the access code

    We find a camera on the ceiling above the police and hack it. We look forward from the camera, and on the second red column we hack into another video camera. From here we hack the phone of one of the guards on the right.

    Goal: Hack into the stadium’s network

    We turn the video camera to the left, we see a red column next to the doors, we hack the shield on it.

    Goal: Create a blackout

    We get into the server room, here above the cabinets we turn off the power supply.

    Goal: leave the stadium (Escape the stadium)

    The lights are turned off. Up ahead, two guards move to the left, one continues to look to the right. We quickly walk to the opposite wall behind the guard. Then we go along the wall to the left. The police won't notice us even at a distance of a couple of meters. We leave the room.

    On the way out, the hero calls his Asian accomplice, his name is Jordi Chin. Then through the cafe we ​​go out onto the street.

    Goal: Leave the police search area

    On the street, police cars are already converging on the stadium building. We just move forward without attracting attention to ourselves. Geordie Chin suggests going to the left, where the getaway car is already prepared in the garage. But you can hide in another way: at the intersection you can turn left, walk to the river bank, board a boat and go further away.

    Goal: reach your hideout

    We open the global map (key “M”), on the western island we see the goal of the task, we sail to it. We go into the motel, on the second floor we enter our room.

    In your room you can hack the device lying on the table and listen audio recording Aiden Pearce 05. On the nightstand in the corner we take electronic parts, in the bathroom we take chemical components and unstable chemical components. At the chest of drawers near the bathroom you can change the hero’s clothes, but so far there is nothing except the standard suit.

    Goal: Go to sleep

    Having examined the entire shelter, we lie down on the bed and fall asleep until the morning.

    Training mission. Crime detection
    Watch Dogs. Walkthrough site

    Goal: Exit your motel room

    We go outside and see several people and their personal information.

    Goal: check people for potential crimes near your hideout

    We walk around the motel, hacking cell phones of ordinary people in search of information. For some you can overhear a conversation, for others you can download a melody to your mobile phone, for others you can withdraw a small amount of money from your mobile account.

    After some time, criminal activity will be discovered in the next block.

    Goal: Investigate the potential crime area

    We focus on the minimap in the lower right corner, go to the blue triangle symbol. We approach the yard where the crime is being committed. But you can’t go in there right away; first you need to collect evidence.

    We hack the camera hanging on the building next to the Italian store. We turn the camera into the alley on the right, hack the second camera. We point the second camera down and film how two people communicate. The video camera triggers the alarm.

    Goal: stop the crime

    We catch up with the fleeing criminal. You can shoot him from afar, but if we take him alive, we will get more experience. You can catch up with a person at an intersection if you break the traffic light in time and turn on the red light. We stun the criminal (key “F”).

    Additional mission completed. For this we get a reputation increase.

    Mission 2. Big Brother
    Watch Dogs. Walkthrough. 2. Big Brother

    After completing the first missions, we can safely move around the city. To continue completing the main story quests, turn on the map (key “M”), find the yellow hexagon symbol (the next mission is in the northern part of the left island), plot a route to it (left mouse button). Having arrived at the place, hold down the “E” key to start the mission.

    Goal: Join the party in the backyard

    We approach a house decorated with balloons. This is the house where the remaining family of the hero lives - sister Nicky and her 10-year-old son Jackson. We go around the house on the right side along the path. We meet with the family in the backyard.

    Goal: enter Nicky’s home (Head inside Nicky’s home)

    We continue to communicate at home. At this time, Niki receives a call from a stranger.

    Goal: listen to Nick’s phone (Listen in on Nick’s phone)

    We hack the phone and listen to the conversation. A stranger is threatening our family. We determine the location of the caller.

    Goal: Take down the suspect

    We go out into the street and immediately get into the nearest car. On an adjacent street, the suspect drives away in his car, and we pursue him. You cannot take shortcuts along neighboring streets, as the suspect will go into an underground tunnel to another island.

    To stop a criminal's car, you can hack traffic lights at intersections. When his car stops, we get out and shoot the enemy.

    Goal: Hack the caller’s phone for answers

    We hack a mobile phone and find out some information. Next, the hero contacts the hacker Hooligan17. Together they agree to hack the city's ctOS network to obtain the necessary information.

    Mission 3: Backstage Pass
    Watch Dogs. Walkthrough. 3.Backstage pass

    Goal: buy the 416 assault rifle (Purchase the 416 assault rifle)

    We enter the weapons store, communicate with the seller (key “E”). In the purchase menu in the second tab we buy weapon 416 for $1200.

    Goal: Locate a guard with the access code

    We approach a closed area, highlighted in red on the minimap. We bought the rifle as a last resort; there is no need to shoot here. It is also not necessary to enter a closed area.

    We stand in front of the closed gate, hack the video camera hanging on the pole on the right. We hack the 2nd camera in the lower right corner of the construction site, from it to the camera above the stairs.

    Goal: Hack the guard for the access code

    Inside the room behind the right wall there is a guard who has an access code. We go to the cell on the left, examine the guard and download the code from him.

    Goal: Use access code to reach the servers

    We return to the previous chamber above the stairs. From here we look forward, hack the sound device, which attracts the attention of the guards. We quickly move to the video camera on the chest of one of the guards. When the guard goes and looks behind the boxes, we break open the shield on the wall. We get to the line hacking menu.

    Puzzle Network. Here we rotate the circles with switches (key “Q”) so that they close the line, coloring it blue. The 1st section is a straight line. The 2nd section is a line with one loop, here you need two blue lines to come to the castle symbol at once. The 3rd section is a line with a loop, where one node is painted red - this is a burglary detection device. It is better to turn the red node last, since after turning it the countdown timer will start.

    Having hacked the line, we find ourselves in a video camera inside the server room. We hack the server and gain access to the city network of the area.

    Goal: Leave the area

    If you don't start a firefight in a mission, leaving the zone will be a piece of cake.

    Training mission. Network hacking
    Watch Dogs Walkthrough

    Objective: Find the enemy hacker (Find 2XTheTap)

    Aiden Pearce is not the only successful hacker in town. Right before the start of the next story mission, someone remotely hacks our cell phone and starts downloading all the data. We can only roughly determine the location of the enemy hacker.

    The hacker is somewhere in a small park, you need to find him among ordinary passers-by. The only thing that is known is that he must have a cell phone. The screen shows the progress of downloading our data. If we don't make it to 100%, the mission will fail.

    The hacker turns out to be a man walking around the park in a circle, wearing a brown jacket (perhaps, with each new passage, the person’s appearance is chosen randomly).

    Goal: kill the hacker before he escapes (Kill 2XTheTap before he evades)

    The person found must be killed. If we don’t catch him on foot, he will run across the road and get into the car; we will need to catch up with him by car.

    We are hiding from the crime scene. You can easily get away from police cars if you lift the sliding bridge behind you or close the metal gate behind you.

    Goal: Enable the Online Contracts App

    After completing the mission, the game prompts us to look at a list of similar additional missions; to do this, open the map ("M" key), go to the map of online contracts ("right" key). Such missions are highlighted in purple on the map. Initially, there is one such task in each district of the city. You can play online contracts only if the game is connected to UPlay servers (not available on pirated copies of the game).

    Goal: select a contract and request a target (Select Online Hacking and request a target)

    We select any task and try to enable it. Even if you fail to connect to the UPlay server, the task will still be completed.

    The threat of hacking has been eliminated, now you can return to completing the story mission.

    Mission 4. Seat in the back seat
    Walkthrough of Watch Dogs. 4.Backseat driver

    Asian mercenary Geordie Chin offers to complete one of the tasks assigned to him by his customers.

    Goal: reach the West Island for the driving contract

    On the spot we receive the task of leading a person through police checkpoints.

    Goal: reach the fugitive undetected

    We're going north. We constantly look at the minimap, yellow circles appear there - search zones, if we do not leave such a circle in time, the police will begin to chase us. If you get caught, you first need to hide from the police, then continue the task.

    We approach the garage, break open the gate, and inside we find a car and an armed man in the back seat.

    Goal: escape the lockdown area undetected

    We are on a small intermediate island, here all the bridges are blocked, the only way out of the encirclement is to go to the south of the island. There are two parallel streets leading south, but they are constantly patrolled by police cars and one helicopter. Our task is to drive through the side streets, hiding from the police. When one of the cops' cars passes by, turn off the engine and hide in the car (key "F"). When the danger has passed, we turn on the car engine again and drive on.

    Goal: Deliver the fugitive and avoid all detection

    On the southern edge of the island, one of the roads is not blocked; we drive along it. We are going to the designated area. Inside there is a showdown between the client and customer Lucky Kunn. Let's leave this place.

    Mission 5. Open your world
    Watch Dogs. Open Your World

    Goal: meet with Hooligan17 (Meet with Badboy17)

    We go into the underground passage and meet with the hacker Hooligan17, who turns out to be an informal girl named Clara Lille. She downloads utilities to our phone for hacking the ctOS city network (now almost all abilities are available to us on the “Skills” tab). But now you need to gain access to the ctOS central office.

    Goal: infiltrate the ctOS Executive Offices

    We drive through the underground parking lot to our goal. There is a restricted area patrolled by a dozen guards. You won't be able to pass through here unnoticed, but before the start of the battle you can hack the video camera to inspect the area, count the guards, and perhaps eliminate someone with an electronic explosion. After that, we enter the zone and shoot the guards. The locked door can be opened by hacking the shield on the wall on the right.

    Goal: Locate a guard with the access code

    We enter the office. Here on the lower floor we also hack into the cameras, count the enemies, then destroy them with precision. We get the access code from one of the guards; he walks along the central path of the lower floor. On the second floor we find a panel for using the access key.

    Goal: get access to an unsecured computer (Hack the access point to breach the unsecured laptop)

    We hack the network. This time the puzzles have become much more difficult.

    1 network. First, we turn the switches on the left and right to power the central node of the network. Remove the lock from the central unit. Then we turn the left switch to the position from bottom to left, the central one - from bottom to top and to the right, the right - from left to top.

    2 network. We turn the switches so that the flow of information goes first to the top, then to the bottom node, and from it to the right to the end node. (If you are confused, you can start building a flow from the end node to the start one, so you will immediately see one single solution option).

    Goal: hack the computer (Hack the laptop to upload a virus and give Clara access)

    Having hacked the network, we look through the video camera at the boss of the security department of the Blum Corporation. While he is talking on the phone, we download a virus to him and hack his computer.

    Goal: leave the building (Escape the Plaza)

    Access has been gained, now we quickly leave the building - through the second floor we go out onto the street.

    Goal: prevent the police from being called (Escape the Police scan undetected)

    Enemies have discovered a hack in the system and are now trying to call the police. Hacker Hooligan17 gives us a special Jam Coms ability - blocking outgoing calls ("G" key). We immediately use this ability so that the enemies are left without reinforcements (the ability temporarily stops the yellow search zone).

    Mission 6. Thanks for the advice
    Walkthrough of Watch Dogs. 6. Thanks for the tip

    Goal: get to the source of the signal (Reach the mystery caller’s signal source)

    We come to a deserted alley and climb up the boxes to the second floor. There are a lot of objects around that can be hacked and exploded, but we don’t touch them for now, they will come in handy later.

    Goal: Pinpoint the signal’s location

    We see a ctOS network shield on the wall, but its signal is protected on both sides.

    Goal: Find and activate the ctOS Boxes

    We hack the video camera on the right wall. From the camera we look to the right at a high illuminated area, there we hack the second video camera. With the 2nd camera we look down at the site, hack the first signal blocker.

    The second blocker cannot be seen from here. We return to controlling the hero, go downstairs, go into a well-lit alley. At the left wall around the corner we see a small elevator. Around the corner from above, next to the elevator, there is a video camera, we hack it. We look straight from the camera, and on the opposite wall we break into the second blocker.

    Goal: Access the building network to reach the signal source

    We return to the ctOS shield and begin to hack it.

    1 network. We bring the signal to the blocked node from both sides and open it. We turn the triple switch down, and turn the unlocked switch to the right.

    2 network. We supply a signal to the blocked node from three sides and open it. We first carry out the upper signal to the left, and along the upper path we bring it to the end point. Using the unlocked switch, we pass the signal to the right. We carry out another signal along the lower path.

    Goal: Investigate the apartment

    The view from the video camera is turned on. We hack the camera near the laptop. Then we hack the phone. An old acquaintance, hacker Damien Brenks, gets in touch.

    Goal: Kill all fixers or escape

    At this time, the alley was surrounded by assassins and hitmen. You can’t leave cover, so we hack cameras and explosive devices around to kill enemies.

    In a minute the light will go out in the alley. In the dark we can quickly get out of the encirclement. We come out from behind the cover, run forward, jump to the ground, run through the door on the right, and find ourselves in an underground parking lot. From here we leave by car and leave the danger zone.

    Goal: trace the location of Damien's call (Follow the traced call to Damien)

    We reach the memorial. We find old man Damien near the statue of infinity. He tells us everything he knows and offers to work together as before, but Aiden Pearce refuses.

    Walkthrough of Watch Dogs. Remember

    We just arrive at the cemetery, watch a video - a memory.

    Mission 7. This is not pizza
    Watch_Dogs. Walkthrough of Not the Pizza Guy

    Jordie Chin tells us that a man with a tattoo on his face survived the showdown under the stadium. Now he is in prison and is ready to testify against us. We need to get in touch with the prison authorities.

    Goal: Climb to meet Jordi on the patio deck

    We climb along the right column to the second floor balcony. Our accomplice has already tied up the residents of the apartment and set up a sniper point here. (In one of the rooms we find audio recording Malcolm Deodato 02). Our task is to get to the other side of the river.

    Objective: Infiltrate the rail yard

    We get down from the balcony and go down to the pier. We get into the boat and sail to the left pier on the other side. Before entering the restricted area, we hack the video camera and blow up a couple of enemies through it. We enter and finish off the remaining ones. Sniper Geordie will help us.

    Objective: Eavesdrop on the enemy boss (Interrogate the Fixer Boss)

    There's a blocked door ahead. The blocker is located on the wall of a small two-story building near the shore. You can hack the camera on the second floor of the building, look down through the lattice balcony and break the lock.

    We enter the doors and interrogate the wounded boss of the eliminaters, Lance Brenner. It's about a man named Angelo Tucci, who carries out illegal torture and interrogations in prison.

    Goal: Kill all fixers of escape

    We go back out onto the street, enemy reinforcements have already arrived here. You can only kill the closest enemies, run along the right wall, and quickly return to the boat. One of Aiden Pearce’s abilities is to temporarily disable the helicopter’s electronics, we use it (first you need to purchase it in the skills menu). Having temporarily turned off the helicopter, we board the boat and leave the danger zone.

    Mission 8. A spoke in the wheels
    Watch_Dogs. Walkthrough on PC. A Wrench in the works

    Goal: find Angelo Tucci’s niece (Use the Profiler to find Angelo Tucci’s niece)

    Hacker Clara Lill did not find Angelo Tucci himself, but approximately determined the whereabouts of his niece. Let's go look for her.

    We enter the hall of a skyscraper building. Here, near the Connelly Square sign, there is a musician with a trumpet, and next to him is our target - Helena Tucci.

    Goal: Hack the niece’s phone

    You can’t get too close; we hack your phone from at least 8 meters away. First, the hero calls Helena's phone, introducing himself as a police officer. After this, Helena will call her uncle. At this moment, we hack her phone and determine where her relative is.

    Goal: Kill Angelo Tucci before he reaches the prison

    Angelo is driving on the eastern freeway, moving from north to south. We go out into the street, get into the first car we come across, drive to the right intersection, turn right, after that we can drive straight to the highway without turning anywhere.

    On the highway, we leave the car across the road, get out and pick up a rifle. It's good to have a sniper rifle with you, but a regular assault rifle will work too. (If you have already saved up enough money, then you can generally buy a grenade launcher at a weapons store). Angelo Tucci is driving in a motorcade of three cars, we need to aim for the middle one.

    Goal: Eliminate Angelo before he escapes

    If it was not possible to kill Angelo with a targeted shot, then we shoot at the wheels of the car, so it will not go far. We finish off the enemy.

    Goal: kill Angelo’s accomplices or escape (Kill Angelo’s alies or escape)

    It's easier to destroy two more bandits' cars than to run away from them.

    Mission 9. Red doesn't suit you
    Watch_Dogs. Dressed in Peels

    The hero comes to prison and surrenders to the police to get to the witness. He is placed in one of the cells.

    Goal: leave your cell (Escape your cell)

    We look out the door window. In prison, almost all guards have a hidden video camera on their chest. We hack the first camera.

    We are trying to break into the security guard's camera on the opposite side of the second floor. If we can’t aim, we try to hit him through other video cameras.

    Using the camera of the second guard, we hack into the video camera in the control room. Inside the room we hack the remote control.

    Goal: find a survivor (Locate the survivor)

    Going out into the corridor, we immediately hide behind the columns (key “C”). The guards must not be seen, nor can they be hit from behind, otherwise the mission will fail. We examine everything through video cameras, then we begin to move. Running between the columns, we get to the stairs, wait for the guard below to turn away, go down and hide under the stairs. We run into the control room on the first floor.

    Objective: Access the network to view the exercise yard

    We pass through the room to the landing. On the second floor in an empty room you can take electronic parts And audio recording Malcolm Deodato 03. On the third floor there is a guard on duty in the room, you can’t go in there, but you can open the doors and hack the cell phone on the table from afar, for this we’ll get audio recording Damian Brenks 08.

    In the next block of the building we go down to the first floor and run into a separate room. Here there are only two guards moving around two rooms. We hack the video camera of the first guard, use it to hack the second one, and then the shield on the wall.

    1 network. First, turn all the switches at the top and bottom. Only after this do we turn the triple switch to the left. Unblock the node, from the triple switch we carry out the signal to the right to the end node.

    Goal: find the stadium survivor: Raul Lionzo

    We switch between video cameras, peer into the faces of the prisoners to see their names. The one we are looking for lies down at the double gate at the entrance to the exercise yard. We see how two guards take Raoul to the basement for torture.

    Goal: get to the survivor in the basement

    We hack the video camera on the first guard, and from it we hack the shield in the far right corner. Let's return to the hero. We lean against the wall and quietly move forward. We wait until both guards turn in the other direction, at which time we quickly run into the opened elevator.

    Goal: Take out the survivor in the basament

    We enter the room, take the shotgun on the box, and begin to shoot the enemies.

    After the victory, a heavily armored enemy will descend into the basement. We hide around the corners, constantly shoot at the armored car, and hack into explosive devices. As soon as the enemy approaches, we run back around another corner. Having fired more than 20 shots, we destroy the enemy.

    We go to the door and break it open. We communicate with prisoner Raul Lionzo, who has a half-face tattoo.

    Goal: Exit the prison

    We go into the hall. There's a locked lattice door here. We enter the right door, in the room we find medicines, Ingredients And audio recording Malcolm Deodato 04. Through the window of the room we break open the shield behind the bars. We go outside.

    Goal: escape the police

    On the street we were surrounded by police. We immediately hide behind the nearest shelter. We get into any car, accelerate and drive onto the springboard in the far left corner of the roof. This is how we get onto the subway rails. You can drive along the rails to another island, the police cars won’t catch up with us, and the helicopter can be hacked with a special skill.

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