A role-playing game around the world. Role-playing game “Journey. Cognitive - speech development

Anastasia Sorokina
Plot- role-playing game"Trip around the world" ( senior group)

Role-playing game"Trip around the world" (senior group)

Target: To develop the ability to combine various thematic stories into a single game plot.

Tasks: 1. Develop children’s ability to independently prepare the environment for the game (select objects, attributes, use building materials to build a ship);

2. Strengthen children’s ability to take on a role and perform actions in accordance with this role;

3. Develop mental processes: creative imagination and imagination, attention, memory, thinking;

4. Develop children's speech: enrich vocabulary, ability to conduct role-playing dialogue;

5. Foster friendly relationships and mutual assistance;

6. Create an emotionally positive mood in children.

Preliminary work:

1. The teacher’s story about the responsibilities of the captain, sailors, cashier, controller;

2. Introduction to geographic maps, learning to identify land and sea on a map;

3. Familiarity with marine terminology “Raise anchor”, “Full speed ahead”, etc.

4. Examination of illustrations and paintings by topic;

5. Watching cartoons "Styopa the Sailor", "Ship".

6. Reading fiction by S. Sakharny "The best ship", V. Suteeva "Ship".

Progress of the game:

IN: - Guys, we received a letter, and in it an invitation to trip around the world. We will first go to hot Africa, where we will see many exotic beautiful animals. Then to India, where we will meet fairy-tale characters from different fairy tales: baby elephant, Riki-Tiki-Tavi, Mowgli and his friends. And to Australia, where there are a lot of kangaroos. They will greet you everywhere.

What transport will we use? travel?

(children's answers, we stop on the ship)

Where can we get it?

(can be built)

Look, we have a ship! What will we name our ship?

Guys, let's distribute the roles. (We select a captain, 2 sailors, a cashier and a controller).

Well, then we’ll get ready to hit the road, take everything we’ll need along the way. (children can dress up, take different objects, but at the same time they must explain why they took this or that thing)

To get on the ship, guys, what do you need to do? That's right, you need to buy a ticket. Approach the cash register.

When purchasing tickets you must name the items round shape. (if the answer is correct, children receive a ticket)

Tickets have been purchased and you can now board the ship. (the controller checks the availability of tickets)

Captain: Everyone take their seats. Raise anchor, full speed ahead! (at that time a recording of the sound of the sea began to play) .

Captain: Attention attention! We are approaching the shores of Africa. This is the Sahara Desert.

(children get off the ship and look at the exotic animals painted on them)

Captain: Attention! There's a rock on deck!

(children, together with the teacher, bend forward, to the sides, lunges, rotate their arms, and torso)

Captain: Well, the pumping is over.

We are arriving in Australia soon. Here she is.

(children watch an episode from the life of a kangaroo)

Captain: We are returning home to Russia. We have learned so many new things about life in other countries. We will talk about this on land.

(passengers disembark the ship)

Publications on the topic:

Role-playing game "Travel by Bus" Plot-role-playing game “Travel by Bus” Purpose: - to arouse interest in the plot-role-playing game, enrich children’s emotions; - develop skills.

Gnoevaya Anna

Target: Teach children to behave correctly on public transport - a bus. Systematize children's knowledge about the professions of driver and conductor. Reinforce what you have learned road signs "Traffic light", "Crosswalk".

Educational objectives:

To form in children holistic ideas about the work of transport - a bus;

Introduce children to the rules of behavior on the bus.

Developmental tasks:

Develop children's ability to apply acquired knowledge about the rules traffic in games.

Develop creative imagination, ability to jointly deploy game plot.

Educational tasks:

Continue to develop the ability to negotiate with each other in the game.

Formation of skills of cooperation and goodwill.

Materials and equipment: pictures of a driver, conductor, bus, soft modules of different sizes, driver vest, steering wheel, conductor vest, bag, tickets, model "Traffic Light", signs "Crosswalk", "Stops".

Preliminary work:

Conversation with children topic: "Transport".

Monitoring the movement of the bus.

Consideration is visual and methodological allowance: "Traffic Laws", "Road signs".

Reading poems and riddles.

Reading fiction literature: B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur", L. Likhoded "Different Cars" .

Didactic game “Fold the transport from parts”, “Which sign is hidden?”

Drawing a bus.

Bus applique.

Children enter the center "On road safety - traffic rules".

Educator: Guys, I want to go to visiting your friends. Do you want to go with me?

Children: Yes.

Educator: What do you think you can drive to guests?

Children: Taxi, train, trolleybus, car, bus. etc.

Educator: Well done! Guess mine riddle:

A strange house rushes along the road -

Round rubber feet.

filled with passengers

And the tank is full of gasoline. (bus)

Children: Bus.

(showing a picture of a bus)

Educator: That's right, guys, this is a bus. Today we will go to journey, to my friends on the bus. Where can we get a bus?

Children: You can build a bus from soft modules.

Educator: That's right guys! Let's build!

(children together with the teacher build a bus from modules)

Educator: Guys, who will take us on the bus? (children's answers).

Guys, I will read a poem to you, and you listen to it carefully.


He drives the car skillfully -

After all, this is not the first year I’ve been driving!

The tight tires rustle slightly,

He takes us around the city...

Children: Driver.

(showing a picture of the driver)

Educator: Right. What do you think is the role of the driver?

Children: Drives the bus. Transports passengers to different places.

Educator: That's right guys. And who will sell tickets and announce stops.

Children: Conductor.

(showing a picture of a conductor)

Educator: Guys, do you know what rules must be followed on the bus? Let's remember.

(the teacher and the children discuss the rules of behavior on the bus)

The bus has a driver's cabin, where the driver sits and drives the bus. Passengers are not allowed to enter there! Passengers are sitting in the bus. You must enter the bus through the back door and exit through the front door. You must sit quietly on the seats; standing up while the bus is moving is prohibited! Do not talk loudly, do not disturb each other. You must wait for the bus at the bus stop; you cannot run out onto the road!

Educator: And now we will choose a driver, a conductor. The rest of the guys will be passengers.

(if desired, we assign children to roles: driver, conductor, conductor sells tickets to passengers)

Educator: Guys, what is the most important sign on the roadway!

Children: Traffic light.

Educator: Right. Let's remember at what traffic light the bus needs to move.

Children: At the red signal.

Educator: What about passengers?

Children: On the green signal, at the pedestrian crossing.

Educator: Well done! Then we take all our places and go to journey. The bus will make stops at stations "Game", Fabulous", "Zoo".

The teacher designates stops - play areas in accordance with their names. Next, the children independently reveal the game plan. During games The teacher monitors relationships with children and helps them find a way out of difficult situations.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the role-playing game “Laundry” (middle group) Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution - children's combined garden No. 3 “Rainbow” in the city of Asino, Tomsk region.

Summary of the role-playing game “Journey to Grandma” Summary of the role-playing game Journey to Grandma 2 junior group Equipment: For the game Bus Postman doll with a letter Toys for.

Summary of the role-playing game “Library” Age group: senior group (5 – 6 years old). Goal: forming the social experience of children by means.

Dear Colleagues! I would like to present to you my summary of the role-playing game “Grandma Came to Visit Us.” My second youngest's children.

Lyudmila Lozinskaya
Summary of the lesson on the role-playing game “Journey to a Fairy Tale”

Goal: to establish an emotionally positive contact with children and arouse interest in joint activities with adults;

Objectives: to develop children’s fantasy and imagination, to interest them, to teach them to transform into fairy-tale characters; children accepting roles and performing them in action.

Material: mansion (house, masks and toys (mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf, bear), large construction set (cubes, chest, basket.

(Children are in the next group)

Nanny: Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)

In some kingdom, in some state. Oh, where is this fairy tale kingdom? Where is this unprecedented state? Maybe you can find it in our kindergarten? Let's try to do this! And magic arrows will show us the way to the fairytale kingdom, so we need to be very careful. Well, let's go!

(Children follow the arrows to the group, enter, music sounds). The teacher (in the form of a storyteller) meets them.

Playback : Hello guys! You have found yourself in a magical kingdom-state, and I am its owner and storyteller. Well, since you came to visit me, come in and sit down. (children sit on chairs)

Guys, if you came to me, you probably love fairy tales very much (yes)

Oh, what great fellows you are, do you know a lot of fairy tales? (Yes)

Then I want to know what fairy tales you know (children list fairy tales)

Smart girls, you really know a lot of fairy tales, but now I will show you the fairy-tale inhabitants of the kingdom, and guess who they are (I show the toys characters from the fairy tale “Teremok”, the children call them).

Guys, try to guess which fairy tale these animals are from ("Teremok")

Well done, here is the little mansion, and next to it I see a chest. Do you want to look into it and find out what's there? (Yes). (Everyone goes to the chest, opens it, there are masks from the fairy tale “Teremok”).

Guys, look, here are masks of heroes from the fairy tale “Teremok”. I suggest you play a fairy tale. For this we have: a fairy meadow, a fairy house and fairy masks. Shall we play? (Yes)

Then let's put on our masks and get started. (I take one mask out of the chest and ask who wants to be this hero? Children wear masks as they wish)

Guys, we didn’t have enough masks for all of us, so I invite the rest of the children to be spectators, and then we’ll switch, and everyone will definitely play a fairy tale. -Are you ready for a fairy tale? (Yes)

Then let's begin! (the teacher begins the fairy tale, and the children play heroes).

There is a teremok in a field, the teremok is not low, not high, etc.

(Children heroes completely act out the fairy tale "Teremok".

At the end of the tale, the animals promise to build another house for the bear.

Playback : Guys, let's build a house for the bear right now, the mouse and the frog will be loaders and will carry cubes for us, and we will be builders to build the house.

(We are building a house for a bear from building material)

Well, bear, get to work, do you like your little mansion? Yes. Come in, try it, will you be comfortable in it?

Well done, guys, we created a friendly fairy tale - no one was left without housing, well, now I invite the other guys to play the fairy tale, and you to be spectators.

(Children change masks, the fairy tale begins again.).

What a great job you guys are, you were all so friendly today, and we ended up with a very beautiful fairy tale, where no one was left homeless, and friendship won. And now I suggest you celebrate a real housewarming with dancing and treats. Here I have prepared a treat for you (I’m handing out candy).

Did everyone get a treat? (Yes)

Then go out into the clearing and start dancing.

(Children go out and dance).

Publications on the topic:

After all, sometimes you want to please your children. Therefore, every day you try to come up with something new and interesting. I really like it.

Abstract of the joint play activity children and teacher (teacher Kuznetsova M.V.) Topic: “Plot-role-playing game “Farm” in middle group.

Summary of joint play activities between children and the teacher (teacher M. V. Kuznetsova) Topic: “Plot-role-playing game “Farm” in secondary school.

A comprehensive guide to the role-playing game "Circus" Comprehensive guidance of the role-playing game "Circus" Systematic enrichment of children's life experience Goal: to create a basis for the development and.

Summary of a lesson in the middle group on teaching children the role-playing game “Doctor Neboleyko’s Rules” Objectives: 1. Teach children to take care of their health and avoid situations that are harmful to it. 2. Continue to introduce children to the profession.

Gass Natalya Martynovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 28 combined type"
Locality: Volosovo
Name of material: abstract
Subject: role-playing game "Journey to Africa"
Publication date: 28.09.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Role-playing game "Journey to Africa"







role-playing game:
 The content of the game is characterized by monotony and primitiveness;  Difficulties in designating, distributing game roles and developing the game plot;  Instability of gaming communication, tendency to conflicts;
1. Creating a problem-game situation through a subject-game environment and providing pedagogical support based on the teacher fulfilling one of the role positions; 2. Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the natural area and fauna of Africa; 3. To consolidate knowledge about what types of transport you can use to get and move around the desert and savannah; 4. To cultivate in children an emotionally positive attitude and interest in this topic, a desire to independently play and develop the plot in the future; 5. Help you see the beauty of nature and wildlife in Africa;
 Create the conditions for the emergence of the game (motivation for the game), the game environment, taking into account the theme of the game and the imaginary situation from the position of the assistant;  Help children develop and maintain the plot of the game;  Develop the ability to creatively develop a plot;  Develop speech and role interaction;  Develop a desire for role-playing games together with peers, develop communication skills;  Foster positive relationships between children during play;  Create conditions for using large block construction skills game module in realizing your plans;
Preliminary work:

Joint activities between adults and children:

Informative - speech development

 Conversations on the topic: “Africa”, “Animals of Africa”, “Desert”, “Savanna”, conversations on the topics: “What can you travel on?”, “What do we know about how to behave in the heat”, “Caravan in desert", "Oasis and mirage";  Conversations about professions, using illustrations and photographs;  Experimentation “Sand, its properties”, “Water, properties of water”, “Water and plants”;  Construction of different types of transport from building materials (land, air, water);  Construction of a “Camera” from paper (origami technique);  Making a model of the nature of Africa;  Review and compilation of descriptive stories based on the paintings: “Giraffes”, “Camel”;  Examination of a map of the natural zone of Africa;  Examination of illustrations depicting different types of transport, animals of Africa in children's encyclopedias;  Finger game “The giraffe has spots...”, “Turtle” “Elephant”  Guessing riddles about African animals;
 Situational conversation “All for one, one for all, then there will be success in business”, “How should I behave if...(I find myself in an unfamiliar place, I see a wild animal)?”;  Theatrical game “Merry Men” (development of attention);  Game “Hello” (feeling of closeness, community);  Speech with the “Monkey” movement
 Game “Transformation” (development of movements and facial expressions), “Mirror”.  Reading fiction: “Camel Mitten” by G. Snegerev, “About the Hot Desert” by G. Ganeizer, “Why I Like the Elephant” by A. Milne. “Kangaroo”, “Giraffe” B. Zakhoder. "Monkey" V. Jain. “Children in Cages” by S. Marshak, Kipling’s fairy tales, “Doctor Aibolit” by K. Chukovsky, “Where did the sparrow have lunch?” S. Marshak., B. Zhitkov “Mongoose”, R. Kipling “Mowgli”, S. Sakharnov “What I saw in Tanzania”.  Watching cartoons: “Doctor Aibolit”, cartoons based on the works of Kipling.
Physical education

 Games: “Cat and Mice”, “Monkey (with handkerchiefs”), “Flies, does not fly, crawls”;
Artistic and aesthetic
 modeling “Animals of hot countries”  drawing: “Favorite animals of hot countries” (non-traditional palm painting), according to the plan: “What would you like to travel on?” (colour pencils);  application “Oasis”  paper construction. “Parrot” “Tiger” - collective work: “Zoo” using modeling, appliqué and finishing details.
Organization of play space for independent activities

 map “Natural areas of the world”;  demonstration pictures “Animals of Africa”, paintings “Giraffes”, “Camel”, “Animals of hot countries”; - d.i.: “On land, in sky, on water”, “Collect an animal” (cut-out pictures), “Guess who eats what?”, “The fourth wheel”;  board lotto game “Transport”, “Collect a map of Africa” cubes  diagrams of buildings of different types of transport (airplane, all-terrain vehicle, ship, jeep); - toys of animals from hot countries; - coloring pages of animals from hot countries;  waste material for the construction of the model “Natural zone of savannah, desert”;  templates and stencils of animals from Hot countries for free drawing;
Interaction with parents
 involving parents in the search for waste material for the layout;  involving parents in the production of attributes for the role-playing games “Shop” (food), “Hospital” (first aid kit);  invite parents to visit the Zoo with their children on their day off;  reading Kipling’s fairy tales and watching cartoons in the evening;
Plan outline of a plot-role-playing game



a letter came to the d.s., where Dr. Aibolit asks for help in finding Tyanya - pushing

The game's plot consists of 4 stages:




(trip leader (teacher), trip participants - children (drivers, mechanics, nurses, cooks); -


(trip leader (teacher) – coordinates the actions of the travel participants, mechanics – repairing the vehicle, cooks prepare food, nurses – provide first aid); -
Arrival in Africa, search for an animal, photographing

Return to kindergarten, viewing photographs, discussion and

drawing Pull - pushing.

General strategy for play interaction with children:
 To develop the ability to build new sequences of events, actions of the game process, consisting of four episodes: Getting ready for a trip - a trip, a halt - rest - arrival in Africa, photographing and searching; Pushing and pulling;  viewing photographs – discussion – drawing), focusing on peer partners;  preliminary discussion with children about the content of the game;  Develop children’s skills to interact with play partners (travel participants – driver – mechanic – cook – nurse);  Prepare attributes for the game, create a playing space and an interesting moment;  Help struggling children with the help of play activities;  Listen to children’s opinions about how to get to Africa, what you need to take with you, how to catch the animal, what you need to do first, etc.
Progress of the game:


(creating conditions for the emergence of a game, motivation to play). Educator: - Guys, a letter came to our kindergarten. Look how unusual it is. Who do you think it's from? Want to read it? (reading the letter) “Children, come to Africa as soon as possible and find the children Pull - Pushing as soon as possible.” Preliminary discussion with the children about the content of the game. - Guys, who is Pull-Push? (this is an animal that was a friend of Dr. Aibolit)
- Do you want to go to Africa? Lead the children to the decision to go on a trip by ship. - How can you go to Africa? (by plane, helicopter, hot air balloon, ship) What type of transport would you like to travel by (previous work 1 half day - building a ship.
packing for the trip, distribution of roles Packing: The journey will be long and dangerous. Therefore, we need to prepare for it. What should you take with you on a trip? (food, drinking water, treats for animals) In order not to get lost at sea, what will we need? (map, compass). Why are we going on a trip? (to find Pull-Pull) We won’t be able to take him with us, but we can take pictures and bring the photos to kindergarten. So what else should you take with you? (cameras) When traveling, you need to be prepared for various unforeseen situations, for example, you might fall or get hurt. So what should you take with you? (a first aid kit with medicines to provide first aid) You and I are traveling by transport, and it may break down along the way. So what else needs to be taken? (tools) And most importantly, guys, when you go on a dangerous journey, you need to be friendly, help each other in trouble, then the journey will be successful. What is the name of our group? (“Friendly family”) What does this mean? (we will be friendly, we will not quarrel, we will always come to each other’s aid) Distribution of roles - I will be the leader of the expedition. And you are participants in the journey. Everyone will have their own role. Who is the most important person on the ship? Of course, captain. (Captain's choice). Navigator - leads the ship, paves the way, prepares maps; mechanics - collect the necessary tools; nurses - collect medications (first aid kit); cooks - collect food and dishes.
. trip (the travel leader coordinates the actions of the travel participants) The captain leads the ship, the navigator makes the way, checks the maps, the cooks cook dinner, the nurses provide first aid, the mechanics repair the transport. Educator: Guys, is everything ready for the trip? Is everyone here? Need to be counted? (teacher counts the children) Everyone is ready to go!
Captain, invite everyone on board.
Has everyone taken their seats? (Children's answers). Then I announce the launch. Full speed ahead! Educator: why doesn’t our ship work like that? Can't you hear? Come on, mechanics, figure out what's wrong with the engine? Maybe the oil needs to be changed? In the meantime, the cooks will prepare lunch for us. We'll eat and hit the road again. -Oh, our captain seems to have a bad back. (nurses provide assistance) Now let's refresh ourselves and hit the road.
Full speed ahead!
(The ship “sails” further).

We have approached the shores of Africa. Guys, what a miracle, all the animals are alive and well and meeting us.
(We land on the “shore”).
Educator: Here we are in Africa! Guys, look how beautiful it is here! How many different animals are there? Let's get to know them. Children take animals and recite poems about them.
. Meet the hippopotamus. A hippopotamus lives in the water. He sleeps and sleeps all day long, like a lazy fat whale. He has four teeth and a huge mouth. And this great miracle lives somewhere in Africa.
A lion.
The lion roars, scaring the echo: The jungle is not a laughing matter. The lion's roar scares everyone. The lion hunts, he's used to it. Zebra. The zebra is a wild horse, Runs away without looking back, Doesn't fall into people's hands And fights with its hooves.
I am a big and kind elephant. I am a champion in size! Ears are like blankets. And I see a lot.
It's easy to recognize a giraffe It's easy to recognize him
He is tall and can see far. Crocodile. Everyone is afraid of the crocodile. We will not communicate with him. The teeth are as sharp as nails. It was in vain that we came here to visit. Turtle. The turtle is simply a miracle! There's a dish on top, a dish on bottom, Walks quietly along the road with his head sticking out and his legs sticking out.
Tiger is a large predatory cat Tiger lives in Africa Striped like a mattress He looks at us sternly Hey, don't stand too close I'm a tiger cub, not a pussy! Rrrr
Wonderful bananas In my homeland Monkeys live there And there are no people at all. Educator: Guys, you saw all the animals, but who didn’t you find? (Pull-Push) Where could he be? Let's take a souvenir photo of the animals we saw.
Educator: Our fun journey has ended. It's time to go back to kindergarten. And in order for us to get to kindergarten, we need to close our eyes and say the magic words: “We will turn around ourselves and return to kindergarten.” Well, here we are in kindergarten.
Guys, where did we travel? (To Africa) You enjoyed our trip. (Yes). What animals have you seen in Africa? (Elephant, giraffe, lion, tiger, etc.) view the slide show “Animals of Africa” Educator: now I suggest you play with the animals yourself and draw Pull-Push, because we never found it.

Role-playing game "Journey"

Description of material: This material can be used by educators kindergarten with middle and older children preschool age. This role-playing game promotes comprehensive development preschoolers. The material will help you consistently organize the role-playing game “Journey”.

Purpose of the game: To promote the development of the ability to expand the plot based on the knowledge acquired in the classroom and in everyday life.


1. Continue to develop interest in the Motherland.

2. Learn to use a map: show continents and countries on a map, on a globe.

3. Expand ideas about various natural objects, about life on earth, in the earth, in water and air.

4. Expand vocabulary, improve verbal communication skills.

5. Continue to teach how to agree on a topic, distribute roles, and prepare the necessary conditions for the game before the game starts.

6. Improve the dialogical form of speech.

7. Cultivate friendly relationships in the game.

Block 1. Familiarization with social reality

- “Who invented the globe”

- “The work of astronauts”

- “The work of sailors and fishermen”

- “Cities of our country”

- “Distant Countries”

Introduce the history of the creation of the globe.

Continue to expand our understanding of people of different professions and the significance of their work for society.

Deepen ideas about the Motherland - Russia.

Expand knowledge about different countries.

Watching cartoons

- "Treasure Island"

- “Styopa the Sailor”

- “The Secret of the Third Planet”

- “Solnyshkin’s Sailing”

- “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel”

Expand children's ideas about travel.

Looking at the globe physical cards peace, Russia.

Learn to use a map and globe: show continents and countries that interest children.

Examination of illustrations about animals, birds, and marine life.

Expand ideas about the classification of the animal world: animals, insects, fish, amphibians

Examination of albums, illustrations about countries and cities of the globe, about the cities of Russia and Bashkortostan.

Introduce us to our planet (The Earth is a huge ball; there are continents on Earth: Asia, Europe, Africa, North and South America, Australia; two poles: North and South.).

Reading works

Lyapidevsky “To the North”, “All on the Ice”, “Salvation”, “Return”

S. Sakharnov “Two Radio Operators”, “The Best Steamship”, “Magellan”, “The Multi-Colored Sea”

S. Baluzin “The Country Where We Live”

B. Zhitkov “Chelyuskinites”, “What I saw”

N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”,

"Dunno on the Moon"

Expand children's ideas about professions, about the world, about travel, and types of transport.

The world.

-“We are all inhabitants of planet Earth”

- “The country in which we live.”

- “The Republic in which we live.”

- “Cosmonautics Day”.

- “New Year's trip”

Visual activity.

a) Drawing.

- “What do people drive?”

- “City in the evening”

- “We are going on an excursion (hiking)”

- “What is space”

-“The rocket flies to the moon”

- “Fairytale Kingdom”

- "Who do you want to be"

- "Steamboat"

- “Forests of our Motherland”

- “Who lives in a flowery forest”

- “Treasure chest (Dymkovo, Gorodets painting)”

b) Application.

- “Sailor with signal lights”

- "Steamboat"

-“The train we took to another city”

- “Ships in the roadstead”



- “Animal from another planet”

- “Animals of hot countries”

- “Enchanted Forest”

d) Construction

From building material

From paper


Made from natural material

-“Helicopter (1. Traffic jam.

2. Fir cones, walnuts, etc.)

-“Raft” (Tree branches)

- “Cosmonaut” (Straw)

- “Antarctica” (Fir cones, pistachios, acorn cups, polystyrene foam)

- “Cosmonauts at the Rocket” (Rose hips or hazelnuts, acorns, pebbles)

- “Sailboat” (Shells).

To form in children ideas about the Earth and the life of people on Earth. Introduce geographical map world, learn to read it.

To consolidate knowledge about the name of the country in which we live. Introduce the geographical map of Russia.

Expand children's understanding of space flight.

Introduce children to the peculiarities of celebrating the New Year in different countries of the world.

Teaches to depict various types of transport, their shape, structure, proportions.

Learn to convey a picture of an evening city, its color scheme.

Learn to draw a human figure in motion. Strengthen the ability to convey the proportions of a person’s figure.

Learn to create a fantastic drawing using expressive means.

Render the shape of the rocket without details, using, if necessary, the technique of cutting out paper folded in half.

Strengthen the ability to create an image in a certain color scheme.

Develop the ability to convey in a drawing the image of a working person, depicting figures of people in characteristic professional clothing.

Learn to convey the shape, relative size and arrangement of parts in a drawing.

Learn to convey the characteristics of different tree species, arrange trees in a drawing to create a picture of a forest.

Practice depicting animals and insects from spots, fingerprinting, and monotype.

To develop knowledge and skills in performing various paintings.

Exercise children in depicting a person, in cutting out parts of a costume, arms, legs, heads.

Learn to create a figurative picture using previously acquired skills.

Strengthen the ability to sculpt a person. Practice using different sculpting techniques.

Develop the ability to create an image from sculpture. Teach accurately, convey posture and movements.

Learn to conceive the content of modeling in the direction determined by the teacher, develop independence and creativity.

To consolidate the ability to sculpt animals, conveying the characteristic shape and proportions of the body and parts.

Continue to teach how to use stack, natural and random material to convey the characteristic features of an image

Improve the ability to work from a finished pattern, create three-dimensional figures from paper.

Practice cutting out and composing images of objects (ships), conveying the basic shape and details.

Learn to work with a new material - cork.

natural material (fir cones, walnuts, etc.)

Learn to make a raft from twigs, measuring them in thickness and length.

Strengthen the ability to work with straw; independently create a diagram of the sequence of making the toy.

Improve the ability to work with a variety of natural materials, the skills of fastening toy parts.

Block 2. Educational games

Didactic games

- “Where was Petya?”

- “What if...”

- “Where we were, we won’t say what we saw, we’ll show you”

- “What are items needed for?”

-"Find out where I am"

-"Who to be"

-"Solar system"

- “Fairytale card”

Activate the processes of thinking, remembering, and attention.

Cultivate resourcefulness, intelligence, and the ability to apply knowledge in accordance with circumstances.

To develop resourcefulness, intelligence, and the ability to transform in children.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of household items, tools, and tools.

Strengthen children's knowledge about the sights of their hometown.

Consolidate and deepen knowledge about different types of activities.

Expand knowledge about the planets of the solar system.

Introduces the countries in which the authors of fairy tales live or lived.

Plot - didactic games

-“Travel around hometown»

-“A fun trip to Africa”

Strengthen knowledge about your hometown.

Teach game actions in an imaginary way; develop creativity when creating a gaming environment.

Block 3. Subject-game environment


Geographic maps: World, Russia, Bashkortostan

Map starry sky

Image of planets

Plan - group room diagram

Instruments: compass, binoculars, telescopes, cameras, walkie-talkie (model) and headphones, steering wheel, rudder.

Peak caps, sailor collars

- “Treasure” - multi-colored stones in a chest, beads, rings, bracelets, etc.

Illustrations about animals, birds, plants of Bashkortostan, Russia, the world.

Illustrations about cities, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans.

Figures of animals, birds, insects, underwater inhabitants, trees.

Cards with descriptions of planets, countries, continents, cities.

Substitute items:

Walkie-talkie - The model is made of a box, wire, furniture handles.

- “Treasure” - various costume jewelry: beads, chains, rings, pendants, bracelets, etc.

Peakless caps are blue or light blue ribbons.

Star map - black fabric with slots in the form of constellations.

Telescopes are tubes from rolls of self-adhesive paper.

Ship, plane, rocket and other transport - construction and waste material,

Flags for ship decoration.

Story game options

1. “Flight into space”

The city zoo needs new rare animals. The zoo director (educator) offers to fly for them to one of the planets of the solar system.

2. “Looking for treasure”

A map marked with hidden treasure has been found. The captain (teacher or child) offers to go in search of treasure. A vehicle is selected.

3. "Seafarers"

Acting out the voyage in accordance with the role assumed: ship's doctor - treatment; cook - cooking; captain - transport management; mechanics - vehicle repair, refueling; radio operator - transmits radiograms to the shore; sailors - fighting the elements, fishing, etc.

4. "Rescuers"

A bottle letter asking for help was received. Rescuers are sent to help.

5. "Tourist trip"

Tourists are sailing on a ship. A child guide talks about the countries the ship is passing by.

Option. Several children play the role of a guide, and each of them talks about a certain country.

6. “Through thorns - to the stars”

Traveling through the planets or constellations of the solar galaxy.
