Role-playing game "journey to the forest." Trip around the world. Story-based role-playing game Story-based role-playing game around the world trip

Summary of the role-playing game

« Journey into the forest »

Akimova Margarita Anatolyevna

Teacher of the highest qualification category

MADOU No. 77 “Teremok”

Naberezhnye Chelny

Age group : average



develop interest in the general concept of the game plot, the ability to act in a coordinated manner;

develop and enrich play actions with toys based on the enrichment of individual play actions;

formcommunication skills in “game collusion”, distribution of roles and role-playing dialogues.


nurturing friendly relationships between children, interest in a common plan and coordination of actions.


teach game interactions in a subgroup game, the ability to build a plot of 3 - 4 meaningful episodes.

Expected result :

    Expanding children's understanding of the variety of ways to use toys, substitute objects and play activities.

    Formation of skills for independent organization of the game, distribution of roles, creative development of the plot of the game.

    The ability of pupils to play in an organized manner in small groups, to join in and leave the game.

Activities : gaming, theatrical, musical.

Individual work : to help children discover their abilities - Sasha, Milana.

Preliminary work : conversations about the professions of a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, driver; excursion to the medical office; viewing illustrations; viewing slides. Reading fiction: V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”, D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like”, S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, Z. Alexandrova “My Bear”, A. Krylov “The rooster got sick with tonsillitis.”


Toys - animals;

Tree models;

Attributes for the games: veterinary hospital, pharmacy;

3 white coats, 3 hats;

Steering wheel;

A surprise moment (a basket of apples), “Chokopai” mushrooms;

A tape recorder with recordings of the song “Merry Travellers”, fun music for physical education;

Sound writing;

Dove (origami);

Room interior;

Construction material;

money (paper).


A carrier pigeon flies into the group accompanied by music and brings the children a sound letter from the forest inhabitants (the phonogram of the letter sounds).

V.- Children, do you want to help the forest animals? (children's answers).

V. - How can you get to the forest? (children's answers).

The teacher guides the children to choose a vehicle (there are many of us, so it is best to go by bus).

Children independently choose a driver from among the boys (counting table).

The driver offers to take a seat on the bus.

The teacher reads a poem:

I'm swinging and flying at full speed

I am the driver myself, I am the engine myself!

I press the pedal

And the bus rushes into the distance.

V.- And so we went (the song “Merry Travelers” sounds).

V.- So we arrived in the forest. The driver invites everyone to get out.

Under model trees, children see animals, pay attention to a squirrel, it looks out of a hollow.

Squirrel - I, a squirrel, live in the forest and I gnaw nuts, but there are no supplies left, I hid them in the forest. But I can’t find them.

V.- Children, let’s help the squirrel find supplies and arrange a “Forest Canteen” for the animals.

D/i “Edible - not edible.”

Children walk around the group, find mushrooms, berries, and nuts.

They set a table for the animals in the clearing.

Squirrel thanks the children and treats them to “Chokopai” mushrooms (photo for memory).

The teacher draws the children's attention to a bunny crying under a bush.

Bunny - The fox kicked me out of the house and now I have nowhere to live.

Q. - How can we help him? (children's answers).

V.- Let's build a house for the fox. What can it be built from? (children's answers).

Children build a house for the fox from a large builder and furnish it with home decorations.

V.- Let's tell the fox: - fox come out and look at the house.

The teacher turns on the music, the fox comes out and dances with the children (physical education).

V.- Children, at the edge of the forest, I saw the “Veterinary Hospital”, let’s take the bear there.

Children go to the clinic, animals are sitting in line there, the teacher invites the children to take any animal so that they are not afraid to go to the doctor (the teacher takes on the role of the doctor). The doctor examines them, listens to complaints, prescribes treatment. A nurse is chosen according to a counting rhyme (girls). The nurse writes a prescription for medications. With prescriptions, children go to the “Forest Pharmacy” and buy the necessary medicines there.

They return to the forest clearing and treat forest animals.

Q - Now all the animals are healthy again and they want to thank you for your help.

The hedgehog gives the children a basket of apples. The children thank them.

V. - And now it’s time for us to say goodbye to the forest animals and return to kindergarten. The driver offers to take a seat on the bus.

The teacher analyzes the game: Where were we? Who did you meet? Who did you help? What did you like most? Children get off the bus and wash their hands. The teacher distributes treats.

List of used literature:

1 . Program FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Basic general education program for preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.

2. Role-playing games for older preschoolers: a practical guide / N. A. Vinogradova, N. V. Pozdnyakova. - 3rd ed. - M.: Iris-press, 2009. - 128 p. - (Preschool education and development);

3. Role-playing games for preschool children / N.V. Krasnoshchekova - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2010.

Fisherman and fish A large circle is drawn on the floor or on the platform. One of the players - the fisherman - is in the center of the circle, he squats down. The rest of the players, the fish, circle around the circle and say in unison: “Fisherman, fisherman, catch us on a hook.” At the last word, the fisherman jumps up, runs out of the circle and begins to chase the fish, which scatter throughout the area. The one who is caught becomes a fisherman and goes to the center of the circle. Owl The guys stand in a circle. One of the players goes to the middle of the circle, he will portray an owl, and all the others will represent bugs, butterflies, and birds. At the command of the presenter: “The day comes - everything comes to life!” - kids run in circles. The owl is “sleeping” at this time, that is, it stands in the middle of the circle, eyes closed, one leg bent under itself. When the leader commands: “Night is coming, everything freezes!”, the players stop and stand motionless, hiding, and at that moment the owl runs out to hunt. She looks out for those who are moving or laughing, and takes the guilty ones into her circle. They become owls, and when the game is repeated, they all “fly out” to hunt together. Hunters The players scatter around the site. Three hunters stand in different places, each holding a small ball. At the manager’s signal: “Stop!” - all the players stop, and the hunters aim the ball at one of them. The “killed” replace the hunters. The players have the right to dodge the ball, but must not move from their place. If the player after the command “Stop!” left his place, he replaces the hunter. Seine All players are fish, except two fishermen. Fishermen holding hands run after the fish. They try to surround it, closing their hands around the fish. Gradually, a whole chain is formed from the caught fish - a “net”. Now the fish are caught with a seine. The last two players not caught are the winners; when the game is repeated, they are the fishermen. Kolobok Children squat down and move around in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver - the “fox”. The players roll the ball - the “bun” to each other so that it moves away from the “fox”. The driver is replaced by the player who rolls the bun so that the “fox” can catch it. Watch out, Pinocchio! One of the players has a cap on his head. He is Pinocchio. The driver tries to catch up and tarnish the one who is running with the cap. However, this is not so easy to do: the players pass the cap to each other as they run. When the driver stains Pinocchio, they... change roles. Jumping Sparrows Draw a circle on the floor or playground of such a size that all players can freely fit around its circumference. One of the players is the “cat”, he is placed in the center of the circle, the rest of the players - the “sparrows” - stand behind the circle at the very line. At the leader’s signal, the “little sparrows” begin to jump inside the circle and jump out of it, and the “cat” tries to catch one of them at the moment when he is inside the circle. The one who is caught becomes a “cat”, and the “cat” becomes a “sparrow”. The game is repeated again. Burners The participants of the game stand in pairs at the back of each other's heads. The driver stands in front of all the couples and says loudly: Burn, burn clearly, so that it doesn’t go out. Look at the sky: Birds are flying, Bells are ringing. One, two, three, last pair, run! After the last word “run”, the players of the last pair run forward (each on their side) to the designated place, and the driver tries to delay one of the runners with a touch of his hand until the players meet. The one who was detained stands next to the driver in front of the first pair, and the second becomes the driver. Game continues. The playing cockerels (one from each team) enter a circle with a diameter of 3 meters and take the starting position for the fight, crouching on two legs or standing on one (the right hand holds the left leg, and the left arm is bent in front and pressed to the body or vice versa). Objective: push the enemy out of the circle. The most dexterous is you! Draw two circles on the ground with a diameter of up to a meter. The circles are located nearby. Place a puck, cube, ball, town in the center of the circle. Two or two teams of three or four people can play. At the leader’s signal, the children must use a toy sword, saber, or gymnastic stick to knock out this object (objects) from the “enemy’s” circle, protecting their own. The guys seem to be fighting with swords and sabers. The winner is the one or those who, having knocked out the object to the opponents, did not allow it to their own. Throw into the ring In a room or in the schoolyard, hang the ring at a height of about 1.5 meters. And each participant is given a stick up to 50 centimeters long. You need to run from a distance of 10-15 steps to the ring, throw the stick so that it passes through it, and catch it again. If the player completes the task, he wins two points; if he doesn’t have time to catch the stick and it falls to the floor - one point, but if he throws in such a way that he misses, the throw is simply not counted. The game lasts five minutes. Whoever scored the most points won. Don't fall for the bait To play you need a rope 2-3 meters long with a weight tied at the end - a bag of sand. The players form a circle, in the center of which stands the driver with a rope in his hands. He begins to spin it so that it rotates just above the ground. The guys jump over the rope. The driver gradually raises the plane of rotation of the rope higher and higher until one of the participants “falls for the bait,” that is, fails to jump over the rotating rope. The one who gets caught drives. Game continues.

Program content:

  • Teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they take on.
  • Form the ability to be divided into subgroups in accordance with the game plot, and at the end of a given game action, unite into a single team.
  • Learn to create the necessary buildings, use substitute objects, understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it.
  • Form friendly relationships between children.

Preliminary work: Reading N. Nosov’s book “The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends.” Conversation about air transport. Making attributes for the game “Catch a Fish”.

Equipment: The group is decorated with flowers, blue balloons, a curtain with clouds, chairs for the number of children, stuffed balls (substitute toys), a rubber ball, a pump, a compass, a map, and hats for sellers. The store sells fishing rods, a compass, a map, a set of dishes, and a set of groceries. Set “Catch a fish”.

Scenery: Fir trees, stumps, firewood, photographs with views of the Left Bank, recordings.

Progress of the game

Organizing time. (music from the cartoon sounds).

Educator: Guys, we recently read N. Nosov’s book “The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends.” Did you like the characters in this story?

Children: Yes!

Educator: What were the names of Dunno's friends?

Children: Znayka, Doctor Pilyulkin, Vintik, Shpuntik, Syrup, Tube, Guslya, Grumpy, Donut, Rasterayka, Button, Tsvetik.

Educator: Why were they called that?

Children: Znayka was the smartest and the main shorty. Doctor Pilyulkin treated all diseases. Vintik and Shpuntik were mechanics. Syrup loved sparkling water. Tube was an artist, and Guslya was a musician.

Educator: Who remembers how they prepared for a trip in a hot air balloon?

Children: First, Znayka suggested building a hot air balloon. To do this, it was necessary to collect rubber sap from ficus trees. Then Shpuntik brought a pump from the car to inflate the balloon with air. And the shorty’s basket was built from birch bark. It was also necessary to stock up on sandbags, so that if during the journey the air in the balloon begins to cool, then it will be necessary to throw the sandbags out of the basket, and the balloon will rise up again.

Educator: Guys, let's go on a trip too. You can make a balloon.

Children: Yes!

Educator: Let's build it from chairs and go on a trip. To make the journey interesting, we need to choose a commander. The commander will supervise the construction of the balloon and show the way. For this he needs a compass and a map. Guys, do you know what a compass looks like? This is a small box with a magnetic needle. If you follow the arrow, you will never get lost, and you can always find your way back. We also need a map from which we can always determine the place where we are. For travelers, a map is a must. Who will be our commander?

Children choose a commander.

Educator: Hands the commander a compass and map. While traveling, someone may get sick. Who will be the doctor? The doctor must have everything necessary for treatment. (The child puts on a robe, a cap, and takes a chest with medicines). We need cooks to prepare food while camping. They must remember to pack food and dishes for the trip. (bucket, pan, plates, spoons). We also need a pilot to control the balloon. And a navigator who will monitor the direction of the flight. He needs a spyglass. Let's start preparing for the flight. Commander, how do you place the chairs so that there is a circle inside?

Commander: Everyone will take their own chair.

Educator: Does the circle look like the bottom of a basket? What can you lay down?

Children: Newspaper! (the commander commands how to arrange the chairs correctly. Don’t forget the door.)

Educator: Commander, do we need sandbags? (Yes) Where can I find them? While our strong boys bring sandbags (we use substitute items, medicine balls) and put them in the basket, the girls will sew a net of scraps for the ball so that it turns out beautiful. Take glue and string, we will sew the flags to the string. Let's work together. You must do this very carefully; after finishing, tie the flags to the basket. The basket is ready. But for the trip we need to buy the necessary things in the store. Don't forget to buy warm clothes, it's cold high above the ground even in summer, and now it's autumn. They will be salespeople in the store. (sellers are appointed).

The girls take their places behind the counter. Children are shopping. They buy fruits, vegetables, bread for the road.

Commander(takes a bullhorn and announces): “Attention. Today at 12 o'clock solar time the balloon will depart. There are 5 minutes left before departure. Everyone take a seat in the basket."

Educator: We all go through the door. The commander, then the pilot, the navigator and everyone else. Everyone is ready. Put parachutes on everyone. (children imitate dressing movements) The teacher inflates the balloon with a pump and ties it to a rope. The commander announces the start.

Commander: Gives a count of 10,9,8, etc. Let's fly. (music sounds, a curtain with clouds falls).

Educator: Pilot, you don't have a rudder. How will you control the balloon? Imagine that you are holding the rope with both hands. Whichever direction you are told to turn, pull the rope down from that side. Navigator, watch the direction of flight. Where to turn? (The navigator gives commands looking at the map - left, right) Commander, look through the telescope to see if there is any danger.

Commander: We fly over the city.

Educator: Navigator, look at the map. Guys, who took the camera? Take pictures. Look what wonderful photos we got. (clinic, monument, kindergarten, playground, park, institute, school, railway platform, bridge) Did you find out what place we were flying over? This is our Left Bank. Commander, check your compass.

Educator: How did you find out?

Commander: I took the compass and put it on my palm - the red arrow points to the north, and the ball flies along the arrow.

Pilot. Our balloon began to lose altitude!

Commander: We need to dump the sandbags. We reset only one at a time. Now we can continue our flight.

Educator: Guys, we're in a wreck. Our ball falls. Let's try to gain altitude. The balloon continues to descend, prepare the parachutes. Let's jump. (Children jump out - the commander is the last to leave the basket). Everyone landed. Commander, take a map and determine where we are. (The commander uses the map to determine where we are). We fell into a forest clearing. Radio operator, check if the radio is working? Tell us to the headquarters where we are and ask them to send help. We need to set up camp. (Children lay out the things they have packed for the trip.) Doctor, check to see if anyone is injured. (the doctor is setting up a first aid station).

Educator: Boys, you need to collect firewood, make a fire and catch fish for dinner. And the cooks will cook the fish soup.

Children play independently: go to the doctor, catch fish, put it in a bucket, light a fire.

Educator: Guys, remember how to make a fire in the forest? Correctly, adults should have matches. Because careless handling of fire can start a fire in the forest. And after dinner, the fire needs to be extinguished by flooding the coals with water. Let me help you light the fire. And in case of rain, you can take shelter in a cave. (arcs stand)

The cooks hand out plates, cups and feed everyone around the fire. Children sit on stump logs, squatting.

Educator: How long will we be here? Yes, it's very nice here. But it's time for us to go home. I'll look at the map now. I see here a familiar path along which we can return back to our kindergarten. We're breaking up camp.

Children put away toys. And they walk home along the path to the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass.”

Educator: So we came back to our kindergarten. Did you enjoy the trip? What roles have you enjoyed the most? What new things did you learn during your trip? Where will we go next time?

Educator: Guys, while we were traveling, the little guys from Flower City sent us a package by mail. Let's see what's there. (Treat from Dunno and his friends).

Summary of the role-playing game “Journey to the Mysterious Island” in the preparatory group

Author. Makarova Nadezhda Leonidovna, teacher of the MDOU combined type kindergarten No. 30 Kipen, Leningrad region.
Description. I offer a summary of the role-playing game “Journey to the Mysterious Island” for children in the preparatory group. This work will be of interest to teachers of preschool institutions who work with children of this age category.
The relevance of conducting role-playing games. Role-playing games allow you to develop children's creative abilities and their imagination. In the game, children learn to get used to the image of a particular character and play a certain role. They are of great importance in the social adaptation of the child and the realization of his potential in the future. In the role-playing game, the child’s personality, his intelligence, will, imagination and sociability are successfully developed, but most importantly, the role-playing game generates the desire for self-realization and self-expression.
Target. To develop in children the ability to combine various thematic plots into a single game plot; establish and regulate contacts in a joint game.
Tasks. 1. Expand the range of children's games, teach them to play together (discuss the plot, come up with new roles and game actions), help create a game environment taking into account the theme of the game and an imaginary situation, teach them to name their role, verbally determine the events depicted, the location of the players (here is the sea , this is a ship, it is sailing to a mysterious island, etc.).
2. Reinforce in children the sequence of days of the week, the number and order of counting, the names of geometric shapes, measuring objects using a conventional measure, and orientation in space.
3. Activate children's vocabulary: cabin, navigator, boatswain, porthole, cook, travel agency, courier, cruise.
4.Develop creative thinking, imagination, and fantasy in children.
5. Cultivate friendly relationships and a sense of teamwork in children.
Preliminary work. Examination of photographs, illustrations, pictures depicting various ships. Construction of ships from various building materials and paper. Reading “Native Man” by V. Korzhikov, “Shark” by L. N. Tolstoy. Making attributes for the game. Watching the cartoon "Boniface's Vacation." Conversation after watching the cartoon. Writing stories on the topic: “What if I went on a trip.”

Game attributes. Modules for building a ship, seven multi-colored (according to the colors of the rainbow) flags, caps, binoculars, an anchor, small toys from Kinder surprises, a conventional measure - braid, napkins, wallets, money, tickets, a computer, bananas, a cutting board.

Progress of the game.

Educator. Children, let's play with you. What game do you want to play? (Children's answers).
Educator. Okay, we're going on a sea cruise! What will we sail on? (Children offer different options - choose a ship).
Educator. Guys, what day of the week do you think is best to travel? Why? What is the day of the week called today? (Children's answers). Let's not delay our voyage! Let's go traveling today!
Educator. Let's think about where we're going? (Children's answers. I offer the children seven multi-colored (according to the colors of the rainbow) flags, on one side of each flag a letter is written.) Guys, if you arrange the flags by color in the same order as a rainbow, then you will find out where we will go on the cruise. (Children complete the task and read the word “islands”). Yes, to the islands!

Together with the children, we decide what we need to prepare for the trip and assign roles. We choose an agent to work in a travel agency, a courier to purchase vouchers, a supermarket seller, a supply manager to purchase the necessary goods for the cruise (a set of small toys, wet wipes, four knives). The rest of the children are ship designers (we build the ship from modules).
When everything is ready for the trip (tickets have been purchased, goods have been purchased, and most importantly, the ship has been built), the children choose a captain, a navigator, and a cook. The rest of the children will be sailors.
Boarding of the ship is announced. The captain checks the tickets, it turns out that the tickets were bought from a travel agency to the “Mysterious Island”. Everyone takes their places on the ship. The captain gives the command to the navigator. The ship departs from the pier (a recording of the sound of the sea and a ship signal sounds).
During the journey, children play with their tickets. The tickets are unusual, with tasks. On one side of the ticket you need to count the number of objects, and on the reverse side you need to find the differences in the picture depicting two ships.

So the ship approaches its destination unnoticed, but a problematic situation arises. There is no ship pier on this island.
Educator. Children, how can you get to the island? (Children's answers).
The captain suggests getting to land using a life preserver. Children imitate swimming with a lifebuoy to the song “Chunga-Changa” by V. Ya. Shainsky and land on the island. On the island we listen to birdsong (a recording of bird voices sounds). Next, the children try to imagine what can grow here, how beautiful it is here.
Educator. Children, it is very hot on the island, you can take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the sand. (At this time, small toys from Kinder surprises that the children wanted to play with accidentally fell apart.) How can you collect the toys? (Children's answers). Yes, of course, now you and I will turn into monkeys and collect toys with our toes. (Children collect toys with their toes and put them in a basin.)
Educator. Who do you think lives on the island? (Children's answers). We put together a cut-out picture and find out what kind of funny people live here.

Educator. Children, how can you imagine what kind of home they might have? What might their house be called? (Children's answers). We will now come up with a home for them using these pictures. (The game “Wonderful Things” (TRIZ) is being played. This game can be found in the book “Amazing Stories” by L. E. Belousova. The house is green, made of rubber, four-story, moves on chicken legs, a guitar is always playing in it, the smell of strawberries in the house. We discuss with the children whether it is comfortable to live in such a house. The game “Good - Bad” (TRIZ) is played.)

Educator. Children, if this island is mysterious, there must be treasures here? (The game is played: “Find the treasure.” Three children are blindfolded. According to the specified plan, they look for treasures. The plan is voiced by the captain. The children quickly find the treasure, but they cannot open it without guessing the following spell (a recording from a tape recorder sounds): “There are two objects - one of them grows here on the island, the other is in your group and in the music room. Both of these objects begin with one sound and end with a sound, but another. Each word has five sounds. Children guess the word "banana" and the word “tambourine.” A treasure opens (a beautiful antique chest prepared in advance), and there are bananas.)
Educator. Guys, we are on an unusual island, it’s so mysterious, and it’s hot here. Maybe we can turn these bananas into ice cream? (The children happily agree.) Then let's wash our hands first. (A finger game is played. “Wash your big finger, wash your index finger, wash your middle finger, ring finger and little little finger.” Children wash their fingers using wet wipes.
The cook distributes bananas. The children are faced with a problematic situation - there are not enough bananas for everyone. What to do? Children, using a conventional measure (braid), divide the bananas in half, then cut, peel, insert an ice cream stick into one side of the banana and roll the banana in cocoa. It turns out ice cream and everyone treats themselves.

Educator. Guys, let's take a look at the magic chest where the bananas were. (The children look into the chest, it turns out to have a second bottom. There the children find souvenirs from the inhabitants of the island - jewelry with a shell.)
The journey is coming to an end. We have to go back to kindergarten. Children close their eyes and say the magic words: “One, two, three, four, five - we are in kindergarten again.” And they end up in a group. They look at their jewelry and plan to go to the mysterious island again, so that next time they can get acquainted with the marine inhabitants of the island.
