Compression of structures for wot. Compressed textures for weak PCs for WoT. Why do we need compressed textures for WoT

Compressed World of Tanks textures for weak computers is very helpful for players with weak computers. This program compresses textures to 50, 25, 12, 6 percent of the original game client.

The purpose of this mod is to make not just lightweight textures, but so that they are still pleasing to the eye and retain good detail of objects. The textures really turned out to be very good and pleasant to play, despite the fact that they take up only 100 MB.

Compressed textures from folders:

Content - up to 25% various buildings and objects

Vehicles - up to 25% tanks up to 50% tracks

Speedtree - up to 25% all vegetation on maps

Spaces - up to 50% mini card

Mapslandscape - up to 25% surface texture

Guimapsiconsmapscreen - changed the resolution of loading screens

After these actions, the textures take up only 93 MB instead of the required 2.3 GB, and this greatly speeds up the process of entering the battle.

To improve the performance of compressed textures, it is highly recommended to use to turn off all effects, especially smoke and explosion effects, they are very heavy on the computer.



  • added textures 25% for 0.9.18;


  • 25% version adapted for;


Added textures for patch World of tanks 0.9.15


Added textures for patch World of tanks 0.9.13


  • adapted for 0.9.17;


  • added compressed textures for SD client WOT 0.9.17 CT;

Setting compressed textures

IMPORTANT! Make sure to back up the folder packages so that in case of failure you do not have to download the client again! Also, before each update, restore the original packages folder so that the launcher does not force you to re-download the client completely.

  1. Copy the entire contents of the archive to the root of your local drive (D: /, C: /, etc.)
  2. Select the required texture packs, if you want to install everything, run the file select all textures.cmd, if separately, then just follow the sequence of the packs, skipping the unnecessary ones. (example _02, _04, _05)
  3. After the program finishes, the WoT_xx% ... folder will appear in the root of the disk.
  4. Copy the contents of this folder to \ World_of_Tanks \ res \ packages and run autoinstall_.bat.

If you do not fully understand all the steps of installing compressed textures, see the video above.


World of Tanks has always been considered a game that is demanding on resources and computer performance indicators. That is why the issue of optimizing graphics and increasing FPS in battle has always been one of the most urgent. Especially often this question is asked by the owners of weak computers, which are more than half in our game.

To increase the performance of PCs, they can come to the rescue Compressed textures for weak computers WOT You can choose from several options for texture packs, with varying degrees of compression - from textures that do not so much affect the FPS and up to textures, the use of which will allow you to run World of Tanks on almost any calculator. Thus, it is possible to achieve an increase in the number of frames per second up to 20-35% by changing the resolution of the original textures, which, for example, is especially important for laptops with a small screen diagonal, on which the negative effect will not be felt at all. In addition, even choosing to compress all textures in the game to 6%, you will get a perfectly acceptable picture, of sufficient quality and not straining your eyes.

The following compression ratios are presented to the player's choice:

  • 50% - for medium computers
  • 25% - for weak computers
  • 12% - for very weak computers
  • 6% - for calculators

If you want to achieve the maximum effect by increasing the performance of even the weakest machines in the game, it is recommended that you also install the Wot Tweaker program, which allows you to disable all unnecessary resource-intensive special effects that, in your opinion, will not be useful to you in battle. With its help, you can increase the level of frames per second by an additional 5-10 percent!

If this does not help you, try installing a portable game client that does not require installation, with compressed textures, and also less demanding on hardware than the official one.


  1. Copy the entire contents of the archive to the root of your local drive (C: /, D: /, etc.)
  2. Select the required texture packs, if you want to install everything, run the file select all textures.cmd, if separately, then just follow the sequence of the packs, skipping the unnecessary ones. (example _02, _04, _05)
  3. After the program finishes, the WoT_xx% ... folder will appear in the root of the disk.
  4. Copy the contents of this folder to \ World_of_Tanks / res / packages and run autoinstall_.bat.

If the installation process is not entirely clear to you, then follow the instructions detailed and shown in the video above.

An important point. Before installing, be sure to back up the folder packages, with its help you will be able to restore the client in case of failure, and not download it again. Before each game update, restore the folder packages, otherwise, during the update process, the launcher will download the entire client completely.

2 years and 5 months ago Comments: 9

Greetings, dear tankers! Laich is with you and today we will talk about compressing textures in game World of Tanks.

Who needs to compress textures?

Whichever "advanced" computer you buy, there comes a time when a freshly released toy will force you to lower all graphics settings to a minimum so that it becomes at least a little more playable. Manufacturers computer games do not sit still and are constantly working to improve physics and graphics, and the sellers of "hardware" are only on hand. Not so long ago we wrote about. We recommend that you familiarize yourself if you cannot decide.

World of Tanks is no exception.

With each new update, it takes over more and more of your computer's resources. But not every fan of computer games can afford a powerful and expensive gaming computer! So what if you updated your hardware about five years ago, and no extra funds for this are expected in the near future, but you want to play ?! Do not throw your favorite toys!

How can WoT Tweaker Plus help us?

I want to tell you about an excellent WoT program Tweaker plus, which can be easily found on the Internet, or downloaded in a ready-made modpack, for example, the same. The program serves to disable the most power-consuming effects in the game World of Tanks, which cannot be disabled in the normal game settings, with the ability to compress textures to values ​​acceptable for your computer's operation, which means raising the desired FPS (frames per second).

No software installation required.

You just need to run the WoTTweakerPlus.9.17.1.exe file, specify the path to the folder installed game, remove the boxes from what you think are unnecessary effects, and compress the textures to the values ​​that your computer can handle.
By the way, when you install the WoT Tweaker Plus program from the Jove mod assembly, the WoTTweakerPlus.9.17.1.exe file will be in the root folder of the installed game, and when you start the application, you no longer need to enter the path to the game.

The program interface is as simple as possible

After setting the slider to the desired compression percentage, press the "Compress" button and wait for the texture processing to complete. After that, you can safely go into battle in less beautiful, for that more mobile and obedient tanks, in a world where tree branches will not move and it will never be cloudy! :)

Do I need to compress textures if the computer is powerful?

The configuration of my computer allows me to play without using this program, and I do not compress the textures, but I still disable, for example, the splash screen at startup, the effects of tree movement and the display of clouds, and, according to my mood, smoke from the exhaust pipe. I don’t need this and it doesn’t worsen the overall look of the game, and the increase in FPS is never superfluous! ;)

Consequences of WoT Tweaker Plus abuse

But without the effects of destruction, smoke and flame when fired, the effects of hitting the tank, as well as the effects of shell explosions, the game becomes completely different from the atmosphere, and sometimes disabling these effects can have negative consequences. For example, if you turn off the effects of shell explosions, it is not always possible to understand what kind of shell fell nearby, or when playing with an SPG, or if the SPG shoots at you, you will not understand where the projectile hit. Also, if you turn off the smoke and flame when firing, you will not always be able to orient yourself when the enemy is discharged.

According to the developers of World of Tanks themselves, up to forty percent of users run the game on computers that do not meet even the minimum system requirements... To help these players, modders create various performance optimizations, including compressed textures.

The textures in the game are responsible for appearance of all game objects, more precisely, for the way their surface looks. Basically, these are ordinary pictures, "cut" in a certain way for the correct imposition on the model of the tank and packed in a format suitable for the game. The measures taken by the game developers to optimize World of Tanks are cosmetic in nature, because they are faced with the task of preserving the appearance of the game. Accordingly, their methods of increasing fps in battle have an effect in the range of 10-20 percent, if you're lucky.

Modders are not bound by such restrictions, so they can offer more effective ways, for example - compressing all textures in the game. The mods presented in this review allow you to compress all or some of the game textures by 50, 25 or 6 percent, which allows you to solve most of the performance problems.

For example, in the battle on Himmelsdorf, the textures of houses and other buildings were compressed to 6%. This optimization measure alone led to an increase in fps by 30 percent, in standard graphics mode, without disabling effects, etc.

The game, of course, looks less beautiful than before the compression procedure, but you enter the battle, first of all, to win.


Full adaptation for World of Tanks;

added micro patch patch;


From the first days of World of Tanks life, it became clear that the game requires a lot of resources and in order to play it on an old computer, you need to somehow optimize it. Owners of weak PCs simply could not play the game normally, it constantly freezes and worked with jerks, FPS expected much to be desired. There was no need to think about a successful and enjoyable game in such conditions. They were saved by the compressed WoT textures for weak computers. With their help, the load on the already weak video processor was reduced and thus the FPS in the game increased.

With compressed textures for WOT, you can raise your FPS by 20-35%, this is achieved by the fact that the original textures of the game are compressed by changing their resolution, which helps to reduce their size. For convenience, several options for compressed textures were made for weak computers:

50% - for medium PCs

25% - for weak PCs

12% - for very weak PCs

6% - for calculators

All textures in the game were compressed, from tanks and surrounding objects to plants, trees and grass. Even at 6%, the picture of the game looks normal, not in squares.

Attention: For the full effect, we recommend that after installing the compressed textures, download and run the WOT TWEAKER PLUS program and use it to disable unnecessary effects. With this, you can additionally raise your FPS by 5-10%.

If you are missing just installing compressed textures and launching Wot Tweaker and you want to increase your FPS even more, we advise you to download and install the Portable World of tanks client (does not require installation), it immediately comes with compressed textures up to 25% and in addition uses 200 MB less RAM than the official client.


IMPORTANT! Make sure to back up the folder packages so that in case of failure you do not have to download the client again! Also, before each update, restore the original packages folder so that the launcher does not force you to re-download the client completely.

Copy the entire contents of the archive to the root of your local drive (D: /, C: /, etc.)

Select the required texture packs, if you want to install everything, run the file select all textures.cmd, if separately, then just follow the sequence of the packs, skipping the unnecessary ones. (example _02, _04, _05)

After the program finishes, the WoT_xx% ... folder will appear in the root of the disk.

Copy the contents of this folder to \ World_of_Tanks \ res \ packages and run autoinstall_.bat.

If you do not fully understand all the steps for installing compressed textures, watch the video.
