Tactical review of the tundra map. Tactical overview of the tundra map Tundra map positions for fri

Dear friends!!

And today we will continue to analyze World Of Tanks maps. Next up wot map Tundra: overview, description, characteristics, positions and tactics. Let's get started with the review.

General information.

Picture 1. Minimap.

Tundra wot is a relatively young card, it was added to the game in patch 0.8.8. It has a small size of 800*800 meters, which nevertheless does not cause difficulties, since there are practically no long-range shots and opponents who will shoot at you will inevitably be caught in the light. And sharp but balanced elevation changes make it difficult for targeted artillery fire. Tundra is a summer map (summer camouflage is used on vehicles). Although the atmosphere of the card conveys rather the autumn state of nature: crimson tones, yellowed foliage, gloomy sky. The map is available in random mode for battles of levels 4 – 11 in one single battle mode – random battle.

Let's break the map down into key elements:

Picture 2. Basic elements of the map.

1. Gorge(most often used by slow and armored heavy tanks and tank destroyers due to the fact that it provides protection from artillery, has a clearly defined direction of attack (only in front, while it is difficult to enter the side or stern), and is also a key direction for attack, through which you can push your opponent).
2. Sawmill(it is almost impossible to use it for tactical purposes, but it is necessary to control it so as not to miss a nimble firefly or another fast tank in the rear of the team).
3. Central lowland(has a lot of cover, is practically not covered by artillery, but it is difficult to use this part of the map for an attack, since there are bullets from both flanks and sooner or later you will be shot at; can be used for quickly moving from flank to flank or in support of a flank rush of an allied team, entering from the center).
4. Slide(the importance of this direction is almost impossible to overestimate; control of the hill provides the team with enormous opportunities, opening up shots to almost the entire map).
5. Upper base.
6. Lower base.
The railway is highlighted in red stretching across the entire map and creating some obstacles: a small hill, which, nevertheless, covers you from fire from the other side and destroyed carriages, which also make it difficult to fire at you. Besides, in the center of the railway there is a bridge over the central lowland, which is the shortest path between two bases. This bridge is very important towards the end of the battle, because through it slow tanks can quickly return to defend their base or support an attack on the enemy base.

Tundra wot Very simple map, which has clearly defined directions of attack and positions that must be adhered to. The map is almost symmetrical and well balanced (both spawns play equally well).

Let's figure out how to play World map Of Tanks Tundra for different classes of equipment:

1. Light tanks here they are deprived of the opportunity to shine, and therefore they are left with two options for attack: to occupy a hill along with medium tanks (which is most often practiced) or to look for an opportunity to slip into the enemy’s rear. You can slip through a sawmill or a lowland, followed by cutting out artillery, distracting enemy tanks, trolling by shooting at the stern of heavy tanks in the gorge. The first tactic is much simpler and clearer, and the second tactic will bring more benefits to the team, but it is also more tactically complex.
2. Medium tanks You should first of all try to occupy the hill, as the main strategic area of ​​the map. Among other things, the hill allows you to shoot through both bases - this means that at the right moment from the hill you can both disrupt the capture of your own base and cover the allied invaders with fire. In addition to the hill, medium tanks can look for opportunities in the lowlands or sawmill, but this is a secondary task.
3. Heavy tanks pushing through the gorge. All conditions have been created for them: they can tank, shoot, and hide from artillery. After pushing through the gorge, you should drive further to the corner of the map and from there enter the enemy base. Also, heavy tanks can help the allies capture the hill.
4. Tank destroyer, as a rule, occupy positions slightly behind the main forces. The most convenient positions for tank destroyers are indicated in Picture 3 (for the lower base) and Picture 4 (for the upper base) in blue. However, it should be remembered that tank destroyers must move in the wake of the main group of tanks.
5. Artillery on the map, Tundra has limited capabilities, but under certain conditions it can throw its land mines almost everywhere. Its positions are indicated in red in Pictures 3 and 4.

Picture 3. Positions for self-propelled guns and tank destroyers for the lower base.

Picture 4. Positions for self-propelled guns and tank destroyers for the upper base.

Tactics on the Tundra wot map.

As I already said, the most important part of the map is the hill, which means you need to make every effort to capture it or, at a minimum, strain in every possible way the opponents who have taken this position in order to deprive them of the opportunity to shoot at your allies with impunity other parts of the map. From the hill you can see across almost the entire map, and most importantly, you can shoot through both bases, the sawmill and the central lowland.

Note: on the World Of Tanks Tundra map, in the center of both bases, the mapmakers left us a huge cobblestone that can easily hide any tank from being shot from any direction, and therefore you should keep in mind that a competent enemy who sets out to capture your base will be able to hide from you and in order to break the grip you need to get closer, and not stand on the hill. Naturally, you can also hide from opponents while capturing an enemy base behind the same stone.

WITH opposite side from the hill there is a gorge, which is the second most important direction for attack. In the gorge, heavy and armored vehicles butt head to head, competing in the thickness of their armor. It is extremely difficult for artillery to shoot through here; direct fire opens only from the far left upper (for the upper base) and lower (for the lower base) corners of the map, and only when you roll out to shoot. The attack along the gorge is very slow, but after pushing through, many opportunities open up:

  • An attack on a base followed by its capture.
  • Clearing artillery positions.
  • Attack to positions on the hill, going behind the enemy forces on the hill.

It is worth noting that an attack through a lowland, as a rule, is tightly countered from tank destroyer positions, as well as from both flanks. In addition, there are no convenient, safe access points from the lowlands. Therefore, attacking from the lowlands only makes sense when one of the flanks has been pushed through.

In conclusion I want to note that breaking through a hill and then going behind the enemy’s defending forces on the Tundra map almost always ends in victory, so try to concentrate on this part of the map. However, it is not worth abandoning the gorge and the base, and therefore, if no one is going to these directions, then try to close them yourself or try in every possible way to draw the attention of your allies to this shortcoming.

Heavy tanks Attack in the extreme part of the swamp (D4G4). High cliffs and stones protect from light and fire. In the event of a successful attack, the attacking TTs find themselves in the vicinity of the enemy base. Attack in "Pants". A row of stones protects from fire from the enemy side. However, proximity to the enemy and regular exposure cause a strong concentration of fire. A successful attack in "Pants" gives a serious advantage - almost the entire map is fired upon from a high cliff. Attack along the stream west of "Pants". The rocks protect from self-propelled gun fire, but the tank destroyers from squares D7 and G7 can get in the way of attacking tank destroyers. You should also consider the possibility that tanks in "Pants" may encounter attackers at the entrance to this part of the map. In case of a successful attack, it is possible to surround and destroy enemies in squares E9-0. Medium tanks Capturing "Pants". High speed allows you to take ST positions behind the stones at the top of the "Pants". This allows you to support your tanks in this zone, as well as fire at tanks in the central part of the map and at the enemy base. Attack in the center. The abundance of shelters protects from fire. In case of a successful attack, the opportunity opens up to hit the enemy in the rear in "Pants" or organize a raid on the enemy base. Light tanks The abundance of high rocks and sudden changes in landscape height preclude the use of passive light. However, the “Pants” rock provides such an opportunity, but tanks can safely occupy it only when the opponents are knocked out from there, that is, the fate of the battle is almost decided. PT-SAU "Balconies" in squares K9 and B9 are an excellent position for firing at "Pants". However, after they are captured by the allied forces, it is worth moving to the “Pants” itself - from the cliff in square E8 you can fire at almost the entire map. Self-propelled guns The best positions for self-propelled guns are squares E2 and H1. From these squares, opponents in “Pants” are best fired upon. Tactics. In fact, deciding on tactical tricks is not very difficult. First of all, you should pay attention to railway, which allows you to get to the enemy’s base as quickly as possible, but doing this first in the battle is not recommended, most likely you will be destroyed. It is better to use this opportunity towards the end of the battle.

Review of the Tundra map. The main battlefields will be the right and left flanks, which are rocky terrain. Skirmishes will also occur in the central area under the bridge. The left flank is an area where there is a sawmill on the upper base and a swampy area on the lower base, the entire area is oversaturated with rocky stones that can cover equipment from enemy shots. There are rocky shelters on both sides, in addition this is the main place for skirmishes heavy tanks, and medium tanks with strong armor towers. It is the gorge between the mountains that is the main combat position. In addition, at the top base there is a sawmill with structures that provide cover for players. The central area is quite small and has a minimal number of covers, so the battle there will take place dynamically and quickly. But whoever can break through in this area will be able to immediately storm the enemy base. But the right flank is a mountain, which allows you to attack any point on the map from your position. Therefore, the most brutal battles will take place for this area. The road that leads to this point is crossed by rocks that slightly cover the approaches of the equipment. Also, from both bases of this flank there are hills that allow you to attack the entire flank. Location of equipment on the map or where to go. So, you are tormented by the question of where to go as soon as you find yourself on this map. Artillery. The most convenient positions for shooting through the enemy will be in positions K4, K5, K8, A5, A6, A7. Anti-tank self-propelled guns. Here you can follow the strands that are already moving forward, along the 2nd line, 9th line, or protect your allies from accidental exposure in the center along the 6th line. Heavy tanks. Hiding from artillery, the main actions will take place along the 1st line and the 8th line; more mobile heavy units can also travel along the 2nd line. Medium tanks. As mentioned above, medium tanks with good turret armor can help the allied heavy forces on the first line, or rush along the 8th line, hiding under the bridge and waiting for the enemy to strike him in the sides. Also, a small town on the 2nd line is also the site of a battle of medium tanks for a convenient position. Light tanks. Well, what can we say, enlightenment can be driven along any line, it would be useful, so you can immediately rush across the bridge, light up all opponents, and hide under the bridge or in the village in square D2.

Key points of the Tundra. The Tundra map in World of Tanks is a rather interesting location that does not provide players with complete protection; almost any flank can be attacked from any position. This adds dynamism to battles and intensity to vehicle movements. The main objective on this map is the hills on both sides of the map, which will allow you to gain an initial advantage. It is also worth remembering that in no case should you move alone, as you become an easy target; the best option would be to move in small squads. In addition, you should stay close to the rocks in order to quickly take cover from enemy fire.


Standard fight

Team fight



The location represents the Autumn Tundra landscape style. It has orange trees, grass with autumn colors and a sky reminiscent of short autumn days. The map has a bridge, a sawmill, a river and hills. The bridge connects the two bases and is the shortest route. The sawmill has stone buildings that protect from artillery and enemy fire. The sawmill is separated from the gorge by a mountain. The gorge has a stone that can protect you. The hill is a hill with two slopes separated from the lowland by a cliff. There are gaps between the stones on the hill. Description of the Tundra map in World of Tanks, combat tactics will help you win.

Tactics in a standard battle

Key sectors on the map Gorge, center (lowland), hill (mountain). The battles on the map go evenly. The gorge stretches along the first line in squares E1, F1, G1, there are two stones in squares F1, G1. In the gorge you need to use the diamond shooting technique. Exits from the gorge are fired from squares B1, B2, B3 and J1, J2, J3. Don't forget, the gorge is under fire from artillery. The center is a bridge connecting the bases. There are small battles going on underneath. A small river flows through the lowland, in which it is impossible to drown. There are a lot of shelters and rocks in the center. There are four entrances to the lowland. Therefore, you should be careful not to get behind the lines, but when you take the lowland, you are given access to the enemy base. The huge hill is located along lines eight, nine, zero. The main battles will take place in squares E9, F9. Fast tanks will fight for the hill. It allows you to shoot through most of the map. There is a stone at the bottom of the mountain. Mostly heavy tanks with good armor stand there. Artillery shoots through the mountain and rock. Exits from the hill are shot from positions along the edges of the map, from which you can shoot through the hill and the base. Description of the Tundra map in World of Tanks and tactics will help you win the battle.

Light tanks

Light tanks have many directions for illumination. One of them is to be the first to drive up the mountain, which has balconies with bushes. From this position you can highlight the base and low ground. After the illumination, you should drive back, other tanks may illuminate you and cause you damage. The second and no less popular skiing is in the lowlands, with trips into enemy territory. The third most unpopular thing is to provide passive and active light from a sawmill; there are houses and piles of coal there that you can hide behind. Sometimes at the end of the fight light tank, can drive across the bridge to illuminate and destroy enemy artillery.

Medium tanks

Medium tanks are sent to the hill at the beginning of the battle. They play who is king of the hill with other tanks. When taking a mountain, you can help the heavy tanks below and shoot enemies on the side. You can also shoot through the balconies at the lowland and base sectors. If you know that you cannot take the mountain, then it is better to try to take the lowland. This will give you the opportunity to drive around behind enemy lines on the mountain or make your way to the enemy base and stand up for capture. Sometimes medium tanks are sent to a sawmill and then go behind enemy lines in a gorge.

Heavy tanks

Heavy tanks have two directions to capture on the Tundra map for WoT. The first and most important thing is the hill. If your allies have taken the mountain, you don't have to worry about taking damage from the mountain. There are battles near the stone in square E9 and F9. There, between the stones, there is a crevice through which to receive ricochets and not be penetrated by the tower. Also at the edges of the map, you can use diamond shooting tactics. If enemy tanks have taken the mountain, then it is better to drive back. Allied tanks located on the hills along the edges of the map, lines nine, zero, can help you. The second no less popular destination is the gorge. There are stones in squares G1 and F1. These stones are suitable for diamond shooting, but you should be afraid of artillery and enemy tanks entrenched along the length. Sometimes heavy tanks descend into the lowlands and try to rise to the enemy base. But they should be careful, they can be damaged from the mountain and spun around by medium tanks, since the ground there is soft, which reduces maneuverability and speed.


Tank destroyers take up positions on the Tundra World of Tank map on the hills and near the base. On the hills they stand on the edges of the ninth and zero line. From these positions they can shoot through the exits from the hill, the lowland and the base. The second position where Anti-Tank Self-Propelled Artillery Units can stand is at the edges of lines one and two. From these positions they shoot through the exits of the gorge, the lowlands and the sawmill. They can also stay near the base to protect the bridge and entrances to the base.

Self-propelled artillery units

Artillery sweeps through almost the entire Tundra map of the World of Tanks. Self-propelled Artillery Units occupy positions mainly where tank destroyers are located. These are positions along the edges along lines nine, zero. Using these positions they shoot through parts of the hill, valley, sawmill and base. The second position is at the edges of lines one and two. From this position, parts of the gorge, ascents to the mountain and the hill near the stone are shot through. At these positions there is vegetation where you can stand under disguise and you can be protected by tank destroyers. If you have quiet artillery, then it’s worth staying not far from the base in the bushes, but you should be wary. From these positions you can be identified by tracers or illuminated by a light tank from a mountain or lowland.

Bridge of Hope

This structure has a very advantageous location: it almost directly connects both conflicting bases. But due to its unprotected position, passage on it can cost you a lot, so be extremely careful and choose the safest moment to force the force.

Great Western Gorge

Since time immemorial, the gorge on the “first” line became a stumbling block for both warring factions. At first glance, it seems simple to overcome, but a trip to it from time to time turns into a tough and bloody skirmish for tankers. As a rule, during a direct clash, one of the sides gains the upper hand and moves deeper into enemy territory.

East Hill

This is usually the most difficult direction to attack, which is chosen by many tankers. This relic of tank architecture on the “ninth” line has remained unchanged for many years. It is quite easy to recognize: spacious entrances on both sides and a convenient “shelf” for visual observation. This beachhead offers stunning views of both bases, so capturing it will give you some tactical advantage. But remember that the opposite exit from the hill may be targeted by hidden reserve forces, so be sure to check for their absence before leaving.

Settlement Chitovskoe

This settlement was significantly deserted after several major landslides. Huge mining machines silently watch from above as on its ghostly streets grains of coal, swollen with time, break onto the icy stone ground. However, in this deserted wasteland at the beginning of the battle, from time to time you can see a dashing tanker who, with the help of a dangerous and daring raid, corrects the barrage fire of the allies artillery installations. But it is important not to stay too long in this dangerous area - opponents can disgracefully throw away the unwary scout with a counterattack or inflict significant damage from the lost Eastern Hill.

Vehicle classes

Vehicle classes are a conventional concept in the world of tanks, which does not always reliably reflect the role of a tank in battle. But it will be useful for a tanker to have a general understanding of some of the tactics on the Tundra map in various combat situations.

Light tanks

The Tundra map can be conventionally called “dynamic”, so fast and high-speed reconnaissance tanks have all the advantages of a skillful flank attack maneuver on it - a sudden appearance at one point or another on the map can have a beneficial effect on the overall course of the battle. As mentioned above, if the Allies decide to occupy and push through the Eastern Hill, then light tanks can create an initial advantage in this direction of attack. Also from the Chitovsky settlement there is a small share of successful initial “lighting” of enemy tanks for allied artillery installations. From the top base at the start of the fight, it may make sense to occupy the bushes in D5 for some initial reconnaissance. But, like all poorly protected and vulnerable machines in close combat, light-feathered birds do not tolerate long-term hatching of eggs; it is important for them to provide support in any suitable time and place.

Medium tanks

Combat support vehicles have always been the main impact force world of tanks. Since they combine high firepower and good dynamics, they are often among the first to occupy key positions on maps. For example, on the Tundra they are often spotted on the Eastern Hill. It is important not to miss the timing and get to the “shelf” before your opponents, so don’t yawn at the start. Less often, medium tanks are found in the settlement of Chitovsky or, in case of good armor protection, in the Great Western Gorge. From the upper base there is another, rather risky, direction of attack: block the central exit of the lower base in square F6 and distract the attention of slow opponents. Remember that if the allies have retaken a hill or sandbox, it is important to continue to swing, otherwise you may lose your hard-won tactical advantage.

Heavy tanks

Heavy breakthrough tanks feel especially good in a team of like-minded people, but sometimes they can show their teeth alone. Therefore, if suddenly the Great Western Gorge or the Eastern Hill were left without the attention of the allied forces, then there is no need to rush to the usual route. It is quite possible that the time has come for positional defense or search for other directions for attack. A heavy tank usually cannot quickly move to another area of ​​a combat operation, so for team success, sometimes it is worth preparing in advance for the defense of a weakened flank, be prepared for this.

In the world of tanks, pets have traditionally been considered the most effective means of organizing long-term ambushes. On the Tundra map, such places are positions in the corner areas of the “ninth” line. Also, some craftsmen will be able to find shelter near the base so that no disaster happens. Sometimes the characteristics of the pet and the tanker allow him to act more aggressively, for example, attack the same Eastern Hill or, less often, the Great Western Gorge. It all depends on the situation - be prepared to act outside the box.

Self-propelled artillery units

The gods of war, as artillerymen often call themselves, on the Tundra are somewhat constrained in choosing targets to hit. They often remain at the respawn site and sluggishly change positions on the extreme lines of the map. In this case, successful hits can hit opponents on the Eastern Hill, in the Great Western Gorge, or other open locations. This job is for real men, brave, persistent and patient. As on other maps, artillerymen are advised to monitor changes in the glide path of the conventional front line and stay “behind” it at all times, so that “headhunters” cannot get close to you without asking.

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History of changes




Today I will tell you about a new map - Tundra.

First, I’ll tell you the general picture. Tundra, a very beautiful and dynamic map. There are many points for artillery positions, positions for anti-tank self-propelled guns, as well as areas where tanks constantly collide.

Here is a minimap of the Tundra with thematic symbols on it. Let's go in order.

Areas for artillery for two bases are highlighted in green. It must be said that the positions are far from original.

Square A5, A6, A7 / K4, K5 has a firing area in the center of the map. Square A1/J8, K8 has a firing area concentrated on the red zones indicated by license plates.

The main areas of clashes between enemies and allies on the Tundra map are highlighted in red.

This mountain has a very important strategic position. After all, if it is occupied by a firefly with a good viewing range. Then the firefly team will get a lot big advantage, because it will shine on most of the map. And if there is a strong tank destroyer, for example FV215b (183), then the opponents will definitely stand behind the stones and be afraid to get out, as in better times artillery.

The position number two represents a dried river bed, as well as a bridge above it. It is worth saying that this is the shortest, but also the most dangerous path to the enemy base. Often the bridge is guarded by a tank destroyer, which will not allow the enemy into its team’s camp, so driving across the bridge at the beginning of the game is extremely stupid and very dangerous.

The river bed has a winding shape, and there are also various natural shelters, such as hills and stones. The position is very similar to the place on the map Pass. Fast medium tanks are very common in this vein. It is worth saying that this part of the map also has strategic potential, because if the enemy occupies this area, he can freely move from one edge of the map to the other, without losing time, much less safety margin.

The position indicated by the number three is a collection of small islands. Here you often encounter a rush of medium tanks (in companies) or some lost tanks that want to quickly arrive at the enemy base and lose as little safety margin as possible.

Positions for tank destroyers are highlighted in yellow. They differ from other positions in that they have means of camouflage (bushes), shelter (rocks and hills), as well as an excellent firing radius of a particular area on the Tundra map. The first position is located in square B1 and has an excellent area of ​​fire against the abandoned sawmill, as well as tanks leaving the islands.

The position on square B9 is very popular and has a mirror image on square K9.

This position is defensive in nature and is aimed at holding back opponents who have broken through the ranks of the allies to the enemy base. The position is ideal for heavy and slow-moving tank destroyers, such as the T95 or JagdPz E-100.

The D6 square position is ideal for both long-range fireflies and fast tank destroyers such as the AMX 50 Foch (155). From this point, most of the map for fireflies is revealed to us. And for a tank destroyer, it’s an ideal position to distribute damage to enemies who are just moving to take their positions.

The position on square E5 / F5 is just the place for lazy tank destroyers - waters that don’t want to go anywhere. This is not to say that the position is completely useless. It is ideal for protecting your base from some stray T-50, which can easily break through to the allied artillery and cut it out at the root. It is also possible to support the breakthrough of heavy tanks such as Maus, which can ride and soak up damage, thereby protecting allies from losing their HP.

More recently, in the open spaces Games World of Tanks, several locations have appeared, most of which have already been and were tested by players, but new map called Tundra WOT turned out to be quite interesting and unique compared to others.

The new location is an open type and offers players a new autumn area. The Tundra's terrain is a hilly area with a railroad that crosses the entire map, a sawmill on one flank, and cliffs on the other flank. The size of the map is 800 by 800 meters, and the level of battles is from 4 to 11 inclusive. The entire map is covered with sharp lowlands with water.

Approximate passing routes for all types of equipment in Tundra WOT

Heavy tanks

  • Attack in the extreme part of the swamp ( D4↔G4). High cliffs and stones protect from light and fire. In the event of a successful attack, the attacking TTs find themselves in the vicinity of the enemy base.
  • Attack in "Pants". A row of stones protects from fire from the enemy side. However, proximity to the enemy and regular exposure cause a strong concentration of fire. A successful attack in "Pants" gives a serious advantage - almost the entire map is fired upon from a high cliff.
  • Attack along the stream west of "Pants". Rocks protect from self-propelled gun fire, but ST is made of squares D7 And G7 can get in the way of attacking TTs. You should also consider the possibility that tanks in Pants may encounter attackers at the entrance to this part of the map. In case of a successful attack, it is possible to surround and destroy enemies in squares E9-0.

Medium tanks

  • Capture "Pants". High speed allows you to take ST positions behind the stones at the top of the Pants. This allows you to support your tanks in this zone, as well as fire at tanks in the central part of the map and at the enemy base.
  • Attack in the center. The abundance of shelters protects from fire. In case of a successful attack, the opportunity opens up to hit the enemy in the rear in “Pants” or organize a raid on the enemy base.

Light tanks

  • The abundance of high rocks and sudden changes in landscape height preclude passive light. However, the “Pants” rock provides such an opportunity, but tanks can safely occupy it only when the opponents are knocked out from there, that is, the fate of the battle is almost decided.

Tank destroyer

  • "Balconies" in squares K9 And B9- an excellent position for firing at “Pants”. However, after they are captured by the Allied forces, it is worth moving to the “Pants” themselves - from the cliff in the square E8 you can fire almost the entire map.
  • The best positions for self-propelled guns are squares E2 And H1. From these squares, opponents in “Pants” are best fired upon.

Tactics on the Tundra map for World of Tanks

In fact, deciding on tactical tricks is not very difficult. At first, you should pay attention to the railway, which allows you to get to the enemy base as quickly as possible, but it is not recommended to do this first of the battle, most likely you will be destroyed. It is better to use this opportunity towards the end of the battle.

The main battlefields will be the right and left flanks, which are rocky terrain. Skirmishes will also occur in the central area under the bridge.

Left flank is an area where there is a sawmill on the upper base and a swampy area on the lower base, the entire area is oversaturated with rocky stones that can cover equipment from enemy shots. There are rocky shelters on both sides, in addition, this is the main place for heavy skirmishes tanks and medium tanks with strong turret armor. It is the gorge between the mountains that is the main combat position. In addition, at the top base there is a sawmill with structures that provide cover for players.

Central region It is quite small and has a minimum number of covers, so the battle there will take place dynamically and quickly. But whoever can break through in this area will be able to immediately storm the enemy base.

And here right flank is a mountain that allows you to attack any point on the map from your position. Therefore, the most brutal battles will take place for this area. The road that leads to this point is crossed by rocks that slightly cover the approaches of the equipment. Also, from both bases of this flank there are hills that allow you to attack the entire flank.

Location of vehicles on the World of Tanks Tundra map or where to go

So, you are tormented by the question of where to go as soon as you find yourself on this map.

. The most convenient positions for shooting through the enemy will be in positions K4, K5, K8, A5, A6, A7.

Here you can follow the strands that are already moving forward, along the 2nd line, 9th line, or protect your allies from accidental exposure in the center along the 6th line.

Hiding from artillery, the main actions will take place along the 1st line and the 8th line; more mobile heavy units can also travel along the 2nd line.

As mentioned above, medium tanks with good turret armor can help the allied heavy forces on the first line, or rush along the 8th line, hiding under the bridge and waiting for the enemy to strike him in the sides. Also, a small town on the 2nd line is also the site of a battle of medium tanks for a convenient position.

Well, what can we say, enlightenment can be driven along any line, it would be useful, so you can immediately rush across the bridge, light up all opponents, and hide under the bridge or in the village in square D2.
