Tactics of the game on the steppe map. World of Tanks. The best places for self-propelled guns on the Steppe map. Flora and fauna


Standard fight

Meeting engagement

Team fight



Open, flat terrain, with slight elevation changes and abundantly strewn with bushes and stones. Both bases are connected by a road, hidden in the lowlands from what is happening on the flanks. IN Center The map is located on a field - the main scene of action for light tanks at the beginning of the battle. The field is framed by small hills with stones and bushes, the so-called Ridges- places where anti-tank vehicles and lightly armored vehicles with good weapons accumulate. On the right is Valley, and on the left are located Stones.

The type of camouflage used on the map is summer.

The map was added in update 0.6.4. Name in the battle recording file: stepspes.

Combat tactics in a standard battle

At the beginning of the battle, the LTs try to show off the careless PTs who disdained to stand in the bushes on Ridges, and rolling heavy tanks to To the stones. PTs take positions on the same Ridges to help allied LTs, STs traveling to Valley, but willing to give the initial shooting. For heavy tanks there is a choice, you can also To the stones, and in Valley. Arta can give one shot from respawn, and then can take positions near the red line. Now let's look at the classes of equipment:

Light tanks

Lower Base (I in the diagram)

The role of light tanks is, first of all, to provide initial illumination of the movement of enemy tanks, as well as counterlight. Don't waste a second if you want to bring maximum benefit in the first minutes of the battle. WITH Positions in the center you can highlight the rolling of the TT to To the stones, as well as tanks on Ridges.

Position on the right more risky, especially near a rock (often a one-way ticket) but gives the opportunity to highlight tanks that are rushing towards Valley. They can also be highlighted having rolled on the right, but the risk of taking damage or even going to the hangar is higher. The red trajectory is extremely dangerous, pay attention to your opponent’s setup.

Positions on the left are not as productive, but can bring no less benefit to the team. Clearance is provided to the left side of the ridge, and the stone will cover you during the light. Be careful when taking position at the beginning of the fight.

If you stand in the bushes near Kameni, you will be safe, but there will be clearance here only for TTs that are rushing to To the stones.

Upper base (II in the diagram)

Changing the base does not change the task of the LT. Classical position in the Center to illuminate the nesting areas of enemy vehicles on Ridges and transfer of equipment to To the stones. True, there is a risk of catching a blind, the bush is “standard”. There are alternative bushes a little further, although there is a risk of “catching a lamp” and going to the hangar.

Concerning positions on the left, then it’s easier to drive under the stone here than from the lower base. But if both you and an enemy light tank came here, then in terms of exposure you “turn off” each other. Any departure due to a stone is punishable by loss of HP, knocking down the harp, and an early ticket to the hangar. Note the mirror version rolling, you just have to calculate the trajectory of safe movement.

Positions on the right they are also not particularly popular, although a skilled player knows how to benefit from them both for himself and for the team. Position at the Stones not only allows you to highlight heavy objects, but also shoot at them. But be careful, choose blind targets and don't take unnecessary risks.

While loading, evaluate the team compositions and come up with a plan of action. Give initial exposure by standing in a bush or riding aggressively. The priority task in the first minutes is to “turn off the lights” and show the opponent’s driving position. Don't lose HP and watch the minimap. Support your allies, change positions, monitor the location of enemy tanks. The central hollow is a good road to enemy artillery or lonely anti-tank missiles, gaping at Ridges. And remember, the closer the end of the battle, the more valuable a light tank becomes.

Medium tanks

When you get to the steppes on ST, evaluate the composition of the teams. Since a medium tank is a universal vehicle, try to use the strengths of your vehicle, especially since the map allows you to do this. But you shouldn’t stop your allies from doing “their business.” Do not prevent the LT from shining and the PT from conducting aimed fire.

And after the initial shooting with Ridges, medium tanks are sent to Valley. In the Valley there are main positions for combat:

Upper base

Position 1- rather for the PT, but if it is empty, you can take it too. Points 2 and 3- choice of ST with excellent guns, good air defense, but weak armor protection (for example leopard 1). Don't forget to roll away after shooting. Position 4- a more risky variation of 2 and 3 points, and there is nothing for tanks to do here without smart UVNs. Position 5- more universal, here you can perfectly implement a ST with a strong turret. Position 8- for ST with good armor.

Lower base

There are similar points from the lower base. Point 12 similar to point 2 - for cardboard tanks with a good gun. Positions 13 and 15- already closer to the battle line, position 14 similar to position 3 - shot, reflection, shot. Position 16 for direct firefights with the enemy, cardboard tanks are sent straight to the hangar from here. Point 17- is quite specific, but worth noting.

The positions described above are not without alternative. Assess the composition of the teams, travel and act according to the situation. Random battles are an unpredictable thing, so it’s impossible to predict all situations. Realize your strengths and neutralize your weaknesses, help your allies in the Valley, and don’t be afraid to change flanks. And don't forget to check the minimap.

Heavy tanks

Gone are the days when cords only traveled to To the stones. In every battle you can notice that the TTs are sent to Valley. Let's look at it first.


For classic heavyweights, which are designed for head-on collisions, the scene of action is positions 8 and 16. From them the teams begin to fight for position 9. But be careful, roll in zone 9 It's dangerous alone. Any CT can get under the stone above and cause a lot of problems. Also, do not forget that the Steppes is an open map, and there is very little shelter in the Valley. The artillery is watching you.


Usually slow heavy tanks and assault tanks go here. Perhaps, Stones- the only place where there is good shelter from artillery. If there are not many of you here, you can take up positions near the rocks before reaching the water, or stop around the bend near the river channel (although it’s more like a lake) and shoot at the rolling water. To the stones. If you have enough strength, or you are confident in your cover, take positions with yourself Stones. Here the classic game for TT begins - playing from the alpha, tanking from the corner, exchanging HP.

As with other tanks, evaluate your team compositions before the battle begins. The presence or absence of artillery is one of the most important factors. Determine the direction of movement, and try to cooperate with your allies. Don't be alone - you become an easy target. And look at the minimap, returning to your base on time or helping your allies is important.

Tank destroyer

For classic tank destroyers, the Steppes is a good map. Abundance of bushes and stones on Ridges and the space for the LT allows for excellent shooting in the starting minutes of the battle.

Then you can support TT on Stones or take positions on the hills in Valley. Or stay in position and wait for light. Be careful, blinds are often thrown into the bushes near the stones. So if you are confident in camouflaging your car, and you have a camouflage net, you can stand away from bushes and stones. The risk of getting blindshot becomes minimal.

Follow the development of the battle, take positions, cooperate with the tank. They often click on the minimap of the place where they plan to expose. And don’t rush to exchange HP if the flank is broken, it’s better to retreat and deal damage without receiving damage in return. And look at the minimap.

Self-propelled artillery units

Keep an eye on the allied tank, you can fire one shot from the spot if your reload allows it. Then you can safely roll over the railway embankment (upper base) or go to the mountains (lower base)

The map is open, allowing you to shoot through the vast majority of the map. Aim at clusters of enemies, if not with damage, then with stunning, you can turn the tide of the battle, first on the flank, and then in the battle. Don’t be afraid to change your position, enemy tanks are not asleep. And look at the minimap.

Tactics in the "Encounter Battle" mode

The base in the oncoming battle mode is located in a low-lying alley. Compared to a standard battle, the starting positions of the teams are located further west. The opponents are close to each other and the battle in the “stones” breaks out very quickly. Often players forget about the base and get involved in a shootout. In this case, the outcome of the battle can be decided even by a lone light tank standing up for capture. Although the capture time is increased, getting to the base is not so easy: the shortest route is through an open field, where vehicles are an easy target, and detour through the base takes a long time. In addition, the base is located in a low place and in order to knock down the capture, you need to be in close proximity to it. All this creates a variety of tactics and behavior options in battle.

The tactics of conducting an oncoming battle differ from the tactics in a standard battle only by being shifted closer to To the stones team respawns, which reduces the travel time for tanks to a given position. The general base is located on positions 9, and high-speed tanks arrive there first. For LT, the priority is the stone with bushes on the left side Central field. You can also take a risk and highlight enemy self-propelled guns while still on the road patrol, but this is a very risky maneuver. ST it’s better to go straight to Valley to the base, TT should not be forgotten about it either. Analyze team compositions and look at the minimap more often.

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History of changes



There is such a famous Russian folk song “Steppe and steppe all around.” Starting to sing it, suddenly a feeling of patriotism and love for the homeland awakens in your heart. After all, what beauty can there be in the steppe, and the oak tree is nearby and the girls are beautiful. But in the game World of Tanks, in addition to the beautiful view of the map, battles also take place in this place, so this is not the time to admire.

A large open grassy area is what the steppe map is in World of Tanks

With patch 9.6, the map was noticeably redesigned, a lot of leveled surfaces appeared, stones were removed and hills were smoothed out on the territory of both bases. They made the grass along the road and the mountains near the railway crossing flat. The lower descent to the green road has been completely redesigned; now you can go there without fear. The main places of battle on the map are stones and green areas.

On the rocks there are mainly armored vehicles and brilliant green for faster and more maneuverable tanks. You can also highlight the center, but at the beginning of the battle there is practically no fighting here. And so we will write everything in order. Armored vehicles are usually located near the stones, which will allow them to protect themselves from artillery volleys. The main mess happens there, the weaker players are usually a little behind, and only the middle and heavy ones enter the battle. But lately tanks have been gathering at the lower base, from where they can lure the enemy into a pincer movement.

In random battles, the steppe map in World of Tanks often uses greenery, and this is where the main clashes take place

Shooting usually takes place from the hills; to avoid hits from the artillery, it is best to go down. It will be difficult for slow tanks in this place, since there is practically no protection other than stones, and even then they will be hit. It is best to wait for the opponents at the embankment, from there you can already get a good shot.

Well, the last place for battles is the center. It becomes relevant only towards the end of the fight; under no circumstances should you go there at the beginning of the fight. The only exception is fast tanks; they benefit from the fact that they can hide behind hills and pit enemies against themselves. Due to patch fixes on the road, getting close to opponents has become more difficult.

Protected places are located near your own base. As for art, this map is an ideal place for its positions. There's practically no cover on the greenery. The lower artefact can be near the stones, but the upper one is better at a railway crossing. For light tanks on this map it is easy to act as fireflies; after everyone has taken their positions, you can return to base. It is best to break through to the road, it is best to hide behind a stone and wait for enemies so that the rest of the team can deal with it.

Open flat terrain. The only shelters available are large rocks, folds of terrain, a small amount of vegetation, and a railroad on an embankment to the north. Both bases are connected by a road, hidden in the lowlands from what is happening on the flanks.

The map was added in update 0.6.4. Name in the battle recording file: stepspes.

Tactics in a standard battle

Most of the map is occupied by an open, well-crossed field. A narrow, winding road (nicknamed "gut" by players) runs through the center. Boulders and elevation changes make it possible to get halfway to the enemy base undetected.

In the east there is also a road along the lowland. Tanks moving along this lowland are not visible from the field. Another route runs through rocky terrain in the west (the so-called “stones”).

Light tanks (LT)

On the one hand, the Steppes are an open location and light tanks have room to maneuver. On the other hand, the terrain in the center of the map is as flat as a table, and a light tank, even one moving at full speed, can be knocked out quite easily.

Therefore, light tanks often go through the “guts”, where they often collide with enemy scouts. In such conditions, very often an exchange occurs - the LTs destroy each other without finding anyone. Experienced players often go to the flank or hide behind stones in squares E3, E5, E7.

Medium tanks (ST)

Medium tanks usually form a group and walk down an alley together. Usually they are met there by enemy tanks, but if the resistance is weak, a fist of medium tanks is capable of crushing the flank, destroying artillery and going behind enemy lines.

If the enemy has exposed the center, it is possible for the ST to pass through the “gut”. Intercepting enemy light vehicles coming through the gut in the first minute of the battle is also the responsibility of medium tanks.

Heavy tanks (TT)

The standard route for heavy tanks runs through the "rocks". Here they enter into a shootout. The rocks in this area provide good cover from artillery, but tanks are very vulnerable when moving out to shoot and when moving from cover to cover.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery units (tank destroyers)

Tank destroyers traditionally occupy positions at the base among boulders (marked as “def”). From there they shoot through the entire field and the exit from the “gut”. Tank destroyers can also support allies on the flanks.

Self-propelled Artillery Units (SAU)

At the northern base, the artillery moves behind the railway. There is not much free space there, but the embankment provides good protection from light and fire from the field. There is much more space at the southern base, but it is not as safe.

A light tank that breaks through the “gut” is guaranteed to detect all the equipment in the central zone, so self-propelled guns are often moved to the flanks. Players especially love the corner around square K10.

Tactics in the "Encounter Battle" mode

The base in the oncoming battle mode is located in a low-lying alley. Compared to a standard battle, the starting positions of the teams are located further west. The opponents are close to each other and the battle in the “stones” breaks out very quickly. Often players forget about the base and get involved in a shootout.

In this case, the outcome of the battle can be decided even by a lone light tank standing up for capture. Although the capture time is increased, getting to the base is not so easy: the shortest route is through an open field, where vehicles are an easy target, and detour through the base takes a long time.

In addition, the base is located in a low place and in order to knock down the capture, you need to be in close proximity to it. All this creates a variety of tactics and behavior options in battle.

Square A2 (upper rep)

In my opinion, one of the coolest points in the game. In this area there is a seemingly inaccessible mountain, which is actually quite easy to climb. And on the mountain there is a kind of bucket that completely hides you from light from below. In addition, this point is located at an altitude of approximately 50 meters above ground level, which means you can more easily throw landmines behind the rocks. However, to occupy this point you will need about a minute, so if the enemy has quick light, there is a chance of being caught in the light at the very beginning of the battle. However, having taken a position, you absolutely should not be afraid of artillery hunters, because we are deep in the rear, and among the enemies there are few fools willing to ride along a long climb under fire from the entire team. In addition, many players don’t even know that they can go there. From the ground we can only be illuminated at point-blank range. Personally, I was never featured there at all. There were even such funny cases when the whole team came to capture the base, and I shot them like in a shooting gallery.

I sit high and look far away.

This is roughly how you can see my tank from the mountain. Lighting is technically impossible.

Pros: this point in itself is an absolute plus

Minuses: The humps hiding us make it difficult to shoot at a distance closer than 300 meters, but the problem is solved by running the rear roller over the hump. The position is quite cramped and changing it during the battle is very problematic, so if an enemy artilleryman decides to go fishing and sees your tracer, there is a high chance of being hooked by the fisherman.

Square J2 (lower rep)

Unfortunately, from the lower republic there are no such tasty points as on A2. However, this point is good because it allows you to fire at a distance of 250 meters, while remaining behind the hill relative to the enemy. The only thing to be afraid of is the fireflies that have broken through the center.

That's how we stand. The edges of the hills are outlined in black so that it would be easier for you to understand how they are hiding me. The enemy is in the red zone.

The minimum firing distance is 260 meters, you can get closer if you drive back. However, remember - further from the mountain there is more risk.

Pros: the light will not get to you unnoticed - there will be light in all directions, which means you will have more time to react. In case of light, you can hide downhill from enemy artillery. It's easy to change position.

Minuses: risk of accidental exposure; the mountain may obscure most of the map.

Today we bring to your attention another tactical review. This time, after long and godless torture, all the tactics and secrets of the game were given to us by the “Steppe” map.

Steppes is a fairly old map, the style of the landscape and the location of objects and directions on which gives us a clear idea of ​​the philosophy of creating the first maps of the game. But, despite the first impression of monotony, the map is well thought out. Therefore, it has survived to this day with minimal modifications. This is the main qualitative difference between absolutely all old cards.

Strategically, 3 directions can be distinguished on the map: ravine (1), center (2) and stones (3). How these directions will show themselves from a tactical point of view is already in the following paragraphs. Here it is only worth adding that the Steppes is one of the few maps where each type of technology is able to realize itself in several directions at once.


The ravine is one of the main bridgeheads, a narrow direction with few shelters in the form of the slopes of a hillock, which covers the side of the tanks located there, and by placing a tank with at least one caterpillar on the slope, you will more or less protect yourself from artillery (since against targets located on slope, it is much more difficult for artillery to hit). In fact, this is the most favorable environment for TTs: there is no protection from artillery and narrow focus of fire - die-hard TTs can count on ricochets and non-penetration.

Due to the last feature, the narrow focus of the fire, anti-tank missiles (positions 2 of each team) will also be useful here. This is especially true for the red team’s tanks, since it is from the red base that the most favorable conditions for the operation of tanks have been created: practically a rear position, which, however, takes the most active part in the battle, being able to support its tanks at position 1 with fire in the light. PT and long distance are beneficial - the enemy from his position 1 will not immediately notice you. Thickets of bushes will serve as additional camouflage for you.

A surprise compared to other maps will be that CT can also fully realize its potential on the same bridgehead. Their maneuver behind enemy lines through the upper edge of the ravine (dotted lines in the figure) will play a decisive role in encircling him. The only obstacles for them will be enemy STs pursuing the same goal. Maneuverable CTs will be able to hide in the folds of the terrain, as well as use a boulder located above the central part of the ravine. From here you can subsequently threaten the heavy forces of the enemy below when they rush.

Another tactic on a ravine, which is not often used in random games, but which is no worse for that, is to not go down into the ravine at all. Instead, position yourself in position 3 (on the side of each of the bases, depending on which team you are on) and enlist the support of artillery to hold off the enemy advancing from below. The main advantage here is that while when the enemy rises, the enemy’s guns are raised up and he cannot target you, in the meantime you are already brought down and in the vast majority of cases you will be the first to inflict damage, and while the enemy rolls out enough to target you, You will already be recharged. Thus, you have a 1-shot advantage and artillery support. The main requirement here is a sufficient number of tanks to meet the enemy here. However, the enemy has his own trump cards here: he may not come at you, but simply expose you for his artillery if the enemy is not confident in the success of his breakthrough. In this situation, for the first time you can be saved by the folds of the terrain near the red base and the bushes near the green one. Capturing the ravine, like any other direction on the map, opens up an almost clear road to the enemy base.


The central part is the LT’s place of work. High maneuverability, low silhouette and visibility of the LT can be realized right here, in the center. The central road connecting both bases across the entire map is the shortest LT route. However, it is he who receives the most attention from teams in the initial stage of the battle. Therefore, it is replete with many shelters in the form of boulders and uneven terrain, where nimble light tanks can shine without being constantly in the enemy's sights. Typically, highlighting in the center is most relevant only at the beginning of the battle, when the teams have not yet really dispersed. Such exposure will help your team understand the potential alignment of enemy forces in each direction and properly prepare for it. However, it is worth remembering that there are enemy PTs lurking specifically to meet you on the approaches to the bases (positions 1,2 at each of the bases). Stone blocks and bushes will perfectly hide them from your field of vision until you shoot at point-blank range. Then it would be a good idea to highlight the ravine to let your friends know which of the enemies is in which position. If you are still alive after this, then, taking advantage of the enemy’s preoccupation with the battle with your allies, you have a good chance of getting directly close to the enemy artillery with impunity, which is a formidable and decisive force in flat areas. By depriving the enemy of it, you will make life much easier for your allies and make a serious bid for victory. As you can see, light plays a huge role in the Steppes.


The stones are a springboard where, as in the ravine, both TT, PT, and ST will be able to realize their advantages. For anti-tank vehicles, there are excellent rear positions for firing at light, protected by rocks and folds of the terrain. TTs will be able to use rocks as cover while waiting there to reload. Maneuverable CTs, especially in groups, will be able to provide significant assistance to their TTs, boarding the enemy and escaping retaliation in time. Of course, all this is very risky for the PT, since the stones are located in such a way that the area between the stones is well cross-bombed, and the PT also has you in full view. However, this is the element of ST. And with proper support from the allied tanks, which have a decisive role here, they will be able to help well in defeating the enemy. The last frontier on the way to the base will be only the PT positions. Here, depending on the combat effectiveness of the forces, you can either attack the tank, imposing a close maneuver battle that is unfavorable to them, or, if the forces are not enough, simply illuminate the tank with your artillery. The PT positions here are too vulnerable to artillery.


The steppes are a fairly old, but very well-thought-out map, and its bridgeheads are replete with conditions for realizing the advantages of simultaneously TT, PT and ST. Due to the extent to which the maps have already been studied, at the very beginning of the battle, by distributing the team among the bridgeheads, you can already understand where to expect a breakthrough, and where you need to push through yourself. The map has excellent conditions for playing LT. It is in the Steppes that a LT player can finally understand that the outcome of a battle often depends far from the thickness of the armor and the power of the gun. On each of the bridgeheads, the opposing sides have almost mirror positions, which implies identical battle tactics, which makes the game very predictable. Therefore, on the Steppes it is often the personal qualities of the player and the FBR that decide.
