Talents. Rules and description of the free turn-based game Berserk Online. Calculation of impact force, appointment of a defender in battle Talent - Indomitable

The Berserk Online game is a battle between squads of creatures. There are two different starting decks of cards in the game: a deck of mountain and forest creatures, as well as a deck of swamp and steppe creatures (you will receive one of your choice for free immediately after registering and logging into the game). It's easier to play with the "Swamps-Steppe" set, but the "Mountains-Forests" set provides more room for strategic maneuver.

The starting deck consists of 30 cards. You can expand your army by purchasing new cards at the Market (subroom of the "Trading Rows"), or by purchasing a booster (a set of 7 cards, one of which is rare or ultra-rare) or a display (a set of 48 boosters with 2 guaranteed ultra-rare cards) at "Trading rows". The created deck can contain no more than three identical cards. There can be a maximum of 50 cards in a deck. Minimum - 30 cards.

Determining the number of magic crystals

According to the legend of the game, you become a wandering Ungar and gain the ability to “subjugate” creatures to yourself. You do this with the help of magic crystals - gold and silver. To recruit your combat squad, you have 23 gold and 22 silver crystals, which are spent according to the cost of creature cards. There are also fights involving a non-standard number of crystals. Tables with non-standard match conditions are displayed darkened. The number of crystals and time for selecting a deck, a squad, and arranging cards on the field are set when creating a challenge.

Choosing the first move

After creating a battle, the server determines the players' turn order. If you go first, it is more profitable for you to take archers and magicians, who immediately accumulate chips and on the second turn can already attack and use their features to their full potential, but if you go second, it is better to take warriors. If you go second, it is advantageous for you to take creatures that have the ability of sudden action - after all, it can be used by you during the enemy’s turn, i.e. a creature with a sudden action gets an extra turn. The player who goes second receives an additional +1 silver crystal when recruiting a combat unit.

Formation of combat units

After determining the turn order, the server distributes 15 cards from the deck to the players. The remaining cards go back into the deck. All creatures in the deck are divided into “ elite" And " privates”. “Elite” creatures are more resistant to being subdued and can only be subdued using gold crystals. “ Privates” can be subdued with both gold and silver crystals. The cost of the card is displayed on its picture. The player can mulligan his cards if he doesn’t like the deal that came, each such mulligan will cost him 1 gold crystal.

When creating a squad, it is first advisable to select “elite” creatures, which usually play a key role in the battle. If after selecting “elite” creatures there are extra gold crystals left, then they can be used when recruiting “ordinary” creatures. The main goal of each player at this stage of the game is to create a balanced army of creatures with a sufficient number of warriors, archers, magicians and flyers to carry out the battle.

Note that each of the starting decks only uses creatures from two different elements (as well as neutral creatures). Let's assume, however, that by combining additional cards, you decide to create a deck that uses 4 different elements. When recruiting a detachment, even such a powerful Ungar as you will find it difficult to keep such a motley army under control. Therefore, in this case, you receive a penalty - minus one gold crystal for each additional element in your squad over two. On the contrary, the player whose combat squad consists of only one element receives an advantage: +1 gold crystal.

The neutral element does not affect the number of gold crystals in any way. When recruiting a squad only from creatures of a neutral element, you do not receive any additional bonuses besides those specified above, i.e. You will have 24 gold and 22 silver crystals at your disposal.

Zones in the game Berserk

The game has the following play areas:
1. Battlefield - this is where the main battle takes place.
2. Deck - from where some creatures can be summoned to the battlefield already during the battle. The deck consists of those cards that did not come to you during the distribution and those that you did not take into your squad.
3. Additional zone - flying creatures and terrain are located here.
4. Cemetery - where all cards killed in battle are placed. Some creatures can be summoned from the graveyard back to the battlefield during battle.

Battlefield and map placement

The general battlefield is a conventional space measuring 6 cells high and 5 cells wide. It serves for the initial placement of cards and the battle. The opposing armies are located close to each other. Each occupies his own half of the battlefield. When placing a combat unit, each player places his cards in three rows:

The first row is usually made up of warriors who do not allow the enemy into the rear of their army.

The second row contains weak archers and creatures with a cross-row attack.

In the third row, magicians and long-range archers are hiding behind the warriors.

The cards are placed face down so that the enemy does not see the battle formation before the battle begins.

First player, who attacks, can only use the central zone of his half of the battlefield to place his cards: 3x3 cells and move to the sides only on your turn.

Second player when placing warriors in the first row, he can immediately use 5 cells of your first row.

If there are more than 9 cards in the squad, then when placing them you can use the free side cells of your half of the field. In this case, filling the cells begins from the second or third row, and the side cells of the first row are filled last.

Start of the battle

Once both units are deployed, players turn the cards face down. In this case, players get the opportunity to study each other’s cards before the start of the battle. Please note that the first player must turn over all of his cards, and the second player can leave the cards in the third row face down until his turn. This allows him to temporarily hide his sorcerers and archers from the ranged attacks of the first player, who can only attack these cards blindly. In this case, the second player must turn over the attacked card. If this card is protected from this attack, the attack is wasted.

First player's turn

Player's turn: In Berserk, players take turns, and a player's turn refers to the phase of the game where he can move and act with his cards.

Movement: Each card indicates how many cells it can move within the conditional battlefield. You can move forward, backward, right or left, only to free space. You cannot move diagonally or change places with other cards. Once the card has moved, it can act. The card can operate without moving.

If there is a "0" after the icon, this means that the card has no move. If there is an "X", this means that such a card, in principle, cannot be played.

Flight:cards with this feature are placed along with other cards on the conditional battlefield before the cards are revealed. After opening the cards, they move to an additional zone. They don't move, but they attack anyone. Those who fly cannot be protectors of creatures on the ground. The defender against the flyer can be the one who stands next to the reflector, or another flyer (accordingly, the flyer can become a defender against the flyer). Regardless of the range of the attack, the shooter will always finish off the flying one. The flying one can hit the flying one.

Action: Involves Attacking or Using the Traits of creatures with the icon. After a card is acted, it is “closed” and cannot move or act that turn.

Feature usage: This is any action with a card. When using features, as well as when attacking, the map must close.

Attack: This is an action of a card in which it can inflict wounds on an enemy creature that does not have any defenses (or even on its own creature).

Lives: A card dies when its life total becomes equal to or less than zero. After which she is removed from the battlefield to the cemetery.

Second player's move

It starts with him turning over the hidden cards in the third row and “revealing” all his cards. Now, the second player moves and acts with his cards. The game continues according to the same principle, the opponents take turns, and at the beginning of their turn, each of them “reveals” all of their cards. The battle ends when all of one player's creatures have died. In rare cases, a game may end in a draw.


When your creature attacks an enemy creature with a simple melee strike, the enemy can:

    take a hit;

    appoint a defender;

    use sudden action

Take the hit

If the blow hits an open card, both players roll the die. Depending on the difference in the number on the die, the server calculates the damage from the attack. The attacker “closes” after the blow. Reflective - remains “open”.

Beat Table

The difference on the dice is in favor of the attacker The striker strikes Reflective applies
1 Weak Miss
2 Average Weak
3 Average Miss
4 Strong Weak
5 or more Strong Miss
Dice difference in favor of reflective The striker strikes Reflective applies
1 Weak Miss
2 Miss Miss
3 Miss Weak
4 Weak Average
5 or more Miss Average
The difference on the dice is 0 and The striker strikes Reflective applies
both players rolled 4 or less Weak Miss
both players roll 5 or more Miss Weak

Appoint a defender

To avoid hitting a valuable card, especially if it is covered and cannot be fought back, the attacker can assign a defender to it. The defender can be any open card that is on the field next to both the attacking and the attacked card. The defender reflects the blow as an open card (according to the table) and then closes. B. Use sudden action.

In rare cases, the attacker can stop the attack with a sudden action that is a feature of one of his cards.

The features of the card may indicate the features of simple strikes.

1. Focus. A defender cannot be assigned against a directed strike.
2. Unresponsiveness. You cannot assign a defender to an unanswered blow; it is always dealt as if it were a face-down card, even when the attacked card is open.
3. Vampirism. A feature of a simple blow, which means that, having dealt X damage, the creature “sucks” X life from the victim (i.e., the creature that dealt the damage is cured of X wounds). Does not work against incorporeal creatures.
4. + X to hit. Feature of a simple strike. +X to the damage caused by this blow.

Also, the features of a simple strike may include spells and effects accompanying the strike: (for example, poisoning, stunning, etc.)

Special Strike: Melee attack. Its meaning is usually indicated in the card features. Protection from simple blows does not protect against special blows. They don’t fight off a special blow.

Shot: ( Usually the card says Shot on X). A shot at X is a ranged attack that deals X wounds. Some cards say, for example, the shot: 2-3-4. In this case, the damage caused by the shot is determined by rolling the dice. You cannot assign a defender from a shot. A shot, like a simple blow, can have its own properties (for example, accompanying poisoning, range).

Throwing:(Usually the card says Throwing X). A special long-range attack in which the damage dealt is determined as if it were fired. Protection from shots and discharges does not protect against throwing.

Hit across a row: This is a ranged attack. Apply through your warrior or an empty cell vertically or horizontally. You can't hit diagonally. You also cannot hit through the enemy's card. A hit through a row is usually a 1 unless its value is specifically stated on the card.

Impact: The impact can be either a universal attack or the use of a card feature. A description of the effect is printed on the card.

Finishing on X: Impact - destruction of a nearby card that has X lives left. Does not work against incorporeal creatures and symbiotes.

Poisoning on X: An effect in which, upon revealing itself on its turn, the poisoned creature loses X lives. Poison has no effect on incorporeal creatures. If the creature is not revealed at the beginning of its turn, as a result of any influence or spell cast during the enemy's turn, the poisoning has no effect.

Magic Strike: melee magic attack. A magic strike is always dealt as if it were a face-down card, even when the attacked card is face-up. You cannot assign a defender against a magical strike.

Discharge:(Usually the card says Rank by X). A magical ranged attack in which the damage dealt is determined as if it were fired. If the card does not indicate the strength of the discharge, then the initial discharge is 0.

Spell: the spell can be either a universal magic attack or use of a card feature. The spell's description is printed on the card.

Chips: To use some features, the map must be closed (an action icon followed by a description of the feature on the map). If the action icon is preceded by, for example, the number 2 and an icon, this means that to use this feature, the creature must accumulate 2 tokens (close within 2 turns, accumulating 1 token per turn). And the creature itself can only use the feature by “closing” when there are already 2 counters on it.

Berserker - Epic melee ground hero

Hero type – Leader

Mercenaries - Warriors

Active Skill – Duel

Support Skill - Berserker's Blessing

Heroic Upgrade - Available

Education - Available!

Once a hero reaches Enlightenment, they gain a new appearance and a new set of upgrades will unlock for their Active Skill, Skills, and Evolution Assist Skills. It also unlocks a new type of Talent called Indomitable. The Active Skill level can be increased once a certain level of Enlightenment is achieved.

At certain Enlightenment levels, you will be able to choose a bonus of your choice to apply to your hero. Any bonus not selected last time will be available for selection when the next selection level is reached. The order in which you select bonuses is entirely up to you. There are 8 bonuses in total. These bonuses are available at the following Enlightenment levels: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 23.

Level of EnlightenmentCharacteristics (Basic, available with Enlightenment)Conditions of EnlightenmentEnlightenment BonusBonus of your choice

Larenim Drop: 10

Mutangen: 2,000


Hero's base attack: +20%

Base Hero Health: +20%

Larenim Drop: 1

Souls: 300,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +25%

Base Hero Health: +25%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +1

Larenim Drop: 1

Rings: 3,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +30%

Base Hero Health: +60%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +15%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +1

Max. ur. Active skill: +1

Larenim Drop: 1

Berserker Puzzles: 800

Mutagen: 1,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +60%

Attack speed: +20%


Hero's base attack: +35%

Hero damage reduction: +15%

Base Hero Health: +70%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +15%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +1

Max. ur. Active skill: +1

Larenim Drop: 2

Souls: 300,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +60%

Hero damage reduction: +15%

Base Hero Health: +75%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +15%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +1

Max. ur. Active skill: +1

Larenim Drop: 2

Rings: 3,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +65%

Hero damage reduction: +15%

Base Hero Health: +80%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +15%

Max. ur. Active skill: +1

Larenim Drop: 2

Berserker Puzzles: 800

Mutagen: 2,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Max. ur. Active skill: +3


Hero's base attack: +70%

Attack speed: +10%

Hero damage reduction: +15%

Base Hero Health: +90%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +15%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +3

Max. ur. Active skill: +1

Larenim Drop: 3

Souls: 300,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +75%

Attack speed: +10%

Hero damage reduction: +15%

Base Hero Health: +125%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +15%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +3

Max. ur. Active skill: +1

Larenim Drop: 3

Rings: 6,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +80%

Attack speed: +10%

Hero damage reduction: +15%

Base Hero Health: +130%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +3

Larenim Drop: 3

Berserker puzzles: 1,200

Mutagen: 3,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

2 skills from previous ones not selected


Hero's base attack: +85%

Attack speed: +10%

Attack Damage: +15%

Hero damage reduction: +15%

Base Hero Health: +140%

Reduction of damage taken from hero skills: +30%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +3

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 3

Souls: 600,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +90%

Attack speed: +10%

Attack Damage: +15%

Hero damage reduction: +15%

Base Hero Health: +145%

Reduction of damage taken from hero skills: +30%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +3

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 4

Rings: 6,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +95%

Attack speed: +10%

Attack Damage: +15%

Hero damage reduction: +15%

Base Hero Health: +150%

Reduction of damage taken from hero skills: +30%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +1

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 4

Berserker Puzzles: 1,600

Mutagen: 3,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

2 skills from previous ones not selected


Hero's base attack: +120%

Attack speed: +10%

Attack Damage: +15%

Hero damage reduction: +15%

Base Hero Health: +165%

Reduction of damage taken from hero skills: +30%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +1

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 4

Souls: 600,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +125%

Attack speed: +10%

Attack Damage: +15%

Hero damage reduction: +30%

Base Hero Health: +170%

Reduction of damage taken from hero skills: +30%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +1

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 5

Rings: 9,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +130%

Attack speed: +10%

Attack Damage: +15%

Hero damage reduction: +30%

Base Hero Health: +205%

Reduction of damage taken from hero skills: +30%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +1

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 5

Berserker puzzles: 2,000

Mutagen: 4,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

2 skills from previous ones not selected


Hero's base attack: +135%

Attack speed: +20%

Attack Damage: +15%

Hero damage reduction: +30%

Base Hero Health: +215%

Reduction of damage taken from hero skills: +30%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +1

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 5

Souls: 900,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +160%

Attack speed: +20%

Attack Damage: +15%

Hero damage reduction: +30%

Base Hero Health: +220%

Reduction of damage taken from hero skills: +30%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +1

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 6

Rings: 9,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +165%

Attack speed: +20%

Attack Damage: +30%

Hero damage reduction: +30%

Base Hero Health: +225%

Reduction of damage taken from hero skills: +30%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +1

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 6

Berserker Puzzles: 2,800

Mutagen: 5,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

2 skills from previous ones not selected


Hero's base attack: +170%

Attack speed: +20%

Attack Damage: +30%

Hero damage reduction: +30%

Base Hero Health: +265%

Reduction of damage taken from hero skills: +30%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +1

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 6

Souls: 900,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +175%

Attack speed: +20%

Attack Damage: +30%

Hero damage reduction: +30%

Base Hero Health: +270%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +1

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 6

Rings: 12,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +180%

Attack speed: +20%

Attack Damage: +30%

Hero damage reduction: +30%

Base Hero Health: +275%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +45%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 7

Berserker Puzzles: 3,200

Mutagen: 6,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Divine Skill Level: +1

1 skill from previous ones not selected


Hero's base attack: +205%

Attack speed: +20%

Attack Damage: +30%

Hero damage reduction: +30%

Base Hero Health: +290%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +45%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +2

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 7

Souls: 1,200,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +210%

Attack speed: +20%

Attack Damage: +30%

Hero damage reduction: +45%

Base Hero Health: +295%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +45%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +5

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +2

Max. ur. Active skill: +2

Larenim Drop: 7

Rings: 12,000

Berserker Puzzles: 3,200

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

the last skill from the previous ones not selected


Hero's base attack: +215%

Attack speed: +30%

Attack Damage: +50%

Hero damage reduction: +45%

Base Hero Health: +365%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +45%

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +2

Larenim Drop: 7

Mutagen: 6,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +220%

Attack speed: +50%

Attack Damage: +45%

Hero damage reduction: +45%

Base Hero Health: +370%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +45%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +20

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +2

Active Divine Skill Level: +2

Max. ur. Active skill: +5

Drop of Larenim: 14

Souls: 1,500,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +250%

Attack speed: +50%

Attack Damage: +45%

Hero damage reduction: +45%

Base Hero Health: +375%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +45%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +20

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +2

Active Divine Skill Level: +2

Max. ur. Active skill: +5

Drop of Larenim: 14

Rings: 15,000

Berserker Puzzles: 3,500

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +255%

Attack speed: +50%

Attack Damage: +45%

Hero damage reduction: +45%

Base Hero Health: +430%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +45%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +20

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +2

Active Divine Skill Level: +2

Max. ur. Active skill: +5

Drop of Larenim: 14

Mutagen: 10,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +260%

Attack speed: +50%

Attack Damage: +45%

Accuracy: +10%

Hero damage reduction: +45%

Base Hero Health: +435%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +45%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +20

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +2

Active Divine Skill Level: +2

Max. ur. Active skill: +5

Drop of Larenim: 14

Souls: 1,500,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +265%

Attack speed: +50%

Attack Damage: +45%

Evasion chance: +10%

Accuracy: +10%

Hero damage reduction: +45%

Base Hero Health: +445%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +45%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +20

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +2

Active Divine Skill Level: +2

Max. ur. Active skill: +5

Drop of Larenim: 14

Rings: 15,000

Berserker Puzzles: 3,500

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%


Hero's base attack: +295%

Attack speed: +50%

Attack Damage: +45%

Evasion chance: +10%

Accuracy: +10%

Hero damage reduction: +45%

Base Hero Health: +450%

Reduction in damage taken from hero skills: +45%

Max. ur. Enlightened talent: +20

Defensive Divine Skill Level: +2

Active Divine Skill Level: +2

Max. ur. Active skill: +5

Drop of Larenim: 14

Mutagen: 10,000

Hero's base attack: +5%

Base Hero Health: +5%

Level of EnlightenmentMastery BonusSouvenirsPuzzles Drops of LarenimMutagenRingsSoulsBerserker Puzzles
10 Hero's base attack +40%160 7500 - - 500000 -
10 Base Hero Health +50%160 7500 - 5000 - -
10 Evasion +5%160 7500 3000 - - -
10 160 7500 - - 500000 -
10 Hero damage +8%160 7500 - 5000 - -
10 Hero damage taken -8%160 7500 3000 - - -
20 Evasion +7%320 10000 4500 - - -
20 320 10000 - - 750000 -
20 Hero damage taken -10%320 10000 4500 - - -
20 Hero damage +10%320 10000 - 7500 - -
20 Hero's base attack +60%320 10000 - - 750000 -
20 Restores 5% Health from Damage dealt by attacks.320 12500 - 10000 - 1500
20 Base Hero Health +100%320 10000 - 7500 - -
20 Attack Reflection +10%320 10000 6000 - - -
27 Hero's Base Attack +100%480 12500 - - 1000000 -
27 Base Hero Health +200%480 12500 - 10000 - -
27 Evasion +12%480 12500 6000 - - -
27 Attack Block +12%480 12500 - - 1000000 -
27 Hero damage dealt +15%480 12500 - 10000 - -
28 Increases damage dealt against melee heroes by 20%.1200 22500 - 12500 1250000 2000
27 Hero damage taken -15%480 12500 6000 - - -
27 Restores 10% Health from Damage dealt by attacks.480 17500 - 12500 - 1500
31 Evasion +20%960 17500 9000 - - -
31 Hero's base attack +150%960 17500 - - 1750000 -
28 Increases Damage Reduction against non-human heroes by 20%.1200 22500 7500 - 1250000 2000
31 Base Hero Health +300%960 17500 - 17500 - -
27 Attack Reflection +15%480 12500 7500 - - -
31 Attack blocking +20%960 17500 - - 1750000 -
32 Increases damage dealt against melee heroes by 40%1600 25000 - 15000 1500000 2500
31 Hero damage +25%960 17500 - 17500 - -
32 Increases Damage Reduction against non-human heroes by 40%.1600 25000 9000 - 1500000 2500
31 Hero damage taken -25%960 17500 9000 - - -
31 Restores 20% of Health from Damage dealt by attacks.960 25000 - 17500 - 2000
31 Attack Reflection +25%960 17500 9000 - - -
34 Deals 600% Attack Damage to surrounding enemies upon death.2400 30000 12000 20000 - 3000
35 Increases attack blocking of nearby male heroes by 40%.2400 40000 12000 20000 - 3500
Total - 25440 545000 108000 187500 13500000 20500

Talent - Indomitable

1 Gives a 30% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 50,000 units to itself. Health.200
2 Gives a 32% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 55,000 units to itself. Health.400
3 Gives a 34% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 60,000 units to itself. Health.480
4 Gives a 36% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 65,000 units. Health.560
5 Gives a 38% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 70,000 units. Health.650
6 Gives a 40% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 75,000 units. Health.730
7 Gives a 42% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 80,000 units. Health.800
8 Gives a 44% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 85,000 units. Health.900
9 Gives a 46% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 90,000 units. Health.980
10 Gives a 48% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 95,000 units. Health.1060
11 Gives a 50% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 100,000 units to itself. Health.1 140
12 Gives a 53% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 110,000 units to itself. Health.1 220
13 Gives a 56% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 120,000 units to itself. Health.1 300
14 Gives a 59% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 130,000 units. Health.1 400
15 Gives a 62% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 140,000 units to itself. Health.1470
16 Gives a 65% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 150,000 units to itself. Health.1550
17 Gives a 68% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 160,000 units to itself. Health.1640
18 Gives a 71% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 170,000 units. Health.1720
19 Gives a 75% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 180,000 units. Health.1800
20 Gives 80% chance of Resistance to Stun and Skill Block. If the resistance works, it restores 200,000 units to itself. Health.0

Leveling up the “Duel” skill

LevelSkill Description

Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 3 seconds. The target receives 30% more Damage and restores 5% less Health. Lasts 6 seconds. Deals 1,344 damage to an adjacent target. + 30% of Attack. Costs 3.5 units. Wrath (reduces to 3 at level 3)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 3 seconds. The target takes 33% more Damage and recovers 8% less Health. Lasts 6 seconds. Deals 1,730 damage to an adjacent target. + 35% of Attack. Costs 3.5 units. Wrath (reduces to 3 at level 3)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 3 seconds. The target takes 39% more Damage and recovers 11% less Health. Lasts 6 seconds. Deals 2,201 damage to an adjacent target. + 40% of Attack. Costs 3 units. Wrath (reduces to 2.5 at level 7)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 3 seconds. The target takes 39% more Damage and recovers 14% less Health. Lasts 7 seconds. Deals 2,743 damage to an adjacent target. + 45% of Attack. Costs 3 units. Wrath (reduces to 2.5 at level 7)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 3 seconds. The target takes 42% more Damage and recovers 17% less Health. Lasts 7 seconds. Deals 3,353 damage to an adjacent target. +50% of Attack. Costs 3 units. Wrath (reduces to 2.5 at level 7)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 3.5 seconds. The target receives 45% more Damage and restores 20% less Health. Lasts 7 seconds. Deals 4,021 damage to an adjacent target. +55% of Attack. Costs 3 units. Wrath (reduces to 2.5 at level 7)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 3.5 seconds. The target takes 48% more Damage and recovers 23% less Health. Lasts 8 seconds. Deals 4,734 damage to an adjacent target. + 60% of Attack. Costs 2.5 units. Wrath (reduced to 2 at level 10)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 3.5 seconds. The target takes 51% more Damage and recovers 26% less Health. Lasts 8 seconds. Deals 5,485 damage to an adjacent target. + 65% of Attack. Costs 2.5 units. Wrath (reduced to 2 at level 10)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 3.5 seconds. The target takes 54% more Damage and recovers 29% less Health. Lasts 8 seconds. Deals 6,263 damage to an adjacent target. + 70% of Attack. Costs 2.5 units. Wrath (reduced to 2 at level 10)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 4 seconds. The target takes 57% more Damage and recovers 32% less Health. Lasts 9 seconds. Deals 7,057 damage to an adjacent target. + 76% of Attack. Costs 2 units. Wrath (reduces to 1.5 at level 14)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 4 seconds. The target receives 60% more Damage and recovers 35% less Health. Lasts 9 seconds. Deals 7,854 damage to an adjacent target. + 82% of Attack. Costs 2 units. Wrath (reduces to 1.5 at level 14)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 4 seconds. The target takes 64% more Damage and recovers 38% less Health. Lasts 9 seconds. Deals 8,644 damage to an adjacent target. + 88% of Attack. Costs 2 units. Wrath (reduces to 1.5 at level 14)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 4.5 seconds. The target takes 68% more Damage and recovers 41% less Health. Lasts 10 seconds. Deals 9,410 damage to an adjacent target. +94% of Attack. Costs 2 units. Wrath (reduces to 1.5 at level 14)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 4.5 seconds. The target takes 72% more Damage and recovers 44% less Health. Lasts 10 seconds. Deals 10,145 damage to an adjacent target. + 100% of Attack. Costs 1.5 units. Wrath (reduced to 1 at level 18)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 4.5 seconds. The target takes 76% more Damage and recovers 47% less Health. Lasts 10 seconds. Deals 10,830 damage to an adjacent target. +106% of Attack. Costs 1.5 units. Wrath (reduced to 1 at level 18)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 5 seconds. The target receives 80% more Damage and recovers 50% less Health. Lasts 10 seconds. Deals 11,304 damage to an adjacent target. +112% of Attack. Costs 1.5 units. Wrath (reduced to 1 at level 18)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 5 seconds. The target takes 84% ​​more Damage and recovers 54% less Health. Lasts 11 seconds. Deals 11,778 damage to an adjacent target. +118% of Attack. Costs 1.5 units. Wrath (reduced to 1 at level 18)


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 5 seconds. The target takes 88% more Damage and recovers 58% less Health. Lasts 11 seconds. Deals 12,253 damage to an adjacent target. +124% of Attack. Costs 1 unit. Anger


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 5 seconds. The target takes 93% more Damage and recovers 62% less Health. Lasts 11 seconds. Deals 12,727 damage to an adjacent target. + 130% of Attack. Costs 1 unit. Anger


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 6 seconds. The target takes 100% more Damage and recovers 66% less Health. Lasts 12 seconds. Deals 13,206 damage to an adjacent target. +136% of Attack. Costs 1 unit. Anger


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health. Causes his Attack on himself and gives Dizziness, lasts 6 seconds. The target's damage taken is increased by 100%, Health recovery is reduced by 68%, lasts 12 seconds. Deals 13,700 area damage. + 140% ATK. Costs 1 unit. Anger.


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health. Causes his Attack on himself and gives Dizziness, lasts 6 seconds. The target's damage taken is increased by 100%, Health recovery is reduced by 70%, lasts 12 seconds. Deals 14,200 area damage. + 144% Attack. Costs 1 unit. Anger.


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health. Causes his Attack on himself and gives Dizziness, lasts 6 seconds. The target's damage taken is increased by 100%, Health regeneration is reduced by 72%, and lasts 12 seconds. Deals 14,700 area damage. + 148% Attack. Costs 1 unit. Anger.


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health. Causes his Attack on himself and gives Dizziness, lasts 6 seconds. The target's damage taken is increased by 100%, Health regeneration is reduced by 74%, lasts 12 seconds. Deals 15,200 area damage. + 152% Attack. Costs 1 unit. Anger.


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health. Causes his Attack on himself and gives Dizziness, lasts 7 seconds. The target's damage taken is increased by 100%, Health regeneration is reduced by 76%, lasts 12 seconds. Deals 15,700 area damage. + 156% Attack. Costs 1 unit. Anger.


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 7 seconds. Reduces damage taken to yourself by 15%, lasts 12 sec. The target takes 100% more Damage and recovers 79% less Health. Lasts 12 seconds. Deals 16,200 area damage. + 160% of Attack. Costs 1 unit. Anger.


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 7 seconds. Reduces damage taken to yourself by 20%, lasts 12 sec. The target takes 100% more Damage and recovers 80% less Health. Lasts 12 seconds. Deals 16,700 area damage. + 164% of Attack. Costs 1 unit. Anger.


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range and removes all buffs from the target. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 7 seconds. Reduces damage taken to yourself by 25%, lasts 12 sec. The target takes 100% more Damage and recovers 80% less Health. Lasts 12 seconds. Deals 17,200 area damage. +168% of Attack. Costs 1 unit. Anger.


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 8 seconds. Reduces damage taken to yourself by 30%, lasts 12 sec. The target takes 100% more Damage and recovers 80% less Health. Lasts 12 seconds. Deals 17,700 area damage. + 172% of Attack. Costs 1 unit. Anger.


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range and removes all buffs from the target. Invokes anger and gives Dizziness for 8 seconds. Reduces damage taken to yourself by 30%, lasts 12 sec. The target takes 100% more Damage and recovers 80% less Health. Lasts 12 seconds. Deals 17,700 area damage. + 172% of Attack. Costs 1 unit. Anger.


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range and deals 20,000 area damage. +200% of Attack. Reduces damage taken to yourself by 40%, lasts 12 sec. Removes all buffs from the target and incurs its wrath, and then gives Vertigo for 8 sec. The target takes 100% more Damage and recovers 85% less Health. Lasts 12 seconds. Costs 1 unit. Anger.


Moves to the enemy with the highest Health within range and deals 24,000 area damage. +240% of Attack. Reduces damage taken to yourself by 45%, lasts 12 sec. Removes all buffs from the target and incurs its wrath, and then gives Vertigo for 9 sec. The target takes 100% more Damage and recovers 90% less Health. Lasts 12 seconds. Costs 1 unit. Anger.

Leveling up the support skill “Berserker’s Blessing”

LevelDescription of help

Allows the hero to receive damage per second that does not exceed 90% of his maximum Health. Automatic improves when the main skill reaches Lv. 4.


Allows the hero to receive damage per second not exceeding 80% of his maximum Health. Automatic improves when the main skill reaches Lv. 7.


Allows the hero to receive damage per second not exceeding 70% of his maximum Health. Automatic improves when the main skill reaches Lv. 9.


Allows the hero to receive damage per second not exceeding 60% of his maximum Health. Automatic improves when the main skill reaches Lv. eleven.


Allows the hero to receive damage per second not exceeding 50% of his maximum Health. Automatic improves when the main skill reaches Lv. 13.


Allows the hero to receive damage per second not exceeding 40% of his maximum Health. Automatic improves when the main skill reaches Lv. 15.


Allows the hero to receive damage per second not exceeding 30% of his maximum Health. Automatic improves when the main skill reaches Lv. 18.


Allows the hero to receive damage per second not exceeding 20% ​​of his maximum Health. Automatic improved at Lv. 20.


Allows the hero to receive damage per second not exceeding 15% of his maximum Health. Automatic upgrade when the main skill reaches level 28.


Allows the hero to take damage not exceeding 14% of his maximum Health. Automatic upgrade when the main skill reaches level 31.


Allows the hero to take damage not exceeding 12% of his maximum Health.

Heroic Berserker Upgrade

NameSkillUpgrade cost

Aries - Health promotion (level 1)

Adds 10,000 + 15% Health.

Hero level - 50

Player level - 30

Skill level - 5

Fame level - 0

Mercenary level - 10

Rings - 500

Souls - 10000

Mutagen - 200

Taurus - Attack Strengthening (Level 1)

Adds 300 + 15% ATK.

Hero level - 70

Player level - 35

Skill level - 7

Fame level - 0

Mercenary level - 14

Rings - 500

Souls - 30000

Mutagen - 300

Gemini - Second Wind (level 1)

With the loss of every 10% of Health, the hero's Attack increases by 4%, Movement Speed ​​- by 6%

Hero level - 80

Player level - 40

Skill level - 8

Fame level - 0

Mercenary level - 16

Rings - 800

Mutagen - 500

Puzzles - 300

Cancer - Help from above (level 1)

When defending, while the hero is standing in the Hall of Heroes, damage taken is reduced by 30%

Hero level - 90

Player level - 45

Skill level - 9

Fame level - 0

Mercenary level - 18

Rings - 1000

Souls - 50000

Mutagen - 800

Puzzles - 500

Lion - Heavy Cavalry (Level 1)

Summons 10 Vigilantes with Health 100,000 units. and Attack 500 units. Damage taken from the skill is reduced by 50%. Damage dealt to Berserker is reduced by 50% and lasts 8 seconds. Damage to Berserker will be distributed among the Vigilantes

Hero level - 90

Player level - 50

Skill level - 10

Fame level - 1

Mercenary level - 20

Rings - 1500

Souls - 50000

Mutagen - 1200

Puzzles - 700

Virgo - Health promotion (level 2)

Adds 30,000 + 45% Health.

Hero level - 125

Player level - 60

Skill level - 11

Fame level - 1

Mercenary level - 22

Rings - 0

Souls - 80000

Mutagen - 1500

Puzzles - 800

Libra - Attack Strengthening (Level 2)

Adds 1,200 + 35% Attack

Hero level - 140

Player level - 70

Skill level - 12

Fame level - 2

Mercenary level - 25

Rings - 2000

Mutagen - 1500

Puzzles - 1000

Scorpio - Second Wind (2nd level)

With the loss of every 10% of Health, the hero's Attack increases by 8%, Movement Speed ​​- by 11%

Hero level - 140

Player level - 80

Skill level - 13

Fame level - 3

Mercenary level - 28

Rings - 0

Souls - 80000

Mutagen - 2000

Puzzles - 1200

Sagittarius - Help from above (level 2)

When defending, while the hero is standing in the Hall of Heroes, damage taken is reduced by 70%

Hero level - 140

Player level - 90

Skill level - 14

Fame level - 5

Mercenary level - 31

Rings - 2500

Mutagen - 2500

Puzzles - 1200

Capricorn - Heavy Cavalry (2nd level)

Summons 15 Vigilantes with Health 150,000 units. and Attack 1,000 units. Damage taken from the skill is reduced by 65%. Damage dealt to Berserker is reduced by 65% ​​and lasts 11 seconds. Damage to Berserker will be distributed among the Vigilantes

Hero level - 160

Player level - 100

Skill level - 16

Fame level - 5

Mercenary level - 34

Rings - 3000

Souls - 100000

Mutagen - 3000

Puzzles - 1800

Aquarius - Second Wind (3rd level)

With the loss of every 10% of Health, the hero's Attack increases by 12%, Movement Speed ​​- by 17%

Hero level - 165

Player level - 110

Skill level - 18

Fame level - 6

Mercenary level - 37

Rings - 4000

Souls - 150000

Mutagen - 4000

Puzzles - 2000

Pisces - Heavy Cavalry (Level 3)

Summons 20 Vigilantes with Health 200,000 units. and Attack 1,500 units. Damage taken from the skill is reduced by 80%. Damage dealt to Berserker is reduced by 80% and lasts 15 seconds. Damage to Berserker will be distributed among the Vigilantes.

Hero level - 175

Player level - 120

Skill level - 20

Fame level - 6

Mercenary level - 40

Rings - 5000

Souls - 200000

Mutagen - 5000

Puzzles - 2500

Second wind (level 4)

With the loss of every 10% of the hero’s Health, the damage dealt increases by 15%, and the movement speed increases by 20%. The percentage is calculated based on current indicators.

Enlightenment required

Second wind (level 5)

With the loss of every 10% of the hero’s Health, the damage dealt increases by 18%, and the movement speed increases by 23%. The percentage is calculated based on current indicators.

Enlightenment required

Heavy Cavalry (Level 4)

Summons 20 Vigilantes with Health 250,000 units. and Attack 1750 units. Damage taken by vigilantes from skills is reduced by 80%. Reduces the hero's damage taken by 80%, damage dealt increases by 30%, lasts 20 sec. Part of the damage received by the Berserker will be distributed among the Vigilantes.

Enlightenment required

Heavy Cavalry (Level 5)

Summons 20 Vigilantes with Health 300,000 units. and Attack 2000 units. Damage taken by vigilantes from skills is reduced by 80%. Reduces the hero's damage taken by 80%, damage dealt increases by 50%, attack speed by 25%, lasts 25 sec. Part of the damage received by the Berserker will be distributed among the Vigilantes.

Enlightenment required

Hero Strengthening

LevelImageName of GainDescription
1 Increases Attack by 1653 units.
1 Increases Health by 41600.
2 Increases Evasion Chance by 20%.
2 Increases Hit Accuracy by 20%.
2 Increases Critical Resistance by 15%.
3 Reduces damage taken from Hero Skills by 35%.
3 Increases Damage by 25%.
3 Health increase: 200,000
3 Increases the health of vigilantes by 100,000 units. and Attack by 800 units. Also adds 5 Vigilantes.
4 Ignores 25% of damage taken from skills.
4 Increases the hero's penetration attack by 50%.
4 Increases the hero's attack blocking by 50%.

Leveling up Berserker

LevelNeed experienceNumber of mercenariesHealthAttackNeed fame
1 20 5 14265 600
2 40 5 14545 615
3 60 5 14695 620
4 80 5 14865 630
5 80 5 15055 635
6 120 5 15245 645
7 140 5 15445 660
8 160 5 15660 665
9 180 5 15895 675
10 240 8 16135 690
11 270 8 16385 700
12 300 8 16645 720
13 330 8 16915 730
14 360 8 17195 740
15 390 8 17490 755
16 420 8 17790 770
17 450 8 18110 785
18 480 8 18425 800
19 510 8 18760 815
20 600 10 19105 825
21 650 10 19460 845
22 700 10 19825 870
23 750 10 20195 880
24 800 10 20570 900
25 850 10 20960 920
26 900 10 21375 940
27 950 10 21775 960
28 1000 10 22190 975
29 1050 10 22620 995
30 1200 13 23055 1025
31 1300 13 23505 1035
32 1400 13 23955 1060
33 1500 13 24405 1085
34 1600 13 24880 1110
35 1700 13 25355 1125
36 1800 13 25840 1150
37 1900 13 26330 1180
38 2000 13 26830 1200
39 2100 13 27335 1220
40 2530 15 27850 1245
41 2630 15 28370 1270
42 2720 15 28905 1295
43 2810 15 29430 1325
44 2900 15 29970 1340
45 3000 15 30520 1380
46 3090 15 31085 1400
47 3180 15 31635 1425
48 3270 15 32205 1455
49 3350 15 32780 1480
50 3440 18 33355 1510
51 3530 18 33935 1535
52 3620 18 34525 1565
53 3700 18 35125 1590
54 3790 18 35720 1625
55 3880 18 36330 1650
56 3960 18 36945 1680
57 4040 18 37550 1710
58 4130 18 38170 1730
59 4210 18 38790 1770
60 4290 20 39420 1790
61 4370 20 40055 1830
62 4460 20 40690 1850
63 4540 20 41325 1880
64 4620 20 41970 1925
65 4700 20 42615 1950
66 4770 20 43265 1980
67 4850 20 43920 2010
68 4930 20 44565 2040
69 5010 20 45225 2075
70 5080 23 45890 2105
71 5160 23 46545 2135
72 5230 23 47210 2165
73 5310 23 47880 2200
74 5380 23 48545 2225
75 5460 23 49215 2265
76 5530 23 49890 2295
77 5600 23 50560 2325
78 5670 23 51230 2360
79 5740 23 51900 2385
80 5810 25 52580 2420
81 5880 25 53250 2450
82 5950 25 53925 2480
83 6020 25 54605 2520
84 6090 25 55275 2550
85 6150 25 55955 2585
86 6220 25 56625 2615
87 6290 25 57300 2645
88 6350 25 57975 2675
89 6420 25 58640 2710
90 6480 25 59315 2740
91 6550 25 59990 2775
92 6610 25 60650 2805
93 6670 25 61315 2835
94 6730 25 61985 2870
95 6790 25 62640 2895
96 6860 25 63305 2930
97 6920 25 63960 2960
98 6970 25 64615 2990
99 7030 25 65265 3030
100 7090 25 65910 3050
101 7150 25 66555 3080
102 7210 25 67190 3120
103 7260 25 67825 3150
104 7320 25 68465 3180
105 7370 25 69085 3210
106 7430 25 69710 3240
107 7480 25 70335 3260
108 7540 25 70950 3290
109 7590 25 71550 3330
110 9590 25 72160 3350
111 9740 25 72765 3375
112 9890 25 73345 3405
113 10040 25 73935 3435
114 10190 25 74515 3465
115 10340 25 75095 3490
116 10490 25 75655 3520
117 10640 25 76215 3545
118 10790 25 76770 3575
119 10940 25 77320 3600
120 13440 25 77850 3630
121 13590 25 78205 3635 1
122 13740 25 78560 3660 1
123 13890 25 78910 3675 1
124 14040 25 79265 3690 1
125 14190 25 79620 3705 1
126 14340 25 79970 3725 2
127 14490 25 80325 3735 2
128 14640 25 80675 3760 2
129 14790 25 81035 3770 2
130 18290 25 81380 3790 2
131 18440 25 81735 3810 3
132 18590 25 82090 3825 3
133 18740 25 82440 3845 3
134 18890 25 82800 3855 3
135 19040 25 83145 3875 3
136 19190 25 83500 3890 4
137 19340 25 83855 3910 4
138 19490 25 84205 3920 4
139 19640 25 84560 3940 4
140 24140 25 84915 3960 4
141 24300 25 85270 3975 5
142 24460 25 85620 3995 5
143 24620 25 85965 4005 5
144 24780 25 86320 4025 5
145 24940 25 86680 4040 5
146 25100 25 87035 4060 6
147 25260 25 87385 4070 6
148 25420 25 87740 4090 6
149 25580 25 88090 4110 6
150 31580 25 88440 4125 6
151 31780 25 88790 4145 7
152 31980 25 89145 4155 7
153 32180 25 89505 4175 7
154 32380 25 89860 4190 7
155 32580 25 90205 4210 7
156 32780 25 90560 4220 8
157 32980 25 90910 4240 8
158 33180 25 91265 4265 8
159 33380 25 91615 4275 8
160 40380 25 91990 4295 8
161 40630 25 92445 4325 9
162 40880 25 92925 4355 9
163 41130 25 93390 4370 9
164 41380 25 93870 4410 9
165 41630 25 94340 4440 9
166 41880 25 94815 4470 10
167 42130 25 95280 4490 10
168 42380 25 95760 4520 10
169 42630 25 96240 4550 10
170 50630 25 96705 4580 10
171 50930 25 97180 4610 11
172 51230 25 97655 4650 11
173 51530 25 98125 4670 11
174 51830 25 98595 4715 11
175 52130 25 99075 4740 11
176 52430 25 99555 4775 12
177 52730 25 100020 4810 12
178 53030 25 100495 4840 12
179 53330 25 100970 4875 12
180 56390 25 101445 4905 12
181 61500 25 102075 4955 12
182 68400 25 102700 4995 12
183 76940 25 103330 5040 12
184 87020 25 103980 5080 12
185 98550 25 104610 5120 12
186 111470 25 105240 5170 12
187 125730 25 105875 5210 12
188 141290 25 106505 5255 12
189 158120 25 107135 5300 12
190 176170 25 107770 5345 12
191 195420 25 108710 5405 12
192 215850 25 109650 5475 12
193 237430 25 110600 5540 12
194 260140 25 111540 5610 12
195 283950 25 112490 5675 12
196 308870 25 113430 5740 12
197 334860 25 114375 5800 12
198 361900 25 115320 5865 12
199 390000 25 116265 5930 12
200 500000 25 117210 6000 12
201 609500 25 120210 6030 12
202 718500 25 123510 6063 12
203 827000 25 127010 6098 12
204 935000 25 130710 6135 12
205 1042500 25 134610 6174 12
206 1149500 25 138710 6215 12
207 1256000 25 143010 6258 12
208 1362000 25 147510 6303 12
209 1467500 25 152210 6350 12
210 1572500 25 157110 6399 12
211 1677000 25 162210 6450 12
212 1781000 25 167510 6503 12
213 1884500 25 173010 6558 12
214 1987500 25 178710 6615 12
215 2090000 25 184610 6674 12
216 2192000 25 190710 6735 12
217 2293500 25 197010 6798 12
218 2394500 25 203510 6863 12
219 2495000 25 210210 6930 12
220 0 25 217210 7000 12
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Berserkers walk armor-less into battle and are as crazed as dogs or wolves and as strong as bears or bulls. They bit their shields and slew men in droves while they themselves were harmed by neither fire nor iron.

A tall human swordsman strides through a blood-soaked battlefield, wielding that which was too big to be called a sword, massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw iron and of all men who walked that battlefield that day, none could doubt that mans strength or that weapons impracticality as he dyed its black steel crimson.

Despite a commander's best efforts, no magic of the Weave, nor blade made of man could stop the indomitable goliath that broken the will of all men who dared walk before him, as if he was an avatar of war itself, he warped what was the twisted stench of death and strive, into a one-sided conquest through his immeasurable fortitude and strength, for he alone was the Hell walker

In the darkness of the forest, an enemy scouting party stops, disturbed by the slender figure of a man who blocks their path, his unblinking eyes watching them like a wolf of the night. Granted power through the teachings of Fenrir, his movements are fast and unrelenting, as he cleaves through the unit like the beast itself. In his ravenous bloodlust he found no satisfaction; and with rushing blood he scoured the forest of those who had fled, their wounds carving a path to them through the dense foliage and sealing their inescapable fates.

As if possessed by the Æsir themselves, his iron will remain steadfast against the hellfire that is threatened to consume him, shielding the weak and defenseless with his own body as the flames seared his flesh and bone, but it was then when the fires subsided that the man marched towards the servants of hell, hunting them with barbarous cruelty as if he had passed through the divide as none but demon had before.

A Berserker makes his place in any battle, dying a thousand times and walking out alive, surviving wounds and attacks that would kill most only to come back the next day in search of his next fight. Their insatiable desire for battle leads them to become fierce nigh-unkillable soldiers of war, that embody some of the most dangerous beings of the Norse pantheon, primary, Fenrir and the Æsir. All those who face a Berserkers wrath be warned, for their presence and will alone break even the most fearless of men...

Creating a Berserker

A Berserker can live multiple types of life. They can make their place in society and civilization as mercenaries or hired hands, they can live a life in the wild as hunters or nomads. They usually live a life of vigorous training and constant states of battle.

Quick Build

You can make a Berserker quickly by following these suggestions. First, pick Constitution or Strength followed by the other and then pick Charisma . Lastly, choose either the Soldier or the Outlander as your background.

Class Features

As a Berserker you gain the following class features.

Hit Points Equipment

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) one simple weapon and a shield or ( b one martial weapon
  • (a) four javelins or ( b one martial weapon
  • (a) a explorer's pack or ( b) a dungeoner's pack
  • a trophy from a slain adversary
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4x10gp in funds.

Table: The Berserker

Level Proficiency
Features Bloodrush/Warpath
1st +2 , --
2nd +2 --
3rd +2 3
4th +2 3
5th +3 (1),Path Feature 3
6th +3 3
7th +3 Path Feature 4
8th +3 , 4
9th +4 Path Feature 4
10th +4 4
11th +4 Path Feature 5
12th +4 5
13th +5 (2), 5
14th +5 Path Feature 5
15th +5 6
16th +5 6
17th +6 6
18th +6 Path Feature 6
19th +6 7
20th +6 7

Berserker Features

Whenever this class refers to a Berserker save DC you use the formula below to calculate it.

Berserker save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier

Unarmored Defense

Starting at 1st level, while you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Fighting Style

Also at 1st level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options that best suits your Berserker nature:

Great Weapon Fighting

When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.


Before the outcome of the roll is determined, you can use your reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your Armor Class against that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss. You must have a weapon with the heavy property or shield in your hand to use this.


When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.

Strength from Pain

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. This is the creed of all berserkers and you know it well. Starting at 2nd level, when a creature deals damage to you, you can use that pain to fuel your combat prowess. On your next turn, as a bonus action, you can deal additional damage on your next successful melee attack equal to half the total damage that creature would have delt. For example, if an opponent rolls a 12 on their greatsword strike and adds 4 due to their Strength modifier, you can deal 8 additional damage with this feature, regardless of resistances. This damage can only apply to the target that dealt that damage to you. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier and you regained all expanded uses once you finish a long rest.

Berserker's Path

At 3rd level, a Berserker defines his call to battle by either the , becoming as savage as Fenrir, the great wolf that will slay the even mighty Odin come Ragnarök, or they follow the , embodying the mighty Norse Gods whose wars can be felt across the nine realms and whose power keeps the realms in balance.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can' t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 13th level in this class.

Rip and Tear

Starting at 6th level, all forms of defense feel the effect of your onslaught. Whenever you successfully make two melee weapon attacks against the same creature on the same turn, the target receives a -1 penalty to their Armor Class. This only applies if the target posses a form of armor whether it be natural or otherwise. This penalty can stack, to a maximum penalty equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down. A creature with natural armor is no longer under the effect of this feature when they are healed to their hit point maximum. Magic armor is unaffected by this feature unless the weapon damage is also magical. Finally, this feature cannot reduce a target below 10 + the targets Dexterity modifier.

Battle Hardened Endurance


The final struggle of a dying beast is enough to shatter even the most impossible limits. Starting from when you reach 20th level, when you gain a failed death save or are outright killed , you may immediately stand up if prone and make a single attack, the call of Ragnarök demanding one final blow. This attack gains a range of 120 feet, advantage and deals its normal damage plus the value of your Blood Pool before you were downed or the number of temporary hit points you gain from entering your warpath. Whether it is the strength of the god behind your last blow, or the hatred of the great wolves, the bones and muscles in your body shatter and tear, your form collapsing as you, fall prone , and die. Any magic that would bring you back life does so, however, you are brought back with six levels of exhaustion , your body, mind, and soul pushed far past what any normal mortal would be capable of.

Berserker Path: Path of Fenrir

Black by Tobias Kwan

Upon choosing this path, you become a Berserker of great strength, through the embodiment of the savage and as insatiable nature of the ever-growing Fenrir.


Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you"ve learned of an uncontrollable thirst that bubbles beneath the surface. On your turn, you can enter what is called a blood rush, as a bonus action. While in a bloodrush, you gain the following benefits if you aren't wearing heavy armor:

  • You can ignore the two-handed weapon property on weapons, allowing you to wield two-handed weapons in one hand. In addition, when using two weapons fighting you are no longer limited to light weapons. Your Strength score must be at least 17 and you must be proficient in both weapons, else, you cannot gain these benefits.
  • Like the wolf, you strike best when your target is prone . When you make a successful melee attack against a prone creature you can treat the attack as if it was a critical hit.
  • When your hit points are reduced, half the damage you take as normal(rounded down) and the other half(rounded up) goes into what is called a Blood Pool. When your bloodrush ends, your hit points are reduced by an amount equal to the value of your Blood Pool. However, if your bloodrush ends and your Blood Pool is less then your hit point maximum, the damage you take from your Blood Pool cannot reduce your hit points below 1. When you are healed using magic or otherwise and the value of your Blood Pool doesn "t equal zero you instead decrease the value of your Blood Pool equal to the number of hit points recovered until it reaches zero at which point you can begin recovering hit points normally. Any excess points of healing are transferred over to your current hit points . If the irreducible damage taken from your Blood Pool would outright kill you , you make a single death saving throw, on a success, you are stabilized at 0 hit points , however, if you fail, you die as normal.

If you are able to cast spells, you can"t cast them or concentrate on them while in a bloodrush. Your bloodrush lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven"t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end a bloodrush on your turn as a bonus action. Once you have entered a bloodrush a number of times shown for your Berserker level in the Bloodrush/Warpath column of the Berserker table, you must finish a long rest before you can enter a bloodrush again.

Teachings of Fenrir

Starting at 5th level, you become far more attuned to your senses of smell and hearing. You gain the following abilities while in a bloodrush:

  • You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
  • You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track any creature with blood that is not at their hit point maximum.
  • On your turn, you have advantage on your first attack roll against creatures, if at least one of your allies are within 5 feet of the creature and that ally isn't incapacitated .

Wolf's Agility

Beginning at 7th level, while in a bloodrush, you are a continuous blur of motion in battle as you cleave through your opposition. Your speed increases by 10 feet while in a bloodrush. This bonus increases to 20 feet at 11th level and increases again to 30 feet at 18th level. In addition, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws while in a bloodrush, provided you are not blinded , deafened , or incapacitated .

Go for the Throat

At 9th level, your primal savagery and unrelenting assaults break through even the strongest of bulwarks. While in a bloodrush, your melee weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Primal Fear

Starting from 11th level, if you reduce a creature to 0 hit points while in a bloodrush, you can unleash a bone-chilling howl as a reaction. All hostile creatures within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw equal to your Berserker save DC. On a failed save, hostile creatures, flinch and are paralyzed with fear until the end of your next turn or until they take damage. If your bloodrush ends while a creature is paralyzed they can remake their save. Once used you must complete a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.

Infinite Duress

Starting at 14th level, while in a bloodrush, you can momentarily lose yourself, pushing yourself beyond your normal limits. When you take the attack action on your turn, you can take one additional Attack action as if you had an additional action on top of your regular action. Allowing you to take twice as many attacks as you normally would, not including bonus actions. The moment you use this feature you almost become feral in your style of fighting drooling, howling as you beat your opponent down with the sole focus on killing them. This state of mind lasts until your bloodlust ends, you slay a living creature or you fall unconscious . You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Pack Leader's Call

Starting at level 18, while in a bloodrush, as an action you can let out a long, deep howl that can be heard from 300 feet away that lasts until the beginning of your next turn. If you are damaged during this time, you must maintain your concentration as if concentrating on a spell. Once this howl ends, a number of winter wolves equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) materialize in unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of you. These winter wolves are friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the summoned winter wolves as a group, which have their own turn. They obey any verbal commands that you issue to them (no action required by you). If you don"t issue any commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise, take no actions. These winter wolves gain a bonus to their damage rolls equal to twice your proficiency bonus.

Undying Regeneration

Starting at level 18, while in a Warpath, at the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to twice your Constitution modifier as long as you have at least 1 hit point remaining. In addition, when not on a warpath, severed body members such as fingers, legs, tails, and so on can be restored over the course of a short or long rest at the cost of a single use of Warpath per each severed limb and a level of exhaustion. If you have the severed part and hold it to the stump, the limb knits to the stump after a minute, this doesn"t require a use of Warpath to be expanded and doesn"t cause a level of exhaustion .

Warrior Path: Path of The Psychotic

When you choose this berserker path, you become mentally disabled. Warriors who follow this path are the most ferocious and reckless warriors.

Starvation Rage

As a Psychotic at level 3, you have learned to starve yourself without dying. You gain disadvantage on Constitution saving throws. You gain a level of hungerness know as your Hunger level. Hunger levels represent your ferocity through your controlled starvation, and determines how ferocious you are in battle. You gain a maximum of an 10 hunger level, which increases by 1 per level. Each time you eat food, your hunger level halves(when at one, goes to 0, for odd, round down), and resets every two days if you have not eaten. You still need to eat at least once per every two days to survive. When your hunger level is above 0, you gain the following features: -When you attack with a melee weapon, you deal extra damage equal to your hunger level. -You have Advantage against creatures who half hit points below half of their maximum. -Your hitpoint maximum is temporarily decreased your hunger level. When your hunger level changes, your hitpoint maximum changes with it. (round up when subtracting).

Mental Doom(level 5)

Because your mind is so violent, these thoughts can channel into negative energy. Any creature who attempts to read your mind is overwhelmed by these vicious thoughts, and is forced to roll a Constitution saving throw(DC Strength + Prof. Bonus + Wisdom + 5) or fail in reading your mind and take psychic damage equal to your hunger level. Additionally, you are unable to concentrate on one object or thing for over a minute, such is a side effect of going mad, and your Charisma score becomes 10(+0) if your score was previously higher than 10.

Bloodthirsty rage(level 7)

When attacking a creature with half it"s hitpoints or lower, you are forced to attack twice, and if you hit, you gain a number of temporary hitpoints which last until the end of your next turn, equal to your berserker level. (applies to friendly OR hostile)

Supreme Mental Instability(level 11)

When you are hurt by a creature which has less than half of it"s hitpoints, on your next turn, you are enraged. Roll a d20. On any number other than a one, you use your next action to move up to the nearest hostile creature and attack the creature. if you are too far away to attack, you use your action to dash toward it. On a hit, you deal a critical hit. On a one, you enter berserk until the end of the battle. You attack the creature closest to you, friendly or hostile. You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. You have advantage on who ever you attack.

Death Wish(level 15)

You can choose to deal double damage, while attacks against you are critical until your next turn. If your hitpoints are less than one third of your hitpoint maximum, your are forced to use this feature.

True Destruction(level 18)

When you use this ability, you enter a stage of fury unmatched by anything that exists. You release your mental fury, targeting up to five creatures of your choice, or you can focus your mental fury on one creature. For multiple, each takes 2d20 psychic damage, while a concentrated attack deals 5d20 + your hunger level psychic damage. Additionally, you gain the following benefits: You are immune to damage until your next turn. All of your attacks are critical until the battle ends. You enter berserk if you are not in it already. (See Supreme Mental Disability)

At the end of the battle, you suffer heavy psychic consequences. Your Constitution score becomes 1(-5) for 1d4 days. You are knocked out and have one fail on your saving throw. If you succeed, you cannot be woken for an entire day(24 hours). You can use this feature once per week.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Berserker class, you must meet these prerequisites: Strength 13 and Constitution 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Berserker class, you gain the following proficiencies:
