Dance games and competitions for the holiday. Dance games in choreography. Dance game “Partners and partners”

Dance simulators are a rather unusual genre, which for quite a long time remained fun for its own people. As a rule, these types of games are associated not with game consoles or PCs, but with arcade halls.

However, there have been many attempts to bring dance games into the home of every gamer. The difficulty is that they require additional and, as a rule, expensive peripherals. However, if you are ready to shell out for a dance platform, you can liven up any party with one of our top games. Go!

5. Crypt of the Necrodancer

And we will start with an unusual project for this genre, which deserves mention at least for its uniqueness. Meet a mixture of two seemingly unmixable genres - a hardcore roguelike RPG and a dance simulator. Lift your jaw off the floor. This is not a typo or a joke. IN Crypt of the Necrodancer we have to explore dungeons accompanied by catchy techno. Having met face to face with the enemy, we must... what do you think? Yes, yes, dance again. The game generates new levels before each new playthrough, which makes it extremely replayable. You can spend hours dancing skeletons and ghouls to death, trying to reach the end of the game and challenge the Necrodancer.

For its unusualness, Crypt of the Necrodancer is placed in fifth place in our top.

4. Couple steps: City of Dance

This is a more familiar dance simulator, which, moreover, can be played for free. The developers asked themselves, why exactly do people play? online games s? Naturally, in order to communicate. This is exactly what the game is dedicated to. The social component is elevated to absolute. Your character can go shopping, attend parties, or even get married. And when it comes to character customization, it can compete even with the Sims themselves. The store shelves are simply bursting with the amount of clothes, cosmetics, jewelry, wigs and other things that allow you to stand out from the crowd. However, there are a couple of unpleasant moments, namely, not the most modern graphics and a slightly overly imposed donation. But if you are ready to put up with this, then the game is quite capable of dragging on for some time.

For its excellent social component, Para Pa: City of Dance deserves fourth place in our top.

3. Audition 2

Another representative of online games that can make you move your body for several hours in a row. The most pleasant moments of the game are the bright and modern graphics, made in a deliberately anime style and excellent animation of character movements. Like other similar games, all you have to do here is attend various parties where you can defend your dancing honor in front of other players. Thanks to the beautiful picture and a good library of tracks, your legs just beg to dance. You can spend a lot of time playing the game, dancing in each of the many modes. Unfortunately, like the previous game in the top, Audition 2 concentrates too much on donating, constantly trying to sell the player useless, but “pretty” clothes. However, a lot can be forgiven for the beauty of the picture.

For its stylish graphics and good animation, Audition 2 gets third place in our top.

2. Dance Dance Revolution

Perhaps even those who tried dancing once in their life, at a school disco, have heard about the next representative of the genre. The legendary Dance Dance Revolution series is sweeping the world, capturing the hearts of thousands of fans around the world. It has long since migrated from gaming halls to consoles. You just need to purchase a special controller in the form of a dance platform and you can dance to your heart’s content. This series gave birth to a whole subculture of fans of dance games and greatly influenced popular culture. If you have seen a dance machine anywhere, be sure that it was Dance Dance Revolution. In some schools, this game even began to be used as one of the equipment for physical education, and in Norway it was generally recognized as an independent sport. And there is nothing unusual about this, because competitions in Dance Dance Revolution are no less intense than in traditional sports and require quite good physical preparation.

For its contribution to the genre Dance Dance Revolution receives second place in our top.

1. M-Star

This game thundered throughout the world, forcing its few competitors to make room. The developers piece by piece collected the best ideas from the genre of online dance games and placed them in a beautiful package. Inside this seemingly casual game there is such a beast as Unreal Engine 3, thanks to which the graphics here are beyond praise. But on good graphics you can watch it in the new Battlefield, but we came here to dance, right? And in this regard, the game really knocks everyone out of the park. A huge library of tracks, amazing character animation and a huge number of game modes will drag the dance lover into the world of parties, discos and nightclubs for a long time. Plus, the ability to connect a dance platform and control your character directly by dancing allows you to spend your leisure time profitably, losing a couple of calories, or surprise your friends at a party not only with your pumped-up character, but also with your cool dance style. This is objectively the best online dance game today.

For the best on this moment dance performance M-Star games gets a well-deserved first place in our top of the best dance simulators on PC. To play Mstar, you don’t need to pay money, just download the client.

The success of many parties, especially youth ones, often depends on a successful dance program, which means you need high-quality music, a professional DJ who can accurately guess the musical preferences of a particular company and the ability of the host to “light up” the guests, “lure” them onto the dance floor and create a fun atmosphere on it. festive atmosphere

Each presenter, of course, has his own secrets and tricks, each has his own win-win decoy (or even more than one), capable of “pulling” even the most skeptical and “wooden” guests and his own set onto the dance floor special games And entertainment for dance breaks. After all, games during dances always “revive” the dance program, lift everyone’s spirits, and sometimes help unfamiliar or unfamiliar guests “get to know each other,” i.e. one way or another, to become closer to each other.

We offer universal and practice-tested games while dancing that can be arranged at any party (thanks to the talented authors and holiday organizers for the ideas for some of them!).

1. Game for dance break "Friendship begins.."

This game requires free space. The presenter recalls the lines of a famous children's song: “The river begins with a blue stream, but friendship begins with a smile.” Then everyone, everyone who has no enemies in this room, and who is friendly and ready to have fun, is invited to go out onto the dance floor.

And let everyone feel like a “droplet” from which streams, rivers and even the ocean are formed. To do this, you need to join hands with your comrades quickly and, in accordance with the commands of the leader, without forgetting to dance to the music.

And the presenter gives the commands at random and very different: “unit two drops at a time,” “three at a time,” “four at a time,” “in a trickle of six,” “one drop at a time,” etc., followed by the command “everyone.” drops in one circle, in one ocean” - everyone lines up in one common round dance. The presenter suggests: “Now everyone smiled and opened up in two circles. The inner circle is formed by gentlemen, and the outer circle by ladies (if there are more girls, then vice versa) - facing each other. To the music, we begin a round dance of friendship: the boys, dancing, move to the right, and girls - to the left. The music stops - round dances too: everyone who found themselves face to face - begins to be friends, hugging and kissing. The music started - they ran again different sides" And so on, as long as there is interest in the game."

2. Game “Get your neighbor on the dance floor.”

The ball is a win-win prop for any games; with its help you can add some life to dance breaks. For example, before any couples dance, tie a ball to the ankle of all participants. Accordingly, the task of each pair is to “get” all their neighbors as quickly as possible and burst their balloons (with their feet), and also, for as long as possible, dodge their blows and take care of their balloons.

The couple that can hold on to at least one balloon the longest wins a prize!

3. Playing while dancing “Let’s hang out?!”

Needed here too balloon, only in the shape of a sausage. Before the dance, you can explain that with her help an impromptu talent show will now be organized. The one who drops the ball or who is caught with the ball when the music stops goes out into the circle and dances a solo part to the melody he hears (striptease, gypsy girl, etc.).

During a quick dance, the host, holding the “sausage” between his legs, approaches any guest with an offer to “swagger” - he passes the ball to him quickly and without the help of his hands, and he gives it to the other. All this is accompanied by incendiary music; if the sausage does not fall for a long time, the DJ arbitrarily stops the music and turns on a cut for 30-40 seconds for a solo dance, the rest support with applause. Then the “soloist” passes the ball and so on several times. At the end, you can arrange a general dance “sausage” for all guests to the timeless rock and roll.

4. Dance fun "Limbo".

The name of the game comes from the dance of the same name, distinctive feature which is a combination of flexibility and clarity of movements in dance. The essence of the game is that you need to demonstrate exactly these qualities by passing under a tape or pole, which is held horizontally by assistants on both sides, without touching them or leaning forward.

So, an incendiary melody is playing on the dance floor, those who wish, take turns, pass under the ribbon (pole), bending back and bending their knees - otherwise it will not work. Initially, the tape is stretched at a height of 1.5 meters, but each time the assistants lower it lower and lower, and there are fewer and fewer people able to overcome this obstacle.

The most flexible and courageous participants in the game are awarded a prize.

5. "Who am I?"

Play is an integral part of children's activities. While playing, children remember better and quickly understand what is required of them. The game helps to achieve many pedagogical tasks. Here I share dance games that I use in my work



Dance games

Play is an integral part of children's activities. While playing, children remember better and quickly understand what is required of them. The game helps to achieve many pedagogical tasks.

Children love to make things up. In order for them to express and express themselves, they need to be given as much independent time as possible to invent and implement their ideas. The task of the leader of the lesson is only to direct the child’s imagination and impulse, and not to impose his own. Therefore, encourage their imagination and allocate “independent time” to implement their ideas. It will be much better if you suggest dance techniques and movements to children on “their territory”, when creating dances that are interesting to them.

1. "Cat and mice." Before the game there is a verbal introduction. There lived an old cat in the same house (lazy, grumpy, etc. - the option depends on your imagination) who loved to sleep. And in the basement lived little mice who loved to play and run. But the cat did not like noise and always caught mice. The cat and the mouse take turns dancing to the music, and the music changes depending on the animals. Since the cat woke up, the mice go out into the yard and turn into different animals and insects: birds in the yard, bunnies in the forest, wolf butterflies. The game does not have a line-by-line script. Depending on the mood of the children, we can become beautiful butterflies, fly up to the cat and make him dance with us, or we can turn into a wolf and scare the cat. It all depends on the scenario that the teacher will lead. We use this game to develop imagination and acting. A child can also act as a cat.

2. "Teremok". Borrow the scenery from the theatergoers (actually the tower itself) and “dancing along the forest path, he walks…………”. Images of all kinds of forest inhabitants, fairy-tale heroes.

3. "Swallows, sparrows and roosters."Children stand in a circle or freely around the hall. Each image has its own music.

Swallows - “fly” (run quickly on their toes and flap their wings);
Sparrows - squatting, pecking grains, jumping around the hall;
Roosters - walking importantly around the hall with wings behind their backs.

First, you should sort out the images with the children and explain (and show!) which music corresponds to which image. And only then can the game begin.

4. “The snowdrop is blooming”

Say: “Under every snowdrift hides a small spring flower (snowdrop).” Invite the child to stand in an empty place and squat down (the flower is “hiding under the snow”), and then show with movements how it “grows, straightening the stem,” how it “stretches its leaves towards the sun,” how it “sways in the wind.” Then have your child (with you if necessary) perform expressive movements in sequence (without music).

Then the etude is performed with music (P. I. Tchaikovsky. Cycle “The Seasons”, “April”, 1st part).

You can arrange a small concert, performing a sketch (with music) in turns: either the child is the artist, and you are the spectator, or vice versa.

5. "Flowers". Winter. The sprout sits in the ground and waits for spring to come. And then it came. A sprout breaks out of the ground, a stem grows, then leaves appear one by one, and then a bud. Then the flower blooms. It blooms, sometimes the breeze blows and he sways from its breath, and sometimes he just spins with joy. But here it is autumn. The flower begins to fade and returns to the ground to sprout again in the spring.

6. “spider bug”.children stand in a circle holding hands. A bug sits in the center of the circle. We walk in a circle with the words: spider-bug, thin legs. red boots. we fed you. dance as much as you can, choose whoever you want! The bug replies: I love everyone, of course, but... he calls the name of the child and takes him to the center. Then the Poles dance to the music and everyone else claps their hands! Then the one who was chosen remains in the center and we continue further!

7. "toy store".One child is a buyer, the rest figure out what kind of toy they will be, they freeze at the introduction, the buyer walks around each toy and turns the key, the toy comes to life and starts moving, in the end the buyer buys the toy he likes, which then becomes a buyer. The musical accompaniment changes every time. This is where you can be convinced that children's imagination is limitless! Even the most “squeezed” children come up with such images and movements that I still never cease to be amazed!

8. Game "Tick-tock"
Purpose: rhythmic ear, along/against the line of dance
The participants of the game stand in a circle, choose a cat and a mouse according to a counting rhyme. The mouse becomes in the center of the circle, and the cat leaves the circle, the children in the circle hold hands.

Cat: Knock-knock!
Children: Who's there?
Cat: It's me, Cat!
Children: What do you need?
Cat: See the mouse!
Children: What time?
Cat: At (1 to 12) o'clock!

Children turn along/against the dance line, stomp rhythmically, saying
-One hour, tick-tock! Two hours, tick-tock! Etc., at the number called Cat, the children stop and raise their hands. The cat runs into the hole and catches up with the Mouse.

9. Game “Get me there and don’t lose me.”Children line up in pairs. One closes his eyes, and the second, holding his hand, tries to move him to the other side of the hall, without colliding with any other pair. Orientation in space, mutual assistance and attentive attitude towards the partner develop very well.

10. Warm up on the floor to the rhyme: “Visiting the cat”

The cat invited us to visit (palms on our cheeks, shaking our heads, sitting on the floor, legs together, toes outstretched)
And we went along the path. (fingers walk along the legs from the knees to the toes, i.e. we bend towards the legs)
Top - top, (palms clap from toes to knees and straighten up)
Jump - jump, (fists knock on knees, from knees to toes)
Chiki - briki, (palms alternately clap - back)
Chicky is a brik. (fists knock alternately on knees)
We see a tall tree (we pull the arms towards the ceiling, we pretend to be a tree, the back straightens)
We see a deep lake. (we fold the legs into a “frog” and through “binoculars” we look at what fish are in the lake, i.e. tilt forward)
Birds sing songs (palms crossed - “bird”, legs spread apart)
The grains are pecked everywhere:
They peck here and peck there (bending towards the legs, alternately to right and left, bending forward)
They are not given to anyone. (bending to the feet, alternately to the right and left, bending forward)
This is a house (we kneel down and make a “roof” with our hands)
And there is a window in it (we sit on our heels, with our hands we depict a “window” - right hand above, bent at the elbow, left hand below, bent at the elbow - “look out the “window”)
We are greeted by a cat (we depict a cat - on our knees, hands in front on the floor, the back is round, and a cat (we sit on our heels - we stretch our arms in front)
We will stay a little (we make a “snake” - that is, we “walk” forward with our hands, stretching our legs and arching our back)
And we'll run back. (reverse "snake")
Repeat several times, speeding up the pace.
The kids really like it). Ages 4-5-6, 3-year-olds are not accepted, it’s too early.

11. a game that calms a little if the children start talking.
To the music we “swim” like fish, the music stops, the children “swim to their places.” Children swim quietly and are silent, because... fish don't talk.

12. “FLOWER” (you can learn the first step even with kids!)So, in the depths of the earth, little Onion slept (that is, the preparatory position - hands down). She slept all winter, and when spring came, the warm sun pulled Lukovichka by the top of her head and... (her hands smoothly rise to position 1) a green sprout appeared on the surface of the earth. The sun warmed up more and more, the warm rain poured down on Rostochka (the hands smoothly move to the 3rd position) and Rostochka had a Bud (we check the placement of the hands in the 3rd position, which ideally is very close to the concept of a flower bud, as for me!). The sun kissed the Bud on the top of the head and it blossomed! (The hands will smoothly open and reach halfway to position 2, reminiscent of a blooming tulip flower). But summer came, the tulip petals smoothly fell to the ground (and we have 2 hands position parallel to the surface of the floor or, if we take it wider, the ground...). Here our Onion sighed (palms smoothly turn in 2 positions down), and fell asleep in the ground until next summer... (here, as you understand, we have a preparatory position...) It has worked flawlessly for thirty years and, most importantly, you can talk, walk between the rows children and gently correct their actions... In the process of Her Majesty's Fairy Tales, training works one hundred percent! Good luck to everyone!

13. “The Good Witch”

Invite your child to listen to the variation of the Lilac Fairy from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Sleeping Beauty.” Let him, moving to the music, try to create an appropriate plastic image (“open” body, movements are free, soft, even airy). The fairy has a bright face, radiating kindness and love. Everything she touches tenderly and carefully blossoms, comes to life, transforms, and enjoys life. In the fight against evil, the fairy shows firmness, and then imperious strength is felt in her movements. To help your child better imagine the good fairy, discuss with him her character, what magic she can perform, what she is wearing, etc. Then return to the exercise. Let the child try to find additional expressive means to express this content.

13. "The Evil Witch"

The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one. If necessary, tell your child that the evil sorceress’s plasticity is different (“closed” body, angular, sharp movements; gloomy face, frowned eyebrows). When the sorceress manages to do something nasty, she smiles maliciously, crookedly. In the fight against good, she is very aggressive, insidious, and tries to achieve her goal by any means necessary. To help your child better imagine the image of the evil sorceress, let him listen to a fragment from the “Prologue” to P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” (the appearance of the fairy Carabosse). Let him try to portray an evil sorceress to the music.

14. Dance and game lesson “Labyrinth”(musical accompaniment according to the movements being learned)This activity is good to do when studying musical-spatial compositions. It can be constructed as follows:

Now, children, we are entering a large labyrinth with high walls. Try to reach the top edge of the wall (lifting on your toes, stretching upward), and now to both walls of the labyrinth (movements to the sides, bending, and so on are assumed).

To get through the maze, you and I will have to walk for a very long time, so let's prepare our legs (exercises for footwork, releve, demi-plie, etc.).

Now we are ready to hit the road.

(March in different versions).

We march in a circle, and diagonally, and in a snake. Oh, oh, how tired we are, let's continue to waddle, it will be easier for us (steps on the outer edge of the foot).

Our backs are already tired, let’s sit down to rest (a series of exercises in a sitting position).

One or two children are selected and move between other children, showing the winding paths of the maze. Then each in turn repeats the trajectory outlined by the first.

Look, the labyrinth has become very narrow. In order not to get lost, let's hold hands and move on. (The next group of movements, changes that need to be completed by forming a circle.)

We found a wide area in the labyrinth - and we got a circle. I offer you a game for your attention. (In the same way, you can carry out any other restructuring and perform different movements).

Here's a simple attention game. Addressing the children, the teacher says: “Touch your nose with your finger and say: “Nose.” Again! More! I'll do the same. But if I say, “Forehead,” you must immediately touch your forehead. Let's start! (The teacher confuses the children by saying one thing and touching another). Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Well, now let’s see if the exit is visible behind the walls (jumping in place). Look, the exit seems to be on the other side - we run there (running, galloping, etc.).

Finally we left the maze: we were out of breath from running. Breathe calmly (various breathing exercises).

15. "Fun Bus"

(Set of exercises and games)

Preparatory part of the lesson.

Children enter the hall, line up, bow.

Today we are going on a trip on the Fun Bus. We ask all passengers to take their seats. The bus is leaving. (Children pretend to get on the bus, group together, the “driver” is in front of everyone, he has the steering wheel in his hands.)

The bus has arrived! (Perform springing movements, bending from side to side and forward with stepping back, jumping.)

The main part of the lesson.

We arrived at the Sportivnaya station. Tired of sitting still? We get off the bus. Let's start with the exercises:

  1. March and releve on half fingers (reflecting the dynamic shades of forte and piano).
  2. Head turn with demi – plie.
  3. Lowering and raising the shoulders (1/4, 1/8).
  4. “Sun” is a movement to relax and tighten the arm muscles.
  5. Sipping Monkey.
  6. Jump up, legs together.
  7. March with a high knee.

You hear the announcement: “The bus from the Sportivnaya station is leaving further. Take your seats!” Is everyone seated? Go!

(Repeat the movements of the preparatory part.)

We are approaching the Toy Store station. Here is the task we have to complete: depict dolls - wooden, rag, rubber.

(The following are exercises for tension and relaxation of muscles, for stability in tempo and for switching from one tempo to another.)

While we were admiring the toys, the bus refueled. We invite everyone to continue the journey. Go. Stop! You can't drive here. You can't go here either.

There's a swamp ahead! Who lives in a swamp? Frogs are our friends.

Here are the frogs on the path

They jump with their legs stretched out.

From a puddle to a mound

Yes, jump after the midge.

They don't want to eat anymore

Jump again into your swamp.

(Children perform the “Frog Dance” - conveying a rhythmic pattern musical accompaniment clapping, running, jumping; It is necessary to observe pauses and the ability to reflect the character of the music in movement.)

But the “Jolly Bus” already wants to go further. Quickly take your seats. Go. (Repeat the movements of the preparatory part).

Now we have arrived at the Igra station.

Well, let's show how we can play and sing. Dance – game “O – pa – pa”.

The final part of the lesson.

Let's say goodbye to the "Igra" station and quickly head home.

Our journey has now ended. And it's time for us to say goodbye. (A series of movements to help restore breathing.)


16.Game – transformation “Forester”

(to develop imagination based on a poem by S. V. Mikhalkov)


Winter and summer all year round

A spring gurgles in the forest.

Lives here in the forest lodge

Ivan Kuzmich is a forester.

There is a new pine house,

Porch, balcony, attic.

It's like we're living in the forest,

We'll play like this.

A shepherd in the forest blows a horn,

The Russian is scared

Now he will take the leap...

Children together:

We can do this too!

(A dance combination based on movements imitating the dance of a frightened bunny.)


To become like an eagle

And scare the dogs

The rooster spread its two wings...

Children together:

We can do this too!

17.(Dance sketch “Cockerel”.)


First step by step, and then

Replacing running with walking

The horse walks across the bridge...

Children together:

We can do this too!

(Dance sketch “Horse”.)


A bear is walking, making noise in the bushes,

Descends into the ravine

On two legs, on two arms...

Children together:

We can do this too!

(Dance sketch “Bear”.)


On the lawn by the river

Paws and horns are dancing.

Dance, baby, and you too

On a forest path.

(General dance.)

18. "Toy Store"

Starting position – children stand in a circle. With the help of a counting rhyme, several children are selected who will play the roles of toys - a doll, a ball, a horse:

A goat walked along the bridge

And she waved her tail,

Got caught on the railing

It landed right in the river.

Who doesn't believe, it's him

Get out of the circle!

All the children know the words of the toys and their movements in advance. Holding hands, they walk in a circle and say:

Ding-ding, ding-ding,

We are opening a store!

Come in, come in,

Choose what you want!

A girl doll comes into the center of the circle and dances. Having finished the dance, he says:

Look at me

And take it to your home.

I will love and listen to you,

And my name is Katyusha!

Buyer (child):

I'm buying a toy

And I take it with me.


Before you pick me up

You must catch up with me.

The “doll” runs out of the circle, the “buyer” runs after it, trying to catch up. If he has caught the “doll”, they both stand in a common circle. If you don’t catch it, then other “buyers” come out one by one.

Ding-ding, ding-ding,

We are opening a store!

Come in, come in,

Choose what you want!

A boy – “ball” – runs out into the center of the circle and says:

I am a jumper - a funny ball,

I don't like anyone who cries

I don't like the one who cries

And I love the one who jumps.

The game repeats itself. The “buyer” must catch up with the “ball”.

Holding hands, the children again walk in a circle and say:

Ding-ding, ding-ding,

We are opening a store!

Come in, come in,

Choose what you want!

A child, a “horse,” runs out into the center of the circle and says:

I'm not a simple horse,

I'm a groovy horse.

Hop - gop, tsok - tsok,

Take me, buddy.

The game repeats itself. The “buyer” must catch up with the “horse”.

You can continue the game by introducing other characters, for example, a cat:

And I am a cat - Kotofey,

I'm good at catching mice

I sing songs to the children:

"Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word".

But now the toys are sorted out, each “buyer” comes out with his “toy” to the center of the circle. Holding hands, they form small circles. The circles dance simultaneously. After the dance ends, everyone remains in their own circle.


Ding-ding, ding-ding,

We are closing the store!

(The game uses poems by V. Boldyreva.)

19. "At the Zoo"

Children, I am a kind sorceress, and today I will take you to the zoo. Let's stand up, one after another, and go visit the animals (march in a circle).

Suddenly it started to rain, we need to quickly hide from it (running in a circle of different nature).

But I'll wave my magic wand and the rain will stop. However, there are still puddles, and so as not to get our feet wet, we will walk very carefully (steps on half toes, on heels). You will have to jump over puddles (jump, gallop).

The path has finally dried up, you can safely walk along it (a good march with your knees raised high).

Here we are at the zoo. And this is an aviary with birds. Attention: with a wave of my magic wand, I turn you into birds. (Swan, owl, heron, etc.).

And now, with a wave of my magic wand, I again turn you from birds into children, and we move on (march, changes).

At the zoo, children “meet” snakes, panthers, bears, monkeys, etc.

Similarly, you can build classes on the topics: “Fairytale Forest”, “At the Circus”, “Walk in the Forest”, “Underwater Kingdom”, “Seasons”, “Live Song” and others.

20. "Garden"

Each child is offered his own own task- dance some animal, plant or part of the landscape. To create some images (say, a stream or a cloud), children can team up in groups of several.

You can come up with cards yourself, but here are a few examples: Bee, chamomile, apple tree, rose bush, lily, grasshopper, rabbit, kitten, sun, stream, cherry, lilac bush, sparrow, swallow, cloud, etc.

After this dance, invite the children to complicate the task - to dance together one common Garden. To do this, you need to explain to them what a common, group dance is, that the overall picture greatly depends on the efforts of everyone.

Then there is a gradual integration of images into the overall picture of the dance. That is, one group of people, say, trees, begins to dance. Then animals and flowers join them... And so on until the last participant.

21." Dance of Nature"

All children are divided into pairs and triplets (larger groups if desired), and then, to the same music, the groups each prepare their own dance on a common theme. (for example - sunrise dance, sea surf, clouds, stars, fire, fountain).

It is good that you take the time to watch not only the “process” of each group of children dancing, but also arrange a general “review” of what happened. Have all the children sit in one part of the room, like in an auditorium, and then each team takes turns showing their dance.

22. "Stream"

The children hold hands, and then everyone except the first in the line closes their eyes. The task of each person in the line is to repeat and pass on to the next person the movements of the first. If the first one raises his hand, then the second one should also raise his hand, transferring the movement to the third one. So - until the very last person in the line. The result should be a real trickle of movements.

Then it will be possible to begin to convey movements with steps and movement of the entire stream. After several specified movements, the first person changes, going to the end of the line, and the one next to him becomes the leader.

23. "Bird in a Cage"

All children join hands and form a circle - a “cage”. Someone alone remains in the center. He becomes a Bird in a Cage. He needs to dance his dance so that the cage will release him. A circle of children can play along with the Bird, raising and lowering their hands, sometimes opening a way out. The task of the cage is not to prevent the Bird from escaping, but, on the contrary, to help. But the dance must also be worthy of Freedom!

24." The ball is invisible"

Children stand at a distance opposite each other or in a circle. The game is that everyone throws or passes a non-existent ball to each other. We need to help children feel this ball in their hands. It should not be small or large, curved, light or heavy. You can invite children to rub their palm against their palm for a minute, and then slowly move them apart - a feeling of connection between the palms arises. This relationship needs to be extended to the size and shape of the ball.

When this stage is passed, you can try to shape, feel in your hands and transfer other objects - a jug, tray, fabric, flowers... They can be transferred along with some dance movement.

25." Mirror"

The children are divided into pairs and sit opposite each other. One of them slowly begins to set movements to the music. The other becomes a “mirror”, and its task is to accurately reflect all the movements of the person asking. He must renounce himself so much and feel like a reflection that from the outside it is impossible to distinguish who sets the movements and who repeats them. Then the children change roles.

26. “Who am I?”

The host of the game pre-prepares a series of cards with simple concepts for everyone. (For example: fairy tale, sea, wolf, Baba Yaga, book, star, fox, swan, gnome, etc.)

Children sit in a circle. The presenter gives one of them a card so that others cannot spy. The child goes into a circle. His task is to dance the image given to him. Explain to the children that for this you need to very, very much transform into your image and dance it as if “from the inside.” It is useless to show with your hands the horns of a deer or the mouth of a crocodile; you need to convey with your plasticity and posture, facial expressions and movements - what the deer and crocodile feel, and then everyone will be able to guess who you are!

By giving a child a minute or two to dance, other children may begin to guess who he was. When the image is guessed, the first person gives way to the next one in the circle.

27. “Unraveling the String”

It's pretty fun game, so get ready for some noise and laughter! It is best played by a small number of people or several teams.

Children stand in a circle, hold hands and begin to get confused. They can twist, step over each other's arms and legs, sit down, lie down, lift each other in their arms, and so on. The result is a completely unraveling tangle of children.

The facilitator turns on the music and sets the speed or pace for the participants to unravel. He says: “Now you must unravel as fast as a sea wave” or “Like a tropical cactus.” The children’s task is to unravel their rope while dancing and avoiding “inharmonious” movements that fall out of the given rhythm.

28. “Dance-situation”

The game leader prepares cards with situations that will need to be acted out in the dance. Children are divided into teams of two to five people and receive their card. After which the music is played and the teams are given time to prepare. The children’s task is to assign roles, prepare and show a dance-situation in front of everyone, like a small scene.

Spectators watch who got what, and then try to guess and retell what exactly they think played out.

Example cards: Priestess makes a fire in the Temple, Girl collects flowers in the forest, Traveler climbs a mountain, Fire, etc.

29. “Fire Dance”

All players sit in a circle. They represent Fire and their common task is to dance the dance of the Fire. Each person can have their own movements, or they can be “set” by one person, or best of all, by each of the dancers in turn. This is preliminary preparation for the game, after which children can be asked to complicate it.

The whole circle becomes just travelers who are relaxing around the Bonfire (savages or pirates), and only one of the dancers remains in the center and dances the Bonfire. He has the right to move in all directions like tongues of flame. Travelers try to prevent the Bonfire from burning them. (At the same time, the movements of those sitting around the Fire must remain synchronous.)

thirty." Dance without music"

Everyone stands in a circle, one person goes to the center. Children must invent and create an atmosphere of dance for the player playing without music. For example – rain, fire or gust of wind. (The circle can clap, click, stomp, blow, hum, howl, spin, jump, etc. in a certain rhythm.)

The task of the one who remains in the circle is to feel and convey in the dance the state of space that is given to him.

There is another version of the same game: children choose one person and then come up with a Dream for him (fairy-tale circumstances in which he finds himself. In this Dream, each dancer can play his own role, or everyone can dance together.) The task of the player is - with his dance, without preparation, to react to the circumstances in which he found himself. He can interact with the characters of the Dream or even direct them, the main thing is that the atmosphere of the Dream is “picked up” and conveyed correctly.

31. “The Tale of Rodnichka”

Each child is given a card with a role (one of the characters in the fairy tale) as well as time to prepare their dance. After this, all the children sit in one part of the hall, and the other becomes the hall. The leader of the game begins to read the fairy tale, calling those children whose roles appear in the action to dance. Thus, a common fairy tale in dancing is obtained.

Example of a fairy tale:

“One early morning the SUN came out and illuminated the DESERT. In this desert there were many, many FLOWERS, CACTi AND PALM TREES. There lived a BUTTERFLY. She was very hot and thirsty all the time. Then the butterfly went in search of water. At this time, a CLOUD was flying across the sky. And the butterfly asked her to make it rain. The cloud agreed and many, many droplets flew to the ground...

But suddenly the WIND blew! He blew away the rain further and the butterfly could not drink. And a SNAKE appeared ahead! The butterfly asked her where to fly and the snake showed her the way. After a while, the butterfly saw real green TREES and BRUBS! And among them flowed a clear and young stream.

The butterfly got drunk and everything ended well!

Cards: Sun, Desert, Flower, Cactus, Palm Tree, Butterfly, Cloud, a few Droplets, Wind, Snake, Tree, Bush, Stream.

Don't be afraid to come up with such tales yourself!

32. “Dance skit”

All players are divided into pairs, after which each pair is given a card with images for each of them. Children assign roles and come up with a small dance scene where their characters meet and act out some kind of plot. After this, the prepared dances are shown in front of everyone.

Cards: Man and Dragon, Cockroaches, Joyful Elephant and Butterfly, Bird and Cat, Two Hares Playing, Octopus and Fish, Penguin and Seagull, Spider and Predatory Flower, Stump and Young Borer, Puppy and Experienced Dog, Swans, Fallow Deer and Pig, Rooster and hen, Fly and cow, Horse and sheep,

33. “Dance-adjustment”

All children sit in a circle, one person goes to the center. He is given a card with a role. The child must tune in to his image and dance it for a minute or a little longer. Then he “transfers” this role to another player: the person sitting next comes out into the circle and “adjusts” to the first one with his dance. (If the first was water, then the second should feel it and also dance the water; if the first was some kind of animal, then the second should become an animal). After a while, the first person returns to his place in the circle, and the second dancer remains. He is given a new task, which he begins to dance, passing on his role further.

34. "Magic Country"

From among the players, 2-3 people are selected and hidden behind the door - they should not see the beginning of the dance. The rest choose 2-3 more, who begin to dance an impromptu dance to some music. At one point he is commanded to “freeze.” The children freeze in the positions in which the team found them. The music changes (if it was fast, you can play it slow and vice versa). Those who were waiting outside the door are invited. They must take the places of the dancers, stand in their poses and finish the dance to new music the way they see and feel it.

35. “Fairy-tale heroes”

This game can be played even with the youngest children. They are divided into pairs, after which each child draws lots for himself a card with the name of some famous fairy-tale character. The couple’s task is to prepare and then dance in front of everyone the dance of meeting these heroes, even if they are from different fairy tales.

Example cards: Little Red Riding Hood, Gray Wolf, Hunter, Cinderella, Fox, Snow White, Dwarf, Koschey the Immortal, Mouse, Frog Princess, Thumbelina, Old Man Hottabych, Kolobok, Dunno, Chamomile, Elena the Beautiful, Cipollino, Tsokotukha Fly, Old Spider , Mowgli, Panther Bagheera, Alice, Pinocchio, Malvina, Pierrot, poodle Artemon, Karabas-Barabas, Firebird, Little Humpbacked Horse, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet.

For older children, the proposed characters should be more interesting and less known.

Sample cards: Kukoryambochka, Wizard of the Forest, Spirit of the Well, Brambrulyak, Countess Manya, mysterious deities of Africa, Asia, India, etc.

36. “Dancing Tassel”

Children are given paints, paper and brushes, and music is played. Then the adult invites everyone to draw a picture as if the brush is dancing its own dance on the paper with the colors dictated by the music. When the drawings are ready, the children are invited to look at them all together, and then take turns to go out and dance the dance that they drew.

37. "Dance of the Ocean"

All children are divided into three teams. The best thing is with an unequal number of people. (The first team should have the most people, the second - a little less and the third - no more than three to five people). Then the music is played and all three teams are given the same task - to feel like one with the team and come up with an Ocean Dance.

After preparation, the circles show each of their dances, and then they gather one into another to form a common Ocean of three nested circles. Each group dances its part at the same time.

1. Team game"Dance Blinks"

The players are divided into three teams, into three dance “snakes”. Each “snake” team will have its own personal melody, which they are invited to listen to. For example, the first “snake” has the melody “Samba de Janeiro”. The team can walk to this tune in any direction. For the second “snake” the melody “Cucaracha” sounds. And for the third “snake” the melody “Americano” sounds. But there is one more condition of the game: all the “snakes” move simultaneously when the melody of the dance “Letka - Enka” starts playing.

2. Dance-game “The Fifth Element”.

The presenter invites everyone to stand in circles of four and hold hands. The first element is “Top - leg”. You need to stomp in the rhythm of the melody: first with your right foot, then with your left. The second element is “Round Dance”.

Dancers in circles move first to the right, then to the left. The third element is “Star”. All dancers raise their left hands up and join them in the center of their circle. The “stars” rotate to the right, then change hands, now the right hand is at the top. The “stars” are circling to the left. The fourth element is “Vorotsa”. Each four dancers are divided into two pairs. The first number in the pair raises his right hand, and the second number raises his left. Connect your raised hands to form a “collar”.

The first pair goes into the hoops of the second pair, then the second pair goes into the hoops of the first pair. The fifth element is “Fan”. Couples, facing each other, with their arms bent at the elbows, clutch and spin like a fan. First to the right side, then change hands and rotate to the left. We connect all the elements together. Because the dancers quickly learned this dance, the leader adds a sixth element - “Snakes”

As soon as he says: “Snakes!”, everyone gathers into one long dance “snake” and dances together. Then everything repeats all over again.

3. Dance game “Another Lambada”.

The dancers are invited to stand in a “snake” line one after another and place their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The melody of the dance sounds, everyone moves forward, as in “Lambada”. The difference is that during the dance the positions of the hands change: one hand on the waist, the other on the shoulder. Both are at the waist.

One on the waist, the other on the neighbor's head. Both are on the head. Both are on the shoulders.

4. Dance game "Cool Lambada"

The dancers stand one after another in a “snake” formation, as in a regular “Lambada”.

At the leader’s signal, everyone simultaneously turns to the opposite side. The one who was last becomes first and everyone continues the dance.

5. Game "Pardon"

Props: Handkerchief

All players stand in a circle. The presenter hands a handkerchief to one of the game participants. The player is invited to walk in a circle and touch someone of the opposite sex on the shoulder with a handkerchief. Then together they go to the center of the circle, spread a scarf, kneel on it and kiss three times on the cheek.

6. Game "Overtake the scarf"

Props: Handkerchief

All players stand in a circle. One driver is selected. At the leader’s signal, all players in a circle pass a handkerchief from hand to hand. And the driver runs around the players and tries to run faster than they pass the handkerchief. You need to stop where they started passing the scarf.

7. Dance. "Hugs"

To a rhythmic melody, the presenter suggests dancing in small circles of three people.

Then they dance in circles of five, seven, 10, 20 people, until in the final there is one common circle.

8. Dance “Scarecrows”.

The leader counts to three, and at this time the dancers gather in two circles: boys’ and girls’. If the boy's circle is smaller, it means that he will be inside the larger one - the girl's. As soon as the music starts, everyone dances in their circles. When silence comes, all the boys “turn” into “ghosts” and say to the girls: “Ah-ah-ah!” And the girls seem to be scared, you answer them: “Oh, I’m afraid, I’m afraid!” Then the dancers change roles.

9. "Golden Cage"

Those on whom the lot fell will play the role of “birds”, the remaining players will play the role of the “golden cage”. Team players

"golden cage" stand in a circle, join hands and raise their arms high above their heads. Music sounds, “birds” fly under your hands, fly out of the circle, come back, circle inside the “golden cage”. In a word, they frolic. But as soon as silence sets in, the “golden cage” closes, that is, everyone gives up. Which of the “birds” was caught, stand in a circle - in a “golden cage”

10. Music game"Chunga-Changa"

A fragment of V. Shainsky’s song based on the verses of Y. Entin “Chunga-Changa” sounds.

The presenter suggests turning this song into a game. On the word “Chunga” - you need

All the boys should jump in place. At the word “Changa,” the girls jump in place. In the first part of the chorus, we depict the dancing inhabitants of the island with our hands. And in the second part of the chorus we depict a “wheel” with our hands.

11. "Four Elements"

When they hear the word “earth,” everyone SQUATS;

When they hear the word “water”, everyone ROWS;

When they hear the word “air”, everyone FLAPS their WINGS;

For the word “fire”, we depict FLAME with our hands.

12. "Free Space"

All players stand in a common circle. The leader walks around the circle and pats some players on the shoulder. Those who are hit on the shoulder follow the leader; who walks in a snake, in circles, the players follow him. But as soon as the presenter gives the signal, the players need to take any empty place; those who fail, lead. The presenter also takes someone's place.

13. Find your place"

Everyone stands in a tight circle. The leader also takes a place in the circle, then leaves it, and asks the players to put their hands behind their backs. As soon as the music starts, the presenter will run in a circle, touching whomever he touches with his hand,

he runs in the opposite direction, meeting on the way, they crouch in front of each other and loudly call their names. Then they continue moving in a circle. Whoever takes the empty seat first gets to sit there, and the loser drives.

14. "Warm and cold words"

The presenter lists different words, some are “warm”, while others are “cold”. If the players think that the words are “warm”, they raise their arms above their heads and depict a “house”; if they think that the words are “cold”, they cross their arms over their chests and pat themselves on the shoulders. For example, a fur coat, snow, felt boots, frost, mittens, blizzard, ice, snowdrift, boiling water, blizzard, blanket.

15. Game "Catch a stick"

Props: stick

Players stand in a circle and settle in numerical order. Leading

stands in the center of the circle, takes a stick and places it vertically. Whoever calls the number runs out and catches the stick. If he catches it, he becomes the leader; if he doesn’t catch it, he jumps on a stick and returns to his place in the circle.

16. "Acquaintance in a circle"

The players stand around the leader and call their names out loud in a clockwise direction. And then they call their names reverse side, counterclock-wise. For example, Sasha - Ashas, ​​Olya - Yalo.

17. "Knots for memory"

Props: rope

The presenter shows everyone a small piece of rope. Invites guests to say their wishes to the birthday boy, tying a knot for each wish. Having tied six to seven knots, the presenter gives the birthday boy a rope with knots as a souvenir.

18. "Musical game "Keep the rhythm"

Props: whistle

The presenter sets the rhythm with a whistle, the players repeat it by clapping

clap. The leader whistles another rhythmic pattern and asks the players to beat this rhythm with their right hand on the palm of the neighbor on the right. The leader whistles the third rhythmic pattern and offers to repeat it with the left hand on the palm of the neighbor on the left.

19. "Signalman"

Props: checkboxes.

The presenter hands the player two multi-colored flags and offers to become a signalman. We need to signal: Congratulations! We love you! Hooray! Raised right hand - Congratulations! Left hand up - We love you! Hands spread to the sides - Hurray! The presenter asks the audience to help the signalman, who shows the movements, and the audience deciphers their meaning, i.e. name the corresponding words.

20. "Forward Looker"

Props: binoculars

The presenter hands the player binoculars. You need to look at the audience through it and give a verbal portrait of one of them.

21. "Walk Through the Paper"

Props : paper, scissors

The presenter takes out a sheet of A4 paper from his pocket and invites the players to walk through this sheet of paper. Players are trying to do this. The presenter shows how to get through the paper. To do this, cuts are made on the sheet, as shown in the figure. Getting into the resulting ring is not difficult.

22. "Sotik"

Props: paper, pencils, bag

The presenter invites everyone to write their cell phone numbers on pieces of paper and throw the notes into a bag. Then all the pieces of paper are mixed and one is selected. The presenter calls the number that appears.

Whoever's phone rings gets a prize.

23. "Airplane"

Props: paper, pencils

The presenter writes the word “Happiness” on a piece of paper. He makes an airplane and launches it towards the audience with the words: “And you will be happy!” The one who catches the airplane receives a prize.

23. "Tail of Luck"

Props: three ropes, handle

The presenter takes out three multi-colored ropes from the outer pocket of his jacket. There is a prize tied to one of these rope tails. Players take turns choosing one of the ropes and pulling it. The lucky one gets a prize.

24. "Guess"

Props: fake banknotes

In each pocket of the presenter there is a banknote - a bookmark, in denominations from 10 to 500 rubles. Players are asked to guess which pocket contains which bill. If you guessed right, you got a bill.

25. "Rvachi"

Props: newspapers

Two players are asked to grab one of the corners of the newspaper and, at the signal from the host, pull it in their direction. The one with the largest piece of newspaper will win.

26. "Newspaper in the palm of your hand"

Props: newspapers

The presenter gives the players a newspaper and asks them to hold it vertically in the palm of their hand. The newspaper is taken at opposite corners: one hand from above, the other from below. Pulls it so that a fold forms in the center. In order for the newspaper to stand on your hand, you need to bend the bottom corner a little.

27. "Race with Lemon"

Props: lemons, pencils, plastic glasses

The presenter uses plastic cups to mark the distance: start - finish. Each player is given a lemon and a pencil. All players are invited to stand on the same starting line and use a pencil to roll the lemon to the finish line and back. The one who first to pass distance - the winner.

28. "Pencil Drag"

Props: pencil

Two players stand opposite each other, take the pencil with one hand and, at the leader’s signal, pull it in their direction.

The one who pulled the pencil out of the opponent's hands is the winner.

29. "Three Pencils"

Props: pencils, plastic glasses

Pairs take part in the competition. Each pair receives three pencils.

Team members hold one pencil in their hands parallel to each other, and the third lies on top of them. Relay participants are asked to run a distance marked with plastic cups and not drop their pencils.

30. "Catch a button from your elbow"

Props: buttons

The presenter distributes buttons to the players. He suggests placing the button on the elbow of your bent arm, then straightening your arm and catching the button.

31. Pass the button from finger to finger"

Props: buttons

The leader places a large button on the index finger of one of the players and asks him to pass it to the next one

to the player, also on the index finger, etc. The main thing is not to drop the button, which will pass through the index fingers of all players in both directions: back and forth. Then the large button changes to a small one. The relay race is repeated.

32. "Feelings"

Props: bag of dummies

The presenter shows a fabric bag containing dummies of vegetables and fruits. Players are encouraged to feel what fruits and vegetables are inside.

33. "Throw in the Hat"

Props: hat, buttons

The leader in the center of the playing area places his hat on the floor. Invites players to hit a hat button with three steps. Then with five steps. From seven steps. The one who hits the hat with a button from the longest distance becomes the champion of the competition.

34. "Throwing from hand to hand"

Props: buttons

This game is played in pairs. Each pair is given a button. The players stand opposite each other, throw buttons from hand to hand, each time taking a step back from each other. The winner will be the pair whose button does not fall off and has the greatest distance between the players.

35. “Guess by ear how many buttons there are”

Props: bag with buttons

The presenter shows the players a fabric bag with buttons and asks them to take turns determining by ear how many buttons are in it. The one who guesses correctly receives a prize.

36. "Even-odd"

Props: buttons

Each player is given five buttons. The presenter clasps several buttons in his fist, extends it in the direction of the player and asks:

"Odd or even?" The player answers, if he guessed right, he takes the buttons for himself, if he didn’t guess right, he gives back his own, the same number as were held in the presenter’s hand. The game is on until one of its participants accumulates 10 buttons.

37. "Prize in a circle"

Props: prize

The presenter invites the players to stand in a circle. To the music, he passes the prize around in a circle. As soon as the music stops, everyone freezes. The one who last handed over the prize is eliminated, and not the one who is currently holding it.

38. "Zigzag of luck"

Props: plastic glasses, blindfold

The presenter places plastic glasses in one line. Players are asked to walk blindfolded between them and not drop them. The one who dropped the glass is eliminated, the rest continue to play. In the second round of this game, the presenter invites the players to once again walk between the glasses in a zigzag, only moving backwards and looking in the mirror!

39. "Pitching"

Props: plastic glasses

The presenter places two plastic glasses in the center of the playing area at a distance of half a meter from each other. Invites players to walk so that the glasses are between their legs and do not fall. To determine the absolute champion of this game, the glasses are gradually moved apart.

40. "Jumpers and Tadpoles"

Props: rubber

Players stand with their left foot in a stretched elastic band tied in a circle. While the music is playing, everyone steps together one after another to the right, but as soon as the music stops playing, you need to jump out of the rubber band. The one who does this last guesses the leader's riddle. If the answer is correct, he continues to play. If the answer is not correct, he is eliminated from the game.

41. "Pencil Squat"

Props: pencils

The presenter hands out pencils to the players and asks them to hold them between their nose and upper lip. Then you need to try to sit down three times without dropping the pencil.

42. "Fairytale alphabet"

Props: chalk

Each player is given a piece of chalk. The presenter names the letters of the Russian alphabet, and the players write the names of famous fairy-tale characters on these letters.

Whoever has the most names is the winner. For example: A - Aibolit,

B - Pinocchio, C - Winnie the Pooh, G - Gerda, D - Thumbelina, E - Emelya,

F - Tin Woodman, Z - Cinderella, I - Ivan Tsarevich, K - Carlson,

L - fox Alice, M - Malvina, N - Dunno, O - Ole - Lukoye, P - Piglet,

R - Little Mermaid, S - Sivka - Burka, T - Tortila, U - Oorfene Juice, F - Fedora,

X - Hottabych, C - Tsar Dodon, H - Cheburashka, Sh - Shapoklyak, Sh - Nutcracker,

E - Elf, I - Yaga.

43. "Steps"

Props: chalk

Each player is given a chalk. The presenter asks to write the letter A.

Then under this letter you need to write a two-letter word so that the first letter in the word is again A. For example, AR. Next, you need to write a three-letter word so that the first letter is A. For example, ACC, APA. And so on.


44. "Dance Suite"

Musical fragments of popular dances are played, and the presenter invites the players to show the basic movements of these dances with only one hand.

45. "Orchestra"

The presenter calls musical instruments and depicts how they are played. If he does it correctly, the players repeat the movements after him. If he makes a mistake, the players will clap their hands loudly.

46. ​​"Aquarius"

Props: table, chairs, plastic mugs, buckets, water

Two players sit at a coffee table. On the table there are two small buckets, half filled with water, and two plastic glasses. Players take turns naming proverbs and sayings about water. While the opponent recalls folk wisdom, the player pours water from his own bucket into the opponent’s bucket with a glass. The one who gets the water out of his bucket the fastest wins.
