Dance games in choreography. Movement, music and dance games. Game "For the little ones"

Children love to make things up. In order for them to express and express themselves, they need to be given as much independent time as possible to invent and implement their ideas. Even if you are Maya Plisetskaya or Nikolai Baryshnikov, the task of the lesson leader is only to direct the child’s imagination and impulse, and not to impose your own on him. Your experience will be dead for children. Therefore, encourage their imagination and allocate “independent time” to implement their ideas. It will be much better if you suggest dance techniques and movements to children on “their territory”, when creating dances that are interesting to them. Let these dances seem bad to you at first, not interesting, full of ostentatious “coolness”. Give children the opportunity to get over this. (They usually bring something like “Hands Up” or “Red Mold” for their first dances). Don't discourage them. Be patient. Over time, if they are constantly shown how they can do BETTER, children will want to try something else.

1. Completing the figures

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is invited to build its own composition-figure as follows: one person comes out of the line and takes some pose that is beautiful in his opinion. (Invite him to close his eyes and take the body position that his momentary mood, music and inspiration dictates). The next person in line approaches him and tries to “complete” the composition by taking some kind of complementary position next to the first person. It can touch the first one, it can stand close or far away from it, the main thing is that they create an overall composition that fills the space.

Then a third person “adjusts” to them, a fourth, and so on - until the very last participant. As a result, each team should have a beautiful multi-armed, multi-legged figure.

Teams can play simultaneously or take turns, watching each other’s successes from the perspective of spectators.

Each child is offered his own own task- dance some animal, plant or part of the landscape. To create some images (say, a stream or a cloud), children can team up in groups of several.

You can come up with cards yourself, but here are a few examples: Bee, chamomile, apple tree, rose bush, lily, grasshopper, rabbit, kitten, sun, stream, cherry, lilac bush, sparrow, swallow, cloud, etc.

After this dance, invite the children to complicate the task - to dance together one common Garden. To do this, you need to explain to them what a common, group dance is, that the overall picture greatly depends on the efforts of everyone.

Then there is a gradual integration of images into the overall picture of the dance. That is, one group of people, say, trees, begins to dance. Then animals and flowers join them... And so on until the last participant.

3. Dance of nature

All children are divided into pairs and triplets (larger groups if desired), and then, to the same music, the groups each prepare their own dance on a common theme. (for example - sunrise dance, sea surf, clouds, stars, fire, fountain).

It is good that you take the time to watch not only the “process” of each group of children dancing, but also arrange a general “review” of what happened. Have all the children sit in one part of the room, like in an auditorium, and then each team takes turns showing their dance.

4. Brook

The children hold hands, and then everyone except the first in the line closes their eyes. The task of each person in the line is to repeat and pass on the movements of the first to the next. If the first one raises his hand, then the second one should also raise his hand, transferring the movement to the third one. So - until the very last person in the line. The result should be a real trickle of movements.

Then it will be possible to begin to convey movements with steps and movement of the entire stream. After several specified movements, the first person changes, going to the end of the line, and the one next to him becomes the leader.

5. "Bird in a Cage"

All children join hands and form a circle - a “cage”. Someone alone remains in the center. He becomes a Bird in a Cage. He needs to dance his dance so that the cage will release him. A circle of children can play along with the Bird, raising and lowering their hands, sometimes opening a way out. The task of the cage is not to prevent the Bird from escaping, but, on the contrary, to help. But the dance must also be worthy of Freedom!

6. The ball is invisible

Children stand at a distance opposite each other or in a circle. The game is that everyone throws or passes a non-existent ball to each other. We need to help children feel this ball in their hands. It should not be small or large, curved, light or heavy. You can invite children to rub their palm against their palm for a minute, and then slowly move them apart - a feeling of connection between the palms arises. This relationship needs to be extended to the size and shape of the ball.

When this stage is passed, you can try to shape, feel in your hands and transfer other objects - a jug, tray, fabric, flowers... They can be transferred along with some dance movement.

7. Mirror

The children are divided into pairs and sit opposite each other. One of them slowly begins to set movements to the music. The other becomes a “mirror”, and its task is to accurately reflect all the movements of the person asking. He must renounce himself so much and feel like a reflection that from the outside it is impossible to distinguish who sets the movements and who repeats them. Then the children change roles.

8. Who am I?

The host of the game pre-prepares a series of cards with simple concepts for everyone. (For example: fairy tale, sea, wolf, Baba Yaga, book, star, fox, swan, gnome, etc.)

Children sit in a circle. The presenter gives one of them a card so that others cannot spy. The child goes into a circle. His task is to dance the image given to him. Explain to the children that for this you need to very, very much transform into your image and dance it as if “from the inside.” It is useless to show with your hands the horns of a deer or the mouth of a crocodile; you need to convey with your plasticity and posture, facial expressions and movements - what the deer and crocodile feel, and then everyone will be able to guess who you are!

By giving a child a minute or two to dance, other children may begin to guess who he was. When the image is guessed, the first person gives way to the next one in the circle.

9. Unravel the string

It's pretty fun game, so get ready for some noise and laughter! It is best played by a small number of people or several teams.

Children stand in a circle, hold hands and begin to get confused. They can twist, step over each other's arms and legs, sit down, lie down, lift each other in their arms, and so on. The result is a completely unraveling tangle of children.

The facilitator turns on the music and sets the speed or pace for the participants to unravel. He says: "Now you must unravel as fast as a sea wave" or "Like a tropical cactus." The children’s task is to unravel their rope while dancing and avoiding “inharmonious” movements that fall out of the given rhythm.

10. Dance situation

The game leader prepares cards with situations that will need to be acted out in the dance. Children are divided into teams of two to five people and receive their card. After which the music is played and the teams are given time to prepare. The children’s task is to assign roles, prepare and show a dance-situation in front of everyone, like a small scene.

Spectators watch who got what, and then try to guess and retell what exactly they think played out.

Example cards: Priestess makes a fire in the Temple, Girl collects flowers in the forest, Traveler climbs a mountain, Fire, etc.

11. Dance of Fire

All players sit in a circle. They represent Fire and their common task is to dance the dance of the Fire. Each person can have their own movements, or they can be “set” by one person, or best of all, by each of the dancers in turn. This is preliminary preparation for the game, after which children can be asked to complicate it.

The whole circle becomes just travelers who are relaxing around the Bonfire (savages or pirates), and only one of the dancers remains in the center and dances the Bonfire. He has the right to move in all directions like tongues of flame. Travelers try to prevent the Bonfire from burning them. (At the same time, the movements of those sitting around the Fire must remain synchronous.)

12. Dance without music

Everyone stands in a circle, one person goes to the center. Children must invent and create an atmosphere of dance for the player playing without music. For example – rain, fire or gust of wind. (The circle can clap, click, stomp, blow, hum, howl, spin, jump, etc. in a certain rhythm.)

The task of the one who remains in the circle is to feel and convey in the dance the state of space that is given to him.

There is another version of the same game: children choose one person and then come up with a Dream for him (fairy-tale circumstances in which he finds himself. In this Dream, each dancer can play his own role, or everyone can dance together.) The task of the player is - with his dance, without preparation, to react to the circumstances in which he found himself. He can interact with the characters of the Dream or even direct them, the main thing is that the atmosphere of the Dream is “picked up” and conveyed correctly.

13. The Tale of Rodnichka

Each child is given a card with a role (one of the characters in the fairy tale) as well as time to prepare their dance. After this, all the children sit in one part of the hall, and the other becomes the hall. The leader of the game begins to read the fairy tale, calling those children whose roles appear in the action to dance. Thus, a common fairy tale in dancing is obtained.

Example of a fairy tale:

“One day early in the morning the SUN came out and illuminated the DESERT. In this desert there were many, many FLOWERS, CACTi AND PALMS. There lived a BUTTERFLY. She was very hot and thirsty all the time. Then the butterfly went in search of water. time a CLOUD flew across the sky. And the butterfly asked her to make it rain. The cloud agreed and many, many DROPS flew to the ground...

But suddenly the WIND blew! He blew away the rain further and the butterfly could not drink. And a SNAKE appeared ahead! The butterfly asked her where to fly and the snake showed her the way. After a while, the butterfly saw real green TREES and BRUBS! And among them flowed a clear and young stream.

The butterfly got drunk and everything ended well!

Cards: Sun, Desert, Flower, Cactus, Palm Tree, Butterfly, Cloud, a few Droplets, Wind, Snake, Tree, Bush, Stream.

Don't be afraid to come up with such tales yourself!

14. Dance skit

All players are divided into pairs, after which each pair is given a card with images for each of them. Children assign roles and come up with a small dance scene where their characters meet and act out some kind of plot. After this, the prepared dances are shown in front of everyone.

Cards: Man and Dragon, Cockroaches, Joyful Elephant and Butterfly, Bird and Cat, Two Hares Playing, Octopus and Fish, Penguin and Seagull, Spider and Predatory Flower, Stump and Young Borer, Puppy and Experienced Dog, Swans, Fallow Deer and Pig, Rooster and hen, Fly and cow, Horse and sheep,

15. Dance adjustment

All children sit in a circle, one person goes to the center. He is given a card with a role. The child must tune into his image and dance it for a minute or a little longer. Then he “transfers” this role to another player: the person sitting next comes out into the circle and “adjusts” to the first one with his dance. (If the first was water, then the second should feel it and also dance the water; if the first was some kind of animal, then the second should become an animal). After some time, the first person returns to his place in the circle, and the second dancer remains. He is given a new task, which he begins to dance, passing on his role further.

16. Magic country

From among the players, 2-3 people are selected and hidden behind the door - they should not see the beginning of the dance. The rest choose 2-3 more, who begin to dance an impromptu dance to some music. At one point he is commanded to “freeze.” The children freeze in the positions in which the team found them. The music changes (if it was fast, you can play it slow and vice versa). Those who were waiting outside the door are invited. They must take the places of the dancers, stand in their poses and finish the dance to new music the way they see and feel it.

17. Fairy-tale heroes

This game can be played even with the youngest children. They are divided into pairs, after which each child draws lots for himself a card with the name of some famous fairy-tale character. The couple’s task is to prepare and then dance in front of everyone the dance of meeting these heroes, even if they are from different fairy tales.

Example cards: Little Red Riding Hood, Gray Wolf, Hunter, Cinderella, Fox, Snow White, Dwarf, Koschey the Immortal, Mouse, Frog Princess, Thumbelina, Old Man Hottabych, Kolobok, Dunno, Chamomile, Elena the Beautiful, Cipollino, Tsokotukha Fly, Old Spider , Mowgli, Panther Bagheera, Alice, Pinocchio, Malvina, Pierrot, poodle Artemon, Karabas-Barabas, Firebird, Little Humpbacked Horse, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet.

For older children, the proposed characters should be more interesting and less known.

Sample cards: Kukoryambochka, Wizard of the Forest, Spirit of the Well, Brambrulyak, Countess Manya, mysterious deities of Africa, Asia, India, etc.

18. Dancing tassel

Children are given paints, paper and brushes, and music is played. Then the adult invites everyone to draw a picture as if the brush is dancing its own dance on the paper with the colors dictated by the music. When the drawings are ready, the children are invited to look at them all together, and then take turns to go out and dance the dance that they drew.

19. Dance of the Ocean

All children are divided into three teams. The best thing is with an unequal number of people. (The first team should have the most people, the second - a little less and the third - no more than three to five people). Then the music is played and all three teams are given the same task - to feel like one with the team and come up with an Ocean Dance.

After preparation, the circles show each dance, and then they gather one into another to form a common Ocean of three nested circles. Each group dances its part at the same time.

Concert and game program

For Children's Day

"May there always be sunshine"

June 2017 12-00

Before the start of the holiday, children's songs are played, and the Host comes out.

Presenter and text output

Presenter: Hello, Hello, Hello!
We are happy to greet you!
So many bright smiles
We see it on their faces now.
Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
Today is a wonderful day of the year
He won't let his children get into trouble.

We wish everyone a good mood and radiant smiles! After all, today is a good and cheerful holiday - Children's Day! And we are opening our holiday program.

Start competitive program:

Presenter: There are many different smart laws, guys, that protect your life and give you the right to a happy and joyful childhood. Children's Day reminds all people, all over the world, that we must remember the rights of every child and, of course, not violate them.
The holiday dedicated to children comes to us on the first day of summer, when the green forests are rustling, birds are singing in every possible way, the sun is shining brightly in the huge blue sky, summer flowers are blooming, bumblebees and bees are merrily circling over them, transparent wings are sparkling over crystal streams. dragonflies

And now he performs for you children's vocal group with the song “I draw on the window.”

I'm drawing on the window

Junior group Step-Latin

Katya Barsukova – Princess

I wish I could sing and dance

Presenter: Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!


"How are you?"

How are you? - Like this! (thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

Hot potato".
Children stand in a circle. At the command of the leader, they begin to pass the ball from hand to hand in a circle. As soon as the presenter says: “Stop!”, the game stops. The player who has the ball in his hands leaves the game. They play until the last player wins.

The game is being played

Leading: Today is a wonderful holiday, the brightest and most joyful - International Children's Day. Now you are still small, and you still have everything ahead of you, all doors are open for you, and the whole world is in front of you - at your fingertips. It depends only on you whether your life will be interesting. You are the masters of your life! Do everything possible to make every day you live interesting, unique, filled with good deeds and thoughts!

Secondary dance group Step - gypsy dance

Orange song – Sonya Zabelnikova, Katya Barsukova

Oksana Khaprova – a song about footprints

Junior step group “Dance of Friendship”

Presenter; Training is beneficial for everyone

Everyone needs training.

Everyone from laziness and illness

She will save you forever.

Relay game "Kangaroo". 2 teams play. Rules: hold the ball between your knees and jump to the line and back, pass the ball to another player.

The game is being played

Dance game “How beautiful I am.” Everyone can play, standing in a circle. Players pass a basket of things from each other to the music. As soon as the music ends, the player who has the basket in his hands must take out one item and put it on himself. The funnier the items, the more interesting it will be.

The game is being played

Presenter: It's fun today, we're happy!

This children's party, congratulations!

Let it ring, ring everywhere

Our cheerful, ringing laughter!

We have stored up a pile of songs,

Have fun without interruptions!

Junior dance group Step - Oriental dance

Anya Mamonova - Like Romeo and Juliet

Kruglikova Anya – Week

Sabina Karamysheva – childhood is me

Junior dance group Step – Blue handkerchief

Presenter: Summer is a time for vacations, relaxation, new adventures and travel! There are many of us, we are different, unusual and different from each other, but everyone wants to have a fun summer vacation! And this simply requires a lot, a lot of strength.

Pass the ball over the top.

For this and the next two relay races, it is necessary to assemble 2 teams and line them up in two columns, at a short distance from each other. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Hands up. The team captains have the ball. At the command of the leader, the participants pass the ball over the top. As soon as the ball reaches the last person standing, the task changes. Now you need to pass the ball from hand to hand from below. Rolling the ball on the floor is prohibited by the rules. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

The game is being played



Presenter : Our holiday has come to an end, dear guys, we wish your holidays to be good and fun, and that the weather will always be beautiful outside!

Scenario for Children's Day

Concert and game program

For Children's Day

"May there always be sunshine"

June 2017 12-00

Dance games

Website "Secrets of Terpsichore"

1. "Chain"

Target: explore the possibility of making contact and interacting in a group.

Participants stand in a column and move like a snake. Their hands are in constant grip, which, at the command of the leader, takes on various forms: hands on the shoulders, on the belt, crosswise, by the hands, under the hands, etc.

At the same time, the presenter changes the proposed circumstances: “we move along a narrow path on our toes,” “we walk through a swamp - we step carefully,” “we step over puddles,” etc.

2. “Freeze frame.”

Target: remove internal pressure, help self-awareness and self-understanding, as well as the release of feelings.

Participants are located throughout the hall in a chaotic manner and perform dance walking on the spot. At the leader’s signal (clap or whistle), they stop and freeze:

Option 1: in different poses, representing a sculpture.

Option 2: with a smile on your face.

The presenter makes a comment, after the second signal everyone continues to move (repeated 5-8 times). The game can be played as a “sculpture competition” and a “smile competition”.

3. “We are looking for each other.”

Target: explore mutual acceptance of each other and contact, develop a sense of quick response.

Participants dance around the site chaotically, greeting all passing group members with a nod of their heads. The music stops - everyone must find a partner and shake hands (repeated 5-7 times).

"Energetic couple."

Target: simulate communication in pairs, develop the ability of mutual understanding, develop a dance and expressive repertoire.

Couples improvise while in different grips:

Holding with your right hands

Holding hands,

With our hands on each other's shoulders,

With my hands on my waist,

Holding with both hands - facing each other (backs to each other).

When changing the clutch there is a pause and the music changes. The game can be played as a competition.

4. "Wings".

Target: reduce emotional arousal, restore breathing, help orientation in space and the establishment of interpersonal relationships.

At the first stage, participants “mirror” the leader, who imitates movements with wings (two, one, with a turn, etc.).

At the second stage, the participants are divided into two “flocks”, which take turns improvising on the site, interacting with each other. While some are dancing, others are watching, and vice versa.

5. "Swan Lake".

Target: realize your dancing abilities and the possibility of self-expression, develop the ability to improvise.

Participants are located throughout the site, taking a static position (standing with their wings folded, or squatting).

The presenter (playing the role of a fairy or wizard) takes turns touching the participants with a magic wand, each of whom performs a solo swan dance. When you touch it again with the magic wand, the “swan” freezes again.

The presenter gives commentary, stimulating the expression of individuality.

6. “Happy hike.”

Target: provide the opportunity to experiment with movement to understand your dance-expressive stereotype, as well as feel yourself in the role of a leader and a follower.

Participants line up in a column and move in a “snake” pattern. The one standing at the head of the column (detachment commander) shows some kind of movement, the rest repeat.

Then the “detachment leader” goes to the end of the column and the next participant takes his place. The game continues until everyone is at the head of the column. Each participant should try to repeat the movements and come up with their own version. If difficulties arise, the presenter comes to the rescue.

7. "Dream."

Target: work through internal sensations, stabilize your emotional state, achieve internal balance.

Participants sit on chairs in a comfortable position or lie on the floor on mats and close their eyes.

Option 1: the presenter gives the theme of the dream (for example, “spring”, “space”, “sea”, “cloud”, etc.) and the participants surrender to their fantasies to the music.

Option 2: the presenter speaks a prepared text against the background of music.

In the second stage, everyone shares their dreams.

The game is usually played at the end of the lesson.

8. “Everybody dances.”

Target: warm up the body, awaken emotions, relieve muscle tension, create the mood for work.

Participants stand or sit in a semicircle. The presenter gives the task “the right hand is dancing”, “the left leg is dancing”, “the head is dancing”, “the shoulders are dancing”, etc. - participants improvise. At the command “everyone dance” - all parts of the body are included in the work (repeated 3-4 times). The presenter can combine explanation with demonstration.

The game is usually carried out at the beginning of the lesson and can be part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance and game training.

"Round dance acquaintance"

Target: develop group feelings of cohesion, involvement, belonging, and encourage entry into interpersonal relationships.

Participants form a circle and, holding hands, move slowly clockwise. The leader with a scarf in his hand walks in the opposite direction inside the circle, stops opposite any participant (at this moment the circle also stops moving), makes a deep Russian bow and passes the scarf. After returning the bow, she changes places with him. The game can continue until everyone is in the role of leader.

9. "Curtseys."

Target: help orientation in space, give the opportunity to experiment with movement, realize one’s peculiarity of self-expression, and develop the ability to improvise.

The game recreates the atmosphere of the ball.

Option 1: Participants move at a slow, sedate pace around the site in a chaotic manner, while greeting everyone walking towards them with a nod. A musical pause is a signal that you need to curtsey (repeated 5-7 times).

Option 2: The group lines up. The king (queen) walks along the participants, each of whom, as a sign of greeting, alternately freezes in a curtsy, and stands at the end of the row. The game is repeated until everyone has played the role of king.

10. “Let me invite you,”

Target: opportunity to experiment with movement. Everyone stands in a circle. The presenter invites any of the participants and dances with him in pairs, showing movements that the partner “mirrors”. At the “musical break” signal, the couple separates and invites new participants. Now there are two couples on the site, and so on until everyone is involved in the dance process. Moreover, each invitee “mirrors” the movements of the one who invited him.

11. “It’s all in the bag.”

Target: stimulate communication in pairs, develop the ability of mutual understanding and interpersonal contact, expand the dance and expressive repertoire.

Participants break into pairs and improvise. The presenter in a hat walks around the hall, stops at the will of any pair, puts the hat on the head of one of the participants and changes places with him. The game is repeated until everyone has worn the hat.

12 "Solo with guitar."

Target: simulate creative self-expression, release of feelings, develop the ability to improvise, increase self-esteem.

Everyone stands in a circle and moves to the rhythm of the music. The leader with a guitar in his hands goes to the center of the circle and performs a solo, expressing his feelings in the dance, then passes the guitar to any participant. Next, each participant does the same, and he can, if he wishes, interact with anyone from the group. Each solo dance is rewarded with applause at the end.

Video courses for teachers on the website

The success of many parties, especially youth ones, often depends on a successful dance program, which means you need high-quality music, a professional DJ who can accurately guess the musical preferences of a particular company and the ability of the host to “light up” the guests, “lure” them onto the dance floor and create a fun atmosphere on it. festive atmosphere

Each presenter, of course, has his own secrets and tricks, each has his own win-win decoy (or even more than one), capable of “pulling” even the most skeptical and “wooden” guests and his own set onto the dance floor special games And entertainment for dance breaks. After all, games during dances always “revive” the dance program, lift everyone’s spirits, and sometimes help unfamiliar or unfamiliar guests “get to know each other,” i.e. one way or another, to become closer to each other.

We offer universal and practice-tested games while dancing that can be arranged at any party (thanks to the talented authors and holiday organizers for the ideas for some of them!).

1. Game for dance break "Friendship begins.."

This game requires free space. The presenter recalls the lines of a famous children's song: “The river begins with a blue stream, but friendship begins with a smile.” Then everyone, everyone who has no enemies in this room, and who is friendly and ready to have fun, is invited to go out onto the dance floor.

And let everyone feel like a “droplet” from which streams, rivers and even the ocean are formed. To do this, you need to join hands with your comrades quickly and, in accordance with the commands of the leader, without forgetting to dance to the music.

And the presenter gives the commands at random and very different: “unit two drops at a time,” “three at a time,” “four at a time,” “in a trickle of six,” “one drop at a time,” etc., followed by the command “everyone.” drops in one circle, in one ocean” - everyone lines up in one common round dance. The presenter suggests: “Now everyone smiled and opened up in two circles. The inner circle is formed by gentlemen, and the outer circle by ladies (if there are more girls, then vice versa) - facing each other. To the music, we begin a round dance of friendship: the boys, dancing, move to the right, and girls - to the left. The music stops - the round dances too: everyone who found themselves face to face - begins to be friends, hug and kiss - the music starts running again. different sides" And so on, as long as there is interest in the game."

2. Game “Get your neighbor on the dance floor.”

The ball is a win-win prop for any games; with its help you can add some life to dance breaks. For example, before any couples dance, tie a ball to the ankle of all participants. Accordingly, the task of each pair is to “get” all their neighbors as quickly as possible and burst their balloons (with their feet), and also, for as long as possible, dodge their blows and take care of their balloons.

The couple that can hold on to at least one balloon the longest wins a prize!

3. Playing while dancing “Let’s hang out?!”

Needed here too balloon, only in the form of a sausage. Before the dance, you can explain that with her help an impromptu talent show will now be organized. The one who drops the ball or who is caught with the ball when the music stops goes out into the circle and dances a solo part to the melody he hears (striptease, gypsy girl, etc.).

During a quick dance, the host, holding the “sausage” between his legs, approaches any guest with an offer to “swagger” - he passes the ball to him quickly and without the help of his hands, and he gives it to the other. All this is accompanied by incendiary music; if the sausage does not fall for a long time, the DJ arbitrarily stops the music and turns on a cut for 30-40 seconds for a solo dance, the rest support with applause. Then the “soloist” passes the ball and so on several times. At the end, you can arrange a general dance party for all guests to the accompaniment of unfading rock and roll.

4. Dance fun "Limbo".

The name of the game comes from the dance of the same name, distinctive feature which is a combination of flexibility and clarity of movements in dance. The essence of the game is that you need to demonstrate exactly these qualities by walking under a tape or pole, which is held horizontally by assistants on both sides, without touching them or leaning forward.

So, an incendiary melody is playing on the dance floor, those who wish, take turns, pass under the ribbon (pole), bending back and bending their knees - otherwise it will not work. Initially, the tape is stretched at a height of 1.5 meters, but each time the assistants lower it lower and lower, and there are fewer and fewer people able to overcome this obstacle.

The most flexible and courageous participants in the game are awarded a prize.

5. "Who am I?"
