Tatar games in umk middle group. Do-it-yourself didactic umk games for preschoolers. Skillful use of such games

1. Didactic game "My house"

I play this game in the final lessons. With the help of this collage, it is convenient to check the knowledge of children. You can come up with various questions, tasks. Children like it very much. For example,

A) "Finger game".

This finger is a grandfather,

This is a finger grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy,

This finger is me.

B) D / and "Call home"

Educator: Call dad home?

Child: Dad, go home, etc.

All tasks are performed in the Tatar language. Thus, children develop speech, the ability to speak words correctly.

C) On the topic "Products": "Name it correctly"

Children name those products that they see in the picture (apple, bread, milk, tea, pear, banana, grapes).

D) Theme "Toys": the game "What, what?"

Educator: What is it?

Child: Doll.

Educator: What kind of doll?

Child: A clean, small doll (in Tatar).

E) Topic "Counting up to 5" D / and "How many apples"

Educator: How many apples does the girl have?

Child: One apple.

Educator: How many apples does a hedgehog have?

Child: Two apples, etc.

And also the same game for the older age. It's called "Learning by playing"

A) D / and "Clothing store"

Educator: Give your mom a sundress.

Child: Mom, take a sundress (in Tatar).

(Same with the rest of the family).

B) On the theme "Vegetables", the game "In the Garden"

Akbay planted vegetables in the garden. Guys, look, what kind of vegetables did he grow?

Children call vegetables in Tatar. And then they count. For example, two cabbages, four potatoes, five carrots, etc.

C) D / and "Who is doing what?"

Educator: What is mom doing?

Children: Mom washes the potatoes. etc.

D) On the topic "Furniture" d / and "Pick up furniture"

The teacher shows two bears and says that they need to choose the largest furniture.

A big bear has a large bed, a large chair, a large table, and a small bear a small table, a chair and a bed. Children answer in Tatar.

D) D / and "Name it correctly"

Educator: What food do you see here?

Children's answers in the Tatar language.

Educator: How many apples?

Children: Four apples.

Both the name of the products and the invoice are fixed here.

And for the preparatory group "We are already big - the roads lead to school"

A) D / and "Who is on the hill"

Children are called forest, domestic animals and poultry.

B) D / and "What's in the portfolio"

Children take turns calling school supplies in Tatar.

C) Tale "Turnip"

Children tell a fairy tale from pictures.

G) Word game"What are you doing?"

Boy: I jump, I sit on a chair, I play, I run, I eat, etc.

D) On the theme of "Colors" d / and "What balloon will you give?"

Educator: Dasha, which ball do you like?

Dasha: I like the red ball.

Educator: who will you give the balloon.

Dasha: I will give the ball to Akbai.

F) Dialogue between children "Where are you going?"

Girl: What are you doing?

Boy: I'm running. And what are you doing?

Girl: I go to the circus (cafe, shop, etc.).

2. The next game is called "Who is doing what?"

From the beginning, children choose a petal.

Educator: Which color?

Child: It is red (called the color in Tatar), turn over and make up a proposal for the drawing.

Child: Mom is sitting on a chair.

This game teaches children to name colors correctly, to make sentences in the Tatar language, enriches the vocabulary of children.

3. Didactic game "Help Mom"

The teacher explains that she needs to help her mother prepare salad and compote. Children should name what is needed for the salad and what for the compote in Tatar.

I hope you enjoy my games and come in handy, thank you all for your attention!

Lyudmila Solovieva

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 397" Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan.

Age group: older.

Didactic game"LOTTO"

Target: improve the quality of teaching, promote better assimilation of program material, master the vocabulary of the Tatar language, consolidate speech material in game form, maintain an interest in the language.



1. to consolidate children's knowledge about color; fix the ordinal count from 1 to 10.

2. Teach the child to compose a developing dialogue "Nindi?", "Niché?"

3. Broaden the horizons of children.


1. To develop attention, speed of communication, to cultivate honesty.

2. Develop fine motor skills of hands.


Cultivate friendships.

Game progress: The game involves 2 to 4 people. Children must collect 4 cards by color and number. The host asks “NINDI? and NICH?

The winner is the one who of the children quickly closes their sheets and then counts them in the Tatar language.

Equipment: a set of four colored cards with numbers, colored "Kegs" with numbers, pouch for "Kegs",

Rules of the game: cards are handed out according to the number of children, the presenter takes out of the bag "barrel" with a number loudly and clearly names the color "Keg" and depicted on "Keg" figure. Players cover the figure "Keg". The winner is the one who closed first "Kegs" all numbers.

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in teaching preschoolers the Tatar language "


For several recent years and at present, in our preschool educational institution, there is a rapid process of implementation of a new teaching methodology for teaching children the Tatar and native languages.

The main aim this process is the effective organization of work on the use of teaching materials.

Based on this goal, the following tasks that concern all participants in the educational process:

1. To study the normative and legal documents on the introduction of the new teaching and learning method in the educational and educational process.

2. Develop a plan of work with Russian-speaking teachers for teaching the Tatar language.

3. To promote the creation of a language environment in groups in order to assimilate the minimum vocabulary by children.

4. To develop didactic games and material for teaching children the Tatar language.

As for the educators, the following question has ripened before us:

How to consolidate with children the new vocabulary learned during the Tatar nodes - vocabulary that is not native to Russian-speaking children?

Of course in the form of a game, but the game is instructive. It should not be forgotten that, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the educational process should be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. And play is the main form of work with children. preschool age and the leading activity for them. Was nominated hypothesis:

Along with the systematic use of the new teaching materials in the classroom and in regime moments, the development of didactic games will contribute to the qualitative mastering of the vocabulary minimum, the skills of mastering the vocabulary minimum in colloquial speech (dialogues) of teachers and pupils.

Thus, the most important tasks for educators is currently:

Creation of the conditions necessary for a wider introduction of copyright games into the educational process, in our case, in our free time.

General goals of the games:

v Development of coherent and dialogical speech;

v Expanding vocabulary;

v Development of creative thinking skills;

v Development of attention, memory;

v Nurturing self-reliance.

The first game is "CAR PARKING". The game helps to achieve the correct pronunciation of the main learned colors (red, green, blue, yellow, white, black) and different combinations of numbers from 1 to 10 in the Tatar language, develops logical thinking, attention, memory, coherent and dialogical speech, fosters desire in children bring the work started to the end. The child chooses a car for himself, pronouncing the color of the car in Tatar, then driving up to the parking space, he discovers that there is a lock with a code on back side... The code does not consist of one, but several digits. The child names a combination of numbers in the Tatar language, observing their sequence. If naming one number does not cause any particular difficulties for a child, then naming several numbers is not an easy task for Russian-speaking children. Today a slightly modified version of this game was demonstrated before you. The game is intended for …….


During this game, the children's vocabulary is activated on the topics "numbers", "furniture", "family", "food", dialogue speech, visual memory develops; Unlike the previous game, here the children, on the contrary, themselves make up a combination of numbers pronounced in the Tatar language (by a teacher or another child).

The combination of numbers in this case is the lock code for entering the house.

And, having already entered the house, children practice in securing family members, pieces of furniture, dishes, food, in determining their various properties (size, color, etc.), using the studied speech patterns. For example, "Kirill, nerse kirek?" - "Uryndyk kirek." - "Nindi uryndyk?" - "Clean, matur, kechkene, yashel uryndyk." Of course, it is difficult to achieve complete answers from children, but at least the basic vocabulary passed by the children is consolidated. Children pronounce Tatar words with great desire, and this is already a great achievement for them. In the course of the dialogue between children, the educational goal is also realized: children learn to listen to each other to the end and are always ready to help each other. The game is intended for …… ..

The next game is "IN THE GARDEN » . This game is mainly used to consolidate vocabulary on the topic "Vegetables" and for counting exercises (from 1 to 5 for senior group, from 5 to 10 in preparatory). Also takes place in the form of a dialogue. Children count vegetables, compare them by size (zur berenge - kechkene berenge), by quantity (bish kisher - durt sugan), and determine their properties. This game can be used….

Next - the game "CLOTH OF ALSU AND MARAT". Here the vocabulary on the topic "Clothes" is fixed, the properties of clothing items are also determined, in addition to independence, in this game such a personality quality as accuracy is brought up. The game is good to use in …… ..

Next game - « Magic apple tree». The game is distinguished by its clarity.

The child comes up to the apple tree, picks off the apple he likes and answers questions, for example, "Nindi alma?", "Niche alma?", "Niche sary (kyzyl, yashel) alma?" You can also ask additional questions in Russian, requiring children to give short answers in Tatar, for example, “How many apples of this yellow color are there on the tree?”, “What color are the other apples on the apple tree?” ? " etc. Opening his apple, the child discovers a magic word inside, with the help of a teacher reads this word, pronounces it several times, translates the word into Russian, at the same time, explaining the meaning of this word (already in Russian): in which cases and why, in the expression of which the given word is used. You can ask the child to bring up a situation with the use of this word. If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher asks the child leading questions, thereby imperceptibly forcing the child to enter into a dialogue in the Tatar language and helping the child to comprehend the meaning of the magic word.

The game is called "The Magic Apple Tree", that's why magic apples grow on this apple tree (the magic melts in itself). This also explains the fact that they are of different colors on the same tree. What kind of magic these apples keep in themselves, children will learn during the game.

The game is multifunctional, as it includes such goals as reinforcing vocabulary on the topics "Colors" ("Tuslur") and "Numbers" ("Sannar") and teaches how to answer the questions "How much?" ("Nothing?"), "Which one?" ("Nindi?").

The game can be used both in a group form of work with children, and in individual work with a certain pupil.

Later, the reverse side of the tree was also used and the game was already called "Family Tree". The name itself suggests that material on the topic “family” is fixed in the game, but not only ... On the back of the disc, the child finds a family member already in the process of some activity and accordingly answers the question “Nishli?”.

What is the result of using these games? I would like to note that, really,

The developed games captivate and, in a relaxed atmosphere, immerse the child in the language environment, where he absorbs new information... Children do not even think that they are learning, without noticing it themselves, they learn Tatar words, phrases, sentences much better and on this basis they practice the correct pronunciation of specific Tatar sounds. In addition, children practice dialogic speech, which is an important factor in the development of language culture and a feature of the new teaching and learning method.


promotes better assimilation of program material and deepening of knowledge,

replenishes and expands vocabulary,

allows you to consolidate speech material in a playful way,

develops thinking,

fosters and maintains a keen interest in the language among students.


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