Tattoo for gamblers. Gambling tattoos. Meanings of gambling tattoos Meaning of zarika tattoo

Casino and poker tournaments They have long ceased to be elite entertainment. Among modern card players there is no special dress code or specific behavioral rules. Many stars at major tournaments dress casually, play to far from classical music and, like Dan Bilzerian, shock the public with ungentlemanly behavior at tournaments and on social networks.


Among modern players, tattoos are increasingly becoming fashionable and are even beginning to acquire cult significance: players endow the images on their bodies with a special meaning. One of professional players world-famous Daniel Negreanu is so charismatic and loved by fans that some of them even began to turn the autographs of their idol on their bodies into tattoos. So, in 2014, a fan got a tattoo of Negreanu’s signature on her lower back. Two years later, a Norwegian fan of the player also got his autograph tattooed on his left leg. At first, only Negreanu's painting adorned the leg, but then the gold bracelet of the WSOP tournament and the ten of clubs with the seven of spades were also included in the composition.

At first glance, it looks like the act of a fanatic. On the other hand, the ten of clubs and seven of spades is the combination of cards with which Negreanu won the decisive hand of the 2006 WSOP, and which, according to the player, is his favorite card pair. Thus, it is quite possible that the fan made the composition on his left leg with the hope that the successful player's autograph, along with a lucky card combination, would bring him luck in the game.


Poker Tattoo Meanings

Indeed, among poker players it is believed that if a player gets a tattoo, the reason is far from just aesthetic. By placing certain symbols on the body, card players try to attract good luck, since the vast majority of them are extremely superstitious. Tattoos with symbols such as a horseshoe are widespread among players. dice, giving the number 7, four-leaf clover, and also “three sevens.”

The tattoo may also include several “lucky” symbols, but the symbols should not be from different gambling.
As with the Norwegian fan, winning card combinations such as full house are especially popular.


A distinctive feature of “gambling” tattoos is their ambiguity. Several semantic meanings can be embedded in the same picture. Therefore, before getting a tattoo of this type, we strongly recommend that you thoroughly study its semantic meaning so that it can be correctly understood and interpreted by others.

The Joker is one of the controversial tattoos. Its first meaning is an irresistible craving for the game. The second meaning suggests that the owner of the tattoo is a professional card player - a master of his craft. But a joker can also mean cheating. If the tattoo depicts a joker - a woman, then in this case the owner of the tattoo is sure that fortune is changeable like female inconstancy.


A tattoo in the form of dice does not mean that its owner is fond of gambling. The generally accepted meaning of this tattoo is that the player relies more on luck than on his skill. Dice can also express the unpredictability of the game.

Cards on fire

A tattoo depicting cards in flames is not very common among poker players. But if you come across it, then most likely its owner is a fan of taking risks while playing. The second meaning of this tattoo is addiction to the game.

Tattoo location

Most often, “gambling” tattoos that bring good luck are found on the hands. It is the hands of the players that are most involved in the game - they shuffle cards, take chips, recalculate winnings, therefore, according to tradition, luck should be drawn to the hands.

Most popular materials

Elena Letuchaya's tattoos

Zarika tattoo means luck, variability, fortune, risk, suffering, harmony, health, fun, joy, excitement.

The meaning of zarika tattoo

Zarikas are called dice in the Caucasus and Central Asia. At all times, people have said that our life is like a game, and we are players in it, and only we can decide what will happen in the future.

A tattoo depicting zariks is a clear confirmation of this. People fill themselves with dice to show that they see life as a game. This tattoo is also preferred by gambling people, for whom zariks mean fortune and risk.

The owners of this tattoo believe that the dice will bring them luck not only in games, but also in life.

The meaning of dice goes deep into the past. In past centuries, zariqs denoted the variability of life, its transience. They also believed that bones were needed to make important decisions, so they served as a talisman for humans.

Even now, people get tattoos of zariks to serve as an amulet for good luck. There are also those who take a philosophical look at the impermanence of life and, in confirmation of this, decorate their bodies with a drawing of dice.

The dice also symbolize the suffering of the Son of God. This is connected with the crucifixion of Christ, because when he was crucified, Roman soldiers cast lots in the form of dice in order to use them to decide who would get his clothes.

By stuffing zariqs with such meaning, a person strives to become closer to God and to know his future.

The meanings of zariks are also associated with Roman mythology. Dice were a symbol of the three Graces - goddesses of fun, joy, and attractiveness. So it’s quite possible to get a tattoo with a design of zariks to make your life more joyful, bright, and cheerful.

The sum of the numbers that will be depicted on the dice is important. In numerology, the number “seven” symbolizes luck, which means that it is worth depicting combinations whose sum will be equal to seven.

It must be remembered that the number “four” symbolizes death and failure, so it is better to abandon the image of four dots on the face of the cube. But the number “six” means harmony, luck, and health. Therefore, the most successful combination that will be depicted in a tattoo is “six” and “one”.

A zarika tattoo will look good if done in small sizes on the neck, shoulder, or wrist. Most dice are stuffed in the “new school” and “old school” genres.

This tattoo depicting zariks is chosen by people who cannot live without excitement and risk. They all possible ways trying to bring these criteria into their lives. Also, these people themselves are passionate and original, since the zariki tattoo is a very bright and aesthetic tattoo, despite the rather simple execution.

This type of tattoo is often worn by young people, because it is they who, due to their maximalism and recklessness, are prone to risk and excitement, and cannot see their life without a constant surge of adrenaline.

For many peoples of Western culture, it was quite normal to depict a symbol, picture and drawing on their bodies. In the 18th century, Captain James Cook, who sailed to Europe, told Europeans about tattoos, showed the symbols on his body and their designation. Some carriers of pictures on the body still believe that they activate energetic force, protect and simply bring good luck.

Therefore, superstitious gamblers, expressing their love and affection for casinos and online services, often decorate themselves with tattoos and images of gambling symbols.

Today, you can show your individuality with a tattoo almost painlessly, since technological progress has maximally improved the process itself. The master, using special equipment, marks the body with ink, which, penetrating into the dermis layer, changes the color of the skin pigment. As a result, the picture and outline remain clear for a long time and do not wash off.

Gamblers, when choosing a place to apply a future tattoo, are no longer guided by superstitions, but by ordinary practicality. If the tattoo has a special meaning and intimacy, it should not be shown. Then it is placed on that part of the body that can be hidden by clothing. If, on the contrary, the player wants to show off his drawing, then choose more open areas. Men prefer to put the decoration on the shoulder, and often get carried away, which leads to complete filling of the entire arm and this is called a “sleeve” tattoo. Women most often choose the area of ​​the shoulder blade, collarbone or ankle. Their tattoos are intimate and feminine.

When the player has already decided that he simply needs to express himself with the help of an original tattoo, the second point is the choice of the artist. It is better to do any manipulations with your own body from trusted specialists, so you need to look for a specialist in a specialized salon that has a license and special sterile equipment. Then the drawing will be of high quality, and there is no risk of contracting a blood disease.

Choosing a pattern and design is also not an easy task. The artists provide an amazing assortment of stunning images for gambling lovers to choose from. The most popular are: gambling dice, poker hands, clover leaf, horseshoe, poker chips, money, three sevens and other symbols of expected luck and luck.

A little less often you can find a whole card combination: “four of a kind”, “royal flush”, “ full house" And of course, we can’t forget about “The Joker,” who literally became the leader for Fortune’s favorites.

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Many players are sure that for luck to find them, they need to give it a sign. Some people carry talismans, amulets and chips with them, some dress in clothes from successful games, and some do something more radical - they put gambling-themed tattoos on their bodies. In general, all tattoos of this type can be divided into 2 main groups: images of gaming paraphernalia and images attracting good luck.
Let's start with the first group. What do individual symbols mean?

Playing cards and card suits

If you are a gambling person, but at the same time a believer, then you should give up images of cards and card suits. In general, poker players prefer the image of either an ace of spades, a full house or a straight, starting from ten. There can be many options here, the only thing is not to “overdo it”. Still, the image of billiard balls, cards, dice and chips in one sketch is too much. Luck can get confused and run away from you.

Dice Tattoo

Dice are a frequent guest on the bodies of avid gamblers. What is important here is the combination itself that is depicted on them. Most often, the total should be the same seven, but not only that!

Joker card tattoo

Although the Joker is directly related to the cards, due to the influence of the hero beloved by many - the villain opposing Batman, this symbol received additional meaning. Gamblers should apply the Joker image carefully. This symbol rather emphasizes risk-taking and variability of character. In Russia, the image of the Joker or jester is typical of card sharpers and is also very popular with women - scammers. And although, under the influence of the above-mentioned hero from the Batman comic, the attitude towards the Joker has recently changed, nevertheless, by applying such a tattoo in a prominent place, you risk being misunderstood.

Now let's move on to the second type of gambling tattoos - symbols of winning and good luck.


In many cultures, different numbers are supposed to bring good luck. For example, according to the Mayan tribe, the number 13 brings good luck, since it is the most perfect and harmonious number, while in modern European culture it is 13 that is considered devilish. There is even such a disease - Triskaidekaphobia - fear of the number 13. According to Chinese beliefs, the numbers 6, 8 and 9 are lucky, while the West chose the number 7 as the “lucky” number. If you look at the statistics of tattoos, then the number 7 and the combination of three sevens is 777, then the number 8 and the number 13 closes the top three. Sometimes these numbers are depicted separately, and sometimes in an ensemble with other symbols. Especially loved by players billiard ball with an eight on it. By the way, sometimes players use the opposite method: they specifically apply 13 or the well-known bad luck symbol of a black cat. Such images are designed to scare away bad spirits.

Four leaf clover and horseshoe

Depending on the type of clover, its 4-leaf representatives are found with varying degrees of probability. On average, according to scientists, the probability of finding such a specimen among ordinary clover leaves is 10,000 to 1. Therefore, it is believed that not everyone can find such a leaf; it is a great success. Just like, in fact, for a player a lucky card or a sum that falls on the knuckles. No less popular is another well-known symbol of good luck and prosperity - the horseshoe. Its image should be made with the ends up so that it becomes like a bowl for the accumulation of all positive things. If you depict it upside down, then it won’t take long to invite trouble.

Inscriptions in various languages

All kinds of inscriptions that can attract good luck are also very popular. For example, the Latin proverb “Audaces fortuna juvat” (which means “Happiness favors the brave”), “Trahit sua quemque voluptas” (“Everyone is attracted by his passion”), “Lucky” (from English “Lucky”), “ Born to Play" (from English "Born to play"), "El ganador se lo lleva todo" (from Spanish "The winner takes all").

Tattoos for Gamblers

The word “tattoo” is borrowed from the Polynesian language and means the application of designs to any part of the body by rubbing or pricking a special dye under the skin. Tattoos were popular even among primitive peoples during initiations (the transition to the next degree of development). Each such drawing necessarily had a magical and symbolic character.
Today anyone can get a tattoo. In addition, the technologies for their application are very advanced and continue to constantly evolve. There are entire trends in culture, interests and hobbies that adhere to the same tattoo styles.

Let's consider the type of tattoos that are preferred by fans of poker and other gambling games.
Showing affiliation with poker games.

The most popular designs of this type are images of chips, playing cards, card suits or various poker combinations. It is very common today online poker, so many players prefer to display the logo of their room on their body.

You can often see a tattoo of dice on the body of players - this image means incredible excitement, risk and luck. Many players draw dice, considering them a symbol of fortune.

Roulette symbolizes human independence and great vitality, determination, courage, ability to take risks and enjoy life.

Attracting good luck.

Luck is a very significant factor in poker. Therefore, to attract fortune, players often stuff the ace of spades, the word “Luck”, a horseshoe and much more.

Favorite card combination.

Many gambling enthusiasts decorate their bodies with their favorite card combination or pocket cards. There may also be combinations that represent a specific date and location of a player's significant victory.

Tattoos to distract an opponent's attention.

One should not rule out the possibility that the purpose of a certain tattoo may be to distract the attention of one’s opponents at the table. This possibility is small, but it definitely makes sense. The best place for such drawings is the hands.

One way or another, those wishing to get a tattoo should remember that if a high-quality pigment is applied correctly, the tattoo will not fade or wash off, but will remain for the rest of your life. Therefore, choose a design responsibly and make it memorable for yourself.

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