Technique for playing a pick on an acoustic guitar. How to play with a pick on an acoustic guitar? Hand position when playing with a pick

Greetings, dear lovers, of such a wonderful instrument as the guitar. I continue a series of articles for beginner guitarists. In today's lesson I will tell you about mediators: how to choose the right one, how to hold it correctly, and also how to use it (the mediator) correctly, i.e. play. When you make sounds with a pick, the sound of the strings is cleaner, louder, and the risk of damaging your fingers when playing is minimized.

As with any other activity related to the guitar, to learn how to use (play) a pick well, you need practice. Moreover, you won’t be able to master this technique in one day; you will have to spend several weeks training.

So let's get started.

How to choose the right mediator

The first thing you should pay attention to is the material from which the mediator is made; it can be made from the following materials:

  • Metal;
  • Lexan - a glassy sound is heard when playing;
  • Nylon;
  • Polycarbonate;
  • Tortex - the game has a soft and warm sound;
  • Derlin – suitable for high-speed play;
  • Celluloid – suitable for playing solo parts.

For playing acoustic guitar, the most suitable pick is made of nylon, which is soft and flexible. Also, each mediator has a special sound.

  • Thin– Suitable for playing acoustic guitar. The game has a soft sound;
  • Fat- Suitable for playing electric guitar. Allows you to control the force of impact and sound.

How to hold a pick correctly

The pick must be held in your right hand (if you are right-handed) between your thumb and index finger. We place the pick on the first phalanx of the index finger, then press it on top with the thumb and its pad. Keep in mind that the pick should protrude about twenty percent from under the fingers, and not half, as many guitarists do. Below you can watch a video tutorial on this topic.

Learning to play with a pick

  • The edge of your hand should be parallel to the body of the guitar;
  • The stand should support your hand when playing;
  • With short, not sweeping movements, we begin to play the necessary rhythmic patterns. To better understand the playing technique, you can watch the video lesson on this topic.

Exercises to develop playing technique

As I said above, in order to learn how to play well with a pick, you need to practice.

To make your practice as productive as possible, I offer you a small exercise.:

  • Take a pick and hold it down. You can see above how to do this correctly;
  • Start playing the first string with simple up and down movements, then the second, then the combination, etc. Gradually increase the tempo of your playing - this will allow you to learn how to quickly produce sounds with your pick.

That's all for today, now playing with such a device as a mediator should not cause you any difficulties.

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It’s a logical question when you start to learn information about a guitar pick and what a pick is - how to hold a pick and how to play with a pick? Really - how to play with a pick? Of course, we are talking about mediators of this type:

Claw (nail) mediators do not pose this issue because they are simply put on the fingers and are something like false nails. The plate picks (above) can already create several questions, which we will now examine.

How to hold a pick?

How to hold a pick? The mediators are held between the index and thumb of the hand - the same hand that is used to play strumming and plucking on the guitar. Your fingers should cover at least half the area of ​​the pick plate.

Some picks have a special notch, a depression that shows the correct position of the fingers when gripping the pick. Don't squeeze the pick too hard and don't hold it too loosely, otherwise it might slip out when playing quickly.

Usually a pick is played in two ways:

1) They always hit the string from above;

2) After a top-down strike, they can also perform a bottom-up movement. This greatly increases the speed of playing the guitar, and is very useful when playing, for example, an electric guitar solo.

Actually, the question is " how to hold a pick" disappears on its own when you start practicing playing with a pick. Everything comes with experience, so sooner or later you will discover the most comfortable grip for you - and playing with it will no longer be a problem for you.

A mediator (plectrum) is a metal, plastic or bone plate that is used to produce sound when playing stringed instruments. Very often, a pick is used when playing instruments for which it is traditional to pluck the strings with the fingers, for example, on a guitar.

Why do you need a mediator?

The mediator is used on guitars of almost all types and types, that is, the mediator is suitable for playing both electric and acoustic guitars.

Modern mediators vary in shape, size, thickness, material from which they are made, and design. Typically, picks are made from materials that are softer than strings, since metal picks wear down the strings even at . The best mediator is one made from tortoiseshell bone.

The thickness of the mediator should be 1.5-2.0 mm. A pick that is too thick will make it difficult to produce sound, and playing with a pick that is too thin will result in a crackling sound. Thin picks are suitable for (nylon, flexible and soft). Thick is suitable for playing electric guitar. The edge of the mediator at the pointed part must be slightly ground off and well polished. Grinding is carried out by rubbing the edge of the mediator against charcoal or chalk placed on the cloth. We also recommend sanding the tip of the pick on both sides.

The mediator is suitable for playing the guitar with both simple (rhythmic patterns) and variable strokes. Playing with a pick allows you to play fast notes and also achieve clear sound.

Technique of playing with a pick

The technique of playing with a pick is of great importance and subsequently affects the quality and properties of the sound extracted. It should be noted that each guitarist has a unique technique. At the same time, everyone adapts to playing with a pick in their own way.

How to hold a pick correctly

The mediator is taken with the index finger and thumb. The tip of the pick should not protrude more than a quarter from under the fingers, because otherwise the pick will be held weakly and not very tightly in the hand. It is not recommended to press the pick very tightly with your thumb, otherwise it will simply break. The remaining three fingers should be bent at the joints so much that they cannot hit the strings while playing. Dotted notches can be applied on both sides of the pick so that the pick does not slip out of the hand when playing.

How to play guitar with a pick

The first way to play with a pick
The hand should be parallel to the guitar stand and move freely over the strings. Do not press it against the string rest. When playing individual chords, only the forearm and elbow joint work.

The second method of mediation technique
This method is used for full melodies or solo parts. Playing with an alternating stroke requires slight pressure of the brush against the string bridge. Sweeping movements with the brush are not encouraged. We recommend making sounds so that each blow with a pick on the strings is symmetrical, that is, it has the same force and angle of inclination.

There are also two more ways to play a guitar with a pick:

  • The guitarist strikes the strings in only one direction (usually from above);
  • The pick moves up and down (the technique is called an alternating stroke).

Sometimes guitarists use the pick scratch technique, where the pick slides along the strings along the neck and produces a squealing, scraping sound. A pick is often used when playing the guitar.

How to play with a pick correctly

The mediator strikes the strings with rapid movements of the hand. The shorter the required duration of the chord, the faster the movement should be.

The uniformity of the pick's blows is of no small importance in training.

We offer a short exercise. Before each stroke, place the tip of the pick between the 4th and 5th strings, then immediately strike.

A break in the sound of chords can be achieved by muting the strings, when the guitarist loosens the pressure of the strings with his fingers on the frets.

Many people are interested in the secret of how to quickly learn to play with a pick. To do this, we offer you several exercises with different alternations of chords and pauses. Once you have mastered the technique of playing at a slow tempo, gradually move on to playing with a pick at a fast tempo.

We invite you to try out various options for extracting chord sounds with a mediator.

Exercise one.

The fingers of the left hand should be placed on the fingerboard so that all six sounds can be produced. On the first beat of the bar, play the lower 3-4 sounds of the chord, and on the second beat, play a few high notes.



Exercise two.

On the strong beat of the bar, play the chord without muffling the sounds, with a not very rapid movement of the wrist, and on the weak beat of the bar, with a rapid movement and abruptly.



Abstract: All beginning guitarists face the problem of playing a guitar with a pick. The article will tell you how to play with a pick correctly: how to hold the pick and the technique of playing with a pick on the guitar

If you are reading this article, then you must have already mastered playing the guitar without a pick a little. Playing a guitar with a pick not much different than without it. By the way, it is often not comfortable to play with a pick, so I don’t advise you to pay much attention to playing with a pick (although, of course, it all depends on your professional growth).

And so, first of all, let's learn how to hold a pick correctly in your hand. In fact, you can hold it in different ways (as convenient), but the most common one is to hold the pick with the fingers of your right hand, hold it confidently and without straining. When playing the guitar, the position of the hands is no different from simply playing with your hands.

Using a pick is no different from a simple game. Down, up, down up. At first, of course, you will not be comfortable, but after some practice, you will get used to it.

But it’s not much different and it will take much longer to get used to playing the guitar with a pick.

Playing a light melody using a pick

The theory of the game was described above, and now let's get down to practice. For example, we will take, which is played on one string. This will be a famous tune among guitarists called Grasshopper.

You can hook the strings from below or from above, but it is better, of course, to combine them. Here's a small piece

Today, a mediator or plectrum (this is its second name), despite all its shortcomings and features, is an integral companion of any seriously trained guitarist striving to conquer musical heights. As in any creative activity that is related to the guitar, in order to learn how to use this device correctly and beautifully, practical courses are needed. Of course, you won’t be able to learn this technique in a couple of days; you need to devote two to three weeks to training.

What is a mediator

This is a thin plate, usually round or oval in shape; the material is made from plastic, metal, bones and wood. It is used to catch the strings when playing the mandolin, domra and other similar instruments. Sometimes it is made in the form of an open ring and placed on the finger and is called a plectrum. Its serious disadvantage is that the finger technique was, is and will be the most convenient on acoustic instruments. In this case, in order to get the maximum bright sound, you will have to learn a completely different type of mediator - a finger one.

How to play a guitar pick - basic aspects

The electric guitar, in turn, does not accept fingers and prefers only a pick. For example, it is convenient to play a solo with a thin sound, and a rhythm with a medium or thick sound. There are guitarists who think about how hard they need a guitar assistant, the answer is very simple - it’s better to buy a couple of different hardnesses, since their price is not expensive and everyone can afford these devices.

Very often, beginners encounter great difficulties when playing with a pick. As for fast and good technology, it’s not worth talking about. Its thickness starts from 0.4 to 4 mm, and the timbre of the sound produced depends on this. They are typically used for solos and riffs, as they want to show off the clarity of the guitar's sound. Thin transmitters are better used in party playing.

Next up is how to play with a pick on an acoustic guitar. Everything is quite simple, if you prefer to play a similar instrument, then feel free to use a thin plectrum when playing chords and a thick one when playing solo parts. The sound and clarity will not change depending on the type of mediator, but you should understand that playing with a small assistant will be very convenient.

How to hold the plate correctly

You need to pinch your assistant with your thumb and forefinger. There is no need to squeeze your fingers forcefully, the hand should not be too tense, but it is also not recommended to completely weaken your hand, but you need to make sure that the pick does not fall out of your hands. This means that he shouldn’t grab the strings where we don’t want him, but at the same time he shouldn’t be completely invisible. Of course, the easiest way is to hold the pick in the way that is most comfortable for you, without adhering to any rules at all. If this becomes much more convenient and the sound ultimately comes out good, without any difficulties or distortions, then you are doing everything right.

Positioning your right hand - how to learn to play with a pick

The ideal option would be when the hand does not have a fulcrum, but it will be quite difficult to play. It is necessary to place your hand on the tailpiece, and it is not recommended to rest your little finger on the soundboard, otherwise the speed will be lost. The most advantageous point is slightly below the bent elbow.

Regarding this issue, one cannot force anyone to use a particular position of the right hand. And the musician himself should not depend on the opinions of other advisers. Because the most important thing is that it is convenient for you. This means that you can take a hand rest, or you can play without this device.

To perform a beautifully chosen composition, you must know how to learn how to play a guitar pick correctly, so as not to get confused in the future. For the most part, when performing complex melodies, it is best if the hand rests on some object. This will make it convenient and easy for you, and you will be able to play the melody accurately and beautifully. And if you want to play lighter melodies, you can hold your hand freely. Since using a mediator is easy and simple if you follow the correct and useful instructions. But it is important to remember that it is better for a musician to master two techniques of hand positioning and does not need to limit himself to playing in any one of all existing positions.

What is articulation and its application

This method of playing with a pick is practically the most necessary and necessary. When playing with a plectrum, you need to ensure that when struck, smooth and clear sounds come out. To do this, you can take a variable stroke. This is when middle shots need to be executed both up and down. Start playing any melody, you can try playing it, for example, with a downward stroke. If you hear that the sound produced is uneven, not accentuated and, to put it simply, not very beautiful, then the most realistic way to perform the melody is to strike it upward. If you're more comfortable hitting the plate downwards, this may be your best solution.

Guitar Soul Strings

To understand how to properly pick a guitar, start with a slow tempo and then pay close attention to the rhythm. Any impact sound is bright and clear. You need to pay attention to the connection of the plate with the strings, the connection of common strings, you need to do it with the end of the pick. At first, you should learn to hit the strings only in one direction - downwards, but you can add upward strokes. When you can confidently maintain the rhythm and reduce the increase in articulation to the maximum, then feel free to continue the direction further.

Improving playing technique

  1. A technique and understanding of how to play with a pick on a guitar can help us with this; this is a principle such as “alternating stroke”, a quick alternation of strokes up and down.
  2. Practice every day, you need to play on one string. If it does, then it is useful to increase the pace.
  3. You need to start playing regular scales, “jumping” from string to string. Hold down any chord/riff and try to play it.

Thanks to such simple techniques, you will learn how to skillfully manipulate the element. Additionally, there are some solid and actionable tips to better understand how to play with a pick.

  1. Variable stroke on common strings. The idea is to play every string from the sixth to the first. We play with an alternating stroke, that is, we grab the sixth from top to bottom, the fifth from bottom to top, and the fourth again from top to bottom.
  2. An alternating stroke on two strings at the same time. We use a couple of strings and use a variable stroke. First the sixth and fifth - we lost a couple of times. Then the sixth and fourth, we play two or three times. Then the sixth and third, and so on until the first.

If you prefer to play with a pick on an acoustic guitar, then it is undoubtedly worth knowing that the sound using this technique will come out brighter and more beautiful. Try to play more often, devoting at least a few hours a day to the game, and then your skills will improve and you will become an excellent musician.

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