Techniques for playing billiards and how to aim. Secrets of billiards. Technical side of aiming

It would seem that what could be easier than rolling balls? In fact, the game of billiards is one of the most difficult, since all elements are equally important: shot force, stance, angle, etc. To become a high-level player, you need to practice a lot and put in maximum effort. However, you can understand the most basic techniques and the essence of the game in theory in a few minutes. How to play billiards correctly? First you need to come to the establishment and rent a table. You should be careful when choosing a cue and pay attention to the sticker that is glued to the end. It should be made in the form of a sphere and hold well. If there is chalk near the table, then you can start playing.

Rules of Russian billiards

There are two most popular types of this game all over the world: Russian and American. Let's look at them in order. How to play Russian billiards correctly? First you need to take a special triangle, position it so that the vertex stands at a certain point (it will be visible on the table). All balls except one are placed in a triangle. The game can be started from any side. The ball that is not in the triangle is intended for the first strike. It must be placed on another special point on the opposite side.

The player makes the first shot, and if any of the balls are pocketed, he continues. In case of an unsuccessful result, the right to shoot passes to another player. Here, two shots in billiards are distinguished: “alien” and “own”. The first one looks like this: a player hits a ball, which in turn pushes another ball into a pocket. “Brother-in-law” is when the first ball hits another and flies into the pocket. Such a blow is typical only for the Russian type of game.

American billiards

The rules of the game (pool) differ significantly from Russian ones. Here the game is faster, easier and more fun. For a beginner, this type of billiards is the most suitable, since the pockets are several centimeters wider and, if desired, you can shoot several balls into one at once.

How to play American billiards correctly? To begin with, you also need to assemble a pyramid of balls, and place a white ball on the opposite side (all hits will be made on it). Then the player who got the first move breaks the triangle. The opponents need to decide which balls each of them will play. There are striped and colored balls here. Players must only pocket cue balls of their own type. In addition, there is a black ball that must be pocketed last. If it flies during the game, the player who hit is considered a loser. The game is considered correctly played if one of the opponents has rolled all his balls, and then the black one.

Basic mistakes of newbies

How to play billiards correctly? To learn this art, you must first of all have a strong desire. One of the most obvious ways is to visit a billiards club with friends. Just start playing, follow other, more experienced players, listen to advice and try to improve your level. About 95% of all beginners do this, and this is their main mistake. The fact is that not all people playing next to you are professionals, and their advice can be harmful.

To avoid such a development of events, you must immediately learn correctly, and for this you need to communicate only with high-level players. Playing on the level of intuition will not lead to success. No one has yet learned to hit the ball correctly, see the game and control it this way.

First steps

As in any other business, billiards has theory and practice. Of course, the process of playing is very important in order to become a professional. But no one has yet canceled the theoretical part. First you need to learn the rules of the game. As already noted, there are several types of billiards, the main ones being Russian and American. Everyone chooses for themselves the one that is closest to them.

In addition, there are billiard schools where, for a certain fee, they can make a good player out of any person. But you don’t have to visit this establishment to become a professional. Oddly enough, there is literature on billiards, and quite a lot of it. Most beginners are not interested in this and their skills will not be very effective. This is a very important step that will help you build the right tactics in the future. Thanks to books, you can learn the basics of this game, knowledge of which will make the learning process more interesting and faster.

Rack selection

The correct stance is half the success. This term refers to the position of the body during impact. However, to learn how to stand up correctly, you don’t have to hit the balls. First you need to take a cue and wrap your fingers about ten centimeters from its heavy end. The tool should not dangle, but you shouldn’t strain your hand either.

Then you need to go to the billiard table and place the thin end of the cue on its edge perpendicularly. The right leg should be placed under the right hand. The left leg needs to be pulled to the left and placed half a meter in front of the right. Then you need to place your left hand under the cue. It should go between the thumb and the knuckle of the index finger. The remaining fingers play the role of support. The palm should be on the table and the knuckles raised.

Then you need to put your head so that your chin is ten centimeters above the cue. Usually beginners always have shoulder pain, but this is a good sign. This means he did everything right, and with regular training the unpleasant feeling will go away.

Billiard shots

When answering the question of how to play billiards correctly, experienced players answer: first you need to learn how to hit the balls. It is recommended to use chalk before each action to help create friction. After this, you need to choose the ball that is best to hit and the direction where it will ultimately hit. Then you should use the rules for getting into a stance. It must be formed so that the line of impact passes through the center of the ball that should be hit and coincides with this direction.

Many establishments hold billiards tournaments, and it is better to attend them if possible. Professionals play there, and watching their actions, you can note something important for yourself. It should be remembered that before hitting you need to carry out several warm-up movements. The gaze should first be directed to the point where the cue ball will hit, then check whether the cue rests on the center of the ball, and finally pay attention to the aiming level.

Meaning of Impact and Stance

In any billiards school, the main focus is on these components. Whatever one may say, there is nothing to do in this game without the correct stance and the right shot. These skills deteriorate over time, so you need to constantly train them. Moreover, it is not necessary to do this during the game. You can come to the establishment yourself, rent a billiards table and practice your shots.

Before moving on to this component, you need to be able to stand up correctly. After all, it is almost impossible to make a good shot without the right approach. Therefore, in specialized schools they first train the stance. It is also recommended to watch video lessons and attend billiards tournaments. In most cases, entry to the competition is free, but the experience gained is invaluable.

Exercises for beginners

  • Dry kick training. Here you need to move the cue along the line several times, you need to make sure that it does not go to the side.
  • Hit “your” ball into the pocket. This is quite simple to do, but the process will build strength and precision.
  • Hit someone else's ball. Little by little you need to try to introduce another cue ball into your training and try to hit it.
  • Cut blows.

These steps represent a certain algorithm that must be followed when setting a shot. Even experienced players sometimes practice by placing two balls on the center line of the table. There are many ways out of this situation. The simplest one is to hit the “alien” ball into the middle pocket.

In this case, “one of our own” can bounce anywhere, and the next blow will be quite difficult to perform. Therefore, the position of the ball after impact is of great importance in the game. Professionals can make a klapstoss (a blow to the center of the cue ball), in which “their” ball will remain in place. If you hit with a backdrop, the cue ball will roll back and there is a chance of hitting the opposite pocket. If you hit with a roll, “your” will roll after the other and, perhaps, two cue balls will fly in at once. Such training will allow you to hone your skills in different types of shots; if such a situation arises during the game, many options will appear.

Training with a trainer

Many people believe that working with a professional is necessary on the path to becoming a high-level player. There is some truth to this. We have already looked at how to play billiards correctly and what is needed for this. If the goal is to become, then self-study is not enough. In this case, working with a trainer is mandatory.

Playing constantly among experts is worth a lot. After all, by training with the best, your skills develop faster. Once all the basics have been covered, you can learn different tricks. There are a huge number of them in billiards, just standing or screwing. Of course, it is very difficult to perform such shots, but if you try, you can become a master of the game.

Some tips from professional players:

  1. The first blow that breaks the triangle is called a "break". To successfully perform it, it is recommended to place the cue ball not at the central point, but 10-15 cm to the left or right.
  2. To punch strongly, you need to stand up correctly. Feet shoulder-width apart, right on the cue line, left toe at a right angle.
  3. To make a good blow, you need support. You cannot jerk your hand; the cue should be placed between the thumb and index finger.
  4. The height of the support must be adjusted so that the cue rests 1-2 mm above the center of the cue ball.
  5. For a soft strike you need the correct position of the cue. It should lie on the pads of the striking hand. While aiming, the weight must be kept on the back leg, then suddenly transferred to the front leg and punched hard. If you do everything right, the blow will turn out great.

Before moving on to the basics, it is worth explaining to you that it is very difficult to teach a person to play billiards with the help of video lessons, books and other literature. The best option would be a good qualified coach - a person who can really teach you something and point out mistakes when performing different techniques for hitting object balls and how to perform a stance correctly. Why do you need a teacher if you can watch online video billiard lessons? The coach needs to stand behind you and watch for your mistakes, and he must organize the training in such a way that it is much more interesting for you to train than to play. Billiards lessons for beginners videos are intended not only for viewing, but also for understanding the technique of making shots and training the movements themselves, honing skills.

How to play billiards video?

A game of billiards begins with a stance - the correct positioning of the legs, arms, and torso. In all this mess, you also need to add a cue to ensure high-quality play. Here are some things to pay attention to: The elbow should never be higher than the top of the head during impact. This arrangement results in a top-down impact, in other words, into the table. If you neglect this advice, be careful that not a single normal feint or trick will fully work; the cue must be pushed straight with free play; the legs are positioned at approximately 45 degrees to the aiming line; the stand must be designed in such a way that it is a source of interference during a straight strike;

Grab billiards video.

Thanks to it, the best accurate strike is ensured and it is not for nothing that it is considered the main component. You shouldn’t hold the cue as if it’s going to jump out of your hands. You need to transform yourself into a free and relaxed state. Keep your shot light, from your sights all the way through to hitting the object ball. It is recommended to use only three fingers to support the cue itself, and a thumb to lock it into a normal position. Professionals advise avoiding excessive squeezing of your hand with all five fingers, as if you were using a baseball bat instead of a cue, but forget to hold the tips too, this is not a teaspoon.

How to beat billiards video lessons?

The moment by which the cue ball moves along the object balls is called the shock-swing moment. This action is the result of the movement of the arm bent at the elbow, as if a lever is pushing the cue towards the cue ball. Each person’s hitting style is different and it directly depends on their height, for example, tall people try to keep the cue closer to the edge, unlike children and short players. As mentioned above, the elbow should not be higher than the point where the head is located, but on the contrary, the forearm must be perpendicular to the table or to the board. This positioning of the hand ensures smooth movement of the cue, and the distance between the swing and the coupling is the same. This provision is taken as a basis, but is not mandatory. Peculiarities of behavior at the moment of impact: the ball is hit only with a sticker (I think this is already clear to everyone); Regardless of body position or stance, one foot must be on the floor. This does not mean that you can lie on the table and perform all sorts of tricks in this position :), adhere to this rule.

What is a bridge, Russian billiards video lessons?

The bridge is a kind of wrist rest. Its open version is suitable for light shots without the use of any scrolling or when the cue ball is in a difficult place. There is also a closed version - recommended for those who are just starting to learn the basics of playing billiards.

Eyes matter! Russian billiards lessons for beginners video.

Every person who decides to understand the basics of the game must determine the abilities of his eyes, namely aiming. Playing billiards is a little similar to shooting at targets at a shooting range, where you need to close your right or left eye while aiming with a front sight. The situation is the same in billiards, because here it is also necessary to set a visual point of impact, which will become the beginning of the strike. There are times when players use the full vision of both eyes. In order to determine which eye is best suited for the role of a sight, place the chalk on the far short side of the table, and position yourself on the opposite side. Now, raise your hands and point your finger at him, focusing your gaze on him. Close your left eye and you may find that if your index finger continues to point at the chalk, then your right eye is the target eye. For maximum confidence, now close it too, and you will be able to find that your finger is now pointing not at the chalk, but somewhere a little to the side. Using this simple method, you can find out which eye is the most accurate in aiming. When the deviation of the index finger is insignificant - just a little, then congratulations, you have good vision and you do not need to close any of them.

Learning to hit balls, billiards video lessons

It is this part that will be of interest to you, since it is the main component of any game of billiards. I have no doubt that you have often seen true masters of their craft roll balls with amazing accuracy, as if a maestro was performing another world-class work on stage. "What's the secret?" - you ask. Many of these masters have come a long way, which was accompanied by grueling training in honing technique and aim, and started in early childhood. Those who decided to devote their lives to this sport became legends, while the rest simply went astray, giving way to others.

It’s worth developing your striking technique from small beginnings, and only then moving on to more complex combinations. Let's start with the fact that there are several options for hitting the cue ball: “Klapstos” - in common parlance it is called a strike in the center. Using this option ensures maximum use of force and breaking the pyramid of object balls; “Roll-up” - strike over the central point; “Draw” - a blow to the center point; “Right side” - the blow is made to the right of the center point; “Left side kick” - a strike to the left of the center point. In total, there are only nine impact points on the ball, with which you can control its movement. Billiards is a difficult game in which you need to take a cue and hit the balls, expecting that one of them will definitely fall into the pocket. It is necessary to take into account not only body position, stance, technique, but also the laws of physics. Here are some of them: after a simple impact, the angle of incidence is always equal to the reflection; using sidewall, the angle of incidence is different from reflection. Physics, as a science, is well used when performing doublet and apricole. A doublet is a type of shot after which the ball hits the side and only then enters the pocket. You can use this approach regardless of the location of the object ball on the table, the main thing is to aim correctly and make a swinging movement with your hand. The quality of this technique directly depends on the point of impact and the aim. There are several variants of the doublet: “straight” - hits straight without any deviations with the selection of the impact force depending on the location of the ball; “cut” - a complex type where the fall and reflection are not the same, which forces the player to create the effect of a cut blow; “Croiset” is a type of cut doublet in which the cue ball is located at an obtuse angle to the line that connects the middle pockets. Another representative is apricole. Beginners love to practice it, because due to its simplicity in execution, it produces impressive shots that can delight spectators. Its essence is to hit the board, causing the cue ball to bounce off it, and then, using this method, drive the ball into the pocket. You can perform both direct strikes and twisting strokes for the greatest effect.

To make it a real weapon in your arsenal, you must adhere to the following principles: before striking, you need to determine the point of impact on the side; try to build a trajectory of future movement in your mind; select the force for the shock-swing movement; We choose where we will hit the aim ball with the sticker. It will become easier for you to build all these schemes if you are aware of this: a simple blow during apricole ensures the uniformity of the angle of incidence to reflection; the sidewall, on the contrary, changes this uniformity radically. To correctly guess how the ball will behave after hitting it against the side, you can use the following methods: “mathematical calculation” - imagine that the table is a blank sheet of paper, and your vision is a pencil. Seeing the balls on it and knowing that you must use the board as an auxiliary element, you need to visually draw a line. I hope all of you have played the computer version, where at the initial level you can see a long line from the ball, and here too - you need to reproduce as accurately as possible the process of the ball moving on the table; “cross without a zero” is one of the ways to calculate a trajectory when two intersecting lines are visually drawn on the table, forming a cross. The first line starts from the cue ball to a point on the board, which is located opposite the object ball, the second also in the reverse order. The point from their intersection will be the center at which the apricole should be struck; “rectangle” - suitable only when the distance between the balls is significant, and using the above methods becomes problematic; “mirror” - you need to turn on your imagination and, in addition to the lines, also imagine a ball that will be at the same distance as the aiming one and, following the set plan, make a strike. Apricole requires constant training in coming up with tactics that will ensure the perfect execution of the blow. It is this element that is key if it is not possible to hit the ball directly, and the skill of apricole using the sides of the table is the pinnacle of skill in playing billiards.

Russian billiards. Large illustrated encyclopedia Zhilin Leonid


Straight balls, when they are close, are really very good and easy to play. However, a straight ball fetters the player’s hands, allowing only three options for continuing the game: after a hit, the “own” ball remains in place, after the hit, the “own” ball rolls forward; and the last thing - “our own” rolls back after the perfect blow. But the presence of cutting gives much more opportunities, excluding only one of the above-mentioned continuation options: stopping “your” ball in place. With good playing skills and technique, cutting allows you to own the entire table space. One has only to slightly shift one of the balls from the axis of direct impact - cutting immediately appears. Such situations occur all the time in the game.

The need to play balls poses immutable conditions: you need to hit the cue ball at a point on the object ball from which a straight line runs through the mathematical center of the object ball to the center of the pocket. When cutting small, this point on the object ball is still visible, but as the cutting increases, it becomes almost invisible. In other words, cutting is a blow with the cue ball aimed at the object ball so that the impact is not “head-on”, but as if to the side, at a certain angle.

To determine this angle, draw an imaginary straight line between the middle of the “entrance” of the pocket and the center of the object ball. The exit point of the line on the side of the object ball opposite the pocket is the point where contact between the cue ball and the object ball should occur. It is easiest to perform a slice shot when the aiming point is visible, that is, when the “object ball - pocket” and “object ball - cue ball” lines form an angle of more than 90°. An angle of 90° is the limit for cutting, such a blow is called “limit cutting”. In this case, one of the central blows is applied to the cue ball (klapstos, roll, pull). It all depends on where the cue ball needs to be placed after the shot. And you need to put it not just anywhere, or even where you know how, but where it is necessary. Move your interests closer to the middle of the table. From here you can see the entire “clearing”, and you can find balls standing on the shot under a convenient cut into both corner and middle pockets. On this spot of the table, called the “pasture,” the fate of the party is sometimes decided. Shots from the center of the field (when there are no obstacles) usually bring high results, and they are also effective and simple. When performing them, the player has to control only three quantities, which is not so much for billiards: cutting, impact force, point on “his” ball.

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First, we determine the expected path of the object ball into the pocket, then the aiming point.

To do this you need:

Know (or measure) the diameter of the ball (standard balls in Russian billiards have a diameter of 60 and 68 mm, in American billiards - 57 mm);

Place 1/2 of the diameter along the line of the intended path of the object ball in the direction opposite to the ordered pocket - this will be the aiming point.

All that remains for you is to aim at a given point and hit the cue ball.

Executing a kick

Rub the sticker with chalk before each stroke.

Keep the hand with which you are going to strike at a fairly close distance from the body, but without allowing the cue to touch the body, hips, edges of clothing, etc.

Do not push the elbow of your right hand to the side and do not press it to the body.

Make sure your elbow and hand move easily and relaxed.

When hitting, aim the cue forward in a perfectly straight, horizontal (or nearly horizontal) line.

Before throwing the shot, make a few gentle movements to simulate the shot and adjust your aim point or stance if necessary.

When performing a shot correctly, the player should be absolutely motionless, with the exception of a pendulum-like movement of the area of ​​​​the right arm from the elbow joint to the wrist (some players slightly lower their elbow after hitting the cue ball, this usually does not harm the game). The hand and wrist are relaxed, they work like a hinge and should not affect the trajectory of the cue or the force of the blow. In very rare cases, a short wrist shot is used (the elbow is motionless, and the cue is driven only by the hand), beginners should not use it until they have mastered the basic technique of the strike.

After contact with the cue ball, your cue should move at least 5-10 cm to the place where the cue ball stood before the impact, as if “accompanying” it.

Here, as in many other sports, smoothness and uniformity of movement play a decisive role.

Try not to jerk the cue or stop immediately after it hits the cue ball: let the cue gently move forward and stop without your additional effort.

While tracing the path of the cue ball, freeze in your stance after making the shot, at least until the cue ball meets the ball. Do not rush to straighten up or raise the cue immediately after hitting.

The most common mistake new pool players make is hitting too hard. A typical weak shot in pool is considered to be a shot in which the cue ball, launched on an empty table at the opposite side (along the table), travels a path of approximately two table lengths, reflecting off the sides once or twice. A blow of this force is used by experienced players 90% of the time. Practice a straight center shot with the cue ball into the boards on an empty table so that you can control the force of the shot without straining.

Breaking the pyramid

When playing billiards, control over the playing field and the location of the balls on it before and after your shot is very important. To a large extent, this also applies to the first blow of the party - the robbery of the pyramid (Fig. 28).

It is important to remember that you can only break the pyramid as much as possible with a head-on blow to the top of the pyramid. Place the cue ball at any point behind the home line (eight-of-eight pool game), hit the cue ball forcefully 3-5mm above center, aiming for the top of the pyramid.

Your cue sticker will stop at approximately center mark. Some players use a roll when doing this kind of robbery. The probability of a successful hit is quite high, since the pyramid will probably completely break and one of the balls will most likely fall into the pocket (it is better if it is not the cue ball or the eighth ball). However, you are unlikely to be able to plan such a game further, especially if not a single ball ends up in the pocket.

How to play the first shot with maximum benefit?

Most experienced players agree that when breaking a pyramid, you should use a hit that, depending on your level, will allow you to maintain control of the table. It is not advisable to use an obvious side kick and a roll-up strike on the cue ball.

Try the following option as a workout. Place the cue ball 7-10 cm from the board on the home line. Hit the shot just below and to the left of the center of the cue ball, but not so low as to give it significant backward rotation. Aim for the second ball from the top of the pyramid. Your goal is to send the top ball into the middle pocket. Depending on the force of the blow, after hitting the board, you can send the ball towards the front board, and the balls at the base of the pyramid, in a good situation, into the corner pockets. Such a blow requires some practice, but it gives a good result, as you will definitely see for yourself.

Illegal strikes

In the game of billiards, as in any other sport, there are shots, the use of which is taboo. Such strikes include: push, push and double strike.

Pushed through

A push is performed when the cue ball and object ball are close to each other and to the pocket. Basically, novice players try to put the object ball in the pocket without lifting the cue from the cue ball (Fig. 29), for which they receive penalty points.

In Fig. Figure 30 shows the correct execution of hitting balls located in a certain way: in such a game situation it is best to use cutting.


As a rule, the pressure is performed by beginners in a situation where the ball being played and the cue ball are at the mouth of the pocket. At the same time, the cue is held parallel to the plane of the ball, positioning it along the long side, and with a pushing motion they drive the other ball into the pocket (Fig. 32).

Such a strike is not called a penalty. The balls in the position described above must be played sharply, as in the previous case (Fig. 31).

Double punch

A double strike occurs when the cue stick touches the cue ball while aiming. A double strike is also punishable by a penalty point.

January 29, 2014 1881 To properly control and manage the execution of doublet and apricole in billiards, you must:

Determine the aiming point when hitting from the side;
- build in your mind the trajectory of the object ball;
- determine the force of the blow;
- correctly determine the point of impact on the object ball.

So, as discussed in the article on reflected balls, there are several laws of physics that must be addressed when executing reflected balls. Let us recall two of them:

1. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection (with a simple impact).

2. The angle of incidence may not be equal to the angle of reflection (with lateral).
How to determine the aiming point when striking from the side? There are several methods.

1. Mathematical calculation.
If the cue ball and object ball are the same distance from the board, you should aim at a point on the board, right in the middle between the balls. What to do in the situation shown in the figure? The formula is suitable here: y=ax/(a+b). But you are unlikely to walk around the table with a ruler and a calculator; for this it is better to use “diamonds” on the sides of the table and compare the distances between the “diamonds” and the distance of the balls from the board. Yes, this requires a good eye and a clear picture of the game situation in your mind. This is what billiard skill is built on.

2. "Cross".
Mentally draw a cross, as in the picture on the right. One line will go from the cue ball to a point on the board opposite the object ball, and the second from the object ball to a similar point opposite the cue ball. These lines naturally have an intersection point. The aiming point in this case will be the projection of the point of intersection of the lines onto the side. This method is easy to use if the balls are located at a relatively short distance from each other. The aiming point determined in this way, in accordance with the laws of geometry, exactly coincides with the aiming point determined by the above formula.

3. "Parallels".
When using this method, we find a point in the middle between the object ball and the cue ball. Then mentally draw a line between the point on the board opposite the object ball and the point determined at the beginning. The cue ball's trajectory will be parallel to this line. This method should not be used when the distance between the balls is relatively large. The aiming point determined by this method naturally coincides with the points determined by the methods indicated above.

4. "Rectangle".
This method is well applicable when the distances between the balls are significant. First, let’s determine the aiming point “by eye.” Let's draw a line between the intended aiming point and the object ball. On this line we will put a point that will be removed from the board at the same distance as the cue ball. Let's connect this point, the point on which the cue ball is located, with the points on the board opposite the cue ball and the object ball and thus form a rectangle. The intended aiming point will be correct if it is in the middle of the side of the rectangle adjacent to the board. If at first you did not correctly determine the intended aiming point, there is nothing to worry about, you have already determined it anyway. This, as you already said, is the point in the middle between Z and X

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