Technological process. Examples of a technological map and its preparation. An example of filling out technological maps How to draw up a technical map

Any catering establishment is required to create technological maps - this is required by law. Today we will tell you: what technical maps are, what they are like and how to automate work with technological maps.

What is a technological map

In general, a technical map is a document containing information about the ingredients of a dish and how to prepare it. It contains the following information:

  • quantity and name of products included in the dish;
  • recipe;
  • rules for registration and submission.

The procedure for compiling, maintaining and storing technological maps is regulated by GOST 31987-2012 “Public catering services”. This document is mandatory for use in all catering establishments, regardless of their form of ownership. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in penalties in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Sample technological map

What are the technology maps?

Simple technological map - TK

Suitable for dishes prepared according to standard recipes. Such recipes are listed in culinary reference books and approved by the relevant GOSTs. In this case, simplified requirements apply to the document: only the composition and recipe are indicated. At the request of the organization, you can indicate the nutritional value. Important point: the source of the recipe must be indicated in the TC. This may be a link to the reference book or GOST from which it was taken.

Simple TCs serve to ensure that catering enterprises do not reinvent the wheel every time. There is no point in developing your own recipe for boiled potatoes in each canteen - this process is formulaic. The rules for drawing up a TC according to a simplified scheme are specified in GOST 31987-2012 “Public catering services”.

Technical and technological map - TTK

But here everything is more complicated. Such a document is developed for each new dish that is not in any reference book. There is much more information here. The TTC must indicate:

  • name of the organization that developed the technical and technological map;
  • application area. In this paragraph, a list of catering establishments is written that can use the recipe at their premises;
  • requirements for raw materials. Here is a list of accompanying documents, confirmation of security, and so on;
  • name and quantity of ingredients;
  • total mass of the dish at the exit. During cooking or cooking, dishes may lose some weight - this must be taken into account;
  • complete description of the technological process. Everything is taken into account: from the methods of cutting products to the cooking time. For each standard process, you must indicate a link to GOST or the regulatory document according to which it is carried out. For imported products, their own recommendations are used;
  • requirements for the design and rules of serving the dish, as well as storage conditions;
  • quality and safety parameters. This paragraph describes appearance, nutritional value of the dish, its taste and smell.

The TTK is developed by the responsible person and approved by the head of the catering establishment.

Technical and technological map of Greek salad

TC and TTK must be printed, have live signatures with seals and be stored in an accessible place. They must be presented at the request of the inspection authorities.

Below you can download samples of technical maps for some dishes and drinks:

Technological maps are drawn up not only for catering products, but also in any other area where products are made from any raw materials.

Technological maps and commodity accounting systems

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It's no secret that all enterprises that do not operate in accordance with the Collection of Recipes (Technological Standards) are required to develop a "Technical and Technological Map" document. However, not everyone understands how the TTK differs from the Technological Map, and what it should look like. In this article we will give a detailed answer to this question.

So, the requirements for the design of the TTK and the information contained therein are set out in detail in GOST 31987-2012. We will not describe in detail the contents of GOST; we will limit ourselves to describing the main features.

Unlike the Technological Map, in the Technical and Technological Map, along with calorie content calculation, indication of the scope of application, requirements for raw materials and requirements for sales and supply, it is necessary to calculate and indicate the following indicators:

  • Organoleptic characteristics
  • Physico-chemical indicators (mass fractions)
  • Microbiological indicators for the corresponding food group

Below we present the methodology for developing the TTK and describe in detail the calculation of all the necessary indicators. This methodology is based on the Methodological Instructions, and all documents are generated automatically in the program for chefs and technologists "Chef Expert".

Let's consider, for example, the calculation of all indicators for the TTK for the dish "Odessa Sausages"

1. Calculation of the nutritional and energy value of a dish

We calculate the nutritional and energy value of a dish based on the methodology given in the Guidelines for laboratory quality control of public catering products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40/3805 dated November 11, 1991) (Part 2).

1.1. We determine the protein content in the first ingredient of the recipe - “Fat mesh (Pryatine)”. We find the protein content in 100 grams of the ingredient using reference tables of chemical composition recommended for use by the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor). Protein content in 100 grams of the ingredient “Fat mesh (Pryatine)” = 1.4 grams. Net weight of the ingredient “Fat mesh (Pryatine)” according to the recipe = 42 grams, therefore, the amount of protein in the ingredient = 42/100 * 1.4 = 0.59 grams (art. 7 in part 1). This ingredient is SUBJECT to heat treatment, therefore, protein loss during heat treatment is determined according to reference data = 10% (Article 10 in Part 1). Thus, the total amount of protein in the ingredient = 0.59*(100-10)/100 = 0.53 grams. (Art. 14 in Vol. 1)

1.2. The ingredient “Fat mesh (Pryatine)” HAS NO TECHNOLOGICAL LOSSES after heat treatment (Article 13 in Volume 1), therefore the total amount of protein in the ingredient = 0.53*(100-0)/100 = 0.53 grams.

1.3. The ingredient “Fat mesh (Pryatine)” IS taken into account in the yield of the dish (Article 17 in part 1), therefore the protein content is taken into account in the total protein content in the dish.

1.4. Similarly, we determine the content of carbohydrates and fats in the ingredient.

1.5. In the same way, we determine the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for all ingredients in the dish, and enter the data obtained in Table 1.

2. Calculation of the mass fraction of dry substances *

2.1. We determine the content of dry matter in the first ingredient of the recipe - “Fat mesh (Pryatine)”. The content of dry substances in 100 grams of the ingredient is determined from reference tables of chemical composition recommended for use by the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor). The content of dry substances in 100 grams of the ingredient “Fat mesh (Pryatine)” = 94.3 grams. Net weight of the ingredient “Fat mesh (Pryatine)” according to the recipe = 42 grams, therefore, the amount of dry matter in the ingredient = 42/100*94.3 = 39.61 grams.

2.2. The ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatine)" HAS NO TECHNOLOGICAL LOSSES after heat treatment (Article 13 in Part 1), therefore the total amount of dry matter in the ingredient = 39.61*(100-0)/100 = 39.61 gram.

2.3. The ingredient “Fat mesh (Pryatine)” IS taken into account in the yield of the dish (Article 17 in part 1), therefore the content of dry matter is taken into account in the total content of dry matter in the dish.

2.4. Similarly, we determine the dry matter content for all ingredients in the dish and sum up the resulting values.

2.5. To convert the dry matter content in a dish into a percentage, multiply the resulting amount by 100 and divide by the portion yield (100 grams).

2.6. We sum up this percentage with the maximum permissible salt content in the dish = 1.33%. Thus, we obtain the Maximum (theoretical) dry matter content in the dish = 62.39%.

2.7. The minimum permissible content of dry substances is calculated using the formula: for first courses and sauces: 0.85*Maximum content of dry substances, for other dishes: 0.9*Maximum content of dry substances. 0.85 and 0.9 are coefficients that take into account the loss of dry substances during the cooking process and permissible deviations when portioning dishes. Thus, min. permissible dry matter content in the dish = 62.39 * 0.9 = 56.15%.

* In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Guidelines for laboratory quality control of public catering products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40/3805 dated November 11, 1991), in this category of dishes the mass fraction of dry substances is DETERMINED during laboratory analysis.

3. Calculation of fat mass fraction**

3.1. We determine the amount of net fat in the ingredient “Fat mesh (Hide)” (the mass fraction of fat is taken into account only in the main fat-containing ingredients (butter, sour cream, milk, etc.)), by multiplying the net mass of the ingredient (in grams) by the fat content (in scales per 100 g of ingredient, or in %) and division by 100. Data on the content of natural fat in cereals, meat products, etc. neglected. MJ = 42/100*0 = 0 grams.
3.2. The ingredient “Fat mesh (Pryatine)” HAS NO TECHNOLOGICAL LOSSES after heat treatment (Article 13 in Part 1), therefore the total amount of fat in the ingredient = 0*(100-0)/100 = 0 grams.
3.3. The ingredient “Fat mesh (Pryatine)” IS taken into account in the yield of the dish (Article 17 in item 1), therefore the fat content of the ingredient is taken into account in the total fat content in the dish.
3.4. Similarly, we determine the fat content for all ingredients in the dish and sum up the resulting values.

** In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Guidelines for laboratory quality control of public catering products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40/3805 dated November 11, 1991), in this category of dishes the mass fraction of fat is NOT DETERMINED during laboratory analysis.

4. Calculation of the mass fraction of sugar ***

4.1. We determine the amount of pure sugar in the ingredient “Fat mesh (Hide)” (the mass fraction of sugar in sucrose is taken into account only in granulated sugar, refined sugar, powdered sugar, etc.), by multiplying the net mass of the ingredient (in grams) by the content sugar (in grams per 100 g of ingredient, or in%) and dividing by 100. MDS = 42/100*0 = 0 grams.
4.2. The ingredient “Fat mesh (Pryatine)” HAS NO TECHNOLOGICAL LOSSES after heat treatment (Article 13 in Part 1), therefore the total amount of sugar in the ingredient = 0*(100-0)/100 = 0 grams.
4.3. The ingredient “Fat mesh (Pryatine)” IS taken into account in the yield of the dish (Article 17 in item 1), therefore the sugar content of the ingredient is taken into account in the total sugar content in the dish.
4.4. Similarly, we determine the sugar content for all ingredients in the dish, sum up the resulting values ​​and multiply by a coefficient that takes into account the loss of sucrose in the dish = 0.97.
4.5. To convert the mass fraction of sugar in a dish into a percentage, multiply the resulting amount by 100 and divide by the serving yield (100 grams). Sugar content in dish = 0%

*** In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Guidelines for laboratory quality control of public catering products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40/3805 dated November 11, 1991), in this category of dishes the mass fraction of sugar is NOT DETERMINED during laboratory analysis .

5. Calculation of mass fraction of salt ****

**** In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Guidelines for laboratory quality control of public catering products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40/3805 dated November 11, 1991), in this category of dishes the mass fraction of salt is DETERMINED during laboratory analysis .

6. Microbiological indicators

6.1. To determine microbiological quality indicators, we are guided by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021-2011 “On the safety of food products”.

A correctly formed technical and technological map looks like this:

In general, the process of developing a TTK is not particularly difficult if you develop documents using a special program. Calculating all the indicators on a calculator is very time-consuming and ineffective. You can learn more about the program for developing Technological Documentation "Chef Expert" on the official website

Pedagogical rationale for the lesson:

In this lesson, students begin a new creative project, which involves students performing independent, consistent actions in implementing a specific plan. Since any creative work is a certain sequence of actions in the implementation of a certain plan, this requires the correct sequence of actions. Teaching students to master these research methods is one of the most important tasks of all educational field, including this lesson.

Lesson time: 90 minutes

Lesson Objectives:


  • teach students to independently plan activities based on acquired knowledge and developed skills,
  • reveal the essence of the stool manufacturing process from the point of view of the technological process;
  • implementation of acquired knowledge on the production of technological maps when solving a new problem;


  • develop students’ labor skills and ability to draw up technological maps
  • develop imagination, a creative approach to doing work
  • develop the ability to break a task into subtasks;


  • cultivate a conscientious attitude towards the tasks performed;
  • foster respect for equipment and tools

Tools and Equipment:

Visual aids:

  • routing,
  • finished products (stools of different designs),
  • parts blanks.

Form of study:

  • individual,
  • group

Brief Lesson Plan

I. Organizing time

II. Updating knowledge

III. Explanation new topic.

IV. Practical part of the lesson.

V. Analysis of student work, summing up

VI. Homework


I. Organizational moment

Checking the list of students, reporting the topic, goals and content of the lesson

Checking students' readiness for the lesson (condition of work stations, availability of notebooks, pens)

Determines the topic of the lesson, motivates final result

II. Updating knowledge

  1. What's happened technological process? (A technological process is a part of the production process that contains targeted actions to change the shape, size and properties of materials when making a product from them. The technological process is carried out using various technological equipment: machines, fixtures, tools).
  2. What is a technological map? ( A technological map is a document in which the entire process of processing product parts is recorded, indicating technological operations)

III. Explanation of new material

From today's lesson we will start making a stool.

Demonstration of finished products (stools)

Which stool do you want to make?

When the idea is determined, students move on to the next, most important stage in creative activity - translating the idea into sketches.

IV. Practical part of the lesson

Students create a technological map for making a stool

Sequence of operations

Graphic image

Tools, devices

Select workpieces, mark, cut the workpiece

ruler, pencil, hacksaw

Process workpieces on the machine

jointing machine FSSH-2

Plan and saw to size. Diagonally find the center for turning on a lathe

workbench, ruler, pencil, hacksaw, hammer, crank

Marking and installing the workpiece on a lathe

machine STD-120M, calipers, cutters, ruler, pencil

Turning the workpiece to size and shape

machine STD-120M, template, reyer, Maisel

Sanding stool legs

sanding paper

Marking and making tenon nests

Drilling and slotting machine

Marking, sawing, planing inserts

Pencil, ruler, plane, hacksaw, square

Making a tenon joint

Workbench, ruler, square, hacksaw, chisel, knife

Assembling the stool frame (connecting the legs to the inserts)

Wood glue, mallet

Making a countertop: marking, sawing, grinding

Workbench, ruler, pencil, hacksaw, wood file, sanding paper

Product assembly

Workbench, wood glue, dowel, mallet

V. Analysis of student work, summing up

When assessing students' work, the teacher takes into account the consistency and correctness of the work.

VI. Homework

Draw up technological maps for different types stools, indicate their purpose (children’s, kitchen, for work, household needs, etc.).

I bring to your attention practical recommendations for editing and constructing a graphical information object, which is an information technology map, using the application Ms PowerPoint. Sometimes you have to face the need to create an instruction-algorithm for performing technological processes. Sometimes the material collected for this purpose contains a lot of redundant information, but I would like to make a logically verified and elegantly executed, concise map. Such that without any preparation it would be possible to begin performing operations. In this case, the PowerPoint presentation generator, which is probably installed on most school computers, can help out. Of course, its functionality is incomparable with professional graphics editors, but it can also surprise you with some things. For example, I wanted to create a document showing the entire technological process step by step - please...
Within the framework of the article it is given short description practical recommendations, if you wish, you can download more detailed instructions on performing the transformation of a graphic image, as well as a presentation in which not only the described technological maps are made, but also a number of other maps.
Relevance of the topic associated with the need to use information technology cards when teaching students cooking processes
various types of dishes.
Goal of the work: show the possibilities of processing graphic images using Ms PowerPoint.
- involve PC users in interactive activities;
- develop the cognitive and creative activity of PC users;
- maintain and develop the interest of PC users in working with
graphic objects;
- develop imagination, memory, logical thinking;
- instill interest in educational information;
- improve the information culture of PC users;
- cultivate perseverance, unconventional thinking, ability to accept
Description of work: This development considers the editing of graphic and text objects, with further reduction into a single composition, performed in the Microsoft PowerPoint application:
- preparation of slides;
- applying a SmartArt graphic element template;
- inserting text into a SmartArt graphic element template;
- template editing;
- insertion of additional elements of the technological map;
- text design of the technological map;
- saving the document.
To ensure high-quality conversion of a graphic image, you should understand the principles of constructing and modifying graphic images in the Microsoft PowerPoint application. Before you start saving the final image, you should find the optimal image settings, guided by your taste and ideas about the aesthetics of the frame.
This work is intended for teachers, students in grades 9-11, college students, when editing and creatively transforming graphic images.
Practical recommendations:
To edit the technological map, you should use the application Microsoft PowerPoint no earlier than 2010. In earlier versions, you may not find some effects, which will make it difficult to complete the task. In our case, version 2010 was used, so owners of earlier versions of the application Microsoft PowerPoint will be forced to look for alternative options. Although there are no fundamental differences.
First, let's define the terms of what a technological map is.
A technological map should be understood as an information and technological document containing a description of the process of manufacturing, processing, production of a certain type of product, production operations, equipment used, and the time mode for carrying out operations.
Our technological maps are designed in such a way that the image can be downloaded to a smartphone and all operations can be performed while looking at its screen, enlarging the image if necessary. The arrangement of operations from bottom to top on a technological map is a modern way of perceiving information from a monitor screen. Arrows on the map help you navigate and take correct solution when performing technological operations.
The creation of a technological map is based on the technology of converting selected drawings into graphic elements SmartArt for easy organization, adding signatures and resizing the picture.
When choosing a layout for SmartArt graphic Consideration should be given to how the information is displayed. When creating a graphic element SmartArt you are prompted to select its type, for example Process, Hierarchy or Communication. The type corresponds to the category of the graphic element SmartArt and contains several different layouts.
Since you can switch layouts quickly and easily, try using different ones (of different types) until you find the right one.
I would especially like to emphasize the fact that the developed technological maps are educational material for college students; the use of sharp cutting tools is technologically justified and reflects educational goals classes. I consider it unacceptable to use such cards for schoolchildren without safety instructions.
However, based on the developed maps, you can create your own maps, for example, by modeling from plasticine, or practicing drawing techniques.
Stage I Preparing slides

To create a technological map, it is important, first of all, to take an integrated approach. Our map will consist of three slides. Elements on the map will be located from bottom to top, which means that we will carry out all stages for each of the slides simultaneously. We will place the initial slide at the bottom. The first slide will be the final one. This makes it easier to navigate.

Insert pictures from a pre-prepared folder. They must be in order.

Each slide should contain no more than 4 elements. A larger number of pictures can reduce the quality of perception of information from the technological map. It is necessary to take into account that the first picture is located on the right, the rest are in order from right to left. This is necessary due to the specific technology of the templates used.

In the same way we insert pictures onto the remaining slides.
Stage II Applying a SmartArt graphic template

To apply the conversion of slide images to a SmartArt graphic, you need to select all the images on the slide; to do this, select all the elements at once. I recommend making the selection wider so that all elements fall within the selection area.

The fact that each element is highlighted is indicated by the activation frame of the object.

Next, go to the “Working with Pictures” tab, from there to the “Format” tab, where we select the “Drawing Layout” item. In the drop-down window, among the icons, select “Process with images shifted in ascending order.” First, a schematic layout will be generated ready for editing.

To increase the size of the diagram, you need to enlarge the window of the SmartArt graphic element

It is advisable to stretch the SmartArt window to a square, moving the diagram to the right, leaving a small gap at the top. This way, all elements will be more readable.

Apply SmartArt graphic transformations to the remaining slides.
Stage III Inserting text into a SmartArt graphic template

Let's add captions to each drawing. To do this, to the left of the template window there is an additional window with fields for entering explanatory text.

I recommend typing the text manually, without using paste copied text. This is necessary so that the text is displayed correctly. The text should be as informative and short as possible.
Stage IV Template editing

Let's change the design elements of the template, first we'll lower the arrow down: we'll drag the points that make up the arrow one by one.

By dragging and enlarging the template elements, we place all the pictures on the slide.

In order for the technological map to be uniform, we will bring all the inscriptions to a single standard. This conversion must be performed for each text input field.
Stage V Insertion of additional elements of the technological map

We will number each slide of the technological map; for this purpose we will place the number in the “Callout with forward arrow” figure. All this is needed to improve the conditions for using the card.

On the final slide we will close the arrow using yellow dots used for settings

We will also insert additional explanatory pictures. It is advisable to do them on a white background. This will help make the flow chart more aesthetically pleasing.

The first slide contains a sample picture. It has a large format for visual evaluation of the resulting work.

The final slide provides a picture for you to transform yourself. Here students need to determine the technology for preparing the dish themselves.

On the middle slide we will place text describing the ingredients. This is all done from the “Insert” tab, then select the “Inscription” item. After typing the text, we will edit it.
Stage VI Text design of the technological map

Insert explanatory text onto the technological map using WordArt

To ensure that the edges of the picture do not overlap other pictures on the slide, move it to the background using the drop-down menu when you click right button mice.

Insert explanatory text for the final slide.

At the end, we’ll post a picture of the result of the work completed from a different angle.
Stage VII Saving the document

The procedure for saving a document is standard. If you need to make further adjustments to the routing, you must save the document in presentation format. But if the work on creating the map is completely finished, we save only photographs of the slides.

The number of slides does not matter when saving; all slides will be saved in a separate folder if we select “All slides”.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Technological map of the lesson as the basis for lesson design and an innovative tool for implementing the Federal State Educational Standard Completed by Teacher of the State Budget Educational Institution Lyceum No. 504 Zhogalskaya Svetlana Gennadievna Moscow 2015

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Technological lesson map as the basis for lesson design and an innovative tool for implementing the Federal State Educational Standard “If we want to achieve any goal through education, we must first of all be aware of this goal.” K.D.Ushinsky

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TECHNOLOGICAL CARD - a form of technological documentation in which the entire process of processing a product (topic) is recorded, operations and their components, materials, production equipment, tools, technological modes, time required for the manufacture of a product (subject), qualifications of workers, etc. P. (Polytechnic Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989). PRODUCTION

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PEDAGOGY Technological map is the new kind methodological products that ensure effective and high-quality teaching of educational courses in primary school and the possibility of achieving the planned results of mastering basic educational programs at the level of primary education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

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Methodological positions: it has the status of a document; the whole process is recorded in it; operations and their components are indicated; materials are named; equipment listed; tools are indicated; technological modes are indicated; time calculated; the qualification status of performers has been determined.

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Why do you need a lesson plan? To visualize the lesson as a whole (with goals, objectives, methods, forms, technical means of teaching, types of control, types of reflection...) To plan the achievement of meta-subject results For self-analysis and analysis of what is being done in the lesson (from different points vision) For clarity in setting educational objectives To create a reference summary for future lessons

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build an algorithm for working on the topic; determine the types of UUD that are formed on the material being studied; realize the educational possibilities of the topic; establish continuity in the study of the material; implement interdisciplinary connections. The technological map allows the teacher:

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Traditional abstract Technological map Goal setting in accordance with the knowledge paradigm in accordance with the planned results of the Federal State Educational Standard (three groups) The main method of description is explanatory and illustrative structural and logical; design Features of design by type of activity of the teacher by type of activity of the teacher and students Used teaching aids teacher and textbook as the main carriers of knowledge use of all components of teaching materials and modern resources Didactic approach interdisciplinary connections based on some elements of knowledge formation of a holistic picture of the world based on the real use of children’s life experience , knowledge from other subject areas, meta-subject knowledge Form of lesson description use of direct (conversation) or indirect speech of the teacher use of formulations, clear and concise description of the activity Teacher’s assessment of the results of learning as a whole by all participants - process, result, individual achievements

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Structural components of a technological lesson map: goal-setting block (what needs to be done, implemented) Instrumental block (by what means is this achievable) Organizational and activity block (structuring into actions and operations)

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GOAL SETTING BLOCK Lesson topic Goal of the lesson (goal setting, problem - identifying the discrepancy between the current life situation and the goal; achieving the goal is the process of overcoming this discrepancy.) 3. Planned result 4. Personality-forming focus of the lesson

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Instrumental block Lesson objectives Lesson type Educational and methodological complex: source of information equipment didactic support materials for the student’s cognitive activity

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Level tasks; Cards for independent work; Test texts independent work; Technological maps of laboratory work; Safety instructions; Tasks to complete in class; Self-test tasks; Other materials that the student directly works with, etc. Materials for students' cognitive activities

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Didactic support Problematic issues; Cognitive and activity attitudes; Conceptual apparatus; Logic; Drawings; Video recordings; Feedback indicators, etc.

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Discipline program; Lesson Plan; Literature for teachers; Literature for students; Textbooks; Collections of problems, practical tasks, dictations, etc.; Internet sites; Movies; Video recordings, audio recordings; Scientific periodicals; Mass periodical press; Educational television films, etc. Information sources

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Equipment Instruments; Technical training aids; Electronic learning tools; A television; Computers; The local network; Magnetic board; Cards; Drugs; Reagents; Demonstration models on the content of the academic discipline, etc.

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Lesson plan Diagnosis of lesson results Homework Organizational and activity-based block

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Structural elements of the technological map Vertically - stages of the lesson (for example): Organizational moment. Preparation for active cognitive activity. Setting a cognitive task. Assimilation of new knowledge. Initial check of understanding. Consolidation of knowledge. Self-test of knowledge. Summarizing. Homework.

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Horizontal: Tasks of each stage. Methods. Forms. Types of teacher activities. Student activities. Formed UUD: personal, communicative, cognitive, regulatory.

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* METAPUBJECT ACTIONS regulatory communicative cognitive goal setting speech means, incl. based on ICT, work with information: searching, recording, perception, incl. using ICT planning method of action control correction communication in interaction using models, signs and symbols, diagrams logical operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, seriation, classification, generalization, subsuming a concept, analogy, judgment reading ICT Evaluation based on the results of implementation Evaluation during the implementation of design research. active

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1. Determining the place of the lesson in the topic being studied and its type. 2. Formulation of the purpose of the lesson (educational, developmental, educational). 3. Designation of the stages of the lesson in accordance with its type. 4. Formulation of the purpose of each stage of the lesson. 5. Determination of the results of each stage (formed UUD, product). 6. Selection of forms of work in the lesson: - individual; - frontal; - steam room; - group. 7. Development of characteristics of teacher and student activities. This material can be used by teachers working in different educational systems. Having analyzed (based on open electronic sources of information) a fairly large number of technological lesson maps developed by practicing teachers, I came to the conclusion that a unified, established form of such a map does not yet exist. I chose the following technological map for the lesson: Stages of working on a technological map

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Formulations of activities of the teacher and students. Activities of the teacher. Formulations of activities examples. Students' activities Checks students' readiness for the lesson. Voices the topic and purpose of the lesson. Clarifies students' understanding of the lesson objectives. Brings up a problem. Creates an emotional mood for... Formulates the task... Reminds students how... Offers individual tasks. Write down words and sentences. Divide (sounds, words, etc.) into groups. Do the exercise in your notebook. Take turns commenting... Justify the choice of writing... Give examples. They write from dictation. They talk in a chain. Select (find, underline, comment) spellings.

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Structure of a technological lesson map Topic: Type: Objectives: Planned results Subject Metasubject Personal Interdisciplinary connections: Lesson resources: For the teacher: For students: Lesson progress: Content of the teacher’s activity Content of the student’s activity 1. Updating necessary knowledge 2. Motivation of cognitive activity 3. Organization of cognitive activity 4. Summing up Additional material: Diagnostics of achieving planned results: Additional creative tasks: Self-analysis Achievements Difficulties Suggestions

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Extended TC Main components of the lesson Lesson stage Time, min Purpose Results Content educational material Methods and techniques of work Forms of educational activities Activities of the teacher Activities of students

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Types of lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standard “... a modern lesson should become a lesson in creative friendship between teacher and student.” (Kumanev A.A.).

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1. Structure of a lesson in acquiring new knowledge: 1) Organizational stage. 2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities. 3) Updating knowledge. 4) Primary assimilation of new knowledge. 5) Primary check of understanding 6) Primary consolidation. 7) Information about homework, instructions on its implementation 8) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

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2. The structure of a lesson on the integrated application of knowledge and skills (consolidation lesson). 1) Organizational stage. 2) Checking homework, reproducing and correcting students’ basic knowledge. Updating knowledge. 3) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities. 4) Primary consolidation § in a familiar situation (typical) § in a changed situation (constructive) 5) Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks) 6) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it 7) Reflection (summarizing the lesson )

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3. Structure of a lesson on updating knowledge and skills (repetition lesson) 1) Organizational stage. 2) Checking homework, reproducing and correcting the knowledge, skills and abilities of students necessary for creative solution of assigned problems. 3) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities. 4) Updating knowledge. § in order to prepare for the test lesson § in order to prepare for studying a new topic 5) Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation 6) Generalization and systematization of knowledge 7) Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction. 8) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it 9) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

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4. Structure of a lesson on systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills 1) Organizational stage. 2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities. 3) Updating knowledge. 4) Generalization and systematization of knowledge Preparing students for generalized activities Reproduction at a new level (reformulated questions). 5) Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation 6) Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction. 7) Reflection (summarizing the results of the lesson) Analysis and content of the results of the work, drawing conclusions on the studied material

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5. Structure of a lesson on monitoring knowledge and skills 1) Organizational stage. 2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities. 3) Identification of knowledge, skills and abilities, checking the level of development of students’ general educational skills. (Tasks in volume or degree of difficulty must correspond to the program and be feasible for each student). Control lessons can be written control lessons, lessons combining oral and written control. Depending on the type of control, its final structure is formed 4) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

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