The cursed crusade complete walkthrough of the game. Walkthrough of the game Cursed Crusade, The. Chase on a moonlit night

Syrian desert. Winter 1198

1198 Age of the Crusades. Jean de Bayle, a knight of the Templar Order, describes in all its glory his feelings about his participation in the Third Campaign. He regrets leaving his family and his hometown. However, he believes that he has gained something more - freedom.
After a fight with enemy soldiers, his friend, Martin, gives Jean a mysterious box, which clearly contains something valuable. Martin believes that in the hands of Jean, “This” will bring more benefits. Jean leaves.

Chapter 1. Task 1 - Winter evening

Lost Souls

France, at the same time

Jean de Bayle, the hero of the prologue, talks about his son, Dentse, who decided to follow his father’s example and become a Templar. Jean's brother betrayed their family and appropriated all the wealth for himself. Another hero is also presented to our eyes, Estebana Noviembre. This Spanish mercenary lived on the street, ate with stolen money, took on any dirty work, and, in general, led an unrighteous life.
So, let's play for Dents. At the beginning we kill all the robbers. Then we watch the scene in which he appears Soul Reaper. He appears to both Dentsu and Esteban. The heroes cannot defeat him. Then Denz decides to take refuge in the church, since Death cannot get there. To escape from the Reaper, we do the following: and Let's move forward, and when three circles with a key inside appear, wait until the narrowing circle reaches the outer one (white) and press the desired arrow. It's called QTE - Quick Time Events. When Denz gets to the church, the Reaper will leave him behind.
At the end of each chapter your statistics will be shown. You can then go to the upgrade menu. There are several upgrade points here: weapons, abilities and Demonic power. The latter improves only as you progress storyline. Develop skills based on your playing style.

Chapter 1. Task 2 - Assault on Biron Castle

Collision of destinies

France, Biron Castle, summer 1199

Commander Baudouin and his mercenaries besiege Biron Castle. By a strange coincidence, our heroes Denz and Esteban end up in his squad. Baudouin gives them the order to blow up the main gate. This is how the guys met.
So, when you hide behind cover, move forward. When a hail of arrows comes at you (you will be warned about this), take cover. Having reached the end, Esteban will advise you to take care of the archers. Three will be below, three in the windows above, one on the left. After killing the archers, Denz will throw the vessel with saltpeter towards the gate and blow it up.
One obstacle has been overcome, but another is on the way. Commander Baudouin will order you to use a ram. Approaching the device, climb onto it with Esteban. Next will be QTEs.
When you get through the gate, kill everyone around you. Three archers will appear. Finish them off and go to the place where they were standing. Climb onto the burning platform and move on.
Along the way, look in secluded places chests. If you find all the chests in each level, you will receive an extra skill point. When you reach the commander, kill all the enemies around him. Push the ballista aside and go up the stairs. In the annex you will see one single passage. Do not rush to enter it, but first repel the enemy’s attack and go up the stairs to the second floor (there is a chest there). Next, go back down and go through the same opening.
Now you will have to fight with Marten himself from the opening video. The fight is divided into two parts. First, de'Alge will appear before you in human form. The battle with him is difficult only because he often blocks your attacks. Use counterattacks. First, knock off all his armor, and then finish him off.
The second part of the fight: you were transported to the world of Damnation and took on the form of demons. This time, Marten will start using magic, namely creating small craters under the characters. Wait until the enemy is distracted by your partner and attack him from behind.

Chapter 1. Task 3 - Tournament in Ecrie

Redemptive Crusade
Castle of Ecri, July 1199

Our heroes arrived at Ecri Castle for a knight's tournament. Denz hopes to impress the king so that he will allow him to participate in the crusade against Jerusalem. The hero hopes to find his father, Jean, there.
After the video, you will be asked to complete training before the start of the tournament. Before each new round, you will hone your combat skills in the mini-arena, such as “Counterattack”, “Evasion” and “Breaking Defense”. The fights themselves are nothing special: just beat your enemies. First you will fight with a sword, then you will be given an ax, then a pike. In the end, you will fight with... surprise... Commander Baudouin, but only your swords will be... broken. However, it turns out that Baudouin is also cursed, and you are again transported to the dark world. Kill a couple of minions with a broken sword and pick up weapons. Now the battle will be on equal terms.

Chapter 1. Task 4 - Pursuit on a moonlit night

The gift of getting into trouble
Ecri Castle, the next night

Here you go. Boniface's henchmen have finally caught up with you. Pull yourself together and repel the enemy's attack. Then search the area for chests. Push the cart away and... repel the enemy's attack again. Next, go up to the platform. Then, using Demonic Power, inspect and then break the gate, and... repel the enemy's attack for the third time. After the cutscene... fight the enemy. Next, go to the guardhouse. What do you think is there? Of course, there are opponents again. Examine the gatehouse for chests and turn the crank to lower the wooden bridge. Go downstairs.

Chapter 1. Task 5 - Forest paths

Out of the frying pan into the fire
France, a minute later

After a long chase, the heroes finally reached the royal camp. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Baudouin appears. It turns out that he is one of the royal commanders. And of course, by old friendship, the villain decides to stop the heroes from going on a hike and prevents them from getting into the camp. Well, we won’t be able to come to an agreement with him on the good side, we’ll do it on the bad side. You will again have a fight with the former commander. He didn't acquire any new skills after losing the tournament, so I think you won't have any trouble defeating him.

Chapter 1. Task 6 - Nightmare I

In a loop
That same night

Dents is having a nightmare. It seems to him that he is in the world of Damnation. He sees his mother's body and, of course, realizes that this is all a trap. The work of the Reaper.
Go forward and kill everyone on your way. Next, when you reach the fountain, you will meet Esteban. It turns out that you are having the same dream. Well, let's see what happens next.
Thanks to the fountain, you will unlock a new ability - Holy Fire. Practice using it on souls first. Then burn the talking door. There you will see the damned crucifix. It needs to be "cleaned" using Holy fire. In other words, smash it to pieces. Throughout the game, similar crucifixes will appear in some levels. Clear them to get an extra skill point. But there is one “But”: crucifixes can only be discovered upon transition to the world of Damnation.
After this you will have a battle with the Reaper. The scheme is simple: when he shoots a beam of fire at you (or a partner), use your new ability on the Reaper: aim and quickly press the action key. When the enemy is stunned, finish him off with your sword.

Chapter 1. Task 7 - Unfulfilled hopes

Venetian Republic, summer 1202

In this video, Jean de Bayle narrates the events that take place over two years and connects the first and second chapters. Denz and Esteban joined the king's army and went on their first campaign, under the command of... Baudouin.

Chapter 2. Task 1 - Tower of Zara

Debt the size of a city

Zara, Kingdom of Croatia, summer 1202

One part of Boniface's plan was to storm the city of Zara. Baudouin was appointed commander. His hatred for the main characters was so strong that he decided to use any tricks in order to kill them. Esteban played a trick on the ship (specifically, he punched the captain in the face), and Baudouin decided at all costs to take advantage of the opportunity to get even with the Templar and his friend.
So, the commander sends Denz and Esteban together to the castle so that they open the gates for his crusader army.
Go straight along the path to the very end. There you will find a chest. Go back a little and you will see a small branch of the path leading to the wall. Go up to it and use Demonic Power to find weakness in the wall and break it through. Security is waiting for you behind it. After the brawl, go to the stairs. On the next floor... security is waiting for you again. After repelling the attack, use Demonic Power to destroy the ballistas. Don't forget about the souls that appear when you move into the world of Damnation. Next - again the guards. Kill the two heavily armed warriors and go to the spiral staircase. Having climbed to the second floor, do not rush to deal with all opponents. Do you see the wooden stairs leading to the roof? The second chest is hidden behind it.
Once on the roof, deal with the guards. Then go to the big one iron door. It will flicker yellow. Destroy it with Holy Fire. Behind it there will be a room, in the corner of which you can find a ladder. The heroes go down along it to the mechanism. Suddenly, out of the blue, they find themselves in the world of Damnation. You need to destroy 10 souls to return back.
Turn the mechanism and go to the exit. Now your flotilla will be able to get to the city port.

Chapter 2. Task 2 - Landing at the port

Illegal trespass

Zara, the next morning

Well, you and your faithful partner and the commander who hates you made your way into the territory of the fortress. However, the locals greet you not entirely friendly, but more specifically, with a hail of arrows.
Go forward, covering yourself with a shield so that you don’t get caught. When you cross the bridge, deal with the enemies and go up the stairs. The gates would be closed, and Esteban suggested going through the market.
Move forward, destroying enemies along the way. When you reach the barred gate, turn 180 degrees and you will see a chest. Destroy the gate using Holy Fire and move on. Deal with the opponents and open the next gate. Deal with the guards again and destroy the ballista using Holy Fire. Go back and see a barricade. Destroy her. Behind it is a new batch of enemies and a second ballista. Destroy it, go past the mechanism and you will see the third ballista. By blowing it up, you will finally be able to turn the wheel and raise the huge gate. Sinister Baudouin didn't even thank you.
Next, return to the place where the third ballista used to be and apply the power of Purifying Fire to the grated door. Behind it, another similar door awaits you.

Chapter 2. Task 3 - Old streets of Zara

Task for one

Zara, same morning

So you entered the city. your goal is to reach the main street of the city and open the gate.
Go forward, simultaneously clearing the alleys from annoying enemies. Search every nook and cranny for chests. Next, open the heavy iron gate and continue dealing with enemies. In total, you will come across 2-3 such gates on your way. Before you go to the gate leading to the main street, check that you have found all the chests and crucifixes.

Chapter 2. Task 4 - The road to the peninsula

Defense iron and wood

Zara, a minute later

“It’s strange. There are no opponents at all on the main street,” it seemed to Dents. “Probably you just didn’t look well,” Esteban remarked. And he was right. Five guards attack you from behind. Kill them and destroy the gate using Holy Fire.
Well well. The light in Baudouin's eyes faded when he realized that the heroes were still alive. He brought a ballista with him and wanted to use it to destroy the gate, deciding that the guys were long dead.
Now you will have to guard the ballista. Go forward, destroying enemies along the way. The hop-ballista cannot travel further, the gate is closed. No problem! Head down the alley to the right and you will find an "openable" gate. Go through them and return to the grate, near which there is a ballista. Turn the wheel and continue on. When the ballista stops again, follow the same pattern as the first time. When you reach a grate glowing yellow, destroy it with Holy Fire.

Chapter 2. Task 5 - Fortified Bridge

Water wears away stones
Zara, later

It's finished! The gameplay of the game has finally been diversified. Now Baudouin will trust you to fire the ballista. It's simple: aim for the "wooden boxes" at the top of the towers. After destroying them, run forward along the bridge and deal with the archers. Then, blow up the door using Demonic Force and clear the area.
Once again, the restless commander sends Denz and Esteban to certain death, forcing them to go and open the gate. Opposite these same gates on the bridge there are “unfortified” stone barriers. Examine them and then destroy them. Having gone down, do not rush to blow up the wall, but turn around and go back. Under the bridge, in the water, you will find another chest. Next, blow up the aforementioned wall. Go through the catacombs until you reach a fork. To the right is a chest, to the left is an exit.
Go upstairs and deal with the guards. Walk forward until you reach a lifting mechanism. Kill the enemies first and then turn it around.
Go back, climb the stairs to the walls of the fortress and head along the top towards the gate that you just opened.

Chapter 2. Task 6 - Five wells of Zara

, which can be removed
Zara, later

Finally, there is a short respite. Inspect the area for chests. Then go to the wells. And then, out of nowhere, the captain of Zara’s guard attacks you. He says that the wells will contain the skeletons of former conquerors who encroached on his city. But we don't want to end up in a well, right? Therefore, you will have to teach him a lesson.
It turns out that the captain of the guard is also cursed, and you are transported to the world of Damnation. Remember: until you destroy 20 souls around, the Captain will remain invulnerable. In addition, he has very strong armor, so you'll have to change weapons frequently. I think they are one of the longest bosses in the game.

Chapter 2. Task 7 - At Zara's castle

Intention is worse than deeds

Zara, later

Now you have reached the heart of the city. Zara Castle. Walk forward and turn right. Damn trap! Hiding behind a column, shoot the crossbowmen. Then go up the stairs and burn the yellow flickering doors. Go down and deal with the enemy. Opposite the huge gate there is a wall. And ABOVE the gate a crucifix hangs in the air. Go to the world of Damnation and destroy the darkness. Next are the enemies again. Kill everyone, but don't rush to push the cart. First, go further to the square. There you will find a chest.
Go back and push the cart. A little later you will meet your commander. Help him defeat his enemies and run to the main gate. Along the way you will be attacked by crossbowmen. Shoot them, and then look at the building - a legacy of ancient architecture - opposite which stood a house with crossbowmen. There is a chest on the porch of this building. Then go to the main gate and set it on fire.
Unexpectedly, Boniface of Montferrat himself joins our company. He offers Dents a deal: the heroes kill the owner of the castle, Vladislav, and in return he finds information about Dents’ father. The guy, of course, agrees.

Chapter 2. Task 8 - The Fall of Zara

Secrets of the divided soul

Zara, a minute later

So, you made your way into the castle. Deal with the enemies and push the ballista. Move on. Archers will attack you. Shoot them and push the next ballista. Move forward, shooting back from the crossbowmen and destroying the infantry. Raising the gate, you will come face to face with Vladislav...
A few words about him. Quite an unusual guy, due to the typical split personality (as, for example, in “The Lord of the Rings”). A real daredevil.
He always talks about some treasure, the heart of the castle, which “they” supposedly should not give to anyone. But the heroes do not pay attention to his chatter and the duel begins.
At first, the battle with the boss is primitive: bludgeon him until he takes you to the world of Damnation. Then comes the interesting thing: the essence of Vladislav in the parallel world is, as it were, divided into two parts: material and spiritual. The material part can be hit in any way, the spiritual part - only with the help of the Holy Fire. After you destroy them, you will be transported back to real world, and the enemy attacks you with renewed vigor. Beat him up and you'll be transported back to the ACC world. Then back. And so on several times.

Chapter 2. Task 9 - Nightmare II

Unworthy son, prodigal father

Zara, in the evening of the same day

Denz sends Esteban to eavesdrop on the conversation between Boniface and Baudouin. From this conversation, the hero understands that the new goal of the campaign was the search for sacred Christian relics. Well, sir, what will happen to you?
The heroes have the same dream again. The Reaper is playing with them again. He tries to confuse Denz by imitating his father's voice.
The guys climb the slope and deal with the minion. They go up another level and, turning right, walk along a wooden bridge. Behind him is a crucifix. They return to the fork and go up another level. There is a fountain there, thanks to which they have the opportunity to learn a new new ability - Infernal Crossbow, or "Roaring Flame". First, the guys hone their skills in using it, exterminating ghosts, and then burn the next talking door. Denz and Esteban cross the bridge, beyond which the Reaper of Souls and his army of darkness awaits them.
The scheme of the battle with the Reaper is as follows: while he is standing on a hill, the guys destroy souls. When the souls run out, they shoot at the reaper from the Infernal Crossbow. When the fire beam appears, Denz directs it towards the Reaper. Well, when they finally set it on fire, the Reaper comes down. There the heroes are already finishing him off with their favorite melee weapons. After this, the Reaper again teleports to a hill, and the Templar boy and his faithful assistant have to die of boredom. Die together with skeletal souls that will be killed in one blow, spiritual shells that can easily be burned, yes rare minions. Having gotten rid of the cannon fodder, the guys again shoot at the Reaper from the Crossbow. And so on until the bitter end.

Chapter 2. Task 10 - Saving the Empire

November 1202 – July 1203

From this video we learn that the crusaders are no longer a church enlightenment movement, that they abandoned their previous missionary goals and turned into ordinary mercenaries. Boniface makes a deal with the son of the Emperor of Byzantium, Alexy Angel, so that the crusaders besiege Constantinople and kill the emperor, and in return receive money for a trip to Jerusalem.

Chapter 3. Task 1 - The Walls of Constantinople

Knighted and False Templar
Constantinople, Byzantium, July 1203

Denz's army heads to the walls of Constantinople. He is wearing new armor, which Esteban also liked. After the fiery speech of the Templar boy, a small detachment of crusaders goes on the offensive with furious shouts.
Move along the wall, clearing the area of ​​enemies. When you reach the first siege tower, Esteban will climb onto it. Move further to the next siege tower. You can use it to get to the wall. But keep in mind: you must have at least one soldier with you, otherwise Denz will get stuck against the wall.
So you made your way into the fortress territory. The goal is to destroy the trebuchets. If you walk a little back along the wall, you will find a chest. Now go to the first trebuchet and destroy it with Holy Fire. Go further and you will find a second trebuchet. Having dealt with it, inspect and then destroy the wall behind it. Do you see a small passage that ends in a door? There is a crucifix there.
Opposite the wall that was just destroyed there is another wall that also needs to be destroyed.

Chapter 3. Task 2 - Golden Gate

Union of the Damned

Constantinople, later

You have arrived at the main entrance to the city, where Boniface and Baudouin are already waiting for you. The path inside is blocked by the majestic Golden Gate. Did they build them for giants?
Denz suggests joining forces and the four of us burn down the gate. Boniface approves of this proposal. After the burning procedure, it becomes clear that the Marquis of Montferrat needs sacred relics for a reason...
Now you must destroy the smoldering gate using a battering ram. You have already encountered this procedure during the passage of the first chapter. The usual QTEs.
Next, as in the first chapter, you need to overcome the path to iron grating, taking cover under mantlelets from a hail of arrows. When Denz picks up the crossbow, destroy the crossbowmen that appear. Walk forward a little more. Sword soldiers will appear. Take them out and then destroy the wooden fortifications with the Infernal Crossbow.
Failure. The gate is locked. Run straight in the opposite side, to another grate. Along the way, near the tower standing in the center, you can find a crucifix.
Having reached the second mantlet, repeat the procedure: go through - take cover - go through - shoot the crossbowmen - go through - kill the warriors - destroy the wooden fortifications. Another failure.

Chapter 3. Task 3 - Trapped

Angel protecting demons

“Allow me to introduce myself, Tatiky Lente, guard of Constantinople, athlete of the Byzantine Empire!” - greeted our heroes another madman who dared to challenge them. Well, a fight is a fight. “It seems that there is a more powerful force than the curse,” Denz thought. "Never mind his golden armor - it's mine!" - Esteban thought.
So, a long and stubborn battle begins, requiring cunning and ingenuity, something like a boss fight. There is no trick here: beat the athlete until he falls at your feet. And no holy protection will help him. However, it seems that the great Tatiky has no concept of honor, and therefore cowardly runs away, leaving behind the newly arrived Varangians to fight. Actually, they themselves suggested it to him. By the way, near the arena, to the right of the destroyed column, a crucifix hangs in the air.
We exterminate our Norman guests and collect their thieves' weapons. After this, we move through the above-mentioned column. Another trap. The guys are rained down with arrows again. Denz and Esteban decide to split up: one goes left, the other goes right.
We're going left. We go to the next “wall”. It seems that the builders did not particularly follow technical standards, since there are so many weak places in the walls. So, we destroy the wall, behind which the Vikings are already setting us on fire. We kill everyone and climb the stairs to the wall. If you go right you will find a chest. But you need to go left. The enemies on the wall seem to never end, so try not to stay here for too long.

Chapter 3. Task 4 - The Emperor is killed, the promise is forgotten

Byzantium, July 1203 - April 1204

So, the crusaders fulfilled their part of the agreement. The title of Emperor of Constantinople now belongs to Alexius IV. However, he was in no particular hurry to fulfill his promise to Boniface. After some time, the emperor was overthrown, and Boniface decided that he had every right to take the city by storm and appropriate its wealth for himself.

Chapter 3. Task 5 - Walls of Blachernae

In the belly of the beast

Constantinople, Byzantium, April 1204

The assault on Constantinople began. Denz and Esteban, at the head of two siege towers, approach the walls of the city. Out of nowhere, archers appear, shooting fiery arrows at you. Grab your crossbow and start methodically shooting them down, otherwise your tower will burst into flames like a match. Finally, having reached the wall, go to the neighboring building and take out the door. Run to the end of the next wall.
Damn it. It looks like the idiot soldiers destroyed the stone staircase, and now you cannot go down to the ground. No problem. Run back to the wall where you landed from the siege tower, and along it to the destroyed building. There will be another door that needs to be broken down. But don't rush to do this. First turn left and go to the end of the adjacent wall for a chest.
After going through the door, run along the wall. Crossbowmen again! Shoot them and take out the next door. Behind it... is another door. Walk to the end of the wall and go down the stairs. “Finally, solid ground,” Esteban thought at that moment.
Here you are attacked by Vikings. We kill them and pick up their cool two-handed axes;D. Do you see the gate with the two-headed eagle? (For those who do not know: the Russian coat of arms with two-headed eagles came to us precisely from Byzantium). Near this gate hangs a crucifix. And you can find the last chest near the cart. The last thing left to do is to turn the mechanism located near the wall to open the gate.

Chapter 3. Task 6 - Blachernae Gardens

The Emperor is a killer

Constantinople, later

Hm. It seems that our heroes have discovered Murzufla - the same villain who overthrew Emperor Alexius, and because of whom they did not receive the promised money. Well, killing a scoundrel will bring glory to the guys, and glory is something more...
To your left is what looks like wooden scaffolding. They can be set on fire using sacred fire. Next, the Varangians are waiting for you. Deal with them and climb higher, to the wall. Suddenly you are attacked by crossbowmen. You can shoot them, or you can stab them - the choice is yours. So, after going up the stairs, open the door and move on. A video will follow in which Denz learns about the location of Murzufla. And Esteban learns that Denz is capable of so many things.
Now you have reached the garden. Fight off your enemies. Near one of the statues you will find a crucifix, and in the opposite corner there is a chest. Now head to the gate, where you will be warmly greeted by Murzulf, the self-installed Emperor of Constantinople.
Like many rulers, Murzulf has a habit of hiding behind security. So he sets a horde of ghosts on you. They will appear and appear until you seal the stone wells. It's simple: explore them, and then destroy the columns one by one. When the wells collapse, you will return to reality. And you are attacked by the same real enemies. Deal with them, and then open the grate and pursue Murzulf.

Chapter 3. Task 7 - At the Imperial Palace

Echoes of past battles

Constantinople, a minute later

The heroes continue to chase the pseudo-emperor. At the very beginning of the level, behind you, you can find a chest.
To be honest, this task reminded me of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and a few other old console games. It's simple - you move only forward, stopping from time to time in mini-arenas, without the possibility of advancement. In these arenas you need to fight off a cloud of opponents. Kill everyone and move on. Along the way you will see a huge gate. To their left is a crucifix.
Now you have reached Murzulf. This is one of the easiest bosses. All you have to do is whack him with your swords (or what have you) and dodge the fire attacks with QTW from time to time.

Chapter 3. Task 8 - Blachernae Baths

Fire bath

Constantinople, a minute later

Well, our heroes ended up in... a bathhouse. However, now, thanks to Murzuflu, you can mate in it in a split second. And in order not to turn into a pair of well-cooked steaks, Denz and Esteban must stop the emperor.
Shoot the villain with the Infernal Crossbow, and then burn him with a fire beam. After a couple of such manipulations, Murzulf will run away from you again, fearfully admitting that he faces a worthy opponent.
Turn right and take out the door. If you go straight, you can find the curse. But to catch up with the emperor, you need to turn left, where another door awaits you. Destroy it and come face to face with Murzulf again. The scheme of the second battle with him is identical to the first. Burn the usurper with a fire beam and he will retreat. Also in this episode, another curtain rises, hiding the true nature of the Curse.
Turn left and destroy the next door. Now turn right and destroy the door again. Go to the room where Murzufl hid. Here you are attacked by soldiers. Deal with them and destroy the next door.
It looks like one of the Varangians decided to take a leak. A very interesting scene =) We deal with the Vikings and go up the stairs, where the great emperor of Byzantium ran away from you. All you have to do is beat him until he falls. And then he will tell you everything he knows about the shrines...

Chapter 3. Task 9 - Capitol

Everything secret becomes clear

In front of you is the majestic Capitol, the central building of Constantinople. Boniface orders you to get the relic from there. Judging by Murzulf's words, this relic is the Spear of Destiny. The same thing that Jesus Christ was pierced with.
Go around the building on the left. Deal with the crossbowmen and push the cart. Go right. Do you see the statue with a spear in its hand? Opposite her there is a crucifix. But you can't get it yet.
Go further and go down into the sewer. Everything around will burst into flames with damned flames. Look to your left - there is a small porch that leads to a wooden staircase. Climb up it and you will find yourself right next to the statue and crucifix.
Examine the sewer and find another porch, which also leads to a wooden staircase. You can use it to get to the Capitol.
Deal with the guards. Do you see the stone coffin? Use Demonic Sight to examine and then destroy the wall near it. By the way, there is a chest hiding behind the wall opposite.
So you have discovered part of the great Spear of Destiny. And Denz understands that with the help of this sacred relic he can get rid of the curse.
Suddenly the giant door shatters into pieces. The Marquis of Montferrat demands a relic for himself. However, Denz is not going to give it up. Boniface taunts them, says that they have no idea what to do with the shrines, and gives them one last chance to submit to his will. In an unsuccessful attempt to kill the villain, Esteban gives him a clear answer. Apparently, the Marquis was used to always getting what he wanted, so he decided to take the spear by force.
Defeating Boniface is not difficult: hit him with sacred fire and burn him with a fire ray. However, the Duke of Montferrat turns out to be stronger than at first glance. He swings his sword over the head of young de "Bayle and...

Chapter 3. Task 10 - Nightmare III

Until the death separates us
A frozen moment

Denz and Esteban find themselves once again trapped by the Soul Reaper. This time he is much more dangerous. If you get close, you will die. Therefore, run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. Beware of fire - it can burn you alive. When you reach the end of the bridge, destroy the nearby crucifix. Now go to the fountain. Here the heroes will learn a new ability - Fire Whirlwind. It's like a massive attack. Thanks to it, you can hit all nearby enemies. Practice on ghosts and then burn the talking door. Cross the bridge. Hmm... Death really is everywhere...
Engage in battle with the Reaper. Burn it with fire and dodge attacks from time to time using QTEs. Soon the enemy will fall under your onslaught.
Boniface will fall in the same way. Before the cold blade of the blade pierced Denz’s neck, he managed to throw the marquis back, and Boniface lost consciousness. “There’s nothing here, just some pathetic piece of wood,” Esteban said disappointedly, taking a fragment of the sacred crucifix from the Duke’s pocket.

Chapter 4. Task 1 - Theodosius Forum

Between a rock and a hard place

Constantinople, a few minutes later

Your goal is to find the princess who keeps the third relic - the Crown of Thorns. It seems that Boniface was not stingy in assigning a reward for the goals of our heroes. As soon as you find yourself in the square, you will be attacked by your former allies. Run straight to the other gate, fighting off the enemy along the way. Denz and Esteban slam the giant doors right in front of the Duke.
Run to the left, destroying enemies along the way. When you get to the next gate, the heroes will slam it and find themselves in... a dead end. Well then. If we cannot escape from someone, we should try to apprehend him. And for this we need... a pretty compelling argument. Weighing several hundred pounds.
Destroy the wooden supports that support the column. A huge block of marble, like a matchstick, will break in half and fall straight onto Boniface, without raising a single speck of dust into the air. Unfortunately, the Marquis is not so easy to kill...
Run straight, turn left. You are attacked by a new batch of enemies. Get even with them, but don't rush to go to the wall. First turn right and you will find a crucifix near the cart.
Now go to the wall and also turn right. Who's that there? It looks like our old friend, the guard of Constantinople, Tatiky Lente.

Chapter 4. Task 2 - Constantine Forum

Saving the enemy

Constantinople, a few minutes later

A grandiose square opens up to your eyes, with a giant column in the center. You need to get to Taktia.
Walk forward a little, then right, then right again. Push the cart and engage in battle with the knights. Do you see a chest behind the wooden bars? You can inspect it and then destroy it.
Go left, then left again. Move towards the column. There are a lot of enemies near her. Deal with them and destroy the grate behind the column. Behind it is the square. To the left of the main gate you can find a chest.
Move right. There you will find a cart. Push her away. A crucifix is ​​hidden behind one of the wooden bars on the left.
Go forward, destroy enemies, look for chests, push carts. When you destroy the last grate, you will see an athlete fiercely fighting against countless enemies. You need... to help the guard deal with the knights. He, of course, will not ally with you, but nevertheless, he will not attack you.

Chapter 4. Task 3 - The road to the palace

Tracking down an angel

Constantinople, a minute later

As soon as the task begins, the Vikings will immediately attack you. Deal with them and go out into the square, where you will be attacked by an endless number of enemies. Do you see the iron lattice gates? Opposite them, against the wall, is a crucifix.
Go through the gate. Crossbowmen. Shoot everyone and raise the next gate.
Wow, what people! Baudouin himself! We haven’t seen him for a long time... And Tatiky Lente is stretched out at his feet. Well, let's help out the careless "hero"...
The only difficulty in the battle with the former commander is that minions with shields are dancing around you, making them difficult to kill. And so, sheer busters - beat up Baudouin in the real world, then in the world of Damnation...

Chapter 4. Task 4 - Temple Gallery

Strong Alliance

Constantinople, a minute later

Wow. You have an ally in Tatikia Lente. Although he does not completely trust you, for the safety of Princess Theodora, he still decides to take you to her.
Kill all enemies in the courtyard. Then go to the metal gate and lift it. A new batch of knights awaits you outside the gates. O_o How did the great athlete of Byzantium end up here if we just left him outside the gate???
From the dying Viking we learn the location of the princess. We also learn that a very strong enemy awaits us... Who is he?
Go further and climb onto the wall. We are watching a scene of the cruel massacre of the knights by the crusaders. O_o Tatikiy again somehow mysteriously manages to join you...
Continue to methodically destroy your enemies. Next, another gate awaits you. It seems that our newly-made comrade-in-arms has learned to walk through walls... I wish we could do that too...
Anyway. Clear the courtyard of all the arriving hordes of crusaders and head to the wooden gate leading to the building, in the tower of which, apparently, the princess is hiding.

Chapter 4. Task 5 - Augusteion

Great price

Constantinople, a minute later

You have entered the Augusteion territory. Suddenly, as if from underground, a horde of ghosts grows around you. Kill them all to return to reality and fight more dangerous enemies - knights. Then push the cart aside and... you will again fall into the ghosts' trap. And kill them all again, fortunately this is not particularly difficult when you have the ACCC ax in your hands;)
Lift the gate and you will enter a beautiful courtyard with majestic statues. To your right, on the porch, Tatiky is waving his axes. Run to him.
Meet me. The first and only woman you meet in the game is Princess Theodora. Yes, and she is mute. When Denz tried to ask her about the relic, he was interrupted by a voice coming from outside. The voice of an old friend...
It turns out that Boniface did not waste time and managed to find the last relic. The crown of thorns had long since decayed, but its petrified thorns were inlaid into a wooden cross. And with the help of this cross, the Marquis kills poor Tactius in order to summon his new friend. Uh... Well, my friend. 4 times higher than Boniface himself. The demon kills the unfortunate princess and tries to crush Esteban. Enraged, Denz begs the Marquis of Montferrat to spare the Spaniard in exchange for the return of the relics. Well, a deal is a deal. However, the demon does not disappear anywhere, and we will have to make a lot of efforts to defeat it...
So, the boss battle pattern is as follows: following Esteban's advice, hit him in the legs. When the monster chops off its head in front of you, “cleanse” it with the help of the Holy Fire. Soon the demon will fall, and his friends will go after Boniface. After all, if they were able to destroy such a colossus, then they could deal with the Marquis even more so.

Chapter 4. Task 6 - Courtyard of Hagia Sophia

The traitor must die

Constantinople, a minute later

Rejoice! You are near one of most beautiful places in the world... well, the world of those times. In fact, you have reached the Hagia Sophia, which is under construction.
Boniface's wars will immediately attack you. Kill them and move forward. Turn right and go up the rock embankment. Here you need to push the cart away. Turn right. The Marquisian knights are waiting for you ahead. Kill them, then turn around and knock down the yellow-flashing wooden structures. Use them to cross to the other side of the wall.
You have reached a small courtyard. Above the fountain in the center you can find a cursed crucifix. Deal with the enemies and head into the open passage leading to a room with a mechanism that needs to be turned. The gates to the cathedral will open. This is where you need to go.

Chapter 4. Task 7 - Hagia Sophia

Those who fought the hellish hordes

Constantinople, a minute later

What the hell is this?! Do you have triple vision? Is the screen split into 3 parts? Game crashed?
Looks like no. Probably, one gigantic demon was not enough, and the developers decided to add three more. Although, on the other hand, everything is logical: three relics - three demons.
Well, we defeated one demon, we will defeat the rest.
Firstly, the demons will attack you one by one, which makes the task much easier. When the first demon attacks you, pay attention to the circles of fire that enclose the other two monsters. Nearby, to the left and to the right of them are other circles made of stone tiles, above which hangs a picadillo (something like a huge lamp). The scheme is simple: when you lure the demon into the stone circle, hit his legs until the giant falls to his knees. Then pull the lever and the picadillo will crash its weight onto the monster's back. The same must be done with other demons. When the last monster is defeated, the gate will open. Run towards them and pursue Boniface.

Chapter 4. Task 8 - To the Bosphorus

From the flames of hell

Constantinople, a minute later

A gigantic monster is stalking our friends. Denz and Esteban rush with all their might... that is, with all their horse's hooves, rushing towards the Bosphorus Strait, on the shore of which there are ballistas. The heroes dismount and jump on them. A shot, another shot - and behold, the monstrous demon fell to the ground, struck directly in the head by huge arrows. Ehhh, it’s a pity that we weren’t allowed to do this ourselves, but were just shown a video!
Well, our business in Constantinople is over, and the guys decide to go to Syria in order to find Jean de Bail, Denz's father. After all, he is the one who knows the location of the fourth relic.

Chapter 4. Task 9 - Leaving the Ruined Empire

April - May 1204

Murzufl escaped. Tactius Lente is dead. Constantinople was left without defenders. Greed took possession of the hearts of the crusaders. They robbed, killed, and desecrated sacred relics. They swore to raise the sword only against infidels. Now their blades are stained with the blood of innocent people.
Byzantium was left without an emperor. Boniface disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Therefore, the imperial throne was occupied by his closest associate... Who do you think? Baudouin himself...

Meanwhile, our heroes crossed the Bosphorus Strait and went to Krak des Chevaliers - the fortress in which, according to Denz, his father is located.

Chapter 5. Task 1 - In the fortress

On the border of worlds

Syria, May 1204

Welcome to Krak des Chevaliers. A fortress built by the ancient Templars. A fortress that no one has yet managed to conquer. The fortress where Jean de Bayle, keeper of the last relic of God, is located.
But what is it? It looks like Boniface has already managed to get here - zombie-like wars are coming towards you. It seems that the Marquis has learned to use the power of relics to raise the dead from the ground.
...Kill the dead. Go forward. Advancement will not be difficult for you, since the corridors do not branch. Along the way, you will be transported to the world of damnation and will not be able to return back until you kill all the ghosts. When you reach the ladder leading to the wall, climb it - there is a chest waiting for you.
Go forward all the time. You will reach some kind of balcony, in one of the openings you can find a crucifix.
After this, there will be a fork in front of you: a room with a wooden floor. Stairs up or stairs down? You need a ladder down. Having gone down it, the heroes will find themselves in the Templar wine cellars. Yeah, there will be enough alcohol here until the Second World War...
At the exit from the cellar, a new horde of undead will be waiting for you. It’s okay, we’re no strangers to joyful meetings... After the battle, turn left and go straight to the chapel.
Here they are, the gates of Hell. Living, warm blood nourishes them and prevents them from closing. But it’s okay, now we will contribute to this.
The scheme is simple: Esteban distracts the enemy, you “clear” the Gate. The best way here is to use Fire Whirlwind. This way you will not only cause damage to the gate, but will also be able to drive away the annoying undead.
The gates of the underworld are closed. However, the Templar still has a feeling that something is wrong here. Look around the room. On the far left side of the cathedral you will find a wall that can be broken. And behind her...

Chapter 5. Epilogue

Meeting old friends

Cairo, Egypt, a few weeks later

Congratulations, your crusade is over.
Judging by the final video, we have yet to meet the young Templar and his faithful friend again.
The villains are still alive, but the heroes aren't dead either. Therefore, we can only hope for the best and wait for the continuation of this wonderful game.

Game producer Paul Guillaumon answered the questions. Medieval action The Cursed Crusade will be released this fall for PC, PS3 And Xbox 360.

Has our hero any skills? For example, can a character get tired when running or fighting?

Yes there are skill trees. You can unlock your character's skills and combo-attacks with the so called "Victory Points" you earn throughout the game. The character does not get tired.

Will our hero have any skills? For example, can our hero get tired while running or fighting?

Yes, the game has a skill tree. You can unlock character skills and combo attacks using so-called Victory Points, which you earn during the game. The character cannot get tired.

The size of the weapon will not always decide the outcome of the battle.

Tell about the types of weapons available to the hero. Will the game engine provide some new interesting principle of interaction of hero and environment? Will it be possible to make a combo-attacks with our weapon?

In The Cursed Crusade you can use 16 different fighting techniques. There are 130 different weapons in the game (sword, axe, shield, crossbow,...) that you may utilize for over 400 attacks and 100 different combo-attacks. Additionally, there are 100 fatality moves that make your character finishes off your enemies in stylish fashion.

If that"s not enough, you can also alienate different objects in the world(e.g. chairs, benches, fireplaces, wells, etc.) to abuse your enemy. Sometimes in special situations the player can even use siege weapons like a ballista, a protective wall, a battering ram or a siege tower.

Tell us about the types of weapons available to the hero. Will the game have new interesting principles of interaction between the hero and the environment? Will it be possible to do combo attacks?

IN The Cursed Crusade you can use 16 different fighting techniques. The game has 130 different types of weapons (sword, axe, shield, crossbow...) that you can use to perform more than 400 attacks and 100 different combo attacks. Additionally, the game has 100 finishing moves that will allow your hero to effectively finish off enemies.

If that's not enough, you can use various elements of the environment (for example, chairs, benches, fireplaces, wells, etc.) to harm your enemies. Sometimes, in special situations, the player may use siege weapons such as ballistas, a defensive wall, a battering ram, or a siege tower.

The game is replete with blood, so it is not suitable for everyone.

Will be real historical characters and events presented in the game?

There will be more than 10 real historical characters featured in the game and playing a big role in the story, such as Boniface de Montferrat and Baudouin de Flandres. Moreover, it will be possible to visit real historic places from the 12th Century.

Will there be real historical characters and events in the game?

There will be more than 10 real historical characters who play a large role in the plot, such as Boniface of Montferrat and Baudouin of Flanders. Moreover, it will be possible to visit real historical places that existed in the 12th century.

A castle siege requires special structures.

Tell us about features of co-op mode.

The whole campaign of The Cursed Crusade can be played in co-op mode. One player controls the Templar Denz de Bayle, the other one controls the thief Esteban Noviembre. The players are able to perform cooperative attacks together against one enemy. The co-op mode can be played on all three platforms either online or on one screen in Splitscreen-mode.

Tell us about the features of the cooperative mode?

The entire campaign The Cursed Crusade can be played in co-op mode. One player controls the Templar Denz de Bayle, and the other the thief Esteban Noviembre. Players can perform joint attacks against a single enemy. Co-op mode will be available for all three platforms in online or split-screen mode.

IN game The Cursed Crusade can do combo attacks.

Will there be different types of armor in the game?

Of course there will be different armors in the game. Moreover, we have a Dynamic Armor System: it means that every part of each armor is an independent element. When an element is broken, it will be removed from the body in real time. When missing, the character becomes vulnerable in that particular part (head, chest and legs).

Will there be different types of armor in the game?

Of course there will be different types of armor. Moreover, we have a Dynamic Armor System, which means that each piece of armor is an independent element. When an item is broken, it will be removed from the body in real time. In its absence, the character becomes vulnerable in this part (head, chest and legs).

The enemy can be killed not only in close combat.

Tell us about features of AI of enemies.

The Enemy AI will be very sophisticated, featuring different Stress levels which manage the general behavior (unaware, cautious…). Enemies will use formations to defend their leaders, and different tactics and attacking styles depending on the enemy type.

Tell us about the features of AI enemies.

The enemy AI is very sophisticated, equipped with a stress level system that controls basic behavior (unwary, wary...). Enemies will use battle formation to protect their leaders and various tactics, and attack styles depending on the type of enemy.

Fighting together is much more fun.

Do you plan to release a demo version of the game? If so, for what platforms?

Yes, there will be a demo version of the game for all 3 platforms PC, PS3, Xbox 360.

Are you planning to release a demo version of the game? If yes, for which platforms?

Yes, there will be a demo for all three platforms PC, PS3 And Xbox 360.

There are also alternative ways fight the enemy.

The game will be released on three platforms. Are there three versions of the game different from each other?

The game differs in terms of the graphical features but all the gameplay is exactly the same on all 3 platforms.

Will the game be released on three platforms? Are they different from each other in any way?

The game will be different in terms of graphics, but the entire gameplay is the same on all three platforms.

You can handle two swords at once.

How much time will take walkthrough of the campaign?

It depends on what difficulty the campaign will be played. For the easiest level it will be around 10 hours.

How long will it take to complete the campaign?

It depends on the difficulty level. On easy level the passage will take approximately 10 hours.

Everything is on fire, but this does not stop the heroes.

What was a source of inspiration for The Cursed Crusade? Have you ever been played in Severance: Blade of Darkness?

Yes, Severance, Blade of Darkness is the kind of game we have played a long time ago, and The Cursed Crusade tries to reproduce the feeling of this kind of game. We could also mention “ Golden Ax”, which was one great inspiration as it was possible to play 2P Coop mode.

What was the inspiration for The Cursed Crusade? Have you played Severance: Blade of Darkness?

Yes, once upon a time we really played Severance: Blade of Darkness, And The Cursed Crusade trying to recreate the feeling of this type of game. We can also mention Golden Ax, which was a good source of inspiration for its two-player co-op mode.


1) Winter evening

We kill five enemies and learn the first basics of combat. Then we watch the video and run away from Death to the church, pressing the arrows in time (you need to press at the time when the circle comes closer to the arrow and turns white). After the video we get to the hero leveling menu. We learn to distribute skill points (they are spent on Strength, Templar's Rage, Weapon/Armor Mastery, Maximum amount health), skill points (help you master one or another type of weapon to perfection, helps you learn new combos).


1) Assault on Biron Castle

We play for Denz, our assistants are the young Spaniard Esteban. We put a covering device in front of us, and at the right time, when enemy archers fire a hail of arrows, we hide in cover by pressing spacebar.

Having reached the gate, we pick up a crossbow and shoot enemy archers, leaving cover, taking aim (when the enemy hits the crosshair, it turns red) and shoot by pressing right button mice. When the enemy archers in front of the gate fall, watch a video in which the gate will be blown up.

We find ourselves on the bridge leading to the main gate of the castle. We kill two enemy archers to the right of the bridge. We approach the ram, press E, thereby we will stand behind its controls. We press Q, thereby we call Esteban for help, after which we press the necessary arrows in time.

We run through the hole in the gate and kill the guards. Once the main wave of guards are killed, three more will appear on the stairs at the back of the courtyard. We kill them with a crossbow (to do this, press the down arrow, thereby the crossbow will fall into our hands). We run up to the stairs, press E, then Q and E again. This way we will help Esteban rise and rise ourselves. We go into the next courtyard, kill the guards there, and find three chests (apparently with treasures). A cart blocks our way further. With the help of Esteban, we roll it away and run into the castle.

We go upstairs, there we find the fourth chest. Then we go down and run across the bridge to the roof of the castle, where Martin is waiting for us. We receive the task to deal with Martin. The fight with him takes place in two stages: the first time we defeat him while in a normal state, the second time we defeat him while in a state of curse. These two states are not very different, only in the external surroundings and a couple more details that you will already notice. Don't forget to find the fifth chest on the battlefield.

2) Competitions in Ecries

This level is simple and monotonous. You just need to fight in the arena four times, undergoing training between battles. The first time we learn a stunning blow (middle mouse button), the second time we learn how to parry blows and unbalance the enemy (spacebar when the enemy is blue), the third time we learn how to dodge blows (middle mouse button when the enemy is orange) , for the fourth time we will be taught to determine the condition of the sword (R button, if the sword is broken, it is colored red). The battles are quite simple, although the fourth time you will have to fight in two rounds and with several enemies. Having won the competition, we fulfill our goal, and the game takes us to the Curse menu, where we can level up the Curse.

3) Chase on a moonlit night

We kill the enemy squad that attacked us. We reach the alley, which is blocked by a cage, and move it aside. We kill the archers; there is a ledge ahead that you need to climb onto. But be careful, there are still two chests left in the location. After we climb onto the ledge, we go down and learn to look for weak spots in the wall while in the Curse.
We find a weak spot in the wall, break it, go through the house, kill the squad again, and roll away the cart.

We find ourselves in the square in front of the gate leading to the road from the castle. To open the gate, you need to pull the opening mechanism. This mechanism is located in the guards' room. Not far from the gate we find a chest, next to the double doors. We go up the stairs, in the guards' room we find a mechanism and use it. In the room with the mechanism there is a balcony - there is a chest, there is also a staircase to the upper floor, there is also a chest there.

We just go down to the gate when everything is done.

4) Forest roads

This mission itself is not long. Our goal is to kill the baron and his minions. There is nothing special in this battle, except that it may happen that you have to help Esteban get out of the other world. And in the Curse mode you will have to cross your blades with the old baron.

5) Nightmare I

We're in Esteban and Danz's nightmare. This nightmare is very real. The first part of the mission, we just have to run forward and kill ghosts, who, by the way, die on the first hit.

Then we watch a video, after which we learn how to shoot fire in Curse mode (LShift+E). We set fire to the door in the form of a head; behind the door there is a hall with a bunch of enemies and a cross that will appear after killing all the ghosts.

Then Death appears and needs to be... killed. I’ll tell you right now that we won’t be able to do this, but we can cripple her by shooting her with fire and hitting her with a sword.

6) Interlude

Just a screensaver.


1) Tower of Zara

We rise to the ledge. If you don't immediately go to the weak spot in the wall, you can find a chest. We break the wall at its weak point and go through the wine cellar. In the hall we find two ballistas that can be broken with fire in the Curse mode. We rise, kill the guards, find the mechanism, and rise even higher. Under the stairs we find the second chest. We kill the guards, find and use the mechanism, climb to the roof. We switch to Curse mode, find a cross. We eliminate the adversaries, go back to the Curse, blow up the door, go down and turn the mechanism. We go down again, stab two enemies, and then leave through the main gate.

2) Disembarkation at the port

We run forward, covering ourselves with a shield, and reach a powerful gate that simply cannot be opened. They open with Cursed Fire (LShift+E). There is a chest not far from the gate. We run forward, together with Esteban we raise the gate. The task is to destroy all three ballistas. They are destroyed, as in the previous mission, by fire from the Curse. Having destroyed all the ballistae, watch the video and turn the lever.

3) Old streets of Zara

We run forward, raise the gate, then run across another square and raise another gate (there is a chest in front of it). In the square behind the next gate you can find a cross and a chest. We run through a couple more heavy gates and find ourselves at our destination.

4) Forward to the peninsula

The point of this mission is to guide the ballista to the bridge. In essence, the task is simple - we simply protect the ballista from oncoming enemies, and do not let them destroy it. When the ballista stops in front of the closed gate, we run along the bypass path and open the gate on the other side. Towards the end of the mission, you will need to replace the place of one of the soldiers, as he will be killed.

5) Fortified bridge

At the very beginning of the mission, we need to use a ballista to destroy the defenses on the other side of the bridge. We aim the ballista at them (such wooden structures from above) and shoot (when we aim correctly, the dotted line of the flight path will turn red). Having destroyed the fortifications, we take the chest, which is located on the stairs on the left, and run across the bridge.

In the Curse, we blow up the door, run to the next passage, turn into the nook on the right, where a chest awaits us. To the left of the passage, in the fence there is a weak spot, which we find while in the Curse. We jump down and find ourselves on the shore.

We run back and find the chest. We run forward, blow up the wall in Damnation, and go into the sewer. If you go right, you can find a chest. As soon as we find it, we immediately return to the entrance to the sewer and turn the other way. Having gone out into the fresh air, we find ourselves not far from the room where there is a mechanism that will open the gate to the Baron. We kill the enemies, use the mechanism, go up the stairs, run a little forward, and go down again. In this alley you can find a chest and a cross. We go up to the tower.

6) Five wells of Zara

If you don't go down and turn right, you can find a chest. We go down and run to the left, we find a cross and a chest. We fight with the boss - the fat captain of the guard. The battle with him takes place in two worlds: the Curse and the real one. To get into the real world and begin to injure the captain (and he is inflicted with injuries precisely while in the Curse), you need to kill all the ghosts that are staggering around the battlefield.

7) Near the Zara fortress

We take the chest lying at the very beginning of the mission. We go forward, we will fall into a trap. We shoot the archers and go up to the second floor. We switch to the Curse, find a chest, two ghosts and destroy the doors. We go down and find a cross directly opposite the stairs from which we came down. Being in the Curse, we find a weak spot in the wall, break it and pass through. We look for a chest on the left, run to the right, there is another chest behind the barrel. We move the cart, which is preventing us from passing, and run into a large area. There is a chest in front of some large double doors. We shoot all the archers and blow up the door

8) The Fall of Zara

If you go straight and to the right, you can find a chest and two ghosts. We push away the ballista and raise the gate. We kill the archers, blow up the gate to find and kill the ghost. We run further, around the bend we find a chest. We push away another ballista, blow up the gate to find a cross. We run forward and raise another gate. We watch the splash screen and prepare for the battle with the boss.

The battle tactics are the same as with the fat captain. Unless you don’t need to kill a bunch of ghosts, you only need to rein in two.

9) Nightmare II

We're in a nightmare again. We go up the slope, after the second climb we turn right and find a cross. We continue to climb, watch the screensaver in which we learn to shoot accurately with fire (LShift+LMouse+Space). We aim to blow up the door in the shape of a head and run into it. We meet Death again, we fight with it again. The battle tactics are as follows: when Death stands on the mountain, we hit it with fire (E button), when Death descends, we hit it with both the sword and fire. It is important to note that you can fry Death with fire when it is on the pedestal only after all the ghosts have been killed (otherwise Esteban will be busy with the ghosts and will not be able to help, and his help is required).

10) Saving the Empire

Prologue 1) Winter evening We kill five enemies and learn the first basics of combat. Then we watch the video and run away from Death to the church, pressing the arrows in time (you need to press at the time when the circle is...

1) Winter evening

We kill five enemies and learn the first basics of combat. Then we watch the video and run away from Death to the church, pressing the arrows in time (you need to press at the time when the circle comes closer to the arrow and turns white). After the video we get to the hero leveling menu. We learn to distribute skill points (they are spent on Strength, Templar's Rage, Weapon/Armor Mastery, Maximum Health), skill points (they help to master one or another type of weapon to perfection, helps to learn new combos).

1) Assault on Biron Castle

We play for Denz, our assistants are the young Spaniard Esteban. We put a covering device in front of us, and at the right time, when enemy archers fire a hail of arrows, we hide in cover by pressing spacebar.

Having reached the gate, we pick up a crossbow and shoot enemy archers, leaving cover, taking aim (when the enemy hits the crosshair, it turns red) and shooting by pressing the right mouse button. When the enemy archers in front of the gate fall, watch a video in which the gate will be blown up.

We find ourselves on the bridge leading to the main gate of the castle. We kill two enemy archers to the right of the bridge. We approach the ram, press E, thereby we will stand behind its controls. We press Q, thereby we call Esteban for help, after which we press the necessary arrows in time.

We run through the hole in the gate and kill the guards. Once the main wave of guards are killed, three more will appear on the stairs at the back of the courtyard. We kill them with a crossbow (to do this, press the down arrow, thereby the crossbow will fall into our hands). We run up to the stairs, press E, then Q and E again. This way we will help Esteban rise and rise ourselves. We go into the next courtyard, kill the guards there, and find three chests (apparently with treasures). A cart blocks our way further. With the help of Esteban, we roll it away and run into the castle.

We go upstairs, there we find the fourth chest. Then we go down and run across the bridge to the roof of the castle, where Martin is waiting for us. We receive the task to deal with Martin. The fight with him takes place in two stages: the first time we defeat him while in a normal state, the second time we defeat him while in a state of curse. These two states are not very different, only in the external surroundings and a couple more details that you will already notice. Don't forget to find the fifth chest on the battlefield.

2) Competitions in Ecries

This level is simple and monotonous. You just need to fight in the arena four times, undergoing training between battles. The first time we learn a stunning blow (middle mouse button), the second time we learn how to parry blows and unbalance the enemy (spacebar when the enemy is blue), the third time we learn how to dodge blows (middle mouse button when the enemy is orange) , for the fourth time we will be taught to determine the condition of the sword (R button, if the sword is broken, it is colored red). The battles are quite simple, although the fourth time you will have to fight in two rounds and with several enemies. Having won the competition, we fulfill our goal, and the game takes us to the Curse menu, where we can level up the Curse.

3) Chase on a moonlit night

We kill the enemy squad that attacked us. We reach the alley, which is blocked by a cage, and move it aside. We kill the archers; there is a ledge ahead that you need to climb onto. But be careful, there are still two chests left in the location. After we climb onto the ledge, we go down and learn to look for weak spots in the wall while in the Curse.
We find a weak spot in the wall, break it, go through the house, kill the squad again, and roll away the cart.

We find ourselves in the square in front of the gate leading to the road from the castle. To open the gate, you need to pull the opening mechanism. This mechanism is located in the guards' room. Not far from the gate we find a chest, next to the double doors. We go up the stairs, in the guards' room we find a mechanism and use it. In the room with the mechanism there is a balcony - there is a chest, there is also a staircase to the upper floor, there is also a chest there.

We just go down to the gate when everything is done.

4) Forest roads

This mission itself is not long. Our goal is to kill the baron and his minions. There is nothing special in this battle, except that it may happen that you have to help Esteban get out of the other world. And in the Curse mode you will have to cross your blades with the old baron.

5) Nightmare I

We're in Esteban and Danz's nightmare. This nightmare is very real. The first part of the mission, we just have to run forward and kill ghosts, who, by the way, die on the first hit.

Then we watch a video, after which we learn how to shoot fire in Curse mode (LShift+E). We set fire to the door in the form of a head; behind the door there is a hall with a bunch of enemies and a cross that will appear after killing all the ghosts.

Then Death appears and needs to be... killed. I’ll tell you right now that we won’t be able to do this, but we can cripple her by shooting her with fire and hitting her with a sword.

6) Interlude

Just a screensaver.

1) Tower of Zara

We rise to the ledge. If you don't immediately go to the weak spot in the wall, you can find a chest. We break the wall at its weak point and go through the wine cellar. In the hall we find two ballistas that can be broken with fire in the Curse mode. We rise, kill the guards, find the mechanism, and rise even higher. Under the stairs we find the second chest. We kill the guards, find and use the mechanism, climb to the roof. We switch to Curse mode, find a cross. We eliminate the adversaries, go back to the Curse, blow up the door, go down and turn the mechanism. We go down again, stab two enemies, and then leave through the main gate.

2) Disembarkation at the port

We run forward, covering ourselves with a shield, and reach a powerful gate that simply cannot be opened. They open with Cursed Fire (LShift+E). There is a chest not far from the gate. We run forward, together with Esteban we raise the gate. The task is to destroy all three ballistas. They are destroyed, as in the previous mission, by fire from the Curse. Having destroyed all the ballistae, watch the video and turn the lever.

3) Old streets of Zara

We run forward, raise the gate, then run across another square and raise another gate (there is a chest in front of it). In the square behind the next gate you can find a cross and a chest. We run through a couple more heavy gates and find ourselves at our destination.

4) Forward to the peninsula

The point of this mission is to guide the ballista to the bridge. In essence, the task is simple - we simply protect the ballista from oncoming enemies, and do not let them destroy it. When the ballista stops in front of the closed gate, we run along the bypass path and open the gate on the other side. Towards the end of the mission, you will need to replace the place of one of the soldiers, as he will be killed.

5) Fortified bridge

At the very beginning of the mission, we need to use a ballista to destroy the defenses on the other side of the bridge. We aim the ballista at them (such wooden structures from above) and shoot (when we aim correctly, the dotted line of the flight path will turn red). Having destroyed the fortifications, we take the chest, which is located on the stairs on the left, and run across the bridge.

In the Curse, we blow up the door, run to the next passage, turn into the nook on the right, where a chest awaits us. To the left of the passage, in the fence there is a weak spot, which we find while in the Curse. We jump down and find ourselves on the shore.

We run back and find the chest. We run forward, blow up the wall in Damnation, and go into the sewer. If you go right, you can find a chest. As soon as we find it, we immediately return to the entrance to the sewer and turn the other way. Having gone out into the fresh air, we find ourselves not far from the room where there is a mechanism that will open the gate to the Baron. We kill the enemies, use the mechanism, go up the stairs, run a little forward, and go down again. In this alley you can find a chest and a cross. We go up to the tower.

6) Five wells of Zara

If you don't go down and turn right, you can find a chest. We go down and run to the left, we find a cross and a chest. We fight with the boss - the fat captain of the guard. The battle with him takes place in two worlds: the Curse and the real one. To get into the real world and begin to injure the captain (and he is inflicted with injuries precisely while in the Curse), you need to kill all the ghosts that are staggering around the battlefield.

7) Near the Zara fortress

We take the chest lying at the very beginning of the mission. We go forward, we will fall into a trap. We shoot the archers and go up to the second floor. We switch to the Curse, find a chest, two ghosts and destroy the doors. We go down and find a cross directly opposite the stairs from which we came down. Being in the Curse, we find a weak spot in the wall, break it and pass through. We look for a chest on the left, run to the right, there is another chest behind the barrel. We move the cart, which is preventing us from passing, and run into a large area. There is a chest in front of some large double doors. We shoot all the archers and blow up the door

8) The Fall of Zara

If you go straight and to the right, you can find a chest and two ghosts. We push away the ballista and raise the gate. We kill the archers, blow up the gate to find and kill the ghost. We run further, around the bend we find a chest. We push away another ballista, blow up the gate to find a cross. We run forward and raise another gate. We watch the splash screen and prepare for the battle with the boss.

The battle tactics are the same as with the fat captain. Unless you don’t need to kill a bunch of ghosts, you only need to rein in two.

9) Nightmare II

We're in a nightmare again. We go up the slope, after the second climb we turn right and find a cross. We continue to climb, watch the screensaver in which we learn to shoot accurately with fire (LShift+LMouse+Space). We aim to blow up the door in the shape of a head and run into it. We meet Death again, we fight with it again. The battle tactics are as follows: when Death stands on the mountain, we hit it with fire (E button), when Death descends, we hit it with both the sword and fire. It is important to note that you can fry Death with fire when it is on the pedestal only after all the ghosts have been killed (otherwise Esteban will be busy with the ghosts and will not be able to help, and his help is required).

10) Saving the Empire

Just a screensaver.

1) Walls of Constantinople

We get off the ship, defeat the enemy squad, and receive the task of finding the way to the trebuchet.

There is a chest along the way, and another chest lies in front of the stone stairs that lead to the trebuchet. We find ourselves on the stairs, turn 180 degrees and run forward, we find the chest. We turn around again and run to the trebuchets. We destroy them with hellfire, then to the left of the second trebuchet, in the wall, we find a weak point and go into the tower. In the room on the right there is a cross. We again find a weak spot in the wall and exit. We run to the right.

2) Golden Gate

We watch a screensaver in which, with the help of the Curse, a huge door is destroyed. Then, after the cutscene, we will have to destroy the door ourselves using a battering ram. Just click on the arrows at the right time.

Next, we take cover and hide from arrows, as in the first missions. We reach the northern gate. We destroy the scaffolding using targeted fire, so we want to open the gate. But they don't open. We turn around and run in the opposite direction. Near the turret we find a cross, chests to the right and left of this place, and another chest on the stairs, in front of the huge doors. We run towards the southern gate.

We also stand behind cover and move forward, hiding from arrows in time, then shooting archers, then killing guards with a sword. We destroy the yellow supports. Again the gate did not open.

3) Trapped

The mission will begin with a boss fight. Everything is extremely simple and banal. We’re just beating the adversary, but we can’t kill him because he’s fighting. To the right of the large destroyed column there is a cross. We go towards the column, after they shoot a cloud of arrows at us, we separate from Esteban and go to the right. We look for a weak spot in the wall and go through. We fight with a detachment of enemies and go upstairs. Turn right and find a chest. We go left and quickly run forward.

4) Death of the Emperor

Just watching the video.

5) Walls of Vlaherne

We watch a video in which we see that the siege of the city has begun. Controlling two siege towers, we move towards the walls. When enemy archers appear, we shoot them, otherwise they will burn our tower. We get to the wall, run into the building, break down the door. We run to the end of the wall. We see that enemy soldiers have destroyed the stairs. We run back to the wall, next to which our tower stands. We run to the next building, turn left, there is a chest there. We knock down the door of this building, run forward, breaking down the next doors and killing the crossbowmen. In the end, we descend to the ground. We deal with the enemy squad. We find a cross next to the gate, which depicts a double-headed eagle. We find the chest near the cart, use the mechanism to open the gate.

6) Gardens of Vlaherne

In this mission we will hunt down the traitor who overthrew the emperor. So, we blow up the scaffolding on the left and deal with the squad of archers. We get up, open the door, watch the video.

We find ourselves in the garden. We fight the enemy. We find a cross that hangs not far from one of the statues; there is a chest nearby. We run to the gate, watch the video, after which we will have to deal with the crowd of ghosts. The crowd of ghosts will never end unless the wells from which it comes are destroyed. To destroy the well, run up to it, press E, and destroy the column. We kill the last enemies and follow the traitor.

7) Near the emperor's palace

At the beginning of the mission we find a chest. We just go forward, fight enemies when the game requires it from us. Having reached the gate, we go to the Curse and look to the left, there a cross awaits us. The boss battle begins. We must overthrow the brazen traitor!

Everything is quite simple as always. We hit the adversary with a sword, or set him on fire. While defending himself, he will burn us, but his attacks are easy to dodge. Unfortunately, we don't kill him in this battle.

8) Blachernae Baths

We find ourselves in the baths. Again, there is an arrogant traitor opposite us. We shoot at him with a crossbow, then shoot at him with aimed fire. Then we go right and knock down the door. If you go straight, you can find a cross. After that, turn left, run to the next doors, knock them out.

We meet with the traitor again. We shoot fire at him, he will run away again. We go left, blow up the door, then go right, blow up the door. We go into the room in which the traitor hid. There we find a detachment of enemies. We run forward, go up the stairs, and kill the traitor with a sword. Before he dies, he will tell you something.


We go left, kill the archers, push the cart away. We go right and go down into the sewer. We turn left, go up to the ledge, and go out to the statue. We find the cross. We return to the sewer, find another ledge, go up the stairs, and find ourselves in the Capitol. We find a stone coffin. Opposite him, in the wall, is a coffin. And next to him there is a weak spot in the wall. We break and go through. We watch a cutscene in which we find part of an old relic - the spear of fate. For this relic, a battle will now break out with Marquis Banifacius himself. The battle tactics are banal: we set the enemy on fire and shoot at him with targeted fire. However, it is impossible to kill him.

10) Nightmare III

We meet our friend again - Death. This time he is terribly dangerous and you need to run away from him. We run in the opposite direction from him. Running to the bridge, we find a cross. We run up to the fountain. We learn a new ability - Fire Whirlwind. With its help you can hit a bunch of enemies around. We blow up the talking door and cross the bridge.

We fight death. Dodging his attacks, we hit him with targeted fire. You need to be careful, sometimes you will need to help Esteban. Let's watch the video.

1) Feodosiya Forum

We find ourselves in the square, where we are attacked by units that five minutes ago were our allies. We run forward to the gate. We run in and slam them. We run to the left and get to the next gate. We fall into a trap. We destroy the supports that hold the column. We run straight, then to the left, and deal with the enemies. If you go to the right, you can find a cross near the cart. We go to the wall and turn right. Let's watch the video.

2) Forum of Constantine

We go forward, then turn right twice. We fight with the enemy squad. We find a chest behind a wooden grate. We turn left twice, run up to the column, kill the enemies. We pass through the next grate. The chest is on the left. We go to the right, push the cart away. We find a cross behind a wooden grate. We run forward, killing heaps of enemies. We reach a man who is fighting a bunch of enemies. Let's help him.

3) The road to the palace

We kill the enemies and go out to the square. The cross on it is located near the iron gate, opposite the wall. An infinite number of enemies are rushing, we pass through the gate, kill the crossbowmen, we pass through the next gate. A boss battle begins, which is complicated by a large number of enemies with shields. We deal with them first, then kill the boss. In reality and in Damnation.

4) Temple gallery

We kill the guards in the courtyard, with the help of Esteban we raise the gate and pass through. Let's watch the video. Let's go forward, climb the wall, watch another video. Killing enemies, we reach the next gate and raise it, we pass through. In the courtyard we fight with enemies and reach the wooden gate.

We fall into the trap of ghosts. We kill them, then we kill the knights. We fall into a trap again. We kill them too, raise the gate, and find ourselves in the next courtyard. We run to the left. We watch a long video in which Banifacius, using the relic he found, summons a demon. This is the demon we now have to fight.

Tactics: hit the demon's legs until he bows his head. Then we shoot him in the head with fire.

6) Courtyard of Hagia Sophia

Enemies immediately attack us, we kill them. We go to the right, climb the stones. After we push the cart away, we turn right. We kill the knights, turn around and blow up the scaffolding. We move along them to the other side of the wall.

There is a cross in the courtyard above the fountain. We kill the enemies and go into the passage. In the room we find a mechanism that opens the doors to the cathedral.

7) Hagia Sophia

I’ll tell you right away - this is a rather difficult mission. You will need to defeat three demons at once. Fortunately, they attack one by one. While one demon is attacking us, the other two are imprisoned in circles of fire. Next to them there are also circles, above which hangs a huge chandelier. So, we lure the demon into a circle above which a chandelier hangs, hit the demon’s legs and pull the mechanism to drop this chandelier. We do this three times. Once the last demon is defeated, a cutscene will start.

8) To the Bosphorus

Let's watch the video.

9) Leaving the fragmented empire

And one more video...

1) Fortress

We watch the video, at the end of which zombies attack us. We kill them and move forward. From time to time we will fall into the Curse. To get out you need to destroy all the ghosts. We reach the stairs, go up and find the chest. We step forward and find a cross on the balcony.

We find ourselves in a place where there are two stairs: up and down. We go down the stairs leading down. We find ourselves in the wine cellar, when we leave it, we deal with the enemies and turn left. Straight to the gates of Hell.

The tactics for destroying them are as follows: Esteban distracts most of the enemies, and at this time we deal with the gate using fire. When the gate is closed, we examine the room. In the far left part of the wall we find a weak point and break it. Let's watch the video.

2) Epilogue

We enjoy the end of the game and hope for a continuation.

1) Winter evening

We kill five enemies and learn the first basics of combat. Then we watch the video and run away from Death to the church, pressing the arrows in time (you need to press at the time when the circle comes closer to the arrow and turns white). After the video we get to the hero leveling menu. We learn to distribute skill points (they are spent on Strength, Templar's Rage, Weapon/Armor Mastery, Maximum Health), skill points (they help to master one or another type of weapon to perfection, helps to learn new combos).

1) Assault on Biron Castle

We play for Denz, our assistants are the young Spaniard Esteban. We put a covering device in front of us, and at the right time, when enemy archers fire a hail of arrows, we hide in cover by pressing spacebar.

Having reached the gate, we pick up a crossbow and shoot enemy archers, leaving cover, taking aim (when the enemy hits the crosshair, it turns red) and shooting by pressing the right mouse button. When the enemy archers in front of the gate fall, watch a video in which the gate will be blown up.

We find ourselves on the bridge leading to the main gate of the castle. We kill two enemy archers to the right of the bridge. We approach the ram, press E, thereby we will stand behind its controls. We press Q, thereby we call Esteban for help, after which we press the necessary arrows in time.

We run through the hole in the gate and kill the guards. Once the main wave of guards are killed, three more will appear on the stairs at the back of the courtyard. We kill them with a crossbow (to do this, press the down arrow, thereby the crossbow will fall into our hands). We run up to the stairs, press E, then Q and E again. This way we will help Esteban rise and rise ourselves. We go into the next courtyard, kill the guards there, and find three chests (apparently with treasures). A cart blocks our way further. With the help of Esteban, we roll it away and run into the castle.

We go upstairs, there we find the fourth chest. Then we go down and run across the bridge to the roof of the castle, where Martin is waiting for us. We receive the task to deal with Martin. The fight with him takes place in two stages: the first time we defeat him while in a normal state, the second time we defeat him while in a state of curse. These two states are not very different, only in the external surroundings and a couple more details that you will already notice. Don't forget to find the fifth chest on the battlefield.

2) Competitions in Ecries

This level is simple and monotonous. You just need to fight in the arena four times, undergoing training between battles. The first time we learn a stunning blow (middle mouse button), the second time we learn how to parry blows and unbalance the enemy (spacebar when the enemy is blue), the third time we learn how to dodge blows (middle mouse button when the enemy is orange) , for the fourth time we will be taught to determine the condition of the sword (R button, if the sword is broken, it is colored red). The battles are quite simple, although the fourth time you will have to fight in two rounds and with several enemies. Having won the competition, we fulfill our goal, and the game takes us to the Curse menu, where we can level up the Curse.

3) Chase on a moonlit night

We kill the enemy squad that attacked us. We reach the alley, which is blocked by a cage, and move it aside. We kill the archers; there is a ledge ahead that you need to climb onto. But be careful, there are still two chests left in the location. After we climb onto the ledge, we go down and learn to look for weak spots in the wall while in the Curse.
We find a weak spot in the wall, break it, go through the house, kill the squad again, and roll away the cart.

We find ourselves in the square in front of the gate leading to the road from the castle. To open the gate, you need to pull the opening mechanism. This mechanism is located in the guards' room. Not far from the gate we find a chest, next to the double doors. We go up the stairs, in the guards' room we find a mechanism and use it. In the room with the mechanism there is a balcony - there is a chest, there is also a staircase to the upper floor, there is also a chest there.

We just go down to the gate when everything is done.

4) Forest roads

This mission itself is not long. Our goal is to kill the baron and his minions. There is nothing special in this battle, except that it may happen that you have to help Esteban get out of the other world. And in the Curse mode you will have to cross your blades with the old baron.

5) Nightmare I

We're in Esteban and Danz's nightmare. This nightmare is very real. The first part of the mission, we just have to run forward and kill ghosts, who, by the way, die on the first hit.

Then we watch a video, after which we learn how to shoot fire in Curse mode (LShift+E). We set fire to the door in the form of a head; behind the door there is a hall with a bunch of enemies and a cross that will appear after killing all the ghosts.

Then Death appears and needs to be... killed. I’ll tell you right now that we won’t be able to do this, but we can cripple her by shooting her with fire and hitting her with a sword.

6) Interlude

Just a screensaver.

1) Tower of Zara

We rise to the ledge. If you don't immediately go to the weak spot in the wall, you can find a chest. We break the wall at its weak point and go through the wine cellar. In the hall we find two ballistas that can be broken with fire in the Curse mode. We rise, kill the guards, find the mechanism, and rise even higher. Under the stairs we find the second chest. We kill the guards, find and use the mechanism, climb to the roof. We switch to Curse mode, find a cross. We eliminate the adversaries, go back to the Curse, blow up the door, go down and turn the mechanism. We go down again, stab two enemies, and then leave through the main gate.

2) Disembarkation at the port

We run forward, covering ourselves with a shield, and reach a powerful gate that simply cannot be opened. They open with Cursed Fire (LShift+E). There is a chest not far from the gate. We run forward, together with Esteban we raise the gate. The task is to destroy all three ballistas. They are destroyed, as in the previous mission, by fire from the Curse. Having destroyed all the ballistae, watch the video and turn the lever.

3) Old streets of Zara

We run forward, raise the gate, then run across another square and raise another gate (there is a chest in front of it). In the square behind the next gate you can find a cross and a chest. We run through a couple more heavy gates and find ourselves at our destination.

4) Forward to the peninsula

The point of this mission is to guide the ballista to the bridge. In essence, the task is simple - we simply protect the ballista from oncoming enemies, and do not let them destroy it. When the ballista stops in front of the closed gate, we run along the bypass path and open the gate on the other side. Towards the end of the mission, you will need to replace the place of one of the soldiers, as he will be killed.

5) Fortified bridge

At the very beginning of the mission, we need to use a ballista to destroy the defenses on the other side of the bridge. We aim the ballista at them (such wooden structures from above) and shoot (when we aim correctly, the dotted line of the flight path will turn red). Having destroyed the fortifications, we take the chest, which is located on the stairs on the left, and run across the bridge.

In the Curse, we blow up the door, run to the next passage, turn into the nook on the right, where a chest awaits us. To the left of the passage, in the fence there is a weak spot, which we find while in the Curse. We jump down and find ourselves on the shore.

We run back and find the chest. We run forward, blow up the wall in Damnation, and go into the sewer. If you go right, you can find a chest. As soon as we find it, we immediately return to the entrance to the sewer and turn the other way. Having gone out into the fresh air, we find ourselves not far from the room where there is a mechanism that will open the gate to the Baron. We kill the enemies, use the mechanism, go up the stairs, run a little forward, and go down again. In this alley you can find a chest and a cross. We go up to the tower.

6) Five wells of Zara

If you don't go down and turn right, you can find a chest. We go down and run to the left, we find a cross and a chest. We fight with the boss - the fat captain of the guard. The battle with him takes place in two worlds: the Curse and the real one. To get into the real world and begin to injure the captain (and he is inflicted with injuries precisely while in the Curse), you need to kill all the ghosts that are staggering around the battlefield.

7) Near the Zara fortress

We take the chest lying at the very beginning of the mission. We go forward, we will fall into a trap. We shoot the archers and go up to the second floor. We switch to the Curse, find a chest, two ghosts and destroy the doors. We go down and find a cross directly opposite the stairs from which we came down. Being in the Curse, we find a weak spot in the wall, break it and pass through. We look for a chest on the left, run to the right, there is another chest behind the barrel. We move the cart, which is preventing us from passing, and run into a large area. There is a chest in front of some large double doors. We shoot all the archers and blow up the door

8) The Fall of Zara

If you go straight and to the right, you can find a chest and two ghosts. We push away the ballista and raise the gate. We kill the archers, blow up the gate to find and kill the ghost. We run further, around the bend we find a chest. We push away another ballista, blow up the gate to find a cross. We run forward and raise another gate. We watch the splash screen and prepare for the battle with the boss.

The battle tactics are the same as with the fat captain. Unless you don’t need to kill a bunch of ghosts, you only need to rein in two.

9) Nightmare II

We're in a nightmare again. We go up the slope, after the second climb we turn right and find a cross. We continue to climb, watch the screensaver in which we learn to shoot accurately with fire (LShift+LMouse+Space). We aim to blow up the door in the shape of a head and run into it. We meet Death again, we fight with it again. The battle tactics are as follows: when Death stands on the mountain, we hit it with fire (E button), when Death descends, we hit it with both the sword and fire. It is important to note that you can fry Death with fire when it is on the pedestal only after all the ghosts have been killed (otherwise Esteban will be busy with the ghosts and will not be able to help, and his help is required).
