The Elder Scrolls III: MORROWIND - Global mod SERENDIPITY (2004). Skyrim - Global mod “SkyWind Moving around the game world

Skywind update. Version

1) to install correctly, first run the installer, and then drop the Data folder into the game folder (problems may arise for pirate owners with textures/LODs)

2) due to problems with Bethesda, the mod requires Morrrowind GOTY (or Morrowind+Bloodmon+Tribunal) and Skyrim Legendary Edition (or Skyrim+Dawnguard+Dragonborn)

P.S. For those who shout that everything is raw and that it should be improved:

There will be a translation!!! It will be as soon as they release a playable version with all the goodies! Estimated release date is late summer 2014! All questions should be directed to the administrators of the official public page (link below) or to the team

P.P.S all your other questions can be answered

Completely passable Main quest, Tribunal Temple, Hlaalu;
- Added models for iron weapons;
- Many guards are now in armor;
- Added ash monsters, kwama, madcrabs, ogrim;
- Added various quests;
- Reorganized dialogues, added unique voicetypes. This allows you to use Morrowind Vanilla Voice Conversion 1.0;
- All NPC faces are unique;
- Added introductory video;
- Added trainers;
- Added and fixed a huge number of navmeshes;
- Molag Amur, Suran, Ascadian Islands, Odai River, Seyda Nin and more now look different;
- Crafting has appeared;
- Bribes and ridicule. Our eloquence has increased
- And also many other changes...

1. What is Skywind?
A: This is a non-commercial modification of the game TES V: Skyrim, transferring the world of TES III: Morrowind to an improved engine.

2. Will only the island be moved?
A: No, all components of the game are transferred, starting from the world (all barrels, etc.), ending with NPCs, monsters, all quests

3. God, but Morrowind had terrible graphics, what will happen to the models and textures?
A: Textures and models are being processed to high quality ones to achieve a technical level close to Skyrim.

4. Will there be Oblivion?
A: They will work normally only after Morrowind.

5. Will there be children?
A: There are no children in the stock version.

6. Is it possible to use forges and other wonders of crafting in Skyrim?
A: Yes, you will be able to forge armor and weapons, improve them in Skyrim, cook food, etc.
But at the same time, the balance of crafting will be reworked, so, for example, you will be able to forge only 1 Daedric set for the entire game, etc.

7. Will there be markers, fast travel?
A: The player can determine this option himself during installation.

8: I heard that armor will be in Morrowind, is that true?
A: Yes, all armor is divided according to the TEC 3 system: 2 shoulder pads, 2 gauntlets, leggings, cuirass, boots, helmet, so you can combine them if you want

9. Some screenshots are too bright! Looks lit up!
A: When creating screenshots, the author (Eloth) uses ENB, which significantly affects the brightness/contrast and shades. This won't happen in a stock game.

10. Will Tamriel Rebuild be carried over?
A: Yes, but after the conversion of Morrowind itself.

11. Will the role-playing system be in Morrowind or Skyrim?
A: You can choose which one you want to use, with, without, or mixed attributes. Also, most likely, lost skills will be returned.

12. Will the interface be changed?
A: Yes, there will be an additional opportunity to replace the interface with one more similar in spirit to Morrowind.

13. Will the voice acting of random phrases from the original Morrowind 1C be inserted?
Oh yeah.

14. Will there be voice acting for dialogues?
A: yes, work is underway on this, if you want to take part, write to rammsteinfanat on Skype.

15. Will there be ash and sand storms?
Oh yeah.

16. Release date.
A: The estimated release date for the beta version (with quests, NPCs, etc.) is 2013.
You can speed up this process with your help, everything depends solely on volunteers.

17. What will the combat system be like? Will there be a division of damage by type: cutting, piercing, crushing?
A: The combat system will be Skyrim's. There won't be any

18. Will Morrowind spells (magic system) be returned?
Oh yeah.

19. Will there be guar mounts instead of horses?
A: Guars are planned, but most likely there will be a separate plugin that you can select an option during installation.

20. How will promotion in guilds be carried out?
A: Promotion in guilds will be carried out similarly to Morrowind, that is, the skills of your character will be taken into account. Thus, a 1st level character will not be able to become a grandmaster)

21. How will it be possible to travel between provinces?
A: In the first few days, the transition will most likely be implemented in Morroble - through a ship. In the future there will be Tamriel Rebild and you will be able to go from 1st province to another.

22. Will there be grass?
A: Yes, there will be grass, but the grass in Skywind is not the grass from Morroblivion, look at the screenshots + it will still be improved.

23. Will creatures from Skyrim or Morrowind be used?
A: Rats and Killer Fish will be from Skyrim, due to their good models and essentially minimal differences from the original. The rest, unique Morrowind ones, will either be created from 0 or modified. All weapons and armor will be a "la Morrowind (see screenshots, but not all screenshots))))

24.Skywind will be released along with Bloodmoon and Tribunal or will they be added later?
A: Everything will come out right away.

1) to install correctly, first run the installer, and then drop the Data folder into the game folder (problems may arise for pirate owners with textures/LODs)

2) due to problems with Bethesda, the mod requires Morrrowind GOTY (or Morrowind+Bloodmon+Tribunal) and Skyrim Legendary Edition (or Skyrim+Dawnguard+Dragonborn)

P.S. For those who shout that everything is raw and that it should be improved:

There will be a translation!!! It will be as soon as they release a playable version with all the goodies! Estimated release date is late summer 2014! All questions should be directed to the administrators of the official public page (link below) or to the team

List of changes

Completely passable Main quest, Tribunal Temple, Hlaalu;
- Added models for iron weapons;
- Many guards are now in armor;
- Added ash monsters, kwama, madcrabs, ogrim;
- Added various quests;
- Reorganized dialogues, added unique voicetypes. This allows you to use Morrowind Vanilla Voice Conversion 1.0;
- All NPC faces are unique;
- Added introductory video;
- Added trainers;
- Added and fixed a huge number of navmeshes;
- Molag Amur, Suran, Ascadian Islands, Odai River, Seyda Nin and more now look different;
- Crafting has appeared;
- Bribes and ridicule. Our eloquence has increased wink
- And also many other changes...

1. What is Skywind?
A: This is a non-commercial modification of the game TES V: Skyrim, transferring the world of TES III: Morrowind to an improved engine.

2. Will only the island be moved?
A: No, all components of the game are transferred, starting from the world (all barrels, etc.), ending with NPCs, monsters, all quests

3. God, but Morrowind had terrible graphics, what will happen to the models and textures?
A: Textures and models are being processed to high quality ones to achieve a technical level close to Skyrim.

4. Will there be Oblivion?
A: Oblivion will work normally only after Morrowind.

5. Will there be children?
A: There are no children in the stock version.

6. Is it possible to use forges and other wonders of crafting in Skyrim?
A: Yes, you will be able to forge armor and weapons, improve them in Skyrim, cook food, etc.
But at the same time, the balance of crafting will be reworked, so, for example, you will be able to forge only 1 Daedric set for the entire game, etc.

7. Will there be markers, fast travel?
A: The player can determine this option himself during installation.

8: I heard that armor will be in Morrowind, is that true?
A: Yes, all armor is divided according to the TEC 3 system: 2 shoulder pads, 2 gauntlets, leggings, cuirass, boots, helmet, so you can combine them if you want

9. Some screenshots are too bright! Looks lit up!
A: When creating screenshots, the author (Eloth) uses ENB, which significantly affects the brightness/contrast and shades. This won't happen in a stock game.

10. Will Tamriel Rebuild be postponed?
A: Yes, but after the conversion of Morrowind itself.

11. Will the role-playing system be in Morrowind or Skyrim?
A: You can choose what you want to use, with, without, or mixed attributes. Also, most likely, lost skills will be returned.

12. Will the interface be changed?
A: Yes, there will be an additional opportunity to replace the interface with one more similar in spirit to Morrowind.

13. Will the voice acting of random phrases from the original Morrowind 1C be inserted?
Oh yeah.

14. Will there be voice acting for dialogues?
A: yes, work is underway on this, if you want to take part, write to rammsteinfanat on Skype.

15. Will there be ash and sand storms?
Oh yeah.

16. Release date.
A: The estimated release date for the beta version (with quests, NPCs, etc.) is 2013.
You can speed up this process with your help, everything depends solely on volunteers.

17. Will there be a new battle system? Will there be a division of damage by type: cutting, piercing, crushing?
A: The combat system will be Skyrim's. There won't be any

18. Will Morrowind spells (magic system) be returned?
Oh yeah.

19. Will there be guar mounts instead of horses?
A: Guars are planned, but most likely there will be a separate plugin that you can select an option during installation.

20. How will promotion in guilds be carried out?
A: Promotion in guilds will be carried out similarly to Morrowind, that is, the skills of your character will be taken into account. Thus, a 1st level character will not be able to become a grandmaster)

21. How will it be possible to move between provinces?
A: In the first few days, the transition will most likely be implemented in Morroble - through a ship. In the future there will be Tamriel Rebuild and you will be able to go from 1st province to another.

22. Will there be grass?
A: Yes, there will be grass, but the grass in Skywind is not the grass from Morroblivion, look at the screenshots + it will still be improved.

23. Will creatures from Skyrim or Morrowind be used?
A: Rats and Killer Fish will be from Skyrim, due to their good models and essentially minimal differences from the original. The rest, unique Morrowind ones, will either be created from 0 or modified. All weapons and armor will be a "la Morrowind (see screenshots, but not all screenshots))))

24.Skywind will be released along with Bloodmoon and Tribunal or will they be added later?
A: Everything will come out right away.

Help the project

Even if you don’t know English, this is not a problem; for coordination with the Russian-speaking community there is an offline website. Russian forum thread, as well as a group in VK

Help is needed in the following areas:
1) SK quest makers - transfer of quests from the original Morrowind.
2) SK - creation of authentic and unique faces of NPCs from Morrowind.
3) 3D modelers - improving existing meshes, fitting, etc.
4) Nif experts - conversion and adaptation to Skyrim's skeleton of armor and clothing. (All meshes are converted automatically, the main thing is that they are displayed normally on the character where they need to be tweaked).
5) People who know ActionScript 2.0 Flash (to help create a new Morrowind-style interface)
6) Scripters

But if you don’t fall into these categories, then don’t be sad, write what you can do and what you would like to do, we will try to find you something to do wink
Before writing here, read here

This mod adds 5 legendary rings to the vastness of Skyrim, which first appeared in Morrowind

Mentor Ring:

Mentor Ring:
- Increases Magic reserve by 150 units
- Increases magic regeneration by 30%
- The Ring of the Mentor is a precious item for anyone who studies magic. It can add wisdom and intelligence to its owner, thus making his magic more effective.
- High Sorcerer Carni Asron is rumored to be the creator of this ring
- It was created to help his students while they were learning magic under his guidance. After Asron's death, the Ring and several of its other substances disappeared and can still be found in Tamriel.

Khajiit Ring:

Khajiit Ring:
- Increases movement speed and muffles footsteps while sneaking
- Access to the Invisibility spell for 30 seconds
- The Khajiit Ring is an ancient relic, hundreds of years older than Rajin, the thief who made the ring famous. Rajin used it to become invisible and move faster than the wind.
- Using this Ring made him the most successful thief in Elsweyr. The end of Rajin's journey remained a mystery, but according to legend, the Ring rebelled against constant use and disappeared, leaving Rajin defenseless next to his enemies.
- Yagrum Bagarn - Legends of Tamriel

Finaster's Ring:

Finaster's Ring:
- Increases defense against poison, magic and shock
- Also provides 4+ to Armor Class!
- Finaster's Ring - created hundreds of years ago by a man who needed good protection to preserve his life, which was filled with adventures. Thanks to the Ring, Finaster lived for several hundred years, and since then it has changed owners from time to time.
- The ring enhances protection against poison, magic and shock. Finaster skillfully enchanted the ring, so that it always unexpectedly leaves any of its owners - except Finaster himself - and goes to a secret place.
- Yagrum Bagarn - Legends of Tamriel

Vampire Ring:

Vampire Ring (in the Vampiric Ring localization):
- Access to the Reduce Health spell (strength varies for vampires and non-vampires)
- Vampires receive +20% health, magicka and stamina recovery
- (DLC Dawnguard - gives any vampire the ability to transform into a Vampire Lord!)
- The Vampire Ring is one of the most ancient and deadly artifacts of Tamriel. The ring is said to have the power to take health from a victim and transfer it to its owner.
- The true nature and origin of this ring is unknown, but old people say that it was created many years ago in Morrowind by followers of a secret cult of vampires
- This is a very rare artifact, its appearance is mentioned every few decades
- Yagrum Bagarn - Legends of Tamriel

Warlock Ring:

Warlock Ring:
- Increases the player's movement speed and absorbs magic (15%)
- Access to a powerful Healing spell
- The Warlock Ring of the Archmage Sirabane is one of the most popular artifacts described in myths and fairy tales. According to tales, Sirabane saved the entire continent using this ring, and since then it has helped adventurers achieve lofty goals
- It gives the wearer the ability to reflect spells, increases speed and restores health. No one can wear it for too long, because it obeys only Shirabane completely and willingly.
- Yagrum Bagarn - Legends of Tamriel

How to get rings?
- All rings can be found during a small mini-quest that is not displayed in the diary and does not have map markers. In Morrowind, legendary items were scattered throughout the world
- The player could get them at any time (if he knew where to look), although they were of course under heavy security. This plugin is an attempt to bring a little bit of Morrowind gameplay to Skyrim
- A wealthy collector decided to add these rings to his collection of artifacts. He hired mercenaries to locate and deliver the rings. One of these enthusiastic adventurers began his search in Whiterun, but accidentally forgot his journal (in which he liked to write down his thoughts) when he stopped for the night in the Prancing Mare. Find it and read it, it contains tips on what to do next if you want to get these artifacts yourself.
- The rings are scattered throughout Skyrim in such a way that you will have to run around the entire northern region in search of treasures. In your search, you will also find the following clues about the location of other rings, so be sure to study these notes carefully.

DLC Dawnguard

Place the Data folder in the game folder and connect it in the launcher

First released, modders have created an of content for Bethesda’s best-selling RPG. Several of those mods have attempted to recreate elements of previous games, like Morrowind and Skyrim; the Shadow of Morrowind mod was one such project, which was originally released in 2013. Now, the creators of the mod have released an “Overhaul” version.

The Shadow of Morrowind Overhaul Mod

The original Shadow of Morrowind mod was released on NexusMods back in 2013. The mod sought to create; “a lore friendly 4E Morrowind mainland with community resources…Directly integrated in the Solstheim world space.” Thus, rather than recreating the island of Vvardenfell, the setting of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind; the creators sought to create a new world-space based on the Morrowind mainland, after the eruption of Red Mountain during the 4th Era.

Just a few days ago, the creators of the Shadow of Morrowind mod released an entirely new version; Shadow of Morrowind Overhaul. Designed as an add-on for the original mod, the Overhaul includes new; “navmesh, creatures, weathers, ground textures, landscape additions, and LOD.” In addition, an update two days after the release added an; “optional high res texture pack and fix for missing object LOD.” To run the Overhaul, players will need all of Skyrim’s official DLCs and the original Shadow of Morrowind mod.

Fans looking for a different experience from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim may well find one here. Shadow of Morrowind features sweeping landscapes which differ greatly from the snowy hills and mountains of Skyrim; the desolate wastelands left in the wake of Red Mountain’s eruption, deserts, and of course, forests of mushrooms. The mod is largely landscape-oriented though; it doesn’t add any new NPCs, quests, or interiors. Rather, it focuses on open wilderness, weather systems, and creatures to roam the new lands.


The Elder Scrolls III: MORROWIND - Global mod SERENDIPITY (2004)

Year of manufacture: 2004
Genre: Mod
Developer: Bethesda Softworks
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
System requirements:
Memory: 256 MB;
Video card: DirectX 8.1 compatible, 32MB, Nvidia GeForce 2 GTS class, ATI Radeon 7500 and higher;
Audio card: DirectX 8.1 compatible;
Hard drive: 1 GB of free space;
8-speed CD-ROM;
DirectX 8.1 (included with the game);
Keyboard, mouse;
Description: A collection of plugins expanding the world of MORROWIND! Textures have been improved. New quests and locations... etc.
* added over a dozen new tombs, mines, caves, Daedric and Dwemer ruins to the main map
* added an entire region of Elsweyr with several dungeons
* added a desert area with its own unique history in the south of Morrowind, inhabited by trolls, giants, etc.
* added a huge amount of new clothes, armor and weapons
* several dozen unique quests have been added, which can be taken in Seyda Nin, Huul, Vivec, Aldrun and other places, including: over ten for a new guild, which can be reached by starting with questioning rumors in the Mages Guilds; the quest about the dark queen, which begins in the Seyda Nin tavern; about a dozen quests for individual Temples of the Nine Gods; quest game Legends of Inderalia; global quest about werewolves; a series of interesting quests starting on the Bitter Coast about searching for treasures; and etc.
* added a new guild - the Psijic Order, called the Order of the Blue Star in Morrowind
* added a dungeon system under Tel Uvirit
* Tel Uvirit has become more comfortable and functional due to some improvements
* added gossip to members of the Mages Guild, from which you can learn something interesting about new locations
* added secret alchemical machines to the game
* added script spells
* added empty scrolls for enchanting
* added many soul stones with souls
* added thematic music played when exploring the game world
* added many new methods of teleportation, both stationary and mobile, including means of teleporting companions
* models and textures of all game races were replaced with better ones
* dogs have been added to many settlements, new fish have been added to reservoirs, new monsters are found in some places, but all of them do not respawn, and once killed, they will not appear again
* added several temples of imperial deities and related quests
* added a pet shop near Seyda Neen
* added mercenaries with inventory support to the guilds of magicians and warriors
* added a dungeon under the sewers of Vivec's Palace
* added several multi-level estates for character housing, which will need to be conquered
* added children to Vvardenfell
* the entire main map is filled with new atmospheric sounds
* it became possible to break locks on doors and chests using force - depends on the type of weapon and type of door, and only then on the level of the lock
* doors to most buildings are locked at night
* in temples you can receive a reward for each pestilent creature you kill and for the vampires you kill
* textures of all interiors and exteriors of imperial castles, imperial and Dunmer settlements, fortresses, etc. have been replaced with higher quality ones
* textures of numerous items of different nature were replaced with higher quality ones
* added over a thousand new characters
* added the sound of birdsong, as well as new sounds for Silt Striders
* replaced the textures of soul stones, hammers, probes, master keys, ingredients
* glass weapons are now translucent
* Daedric armor now shines
* when opening urns and scarcophages there is a chance to awaken an undead
* if you have destroyed many tombs, the undead will begin to hunt you and may even send a curse
* in tombs you will sometimes hear strange sounds and observe manifestations of poltergeists
* many new potions and scrolls have been added to the game, which compensates for the almost completely removed ability to buy reagents in endless quantities
* new ingredients added
* silver utensils now began to shine
* the drop from some monsters has been diversified and increased, and soul stones can also fall from almost all Daedra
* added theme music to most guilds, forts, temples and taverns in the game
* the texture and model of gold was replaced with a more beautiful one - now it also shines
*many robes look much better on female characters
* added the ability to select new faces and hairstyles when generating a spell
* cold spells now look much more beautiful and impressive, depending on the strength of the spell
* many enchanted arrows have been retextured to match the character of the effect applied to them
* added completely new arrows for hunting vampires - ultraviolet
* models of all magic potions have been replaced with better and more effective ones
* many of the main characters in the game have had their appearance changed
* replaced models and icons for most keys in the game
* light pours into the streets from the windows at night
* reservoirs are now populated by various fish and other waterfowl
* the movie at the end of BloodMoon's plot is voiced in Russian
* to mine raw glass, ebony and adamantine, a miner's pickaxe is now required
* signs and banners were replaced with more beautiful ones
* the cost of teleportation services has been slightly increased
* slightly increased the cost of some spells
* balanced the quality of master keys, probes and hammers
* the ability to buy infinite quantities of most potions, alchemical reagents and soul stones has been removed, but the total number of sold ingredients and soul stones has been increased tenfold
* the increase in attractiveness and stamina given when choosing the Virgo sign has been halved
* slightly reduced the chance of dropping Daedric weapons from Dremora and glass weapons from Saints
* water has become more beautiful and realistic
* added the ability to ride horses...

Add. information: Also
A lot of nice little things have been added that reveal themselves as you progress through the game.
Incompatibility with The Glory Road plugin


The Elder Scrolls III: MORROWIND - Global mod Fate of the Devil (2009)

This project is primarily designed for experienced players, fans of the legendary series; there is a very low degree of probability that beginners will be able to appreciate the contribution made by the creators of this development. The developers of the Fate of the Devil project, first of all, set themselves the goal of recreating the entire continuum on the TES 3 engine...

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: mod
Developer: SIIO

Interface language: ru
Platform: Windows
System: Windows ME/98/XP/2000 (or wine/cedega)
Processor: Pentium III 800 MHz, or AMD Athlon;


The Elder Scrolls III: MORROWID - The Underground (2004)

One of the largest and most scandalous mods for Morrowind in the entire history of its existence. The boundaries of the familiar world of TES are erased, revealing to you mysterious dungeons and ruins of ancient temples and caves, dark paths and halls of lost castles, fraught with new dangers and the blood of new battles for the good and salvation of the earth and the inhabitants of the covered ashes...

Year of manufacture: 2004
Developer: Bethesda Softworks
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
System: Windows ME/98/XP/2000 (or wine/cedega)
Processor: Pentium III 800 MHz, or AMD Athlon;


Mods for The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion (2008)

My collection of mods for Oblivion It includes: Armor sets (17 pieces) - Alex_Scorpion_Sneaking (reminiscent of armor from CRYSIS), Silver armor, Chitin armor, Shadow of Death armor, etc. Weapons (about 30 pcs) - Shdw_expanded_weapon_pack (includes about 20 weapon variations), Frostmorn Sword, Katanas, War Scythes.. Castles, houses, estates (24 pcs) - Aenderil Castles, Alm...

Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: Fashion
Developer: Bethesda
Publisher: Bethesda
Developer website:
Interface language: Rus/Eng


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - patch v1. (2013)

Patch for the Russian version of the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Additionally, it contains a fix tablet for the Russian version, which corrects: - problems with the letter “h”; - spaces instead of Russian letters in save names; - translation of item and quest names to upper case is disabled; - other problems with the Cyrillic alphabet. The corrected launcher registers in...

Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Patch

Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Compilation of mods + Stakado Cinematic ENB v2.3 (2012)

A compilation of various mods for the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Fonts have been replaced, images and music have been replaced ("Dragonborn Comes" in metal processing) in the main menu and much more.

Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Action RPG
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Game Studios
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
Processor: Dual Core 2.0 GHz or equivalent
Video card: DirectX 9 compatible with 512 MB video memory
Hard drive: 6 GB
Sound card: DirectX compatible
Internet speed: for Steam activation

but I

Mods and Addons for games: Corsairs Return of the Legend, Corsairs III, Pirates of the Caribbean (2007)

The following Addons are collected here: 1. Addon Return of the Sea Legend [installed only on the game: Pirates of the Caribbean] Installation instructions included 2. Addon PKM Filibusters [installed only on the game "Corsairs 2: Pirates of the Caribbean and Corsairs III] Installation instructions included 3.Addon Corsairs 3 Secrets of the Distant Seas [Install the...

Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Modpack
Developer: Seaward.Ru
Publisher: Sergynia
Interface language: English + Russian


Mod for Fallout 3 (2009)

This mod allows you to play after the end of the game

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Mod
Developer: fallout-archives
Publisher: fallout-archives
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC CPU 2.4 Ghz, Video 3D 256 Mb, RAM 1024 Mb
Recommended system requirements: CPU 3 Ghz, Video 3D 512 Mb, RAM 2048 Mb To run you will need Fallout 3 installed


Mod for GTA 4 (2009)

This mod significantly improves the car damage system in GTA 4. From now on, cars don't just break. but they fight thoroughly.

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: supplement
Developer: Tyranick
Publisher: Tyranick
Developer website: none
Interface language: Russian
Platform: Windows XP SP2
Processor: Pentium-IV 2.4 GHz; RAM: 1 GB Ram;
Screw: 16 GB of free disk space;
Video card: 256 MB video card, GeForce 6600 GT class


AIX-mod for (Battlefield 2) (2007)

A mod that added a lot of new equipment, a bunch of maps, a new Euro-force army, the weapon system of helicopters and airplanes was redesigned, now the helicopter has surface-to-ground and air-to-air missiles, there are “clips” for each type. On airplanes there are surface-to-surface missiles. 14 pieces + 2-3 “clips” in stock. Added “morter”-Grenade Launcher, pulled out...

Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Action
Developer: EA
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Publication type: pirate
Interface language: English + Russian
Medicine: None
Platform: Battlefield 2

but I

European mod for FIFA Manager 11 (2010)

This mod will add to FIFA Manager 11 all UEFA member countries that were not included in the game by the developers. 17 countries were made from scratch - that is, a championship scheme, calendar, correct names and badges of teams of at least the top division of each country were created. 19 countries have been completed - that is, a re...

Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Mod
Developer: homer89
Publisher: homer89
Developer website: No
Interface language: English, German

The RHL 10 modification includes: All 24 clubs of the Kontinental Hockey League for the 2009-2010 season Exact team compositions at the end of the 2009-2010 season The actual schedule of matches of the KHL regular season KHL support in the “Dynasty” and “Season” game modes Complete sets of main and additional uniforms KHL clubs Real...

Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Mod
Developer: RHL-MOD TEAM
Publisher: RHL-MOD TEAM
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Processor: PENTIUM 3 1.3 GHZ /
Video card: 128MB minimum. NVIDIA FX 5900 Ultra or more; ATI Radeon 9800 or higher, Intel 82915G/82910GL or higher.


RWG mod for the game Sudden Strike 2 (2013)

RWG mod is the latest achievement in the field of modding the legendary strategy game Confrontation 4 or Sudden Strike 2. The modification is based on the SS RW (Sudden Strike - Resource War) engine version 2.4 (fuel engine). The main idea of ​​​​this war game is the idea of ​​​​maximizing the gameplay to reality based on movement...

Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Mod
Developer: Modplanet
Publisher: Modplanet
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian

but I

DOLG vs MONOLIT cs 1.6 salker mod (2009)

1.All weapons from STALKERA have been updated. 2.The models of players from STALKERA have been updated. 3.Updated stem (protocol 48.). 4.You can only play with bots. 5.Create a server and we will cut it on the Internet.

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Mod
Developer: Valve
Publisher: Valve
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Minimum: P-133, 32 Mb RAM, 2 Mb video.
Recommended: P-300, 64 Mb RAM, 8 Mb video.
To play without brakes it is desirable: 500 Mhz processor, 128 Mb RAM, 16 video.


Mod Battles of Asia for Rome:Total War (2006)

There is hardly any need to explain to fans of Rome: Total War what “full conversion” is when it comes to mods. This means that only the engine remains from RTW, and everything else: units, graphics of cities and settlements, a strategic map, screensavers, voice acting - everything is completely new. You can count such mods on one hand. These include "Battle of Asia"...

Year of manufacture: 2006
Genre: Mod
Developer: TWC
Publisher: TWC
Developer's website:
Interface language: English
Platform: PC
Minimum system requirements:
Operating system: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: Pentium III 1 GHz
Memory: 256 MB
