The elder scrolls online all quests. List of daily quests in ESO. Making jewelry

  1. Getting the regalia of the Scarlet Judge (The Scarlet Judge Quest)
  2. Loss of textures in dungeons - it happens
  3. Throwing a duelist into a wall

Note. Alas, I screwed up. "Youtube switched to separate audio/video streaming technology for higher quality formats and no longer provides direct 720p (Since 24 September 2018)/1080p/mp3 streams. ...downloading has been limited to PRO users." I didn’t check what it looks like, the quality is 720p - it turned out to be extremely bad. And the source codes are no longer there :-(However, everyone still watches on Youtube, but if suddenly something happens, it will be a shame :-(

001: First noob steps, general impression

Chapter One, in which Snorri Forstaag enters Morrowind Online, that is, seven hundred years before Morrowind Elder Scrolls III, and tries to understand where he ended up and how to live in this world; Narya Rantari helps by overcoming the natural inhibition of the Nord and using the experience of past and parallel lives.

002: Second noob steps, registering craft certificates

Chapter two, in which Snorri continues to slow down, and Narya patiently teaches him, starting with basic details, and then helps him get certified by various
craftsmen. All the same, you need to do the same thing yourself, but it’s more fun to run around with company and bureaucrats.

Note: this is NOT a guide, but excerpts from joint passage. However, it becomes clear how it is all done and how boring it is. Additionally, you learn a lot of little things about playing from scratch: I really haven’t played something like this, and it turns out to be a kind of training. Let’s say in this video I still don’t understand at all how to use weapon abilities and what to maneuver during battle. The old school Morrowind "stand there and click the button" doesn't work here.

003: About helping Rylan, visiting the library and maneuverability in battle

Chapter three, in which Narya is absent, and Snorri remembers what he was taught at the beginning of the game: the need to evade mob abilities and parry. He also helps Mr. Rylan from the small house of Devat, Telvanni, since he cannot complete the quest due to health problems. In return, Rylan shows Snorri the library and provides consulting services.

5:20 A visual illustration of the consequences of low ping.
9:16 Helping Rilan Devath complete a quest with the Agronians, which he cannot complete due to poor health.
14:16 Grateful Rylan shows Snorri the library in Shadowfen.
24:18 Rylan and Snorri return from the library, discussing the surrounding reality.
26:35 Snorri is doing housework in Vivec, continuing to stay in touch with Rylan, discussing things.
30:18 Snorri single-handedly demonstrates how important it is to be able to track the red zones of mobs' abilities and be able to parry - he previously neglected this without hesitation

004: Snorri and friends go through Razak's Wheel

Chapter four, in which Snorri takes a long time and carefully to obtain a Dwemer spider in Razak's Wheel, first with the help of the already familiar Rylan Devath, and then he calls a more experienced friend for help. Ranha Avalanche, the executioner, easily copes with the help of walkthrough, and also shows how werewolves eat flies.

Important and interesting points:
03:27 A strange fly that wanted to be friends
05:18 Entering the dungeon
30:44 Ranha Avalanche comes to the rescue
1:02:00 How to open a door with combination lock
1:11:24 I took the gear and put it in my pocket...
1:21:24 An unexpected custom of the Redguards
1:23:22 Pet obtained: Dwemer spider
1:24:00 Werewolf - what is it and what does it eat?

By the way, can anyone in the comments explain the strange behavior of the fly? This is really a mystery.

Like previous videos, this one does not make sense to be regarded as a guide or anything like that. The goal, in addition to “keeping it as a memory,” is to show “how it happens at the initial levels,” with explanations and chatter along the way, so that it doesn’t get boring. An hour and a half is, of course, a lot for a video, but there is a little recording before and after the dungeon, but this is a 40+ minute video from a high-level character, so it doesn’t drag on. Especially considering that at first we tried to complete levels 13/42 as a team, which turned out to be very difficult. Here 13/236cp is another matter :-) That is. actually a little less than an hour.

  1. Figure out what you will do there in advance. Tanking in this dungeon is not particularly needed, but massive area damage will be in order, as well as good personal damage for melee combat, for large Dwemer centurions. Otherwise, I had an idea to learn how to tank at the same time, but there is no point in taunting one of the crowd of small magicians, and large single magicians need to be damaged well.
  2. The dungeon has an almost "sequentially circular" route. There is a moment in the video when we understand that we should have gone in the opposite direction and had to return. This is in singles games like in Morrowind, everything is simple: clear the dungeon and walk there calmly. Immediately the monsters respawn, and quickly: i.e. when you return you have to deal with them again. Taking into account Rankh, I didn’t care, but if you go there, say, as a lurker, diving into invisibility, or just when the battles are serious, then do you need it?
    3. By the way, respawn can be literally in the place where you are standing. Moreover, there is a possibility that you didn’t see anyone here - someone carried out the monster shortly before you, and you don’t know. We stopped for a smoke - and suddenly there was a flamethrower tank at point-blank range...
    4. This is probably almost an accusation of multiple sclerosis, but don’t forget about the ultra. At level 13, I still perceived it as a super weapon that needed to be saved. No need! You need to charge it with light attacks and use it.
    5. Scaling - scaling, but the level is ruled by skills.
    6. The boss is not necessarily the largest monster. We accidentally lay down there in unison because, “Just think, a Dwemer spider, you can be lazy... oh.”
    7. During resurrection, you can fly to the side while you have not yet manifested yourself. And be careful: if instead of using the soul stone you click “at the sanctuary”, you will find yourself at the beginning of the dungeon. If you have not completed the quest yet, you will have to go through everything all over again. Do not do it this way.
    8. If your level does not allow you to take out everyone in passing, think about tactics, there are examples in the video when they tried with Rylan at the beginning.
    9. Clear space in your inventory in advance! Otherwise, a lot of stuff falls, and you can’t run to Vivec to unload.

Chapter Five, in which Narya helps Snorri obtain the regalia of the Scarlet Judge (The Scarlet Judge Quest), and Snorri then finds a secret room with a somewhat unexpected altar.

1:17 Cultists and a beholder who escaped from another game
2:23 Previously unseen slit jumper
3:50 First meeting with the Hungering One
4:35 Snorri meets Narya in Vivec, they talk about players as skeletons and zombies, and then clear out Hartag's Refuge
9:13 Quest for obtaining the regalia of the Scarlet Judge:
10:59 Speak to the Scarlet Judge near the Suran gate
11:32 Find proof of corruption by speaking to one of Marshal Hlaren's prisoners
11:49 Defeat Overseer Torvayn
12:22 Collect a testimony from three prisoners
12:38 Investigate Master Kharekh gra-Bagrat"s manor, and Mistress Dren"s manor
13:10 Meet the Scarlet Judge at Ulen Manor
14:29 Distract the Iron Hounds
22:50 Speak to Constable Gretga
23:53 Find a way into the Suran Prison
27:10 Talk to the Scarlet Judge inside the Suran Prison
31:20 Find the Scarlet Judge's regalia in Warden Libo's hunting camp
37:30 Defeat Marshal Hlaren inside the Inanius Egg Mine

44:30 Snorri and Narya return to Vivec
46:40 Secret room with an altar in the Ulen manor

Chapter six, in which Snorri encounters the strangeness of a world in which textures are glitchy.

007: Throwing a duelist into a wall

Chapter Seven, in which Snorri looks at different oddities of the world than in the previous part. An epic throwing of an opponent into a wall took place at a local PvP tournament of the Forsaken Guardians guild.

008: Snorri admires the costumes and so on.

Chapter Eight, in which Snorri admires the outfits of those around him and the like.

P.S. Sorry for the long break. Snorri has already grown up, but first I’ll post old material, at the same time I’ll feel nostalgic.

009: Baby Snorri is leveled up, level 21-23

Chapter nine, in which Snorri is leveled up from level 21 to level 23, and Narya from level 15 to level 18.

P.S. There are some later explanatory inserts. Why post this, it’s just let’s play?

1. Sometimes it’s nice to look at what a noob you were and be touched.

2. It clearly shows how pleasant it is to play together in good company, especially with a girl :-)

3. For those who are noobs themselves, it is useful to see how it happens at the very beginning. In order not to create complexes :-) Let's say, in this video I was running around the dungeons with a shield and an ax (and I didn’t even tank, I didn’t know how to do it yet) or a two-handed ax (this is more for PvP), but it was necessary - with duals...

010: Snorri in FFM format, 25-26 lvl

Chapter ten, in which Snorri understands that one girl is good, but two are better. Well, Kogorun explores in good company. What is useful here except to illustrate how nice it is to play in good company, especially with girls :-) Many have already forgotten how they were complete noobs, and record videos according to the principle “a textbook on higher mathematics began with the words “we know that...” ". In this video, I am a reference noob, since I have no experience or understanding not only in TESO, but also in MMOs as a genre. Therefore, it is useful to watch and catch errors and so on.

In this video I advise you to pay attention to:

Learn to tank exactly like a tank, that is, on mini-bosses, and not like me, trying to tank mobs or switch to a two-hander after taunting;

Beating mobs “from a tank,” in the sense of a shield + one-handed weapon, is a long and tedious task;

Let's go back to Vivec to sell the looter (to be continued)

Alls Fair The Rothalens have fallen on hard times. Sarisa has designs on Bar-Neeus stall in the central market. I need to search Bar-Neeus tent and report back to Sarisa with my findings.


Sarisa Rothalen: The giant left us little more than our lives. We have no wars and no coin to rebuild. My mother is too proud to admit it, but this may be the end for us.
Hero: Sounds grim. Can I help?
Sarisa Rothalen: Perhaps. I hear the merchant Bar-Neeus may be peddling illegal goods in the central market. If this could be proven, he"d be ruined and we would take his place.
Hero: But how to prove it?
Sarisa Rothalen: Go to the central market and search Bar-Neeus" tent. Look for anything he might be hiding. Report back to me with your findings.
Hero: I"ll look into it.
Sarisa Rothalen: Some of the guards are willing to help us, but they need an excuse. If you search Bar-Neeus's stall, you might find illegal wares. My family would be in your debt.
Hero: Why single out Bar-Neeus?
Sarisa Rothalen: We offer the same goods. By eliminating him, we claim a prime location and remove a direct competitor.
Hero: Goodbye.

Sarisa Rothalen: You"re back. Tell me you found something!
Hero: I didn't spot anything illegal.
Sarisa Rothalen: He's clever, I'll give him that. He "s making too much money not to be doing something shady. I think we can help open the authorities" eyes.
Hero: I"m with you. What"s the plan?
Sarisa Rothalen: Place this flask of Altmer golden pear ale in Bar-Neeus"s supply chest and then notify Guard Bronorr at the Fighters Guild. You"ll be rewarded well when it"s all over.
Hero: Why would that cause trouble for Bar-Neeus?
Sarisa Rothalen: Don"t you know? It"s illegal to sell goods from the Dominion or Covenant here. And black marketeers are dealt with harshly, in Riften at least.
Hero: Goodbye.

Bar-Neeus: Not a surprising plot from a Dunmer, especially that one. Sarisa would rather lie and steal than accept charity. Allow me to express my gratitude in coin.
Hero: What about Sarisa?
Bar-Neeus: The spine of welcome is more effective than that of threat. Deliver this package to Sarisa. I choose to extend friendship when others express hatred.
Hero: Goodbye.

Sarisa Rothalen: ls it done? Have the guards taken him away? I didn't hear any commotion.
Hero: I told Bar-Neeus of your scheme. He gave me a package for you.
Sarisa Rothalen: A package from Bar-Neeus? Is it revenge? But no-it"s supplies and gold. He has shamed me! I"ll take his gift for my family, but I"ll never forgive him for it!
Hero: Complete Quest.

In honor of your birthday, for each daily task you will be given a box with a reward, which will contain various crafting materials, nirnrux, pages of motifs, including those available only in Vvardenfell, the Horns of the Reach and Clockwork City dungeons, as well as pages with inspired by a completely new Worm Cult style that can only be found in gift boxes Anniversary. In this regard, this post will list all the daily tasks that can earn boxes. But remember, the maximum daily quests you can do is 20 or 25 per day... I don’t remember exactly.

Daily quests from the Fighters Guild and the Mages Guild

From the Fighters Guild, quests are given out by Karde Gallus, who can be found in the Fighters Guild halls in Eldenroot, Wayrest and Mournhold.

From the Mages Guild, quests are handed out by Alvur Baren, who can be found in the Mages Guild halls in Eldenroot, Wayrest and Mournhold.

Daily stories of the "Undaunted"

You must be level 45 to access these daily challenges on Normal difficulty. At level 50, you can already start making veteran mode. You can only complete three dailies per day, which are taken from three different NPCs, although technically dailies taken from the previous day can also be completed.

Crafting Writes

Crafting Writs are repeatable quests available to certified crafters. After the initial certification quest, daily crafting tasks can be taken from the corresponding notice board in major cities.

There are six crafting daily sessions per character: Blacksmith Writ, Clothier Writ, Woodworker Writ, Alchemist Writ, Enchanter Writ, Provisioner Writ.
Each of them requires materials that will be used to make the corresponding equipment, potions, enchants and provisions.

Quests at the Gold Coast location

There are three different types of repeatable quests available on the Gold Coast (requires having the Dark Brotherhood DLC). The Contract and Sacrament quests are offered to members of the Dark Brotherhood, and notice board quests are available in the zone's two major cities.

Thieves Guild Quest

Quests at the location "Wrothgar"

Daily quests in Imperial City

IN Imperial City 6 districts. In each of them you can complete one quest. Remember, you need to have the Imperial City DLC.

Daily quests in Craglorn

Almost every side quest in the area of ​​upper and lower Craglorn can be performed every day.

Daily quests in Vvardenfell

You can take up to four daily tasks in Morrowind. To start them, you need to complete four prequel quests.

To unlock daily quests, you need to complete several specific quests. Luckily for us, these quests aren't that long and can be done fairly quickly.
Two Morag Tong quests are located in the Halls of Justice, in Temple Canton, in the southern part of Vivec. These quests are considered harder because they require you to kill a world boss or find something in a public dungeon. Beruru and Trylan Omoril are in charge of them.

NPCs that give Morag Tong quests

The two Ashlander daily quests are located in Camp Aldrun, west of Red Mountain, north of Balmora. The two quest givers here are Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar and Numani-Rasi. They hunt various creatures.

Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar

Daily quests in the Clockwork City

In the clockwork city there are also daily specials for world bosses and bosses in business areas. You must have the Clockwork City DLC.

These quests are given by the Clockwork Facilitator to kill one of the world bosses in the Clockwork City. There are two types of quests here.

These quests are issued by Novice Holli for the exploration of business. There are four types of quests.

These quests are given by Razgurug in Slag Town.

Blackfeather Court
These quests are given by the Bursar of Tributes. There are six types of quests.

Crow's and Holly's quests require completion storyline in the Clockwork City.

Daily quests in Cyrodiil

In the city of Bruma, look for NPCs Grigerda and Hjorik.
In the city of Cheydinhal, look for the NPCs Sylvian Herius and Vyctoria Girien.
The city of Chorrol and Weynon Priory Abbey in the northwest of Cyrodiil.
The city of Cropsford is in the southeast of Cyrodiil. Look for NPCs Prefect Antias and Ufgra gra-Gum. To complete these dailies, you need to complete the Goblin's Delight quest to get the Cropsford Adventurer achievement.
City of Vlastarus. Here look for the NPCs Nelerien and Jurana.

Just remember, you won’t receive boxes for constantly repeating quests.

Guide prepared by @SelfForgetfulness

Solitaire Mat