The evil within 2 all chapters. File "Observation of the pit"


Photography by Sebastian Castellanos

The first file in the fifth chapter is found at the very beginning. Search the dead Mobius operative and remove the knife from his head to get a photo. As soon as you do this, a cut-scene will start and you will be faced with a huge monster that you were running away from in the first minutes of the game.

Fight with a monster.

To destroy the enemy, you will have to take advantage of the environment. Throughout the location there are traps in the form of a stretched wire, which, when broken, creates a flash and a slow-motion zone. Lure the monster into these traps so that it enters and is practically immobilized for a few seconds. Shoot him and then run away. There is also an overturned truck with fuel on the ground - if you lure the boss into this puddle, be sure to set it on fire accurate shot. This will cause serious damage to the enemy. Don't bother using the gun. If possible, use a shotgun or crossbow with explosive bolts.

When the monster is defeated, enter the mayor's office, where you will find a seriously wounded operative from the last Mobius squad sent. This is Harrison. He will tell you that here you need to restore the operation of a stable field emitter, which will weaken Stefano. Harrison will give you his communicator, which is necessary to activate the mechanism.

Report 00977: structural failure

Once you deal with Harrison, find the mail room on the first floor. Inside it there is a table on which the report lies.

Go through the door behind the front desk to find another Mobius operative suspended in the air. There is nothing in this room, so continue through City Hall until you find stairs leading to the second floor. The first room you enter on the second floor contains a mannequin in a blue dress. The mannequin is turned away from the camera, and next to them is a table with a vase. Approach the mannequin and interact to make it face the camera.

But that's not all! On the left side of it is a stand with an emerald necklace. Take the necklace and hang it around the mannequin's neck. After that, turn even more to the left and you will see a vase with red roses on the table. Take these roses and place them in the vase to the right of the mannequin. The clue to these actions is on the picture hanging on the wall with a woman in a blue dress.

Take the roses and place them in the vase, then take a photo of the mannequin. Behind him is a picture, which, after photographing, will turn into a real corridor where you can go.

Article in the Crimson Post

After taking the photo, go to the corridor ahead and move forward, looking at the right side. There will be a table with a table lamp and the Crimson Post newspaper lying on it. Pick it up to add to your document collection.

Go to the end of the corridor. As you examine the various photographs on the walls, Stefano will begin to comment on what you see. This must be done in order to advance through the plot. Viewing all the necessary photos will lead to the opening of one of the doors. Approach, but it will close - as if someone on the other side did it. Open it manually and you will find yourself in another corridor.

The killer's monologue will begin, after which the next door will open. In the next room on the table there is a photograph of a murdered Mobius operative. Take it and return the same way you came here to find a corridor that has changed again. Around the corner on the right you will find the killer trying to take a photo of you. Approach it, which will cause the door to close.

Turn around again and see the light at the end of the corridor. When you approach the source, you will find a staircase going down to the door. Open this door and find the prop with the previous photo (a mannequin lying on the ground). When you approach the vase on the chair, a severed head will appear instead.

A note

After leaving the room, find a table near the door. There is a handwritten note on it.

The lights will go out and the room will be filled with petrified enemies. These enemies will not attack you or throw anything. Ignore them and look for the door leading outside the room. Continue moving until you find yourself in a room with a mannequin. Go through open door to find a hall with a stable field emitter, right in the center. Approach the device and interact with it by inserting the communicator you received from Harrison. After a short cutscene, the boss battle with Obscura will begin.

Obscura, unlike the previous monster, cannot be destroyed. Like Stefano, she uses a camera that is mounted on her head. With this camera she tries to freeze you and attack you. It will take some time to activate a stable field emitter - 90 seconds of continuous process. The countdown will start from the very beginning, but Obscura will soon stop it and will do this several times per battle. You will have to approach the device and reactivate it. Before doing this, it is recommended to temporarily immobilize the Obscura with an electric bolt (or simply deal enough damage to knock the monster down).

Once the Obscura freezes time, shoot it to stun it and it will retreat away from the device. While the monster is immobilized, do your best to stay away. Be careful, because when the countdown hits the halfway point, Obscura will start crawling along the ceiling, trying to hide and sneak attack Sebastian.

Report 00213: Union Social Management

Now that City Hall is clear, search the offices on the second floor to find the report located on the desk.

With the help of a stable field emitter, the city hall will return to normal. Exit here to watch a cutscene. After the video, Sebastian will contact O'Neil, which will lead to the completion of the next chapter passing The Evil Within 2 on the website.


The first objective of the mission involves returning to O'Neil, which means you will have to move to the "Network". Go back the same way you came here - this time you need exit D5. When you get to the “Network”, a new passage will open. Go through it and hear Lily's voice. On the left side there is another door, locked with a puzzle panel. Match both lines and a door will open, behind which there is an ammo box. Leave the room and go back to find a fenced area on the right side. Go through the fence to find yourself in a long corridor.

Walk down the hallway and kill the two enemies at the end of it, then continue down the stairs until you reach a hallway covered in white, bubbling power. Keep going until you find a set of doors that close as you approach. Open them to find a huge monster inside. Don't try to fight him. Instead, slide past and continue forward until you reach the next door.

Try to open it - the same monster will attack you. Shoot him with your pistol to free yourself and watch the cutscene.

Report 00532: Movement Logs

Once you escape from the white slime, in the next area you will find a door blocked by white slime. Solve the puzzle to enter the room, then pick up the report file from the table and continue towards Yukiko Hoffman's hideout.

Core Candidates Email

After the cutscene, examine Hoffman's computer to find the next file for the collection, then leave the hideout through exit D5 and return to Union.

You will find yourself in a shelter inside a post office. Restore your health, gather supplies, and then head outside. Directly outside you will see a resonance point. Tune in and leave the building. The Grand Theater is in your line of sight, but the front gate is blocked by two paintings created by the mad Stefano.

Passage to the theater.

Talk to him, which will lead to the completion of chapter six.


Move towards the resonance point, continue to monitor the communicator until you come across a Mobius operative fighting a group of enemies in the parking lot of Crimson Plaza, next to the Devil's personal bar. Help this operative deal with the infected so that the mission “Out There” can begin.

Once the parking lot is cleared, the Mobius operative will introduce himself as Sykes and provide access inside his hideout. Sign in and complete side quest, restore your HP and collect ammo. Sykes will ask you to do one more thing side quest- “Back in touch again.”

As soon as you leave the shelter, continue to monitor the communicator to go to the Devil's personal bar, which is indicated by one of two signals. Be careful when moving through the streets, because another monster with a saw will attack you. This time you will have to run around cars, shoot at the enemy with powerful weapons and use liquid nitrogen cylinders to freeze the target. Enter the bar through the main door and look around.

Bartender's Diary

As soon as you are inside the Devil’s personal bar, on the far table on the right hand after entering, find the bartender’s diary lying there.

Go to the back room and see a picture hanging on the wall. Interact with it to make Sebastian try to hit the painting. When he does this, an unknown hand will pull him inside the work. Turn around and walk back down the corridor from the locked door that requires a key. Eventually you will see a severed hand with the key you need. Take it, then turn around and find that the corridor has changed and is now filled with enemies. Go through the hall to kill them all and return to the gate.

Hand with a key.

Having unlocked them with the key, you will find that this room is now filled with traps made of stretched wires. This wire is electrified, so don't touch it. Crouch and move to the right, sneaking under the wire until you reach a gap behind the object in the center of the hall. Enter the time warp and interact with the object to destroy it. So you will destroy Stefano's work and return back to Union, to the devil's personal bar.

With the first object destroyed, move to the second and use the communicator to get to the Abode Hotel. Go up to the second floor to find a painting hanging on the wall and study it. She will pull you inside. As before, you need to find the key. Head down the stairs to find Stefano's Obscura patrolling the area. Go into the room on the left that is open on all sides and go around the Obscura to pick up the key from the table. Take it and head back the way you came here to find an item surrounded by another set of barbed wires. If the Obscura notices you, use an electric bolt to stun it away from the door you want to open. Go around the wire and destroy the object to destroy Stefano's second painting and clear the way to the big theater.


Once you're inside the theater, go up the stairs to the lobby and go through the double doors to trigger a scene between Sebastian and Stefano. After it is completed, you will need to move between shelters, hiding from the huge spotlight eye. Wait for the blue light to move to the side and run to the next cover. Move in small bursts.

There is a mirror in the next room. Make sure to stock up on ammo. This is the last room you will be able to visit before coming face to face with Stefano. Go down the stairs and through the door to start a boss fight.

Stefano will try to get closer to you, periodically using teleportation and appearing close. Take advantage of the moment when he appears nearby to attack the boss with a powerful weapon. For example, a shotgun. A good shot will stun Stefano for a short time, allowing you to run away from him to a safe distance.

Hide behind the wall partitions and try to get around Stefano and attack from behind. As soon as you destroy half of his health, he will summon a huge monster that you were running away from earlier. Hide behind the walls so that the monster does not see you, as he will attack as soon as he notices Sebastian. If you hear the flash charging, then run to another area of ​​the room to avoid being trapped by the rift. When trapped and inside, Stefano will be able to land multiple hits at once, literally destroying Sebastian or leaving him on the brink of life and death.

Battle with Stefano Valentini.

Stefano will also create rifts, scattering them around the location. You can trick him during teleportation and lure him into one of these rifts. But be careful and don't fall into the trap yourself. attack Stefano the same way as before, but note that he will move several times. You need to shoot after he runs at you, not before - or you will waste ammunition. The photographer also throws knives that you need to dodge. Stay behind cover, shoot Stefano, and soon the first truly dangerous boss will die.


Chapter nine will begin with Sebastian waking up in his office after the events of the final scene of episode eight. In place of the mirror you will find an altar surrounded by candles. Walk up to it and explore to find yourself in a place that resembles a catacomb. As soon as you return, turn around and collect all the items on the floor, in the corners of the room, then go through the door in front of the altar that you left behind.

When you use this door, you will hear a mysterious voice calling the main character. Continue forward and turn right. You will see a large room to Sebastian's left. Explore it to find crafting materials. Continue to the back of the room and down the hallway to find some crates that can be destroyed. Then go right and go through the door into the mausoleum. This is a small place - collect the items, move through the doorway on the left and get to the room with the cages. Move around the room and go around the corner.

You will see a door at the back of the room. Go through it to find the mechanism handle. Take the handle and leave the room - all the infected who were in the cells have been freed, and you will have to kill them. Of course, you can sneak past them and search the opened cells to find useful loot.

Continue back to the mausoleum and deal with the freed prisoners. Go through the locked door on the right to find a lone infected at the altar. Sneak up to him, finish off the villain, and then take the crossbow pouch, which increases the amount of ammunition carried.

First page of "Submit to Freedom"

When you make your way through a block with cells, be careful and watch out for the altars. One of them contains the first page of the teachings “Submit to Freedom.” This is the only file for this chapter.

After you take the page, turn to the right and you will see an open gate next to the coffin. Turn the corner to the left to find another open corridor and go through it. Follow through the hallway to find the gate and examine the mechanism to which you need to attach the handle you selected earlier. Then use it to open the gate and move on.

Now you will be in another block with cells. You can access each cell, so be sure to explore them. Start from the first square on the left side to find useful items. Do the same for the cell on the right. Then go to the open area on the left side and you will find some crates on the floor. Smash them to reveal a hole in the wall, crouch and crawl through it to find a dead Mobius operative lying on the floor holding ammo. After collecting them all, kill the other operative who is infected and blocking the door. You can just sneak past - in any case, you will need to exit the same way you came here.

Go through the hall and through the door to find another infected Mobius soldier lying on a bed. Kill him, go through the hole in the wall on the left side and find a piece of memory. Review it, then return to where you came from. Finally, go through the door at the end of the hallway to find a room with nothing but stairs. Go down it, after which it will begin to collapse and block the way back. Continue along the corridor ahead to reach another room.

A short cutscene will show Sebastian his house, located in the distance. Move towards the house to trigger another cutscene. After completing it, you will be forced to fight three flaming enemies. You cannot engage them in close combat or sneak up on them to kill them unnoticed. They will have to be killed from a distance with firearms, ideally with a sniper rifle.

Enemies can group together, so you can even fire an explosive bolt or shotgun to damage several at once. Once you clear the room, you will see an emblem on the wall. Approach it to open the wall, showing the path further. In the next area there is a mirror that will allow you to return back to Sebastian's office. Use it if necessary, then go to the next room, where you will find a plate in the floor. Climb the stairs into the room to find four wheels that you can turn. This turns the plates below as well. Turn them so that the emblem takes the correct shape. This will open the door ahead. Go into the corridor to trigger a cutscene that ends the chapter.

Correct placement of slabs.


Sebastian will wake up in a house that was attacked by the infected. Help an unknown girl fight off enemy attacks using a pistol or other weapon for which you have enough ammunition. Shoot the barrel in the back to release oil that you can shoot at (set enemies on fire). Two enemies will fall from the ceiling - kill them and finish the assault.

Follow the girl outside to trigger a cutscene introducing Torres, a Mobius operative who wants to help Sebastian. Torres will be waiting for you outside the house. Collect the scattered ammo and other items you can find here and follow her. Once you're outside, you'll see a nature reserve. Continue past Torres along the road and you will see boulders blocking the main path.

We are moving towards Torres.

Follow the girl past the fallen trees, go under them and find yourself in a cave, where you will come to a dead end. Pick up Torres, then continue until you get outside. Follow Torres until a cutscene starts in which an enemy with a flamethrower appears. Torres' Hideout is nearby, but you'll need to get past some flaming enemies to get to it.

Use stealth to kill as many enemies as possible and make your way through the flaming building. If you have a silent pistol, then this is a great option for using it. Move through the building and look under the tree with the rag for a hatch leading to Torres' hideout. When you find yourself inside it, a dialogue will start that ends the tenth chapter.

General information:

Achievement Difficulty: 7.5/10

Offline: 51 on XONE (1000 ) and 52 on PS4 (36 , 14 , 1 , 1 )

Online: 0

Estimated time to obtain all achievements: 30+ hours (highly dependent on skills, as well as the number of deaths on Classic difficulty)

Minimum number of playthroughs: 3+

Achievements you can miss: everything, except for the plot ones (there is no choice of chapters in the game)

Unbreakable/glitchy achievements: No

Does difficulty affect achievements: You must complete it on Classic difficulty (Akumu). Everything else can be obtained on easy. You will also unlock Classic Mode by beating the game on Low difficulty. To get the Brass Knuckles weapon, you must beat the game on Nightmare or Classic difficulty.


Welcome to the Trophies/Achievements Guide The Evil Within 2! Just like the first part of the game, this platinum is not for the faint of heart! Akumu difficulty has returned under the guise of "Classic Mode". In this mode, you are given the opportunity to make only 7 manual saves for the entire passage and decide on the ability to buy upgrades for weapons. Unlike the first game, here you will find open locations to explore. You can easily run away from enemies and pass without them even noticing your presence. Because of this, the game may seem a little easier than its predecessor. Classic difficulty is unlocked by beating the game for the first time (on any difficulty, including the lowest). All trophies can be considered skippable, with the exception of story ones. Among them there are achievements for collecting various collectibles. There are 115 collectibles in total, plus coffee machines to drink coffee from, and all the weapons you need to find. After beating the game for the first time, you will also unlock New Game+. This way you can get the remaining upgrades for the corresponding trophies. However, nothing can be transferred to Classic Mode. Having decided on the complexity, we move on to the first step.

Step 1: Complete the story on low difficulty, collect all collectibles, get combat and chapter-related trophies

All trophies in the game are skippable except for those awarded for completion. certain moment according to the plot. You'll have to play through the game several times anyway, so it's okay if you miss something now. Your main task is to find all the weapons and collectibles. If you missed something, you can collect it in New Game+. All of your collectibles, equipment, and weapon/skill upgrades carry over.

We recommend starting the game with low difficulty. This is the easiest way to get various trophies that are more difficult to unlock on higher difficulties due to lack of ammo. Also in this walkthrough you will be able to familiarize yourself with the game and be able to plan where it is better to store supplies for more high levels difficulties. The subsequent playthrough on New Game+ will also be faster on Easy.

The most overlooked trophies are those that span multiple chapters:

  • "SykesOut/ From(in)treatment" - Chapters 7 and 13: everything needs to be completed additional missions in Chapter 7 to get the final task in Chapter 13.
  • I" llTakeYouDownMyself/ I'll kill you myself” - Chapters 11 and 14.

There is no chapter selection in this game! If you miss them, you will need to get them in New Game+ or by loading a manual save, if of course you made one at the right time.

Step 2: New Game+, upgrade all weapons and purchase all skills

After your first playthrough, you'll unlock New Game+. All collected items Collectibles, equipment and upgrades carry over to New Game+. You will receive all transferred upgrades and items at one point in the second chapter. Green gel and weapon parts will be in abundance, so unlocking all the upgrades will not be difficult. Kill all enemies and thoroughly explore all locations to get enough raw materials for improvements. You need to fully upgrade your weapons and buy all the skills to get trophies" StickitinMyVeins/ Inner strength" And " TheyNeverEvenStoodAChance/ Not a chance".

You can complete this step on any difficulty. If the second playthrough is not enough to get all the upgrades, then you can start a third playthrough in New Game++.

Additional step: preventative playthrough on Nightmare difficulty before starting Classic Mode

This is optional, but recommended to be prepared for the challenges that await you in Classic Mode. The problem in classic mode will be the lack of auto-saves and the ability to save only 7 times, as well as the inability to buy upgrades. Complete the game on Nightmare difficulty without buying upgrades to understand where it is better to save ammo and look for loot. Of course, you can skip this step - it's up to you.

Step 3: Classic Mode (Akumu Difficulty)

The Akumu difficulty from the first game returns under the guise of “Classic Mode”. You are only given 7 manual saves for the entire game and you cannot buy upgrades. Unlike the first game, here you will find open locations to explore. You can bypass enemies or escape from them. Because of this, it has become much easier to play than in the previous part. Here also less battles with bosses. Classic difficulty is unlocked by beating the game for the first time (on any difficulty, including the lowest).

The most a big problem in the game - saving ammunition. Perform stealth kills whenever possible. In open locations, kill everyone secretly and look for loot more carefully. Make one save every few chapters. There are 17 chapters in total, so one save of 2-3 chapters is normal! Save before difficult sections or boss battles.

Learn to Survive / The ability to survive
You have survived the nightmare and everything that comes with it.
If you're playing on PlayStation 4, you'll unlock this achievement once you've completed all the others.
Rookie/Rookie 20
Completed the game on Walk difficulty (or higher).
Walking difficulty is available from the very beginning of the game. Get started new game on this difficulty and complete the campaign to get this trophy.
Survivor / Survivor 30
Completed the game on a difficulty level of at least Survival.
Survival difficulty is available from the very beginning of the game. Start a new game on this difficulty and complete the campaign to get this trophy.
Against All Odds / Despite everything 40
Completed the game on a difficulty level of Nightmare or higher.
Nightmare difficulty is available from the very beginning of the game. Start a new game on this difficulty and complete the campaign to get this trophy.
You Asked For It... Again / You asked for it... again 50
Completed the game in Classic mode.

Classic mode opens after beating the game for the first time (on any difficulty). Beat the game while walking to unlock this mode. This is the difficulty of Akumu from the first part.

You are limited to 7 manual saves for the entire game and cannot purchase upgrades. Luckily, most sections of the game are made up of open areas and you can easily kill enemies quietly or sneak past them. We recommend practicing at the beginning on Nightmare difficulty to learn how to save ammo.

Welcome to Union / Welcome to Union! 5
You find yourself back in STEM.
Taken/Vision 10
You had a terrible vision.
A story achievement that cannot be missed.
Not Running This Time / You Can't Run From Me 15
Defeated the Guardian near City Hall.
You can get this trophy at the beginning of Chapter 5. You can skip it if your goal is to get the achievement "". However, you can reload your save and get both achievements in one playthrough. To do this, kill the boss guard at the beginning of Chapter 5.
The Team Psychologist / Corporate Psychologist 10
You have found a potential ally on the Internet.
A story achievement that cannot be missed.
Premature Finale 30
You stopped the bloody performance.
A story achievement that cannot be missed.
Another Ally / Another ally 10
You survived the ordeal with the help of a new friend.
A story achievement that cannot be missed.
Crossing to the Other Side / Go to the other side 15
You allowed the Harbinger to rest in peace.
A story achievement that cannot be missed.
Spiritual Awakening 10
You have made peace with your past and present.
A story achievement that cannot be missed.
Fire Walk With Me / Step into the fire with me 15
You have reached the enemy's fortress.
A story achievement that cannot be missed.
Overcome the Past / Overcoming the past 30
Your injury no longer exists.
A story achievement that cannot be missed.
Everything Comes Crumbling Down 15
You have literally reached the end of the world.
A story achievement that cannot be missed.
Unfortunate Consequence 50
You did what was necessary to save your daughter.
A story achievement that cannot be missed.
Backup Ain't Coming / There will be no help 15
You have completed additional task"Unusual signal."

Chapter 3

You receive this additional task from O'Neill in the hideout at the beginning of Chapter 3. Select the option in the "Supply?" dialogue when you talk to him. This way you will receive the quest. The quest markers will be marked on the map. You will have to track radio signals in the city and explore them. Then return to O'Neill to report the results of your search.

Sykes Out / From (to) treatment 15
You have completed the additional task "The Final Step".

Chapter 7 and 13

First you need to complete all the additional tasks in Chapter 7. There are two of them: " There, outside" And " Back in touch".

If you have completed these tasks, then this will automatically open an additional task for you " Last step" in Chapter 13 after going through the "Network" computer in the hideout (beginning of Chapter 13). Complete this quest to get the trophy.

Finally Free / Finally free 15
You have survived all the traumatic incidents and come to terms with your inner demons.

You will receive this achievement by completing four demonic illusions (Anima Events). This happens automatically if you have collected all the collectibles. Getting to know the monster in the head will begin with receiving the second slide in the third chapter. The second glitch occurs due to the "Woman's Diary" collectible, which you find in one of the houses on the way to Lily's signal in Chapter 3. The third encounter with glitches occurs in a diner in the business district after listening to a fragment of memories using a walkie-talkie in the kitchen. The last meeting with the “beautiful” person from the White Pillars will take place in chapter 11 after reading the “Observation of the Pit” file on the computer, which is located in the room next to the pit for dumping corpses in the “Network” laboratory.

Just get all four collectibles and you'll trigger hallucinations. After completing all the illusions, you will unlock the trophy.

See "".

You Got Red in You 10
This is your first time using red gel.

During the game you will only encounter red gel in certain places. For example, in the shelter in chapter 4 (end of chapter) / chapter 5 (you have to return to the shelter from chapter 4).

Red Gel is used to unlock high level skills. Return to your office through the mirror and sit on the wheelchair. Buy multiple skills and you can use the red gel to unlock higher level skill upgrades.

Stick it in My Veins / Inner Strength 30
You have fully upgraded all your abilities.

To do this, you will have to start a New Game+ and farm a lot of Green Gel.

Fortunately, Green Gel is much more common in New Game+ than on the first playthrough. Abilities can be improved by sitting on a wheelchair in your office, accessible to you through broken mirrors. You also need to collect red gel to unlock higher level skill upgrades.

Making Things a Little Easier / Everything will be a little easier 10
This is the first time you have used special weapon parts.
Special weapon parts are found in certain areas of the game and in some hideouts. Buy the first two upgrades for your weapon, and then use special parts at the workbench to upgrade your weapon to the next level.
Now You"re Playing with Power / Now it’s a different matter 20
You have upgraded one weapon to level 3.
To upgrade a weapon to level three, you will have to use special parts at the workbench to unlock high-level upgrades. You don't need to buy all the upgrades, just use special weapon parts to unlock the latest set of upgrades.
A Little Extra Kick to it / There’s simply nowhere better 20
You have maximally upgraded one bolt for the Guardian crossbow.

Will unlock automatically if you plan to unlock the "" achievement (you must fully upgrade your smoke bolts for this).

You will find the Guardian crossbow in the third chapter (see description of the trophy "").

Once you find the crossbow, you can upgrade different types bolts on any workbench. There are 5 types of bolts in the game (smoke, shock, explosive, freezing and harpoon). The harpoon bolt is the cheapest to upgrade, since you will need all 1120 weapon parts and 2 special parts. Since you need to upgrade the smoke bolt to get the trophy" Smoke Assassin / Smoke killer", then we recommend that you deal with it first.

They Never Even Stood A Chance 30
You have fully upgraded all weapons.

To do this, you need to collect many weapon parts and special parts, which means you will have to start a New Game+. They can be found scattered throughout all locations of the game. Just look carefully at each building and you will collect a lot of details.

All improvements are carried over to New Game+. In the second chapter, you will get all your items back and can continue to improve them.

DIY / Do it yourself 10
This is the first time you have created something on your own.
This can be done as soon as you reach the shelter in Chapter 3. Simply craft one pistol bullet at the workbench in the hideout and you will unlock the achievement. Workbenches can be found in shelters and in the area when crossing the mirror. You can get resources for crafting by collecting them from the bodies of fallen enemies and finding them scattered around the world of the game.
Handyman / Craftsman 25
You have created at least one item of each type.

This trophy can only be obtained on New Game+ (because Magnum ammo cannot be crafted on the first playthrough) and you need to obtain the Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, and Flamethrower to craft the ammo. First, you need to collect all the weapons on your first playthrough. Once you have access to the workbench on New Game+ (the first one will be found in the hideout in Chapter 3) and create all the items listed below (every type of weapon ammo, crossbow bolts and healing items).

Weapons and ammunition:

  • Pistol cartridges
  • Shotgun cartridges
  • Ammo for sniper rifle
  • Assault rifle cartridges
  • Flamethrower fuel
  • Magnum cartridges
Crossbow bolts:
  • Electric Bolt
  • Smoke Bolt
  • Explosive Bolt
  • Harpoon Bolt
  • Cryobolt
Health and recovery:
  • Syringe
  • First aid kit
Echoes Within STEM / Echoes of Events 20
You have observed all residual memories.
See "".
Doing Some Detecting / Investigation in progress 15
You have collected 20 documents.
See "".
Diligent Reader / Diligent Reader 30
You have collected all the documents.
See "".
Half the Stash / Half the job done 15
You have opened 16 lockers.
See "".
Locksmith / Burglar 30
You have opened all the lockers.
See "".
Good to See You Again / It's nice to see you again 10
You have received the Guardian crossbow.

The Guardian Crossbow can be found near the APC on the southwest corner of the city in Chapters 3 and 4 (turn immediately left down the street from the first hideout in Chapter 3). It is necessary in order to gain access to the shelter in the north of the map.

This is also a great place to get the achievement" Shock Therapy / Shock Therapy", firing an electric bolt into a puddle of water as an enemy walks across it.

Chatting With Kidman / Conversations with Kidman 25
You told Kidman about all the slides.
See "".
Powerhouse / Strengths and means 25
You have received all standard weapons.
An automatic pistol purchased for pre-order does not count toward the trophy.
All in the Family / The whole family is assembled 25
You have collected all the mysterious items.
See "".
Caffeine Addict / Coffee addict 20
You have used all coffee machines at least once.

Coffee machines can be found in shelters. There are 7 of them in total. One per shelter. You will be taken to six shelters as you progress through the story. However, the last refuge in Chapter 13 is optional and can be skipped! Find it using the map. The trophy will unlock after you drink coffee in the Chapter 13 hideout in the business district (outside, not in the hideout where the mission starts).

Drinking coffee completely restores your health, so it's worth it. Coffee machines are impossible to miss in shelters.

Thinning Them Out / Weeding 15
You have killed 30 enemies.
A story achievement that cannot be missed.
Clearing a Path 25
You have killed 60 enemies.
A story achievement that cannot be missed. A story achievement that cannot be missed. You will have to kill much more than 60 opponents as you progress through the story.
Smoke Assassin / Smoke killer 15
Killed 3 enemies with upgraded smoke bolts.

To achieve this achievement, you need to fully upgrade your crossbow smoke bolts using a workbench. You will have to spend 1650 weapon parts and 2 special parts to fully upgrade the smoke bolts. Either upgrade these bolts as soon as you have them, or do it in New Game+.

Fully upgrade smoke bolts to get poisonous smoke that kills enemies. Simply find a group of three or more enemies and shoot them with a bolt. The poisonous smoke will kill them.

Shock Therapy / Shock Therapy 15
You immobilized an enemy standing in the water using an Electric Bolt.

You will find him at the APC in the southwest corner of the location in chapters 3 and 4 (turn immediately left down the street from the first shelter in chapter 3).

You will automatically pick up the Electric Bolt along with the Crossbow. After this, you will see a short cutscene with a wet area and two enemies running through the water. Shoot an electric bolt into the water with enemies and the trophy will open.

Wait For It... / I was waiting for you... 15
You killed an enemy from an ambush.

To do this, you need to acquire the "Ambush" skill. You can acquire the skill by entering the area through a mirror and sitting on a wheelchair (a mirror can be found in any shelter).

First, sit in cover (press or ) and when the enemy approaches, make a grab from around the corner by pressing (PS4)/ (XONE). This will unlock the achievement. You can lure the enemy with noise, but remember that this way they know you are there, and corner grabbing only works when you are in stealth.

Kick, Shoot, Burn / Lay, shoot, burn 15
Killed at least 2 enemies simultaneously using spilled fuel.

Chapter 3

North of the hideout where Chapter 3 begins, you'll find a warehouse with a courtyard filled with shipping containers and trucks. There are also quite a lot of enemies there, as well as puddles of spilled oil on the ground. Lure enemies into the puddle and shoot into the oil. You can climb onto the box next to such a puddle to avoid getting burned (opponents will not be able to hit you).

Bootable Offense / Footwork 25
Trampled 15 fallen enemies to death.
When you shoot an enemy's legs with a pistol a couple of times, he falls to the ground (or once when he runs towards you). When close enough to an enemy, you can press (on Xbox) to crush the enemy's head with your foot. Do this 15 times throughout the playthrough and you will receive the achievement. You will encounter quite a few weak enemies in the chapter, so you can get the trophy early in the game.
I Am The Night / Shadow in the night 25
Killed 10 enemies using stealth kills.
To perform a stealth kill, you need to sneak up behind an enemy and press (on Xbox). In Chapter 3 you will meet much more than 10 enemies, so getting the trophy in the early stages will not be difficult. You must get 10 stealth kills in one playthrough.
Sometimes Fighting Isn't the Answer / To fight or not to fight - that is the question 10
You avoided unnecessary bloodshed near City Hall (chapter 5).

Chapter 5

At the beginning of Chapter 5, you will meet a boss with a circular saw instead of a right hand (the one that chased you earlier in Chapter 2). To unlock this trophy, you cannot fight this boss. Instead, you need to go around the building on the left side, destroying obstacles, shooting barrels, and bypassing/defusing tripwire traps. At the back of the building you will find a door leading inside. Enter it to skip the boss battle. The trophy will unlock as soon as you enter through the door.

Death From Above / Death from Heaven 15
Killed at least 2 enemies simultaneously using a hanging lamp (chapter 9).

Chapter 9

In Chapter 9, there are several candelabra hanging from the ceiling. Shoot one of them when two opponents are walking/standing underneath it. This way they will catch fire and burn. Can be done on the first two enemies you encounter after you lift the lever for the gate mechanism.

No More Playing With Fire / Stop playing with fire 15
You have torn a true believer from his favorite pastime (chapter 11).

Chapter 11

At the end of Chapter 11 you will have a boss battle with the flamethrower. The trophy can be obtained by shooting at the balloon on his back for a long time, which will eventually explode and the enemy will not be able to use his weapon.

Melancholy Memories / Sad memories 10
You remembered your entire past (chapter 12).

Chapter 12

In Chapter 12 you will return to your home in the past. You'll see a scene where you wake up in an upstairs bedroom. This will happen after escaping from the hellish burning location.

There are 3 objects in the house that you can interact with (the / button will appear if you aim at them). Two items on the second floor (one by the stairs, one in the room to the left of the stairs) and one on the lower floor (check the sideboard in the living room).

Do not interact with the letter in the kitchen as this will continue the story.

I"ll Take You Down Myself / I'll kill you myself 20
You hosted a barbecue with your own brazier (chapter 14).

This trophy can be obtained by fulfilling several conditions from chapters 11 to 14. The most overlooked trophy in the game, which requires several steps to complete. If you forget to do something, you won’t see the trophy.

Step 1 (Chapter 11): After defeating the flamethrower boss, pick up the flamethrower next to his corpse.

Step 2 (Chapter 13): The flamethrower you picked up is broken and you'll have to find two fuel tanks to repair it. Tanks drop from Harbingers, which can be easily found in Chapter 13. You can easily find three in the business district. Sneak attacks deal a lot of damage to them. After each successful surprise attack, hide from them, and then repeat the attack again. This way you will save a lot of ammo on them. Headshots from a sniper rifle and close shots from a shotgun also work great on them. Simply loot the bodies of the two defeated Harbingers to obtain fuel tanks to repair the flamethrower.

Step 3 (Chapter 13): Go to the hideout and go through the mirror. At the workbench, you can combine fuel tanks with a broken flamethrower to restore it.

Step 4 (Chapter 14): Keep playing until you reach chapter 14. Here you will again encounter Laura, the boss from the first game. Kill her with a flamethrower. Make sure you have plenty of fuel for the flamethrower. To kill her you will need at least 80 units of fuel.

You can also make a manual save in Chapter 11. This way you can replay multiple chapters instead of replaying the entire game.

That Cinematic Feel... / Like in a movie... 10
You agreed to watch video inserts.

After completing the story for the first time (on any difficulty), you will unlock the Letterboxing mode in the game options. From the main menu go to Settings - "General" tab - Interface settings - Letterboxing - Show.

Now start a new game (or load any save) and after a few seconds the achievement will unlock.

The Evil Within was for real challenging game so that they don't talk about her. She treated all players equally harshly, whether they were new to the genre or veterans. The second installment in the franchise, The Evil Within 2, differs from its older brother in many ways, and in a good way, but it can still be incredibly difficult. In this The Evil Within 2 guide, we'll share with you a few tips and tricks that will help you get the hang of this challenging game.

Always be on your guard!

Yes, this is a rather strange piece of advice, considering that The Evil Within 2 is already a survival horror game. Players should already be aware of this, right? The thing is that the game will constantly arrange all sorts of surprises for you. Ambushes from enemies, various traps, unexpected scene transitions, unfair conditions for survival, and the like - all this is present in The Evil Within 2.

Try to calculate absolutely every possibility in your head, since the setting of this game suggests just that. Do you see some loot in the distance and are already rushing towards it at full speed? It’s better for you to stop and carefully examine the environment around the loot: are there any enemies, traps or dangers nearby? Sometimes, loot may be lying in plain sight just for you to try to pick it up.

Also constantly analyze the situation around you as you move around the world. The Evil Within 2 has acquired open world with dynamic opponents that will appear from time to time in different parts of the world. You should not run headlong through supposedly quiet streets, otherwise you may quickly begin to regret it. In general, you need to be extremely careful in the world of STEM, as you never know how the playing field may change.

Tell matches “No!”

If you're a veteran of the first part of this unusual franchise, then you remember how enemies always had to be set on fire with matches. Yes, it was quite a fascinating mechanic, but after some time after getting acquainted with it, it becomes clear that it becomes incredibly boring and generally even frustrates the game towards the end.

In The Evil Within 2, everything has changed and the match mechanic is no longer there. That's right! There is no longer any need to constantly try to set the enemy on fire during combat, since if enough damage is dealt to him, he will die. It is enough to shoot the monster and it will disappear into oblivion. Yes, on the one hand, it makes the game easier, but on the other, it removes that unnecessary micromanagement that bothered everyone.

However, you should not think that there is no longer a need to finish off your opponents. Some of the enemies may simply lose their balance and fall to the ground. However, deceased enemies can still be visually distinguished from those who are simply stunned. Always check whether someone was killed or not, otherwise you will bitterly regret it in a few seconds.

You can shoot not only in the head

Again, let's return to the first part of this franchise. Players of The Evil Within know that shooting any parts of the body other than the head was absolutely useless. The enemies acted as sponges and it was possible to inflict significant damage on them only by shooting in the head or what was left of it. However, even after shooting about two or three times in the head, the kill was not guaranteed.

That's changed in The Evil Within 2, as shooting body parts makes perfect sense. Opponents can be killed by shooting them in the torso a couple of times. Therefore, if you understand that you cannot fight off enemies with headshots, then you can calmly shoot at their torso and limbs. However, the game will also have opponents who have certain weak points, so you’ll have to aim well there.

Enemies have become much more mobile

In The Evil Within 2, your opponents have become much more mobile this time. In the first part, all sorts of zombies could lazily dodge your shots, but in the second part they became fast and incredibly agile. Yes, so much so that it is very difficult to hit them close, especially with semi-automatic weapons. Always try to maintain at least some minimum distance between yourself and your enemies.

Most of the enemies in The Evil Within 2 will attack you primarily in close combat, in which they will definitely overpower the former detective Castellanos (unless they are outnumbered). Fortunately, the game has a huge number of tools with which you can increase the distance between you and your opponents, for example, the most common shotgun or special bolts for the Agony crossbow.

Open World Exploration

Compared to the first part, which was almost always linear, The Evil Within 2, to the surprise of many players, acquired a real open world. The game has become much richer: now you have the opportunity to complete additional missions, a map has appeared, a huge amount of loot is scattered around the world, dynamically appearing opponents and much more.

To get the most out of The Evil Within 2, we recommend that you do not focus on the main missions, as the optional content will further expand the game for you. Search every corner, find loot, secrets and simply unusual places. If you are diligent enough you will get more points, parts to improve weapons, weapons themselves, etc. The Evil Within 2 gives you complete freedom of action in the surreal town of Union.

Difficulty of the original The Evil Within

At the time of the original The Evil Within's release, players were divided into two camps: players who approved of the game's difficulty, and players who berated the game and the developers for constantly having to look at the loading screen. The Evil Within 2 has become lighter than its older brother due to total rework gameplay, which, of course, was only beneficial. The endless feeling of disappointment at the death of the main character is now much weaker than in the previous part.

However, some players still enjoyed the high difficulty of the original game. What should they do in this case? The developers were not at a loss and thought of everything: when choosing difficulty, you can choose the “Nightmare” difficulty, which will allow you to again feel the same torment of The Evil Within. If you are one of those hardcore players who are used to conquering “mountain peaks,” then feel free to choose the “Nightmare” difficulty.

If you decide to complete The Evil Within 2 on Nightmare, then get ready for a pretty tough challenge. What is changing? Well, if on previous difficulties you could survive without collecting all the resources, then on nightmare difficulty such a luxury is not allowed. Resources will always be scarce and there will always be not enough for crafting. The same applies to ammunition, which will be very limited. Well, of course, the balance of damage and health will be changed.

However, if you want the ultimate difficulty that will really make you sweat, you'll need to beat The Evil Within 2 once to unlock Classic Difficulty. So, if you decide to play the second part of this survival horror game on Classic difficulty, you need to know a few things about it.

First, your game will stop automatically saving gameplay. Secondly, you will be able to manually save the game, but only a limited number of times. Thirdly, the ability to upgrade Sebastian and improve weapons will be taken away from you. So if you want a real challenge, you can find it in Classic difficulty for The Evil Within 2.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

While playing through the second part of The Evil Within, players come across a locked room in one of the residential areas. The action takes place in the basement of a car workshop. You can enter the room by entering a password on the access panel; it is located to the right of the door; to open it you need to create a certain combination of numbers. Players do not immediately notice the clues lying around, so if you have difficulties finding the login password, read below how to find out access.

Door Code B-34 in The Evil Within 2 Auto Repair Shop

You must enter a four-digit code on the access panel. The clue to it is on the Union card with a grid of various digital combinations. The sheet itself is lying near the body of the guard lying near two green barrels around the corner under the wall.

After receiving the card, return to the control panel. At this stage, Sebastian will open a map on which you can see secret combinations. We need to create a four-digit code for door B-34. Accordingly, we take the top column with the letter B and look at the third and fourth row. In the screenshot below, the required combination is circled in red, in this case it is 9676. With other numbers, the scheme will be exactly the same.


I hope you figured out where to enter and how to get the code from the door to the auto repair shop in The Evil Within 2. There are still many puzzles in the game that involve logic. If you have any questions about the game or walkthrough, feel free to ask in the comments or our group in contact. We will also help with the passage and errors in other games.

The walkthrough will indicate the location of some collectibles.


The first chapter begins near the burning house of Sebastian Castellanos and is a prologue to what is happening. Go towards the house and try to open the front door - it is locked. Sebastian will automatically turn right. Follow the porch and interact with the sliding glass door. Your character should automatically pick up a chair located nearby and use it to break the glass, getting into the house.

The burning house of Castellanos.

Once inside, follow the stairs. As you approach it, a beam will fall and block the path. Go to the right side into the kitchen to find a door on the left side. Open it and you will see an alternative route to the stairs. Continue up the stairs and go into Lily's room.

This will trigger a lengthy cutscene that ends with Sebastian returning to STEM. After entering STEM, run towards the house, after which you will be blinded by a flash. Run towards the light, where there will be a flash again - this time, instead of the Lighthouse, you will see a table with a communicator lying on it.

Take the communicator and you will see Sebastian's office, which will serve as your base of operations throughout the game. Chat with Kidman through the communicator, then study the dossier of all the missing Mobius operatives, whose photos are hanging on the board. After completing the conversation with Kidman, you will move on to the next chapter.


Slide 1

The first chapter smoothly transitions into the second, and you will still be in the same Sebastian’s office. After examining the files of the Mobius operatives sent to Union, leave the office to look at the black cat on the table. She sits near the slide projector, and there is the first of the slides. Take it and go to the back of the room to find a mirror.

As you approach it, the mirror will crack, just like it did in the original game. Interact with him to watch a cutscene. After completing it, you will find yourself in a room with double doors. Go through them to find a room with long curtains. You will see a narrow corridor with a door at the end. Go there, try to open the door, but nothing will work. Turn around and enter the room to find yourself in a small hallway.

Follow it, turn the corner to the left and go through the door at the end of the hall to find Baker. He is killed, and his death is repeated as if in slow motion. Here you can interact with the camera and Baker himself, and in the left corner of the room there is an open door leading to a dark hall.

Photograph by William Baker

In the dark room you will find the first of 40 documents - a photograph of William Baker. Take a look at the table to pick up this photo.

Go through the open curtains on the right side of the room to find a room with shelves and a wooden floor. Go to the back of it, where there will be a cabinet blocking the passage. Move it aside, go through the hole and you will find yourself in a room with a long staircase and a ringing telephone. If you pick up the phone, you will hear an ominous laugh, but nothing will happen.

Traces from the movement of the cabinet.

Unusual letter

When you reach the second floor, turn left to find a half-closed gate. Stand under them and examine the table on the right side to find the second file - an unusual letter.

Continue up the stairs to reach the second level, and turn left when you reach the back wall - there will be a half-closed metal gate. Crawl under them and pick up that same letter. Then go back and go up to the third floor. There will be an open door on the right side. Enter the room and go around the curtains, follow through the double doors and see how the unknown photographer kills his new victim.

This part will be educational and will teach you about the stealth system. Crouch and move behind the sofas to avoid the killer. Leave the room using the door through which the victim got here. You will be in a hallway filled with photographs suspended in the air. Continue forward to find another set of stairs..

Photo of another victim

Before climbing the stairs to the fourth tier, look to the right to find room No. 103. Enter it and find another document on the table - a photograph of another victim.

Go up the stairs until you find an open door. Go through it to see the killer at the end of the corridor, turning the corner. He will disappear and you will not see him ahead. Follow along, go up two flights of stairs and see a strange figure in the distance. As you approach, the figure will be illuminated, and you will see a terrifying scene - a monster consisting of parts of corpses. The only exit from the room is the elevator on the left side.

As soon as you exit the elevator, you will find a hole in the mesh fence on the left side. Crouch and crawl through it. There will be a room with hanging corpses hidden in bags. Go to the back of the room to find a red eye symbol on the wall. Turn around and see that the room has changed, and your path now leads to a camera on a stand. Approach it and turn around again - on the very wall where the symbol was, there is now a door. Open it to reveal a killer with a camera. After the flash, you will again find yourself at the wall with the red eye.

Turn around and see a mirror where the camera was previously. Take the photo hanging on the mirror, after which you will see a ghost behind. Sebastian will turn around and then look again at the mirror, behind which a huge monster with a circular saw will appear. After destroying the mirror, the monster will begin to chase you. Run through the resulting hole where the mirror was and follow to the end of the corridor. Make your way over the metal gate, then go through the door at the end of the hallway. Use the metal ladder in the far left corner to climb up and inside the ventilation shaft.

Move forward until you see the monster. When he stops, move forward and turn left and then right to find a dark room. Go down into the room and head towards the light source in the far part. The monster will appear again - just run forward so that the cut-scene begins (with one QTE action), and you will be taken to another part of the game.

Diary in an abandoned house

Before leaving the abandoned house, find the bedroom here and find a diary on the table - another document.

Once you deal with the photographer, you will find yourself in an abandoned house. Now you have a knife at your disposal, which you can use to fight off enemies. There is nothing in the room you will find yourself in initially, so feel free to open the door and go to the kitchen. Take the syringe with medicine from the table (used to restore HP) and use it following the prompts. Then go to the bedroom to the left of the kitchen and take the diary. After taking the item, leave the house, which will trigger a short cutscene in which Sebastian receives a regular, semi-automatic pistol.

Explosive pistol

If you pre-ordered The Evil Within 2 and downloaded The Last Chance DLC pack, you will receive all items purchased right now, including the Blast Pistol.

Move to the left and go down the road until you see a scene in which an unknown woman runs inside the house on the left. Sebastian will follow her and you will encounter the infected for the first time - kill the woman and then leave the house (or study the yoke). Continue down the road and you will see a huge "Welcome to Union" sign on the right side. When you go even further, you will see a scene in which Liam O'Neill hides in a shelter. You will see a large group of enemies that are far enough away to detect you. Instead of killing them, go to the left side of the car (crouching) and cross the grass and fence into a small yard near the house. There will be two opponents here that you can kill secretly - sneak up and press the appropriate key. After killing both, enter O'Neill's hideout.

Go downstairs and open the door to trigger a cutscene in which you will meet O'Neil. He will configure your communicator so that it can detect resonances. By doing this, you will complete the second chapter.

Note. Resonances are your main navigation tool. Such signals will indicate both important plot objects and less important points with scraps of memories (collectibles) or dead Mobius soldiers with various loot.


In this chapter, you will be able to explore part of Union, and here you can go through your first side missions. Talk to O'Neil about everything to receive the side quest "Unusual Signal". Before leaving Liam's hideout, drink a cup of coffee to replenish Sebastian's health. Also, if you drink coffee on all such devices, you will earn an achievement. You can create cartridges at the workbench using the gunpowder you find. After leaving the shelter, you will see a familiar nurse walk through the mirror. Go through this mirror and you will find yourself in Sebastian's office.

A nurse I know.

Side missions and location exploration

Talk to O'Neil to begin the quest "An Unusual Signal". In this quest you just need to go through the markers and tune the communicator to the desired frequency.

You can also now find eight different documents scattered in this part of Union.

Finally, there are two slides in this chapter that you can find.

You will discover a corridor that was not there before. Follow it to find a nurse walking towards a wheelchair before disappearing. Go and sit in the chair to move Sebastian to Nurse Tatiana's office. Here you will learn about the upgrades that can be done using green gel. Buy the abilities you need, then return to Liam's hideout using the mirror in Sebastian's office.

How to get a crossbow

Before following the trail of Lily's voice, you will need to get to the marked location where the armored personnel carrier and crossbow are located. To find him, leave the shelter, go left, to the very end of the street, to a large intersection. Here you will need to find a crossbow.

With a crossbow in hand, take out your communicator and follow Lily's signal. The first resonance will lead you to the Pit Stop cafe in the northwestern part of the map. Just outside the door you will see Lily's silhouette. Use the communicator to tune into the resonance and see Lily leaving the Pit Stop. Follow her behind the bartender's counter and try to open the door to the pantry, but it will be locked. Move the freezer next to it to the side, then go inside through the hole and find the Lily doll on the floor.

Having found her, you will trigger a cutscene in which you will see Lily getting out of here through the window. Leave the Pit Stop and go to the back room, where you will find a trash container. Explore it to discover a new resonance.

As soon as you start tracking the new resonance, you will be attacked by two creatures. These creatures appear to be made up of multiple individuals as they have heads at both ends of their bodies. Shoot one at a time to take them out one by one. Run back periodically, as they can cause a lot of damage to Sebastian in the early stages.

When you escape from here, follow the communicator to the next resonance point. You will see Lily's silhouette outside the house - tune in to her and follow the tracks as you did before. Examine the area where Lily was seen to see her footprints, then follow them to the side of the house. Examine the bloody spot to see where Lily runs off to. The map will open and a resonance point will appear on it.

Follow the communicator to the third resonance point. You'll find her outside another house, near a pickup truck. Lily's figure will hide in the bushes - follow it and examine the area to find other traces. Move along them and examine what lies under the car. You'll see Lily run across the street to the trucking company's warehouse.

Be careful in this company's parking lot as there are a lot of enemies around. Sneak past them until you find a power relay hidden inside a locked courtyard, where two more enemies are also located. Defeat the lock with hand-to-hand combat, then kill those two enemies and flip the switch to supply power to the front door of the warehouse. Return to this door and pull the lever to open the entrance inside.

We break the chain.

Mystical item

Before entering the warehouse, turn around to look for a nearby truck. Open it and go to the back of the cargo bay to find the Wolfenstein Panzerhound.

Once inside, follow the linear route until you reach a staircase guarded by enemies. Kill them, then go upstairs. Open the first door on the left to find a workbench where you can craft ammo. There is also a document here that you can pick up and add to your collection of files.

Report 00654: Core extraction

On the second floor of the trucking company there is an office with a workbench where the report on the extraction of the core is located.

Open the next door to find another Lily doll lying in a pool of blood on the floor. Pick up the doll to view another of Lily's memories.

After the cutscene, move towards the exit from the warehouse and you will see the killer from the second chapter. Chase him to end up in a long corridor. Move along the corridor, where you will find another killed Mobius operative. Continue moving, which will return you to the entrance to the warehouse, where a cutscene will play.

Three creatures will attack you. Unfortunately, this time you won't be able to escape from them. Use explosive bolts with your crossbow to destroy your enemies as quickly as possible. Or if you have a sawn-off shotgun, then use it to destroy the remaining opponents. If you don't have any ammunition, don't forget that you can create it right in the middle of the battle (through crafting in your inventory).

Once you kill everyone, return to Union and contact O'Neil. Follow back to the shelter, where Liam will tell you about the “Network” and give you a gas mask, completing the third chapter.


O'Neill will show Sebastian the path that will allow him to move to another part of Union, the floating island on which the city hall is located. To do this, you will have to enter the “Network,” which is a kind of underground STEM tunnel connecting the entire Union. Special computers are used to move from Union to the Network and back.

To access the Network, go to the hideout in the north, where Sebastian will talk to Kidman. There is a mirror and a coffee machine in the shelter, so if necessary, restore your HP and build ammunition on the workbench.

Report 00122

When you enter the shelter, you will see a document lying on the table. Pick it up to add Report 00122 to your collection.

Use the computer with the red Mobius logo on the monitor to access the "Network". When you get there, go into the room with the large model of Union.

"Union Growth" email

Inside the situation room, find the Union Map, near the back wall. There will be a computer nearby. Examine its contents to obtain the file "Union's Growth" before leaving the room and moving on. There will be a headless corpse in the next room.

Crouch and crawl into another room, where there are two elevators and a large door on the right side. On the left side is the BE-C03 door, which you can open with an electric bolt by shooting the control panel. But this is only needed to get a short route to where you came from.

Gate BE-C03.

Go through the large door and immediately turn to the left to see an enemy eating a dead corpse. He won't attack you, but you must kill him stealthily by sneaking up behind him. Shoot him in the head to kill the enemy, and then go down to the location below. There will be another enemy lying on the ground here. Shoot him early so he doesn't take you by surprise. Go to the door on the left side and you will find a device that unlocks it. You will have to play with it, comparing two waves in amplitude and frequency. Use the keys to make the green wave coincide with the red one. This will open the door!

Unlocking the door will activate the security system, which will cause a reboot. The remaining doors will unlock, allowing enemies to break out and attack Sebastian. This time you won't be able to escape from them! Move around the room, shooting at enemies and trying to finish them off on the ground. The various bolts on your crossbow will be especially effective. As soon as you kill all the opponents, go to the next room, where you will see a locked gate. Melee the castle to destroy it and go into the tunnels. There's not much you can do here - go to the top left corner of the catwalk to find a lever that you can toggle. Pull it to drain the liquid and go down.

At the far end of the area there is a staircase. Walk slightly to the left of the stairs to find a dead Mobius soldier with ammo. Collect them, go up the stairs and go forward. It's time to use the gas mask. O'Neill gave it to Sebastian at the beginning of the chapter. Wear this to continue exploring the Network. In the gas leak area, the game will change and you will have to control the character from a first-person view. Sebastian can't use firearms, including a crossbow. Follow the route through the area and sneak up on your opponents to avoid having to fight them with a gun as well as a knife.

When you are on the lower level, on the right side of Sebastian you will find a door to which you need to supply power. Slowly make your way through the corridor and turn the corner to the right to find an acid enemy. Be careful, because once you let him grab you, it's game over.

Sneak up to your enemy to sneak attack and then run away, as one hit will not be enough to completely destroy the squeaker. Repeat this process one or two more times, and when you kill the enemy, continue to the switchboard. Move down the first, second and fourth toggle switches to restore power and return back to the door through which you got here.

Location of toggle switches.

Extension and Data Email

As soon as you get out of the area with the gas leak along the stairs, you will find another computer. Explore it to add the Extension and Data file to the collection.

Move through the door at the end of the hall to find the resonance point. Tune in to it, then return the same route and open the air duct. Go inside and move to another part of the room, where you will find an exit from the “Network” leading to the city hall.

There will be a save point here, as well as a coffee machine, so restore your HP and save your progress. There is also a mirror that allows you to return to the nurse and buy upgrades (or open the lockers using the keys you find). When you're ready, go up the stairs and open the door to find yourself in front of City Hall. Once outside, you will complete the fourth chapter.
