The Sims FreePlay walkthrough: hacking, money, secrets and questions. The Sims FreePlay walkthrough: hack, money, secrets and questions Let 2 characters complete the task

Mobile game at first glance it looks like the famous original version. In fact, with a discount on the platform and free-to-play distribution model, it has undergone a number of gameplay simplifications and changes, and now has the right to be considered a completely independent project. Let's figure out how to play The Sims FreePlay without investing money and developing your city, and also let’s talk a little about the “Curly-Curly” event, which is happening in it right now.

Beginning of the game

The game can be downloaded for free from, or, but it requires a constant Internet connection to work. After installation, for some time you will not need to do anything except complete game quests - they will gently introduce you to game world and they will tell you useful information By key points games.

1. Level and currency

The number in the circle corresponds to your current level. Experience for increasing the level is accumulated by performing any action - the longer the action takes, the more experience is awarded for it. New levels provide access to new tasks and items.

The main game currency is simoleons. Their main sources are work and growing vegetables in garden beds. It is better to send residents to work at night while you are sleeping. There is no point in building jobs until quests require it - there is little benefit from this, and money may be needed to complete tasks. However, until you have upgraded your working skills, growing beans at night may be a little more profitable.

In the future, a daily cash bonus that you will receive in your mailbox will be a good help. The size of the bonus depends on your level and the value of your city - each building built increases this value by a fixed amount. You can also win a relatively large sum from a money tree - it becomes available for planting every few hours after completing the corresponding quest.

Simoleons are spent mainly on improving houses and constructing buildings in the city.

Lifestyle points- the second type of currency, which is no longer so easy to earn. You will receive them for completing tasks, and pets can also collect small amounts of SP points. Their main purpose is to speed up any actions that some impatient players naturally cannot wait for completion. You can also spend points on some interior items.

Communication points- the third type of currency, which is earned by completing a line of social quests (actions on neighbors’ plots). In order to travel to your neighbors, you need to connect to the game Facebook-account (and have at least one player The Sims Friend's FreePlay). You can get to your friend’s city through a holiday ship on the map or by tapping on the icon with the image of the globe in the lower left corner. In case of a complete absence of friends interested in the game, the ship’s menu includes a neighboring location controlled by AI. You can spend OO on special houses or interior items.

2. Tracking device

In order to control all the residents of your city at the same time, the game has a special menu - “tracking device”.

It displays all your Sims and their current activities, as well as progress bars for these same activities. From here you can employ your wards (second tab) and send them to work, monitor progress in hobbies (third tab) and relationships with other Sims (tab No. 4). By clicking on the round icon with the image of a character, you can be transported to the location in which he is located, and by tapping on the whistle, the resident himself will be transported to the place that you are viewing at the current moment in time.

3. Needs

Each Sim has five basic needs: hunger, hygiene, restroom, communication, fun. The need scales are located in the lower left corner of the screen and are provided with a color indication (red=things are bad). When all needs are met to a sufficient extent, green lights appear around the Sim and they are considered "inspired". This means that for all actions he will receive more experience and game currency. You can instantly inspire a Sim for a long time by feeding him a cupcake or cake (bought in the needs menu for lifestyle points). When a character is busy with something, the scales empty much more slowly. Therefore, in order to spend less time meeting the needs of your clients, simply do not let them sit idle. Sims continue to work even when you turn off the game. When they complete particularly important actions, the game sends notifications accordingly. For maximum productivity, give Sims tasks in their own homes - this will increase both productivity and reward.

4. Menu

This group of icons is responsible for moving around the game world, arranging houses and making purchases.

- Neighbours. An icon with a globe will open a list of cities available for visiting.

- Construction mode. When you are in one of the houses, clicking on this icon will open the interior, construction and gardening store. Don't waste your money, most items will be given to you for free as a reward for completing tasks.

- City. An icon depicting a multi-story building will open your own city, which you will gradually expand and build up.

- In-game store. Here you can purchase any game currency and unique sets of items for real money.

5. Quests

Your main activity in the game will be completing tasks or achieving goals. They are divided into several types:

- Plot. With their help, you will discover new opportunities and items - for example, weddings and wedding dresses or the birth of children.

- Weekly. Performing ordinary actions, the final reward for which will be the keys to the boxes with valuable items. Difficult tasks can be skipped for lifestyle points.

- Public. These include all tasks performed on the territory of neighboring cities. Completed quests are rewarded with a small amount of communication points.

- Events. The most interesting and always time-limited tasks. The event lasts only a few days and gives access to unique content. If you do not manage to complete the event within the established time frame, unfortunately, you will no longer be able to obtain event items by other means. Currently, the game is running the quest “Curly-Curly”, which we will tell you about in a little more detail.


To start this quest you will need to build a hobby shop if you haven't done so before. The building is very useful even without taking into account the ongoing event, since in it you will purchase goods for hobbies and career development. Now you are interested in the item “Fashion Atelier”, which is located in the second tab of the store. The cost of the atelier is 2500 Simoleons. Set up a workshop in the house of a character who does not yet have a hobby, since trying to work in a workshop will completely reset the progress of the previous hobby. In order to receive maximum amount new hairstyles, your character must collect all four clothing collections (12 items).

New items become available for crafting as your hobby level increases. They are created in random order. In addition to hairstyles, each collected collection will bring you an additional reward.

Some non-obvious points

  • If a smartphone with running game Shake it well and the Sims will become sick and empty their stomachs. For cleaning up the unsightly mass, your Sim receives seven experience points.
  • Planting genetically modified plants is not as profitable as it might seem at first glance. Instead of an impressive cash reward, you will most likely receive a carnivorous plant (defeating which, however, requires a few experience points).
  • Watch videos in the quest menu and play roulette with the messenger (also for watching videos) - in a relatively short time you will receive items (sometimes expensive), currency or experience.
  • If you don't want to wait for game day or night, briefly change the time on your mobile device - the game will synchronize with it.
  • Those who are going to farm Simoleons using a vegetable garden should place the beds in one yard, and not one in each house. Collect the available number of Sims in the desired yard and move forward to the Michurin peaks. This way you can plant and harvest crops faster.

I installed the game “Sims 3 FreePlay” on my smartphone. A few years ago I enthusiastically played a similar game on the computer. Now I have installed it on my smartphone.

The Sims FreePlay - free game for devices with operating systems Apple iOS and Android, which was developed by the company Electronic Arts. The application allows you to create your own town, fill it with completely different Sims and develop relationships between them, all this - right from your device. All you need is an Internet connection.

During the game, tasks are regularly received. Sometimes not always clear. And it’s not so easy to find tips on the Internet. It’s good that there is a group on the network where you can ask a question and get an answer from other players.

I decided to collect the tasks and how to complete them in one place.

This is the splash screen that greets us when we first launch the game.

Let's start the game. We are offered this house.

First you need to populate the first character into it.

To do this, you need to click on that round button with the house.

This is the character suggested to begin with.

You can change it yourself by clicking on different buttons.

When you are happy with everything, click on the green button with a checkmark.

Once again we are asked if we agree with these characters.

It's not too late to change it.

Target - " Shake a dog's paw “.

Look! A stray dog ​​has wandered onto your property!

Click on it and select the “Handshake” action

Here's the dog.

For those who don’t understand, a cloud sways above it with an exclamation mark.

Click on the dog.

A menu of available actions pops up.

As we remember from the description of the task, what is required of us is a “Handshake”.

Target - " Make 6 characters watch the series from 20.00 to 22.00 “.

A new episode of Characters in the City is airing today and your 6 characters are VERY excited. Broadcast time is from 20.00 to 22.00. Do not miss!

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here. We collect six characters in a room where there is a TV, click on it. and here a bummer awaits us. There is no such action as “watching a series”. Well. We use the method of scientific poking. On the second attempt, the goal is completed if you select “watch the performance.”

Well, don’t forget that the first character chooses what to do with the TV, and the rest can only join.

Target - " Buy the “Simply Home” set in the online store “.

The online store is overstocked and is giving away free “Simply Home” kits!

This will be useful the next time the character enters the city!

Touch the purple trolley icon,

to head over to the online store and get your set before they run out!

Well, this is the same online store.

What is there?

There is only what is needed.

We need “Just a Home”.

Since it costs 0.00, we don’t risk anything.

It turns out that this is what we needed.

By the way, carefully read what is written here so that you can find your purchase later.

Target - " Place a new lamp in the house

The “Simply Home” set is delivered to your luggage and is available in the Home Goods Store.

Go to the luggage and place your new lamp in the house of one of your characters!

Here is the luggage, and here in the “Lighting” tab is the lamp we need.

Target - " Write in Simbuka between 19:00 and 21:00

Uh, Today your child met someone at school and wants to chat with

new acquaintances in Simbuka! They will be online from 19:00 to 21:00.

Based on the description of the task, we need a child school age and a computer.

If all this is available, we take the student and send him to the computer.

In the action menu, select “Log into Simbook”.

Target - " Take a hot bath “.

A bath is the same as a shower, but you don't have to stand. Take a hot bath.

Well, everything is simple here. Bath and character required.

We send the character to the bathroom and select the “Hot Bath” action.

The goal is “Have 2 characters hit each other in the chest.”

Let 2 of your characters best friends, hit each other in the chest!

Well. We carefully read the description of the task.

We see that we need two characters and they must be best friends.

Gradually, as the relationship improves, new actions appear that can also be chosen without the risk of turning the relationship into hostility or love: “Handshake”, “Give five”, “Brotherly hug” and even “Live together”. And finally, the long-awaited “Best Friend”.

Select “Chest Strike” in the actions. The task is completed, the goal is achieved.

Tell friends:

For Android and iOS devices, created on the same principle as The Sims, but, unlike other games in this series, The Sims FreePlay is in real time.

Meaning The games Sims FreePlay is to create your own town, fill it absolutely different characters and develop relationships between them, all this - right from your device! In the game you can reach level 52 and create 31 Sims.

How to play Sims FreePlay?

  • Complete the tasks offered by the game
  • In order to control Sims you need to select a character through the menu, click on the required place and select an action from the proposed menu

How to download and install the Sims Free Play game?

You can download the game for free!

  1. Let's go to androidmarket(in the list of programs it is Play Store) or App Srore.
  2. Enter Sims in the search bar Free Play
  3. In the list that appears, select the game and click install.

The developers regularly add updates to the market for this game, which contain new tasks to complete.

Update Sims game Free Play is needed in the same market where instead of the icon install you will have update.

The graphics in the game are excellent, realistic, life is exciting.

General information about the Sims FreePlay game

Tips on how to complete tasks in The Sims Free Play?

You need to complete the Sims FreePlay game by completing game tasks that will bring additional profit and also tell you what to do next.

There are three types of tasks:

  1. Single tasks performed in your city. To complete them, you need to perform one action. For completing such tasks, you will be rewarded with Simoleons, experience or lifestyle points ( SJ). Since version 5.0.0, for completing a certain number of such tasks per week you will receive keys to prize boxes.
  2. Groups of tasks performed in your city, for example: “Path to Glory”, “Mysterious Island”, “Coming of Age”, “Higher Education”, “Great Ghost Escape”. Such tasks consist of several single tasks. After completing a group of tasks you will get the opportunity to build a new building (bridge on Mysterious Island, higher school), to raise a student into a teenager or other special award.
  3. Single-player missions performed in your neighbors' city for which they give communication points.

There are tasks in which there seems to be no logic and no matter what we try, nothing changes. What to do in such cases? Where to look for tips? Of course, other Sims Free Play players can give you some advice, and you can also find the answer on this page!

Hint for completing a task in Sims FreePlaymake fun of another character:

Each task in the Sims Free game has some kind of hint on how to complete it. By the way, the mock task is to mock.

  • Clue after completing the task, taunt another character: Pay attention to the category adulthood.

Answer: A teenager should be funny in front of a teenager.

Hints for completing the task Sims Free Play have a baby:

We bought a cradle, clicked on it, spent 3 cents, waited, and baby appeared on the floor! What to do?

  • Clue how to lift a child from the floor: Maybe something is wrong with the cradle?

Answer: The baby is on the floor because the cradle is not positioned correctly (for example, against the wall). It is necessary to place the cradle correctly and drag it (in the same way as the furniture) into the cradle. You can also drag it onto the child and he will be in it.

Hints on how to complete the task Sims Free Play relax on an inflatable chair:

  • Clue after completing the task, relax on inflatable chair: Pay attention to pool water color.

Answer: Neither you nor your Sim can relax in a dirty pool! Clean the pool!

Secrets of the sims freeplay:

  • some players don't understand why brown circles appear on the grass and rooms))) Do you think this is a way to get bonuses by removing this? No! Shake your phone or tablet less! Sims are sick of this!)))
  • Many players complain that it is not possible to scroll through the game time. Sometimes you have to wait long and tediously for the completion of a certain stage. No! Sometimes you don't have to wait! Change the time on your device and feel free to go to work, school, etc. And then you can change the time back)

Do you need tips on how to complete other tasks in The Sims Free Play? Ask! We will answer!
