The sims medieval where to find the power stone. Blacksmith is a profession in The Sims Medieval. The Kingdom is us

Series The The Sims has always been akin to spying on your neighbors through binoculars: little people simply lived - they ate, drank, slept, went to work, and the player simply watched all this, occasionally interfering. But after some time, the desire inexorably arose to take one of the Sims and ask: “Why all this?” Why do you get into the car every day that takes you to work? To receive a salary, the answer would be, so that there is enough money to buy a new house and furniture. Why do you need a new house and furniture? And here, perhaps, even the wisest Sim would not have found an answer.

Arranging the lives of virtual people is, without a doubt, very interesting. However, here, as in life in general, there is a big problem: virtual life is aimless and therefore boring. This problem was partly corrected by a variety of activities: tired of being an athlete, try learning to play the piano! When the untried activities ran out, usually some kind of addition arrived that you could keep yourself and your Sims busy for a while longer.

No, of course, the Sims 3 introduced the “lifetime wishes” system, but for goodness sake, is “your Sim will be very happy” a sufficient reason to strive for something?

And then the Sims Medieval came out... And from the very beginning it became clear that in these “Sims” everything is completely different from in “The Sims”. If only because the player is under the leadership of not a single Sim or even a large family, but a whole kingdom - with adjacent lands, as expected.

This is interesting: in all previous games in the series, the player could feel like a god deciding the fate of mortals. And only now the player’s divine essence has finally been recognized: Sims call him the Watcher and offer prayers to him.

Kings can do anything

The fact that cards can be played is a small matter. The main thing is that you can cheat when playing!

Sims who have been shirking their responsibilities for too long fall into the mouth of this blue worm.

But the deity himself cannot take it and do good to everyone; he definitely needs someone to put the will of the Lord into practice. And such a tool will be the monarch of the newly-minted kingdom - the first hero who will be allowed to be created in the game.

Every kingdom exists for a reason. He always has a specific goal: for example, to build ten different buildings in the capital or to fill the treasury with the required amount of money. How the king will go about achieving this goal depends only on his royal desire. The same money can be earned by robbery or trade. And how many ways can you get goods for trade...

In addition to the goal and the monarch, the state also receives a certain number of so-called “task points”, which are spent on receiving the actual tasks. If the “goal of the kingdom” is a strategic perspective, an ideal to strive for, then tasks are tactics. Make an alliance here, help someone there, establish trade somewhere else.

Not only the monarch himself can carry out tasks, but also his subjects: a bard, a spy, a healer, or anyone else, depending on who you have already hired. And each of them will achieve results in their own way: a knight will prefer a fair fight, a spy will prefer cunning and deceit, a magician will turn to spells for help.

"Yes Yes! He’s still watching us!”

"Poor Yorick, I knew him..."

When the “mission points” run out, the game ends and the king receives a medal, ranging from copper to platinum, depending on how well he completed the current mission. Medals are not just a pretty decoration: when you receive them, you unlock new “kingdom goals” that you can choose when you start new game. There are twelve goals in total, and which of them are available is determined by the quality of the previous ones. If you earn silver for the first goal, one will open. Get gold medal- it will be possible to take the one given for the silver medal, and another one, this time for the “gold”.

The most interesting thing happens when the last, twelfth goal is completed. At this moment there comes a feeling of the impossibility of what is happening - after all, you just went through The Sims!

The Kingdom is us

Although the king is the most important person on whom life in the kingdom depends, he will not remain alone. Gradually, new buildings will appear in the capital - a tavern, a forge, a hospital. In each there will be a place for a special Sim hero, who will sometimes also be under your control. Heroes will go about their business and receive “experience points” for this, after collecting a certain number of which the Sim will grow in level, learn something new, or begin to do the old things much better.

Not a single match is complete without spectators. Surely someone will come
live to see who gets killed today...

No matter how hard the priest tries, his popularity does not grow. Should I invite Bard to warm up?

At first glance, it may seem that Sims Medieval has been overtaken by a plague of simplification that is mercilessly destroying games. Of the six needs listed in the “well-being” tab in The Sims, only two remain: satiety and vigor. Now you don’t need to make sure that the character washes himself on time, goes to the toilet and certainly communicates with others, relaxing in good company. Horrible, isn't it?

Not at all. The real horror would be if all this remained and continued to affect the mood of the Sim, which is now, by the way, called “focus” and affects the success of everything the character tries to do.

Daily chores have taken the place of “wants” that you could promise to fulfill in The Sims 3. Every day at 9:00 local time, the Sim learns what he must do for today: pay taxes, collect herbs, make a potion, take in so many sick people - the list of possible responsibilities depends on the character’s profession. If a Sim fails to cope with responsibilities, he receives serious disadvantages to concentration.

Now imagine if you had to monitor six scales (as before), perform daily duties and still find time to complete tasks... While trying to keep the hero's concentration at a high level at the same time. We wouldn't have time. Here, for some tasks, you don’t even have time to eat, let alone get into the bath every two hours.

Meditation successfully replaces sound, healthy sleep for magicians. The reverse is not true.

Severity is the main weapon of the Jacobin Church! And adamant-
ness. These are already two main weapons.

The only thing that really disappeared without a trace, and it is not clear why, was the ability to move walls in construction mode. The question is, why can’t I add another hall for visitors to the tavern? It’s so crowded there in the evenings that the bard can’t get to the fireplace for food or to the keg for booze! Am I just watching or have I gone out for a walk? It's a shame!

But what’s even more offensive is that the camera, which previously did not please with good controllability, has become even more capricious. If a Sim goes behind a building and hides from your eyes, you will no longer be able to follow him - the camera can only be moved within certain limits.

The character editor has not changed much since The Sims 3 - only the ability to select the “top” and “bottom” of costumes separately has been lost, but we won’t miss it too much. There are quite enough ready-made sets, especially since there are different ones for each of the possible professions. And if this doesn’t seem enough, the developers will definitely make up for everything in additions.

In addition to appearance and clothing, each Sim has two special personality traits and one fatal flaw. Traits allow a character to do something special - like Sims, " adventurous", can go into the forest in search of these same adventures - and if they find them, they will most likely receive an increase in concentration. A Sim with the Sloppy trait will receive a greater increase in Focus the longer they go without washing.

What kind of recruits are they? They can’t hit a scarecrow with two steps!

If the hero is tired of living, then you can always arrange a rodeo on a worm.

You will have to fight with a fatal vice almost all your life. For example, a "slutty" character must at least kiss someone every day, otherwise his concentration will drop. And it’s better for a “cowardly” Sim not to show himself outside after sunset - the fear of the dark will simply not allow him to concentrate...

Also carried over from The Sims 3 is a bag in which characters put and carry various property with them. Now, instead of yesterday's newspapers and rotten pancakes, all sorts of useful herbs, bottles of medicine, swords and armor are collected in it. Is it true, Cell phones taken away from everyone, even from magicians - what can you do, they haven’t been invented yet...

Instead of spending monotonous time earning money to buy new furniture, Sims Medieval offers you to live several different lives with your characters. The life of a monarch is not at all like the life of a blacksmith or a bard. These are still the same “Sims”, only now they have something new and very important: a goal. AND old game, without changing its fundamentals, suddenly began to sparkle with completely fresh colors.

Graphic arts
Game world


All the king's men

Instead of a family - a kingdom. Instead of parents and children, there is a monarch and the nine best Sims in the kingdom. Who are they? What do they do, and how should they approach their work to do it as best as possible?


Neither forks nor spoons had yet been invented in this Middle Ages. Everyone eats with their hands - the peasant, the king, and the clergyman.

Believe it or not, there is no kingdom without a monarch. And if other bards, blacksmiths and other magicians can be hired in any order, then the royal person is always created first.

The main occupation of the monarch is caring for the welfare of the people and the state. This is expressed in the fact that he can sit on the throne and receive petitioners. There are two possible answers to every request: one is usually associated with additional costs, and the second is in the spirit of “Why bother with it? Hang him, and that’s all...” It is quite natural that the “money” option is usually rewarded with fame points, and the “power” option is rewarded with best case scenario nothing. And if you are very unlucky, you may be fined.

When the monarch is not on the throne, he can choose an activity to suit his taste: for example, go hunting in the forest and get himself meat for dinner. He may decide to hold a vote on laws, each of which increases or decreases the allegiance of allied countries. And if you get really bored, you can walk around the city and put a couple of people in the stocks.


An absolutely necessary person in the kingdom. After all, if it weren’t for the knights of cloak and dagger, how would monarchs know what was being said about them in taverns and city squares? A spy is absolutely indispensable when a problem needs to be solved without noise and dust.

So, my friend, while no one is watching, run away from here. And remember the mercy of the royal spy!

Like the Monarch, the Spy can vote on laws that affect relations between states and use the tactical map in the castle to gain experience points. But this is not his real calling. It is much more useful to engage in true spy craft. For example, make a vial of poison on the desktop, then mix it into food, treat it to someone and observe the result.

On a note: To give a dish to another character, you need to select the “serve” item in the cooking menu.

Or go out into the town square and listen to what other Sims are talking about - in addition to information, this earns experience points. And if someone seems especially suspicious, you can literally push him to the wall - in the communication menu there is an option “knock out information.”

This is interesting: The hottest topic of market conversation is the approaching chinchillageddon, that is, the annual invasion of rabid chinchillas. You will still have a chance to meet these animals - and the Beholder will save you if you forget to put on armor and arm yourself. They also say that the luckiest adventurers may be lucky enough to catch a real chinchilla in the forest and place it in their home, to the fear of their neighbors.

Nothing can escape the sensitive ears of the royal spy!

What can you do for the good of the kingdom...

To increase his well-being, a spy can shake the pockets of wealthy townspeople, either quietly or simply by putting a sword to the throat - and just let him try not to give up the wallet!

As his level increases, he learns to rob mailboxes - and the real fun begins. The periodically appearing goal of the day “pay taxes” becomes simply a reminder that it’s time to earn some extra money: I paid 250 simoleons at the post office and immediately stole 300-400 from the same box. Moreover, I received a three-hour increase in concentration.

To increase concentration, it is very useful to go to the place of judgment and feed the Beast in the pit - for this you need to have a piece of meat with you. At the same time, you can release someone from the stocks there. Just remember that in this case there is a considerable possibility of ending up in pieces of wood, and this is a significant blow to concentration...


Inspiration can be found anywhere, even in table conversations.

A creative person who works best with a lute and a quill pen. The main activity of a bard is to strum strings and scratch a pen on paper, which is occasionally interrupted by thoughtful silence, which is called “the search for inspiration.”

Inspiration can be found anywhere: from noisy feasts in a city tavern to green solitude in the forest. Writing is a slow process, a lot of time is spent, but “pieces” of inspiration - future themes of poems and plays - regularly end up in the bard’s bag. Although if it turns out that there is no time to search, you can cling to any Sim with the question “What should I write about?” and get one topic from him.

A bard can transform scattered pieces of inspiration into poetic lines at his desk. To create a poem you need two themes, but a play will take as many as three. You can title the work yourself, and it is not at all necessary that the title be somehow related to the themes used.

What to do with written masterpieces? The poem can be read from the stage or dedicated to someone in a personal conversation. In any case, the bard will receive a couple of dozen Simoleons. With plays it’s more difficult: to stage it you’ll also have to find a Sim who will agree to perform on stage with the bard - one-man theater is not in fashion here. But the earnings will be more significant than for poetry or playing the lute.

However, you can simply sell your literary opuses. It takes less time, and you can earn good money.


This hero is extremely useful to everyone who cannot prepare an ointment or a bottle of healing potion for themselves. Especially often the monarch, knight and spy will have to run to him - they are like little children, don’t feed them bread, let them get into trouble.

Noble lady, dare the root, mix, but do not shake, and the medicine is ready.

In addition to making and selling medical jars, the doctor will have to spend his time picking in the mud to collect valuable healing raw materials, that is, leeches, every two to three days (depending on the frequency of getting into trouble for other characters). Because without leeches, medicine is powerless! In addition to the healing live instrument, it is usually possible to get about five frogs, which can then be boiled for lunch.

Providing first aid for any illness means that the doctor dumps a jar of fatty bloodsuckers on the patient’s face - and after a second he is already as good as new. A worthy replacement for urine therapy from Space Rangers 2.

But if this was not enough, welcome to the rack... that is, to the operating room. Slightly frightened by the sight of the medical equipment, the patient lies down on the table, and real shamanism begins: with the help of leeches, you need to move the mark on the “blood” scale as close to the center as possible. The more leeches the healer applies, the more the line will move down, so don't overdo it. When the mark takes the desired position, you can pour the medicine into the patient.

In the most severe cases, surgery may be required. The principle here is the same as with “treatment”, but you need to drive the mark to the center of the “pain” scale, giving the patient an anesthetic that works with herbs collected in advance - try to always keep a supply with you.


Characters with secret knowledge in the Sims Medieval are needed mainly so that there is someone to concoct a love potion or a bottle of “don’t-drink-me” that relieves even the most terrible hangover.

This is what a good magician looks like. He differs from the evil one only in that he casts spells away from the crowd in order to avoid victims.

The magician's set of spells is small, but the method by which they are composed is interesting. To remember a new spell, the wizard needs to make a certain combination of runes at the desktop - add, for example, the runes “energy”, “air” and “light” and get a “magic arrow”. Known spells and the runes needed for them can be found at the same table. Once the sequence has been completed, the spell can be cast as many times as desired, at the cost of severe fatigue.

Only the magician’s head is not made of rubber, and only three ready-made spells fit in it. Tired of scaring people with “horror”, do you want to try something new? This means that you need to go to the same table and hit yourself on the forehead with a staff - then the spell will be forgotten and you can learn a new one.

Looking at how spells are forgotten, one can only feel sorry for magicians: concussion is clearly their professional illness. But save your pity for others - the magician is not so simple. First of all, he never sleeps. Instead, adherents of secret knowledge know how to meditate anywhere, without limiting themselves to the requirement of getting into bed to restore their vigor scale.

Secondly, with potions and spells, a magician, like no one else, can bring himself into a state of extreme concentration. For example: “potion of seduction” - plus 5 points, spell “telepathy” - plus 20 and, finally, successfully telling your fortune - another plus 15. Total 40 points of concentration practically out of the blue and, most importantly, almost without cost.

The last place where a magician can show his abilities is completely non-magical in essence: the forge. Moving the sweaty blacksmiths away from the forge, the magicians create staves in the fire.


The country of Simland is wide. By the time you get from the palace to the cathedral, you’ll wear down six pairs of boots.

Oddly enough, the main income of a merchant in Sims Medieval is trading. The word “merchant” does not hide either a cunning pickpocket or a wizard who uses spells to oblige you to buy from him, and only from him. No, only polite conversation, a wide range of products and just a little flattery - this is the recipe for a successful trading operation.

The first thing traders do is run to the village shop to see which goods are the most popular today. If there is one, you need to immediately buy it and put it up for sale in your shop in the city square.

But that is not all! Those who think that they can simply lay out the goods and a buyer will find themselves are mistaken. The buyer must be processed personally. Seeing that someone has approached the shop, a good merchant will definitely strike up a friendly conversation, inquire about the health, religion and musical tastes of the potential client, find out how his day was, and then, as if by chance, offer to buy something.

For a long time? For a long time. But otherwise you won’t sell anything.

Naturally, you don’t have to torture yourself trying to sell yet another halibut to another city dweller, but collect a large batch of goods at once, load it onto a ship and go to distant lands. Moreover, these “distant” ones are always ready to buy the same product, unlike the locals, who are given something new every day.


Sim Wars Episode Two:
golem attack.

Looking at the figure clad in armor, you will not immediately understand who is in front of you: a brave defender or a cruel oppressor. Physical strength and a long sword allow one to be both, especially since the king turns a blind eye to everything that the knight does while he regularly trains the people’s militia and occasionally goes hunting. And while Their Majesty is diligently looking in the other direction, the brave warrior extorts money from the townspeople...

And only the knight himself knows how boring it is for him to handle the same training dummy with a sword every day and rearrange the figures on the same tactical map. After all, almost everything that he can do, other heroes can also do: challenge others to a duel, hunt in the forest, extort money... What remains? That's right: a training dummy. Boring.


The Beholder religion in The Sims Medieval is represented by two different monastic orders: the Peterians and the Jacobites. Both of them live very similarly - they bless the townspeople, try to convert them to their faith, read sermons and - especially diligently! — accept donations. The difference between them is rather programmatic: the Peterians insist that the Beholder is all-good and from his mercy will fall to everyone. The Jacobites agree that you will definitely get hit, but not by “mercy,” but by the neck if you don’t obey. That’s why the former’s sermons are filled with humor and sparkle, while the latter’s preach such fears that Hitchcock would be jealous. But even though the emotions are different, the more inspired the sermon, the more tired the priest will be and the more money the flock will donate.

To start preaching, a minister of the cult of the Watcher needs very little: a pulpit, and we have everything else with us. We click the pointer on the department, set the start time for the speech and wait. As soon as the required numbers appear on the clock, click on the pulpit again and select the “start sermon” option. Then we choose one of the options for carrying it out - anyhow or with all our hearts - and wait for the results in the form of simoleons from the faithful parishioners.

Note for Jacobites: if you scare your Sims too much, you won't see any donations. Scared half to death, this sim tries not to help the kind uncle priest, but to buy all the essentials, collect the remaining money in a bundle and sit on top of it in anticipation of God's punishment. The Peterians don’t have such a problem; they wouldn’t burst from beer. The main thing for a preacher of Peterianism is to find a style of preaching that will “hook” parishioners, and stick to it until popularity stops growing. After that, you just need to find a new style and go to the tavern until the next sermon.

Well, there is no way to do without a priest if your Sim suddenly wants to get a divorce. Just remember that only the holy father to whose faith the character belongs can annul a marriage—don’t expect a Peterian monk to agree to annul a Jacobin marriage.


What to expect from a blacksmith in the Middle Ages? Strong armor and shearing swords, of course! And no one thinks that even for poor chain mail you need to first collect ore, and there’s nothing to say about swords - aren’t they forged from trash? So you have to run around the city and its surroundings, from vein to vein, in search of valuable metals. True, sometimes instead of mithril or adamant, power stones are mined - they should be given to the magician in exchange for a fire sword spell.

This is how the weapon of victory is forged... on the kingball court.

When all the necessary materials are available, you can start forging - and this immediately plus fifteen points of concentration, by the way. First, we heat the workpiece in the forge, making sure that the mark on the scale does not go into the red zone, because the metal cannot be overheated. When the piece of iron warms up, we take it out to the anvil and process it with a hammer, again watching the scale - the mark will turn blue, that’s it, the metal has become overcooled, and now you won’t see any high-quality equipment. So we continue: heated it - hit it with a hammer several times - heated it - hit it, all the time trying to keep the mark as close to the center of the scale as possible.

You can simplify the work by purchasing a new hammer or forging it yourself - but it’s still faster to buy, and there’s no need to waste time on trifles: take the best one you can afford. The fact is that with the improvement of the forging tool, the work begins to go faster and the chances of overheating or overcooling the workpiece become much less.

To dispose of forged goods, a small bench is equipped near the workplace - not very large, for personal use. But just like a merchant, a blacksmith catches passers-by and, after chatting until they are ready, offers them his unique goods.

Legendary Traits

Fatal vices are as much a feature of medieval Sims as virtues. But there is a way to deal with this scourge once and for all. Carefully read the descriptions of the tasks in the game - some of them have a note “a legendary trait is available in this task.” This task is usually more difficult than others, but it’s worth it - if a Sim copes with it, his vice will disappear, and in return a useful legendary property will appear.

Always full

They say that eating is harmful! And what they say is absolutely correct, because while he is eating, he is deaf, dumb and inactive. With this character trait, the feeling of hunger will come much slower, which means you will have much more time for other things besides scooping up handfuls of fish soup.


Out of nowhere, your Sim has grown... muscles! No, really, just look at the relief of the biceps, and don’t forget to evaluate the triceps. But the most important thing is an additional thirty units of concentration when the strongman fights, and heavenly chances of winning in kingball!

Strong body

It is sometimes also called “innate immunity to everything syndrome.” Including almost all known diseases, overeating and overdrinking. It will also be useful that Sims with a strong body get tired much less than others - both in work and in battle.

Has patience

You need to hurry slowly. Awareness of this simple truth has an extremely beneficial effect on Sims, increasing the time allotted for completing daily tasks. In addition, it is easier for someone who is patient to communicate with others, which means it is easier to make friends. After all, if not patience, what does it take to listen to the same babble about rabid chinchillas over and over again?


It so happens that everyone knows your hero. And for some reason everyone knows only good things about him, but no one will remember the fact that he, for example, is a spy and likes to rummage through the pockets of honest citizens in his spare time. But this is good - now each interlocutor will be almost like an old friend to you. In this place, the merchants must have already smelled money...


It’s hard to joke with this legendary trait, it’s too good: plus ten units of concentration for the heroes of your kingdom. Forever. Everyone. For free. And in addition, the opportunity to give out personal advantages, the greater the worse the concentration of the one you are encouraging.

Guild connections

The most suitable trait for those who want to dress the blacksmith in a royal dress. Gives a Sim of any profession access to any clothes that are in the game. Well, it also reduces the cost of buying furniture... But the main thing is clothes, right?



Knows how to seduce

Foreign policy

Your kingdom is not alone in this world. Although the neighbors do not come under the walls of your castle with beautiful flags and long swords, but they still exist - at least they are indicated on the map lying in the royal castle.

What kind of countries surround your young kingdom, and what can you expect from them?


Allied with you from the very beginning. Thanks to this country, your heroes can prepare a hunter's stew and a Masterland energy drink that will help delay bedtime.

Masterland craftsmen will always be happy if you bring them minerals and ore, and will thank you with full-sized Simoleons. In addition, you can exchange mushrooms and cheese for wood, multicolor and nightshade for a goose feather, magic powder for a good luck potion, and a mysterious part for a steel hammer.


Another union state. Just by the names of the recipes that this country provides you, you can understand that they are accustomed to living beautifully: banker's ale, Bogatonian gem wine and delicious bread.

Trade ships to Bogatonya bring a variety of herbs and seeds, and from there they bring only one thing - money. However, if there are no problems with Simoleons, you can exchange six measures of barley for precious stones, two measures of phosphorus for magic powder, three goose feathers for a ring with a gem, or a whole captive for some kind of durable lute (which is also sold in the village shop).

The annexation of this state will help your heroes cope with the problem of an overabundance of tasks and lack of time to complete them. Conquer Tiktop, and all deadlines will immediately increase by six hours - so that there is still time for a nap.

The Time Lord's subjects will be glad if you go to trade with them on a ship whose holds are full of crystals and stones. But as a last resort, you can always exchange gems for mithril, three goose feathers for a “deep burn” potion, and four measures of magic powder for a mystery part.


By character, the inhabitants of Omutia are the complete opposite of the restless Tiktopians. And there is one craft that they mastered to a perfection unattainable by others - construction. Conquer them, and the cost of all buildings in kingdom points will be reduced by a quarter.

Residents of Omutsk buy supplies of medicine and are always ready to exchange two pieces of chlamium for scraps of metal, magic powder for a strong ointment and three mysterious parts for unicorn meat.


Thieves, bandits and pirates can also be allies, and why not? Especially if you call them to your face exclusively “gentlemen of fortune” and don’t pay attention to where they get their money. And there will be money - joining Grubville increases rewards for completing tasks by twenty percent. And not only money, but also the number of experience points you receive! If you want to quickly get high-level heroes, you should make capturing this state a priority goal.

Grubville thugs are understandably buying up what will give them the opportunity to continue cutting off heads - that is, swords. If things don’t work out with weapons, you can exchange three magic powders for a prisoner, three rings with a gem for a Watcher’s tablet or Watcher’s water... three... that is, two vials for an excaliburette - the best racket for playing kingball.

On a note: Kingball is a tennis-like game that can be played by up to three Sims at once. The characters throw the ball to each other, occasionally missing it. The probability of winning depends only on the degree of concentration of the Sim and on the coolness of his racket. Winning a match will increase your concentration, while losing, on the contrary, will reduce it.


The land of legally obligatory afternoon naps, ruled by a man with the title of Snoremaster. A paradise for students and firefighters... But annexing it is useful for any kingdom - capturing it will give an increase of ten units of concentration from the “job well done” modifier and will reduce the damage from failure to fulfill daily duties by the same ten.

The Spoons import large quantities of fish into their sleepy kingdom and exchange five pieces of wood for a sleeping potion, a goose feather for mithril and two tablets of the Watcher of the Dark Stone.


The brave Avanton warriors are famous throughout the world for their discipline and perseverance. Apparently, this is why the capture of their state will reduce the number of task points that are needed to begin completing a particular task.

The only thing Avanton needs is strong armor, because the lifestyle of mercenaries and soldiers does not contribute to the safety of their uniforms. But if you are interested not in trade, but in exchange, then the Avantonians are always ready to exchange six pieces of adamant for a scimitar of precision, a tablet of the Watcher of the Avantonian chain mail and three dark stones for a unicorn horn.


A state in which the shrines of the Jacobite church are concentrated and fear of the wrath of the Watcher hovers everywhere. How can one not be afraid if the ephemeral image of a deity is supported by the very real swords of the order of paladins?

However, the impression that Jacovitia is a refuge for pious lambs is erroneous. Judge for yourself, her addition increases the daily income of all heroes in the kingdom by a quarter. It’s somehow mercantile for God’s people...

And the illusions are finally dispelled when it turns out that the main and only product that the Jacobites are willing to buy is poisons. Something was definitely rotten in the Jacobite state.

Yacovitia exchanges two pieces of wood for beautiful outfits, six pieces of mithril for the Beholder's staff, five goose feathers for the Beholder's water, and a captive for the Beholder's blade.

Due to the small size of the island, the elves living on it apparently have constant problems with nutrition - otherwise it is difficult to explain why they are always ready to buy meat from your kingdom. Also in Elfont, you can exchange three tablets of the Watcher for a magic staff and two dark stones for a fiery sword spell.

Yum yum

The name of the state speaks for itself - they eat there. A lot, with taste and great appetite. And, which is typical, they not only destroy imported delicacies, but also perfectly prepare them themselves. Joining Yumnyamnia opens up three recipes for delicious Yumnyamnia for your heroes. In addition, all food has twice the shelf life and the pleasure of eating it lasts twice as long.

You need a little yumnyam: gourmet chefs are always ready to buy fruits and vegetables from you. Or exchange wild boar, bear meat, venison or five bird carcasses for sausage. They will exchange five bottles of Watcher's water for a dark stone, and five pieces of unicorn meat for a magical fragment.

What heroes of different professions do, what countries can be found on the map and what special traits a character can get if he tries really, really hard - this is perhaps the main thing you need to know about life in the Middle Ages. But there are so many other interesting things in it - unique items and recipes, intricate tasks and ways to solve the problems of the kingdom... However, we will talk about this later.

And... take care of your Sims! Especially spies.

- Why does my monarch/knight/spy lose during fights?

The hero's martial arts level is too low. You can increase it by training on a dummy or by fighting. The training dummy can be purchased in furnished mode.


- Where to catch fish (or leeches)?

You can catch fish and leeches in the river or near the pier. They are indicated by circles in the water, which disappear (temporarily) after the end of fishing. Blue circles indicate the place where you can catch fish, and green circles indicate leeches. You can also buy leeches and fish in the village shop. To do this, in the Looker mode, find the road to the village and use the road sign to send the hero to the shop.

- How to send a letter?

Find the nearest “post office” (for example, on the right near the entrance to the palace) and click on it. You will be given a list of use cases. Quest menus usually appear once per quest, as opposed to sending a letter normally.

- Why does the character return from hunting without prey?

Your character is in a bad mood or is physically underdeveloped. To send your hero on a hunt, click on the pointer in a forest clearing; if the indicator of the “Hunt” button is highlighted in green, the hunt will be successful; if it is red, your character is doomed to failure; yellow means that the result depends on luck.

- Why doesn’t the character want to complete the task?

In The Sims, heroes do not want to work when their needs are not met, in particular, the hero wants to sleep. Cheer him up: let him sleep, eat, admire himself in the mirror, etc. If you are short on time, you can drink an energy drink or sleep/meditate for a short time.

- How to call for a duel?

To do this, click on the Sim you want to challenge to a duel and select Monarch/Knight/Spy: “Challenge to a duel.” Other professions cannot challenge you to a duel.

- What happens if you don’t fulfill your daily duties?

To begin with, the hero’s mood deteriorates. In addition, for failure to complete mandatory simple quests that appear once a day, punishment is provided - stocks, death penalty.

- Where can I find a desktop?

In furnishing mode, select sort by sets and select the "Professional" tab.

- There’s a hellish shortage of angel grass! Where can I find more Angel Bushes?

Only 5 bushes were found on the map.

1. Behind between the market and the tavern.

2. Behind between the kingball and training courts (along the vector from the Observer).

3. Between the Jacobite and Peterian cathedrals (if they have not yet been built, then focus on the great oak).

4. To the right of the Peterian Cathedral near the wall with a path into the forest.

5. Near a forest clearing, on the road to the cathedrals, near the wall.

- Where can I find the power stone?

Only 4 power stones have been found on the map so far.

1. On the left behind the magician’s tower, at the edge of the cliff.

2. In the Mayak area, behind a small rock at the edge of the sea.

3. Near the Beholder's Gazebo.

4. Behind the Jacobite Cathedral (or in the vacant lot before the construction of the cathedral), at the edge of the cliff.

Screenshot before the construction of the cathedral

Screenshot after the construction of the cathedral

Note: If you play as a mage, then it is enough to find one nearby bush or stone and, if necessary, stimulate their growth using the “Growth” spell.

Where can I get a dark blade to make the Doom Staff?

Send your magician for walks in the forest more often. You will receive different events randomly. If you suddenly find yourself at an event with a guard at the bridge, attack him.


- How can a monarch listen to petitions?

Click on the monarch's throne, and then select the "Hold a reception" action.


- How to trade with other countries?

Explore political map(for example, in a palace), menu “political situation. Look at what the country you want to trade with is importing/purchasing/changing. Find these things (for example, two pieces of cheese from the village shop are exchanged for 1 tree in Masterland) and go to the Pier. Click on the ship - open the hold - transfer all the items into the hold. Close, now the “sail for trade” menu is active - send the ship to the desired country. Items that are imported are “exchanged” for money. Items that are not needed are returned.

Walkthrough of the quest in The Sims Middle Ages “Blacksmith's Apprentice”.

Quest: Journeyman blacksmith
An approach: hire an apprentice (the only approach)
Hero: blacksmith

The name of the quest suggests that it can only be completed by a blacksmith in one approach, “Search for an Apprentice.”

A homing pigeon lands on the windowsill and waits patiently for the blacksmith to notice it. A smart bird does not risk flying into the forge - after all, the careers of several carrier pigeons ended ingloriously in the flames of the forge.
Noticing the pigeon, the blacksmith approaches and carefully removes the note tied to the bird's paw.
Having unfolded the note, the blacksmith reads: “The monarch wishes to discuss important blacksmithing issues with you. We order you to immediately appear for an audience.”

His Majesty's orders are not discussed, so you will have to visit the throne room to meet with the ruler and resolve all the necessary issues.

I want to warn you that you will soon receive a large order.
In this regard, you should probably hire an assistant, Blacksmith Nodari.

There is never too much help, the main thing is to find a smart assistant. For help, we have to turn to the inhabitants of the kingdom, finding out if they have anyone in mind. Heroes can also be interviewed.

Resident 1:
Greetings, Blacksmith Nodari.
Just recently, someone said that some man wants to learn blacksmithing.
True, I don’t remember who it was. Good luck!

Resident 2:
Good day, sir.
Something hasn't come to my mind yet...
If I think of anyone who can help, I will certainly let you know.

Resident 3:
What a score. Just yesterday we spoke with one person... Julian, maybe you know? So, he just says that learning blacksmithing is his long-time dream.
It seems to me that he is not in the city now, but as soon as we see each other again, I will certainly tell him to come to you.

“Everyone unanimously says: there is a young man who dreams of becoming a blacksmith. Perhaps this is what you need? Alas, he is not in the city now, but as soon as he returns, the residents will tell him to come to the forge.”
"We need materials for training..."

In the meantime, we are waiting for the apprentice, we need to prepare for his arrival. For the future student we will need the following items:

The hammer and tongs must be forged yourself at the forge.

After each item made, the blacksmith will share warm memories of his craft.


“I remember my first tongs... With their help, I managed to forge better tongs for myself! However, these will be suitable for an apprentice for the first time.”


"Done! I wonder how many times the apprentice will hit his fingers until he learns to hit properly?"


“Once I happened to see a guy who overturned a ladle of molten metal on himself - and he, poor fellow, didn’t even have a leather apron... I remember he changed his mind about being a blacksmith and now sings in a boys’ choir.”

When all the necessary equipment for the future student has been purchased, it is necessary to prepare the material on which he will hone his skills. To do this, we need to forge fragments from the chlamium.


“Now I have enough debris for an apprentice, if he does appear. What does foresight mean!”

Just at the very moment when you finish your work, the first candidate student will appear.

“Greetings! They say you need apprentices?
I think I'll do great! I’ve been dreaming about this since childhood!”

The candidate who comes does not inspire much confidence, so the blacksmith is very skeptical.


“Yes, I’m looking for an apprentice, not a servant. But I think it’s worth checking her diligence.”

“You know, I’m a master at cleaning floors! They say you need apprentices?
I think I'll do great! If I have to, I'll work my ass off all day!
I'll tell you what. I'll start right now, and if you don't like my work, you can send me away!"

Since the apprentice is so eager to fight, why not give him a chance to try? You need to wait an hour so that you can devote yourself to your business.

Just now we receive a letter from His Majesty again.

Blacksmith Nodari notices a dove in the sky, and soon the bird lands right on his shoulder.
Nodari opens a small scroll tied to the dove's paw and reads the message.
"The monarch wishes to see you in the throne room."

Again, the blacksmith needs to visit his ruler in order to receive the promised order, which was mentioned at the very beginning of the quest.


"The royal guards need new armor. Make me a set of unique armor, by which I can judge the quality of your work."

The armor, of course, will have to be forged yourself. To do this you will need the following materials:


"Great! Without a doubt, this is one of my best products! The Monarch will be delighted!"

Once the armor is ready, it is necessary to deliver it to His Majesty's castle.


“Great job! Now make me a hundred more of the same armor. We urgently need to update the guard’s equipment!”

Just at this moment, our ward sadly remembers a student who, instead of providing practical help, still scrubs floors.


“I hope a worthy apprentice will be found soon. After all, I have a lot of work to do.”

Now is the time to check what our onion grief has lathered there.

And so, returning to the forge, we notice that the candidate did not even think about taking up washing the floors.

"Crack my anvil! The floors are still dirty!"
I don’t understand how you can scrape and scrub a floor all day and still not get it shiny?
I'll tell her that this won't work."

We are presented with a choice: throw Sabrina out rudely or tactfully explain that she can go in all four directions. Whatever answer you choose, further development It will not affect the quest, only the dialog boxes associated with the choice will be slightly different.

Option 1. Refuse her delicately.

“Isn’t... Are you not satisfied with the cleanliness of the floors?
You won't find a better apprentice than me. I know it!
But since you don't like me, I'll leave. Thank you for your time."

Option 2: Say goodbye to her without ceremony.

“My mother must have been right, and nothing good will come of me.
What to do? I had a dream - to become a blacksmith's apprentice - but apparently it was not destiny...
Maybe I should look for bandits - maybe I’ll be useful to them..."

After any option of saying goodbye to Sabrina, not very happy thoughts come to our character:


“Well, where are everyone who wants to become blacksmiths? There’s no waiting - you need to forge a hundred sets of armor! Perhaps I’ll go back to the forge.”

Fortunately, a pleasant surprise awaits us there in the form of a new apprentice candidate. This is exactly the same Julian that one of the inhabitants of the kingdom told about. This time our character decides not to stand on ceremony, but to get straight to the point.


“Okay. You have a basic knowledge of our craft. Consider that you have completed a simple task. But this is just the beginning.”

After the first question, you need to ask a second one.

Dear forum participants! In this topic you can ask your questions about The Sims Medieval and The Sims Medieval Pirates & Nobles regarding gameplay.

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Are there codes for The games Sims Medieval?
Yes, they can be found in the topic.

How to raise chandeliers, paintings and wall objects up and down in purchase mode?
To raise an object, use the "e" key; to lower it, use the "/" key.

Where can you find leeches?
They can be caught from the river (places where leeches accumulate are marked in green). Or you can buy leeches in a village shop.

Are there additional materials for TSM?
See them in the subforum.

Which maximum amount Can a hero have children?
If update 1.3 is installed, then the maximum number of children is 3.

How to sweep the floor (required by assignment)?
Click on the hero who needs to do this action. The “Sweep the floor” option will appear.

What kind of gift is given after the wedding and where is it?
After the wedding, you are given a gift, which is chosen randomly by the game (that is, in one case you can get a carpet, and in another - a tapestry). The gift is in the family luggage.

I've been playing with the same hero for a long time. How to change it?
To change your Sim, you need to select a quest that involves the hero you want to play as.

How to wash the medallion in the quest “Regicide”?
Buy a washbasin and click on it. The “wash medallion” action will appear.

Is The Sims Medieval an add-on for The Sims 3 or a separate game? If I download it, will it interfere with The Sims 3/The Sims 2?
The Sims Medieval is a standalone game that is not related to work The Sims 4 / The Sims 3 / The Sims 2. You can have all the games on your computer without them conflicting with each other.

Is it possible to play The Sims Medieval without completing quests?
Yes, you can. When you reach the end of the KB, the “Free Time” mode will open, which will be available in the list of quests.

My Sims got married. Is it possible to control your spouse? Is it possible to control their child?
A spouse can only be controlled if both Sims are Heroes. A child cannot be controlled.

Where you can find: magic fragment; blade and hilt of the fatal sword; Unicorn horn?
A magical fragment - in the forest, on the open sea, on the road to the village. The hilt and blade of the fatal sword are in the Pit. Unicorn horn - trade with other countries or find in the forest. If you have a special mod installed, then they can be purchased at the village shop.

Where can you find angel bush?
Near the houses behind the tavern; by the river (near the entrance to the forest); at the Jacobite church.

My character was frozen in place, performing an action. How to fix this?
First, activate the developer code (read how to do this). Then click on the Sim while holding down the Shift key and select "Force reset".

Every person has the right to their own cockroaches in their head!

Hello, dear accomplices)
I looked here and found very few normal descriptions of classes. So I decided to write my own.
First class (one of my favorites) - blacksmith.

The blacksmith crafts swords, armor, magic staves, and, depending on the quest, other fun things. In the quest “7 Crafts” he even forges bread). In the same quest you can get the legendary blacksmith's hammer, which is the best in the game in terms of characteristics so far.
To begin work, the master needs material, such as steelium, chlamium, mithril, etc. You can get it either by purchasing it in a village shop or collecting it from open ore deposits that are scattered throughout the map. Metal is mined using a pickaxe.

Forging requires a forge and an anvil. The process itself can be controlled by moving the hero from the forge (action “Heat Metal”) to the anvil (action “Forge Metal”) and back. The more complex the subject, the more to the hero you will have to run back and forth to maintain the high quality of the finished product. (Running is really long and tedious and annoying, because you need to constantly monitor the Sim) Of course, you can not bother about this at all, but then the quality of the resulting product will be noticeably lower.
Metal temperature, quality and % completeness of the product is represented by three stripes:

Your task: to ensure that the indicator on the first strip always remains in the yellow field, heating it in the forge (while the indicator creeps up) and cooling it on the anvil (while the indicator creeps down, and the % of completion increases). With all this, we must remember that when the workpiece is transferred from the anvil to the forge, its temperature also decreases.
Now about the quality indicator.

The item initially has the highest quality available for a given level of blacksmith (from ordinary to good to excellent. At high levels you can make products of legendary quality.) Among other things, the quality also depends on the strength of the hammer that the blacksmith uses. You cannot increase the quality, you can only worsen it, alas (By hovering the cursor over the quality indicator, you can see its value as well as the number of errors that a blacksmith can make without compromising the quality of the product (Errors are considered to be cursor positions in the red or blue temperature field of the product, that is, when the blacksmith “overheats” or “overcools” the product, its quality is noticeably reduced). If the number of available errors is large enough, then you don’t have to monitor the process - the sim will do everything himself (usually works with weak swords, low-level armor and staves).
Why is quality so important? The characteristics of the future product depend on the quality of forging. (Initial characteristics without bonuses can be found in the item description)

Excellent quality gives +1 to characteristics, legendary +2.

Among other things, a blacksmith can also trade the products he forges. For this purpose, there is a canopy to the right of the forge, where you can place items that are in the character’s inventory (Option “Check goods”). After at least one item for sale appears in the store, the “Open” menu option will become available and then you can start trading. Trading occurs by clicking on any other character and selecting the blacksmith->ask to buy menu.

Initially, it is not available, so the blacksmith will first have to flatter the buyer, praise him, perform the mysterious “push” action, the essence of which is still not clear to me, and only after that sell the goods. By the way, the price of the finished decoction also depends on its quality; the higher the quality, the more money the blacksmith has.

Achievements performed by the blacksmith: "Victory Robe" (make 50 armor), "If I had a hammer..." (Complete 30 tasks) and "Weapon of Darkness" (Forge the legendary Doomblade). The latter is perhaps one of the most difficult, mainly due to the search for the necessary ingredients and the recipe for making the blade itself.

In general, making all sorts of different magic clicks, angelic armor, escaliburiquettes and other things, IMHO, is the most fun in playing as a blacksmith.

That's all about the blacksmith for now, thanks for your attention)

Special items:
1. Doom Blade.(creation is an achievement)
Characteristics: strength - 10, weight - 0.
Adds a negative moodlet (-50) to a Sim's mood.
To create it you need a doom handle, a doom blade, power stones (4), mithril (3) and adamant (4). The last three are mined from ore, and for the blade and handle you will have to jump into the pit of justice. If the Sim is lucky, he will feel something with his hand and try to hit the monster, as a rule it will be either the blade of the doom blade or the handle. A book with a forging recipe can be obtained in the forest or in the village.
2. Angel's Hammer.
Characteristics: strength - 10.
To create it, you need to have a magic fragment, adamantium (2), a power stone (3), lapis lazuli (2) and mithril (5). The magic fragment can be found in the forest, the rest is obtained by mining the ore.
3.Angelic armor.
Characteristics: protection - 9, weight -1.
To create it, you must have a magic fragment (4), a power stone (5), electrum (3) and mithril (8). Magic fragments can again be found in the forest, the rest is mined by ore mining.
4.Doom armor.
Characteristics: protection - 10, weight - 5.
Ingredients: adamant(4), magic fragment(2), mithril(4), unicorn horn(1). A unicorn horn, like a magic fragment, can be found while walking through the forest; to do this, when meeting a unicorn, the latter must be killed (alas).
Among other things, the unicorn horn can be exchanged when trading with Avanton for a dark stone (3), which in turn can be exchanged in Spoonwich for a tablet of the beholder (2), which in turn can be obtained in Grubville by exchanging for a ring with a gem (3), which in turn, can be obtained in Bogatonia in exchange for a goose feather (3), which can be obtained in Masterland for nightshade (3).
5.Doom Staff.
Characteristics: strength - 10.
To create it, you need an adamant (3), a power stone (2), the core of a magic staff (2), a dark blade (1) and a part of the soul (7).
The core of the staff can be created by a magician on the desktop, and parts of the soul are again obtained by the magician using the “soul stealing” spell. Where to get the dark blade is still a mystery.
