The Skies: exploring the post-nuclear skies. Preview of The Skies. A Tale of Bad Job The skies leveling guide

The SKIES is a 3D multiplayer survival sandbox set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Players explore a non-linear world where they can become anyone without class restrictions, all for the sake of survival, as in cult game Fallout. The plot of the project is based on the work "The Heavens" and is a kind of story reworked into a game. The game was developed on the Unity engine and looks pretty good compared to other similar games, especially considering the scale of the game locations - this allows you to navigate through them without any additional load.

The SKIES uses a comprehensive character creation system where players can choose from several pre-built face sets that can be modified by clicking on different parts - akin to creating characters in Black desert Online. You can also adjust the general physiology and it is worth noting that on this moment only male characters are available for creation. After this, the character is moved to a special location, where you can complete the first quests and learn the basics: movement, getting things and using weapons, and only then you can move to the capital, where the main life of the game takes place.

As with all post-apocalyptic games, in The SKIES, players explore the devastated remnants of civilization in search of food, money, food and various items to survive. Of course, on the way to this you will meet various bandits, other players and amazing creatures spawned by the apocalypse - in this case, they are terrible mutants. The SKIES manages to combine several genres that have been successfully implemented in top projects, such as DayZ and its sandbox world with huge locations, as well as an open-choice class system like in Fallout.

The Skies is a post-apocalyptic sandbox set in an open world spanning over 12 square kilometers.

In this universe, the Sun burned out the Earth, destroying civilization - a series of flares and radiation did their dirty work, throwing the world into savagery.

Video: trailer for the game The Skies

The developers promise a classic Wasteland and a non-linear storyline, where each answer can change the storyline.

Relations with local groups, NPCs and the search for the Heavens, which can give hope to humanity - three whales of the solo gameplay.

Fans of large-scale battles can test their skills in PVP, team-on-team battles or short ones. story missions against living people.

Admirers of the solo walkthrough will try what it is like to change the world around them, becoming a merchant, a bandit or a clan leader - making decisions and using a complex system of dialogues.

Dynamic combat system will be tied to a full non-target- you have to aim, dodge, strike, block.

Battles take place in five battle arenas- to take part in PVP, you need to look for hostile groups or teams.

The development team hails from Luhansk, so the familiar landscapes await us - huge hangars and boxes of factories, dead electric locomotives, giant asphalt jungle and tiny sleeping areas.

Apocalypse Now

  • Fighting among ruins, overturned vehicles and burned-down buildings.
  • Homemade bombs, grenades, shot ammunition, and traps.
  • Difficult level tasks from NPCs can change the world map.
  • Huge machetes, Tesla cannons, flamethrowers, junk rifles.

- PVE content and dialogues with NPCs in a dynamic universe.

In general, "The SKIES" is not the opening of the new season - a standard survival stick in a shell from the story of a solar storm.

Skies is a post-apocalyptic MMORPG with a non-linear storyline. The project is being developed by the studio from Lugansk Eforb and has already managed to collect good reviews on Steam even at the early access stage.

The story of the game takes place at the beginning of the 21st century, when solar activity has increased dramatically. In two weeks, the world collapsed, destroying all power supplies, governments and city infrastructure. Humanity sank into darkness ... And only 150 years later, the sun's rays illuminated the Earth, launching a new round in the development of humanity.

Of the features of the game, a large open world- 12 square kilometers, which in the future they promise to expand to 200. An interesting role-playing system, where on the basis of decisions taken the corresponding choices will appear in the dialogs. There are many types of earnings from being employed by workers in a factory, to hiring people and running your own business. Well, what about any sandbox without crafting? Weapons, uniforms, construction, trade items - everything is available to create with your own hands.

But the PvP in the game is quite peculiar, there are both clan wars and ordinary skirmishes, but the most interesting, it seems, are the battles in arenas with several modes: capture the flag, save territories and survive.

In general, according to the editorial staff of MMO13 - The SKIES has great potential even at the early access stage, which distinguishes this project from many similar games this genre.

Other names for the game The Skies: The Skaes, The SKIES.

Game type: Client

Status: Early Access

Distribution model: Free, Free-to-Play (F2P)

The presence of the Russian language in the game: Yes, the game is available in Russian

Steam gamers in the game: About 3 gamers are playing The SKIES right now via Steam!

Popular tags on Steam: Early Access, Free to Play, Survival, Multiplayer, Open World, MMO, Post-apocalypse

Find out more details about the action The SKIES, this page provides an overview of this free online games s, as well as screenshots (5 screenshots), videos, trailers, gameplay videos, announcements, release date, game rating, system requirements, dates of OBT, ZBT ..

The online client game The SKIES is a mixture of the genres Action, Survival, developed by Eforb, the game is available in Russian, this project has many features and advantages that are interesting to players, among them post-apocalypse, open world, in Russian, it is impossible not to mention that the online game The Skies can be downloaded for free, which means you can start playing immediately after installation.

System Requirements The SKIES

Below are the minimum system requirements for the game, if the computer (PC or laptop) meets these requirements or better, then there is a high probability that The Skies game can be run at an acceptable level of frames per second (FPS) on low or medium graphics settings. If the computer is slightly inferior in characteristics, then it is quite possible to try downloading and installing The SKIES, and after starting the game, immediately in the settings, reduce the graphics level to a minimum, you also need to monitor the state of the PC, monitor temperatures and load on all components of the computer (laptop).

  • OS: 64 bit
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-650, 3.2 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 965, 3.4 Ghz
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Video adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660ti (2GB Memory or higher) or AMD Radeon HD 7870 (2GB Memory or higher)
  • Free disk space: 8 GB
  • Additionally: Minimum internet speed 1Mbit

You can also always familiarize yourself with the full minimum and recommended system requirements for the free game The Skies on a separate page, before installing, find out on the site how much the game weighs and will take up space on your computer (PC).

How many people are currently playing The SKIES?

V this game now (2020.01.19 16:50) about 3 gamers are playing via Steam. You just need to always remember that the number of online players often changes very much during the day, come here often, check how many players are online and are playing The SKIES right now.

Please note, it happens that released online games are available not only through Steam, but also through third-party playgrounds, as well as on other gaming platforms, Xbox, PlayStation, so there may be even more players online! And, of course, we must not forget that very often there are separate servers for different regions.

Screenshots of the online game The Skies

A few screenshots from the game for a quick visual assessment, but don't jump to conclusions, the first impression can be deceiving, look closely, study the interface details, open screenshots in full screen and try to feel the atmosphere The games SKIES. Do not chase after second impressions, the devil is in the details, this is especially true for complex online games and hardcore genres. Here on, more screenshots can be found in the dedicated section

This time - not rockets, not some internal conflicts, not diseases or viruses. This time - deadly solar flares that destroyed the entire infrastructure of mankind. First, all radios and electrical appliances went out of order, then a drought began, and fires broke out. Man found salvation deep underground in the labyrinths of an iron bunker.

In 2150, people, having risen to the surface, began to restore everything that was once lost: cities are being built on the ground scorched by rays, farms are being formed in the district, lost varieties of plants are being restored, wild animals are domesticated - in general, a completely optimistic future is being built.

The post-apocalyptic crime and its merciless cruelty hinder restorative progress. Gangs of marauders and raiders plunder entire villages, bloodthirsty cannibals wield the wastelands, and the slave trade flourishes in the cities. Whole vigilante groups oppose everything bad - they fight for honesty and kindness in the entire dead world.

In such an already familiar and at the same time kindness - for me personally, a lover of post-apocalyptic survival - the situation unfolds a completely incompetent and stupid plot of the Ukrainian MMOFPS The skies... I'll write right away: I really didn't like the game, despite all its extraordinary idea and beautiful wrapper - it is dry and dead inside.

The understanding of all the absurdity comes even before the launch of the game: in the history of updates flaunts a short and, I note right away, an insignificant patch log # 19, released on October 12 last year. All would be fine, but the release date - April 16, 2016 - leads to the idea of ​​a typical game-building stagnation. It is confirmed by the periodicity of the updates released: stable support stopped in the summer, then the developers created only the appearance of the work being done.

The guys from the CIS studio are engaged in such construction - or did they do it anyway. Eforb... In the list of their achievements, it is worth noting a number of mobile applications and games, as well as experience in porting their own projects to the PC. Harsh game development for them began with work on The Skies back in 2014 - it was then, with some groundwork and sketches, that they successfully jumped Steam Greenlight, while failing the company on Kickstarter and losing additional funding.

In such circumstances, it is easy to find an excuse for all delays and unfulfilled promises - it is enough to point the finger at the lack of money to make the player really pity for an unrecognized idea. But, if, as they say, dig deeper, you can hit the shovel on Intershelter- by the way, very similar to The Skies, which is being developed by the same Eforb staff, who apparently forgot about their first project.

But despite the parallel development, the servers The skies still live - survive... They often lag unbearably, from time to time they fall, either from an average online of 140 people, or from the clumsy of the game itself. I felt the whole reality during the agonizing ten-minute authorization in the Russian north - this is how my acquaintance with the "revolutionary post-apocalyptic MMORPG" began.

Immediately after connecting, I saw the in-game customization of the character befitting 2016, which includes only a narrow range of tattoos and several profile options - this is where all the variability ends. The existing choice of male or female does not carry any peculiarities, even in decorative terms, not to mention the gameplay.

With the end of the creation and customization of the character begins horribly illogical plot... For understanding, I will give a short synopsis: the aunt of the protagonist falls ill, from which she asks the character to find her brother in order to say goodbye to him; without any explanations or leads, the player goes to the city, and ultimately is left alone with a huge location. No tips or links. Even without a short description of the problem.

Such a fun and varied customization ...

The situation is aggravated wooden dialogues, the quality does not correspond to the genre of the game. Their presence does not bring interest to the gameplay due to their narrow focus; their influence is limited only by the risk of failure of some minor quests. The only plus is the dependence of the text on the amount of intelligence of the character: stupid, but strong hero hums funny when smart, but weak pleases with an abundance of epithets. Nevertheless, both heroes will come to the same conclusion - such is the variability.

But that's not the main problem with storytelling. I spat fiercely and angrily after completing secondary tasks - they are terrible. As in any other, they take most of the playing time, but not because of the large number, interest or quality - no. V The skies additional quests few and incredibly tight. It is here that the impression is created that the developers, without much excitement and effort, reacted to the implementation of all the aspects promised to the players.

The gameplay begins with pumping character attributes, from the list of which appear: strength, dexterity, endurance and intelligence - in the idea they determine the style of the game, in practice it all comes down to already proven schemes. So, it is promising for the character to build up dexterity and strength: the first allows you to steal and move quickly with impunity, the second increases the amount of health and damage done. All attempts to diversify the pumping tree and tie together other attributes of practicality do not carry.

All additional quests are of the same nature.

Parallel to the main attributes, there are additional skills depending on the development of the former. Of all the available ones, the ability to handle heavy, medium, light and cold weapon classes stands out, to effectively use first-aid kits, and also to receive a bonus from mined resources. Such skills, in contrast to the main characteristics, bring a good amount of variety to the gameplay: in the future, their development can be transformed into full-fledged classes for playing in co-op.

Skipping the description of a large number of different aspects, mostly still unfinished, I will go directly to the sensations from gameplay... The impressions are different: on the one hand, you can feel a solid bottom with your feet and a lot of different conceived, embedded and completely unrealized details, dragging the game down with a load. On the other hand, the idea of ​​the creator is understood - beautiful, varied and even new - brutally thrown and eventually remaining on a crumpled sheet of paper.

The game is boring and unattractive, but it tends to tighten any MMO grind. This property is enhanced if you play with friends: fun company even the side quests seem interesting. The joint trips to the bosses stand out especially - I still remember with ecstasy how I, with a small company of people I did not know, visited an abandoned multi-storey business center, seized by a gang of fierce bandits. A lot of cartridges were spent then.

I would not refuse such glasses

Speaking of ammo: a very important resource along with weapons, water, food, or a first aid kit. All provisions are obtained from killed mobs or bought from available NPCs for nuts - in-game currency - or for donated gold on the Black Market.

Analyzing the above on the shelves, I note: in addition to natural sources of inventory, there is an advanced one for The skies crafting... Any item, not a machine gun or a mine, is assembled in detail using improvised means and recipes. Ammunition, various dishes, clothes, some kind of medicine - all things available for one-hand creation are correlated according to the corresponding sections.

When one game element goes into a plus, the other - drags into a minus. So, bright red is highlighted donation system: Almost every aspect of the game is potentially influenced by premium status or real currency. In the leveling tree, it is allowed to reset all earned skills, at any time you can buy some item with a lion's discount on the Black Market or get a strong boost to experience and gold - all this is available for real money.

After wandering around an empty and dead location in PvE mode, I moved to PvP... Of course, not without problems: the server at first refused to let me into the arena, but then gave up, placing me in the only available lobby with a couple of people, with the declared maximum number at 20. After a dreary wait, I took part in the standard capture of the flag, having received a little experience and gold after a series of deaths.

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