Top 10 most popular songs about minecraft. Congratulations from Markus Persson

Minecraft is a popular computer game. It was created in a sandbox style with open world. Thanks to this, players do not have to follow any specific goals, but do what they want. However, the game does offer incentive rewards for completing certain actions. Our top 10 facts about Minecraft will tell you Interesting Facts about this popular game.

10 Past works of Markus Persson

Minecraft creator Markus Persson is also known as Notch. He was born in Sweden in 1979. Markus first lived in Denmark and then moved with his family to Sweden. The future creator of Minecraft became interested in programming as a child. The boy started doing it at the age of 8, using his home computer. Marcus created his first game at the age of 9. In addition to Minecraft, he created many more games, having worked as a game developer at for 4.5 years. Marcus was involved in the development of Wurm Online (a massively multiplayer online role-playing game) and jAlbum (a digital photo gallery program).

9 Successful hobby

At first, Minecraft was just a hobby for Markus Persson, to which the programmer devoted his free time. He wanted to create a 3D game where he could build structures on a grid of tiles. Marcus first started working on the game RubyDung, but never published it. The programmer was dissatisfied with the results and stopped working on it. Marcus later worked on the game Infiniminer. He liked the blocky visual style and first-person perspective. These elements later appeared in Minecraft. The Minecraft game was released in 2009 and brought success to its creator.

8 Original names

Before getting the final name, Minecraft game changed several names. At the beginning of development it was called Cave Game. After some time, it was decided to change the name. The game became known as the Order of the Stone. It existed under this name almost until the very end of development. Only when the creation of the game was almost completed, it received the name Minecraft, under which it soon gained fame.

7 Number of players

According to 2018 data, total sales of the game on all platforms amount to more than 144 million copies. The number of active players who launch Minecraft at least once a month exceeds 74 million people. Every hour from license accounts Approximately 1000 users access the game servers. And in a month this number is more than 240 million players.

5 Congratulations from Markus Persson

Markus Persson was born on June 1, 1979. Birthday is his favorite holiday. For this reason, even the game Minecraft celebrates this holiday. Every year on June 1, a congratulation inscription appears in the main menu of all game clients that reads: “Happy Birthday Dear Notch.”

4 Duration of the game year

Of course, time in reality and time in the game is on differently. Thus, a year in Minecraft lasts 121 hours, which the user spends in the game.

3 Flowers from the golem

In some official versions of Minecraft you can find an iron golem. He is engaged in protecting the inhabitants of the settlements. Sometimes the iron golem decides to please his charges with flowers. At such moments, he gives them bouquets.

2 Architect Players

Some people believe that only children and teenagers are interested in computer games. This is wrong. Many Minecraft players are adults. With the number of players that Minecraft has, it is not surprising that among them there are people of different professions. However, there is one most popular specialty among fans of this game - the profession of an architect. According to statistics, 5% of Minecraft players are architects.

1 Use in schools

Many children prefer to play computer games, what to do with lessons and do homework. They would probably be happy if they could play computer games at school. In one of the schools in Sweden, namely Viktor Rydborg School, which is located in Stockholm, a child can combine business with pleasure. Minecraft is a compulsory lesson for all thirteen-year-old students at this school. This is not done to simply entertain children and diversify the learning process. The fact is that the Minecraft game develops children's thinking.

The first public alpha version of this game for PC appeared in 2009. Since then, Minecraft has delighted a huge number of players with its exciting gameplay.

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There are mods that have millions of downloads, they are very popular and you yourself probably don’t think about how many players use them. And today we present our own TOP 10 best Minecraft mods according to the website version. We can assure you that there is a 100% chance that you have used at least one of them. Mod genres are quite broad from technical mods to new worlds. Of course, the top will be updated, you never know if more worthy competitors will appear. As of July 2015, you see the following leaders:

10th Place:

Zan’s Minimap ( , ) - Adds a mini map in the upper right corner, this is very useful for many, because you can set special marks on the map so as not to lose it, for example a nice place or just your home. But markers are not the only setting, there are quite a few of them: such as displaying mobs, cardinal directions, your coordinates and level above the sea. There is an analogue of Rei's Minimap, which is very similar, so you can choose that too. There is a slight criticism of the mod, since the display, for example, of mobs, looks at least like cheating, you always know where they will come from - that's why only 10th place.

9th Place:

Inventory Tweaks ( , , ) - Using just one button, you can organize your inventory. All items will be laid out in a beautiful order in a split second, everything identical blocks will form into stacks. For people who love cleanliness and order, this mod will come in handy; there is no need to go through the hassle of arranging it yourself. Only 9th place, due to the fact that the mod only does one not to say big function, there are more global fashion, in which a lot of work has been done.

8 Place:

The Lord of the Rings( , ) - The famous world of the Lord of the Rings has been transferred to Minecraft! The developers spent a lot of time adding so many objects from the film to the game, because there really are a lot of them - places, weapons, monsters. Want to see Gondor? It's easy, you just need to take the cards and start traveling like a group of hobbits from the Shire (By the way, there is one too). Can you defeat Sauron in Minecraft? Well, try it, it's not that easy! After all, on his side are many different types of creatures, which he can only take best weapons, which you have to craft and of course, crafting will require a lot of resources that you will look for throughout Middle-earth. You will definitely have to spend a lot of time to become the strongest in a completely new Minecraft world.

7th Place:

Millenaire (, ) - Standard villages in Minecraft are very simple and uninteresting, there is nothing special to do in them, this mod is aimed at adding new interesting features to NPC villages. The mod adds a normal trading system for residents, villages can develop by building new buildings, you can complete missions for local residents, and in villages you can find different races of inhabitants. And also the coolest thing is to create your own village and start developing it in various ways, a very funny feature.

6th Place:

Mo" Creatures ( , ) - Are there few mobs in the standard version of the game? Really, if you compare with real world, in our beloved Minecraft there is not even 1% of all species, and this is not acceptable, which is why this mod was created. It adds new types of mobs, of course not as many as in real life, but definitely more than we have now. On this moment There are 31 types of new mobs and varieties in the modification. And these are: Wyverns, Elephants, Mammoths, Monitor Lizards, Golems, Snails, Insects and many others.

5 Place:

Buildcraft ( , ) - The mod simplifies the extraction of minerals and the transportation of liquids. If you need to get a lot of resources for the IC2 mod or just resources, then now you don’t have to worry anymore. You just need to learn a fairly simple crafting system, and just place quarries where you see fit.

4 Place:

DivineRPG ( , ) - One of the largest modifications created for Minecraft, greatly expanding the boundaries of the game. Many new dimensions are being added, with their own structures and biomes, their own resources and mobs. New system player development, not as primitive as from the main developers of Minecraft. It will be possible to equip yourself with armor in a more interesting way; different varieties will appear: light and heavy, each with its own advantages. Playing will become much more interesting, as new opponents and goals will appear. And each of the creatures you meet will have its own characteristics and skills.

3rd place:

Galacticraft ( , ) - Have you dreamed of space? Introducing a mod that adds space and, of course, the resulting opportunities. Firstly, you can craft space rockets and use them to colonize other planets. Moreover, each planet has its own gravity, suitability for life and the presence of life (Indicates whether there are other living beings on the planet - mobs). And of course, there are new blocks and crafting.

In this review, we invite you to consider the most best top mods for the game Minecraft. Minecraft is a game that at first glance seems incredibly simple and even childish. However, the longer you play it, the more you become fascinated by this world that you create yourself. Various modifications can diversify this world, which not only add new elements to the game, but also give it a new direction. Also, some modifications can contribute to learning in various branches of science.

Industrial craft 2

This is a global modification that adds many new features to the game. With the installation of this modification, your Minecraft will become not just a game about building houses and excavating mines, you will receive a whole set of various innovations. Metallurgy, electrical engineering, agro-industry. These branches of human activity allow you to plunge headlong into building new machines to improve your world. New blocks, materials, trees and plants, tools. All this is aimed at more detailed exploration and conquest of the world. WITH Industrial Craft 2 you will experience all the subtleties of industrial work.

Project red

Who doesn't love creating incredible mechanisms in Minecraft? A whole bunch of different farms producing everything your heart desires. And all this works with the help of redstone. However, the redstone itself is not such a simple thing, since its use is often complicated by the game mechanics. The red projects modification corrects this problem and makes it easier to work with redstone as a conductor of energy to fuel mechanisms.

Divine RPG

From the name of the modification it becomes clear that it brings a greater RPG component to the game than what was intended by the developers. Having once decided buy minecraft key and install this mod, the game will have new full-fledged dimensions with its own rules and ecosystem. You will fully experience the spirit of pioneering. Also Divine RPG adds a lot of new armor and weapons that will make exploring new worlds easier. And perhaps the most important innovation is a more detailed system for developing your character with branches and levels.

Build Craft

This modification adds an improved resource extraction system to the game. Using this system, you can develop entire quarries to extract vital resources. Since resource extraction in Minecraft is an important aspect, and sometimes because of it you have to forget about other much more interesting things, the Build Craft modification will contribute to the improvement of your world and create a real technical revolution.

Computer Craft

Many children, and not only children, under the influence of the computer, wanted to become programmers. This is an easy way to create something of your own without extra investment that other people will use. One of the best mods - Computer Craft will contribute to these desires. It will add full-fledged computers and robots to the game, which can be programmed to perform a variety of actions. All programming in the mod is done in the simple language Lua.


This modification will bring a mysterious aspect to the game. Ancient magic capable of casting damage, throwing fireballs, and enchanting oneself with various auras. All this helps create a magical atmosphere, which in turn will help you feel like real wizards. New magic runes, magical books and much more will lead you along a narrow path through the nooks and crannies of magic. New bosses and locations will be added to the game, which will help in the practice of using magic and the emergence of an adventurous spirit.


Since Soviet times, children who grew up watching the feat of Yuri Gagarin dreamed of becoming cosmonauts. Yes and in modern world this dream has not faded into the background. Millions of people around the globe dream of flying into space and exploring other planets. The Gakacticraft modification can make these dreams come true in the world of Minecraft. The game adds the ability to create space rockets, with the help of which you become subject to space and its unknown distances. New planets may have an unfriendly environment, or, on the contrary, may be uninhabited. With Galacticraft you will feel like a real space colonizer.

Big reactors

Most technological modifications require energy in one way or another. The various mechanisms and machines you create require constant energy supply. In this case, the Big reactors modification comes to the rescue. The entire nuclear potential is in your hands, because this modification adds nuclear reactors to the game, which generate a fantastic amount of energy. Big reactors is compatible with most technological modifications of Minecraft.


Traditionally, technological modifications bring many new mechanisms and tools to Minecraft. But, they all work on energy. The PneumaticCraft modification corrects this shortcoming and allows you to create new mechanisms that will operate from internal air pressure. Since pressure is a dangerous thing, the modification requires accurate calculation of the construction of all mechanisms. Any mistake can lead to an explosion that will reduce all your efforts to zero.


Some people like to explore uncharted distant lands, some like to gnaw on the granite of science and create new mechanisms incomprehensible to the average mind, some like to extract resources, delving further into the depths of mines, and some love Agriculture. This is the beauty of Minecraft; everyone will find something to their liking here. The Forestry modification will improve game process for those who love agriculture. This modification adds to the game many new agricultural mechanisms and blocks that will help in breeding animals. Also appears new opportunity- bee breeding. Create your own apiary and all the honey in the Minecraft world will be yours.

We reviewed the top 10 best mods for minecraft, we hope you liked it! See you again!
