Top warface games. Clans. Technical side of the game

Players have the opportunity to join clans. A player can only be a member of one clan at a time. Clan is a group of people who come together to achieve some goal through joint efforts. This could be, for example, completing PvE missions with battle-tested people, participating in PvP tournaments and clan battles in pursuit of glory, or just playing for fun, like spending time with friends. A clan gives you the opportunity to play with like-minded people and unites people with similar views on the game. In addition, do not forget that a well-matched team always has a higher chance of winning than a group of individuals.

To create a clan in Warface, a player, in addition to desire, must have 5,000 Warbucks in his account. Having paid for the creation of a clan, the player must enter the future name of his clan in a special field. The name must consist of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 16 characters. Here you can add a description of the clan being created. Most often, admission criteria or contact information for the head and officers are indicated here. It is also important to remember that an obscene clan name will be a prerequisite for account blocking.

A look from the inside

The created clan is allocated a “headquarters” room, through which the head of the clan can control it. In the room you can view the points earned by the clan, the composition and rank of the clan, the statistics of the participants (the ratio of victories and defeats in PvP and PvE modes), and also change the description of the clan.

Here the head of the clan can appoint officers or a new head in his place. A clan officer can recruit new members to the clan and send them invitations to join. However, the opposite effect is also possible - a fighter who does not meet the requirements or has proven himself poorly can be demoted to the ranks or expelled from the clan.

All clan fighters are sorted in the list by the number of clan points earned, which introduces an element of competition within the clan. IN this moment maximum amount players in the clan - 50 players.

A private chat channel available only to players in the same clan. It allows clan members to communicate with each other regardless of the channel they are on at that moment. With its help, you can assemble a team for a clan battle, invite friends to a room, or ask your comrades for advice on any channel. The player has access to all sent messages from the clan in the current session, therefore, even while participating in a match, the player will be able to stay updated on the situation in the clan - all messages are saved in history. If the player is not a member of any clan, the “Clan” tab in the chat is hidden.

Clan rating

Each created clan, in accordance with the points it earns, is placed in the clan rating. In all battles without exception, clan members earn clan points. Their number determines the clan’s position in the overall ranking. Players receive the largest number of clan points for clan battles in the corresponding PvP mode. The number of clan points for other matches and completing PvE missions is several times less and is calculated individually for each fighter. Essentially, clan points are the sum of points earned by all clan members.

In an example it looks like this: Let's say that there are 5 fighters in a clan, each of whom has 100 points. Clan points in this case are equal to 500 points. The accrual of clan points for a player begins from the moment he is accepted into the clan.

Clan battles

Only a player who is a member of a clan, regardless of rank, can create a room for a clan battle. You can set the type of room for the battle of clans only when creating a room. The name of the room is assigned automatically and cannot be changed by the player.

When a room is created and there are players from the same clan in it, the name of the room changes to “Clan %ClanName% is looking for an opponent.” After players from another clan enter the room, the name will change to “%ClanName% vs %ClanName%”.

Clan rooms may be closed. In this case, you can only get into them by invitation.

"Race of Clans"

One of the latest innovations of Warface, designed to increase the competitive component for clans, is the monthly “clan race”. The first “clan race” started on March 1, 2013, at 00:01, and lasted until 23:59 on March 31. All clans in the race are provided with equal starting conditions in the form of a separate rating; then everything depends on the clan.

Only clan points earned during the competition period are taken into account in the “race”. You can look at the race rating here. Clans included in the rating are divided into 6 different leagues: from elite to steel. The number of clan points accumulated is updated every hour, and the clan’s progress in the “race” is updated once a day.

Multipliers in various modes


Clan battle room, team of 5–8 people. Multiplier x0.5.
Clan battle room, team<5 человек. Множитель х0,1.
Ranked matches. Multiplier x3. The entire team must be from the same clan.

All the rest. Multiplier x0.1. Team members do not have to be representatives of the same clan.


The multiplier depends on the number of members of one clan in a team.

5 - x0.25.
4 - x0.2.
3 - x0.15.
1–2 - x0.1.

All players who will be part of clans from any league at the end of the competition will receive prizes in the form of weapon camouflages, achievements and crowns. The size of the reward awarded to each player depends on the clan’s place in the “race” rating.

Achievements are awarded to clan members from the top 10 on each server depending on the fulfillment of specific conditions.

Weapon camouflages are randomly issued one at a time to clan members from the top 25 on each server.

After the official announcement

On November 25, 2010, the official announcement of Warface took place. The genre of the game became known - MMOFPS, the concept of the game, its developers and target platforms were revealed, and the first screenshots were published. The press release stated that "Warface" is being developed by the South Korean division of Crytek Seoul on the CryEngine 3 game engine and is based on all-new intellectual property (IP) from Crytek. It has been stated that Warface will use a free-to-play business model and microtransactions and will target the Asian market, primarily China and South Korea.

On December 13, 2010, Crytek officially announced that it had established an agreement with the large Chinese IT company Tencent, according to which the latter received exclusive rights to publish, distribute and distribute Warface in China.

On the same day, December 13, the first trailer for Warface was published, which captured the pre-alpha version of the game.

At the end of July 2011, Warface was demonstrated at the Chinese gaming exhibition "ChinaJoy 2011": new screenshots were shown, demonstrations of real gameplay, and interviews were given with representatives of Crytek and Tencent.

On August 16, 2011, the release date for Warface in Western markets (USA and Europe) was officially announced - 2012.

On December 9, 2011, an exclusive preview of Warface was published on the [email protected] website, which is a division of the large Russian media portal Mail.Ru. According to the article, representatives of Crytek themselves contacted Mail.Ru and invited its employees to be the first in Russia to look at this project, the demonstration of which took place in Kyiv. Based on the results of the demonstration, journalists wrote in the preview a lot of new, previously unknown information about the gameplay and setting of the game. Later, this game was played by a player with the nickname Mr. Beast named Alexey Ivanov. Mr. Beast was recognized as the best Warface player for 2011 by the editors of GamesForSport in the category best shooter.

On December 16, 2011, in an official press release, it became known that Crytek signed an agreement with Mail.Ru Group, according to which the latter will publish Warface in Russia and the CIS countries. In addition to publishing, Mail.Ru’s task includes complete localization of the game into Russian. Mail.Ru also announced the start of accepting applications for closed beta testing (abbr. CBT) of Warface.

On December 23, 2011, applications for participation in the CBT began, which began on March 1, 2012 and ended on April 2. On April 4, 2012, the test run of the open beta (abbr. OBT) began. MBT began on April 12, 2012.

At the KRI Awards, Warface was presented in several categories. Warface received the “Best Game of KRI 2012” award. In addition, the game received the “Best Game Graphics” award. This is a very high rating for a game that is just beginning its journey.

Strengths of the parties

Blackwood- a terrorist organization that is engaged in the illegal trade of weapons, the spread of corruption on a global scale, tests on people, and the murder of civilians. The Warface squad opposes her, liberating key positions around the world. The head of the organization is Ursula Ellis and Oberon White.

Warface- In 2012, the Blackwood organization launched a series of armed conflicts in order to control resources and establish a new world order. The Warface squad is ordered to stop them. Soldiers of the Warface squad, like the Blackwood squad, operate all over the world. The Warface uniform is similar to that of the US Marines. Desert camouflage suits and the “Warface” emblem are the constant attribute of the squad. The squad's base is located in North America. The commander of the Warface forces is General Lee Wharton.


System requirements
Minimum Featured
Microsoft Windows
Operating system Windows XP, Windows Vista Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Central processor Intel/AMD dual-core 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo™ E6-series or Athlon64 X2 6400+
RAM capacity 1GB (1.5GB for Vista/7) 2GB RAM
Amount of free hard disk space 6 GB of free hard disk space
Video card GeForce 8600 GT 250 MB/ATI (AMD) Radeon X1950 256 MB GeForce 9600 GT 512MB/AMD Radeon HD 4830 512MB
Sound card DirectX compatible
Net Internet access via ADSL 56 Kbps or higher speed channel. Equipment for online negotiations in Teamspeak mode (headphones, microphone).


Game modes

The game has 3 game modes: PvE and PvP, as well as Special Operations

Special Operations- team mode for completing Special missions, in which up to 5 people can take part.

  • "White Shark" ("Liquidation")- the “Warface” squad will have to storm a huge modern skyscraper consisting of 20 floors and kill the main target of the squad, one of the heads of “Blackwood” - Oberon White.
  • "Dangerous Experiment" (Zombie Mode)- the “Warface” squad will be sent to Europe, where they will have to destroy the “Blackwood” laboratory, in which cyber zombies were created. For this purpose, they will be given an EMP Machine to help them, which they need to escort to the base, breaking through the crowds of advancing zombies. At the end of the mission, the laboratory will be disabled, but the EMP Machine will be destroyed by a giant zombie robot "Destroyer" that must be destroyed.
  • "Volcano"- the “Warface” squad will be thrown into Africa, into square N26, where a large research complex “Blackwood” is located inside an active volcano, where, as they claim, they are conducting research on hot springs. The squad will have to storm the laboratory, breaking through the ranks of Blackwood fighters, who are covered by automatic turrets, find out the true intentions of the enemy and destroy one of the heads of Blackwood - Ursula Ellis.
  • "Anubis"- the “Warface” squad will be sent to Africa, where they will have to prevent the launch of “Blackwood” missiles, destroy the submarine base and take possession of important data that will be posted by one of the leaders of “Blackwood” - Oberon White. Then they will be transported to Egypt, to the legendary pyramid of Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of death and darkness, inside which they will discover a factory for the production of cyber zombies, similar to the one that was located in Europe, and which must also be destroyed.
  • Black Shark- Oberon invests huge sums in a mysterious facility in the Balkans. The Waraface squad goes there to find out what's what. The main task of the squad is to install charges on each floor to subsequently blow up the building, simultaneously destroying Blackwood fighters, automatic turrets and cyber zombies. In addition, it is necessary to obtain data from machines on the enemy’s internal network.
  • "Icebreaker"- Blackwood Corporation attacks Warface's main base in North America. The Warface squad must repel the enemy and not allow Oberon White to start a new world war.
  • Snow Bastion- a series consisting of 3 special winter missions in Siberia. The Marathon also includes:
  • Edge- you will need to penetrate enemy territory, find equipment there that is preventing satellites from exploring this region, and disable it.
  • The ambush is complete- Blackwood troops will try to blow up the generators that power the network and destroy our virus. It is necessary to take positions and protect power sources, preventing them from being cut off.
  • Zenith- Having successfully dealt with the second line of defense, we finally discovered the fortress that our enemy was hiding from satellite surveillance. It is necessary to penetrate there and destroy this enemy stronghold.
  • Marathon- accommodates all three tasks such as: Spearhead, Ambush and Zenith. Mostly completed in an hour and a half (90 minutes).

PvE- team mode for completing missions divided into 3 difficulty levels: easy, difficult and pro. There are 5 types of PvE:

  • Safari- following to the helicopter on a transport that is fired from all sides;
  • Arena- defense at one point from advancing enemy units;
  • Convoy- escorting equipment to a safe point;
  • Boss Kill- the goal of the mission is to kill the “Manned Combat Vehicle GROM” or the KA-50 “Black Shark” helicopter. Also, all PvE maps are divided into 2 stages - killing the “Juggernaut” (mini-boss) in the first stage and completing the mission in the second.
  • Any PvE mission can take from 3 to 5 people, according to the game conditions.

PvP- mode of playing against each other. There are several types of battles here.

  • Team fight- standard mode for any online shooter. Your task is to destroy enemy soldiers. Choose one of the opposing sides - Warface or Blackwood - and go on the attack. The team that reaches a certain limit of kills (for example, 150), or gets the most kills in the allotted time, wins.
  • Capture- This mode is based on the game “Capture the Flag” in its classic form. The task of the attacking team in the “Conquest” mode is to obtain the missile launch codes and deliver them to a safe place. Defenders must defend the codes with all their might within the time allotted for the round.
  • Detonation- tactical mode borrowed from the popular game Counter-Strike. The task of the attacking team in the "Demolition" mode is to break through the enemy's defenses and mine one of two key points. In turn, the defenders must prevent the installation of explosives or disarm them in time if the attackers managed to plant the charge. To win the round you need to either detonate/defuse a bomb or completely eliminate the enemy team.
  • Domination- a game mode where you not only need to shoot skillfully, but also actively move. Your task is to capture and defend several key positions on the game map. It will be important to skillfully distribute your forces in order to simultaneously cope with the defense of existing points and have time to capture new ones. This mode is similar to one of the modes from the game Battlefield 4.
  • Meat grinder- Forget about team play and interaction - in the "Meat Grinder" mode, each soldier must stand up for himself. The one who scores the most points wins. After death, the player is reborn on the map in a random place and can continue the battle.
  • Storm- The goal of one team is to capture enemy strongholds, and the other, accordingly, to hold them. There are three such points in total; you need to take possession of them sequentially. After the next conquest, the place of rebirth of the defenders is transferred to the next point, and the attackers move forward from the occupied position. Teams change roles if all three control points are captured or the time allotted for the attack has expired.
  • Destruction- You can achieve victory in the “Destruction” mode if you launch air strikes on enemy positions three times. To call an airstrike, you must hold the control point located in the center of the map. If within 120 seconds from the start of the battle no team has begun to capture the point, the match automatically ends in defeat.
  • Survival- a game mode where you need to kill opponents while remaining undetected for as long as possible. Forget about team play and interaction - in this mode, every soldier must stand up for himself. The task of all players is to destroy as many opponents as possible and not allow themselves to be killed. Each killed fighter drops one token, highlighted in red, which you can collect to get additional points. But remember, a token left by someone can be a bait! Be careful!

Rating-pvp games

Matches are played in the “Demolition” mode between teams of five participants each. The search for rated games can be done either alone or with friends or clanmates.

  • At the moment, the system includes 21 leagues. Initially, the player is in the very last 21 leagues. To move to a higher league, you need to earn several points (one for each victory) within the current league. When a player loses, they are relegated back to the minor leagues. With a series of defeats, relegation to a lower league level is possible. For a series of victories, starting from the third, a bonus point is awarded for each victory, these bonuses work until the fifth league is received. There can be an unlimited number of people in one league, that is, players will not displace each other, no matter how many there are. You can view your league or the progress of the rating scale in the “Rated PvP” tab.
  • Participants from different leagues can play together - in this case, the search will be carried out in accordance with the highest rank within the group. A player's rank in ranked matches does not affect matchmaking in Quick Play.
  • Participants who decide to leave the match before its completion receive a penalty of 30 minutes of playing time. While the penalty is active, the player will not be able to take part in matches. This measure was taken to eliminate spontaneous exit from the room before the end of the match, which would give the opposing team an advantage to some extent.
  • Ranked games are currently available to players rank 26 and above.

Demolition mode cards used in ranked matches:

Trailer park.

Object D17.






In PvP mode, a wide selection of maps for different types of battles

Detonation Team fight Meat grinder Destruction Capture Storm Domination Survival
Castle Terminal Depot Towers Construction Invasion Mine Desert
Destination Village Suburb Lighthouse Deposit Black gold Outpost Africa
Object D17 Farm Forest Convoy Shipyard Launch
Bridges Farm (sunset) Overpass Fortress Hills
Lanes Farm (Halloween) Motel Asylum Black Mamba
Factory Doc Square Asylum (2014)
Outskirts Hangar / Hangar 2.0 Bunker Complex
Overpass Hangar (New Year) Career
Trailer park Hangar (Summer Games 2016)
Pyramid Crossing
Oil depot
Oil depot (New Year)
Oil depot (Euro 2016)
Object D18

Listing Notes:

  • The “Shelter (2014)” map was introduced during the FIFA World Cup in Brazil.
  • The “Hangar (New Year)” card was introduced for the New Year.
  • The "Oil depot (New Year)" card was introduced on New Year's Day.
  • The "Farm (Halloween)" map was introduced on Halloween.
  • The "Oil depot (Euro 2016)" map was introduced during the European Football Championship in 2016.
  • The Hangar map (Summer Games 2016) was introduced during the Summer Olympic Games in Brazil in 2016.

Maps for PvE missions are regularly updated at 4:00 Moscow time, and tokens for special missions are issued at 3:00 Moscow time. Special gaming currency, issued for successful completion of joint missions - crown. The number of crowns received depends on the number of points earned in the battle, as well as on the time during which the mission was completed: the more points earned and the sooner the PvE mission is completed, the more crowns the player will receive. Crowns are also given out randomly in special operations, as well as in Warface broadcasts. You can also get crowns by participating in Race of clans and occupying high positions in it at the end of the month.

List of weapons

Stormtrooper (Assault rifles, machine guns) Medic (Shotguns) Engineer (Submachine guns, short assault rifles) Sniper (Sniper rifles) Add. weapons (Pistols) Bl. fight (knives)
M4A1 Remington Model 870 H&K MP5 SVD Browning High Power Knife Executor
Daewoo K2 SPAS-12/Elite SPAS-12 M4 CQB M16 SPR Custom APS Knife Ultramarine
Daewoo K3 UTAS UTS-15 B&T MP9 QBU-88 Daewoo K5 Mining shovel
M16A2 LMG Derya MK-10 VR 102 Beretta MX4 Storm M40A5 Beretta M9 / Elite Beretta M9 Knife S&W Sirvival Tanto
IMBEL IA2 Remington 870 CB SR-2 "Veresk" XM8 Sharpshooter Rhino 60DS Army knife
XM8 MC 255 12 PP-2000 H&K SL8 M1911A1 Utility knife KA-BAR
AS Val Saiga H&K G36C SIG 550 Walther P99 Kukri-machete KA-BAR
M60E4 Hawk Pump Daewoo K1 / Elite Daewoo K1 ACR SPR Steyr M9-A1 Jagdkommando Tri-Dagger Knife
H&K G36K Benelli Nova tactical AK-9 Walther WA 2000 Beretta M93R Katana
H&K MG36 Benelli M4 Super 90 H&K MP7 AMP DSR-1 Calico M950 Tactical Ax / Golden Tactical Ax
Tavor TAR-21 SRM 1216 AUG A3 9mm XS ALPINE FN Five-seveN Black Hawk Ax
Calico M955A Boar Mini Uzi Tavor STAR-21 Navy Blue COLT Python Elite
Galil AR Kel-Tec Shotgun PP-19 "Bison" VSS Vintorez Mateba Autorevolver
XM8 LMG SPAS-15 Kriss super V / Elite Kriss super V Barett M107 H&K USP
AK-103 Jackhammer MPA10SST-X Barett M98B PY “Rook”
PKK Anakon SIG 552 CheyTac M200 Desert Eagle / Elite Desert Eagle / Gold Desert Eagle
H&K MG4 Cobray Striker Calico M960A AWM / Gold AWM Glock 18C / Elite Glock 18C
AUG A3 AA-12 FN P90 Calico M951S SIG Sauer P226 C
AUG A3 Hbar Remington 870 RAS JS 9mm AS50/Elite AS50 CZ 75-Auto / Gold CZ 75-Auto
FN F2000 Saiga-12C / Elite Saiga-12C Daewoo K7 MK 14 EBR / Elite MK 14 EBR Pink Micro Desert Eagle
Famas F1 USAS-12 Skorpion vz. 83 DSA SA58 SPR
SIG 551 Mossberg 500 Custom / Elite Mossberg 500 Custom Tavor CTAR-21 / Elite Tavor CTAR-21 / Gold Tavor CTAR-21 McMillan CS5
MG3 SIX12 H&K UMP / Elite H&K UMP AX308 / Gold AX308
AK-47/Golden AK-47 Fabarm S.A.T. 8 Pro / Gold Fabarm S.A.T. 8 Pro XM8 Compact Remington R11 RSASS / Gold Remington R11 RSASS
FN SCAR-H / Elite FN SCAR-H Fabarm STF 12 Compact / Gold Fabarm STF 12 Compact ACR CQB Steyr Scout / Golden Steyr Scout
ACR / Elite ACR Fabarm XLR5 Prestige / Gold Fabarm XLR5 Prestige SCAR-L PDW / Gold SCAR-L PDW SVU-AS
Type 97 / Elite Type 97 Sidewinder Venom Honey Badger / Golden Honey Badger ORSIS T-5000
M249 Para / Gold M249 Para
M16A3/Gold M16A3
Enfield L85A2 Custom / Golden Enfield L85A2 Custom
Elite M240B
PKP Pecheneg

Listing Notes:

  • Shotgun Winchester M1897 Victory Day .
  • Submachine gun PPSh-41 introduced during the celebration Victory Day .
  • Mosin rifle 1891/30. introduced during the celebration Victory Day .
  • Gun Luger introduced during the celebration Victory Day .
  • Revolver Nagan M1895 introduced during the celebration Victory Day .
  • Fingershot introduced during the celebration April Fool's Day.
  • Hydrodisintegrator introduced during the celebration April Fool's Day .
  • Wooden hammer introduced during the celebration April Fool's Day .
  • Punishing Hand introduced during the celebration April Fool's Day .
  • Sickle introduced during the celebration Labor Day .
  • Hammer introduced during the celebration Labor Day .
  • New Year's cracker introduced during the celebration New Year.
  • Killer icicle introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • Striped lollipop introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • New Year's surprise introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • New Year's grenade (M26) introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • New Year's ACR introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • New Year's SPAS-12 introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • New Year's Kriss super V introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • New Year's ALPINE introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • New Year's M240B introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • New Year's Cobray Striker introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • New Year's Daewoo K1 introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • New Year's AS50 introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • New Year's Desert Eagle introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • New Year's Beretta M9 introduced during the celebration New Year .
  • Paratrooper Knife introduced during the celebration Day of the Airborne Forces .
  • Gun APS "Steel" introduced during the celebration Day of the Airborne Forces .
  • Rifle AK-103 "Steel" introduced during the celebration Day of the Airborne Forces .
  • Submachine gun AK-9 "Steel" introduced during the celebration Day of the Airborne Forces .
  • Sniper rifle SVD "Steel" introduced during the celebration Day of the Airborne Forces .
  • Black Hawk Ax introduced in honor of the installation Guinness world record(“The largest number of players simultaneously on one online shooter server”).
  • Award M4A1 introduced during the celebration game anniversaries (1 and 2 years).
  • Award Cobray Striker introduced during the celebration game anniversaries (1 and 2 years).
  • Award AK-9 introduced during the celebration game anniversaries (1 and 2 years).
  • Award VSS "Vintorez" introduced during the celebration game anniversaries (1 and 2 years).
  • Award FN SCAR-H introduced during the celebration game anniversary (3 years).
  • Premium Benelli M4 Super 90 introduced during the celebration game anniversary (3 years).
  • Premium XM8 Compact introduced during the celebration game anniversary (3 years).
  • Award Barett M107 introduced during the celebration game anniversary (3 years).
  • Rifle FN SCAR-H temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Rifle ACR temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Rifle Type 97 temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Machine gun M249 Para temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Shotgun Saiga-12C temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Shotgun USAS-12 temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Shotgun Mossberg 500 Custom temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Shotgun SIX12 temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Shotgun Fabarm S.A.T. 8 Pro temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Submachine gun Tavor CTAR-21 temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Submachine gun H&K UMP temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Submachine gun XM8 Compact temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Submachine gun ACR CQB temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Sniper rifle Calico M951S temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Sniper rifle AS50 temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Sniper rifle MK 14 EBR temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Sniper rifle DSA SA58 SPR temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Sniper rifle McMillan CS5 temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Sniper rifle Remington R11 RSASS temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Gun Glock 18C temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Gun SIG Sauer P226 °C temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Pink Micro Desert Eagle temporarily removed from the play store.
  • Katana temporarily removed from the play store.


Clan rating

Each created clan is placed in the clan rating, all clans are sorted in descending order according to the clan points (CP) they have earned. Fighters who take part in clan battles (CB) receive the most OK. For other matches, not clan ones, they give fewer points and are calculated for each fighter individually. If a player is expelled from a clan, then all the points he scored are calculated from the total. All clans included in the rating are divided into leagues, there are 6 of them in total:

  • Elite
  • Platinum
  • Golden
  • Silver
  • Bronze
  • Steel

Clan battles

IN Warface Clan battles are possible. To start such a match, you need to change the room mode from “Normal” to “Battle of Clans”. Only a member of a clan can enter such a room. Only OCs earned in the total amount are taken into account in the race. In the Russian localization there are also special rewards for those who participate in clan battles. −100%, compared to regular matches, experience in the clan, excluding boosters. In addition to clan points, you can also receive achievements and weapon camouflages as a reward.


  1. Review of the game Warface from
  2. Warface on Xbox 360
  3. Is Crytek Kiev working on a new MMOFPS? (undefined) . GameTech (January 31, 2010). Retrieved January 31, 2010. Archived February 24, 2012.
  4. Mumby. Kiev division of Crytek makes MMOFPS? (undefined) . (February 1, 2010). Retrieved February 1, 2010. Archived February 24, 2012.
  5. Western release Warface in 2012 (undefined) . GameTech (August 17, 2011). Retrieved August 20, 2011. Archived August 26, 2012.
  6. (English) (inaccessible link - story) . Free MMO Station (August 18, 2011). Retrieved August 20, 2011.
  7. Warface - latest information(English) . United States Patent and Trademark Office. Retrieved April 6, 2009. Archived February 24, 2012.
  8. Mobile Crytek has registered the trademarks “Warface” and “C”E(English) . (March 5, 2009). Retrieved August 20, 2011. Archived February 24, 2012.
  9. Thor Thorsen. Crytek shows off Warface(English) .

[email protected]

There is a very definite attitude towards online military action games that do not have the words Battlefield, Call of Duty or Counter Strike in their names. As a rule, this is another shareware craft or a clone of this craft with poor graphics, primitive design and single-cell gameplay. The first game in many years that will definitely change this attitude was Warface.

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Warface is a very interesting game. It’s pleasant and interesting to play; after all, Crytek didn’t make a mistake when they launched the game on the Russian market. The game deserves a solid 5. It won the love of Russian gamers in the very first days of its release.

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Warface will definitely please all fans of good shooters. And the fact that you don’t have to pay a penny for the game is a huge plus. However, we still have some comments. It seems to us that the story missions could be a little more varied and less linear. And their number would be worth increasing. In addition, I would like to have a larger selection of weapons. Especially the starter.

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Hardcore gamers, as always, will invent a bunch of perverted tactics that turn a seemingly insane action into a precisely calibrated combat process. It is worth noting the technical superiority of the game over other shareware shooters. Looking at the Warface picture, the player sees that in front of him is a truly high-class project. And if the developers fulfill their promises and introduce technology into the game, the contender for the title of Best Shareware Shooter will be obvious.

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WarFace is a new experience for the Crytek studio. Moreover, the guys were not lazy, took the best that they did in their past projects, and radically revised what they did not succeed in or what they did not yet have experience with. Did they manage to make a masterpiece and cause a sensation like they did with Crysis? Probably not. Did they make a good, quality product? Definitely yes!

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Warface is an unprepossessing adrenaline-pumping MMO shooter that's very hard to put down. He is one of that breed of charming “bad guys” who were so popular recently in the leading roles of fashionable television shows: he seems to drink shamelessly, and is rude to everyone, and kills people in his spare time - but you can’t take your eyes off him, and it’s damn interesting what he'll come up with it in the next episode.

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Crytek understands that you can only make a first impression once, so Warface comes up trumps right away - it's the cutest modern shareware shooter. Even though it doesn’t have the beauties of Crysis 2, the engine on which the game is made, it is not so demanding on hardware and will run even on weak computers.

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gambling addiction

Warface is one of the rare free-to-play games in which donation has virtually no effect on the balance. There are three types of currency in use here. You can use credits (purchased for real money) and crowns to rent equipment, and use warbucks to rent them for indefinite use. Warbucks and crowns are honestly earned in battles, that is, each player can purchase any item. The only difference is that items purchased for real money have improved characteristics and do not break.

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One of the main criteria that allows a game to open up is that it must be free. It allows you to evaluate the project without pouring a monthly payment into it, but based on your own feelings, make a further decision whether it is interesting or not. This is exactly the path that the famous development company Crytek took when announcing a new MMOFPS project called Warface.

Ten PvP modes, a huge arsenal, PvE adventures with a plot and interesting enemies and e-sports - this is what Warface became six years after its release

At the time of its release in 2012, Warface was primarily striking with its pictures: there simply weren’t any free online shooters with such quality graphics back then. The game still looks good today (especially since the developers regularly improve the quality of the picture), but still in 2018, the strength of Warface is completely different - there is so much quality content here that any of the rivals is left far behind. PvP and cooperative PvE, leveling up and collecting, eSports - whatever of these things you are interested in, you can get stuck in the game for a long time.

There are currently ten PvP modes in Warface alone. Do you like the classic meat grinder every man for himself or team battles without any additional rules? No problem! The now popular battle royale? Yes too! The classic capture of key points or the assault so beloved by Battlefield fans, when the attacking team takes positions one after another, and the defending team tries to hold out until a certain number of frags? Or maybe a mode with bomb placement, like in Counter-Strike or its accelerated (and very popular) version “Blitz”? There is this too!

After just a few PvP matches, you notice the signature Warface style: the maps here are not very large, matches last no longer than 15 minutes, and the number of teams in many modes is selected in such a way that after revival the player finds himself in the thick of battle in a matter of seconds (there are, however, and modes with a calmer pace). As a result, Warface is perfect for the role of an entertaining shooter: it’s comfortable here even if you only have one free hour, but even if you have a lot of time, you still won’t get bored. At the same time, the game is of very high quality: it has a minimum of bugs, the support works well, and a very effective proprietary program fights against cheaters.

The gameplay in Warface on most maps is also designed for short and medium distances. There are a lot of clashes here, almost head-on, when everything is decided in a split second. Snipers (and not only) will like the positional nature of the game - it is important to be able to be the first to be in the right place, as well as guess where the enemy is most likely to appear. With literally a few simple solutions, the developers encourage you to play as a team - the capabilities of different classes complement each other (medics heal, stormtroopers supply ammo, etc.), and on any map there are bound to be several places where you can’t cope without the help of a friend. The simplest example is when one player pushes another to climb into a particularly advantageous and convenient position.

You can grow above yourself in Warface for years - from leveling up your account and getting new equipment (more on that later) to improving your skill. For those who like to compete, Warface has clan races, ranked games, and tournaments with impressive prizes. For example, at the “Absolute Power” tournament held in the spring of 2018, a prize fund of 11 million rubles was played out. E-sports in Warface have long reached the level of shooters like Counter-Strike - with established teams, coaches, sponsors and other paraphernalia. Warface has its own stars, its own leagues for beginners, many interesting events - so e-sports will interest absolutely everyone: from experienced and beginner players to those who just like to watch as a spectator.

An equally important part of the game is PvE. Starting with cooperative missions, the Warface authors quickly moved to the format of special operations - big adventures that even experienced teams spend several tens of minutes completing. New special operations are released every few months, each with its own plot that continues the global campaign about the confrontation between the giant terrorist structure Blackwood and the elite military unit Warface (we have already written in more detail here).

In recent years, special operations have become a real calling card of Warface. Each map is designed to the smallest detail and takes you to some interesting place: players had to fight in a giant skyscraper, next to a volcano, on a secret Arctic base, and last time the authors recreated in detail Pripyat - the infamous city where employees of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant lived . In special operations, the gameplay is constantly changing: developers come up with new enemies, and they can’t do without bosses. A variety of military equipment, modified soldiers with improved characteristics - some of them have to be fought using such intricate tactics that at times Warface begins to resemble World of Warcraft in first person. However, thanks to adjustable difficulty levels, special operations are equally suitable for experienced players and beginners.

Finally, Warface is a collector's paradise. The game features more than a hundred modern assault and sniper rifles, machine guns, shotguns and pistols. The elaboration of each is impressive: there are no guns that give absolute victory, but each has its own characteristics - weapons sometimes have to be changed both for a certain map and for your favorite playing style. The game is full of other items: knives, grenades, equipment like helmets, boots and body armor with different characteristics. All this is selected for the preferred class: a front-line attack aircraft needs one set, a sniper another, a medic or engineer has his own preferences. Finally, there are also decorative elements: the appearance of fighters, icons next to nicknames, many achievements, skins for weapons - players also hunt for all this with great interest.

Getting weapons and leveling up your account is an equally fascinating story. At the same time, the donation in the game is very neat: the guns are well balanced, so it’s possible to collect a cool arsenal without investing money - weapons and things are sold for credits, given for raising the level and regularly logging into the game, played in special good luck boxes and given as a reward for completing PvE.

Warface today is one of the most popular online games in Russia and the CIS, and it is not going to give up these positions. Years of development have not been in vain: polished gameplay, bug-free technical part, good protection for cheaters and a lot of content for fans of PvP and PvE - you can easily get stuck in the game for at least several months.

Revolution! This is how you can describe the event that happened. Do you remember games that weren't labeled with the words Call of Duty, Battlefield or Counter-Strike? Naturally not! No self-respecting gamer would waste his time even reading the description of the game. However. Today, Crytek has managed to overcome fashion and create its own trend. This is a free shooter, which, like Usain Bolt, has accelerated in earnest, and will soon surpass its enemies. Of course, everyone understood what game we would talk about next - Warface.

If we talk about content and characters

Let's start with the characters, there are only four categories - engineer, attack aircraft, sniper and medic. As for the engineer, he is a character with a story told back in Battlefield. He can do anything! But he is not capable of repairing tanks. What tanks? That's right, there were no tanks in Warface, which means an engineer can do anything! If you choose the engineer class, then be prepared to work with pistols and the fact that you will need to deal with the installation of mines. However, an engineer is a lover of cold dishes, he is not a warrior. He will never fight directly; he uses all his fists quietly, imperceptibly, analyzing the situation for a long time from the very beginning.

Let's talk about the stormtrooper. He is a kind of all-rounder, however, in addition, he always has various weapons necessary for battle.

Now, as for doctors, everything is simple. However, the game is a game, the medic has the abilities of a superman and is able to put an almost cold corpse back on its feet. However, our medic is not so simple; if he has to defend himself, he will put a bullet in the forehead without difficulty, albeit from a short distance. Know that if you are at the PvP level, then you may not need a medic, but already in the PvE zone, he will be sorely missed. Secret. When you're alone with the Juggernaut, the help of a medic will be invaluable. After all, this hero can only be taken by the doctor’s defibrillator.

Well, finally, let's discuss the sniper. Oddly enough, but this player is always left behind. Nobody needs him. But the fact is that he has nowhere to turn on the maps. It is impossible to see anyone through the scope. The game did not provide any interesting positions for the sniper to shoot from.

Description of battle types

If we talk about the type of battles, the game offers as many as six. First, the assault. The idea is that one team must capture three battle points, and the second team must do everything possible to prevent these places from being captured. Next, detonation. In this type of battle, one team takes turns blowing up three positions, and the second team defends these positions. The next battle is capture. Here everything is more interesting - you need to hold one position under protection in order to tease your opponents and challenge them to an air battle. Well, and the funniest, brightest and most dynamic challenge. Here the battle is not divided into teams, everyone is against everyone, everyone destroys everyone. The battle is called Meat Grinder! Also worth noting is the cooperative - the most important thing here is to have a doctor on the team, otherwise you lose.

Pros, pros, pros and cons of the game

Perhaps, in this game, which all the craziest players have been waiting for so long - Warface, there is only one drawback. It consists in the fact that the participants simply have nowhere to turn around. This is why a sniper player cannot be in demand. And it is precisely for this reason that you cannot last long in this game; someone will definitely kill you. And everything else - the details, the very essence, is simply brilliant. You can learn more about the game on the website where everyone knows about games and much more - mmo13.
