Two worlds ii passing quests. Walkthrough of Two Worlds. Cursed Crypt, Graveyard Creature, Amulet of Creation

The death of the orc god Aziraal put an end to the advance of his troops into the lands of Antalor. The defeated orcs fled south. The victorious people refused to give the corpse of their leader to the enemies. Instead, they promptly walled up the deity in an enchanted tomb. With the death of Aziraal, the entire continent was filled with Corruption. And a strange new magic came to these lands...

About the combat system and enemies

During battles, you can use melee weapons, a bow and magic spells.

At the initial stage of the game, all characters will have to resort to conventional weapons, since magicians and marksmen cannot yet effectively destroy all enemies from a distance. For obvious reasons, the character loses the greatest number of hit points in melee combat. Jumping will help avoid this. Jumping forward will give you the opportunity to get out of the environment, jumping back will allow you to escape from any attack, the main thing is to seize the moment. This is how you can kill any enemy one on one if he does not use magic. True, it takes a lot of time. An additional step, combinations of attacks and parry control are not directly provided, which greatly limits the tactics. Run around a group of enemies until one of the opponents stands out from it, then focus on it.

Archery is implemented simply. The character spends time drawing the bowstring; The damage caused depends on the tension. You can hit any enemy if he is within a certain distance determined by the characteristics of the bow. The arrows in the game are endless. If the bowstring tension is greater than the minimum, the shot disrupts the attack, so the archer also has no particular problems with one-on-one fights. Groups of enemies become easy to deal with after learning the Shoot Multiple Arrows skill.

It is important: even if you are not going to use a bow, carry a quiver with you - many of them provide a noticeable increase in characteristics.

The tactics of playing as a magician are very diverse and depend on the choice of spells (the corresponding chapter is devoted to this). This may be a bug, but the effects of many auras, as well as buffing and weakening spells, stack without any restrictions. This allows you to create real obscenities on the battlefield. For example, how about this: we take a spell from the first circle of the fire school that enhances a magical attack, cast it on ourselves four times and kill the most powerful level 35 golem with a single lightning bolt. And this is not the limit. Imagine what you can do with mass effect spells!

Based on their fighting qualities, enemies can be divided into three types.

  • Melee. They run towards you as soon as they notice you. They are not trained in any cunning tactics or active skills (although there are some individuals who can show off). There are usually a lot of them, and that's the problem. It is best to destroy such enemies from a distance. If you just run past them close, they won’t hit you, even if they try very hard. This can be used in a variety of situations.
  • Magic combined with melee. While the player is at a distance, such enemies shoot some kind of “magic arrow” at him, which is easy to dodge. The characteristic sound accompanying her approach cannot be confused with anything, so it is not necessary to keep the magician in sight. Unfortunately, the local magicians were not given any other spells. As soon as you get closer, the enemy will engage in melee combat. These enemies should be killed last.
  • Arrows. They need to be eliminated first for a number of reasons. It is very difficult to dodge arrows, especially if there are several archers. They will constantly disrupt your attacks. Shooters rarely get caught in the hot hand: as soon as you get noticeably close, they will start to run away. At such a moment, it is very difficult to hit them with conventional weapons.

About interaction with characters

All characters are divided into five types; When you try to start a conversation, the corresponding icons appear.

To put something on a character, you need to drag the item from the inventory onto the “doll”. In addition to slots for armor, weapons and rings, there are spaces for a quiver, a dagger and two additional types of weapons - they will allow you to change them on the fly (by default, the R and T keys). At the same time, an increase in characteristics is given only by weapons that are this moment is located in the main cell.

Identical pieces of equipment can be connected together and thus improved by dragging one of them onto another. This allows you to get the most powerful things: with weapons of the tenth or twentieth class, you will probably kill most enemies with the first blow.

Items can give an increase to characteristics, skills, protection from various types of physical attacks and magic. You can easily do without the last property: the few enemy spells are very easy to dodge.

The weapon can deal one of several types of magical damage. Special stones are used for this. It is useless to enchant a weapon for poisonous damage - its effect extends over time, which does not help in close combat. The remaining types are “to taste and color.” In battle, their influence is almost the same.

Skills and characteristics

With each level increase, you will receive five points to increase one of four stats:

  • Vitality increases the character's hit points.
  • Dexterity affects some skills and the likelihood of inflicting and repelling attacks.
  • Force Increases damage dealt in melee combat.
  • Strength of will increases the amount of mana.

Skill points are given for killing monsters and people, opening locks, activating teleports and stealing. As soon as one of the requirements specified in the statistics is met (reputation menu, F5 key by default), you will receive one point. You can also improve your skills by completing quests.

At the beginning of the game, skills cannot be pumped to the maximum - there is a level limit. The formula is simple: [player level] - 1 = [ maximum level skills]. It is relevant up to level 11 for most skills and up to 16 for magic schools.

To gain access to new skills, you need to undergo training from trainers. They are in many major cities (see table No. 1) . It is better to do this from the very beginning, since as the level increases, the price for their services increases. And if up to the fifth level training costs 100 gold, then from the eighteenth you will have to spend as much as 10,000.

For convenience, all skills are divided into groups. Let's talk about each of them separately, bypassing magic schools. A separate chapter is devoted to magic.

  • Horse riding. Allows you to fight without getting off your horse. Each hit deals additional damage (maximum +200%).

Quite a useful skill, but it’s not worth taking at first. If you want to save time and don't intend to collect loot, this will come in handy.

  • Swimming. Increasing this skill will increase your movement speed on water.

You can go through the entire game without ever swimming, so this skill is a waste of points.

  • Opening locks. The skill is used to open locks on doors and objects.

Locked boxes and chests are found everywhere, and you can often find useful items. If the loot from corpses seems scarce or insufficient to you, upgrade this skill. It is not necessary to invest maximum points into it; the sixth or seventh level is enough to open any lock in several attempts.

  • Discreet movement. Allows you to sneak, which reduces the possibility of being noticed by enemies (reducing the radius of hearing and visibility to 25%). Required for the Mortal Strike skill.

In the game, this skill can be useful in few places, but playing silent killer Although interesting, it is not effective: it is easier and faster to walk through the ranks of enemies in the open.

  • Theft. Gives you the ability to pick through characters' pockets. In them they are used to carrying various elixirs, potions, master keys and stones that increase the magical damage of weapons. It's worth it? In my opinion, no. At the last levels you can steal up to five things at a time, but this rarely happens. By the way, it is not necessary to stand behind the victim during the theft.
  • Setting traps. Allows you to place traps, bombs and other similar devices on the ground. As the level increases, it makes it possible to use more effective traps, increases the damage they cause (up to +300) and the time they hold the enemy in the trap (up to 20 seconds).

This skill is best left at level one. At the beginning of the game, traps are great at crippling and delaying enemies, but then only traps remain useful. Although many magic spells are much more effective.

  • Alchemy. Increases the quality of potions made. Without skill, ingredients lose up to 40% of their beneficial properties. At the last level of alchemy, all effects are doubled. The increase is more than serious.

The choice of combat skills depends entirely on your tactics and playstyle. Choose, experiment, and sooner or later you will find the combination of skills that suits you best.

  • Parry. Gives you the ability to reflect an enemy's blow with a shield or weapon in your left hand. Depends on dexterity. Triggers if the player does not move or attack.
  • Equilibrium. Reduces the likelihood of the hero falling during battle. The maximum rate is 50%.

This is a bug: At the time of writing, this skill worked exactly the opposite: the more points invested in it, the more likely it is that a fall will occur. The developers promise to fix this in patch 1.4.

  • Strong hand. Increases damage dealt in melee combat up to three times.

A required skill for all warriors.

  • Critical hit. Allows you to deal five times damage on impact. The maximum probability is 43%. In combination with the previous skill, it turns a warrior into a killing machine. With good equipment, of course.
  • Double Blade. Allows you to hold a weapon in each hand. As the level increases, the probability of being hit increases, which is not that important. It's not worth investing more than one point into this skill.
  • Knocking Down. Gives you the ability to knock an opponent down when hit. At the maximum level the probability is 50%. If you confidently kill opponents with two or three hits, then this skill is unlikely to be useful to you.
  • Stone Skin. Increases protection against all types of physical and magical damage (except spiritual magic). The increase of 240 units at level ten is very noticeable and can be compared to good forged armor.
  • Fury. Berserk mode: increases damage dealt (up to +400%) and makes it impossible for enemies to stop attacks with blows. The hero receives twice as much damage, is left without armor and is almost unable to hit an enemy with a shield (the chance of hitting is 5%),

The skill is effective if enemies deal little damage and your survivability is quite high.

  • Fight from defense. The exact opposite of "berserker". Allows you to enable a special combat mode with an emphasis on defense. At the maximum level, the damage received is reduced by 77%, the probability of a critical hit increases by 3.3 times (hence, for 100% probability you need to raise the corresponding skill to level 7), the probability of repelling an attack increases by 5 times. The attack power is reduced by half; the hero's blow can be stopped by a simultaneous blow from the enemy.
  • Dirty trick. The hero blinds the enemy, throwing dust in his eyes. The enemy takes twice as much damage, and the chance of triggering the skills of a critical hit, stun, breaking a sword and knocking out a shield is quadrupled. Depends on dexterity. The maximum duration of the effect is ten seconds. Does not affect enemies with shields.
  • Stun. Works almost the same as Dirty Trick. The probability of successfully using the listed skills increases by 6 times, and damage is also dealt when stunned. Only works with maces and hammers. Does not affect enemies wearing helmets.

This skill has one big drawback - the animation is too long. Due to enemy attacks, the stun is constantly interrupted and is ineffective in battle.

  • Sword breaking blow. When using a special blade (sword breaker), it allows you to break the swords of enemies. A broken sword deals 5% damage. Skill depends on dexterity.

This strike takes a lot of time to deliver, but the beauty of it is that it cannot be interrupted by enemies wielding swords. Just don't get too close to them.

  • Kick that knocks you off your horse. Gives you the ability to throw an opponent off a horse. Can only be used with long weapons (halberds, spears, etc.). Depends on dexterity.

Everything would be fine, but single player there are no opponents riding horses...

  • Shield Knockout Strike. Allows you to use an ax to snatch a shield from the enemy’s hands. Depends on dexterity.

Enemies don't suffer much without a shield, but it can hinder the use of other skills. Not the most important skill.

The animation for this skill is a bit off, causing the shield to fall out of the enemy's hands before the hit occurs.

  • Death blow. Deals a huge amount of damage (up to +700%) if you sneak up on an enemy from behind with a dagger or knife in your hands.

Works only on humanoids and creatures that, so to speak, were them before.

  • Deadly pirouette. Circular attack with two-handed weapons - deals up to 600% damage. Extremely effective against groups of enemies.
  • Burn. Allows you to set the enemy's facial skin on fire with a torch. Depends on dexterity.

Another variation of the "Dirty Trick". The indicators are exactly the same, but nothing can prevent you from using this skill.

  • False attack. Allows you to slow down the enemy when equipped with a shield. Lasts up to ten seconds. Depends on dexterity.

This skill can be useful against archers.

The remaining eight skills are responsible for archery. The first four affect the shooting process itself, and they are all quite useful. Although I would recommend investing points in Initial Tension and Accurate Shooting first. The first one will help you a lot at short distances, when there is no time for a powerful shot, and the second one is just good in itself - the ability to deal critical damage never hurts.

Among the four arrow skills, only one can be active. Undoubtedly, the most versatile and effective is the Multi-Arrow Shot.

  • Quick pull. Increases the speed of bowstring tension. At the maximum level the increase is 500%.
  • Initial tension. Increases initial bowstring tension by up to 50%. In other words, to inflict maximum damage with a shot, you will have to spend half as much time.
  • Increased tension. Increases damage dealt (+100% maximum).
  • Accurate shooting. "Critical hit" for archers. Gives a chance to deal five times the damage when shooting (30% at level ten).
  • Disarming Arrow. Gives a chance to knock a weapon out of the enemy's hands. Does not work on monsters and animals. Depends on dexterity.

This skill is useful against archers and large groups of enemies if you are unable to deal with them quickly. The fact is that an enemy who has lost his weapon is a living corpse. He is unable to pick it up. Like this interesting feature at the local artificial intelligence.

  • Shooting multiple arrows. Allows you to fire up to five arrows at a time. Accuracy reduced.

At maximum level, this skill can increase your shooting efficiency by three times. It will also allow you to deal with several enemies at once and will significantly complicate the approach of opponents.

  • Piercing Arrow. Allows you to pierce up to ten enemies at a time with an arrow (oh how!).

This skill begs to be compared with the previous one. Why not? But against groups of enemies, shooting with several arrows is still much more effective. The fact is that not all enemies run one after another; someone always remains on the sidelines. It is unlikely that you will ever have the opportunity to break through ten at once. Also, at short ranges, piercing arrows are of no use.

  • Blinding Arrow. Exactly copies "Dirty Trick". Completely useless for archers, because because of this dubious improvement you will have to give up the opportunity to fire several arrows at once. Forget about this skill like a bad dream.


Spells in the game are cards that are placed in a special book. Like any other items, they can be found on the corpses of monsters, in various containers and from merchants.

If you have several cards of the same spell, they will be placed in one cell, and the effect will improve.

All spells are divided into five schools: air, earth, fire, water and necromancy. They are further divided into five circles according to their power (the first row in the magic book corresponds to the first circle, the second to the second, etc.). Access to each new circle appears after increasing the corresponding skill to a multiple of three. Also, developing skills strengthens spells and increases mana consumption.

It is important: the archmage's staff adds 1000 mana, which corresponds to a hundred points invested in willpower. It is not necessary to use it as a weapon, but holding it in your hands while casting spells is very useful.

Apparently, the developers strongly dislike magicians: only three spells can be used at a time. You have to go into the book right during the battle to change them. If you do not want to waste time and nerves on this, then you need to think carefully about your choice. Let's look at the most useful spells of each school.

  • Airbending school- this is, first of all, "Treatment" and good strengthening spells. For example, "Help" restores health and temporarily increases maximum amount hits. Cards of this spell are found very often, which only increases its value.

Mages who do not disdain close combat will appreciate "The Power of God", adding 60% to the corresponding parameter. Many will like it "Magic Shield", which absorbs damage at the expense of mana.

Unique spell "Resurrection" allows you to bring any creatures back to life, after which they become friendly towards you.

  • Fire Magic School good for its attacking spells that act in an area. Can be considered the best "Fire Field": it perfectly delays enemies, has large area action and does good damage. But you can accidentally burn yourself if the enemy gets close. In this case it will help "Meteor": It will not damage you, but will deplete the health of enemies. It is impossible to escape or dodge from this block, and that’s the beauty of it.

In the first circle there is one curious spell - "Power". It significantly increases magical damage and is useful to adherents of all schools. There is a similar spell in the school of air magic, but it adds less damage and costs more.

  • School of Water Magic includes the best paralyzing spell in the game called "Freezing Wave". It immobilizes all nearby enemies and allows you to hit them with impunity for a long time.

"Ice Ray" will be an excellent alternative to elementary attacking arrow spells (bolt): it reaches the target instantly, flies far, and hits hard.

And finally, "Blizzard"- just a good attack spell of mass action.

  • School of Earth Magic cannot boast of good attacking spells. It is based on ineffective protective and weakening magic. Although a couple of spells still stand out from the general background. "Blessing of the Earth" increases protection from all types of physical damage, as well as cold and fire, by 1000, and "Reflective Shield" returns 40% damage to the enemy. Agree, this is a lot.
  • Necromancy- the only school of magic that gives “vampiric” effects. "Necro-force"- one of the most effective spells in battle. It heals, deals a lot of damage, and always hits the target. "Bloodsucker Aura" will be a great addition to it.

Each school has its own “arrow” spells, which form the basis of attack magic at first. Their choice depends solely on the number of cards for each of them - choose what causes more damage.

I did not draw your attention to basic protective and weakening spells. There is too little benefit from them to keep them on hand all the time. I also avoided summoning spells. There is no point in using them: the summoned creatures cannot be given commands, and on the battlefield they behave extremely stupidly. And it’s unlikely that this will be fixed in one of the upcoming patches.

For each of the large spell slots, there are three small ones. They are intended for amplifiers - a separate category of cards that improve spells. They can also be placed one on top of the other. In this case, the effects will stack directly.

There are five types of cards:

  • Damage Booster. Adds 20% to the damage dealt by the spell.
  • Duration extender. Increases the duration of the spell by 20%.
  • Mana Saving. Reduces spell mana consumption by 20%.
  • Spell Booster. Increases the spell level by 2.
  • Summon booster. Increases the level of the summoned creature by 2.

Let's travel fast

At the very beginning of the game, you can get acquainted with the teleport system and get a horse. To do this you will have to complete a couple of quests near starting location. You definitely won't pass them by.

Teleports are scattered in large numbers throughout the continent. But first, each of them needs to be activated. This happens automatically if you have the corresponding item in your inventory. You also get a portable teleporter option that functions exactly the same.

The horse not only speeds up movement, but also allows you to carry a huge number of items with you (F2 key if it is standing next to you). There is no limit on the volume, and to fully load the animal by weight, you need to try very hard.

Horses tend to get stuck wherever they can, even in the smallest objects and on the smoothest roads. A whistle (H button) will help you get out of this situation: an animal without a rider behaves much more adequately and overcomes any obstacles without any problems.

Horses vary in appearance and maximum weight which they can carry away. The speed is constant.


So we got to the storyline of the game. Many problems have alternative solutions. If possible, I will indicate the most simple ways completing quests.

There are only two endings, but our actions cannot influence the choice of one of them. On the way to the final, nothing will stop you from cutting out even entire cities - do as you see fit. Still, the last words will decide everything...

On a note: If you did not see the introductory screensaver, then you most likely do not have the appropriate codecs installed. They can be found on the game disc. If the video still does not play, you will have to view the videos directly - they can be found in the folder Two Worlds\ Video (wmv files). For playback, the standard Windows Media Player is best suited.

Tainted Blood

The law of meanness: as soon as you leave someone you need to closely monitor for a couple of minutes, that someone disappears. And so it happened: while the hero was inspecting the room for the night, Kira, his sister, was kidnapped by a suspicious guy.

A few months later, the hero receives a letter: “Your sister is alive. Be in Talmont during the second week of the harvest. Wait for us there, we will come to you ourselves.” And indeed, they will come.

The hard life of a mercenary brought you to Comorin. The village elder has an assignment: in the ruins to the north of the settlement there is a gang of groms lurking that haunt the local residents. They had already killed some people, and took two more with them. Well, it's time to put things in order. One of the peasants will show the hero the way.

Here you will be taught the basics of character control. The temple is very small, and you will immediately see the very groms who are to be punished. They are not able to cause serious injury to the character, so you can easily get used to the sword, bow or magic. Don't forget to collect trophies, look in the box and take a torch - the nights in Antalor are dark, and you will need it more than once.

The local who led you to the temple is waiting outside. He will bring to your attention that menacing-looking warriors came to the village and were looking for you. One of them remained to wait for your return.

On a note: on the road leading to the village you will come across two corpses. Near them are several useful things that make sense to take for yourself.

As it turns out, this is a messenger; His name is Gandohar, but he’s not going to say anything other than that Kira is alive. However, it will still tell you where to go next: its owner is waiting for you in the Goat Cave.

Along the way you will not meet any serious enemies: only a few wolves and a bandit camp at the fork. There is no one at all at the entrance to the cave.

Meet Reist Tungard. Of course, he won’t just free Kira or tell her where she is. First you need to complete some mission for him. Details are with Gandohar, he is waiting for you by the fire outside.

Gandohar will try to gain your trust. It seems that he remains loyal to Raist, but at the same time owes something to Kira. Therefore, he will make sure that after the mission is completed, the sister actually returns to her brother. But the hero still does not trust this difficult messenger.

Kira and the hero are twins, and as children they had the opportunity to communicate freely, regardless of the distance separating them, in places called “nodes.” Gandohar will tell you about one of these places.

The narrow path leading to the node was chosen by little animals called reapers. They bite low-level characters very painfully - they can swallow half their hit points at a time. Killing them is not easy. But it is not necessary to engage in battle: further on, the clearing that serves as a “node” is empty.

It’s immediately obvious that the place is not easy: a thick fog shrouds the ground, the colors fade. And here comes Kira! After a warm greeting, she will tell you something. She is constantly being transported from place to place, and she has no idea where she is. She also knows nothing about Gandohar's intentions, so she must be on her guard. So what kind of mission awaits the hero? Oh, Raist and company are looking for what, according to legend, belonged to the family of the hero and Kira. But the hero does not believe in stupid fairy tales. Although it doesn't matter. According to the sister, the relic must be destroyed regardless of your opinion. You can find out what it is and where to look for it by asking Gandohar. Kira does not want to attract the attention of the guards again and therefore brings the conversation to an end. You can meet her again at the site of another “node”, south of Talmont.

The trap will stop even such a huge demon. Paradox?

Gandohar can be found in the same place as before - at the fire. He will refresh the hero’s memory of the legend according to which, after the secret funeral of the orc god Aziraal, his ancestors received a relic - the key to the tomb. It was kept in the family for several decades, until it was decided to break it into several parts and take it far away. Raist wants you to bring him the relic and open the tomb. He knows where to look for its parts, but he cannot get his hands on them himself - a curse interferes, to which only your kind is immune. In other words, only Kira—or you—can do this. If you manage to do this, your sister may be released, but there are no guarantees. Most likely, after the ritual of opening the tomb is completed, both of you will simply be killed. Although Gandohar has an idea. You can simply threaten Raist to destroy the relic during the ritual if he refuses to let Kira go. The gnome forge in Kudinara is suitable for this - only in its forge will it be possible to destroy the unusual alloy.

All that remains is to meet with Raist, discuss the details and put forward your demand. He is waiting for you in the same place as before - in the Goat Cave.

So, he wants you to bring the relic and perform a ritual - summon the tomb of Aziraal. The villain agrees to carry out the deal in Kudinara.

No, these two are definitely kidding! Raist will send you to Gandohar again for instructions.

So, the relic consists of five parts: a frame and four elements. The approximate location of the first two is known, but about the other three you need to ask Ho, a man who also works for Raist. I suggest you do this right away, and at the same time see your sister. Meetings in “nodes” do not affect the plot, but finding out some details will still help.

Now you know where to start your search:

  • Frame belongs to the head of the Karga clan - Ultar.
  • Earth stone kept in the burial mound of King Satria. The search should begin in the village of Windbreak.
  • Fire Stone held openly on the altar in the city temple. But not just anywhere, but in Gor Gammar - the capital of the orcs.
  • water stone can be found in the Ashos dungeon.
  • Air Stone hidden somewhere in the Drak'ar desert. Its guardian is a dragon.

You can search for elements in any order. But let's start with the frame.

Hag and Skelden

The frame of the relic is kept in the treasury of the Karga clan. But no one will just let you in there. There are many ways to get to the treasury. It all depends on your likings. Who is closer to you in spirit? House Skelden, which does not disdain the most dirty methods to strengthen its wealth, or rebels from the Karga clan, who are forced to hide in the mountains and think about how to expose House Skelden?

Let's say you trust Ebrat Skelden more. In this case, go visit him: his house is located in the excavation area east of Tarbakin. Go straight to the headquarters gate. The guard will say that Ebrat does not talk to just anyone and first you need to earn a reputation in the House. For details, the soldier will send you to Sano Moon, the head of the excavation. He, in turn, will indicate where tasks can be found. However, Ebrat is quite friendly, and you can visit him immediately, ignoring the guard. He lives in the second house on the right behind the headquarters gate.

The purpose of the task that he will give you is quite obvious: to deal with the Karga clan while there is still such an opportunity. They have collected too much evidence that could harm the House. But Ebrat cannot simply send troops to their camp; they have too many supporters among the local residents. Ulthar and his brethren will disappear into the mountains faster than the soldiers of House Skelden can reach the clan's base.

Ebrat has a plan. He has a spy in prison. She has a husband, and he knows exactly who informs the Karga clan about the advance of the House troops. You can probably extract the necessary information from him if you threaten to kill his wife.

Go to Covengor and inform Erin Calvo about the situation. He is ready to do anything to free his wife, even betrayal. After a short conversation, the frightened peasant will agree to stop the informant, who will have to deliver a message about the attack on the clan camp.

Tell the good news to Ebrat. He will send his soldiers to attack, and this time Ulthar and all his minions will not be able to escape.

When you get to the camp, it will already be empty, and a priceless relic frame will be waiting for you in the treasury.

If you are loyal to the Karga clan, then go to the upper camp and take the task from Ulthar. You are required to find irrefutable evidence that the House of Skelden is undermining the king's activities. The head of the clan heard rumors that a former apprentice of the royal mint, who was supposed to have died five years ago. This is not without reason, is it? It is quite possible that in Sano’s home there will be objects that will confirm the House’s involvement in counterfeiting. Time to check it out.

Sano never leaves his home, and open door lock without attracting attention is quite difficult.

This is a bug: sometimes the door does not respond to attempts to open it. But you can use alternative way described below.

If you are a magician, then one trick will help you get inside without negative consequences. Stand facing the door and summon some not too massive creature. It should be inside the house. Now blindly attack him with any area-of-effect spell (for example, a fire field). Don't forget to step back a little if necessary. The summoned creature will become angry and try to get to you. At the same time, of course, opening the locked door. The main thing is to have time to run inside. You will have to get out the same way.

What carelessness! What you are looking for is not hidden anywhere, but simply lies on the floor at the far wall of the room. After taking the evidence, take it to Ulthar. He will be impressed with the work done. Still would! After all, you have obtained molds for casting coins and samples with a portrait of Lord Skelden on them. It would be hard to find anything better than this. Now Skelden House is doomed: very soon these things will fall into the hands of the court.

For such a service, Ulthar will offer you to choose any item from the clan treasury. Of course, you will have to take the frame.

There are three more ways to obtain the required artifact.

  • Killing Ulthar. The treasury will open as soon as you deal with the leader of the Karga clan.
  • Murder of Ebrat. After dealing with the leader of House Skelden, go to the Karga camp. Ulthar will meet you at the gate of the lower base and tell you that although this was not the best solution to the problem, it is still worthy of a reward.

It is important: You should only release the spy from Skelden prison if you decide to kill the leader of the House. Moreover, you need to start with her: she disappears from her cell immediately after Ebrat’s death.

  • Pick up the frame yourself. North of the lower camp you can climb a ridge from which you can jump into the treasury. To get out of it later, you will have to sacrifice one of the portable teleporters. If you are not playing on the highest difficulty level, you can simply kill yourself to resurrect at the nearest shrine.

Earth stone

First of all, you need to get the key to the tomb. Go to the village of Windbreaker, west of Catalon, and find Mayor Gordar (usually you can find him near his house, near the well). He has a couple of errands for you. First, he will ask you to kill a lone ogre who has taken a fancy to one of the three mills. Then - clear the local cemetery of evil spirits so that villagers can go there without fear. These tasks do not cause any problems and are performed literally on the spot; you don’t have to run far.

For the third time, Gordar will make a personal request to you. In the Satria mound, in the valley of the Grave Hills, there is a precious crown that the mayor would really like to get his hands on. Quite by accident, the key to the tomb fell into his hands, which he will give to you.

Finding a mound is not a problem if you know where to go. It is skirted by the road leading to the Thunderstorm Tower from Kudinar. This place is not marked on the map, but the square-shaped structure itself is immediately visible. If you still can’t find it, then just mentally draw a vertical line from Ashos. Where the line intersects with the road is the tomb.

The entrance to the mound is not guarded by the undead in the best way: only a few skeletons and ghouls. Inside, go straight along the corridor, and before entering the main room, kill all the skeletons in the room on the right. The earth stone and crown can be found directly next to the coffin in the center of the round hall. It is guarded by a whole crowd of skeletons, which can serve as a good source of experience and useful things. If you are unable to cope with them, simply take the necessary items and return to the exit. The skeletons forgot to leave a couple of guards at the entrance to the hall, so by the time you are already stomping along the corridor on your way back, they will only realize that you don’t really look like a ghoul or a zombie and you don’t belong here.

By the way, the crown is actually fake, and it is unlikely to help the mayor escape from the city. But an agreement is an agreement, you got the Earth Stone, and that’s the main thing.

Fire Stone

You already have all the information necessary to search for the fire stone. It's time to go to Gor Gammar. On the way to the city you will have to face a great many enemies. First of all, these are, of course, orcs, but there are also many other monsters here. Giant insects, strange toothy skulls with tentacles, and golems live here. Perhaps the most dangerous can be considered lava dragon- near his attacks are very strong, and at a distance he can launch at you fire ball. The dragon has fairly thick armor, but is not so immune to magic.

It is important: try not to go off the road. The smoke makes it dark, which greatly increases your chances of falling into the lava lake.

The main gate of the Gammara Mountains, oddly enough, is closed. We need to look for another way. Turn left from the road and walk along the wall. Very soon you will find the descent to the Path of the Doomed. The main hall of this dungeon is home to a whole crowd of orcs. Destroying them is not difficult if you have area-of-effect spells. The corridor leading to the room is very convenient for defense. Lure out the orcs in small groups and shoot them with a bow. However, this dungeon is also well suited for close combat. You can easily lead the attackers to the previous hall or follow the arriving fighters and archers from around the corner.

So you have penetrated Gor Gammar. You can easily sneak into the temple and steal the fire stone quietly and unnoticed. If it's not your style, it will be more difficult. There are a lot of orcs here, believe me. And as soon as someone notices you, half of the green-skinned warriors will rush in your direction. During the battle, do not move away from the entrance to the dungeon, set traps on the passage, and prepare bottles in advance that restore mana and health. If holding back the orcs becomes too difficult, go down into the dungeon and take a breath. Sooner or later they will all be dead.

Having obtained the Fire Stone, get out of the Gammar Mountains along the same road.

water stone

This part of the relic is kept in the underground temple of the city of Ashos. The problem is that the temple is closed to visitors, and to get inside you need to get a key.

One of them is kept by a local blacksmith, Uchinao Sakamoto. Hoko, who is looking for her sister, will tell you about him. He is not going to give the key away just like that - only in return for a favor. Uchinao cannot share the inherited forge with his sister. And really, what can a woman know about blacksmithing? But Hidee says that she is well versed in this, and Uchinao is not a person, but a soulless beast who kicked his old father out of the house. However, this should not worry you. They asked to deal with the greedy sister. No sooner said than done. A couple of swings of the sword, and you can go get your reward.

Another key can be obtained while completing tasks for the guard who stands southwest of the gate. Nothing complicated: first you will be asked to run around the city and find out who the smuggled goods taken from the courier were intended for. Then you will be sent to a scientist who needs help. He suggests that the giant insects, which have become a serious problem outside the city, are breeding under the temple of Ashos. You will be asked to check this and will be given a key in this case.

What awaits us inside the temple? Fight with humanoid snakes. Although you can simply run past them and grab the Water Stone, fortunately they all prefer close combat, are not trained in magic, and there is nothing to oppose them with such “tactics”.

Remember, the city residents talked about the eye of Yatalen, protecting Ashos from the attack of orcs? Now, that was true. Draw appropriate conclusions and guess what happened while you were in the dungeon.

Air Stone

No one knows exactly where to find the air stone, but it is known for certain that it is located in the Drak'ar desert. According to Ho, it is somehow connected with a not-so-simple white dragon.

You can ask a couple of questions in Nahata - this settlement is easy to find if you continue going straight when the road ends. There, talk to Prantax. He will tell you about the albino dragon that dominates this desert. You can summon him by collecting five sulfur crystals and placing them on the altar in the creature’s lair. In parting, the desert dweller will advise you to see Ari Aldamore. It’s not for nothing that the locals call him the Dragon Gossip: he knows, if not everything, then a lot about dragons. Go straight to him.

From Ari you learn that the Great White controls other dragons by stealing and hiding their eggs. And since dragons throughout their entire life long life They only lay one egg, they are very important to them. If you find the loot, the albino will weaken, and others will not stand on ceremony with him for long and will immediately take revenge in the most cruel way.

It is said that the great white dragon took advantage of the powers of a rare magic crystal, swallowing it. Isn't this the Air Stone we're talking about? Although these are all rumors, and you shouldn’t really trust them.

The albino hides dragon eggs in his nest, but no one knows where it is. It comes into the desert from beyond the mountain range to the south, so the nest is most likely located there somewhere. If you find it, Ari can inform the dragons and send them to collect the eggs.

To get to the nest, you need to find a path in the mountains. Head south from the eastern edge of the dragon's lair and you won't miss it. If you see a sand dragon, you know you are on the right path.

This is the advice: leave the horse below, do not lead it into the mountains. Firstly, you will be terribly tired, overcoming places where you can get stuck. Secondly, on a narrow winding path the chances that the animal will be killed sharply increase.

Follow the path, fighting off stone golems, octogroms and other evil spirits along the way, until you see a thick stream of air rising up... Oh! Yes, this is the Air Stone! Another part of the relic has been found.

At the same time, you completed the task of finding the nest. Report your progress to Ari. He will pass on the information to his dragon friends, and they will go and beat the albino. This must be a very exciting spectacle - a battle of dragons. Will you have time to watch?

The relic has finally been put together. All that remains is to report this to Gandohar and hope for Kira’s salvation.


Everything is ready for exchange. It's time to meet Raist and save your sister by giving up the relic and participating in the summoning. Raist has asked that you wear a linen robe. He, you see, wants to protect you from lightning, and in such clothes you will be safer. However, Gandohar, Raist and their assistants calmly wear metal armor.

This is interesting: in fact, such an absurd request can be explained very simply. The subsequent events are not a scripted scene, but a video. And they give you a robe so that there are no inconsistencies in the character’s appearance.

So, you asked Gandohar to be the one who brought Kira to you during the exchange. The mercenary will promise to do just that.

The fateful meeting over the dwarven forge begins. The hero shows the relic and waits for Gandohar to bring his sister to him. “Take the relic, and we’ll go.” - “You forgot something.” “I don’t care much about Aziraal anymore. Do what you want".

“Well, if so...” The ritual will begin against your will. It turns out that Aziraal's grave is located right here. Gandohar only pretended to be a friend so that you yourself would choose this place for the transaction. In fact, he is not a mercenary, but the head of an organization. Gandohar simply switched roles with Raist to make it easier to ingratiate himself and harder to figure out who Raist was getting his orders from.

As for Kira, she will give new life Aziraalu. While the hero is exhausted, Raist, Gandohar and Kira will leave to prepare for the transformation. Just in case, you will be left alive until Kira receives the power of a deity.

Paladins vs.

What to do now? Balor will answer this question. You've probably seen his people - strangely speaking strangers in white robes and masks. They kept an eye on you and Raist, but were unable to stop the villain at the right time.

To reach your enemies, you will have to take care of the magical barrier. It works thanks to a huge fiery pentagram in the sky. This unusual structure is supported by necromancer towers. At their tops live the guardians of the pentagram. If you kill one of them, Gandohara Castle will lose its protection.

If you've spent a lot of time in the world of Antalor, you've probably approached these buildings out of curiosity. They, as before, are guarded by a crowd of necromancers and undead; Gandohar did not strengthen their defense.

The fire stone can be stolen from the orcs right from under their noses.

Head to the Tower of Death if you want to save travel time. You can get to its top using a teleport, to which two stairs lead. The Guardian is a simple opponent, he cannot boast of any strong armor, nor strong attacks. Finish him off and go towards your destiny - to Gandohara Castle.

The path to Osvaro will certainly remind you of the road leading to Gor Gammar. Yes, the landscapes here are just as gloomy, but the local monsters won't cause much trouble.

Quite dangerous dead knights live on the castle grounds. If you are not confident in your abilities, try going to the entrance to the main building through the eastern street. There aren't many of them there.

In front of the gate you will be met by Raist, who is clearly not going to give way in an amicable way. After the conversation, he will show you his demonic form. In this form, Raist cannot use spells, and he will only be able to reach you at a short distance. In addition, this six-meter monster is subject to traps, so magicians and archers will take it down very quickly. Fans of close combat will also have no problems: his attacks are strong, but very drawn out, it’s easy to catch the moment and jump away. Now the way is clear.

It is important: after the final battle the game ends. If you still have unfinished tasks, you won’t be able to return to them.

Here is the final meeting with Gandohar. He will not only try to change your opinion about the fate of your sister, but will also tell you about the Ancients and the interaction of the two worlds. Gandohar will give you a choice: take the side of the Ancients, join Gandohar and Kira and destroy this world - or remain true to your beliefs and save it, and at the same time rescue your sister. Depending on your words, either Gandohar or Balor and his paladins will attack you. Both fights are unreasonably easy for the final. The opponents do not stand out for their extraordinary abilities, and the spacious hall is an ideal place for battle, especially when there are no archers on the enemy side.

* * *

So, the world is saved or, on the contrary, it is about to be destroyed. But we will certainly return to Two Worlds, because there is still a lot of interesting things left behind the scenes.

In conclusion, I would like to thank Artemy Kozlov and Stanislav Stepanchenko for their help in researching the game. See you again!

Table 1
Skills Where to learn
School of water magic, school of earth magic Tarbakin, Kudinar
Balance, knocking down Brotherhood Outpost, Kudinar, Eastern Military Camp (near Kudinar)
Double Blade, Fury, Deadly Pirouette, Stun, Knockdown Kick Brotherhood Outpost, Kudinar, Eastern Military Camp, Catalan
Sword Breaking Strike, Shield Knocking Strike, Feint, Burn Catalan, Kudinar
Death blow, theft North of Tarbakin, behind the rocks on the west side of the road, Kudinar
Disarming Arrow, Multiple Arrow Shot, Piercing Arrow, Blinding Arrow Catalan, Kudinar
Reinforced tension, initial tension Farm south of Comorin village; Catalan
Necromancy, alchemy, stoneskin Kudinar (behind the cemetery at the eastern walls of the city), Rovant village, Enclave (a village near the Gammara Mountains, the road leads to it south of Heidborg Castle)

Hag and Skelden

The frame of the relic is kept in the treasury of the Karga clan. But no one will just let you in there. There are many ways to get to the treasury. It all depends on your likings. Who is closer to you in spirit? House Skelden, which does not disdain the most dirty methods to strengthen its wealth, or rebels from the Karga clan, who are forced to hide in the mountains and think about how to expose House Skelden?

Let's say you trust Ebrat Skelden more. In this case, go visit him: his house is located in the excavation area east of Tarbakin. Go straight to the headquarters gate. The guard will say that Ebrat does not talk to just anyone and first you need to earn a reputation in the House. For details, the soldier will send you to Sano Moon, the head of the excavation. He, in turn, will indicate where tasks can be found. However, Ebrat is quite friendly, and you can visit him immediately, ignoring the guard. He lives in the second house on the right behind the headquarters gate.

The purpose of the task that he will give you is quite obvious: to deal with the Karga clan while there is still such an opportunity. They have collected too much evidence that could harm the House. But Ebrat cannot simply send troops to their camp; they have too many supporters among the local residents. Ulthar and his brethren will disappear into the mountains faster than the soldiers of House Skelden can reach the clan's base.

Ebrat has a plan. He has a spy in prison. She has a husband, and he knows exactly who informs the Karga clan about the advance of the House troops. You can probably extract the necessary information from him if you threaten to kill his wife.

Go to Covengor and inform Erin Calvo about the situation. He is ready to do anything to free his wife, even betrayal. After a short conversation, the frightened peasant will agree to stop the informant, who will have to deliver a message about the attack on the clan camp.

Tell the good news to Ebrat. He will send his soldiers to attack, and this time Ulthar and all his minions will not be able to escape.

When you get to the camp, it will already be empty, and a priceless relic frame will be waiting for you in the treasury.

If you are loyal to the Karga clan, then go to the upper camp and take the task from Ulthar. You are required to find irrefutable evidence that the House of Skelden is undermining the king's activities. The head of the clan heard rumors that the head of the excavations, Sano Moon, was visited by a former apprentice of the royal mint, who was supposed to have died five years ago. This is not without reason, is it? It is quite possible that in Sano’s home there will be objects that will confirm the House’s involvement in counterfeiting. Time to check it out.

Sano never leaves his house, and it is quite difficult to pick the door lock without attracting attention.

This is a bug: sometimes the door does not respond to attempts to open it. But you can use the alternative method described below.

If you are a magician, then one trick will help you get inside without negative consequences. Stand facing the door and summon some not too massive creature. It should be inside the house. Now blindly attack him with any area-of-effect spell (for example, a fire field). Don't forget to step back a little if necessary. The summoned creature will become angry and try to get to you. At the same time, of course, opening the locked door. The main thing is to have time to run inside. You will have to get out the same way.

What carelessness! What you are looking for is not hidden anywhere, but simply lies on the floor at the far wall of the room. After taking the evidence, take it to Ulthar. He will be impressed with the work done. Still would! After all, you have obtained molds for casting coins and samples with a portrait of Lord Skelden on them. It would be hard to find anything better than this. Now Skelden House is doomed: very soon these things will fall into the hands of the court.

For such a service, Ulthar will offer you to choose any item from the clan treasury. Of course, you will have to take the frame.

There are three more ways to obtain the required artifact.

  • Killing Ulthar. The treasury will open as soon as you deal with the leader of the Karga clan.
  • Murder of Ebrat. After dealing with the leader of House Skelden, go to the Karga camp. Ulthar will meet you at the gate of the lower base and tell you that although this was not the best solution to the problem, it is still worthy of a reward.

It is important: You should only release the spy from Skelden prison if you decide to kill the leader of the House. Moreover, you need to start with her: she disappears from her cell immediately after Ebrat’s death.

  • Pick up the frame yourself. North of the lower camp you can climb a ridge from which you can jump into the treasury. To get out of it later, you will have to sacrifice one of the portable teleporters. If you are not playing on the highest difficulty level, you can simply kill yourself to resurrect at the nearest shrine.

Earth stone

First of all, you need to get the key to the tomb. Go to the village of Windbreaker, west of Catalon, and find Mayor Gordar (usually you can find him near his house, near the well). He has a couple of errands for you. First, he will ask you to kill a lone ogre who has taken a fancy to one of the three mills. Then - clear the local cemetery of evil spirits so that villagers can go there without fear. These tasks do not cause any problems and are performed literally on the spot; you don’t have to run far.

For the third time, Gordar will make a personal request to you. In the Satria mound, in the valley of the Grave Hills, there is a precious crown that the mayor would really like to get his hands on. Quite by accident, the key to the tomb fell into his hands, which he will give to you.

Finding a mound is not a problem if you know where to go. It is skirted by the road leading to the Thunderstorm Tower from Kudinar. This place is not marked on the map, but the square-shaped structure itself is immediately visible. If you still can’t find it, then just mentally draw a vertical line from Ashos. Where the line intersects with the road is the tomb.

The entrance to the mound is not guarded by the undead in the best way: only a few skeletons and ghouls. Inside, go straight along the corridor, and before entering the main room, kill all the skeletons in the room on the right. The earth stone and crown can be found directly next to the coffin in the center of the round hall. It is guarded by a whole crowd of skeletons, which can serve as a good source of experience and useful things. If you are unable to cope with them, simply take the necessary items and return to the exit. The skeletons forgot to leave a couple of guards at the entrance to the hall, so by the time you are already stomping along the corridor on your way back, they will only realize that you don’t really look like a ghoul or a zombie and you don’t belong here.

By the way, the crown is actually fake, and it is unlikely to help the mayor escape from the city. But an agreement is an agreement, you got the Earth Stone, and that’s the main thing.

Fire Stone

You already have all the information necessary to search for the fire stone. It's time to go to Gor Gammar. On the way to the city you will have to face a great many enemies. First of all, these are, of course, orcs, but there are also many other monsters here. Giant insects, strange toothy skulls with tentacles, and golems live here. Perhaps the most dangerous is the lava dragon - its attacks are very strong up close, and at a distance it can launch a fireball at you. The dragon has fairly thick armor, but is not so immune to magic.

It is important: try not to go off the road. The smoke makes it dark, which greatly increases your chances of falling into the lava lake.

The main gate of the Gammara Mountains, oddly enough, is closed. We need to look for another way. Turn left from the road and walk along the wall. Very soon you will find the descent to the Path of the Doomed. The main hall of this dungeon is home to a whole crowd of orcs. Destroying them is not difficult if you have area-of-effect spells. The corridor leading to the room is very convenient for defense. Lure out the orcs in small groups and shoot them with a bow. However, this dungeon is also well suited for close combat. You can easily lead the attackers to the previous hall or follow the arriving fighters and archers from around the corner.

So you have penetrated Gor Gammar. You can easily sneak into the temple and steal the fire stone quietly and unnoticed. If it's not your style, it will be more difficult. There are a lot of orcs here, believe me. And as soon as someone notices you, half of the green-skinned warriors will rush in your direction. During the battle, do not move away from the entrance to the dungeon, set traps on the passage, and prepare bottles in advance that restore mana and health. If holding back the orcs becomes too difficult, go down into the dungeon and take a breath. Sooner or later they will all be dead.

Having obtained the Fire Stone, get out of the Gammar Mountains along the same road.

water stone

This part of the relic is kept in the underground temple of the city of Ashos. The problem is that the temple is closed to visitors, and to get inside you need to get a key.

One of them is kept by a local blacksmith, Uchinao Sakamoto. Hoko, who is looking for her sister, will tell you about him. He is not going to give the key away just like that - only in return for a favor. Uchinao cannot share the inherited forge with his sister. And really, what can a woman know about blacksmithing? But Hidee says that she is well versed in this, and Uchinao is not a person, but a soulless beast who kicked his old father out of the house. However, this should not worry you. They asked to deal with the greedy sister. No sooner said than done. A couple of swings of the sword, and you can go get your reward.

Another key can be obtained while completing tasks for the guard who stands southwest of the gate. Nothing complicated: first you will be asked to run around the city and find out who the smuggled goods taken from the courier were intended for. Then you will be sent to a scientist who needs help. He suggests that the giant insects, which have become a serious problem outside the city, are breeding under the temple of Ashos. You will be asked to check this and will be given a key in this case.

What awaits us inside the temple? Fight with humanoid snakes. Although you can simply run past them and grab the Water Stone, fortunately they all prefer close combat, are not trained in magic, and there is nothing to oppose them with such “tactics”.

Remember, the city residents talked about the eye of Yatalen, protecting Ashos from the attack of orcs? Now, that was true. Draw appropriate conclusions and guess what happened while you were in the dungeon.

The death of the orc god Aziraal put an end to the advance of his troops into the lands of Antalor. The defeated orcs fled south. The victorious people refused to give the corpse of their leader to the enemies. Instead, they promptly walled up the deity in an enchanted tomb. With the death of Aziraal, the entire continent was filled with Corruption. And a strange new magic came to these lands...

About the combat system and enemies

During battles, you can use melee weapons, a bow and magic spells.

At the initial stage of the game, all characters will have to resort to conventional weapons, since magicians and marksmen cannot yet effectively destroy all enemies from a distance. For obvious reasons, the character loses the greatest number of hit points in melee combat. Jumping will help avoid this. Jumping forward will give you the opportunity to get out of the environment, jumping back will allow you to escape from any attack, the main thing is to seize the moment. This is how you can kill any enemy one on one if he does not use magic. True, it takes a lot of time. An additional step, combinations of attacks and parry control are not directly provided, which greatly limits the tactics. Run around a group of enemies until one of the opponents stands out from it, then focus on it.

Archery is implemented simply. The character spends time drawing the bowstring; The damage caused depends on the tension. You can hit any enemy if he is within a certain distance determined by the characteristics of the bow. The arrows in the game are endless. If the bowstring tension is greater than the minimum, the shot disrupts the attack, so the archer also has no particular problems with one-on-one fights. Groups of enemies become easy to deal with after learning the Shoot Multiple Arrows skill.

It is important: even if you are not going to use a bow, carry a quiver with you - many of them give a noticeable increase in characteristics.

The tactics of playing as a magician are very diverse and depend on the choice of spells (the corresponding chapter is devoted to this). This may be a bug, but the effects of many auras, as well as buffing and weakening spells, stack without any restrictions. This allows you to create real obscenities on the battlefield. For example, how about this: we take a spell from the first circle of the fire school that enhances a magical attack, cast it on ourselves four times and kill the most powerful level 35 golem with a single lightning bolt. And this is not the limit. Imagine what you can do with mass effect spells!

Based on their fighting qualities, enemies can be divided into three types.

  • Melee. They run towards you as soon as they notice you. They are not trained in any cunning tactics or active skills (although there are some individuals who can show off). There are usually a lot of them, and that's the problem. It is best to destroy such enemies from a distance. If you just run past them close, they won’t hit you, even if they try very hard. This can be used in a variety of situations.
  • Magic combined with melee. While the player is at a distance, such enemies shoot some kind of “magic arrow” at him, which is easy to dodge. The characteristic sound accompanying her approach cannot be confused with anything, so it is not necessary to keep the magician in sight. Unfortunately, the local magicians were not given any other spells. As soon as you get closer, the enemy will engage in melee combat. These enemies should be killed last.
  • Arrows. They need to be eliminated first for a number of reasons. It is very difficult to dodge arrows, especially if there are several archers. They will constantly disrupt your attacks. Shooters rarely get caught in the hot hand: as soon as you get noticeably close, they will start to run away. At such a moment, it is very difficult to hit them with conventional weapons.

About interaction with characters

All characters are divided into five types; When you try to start a conversation, the corresponding icons appear.


To put something on a character, you need to drag the item from the inventory onto the “doll”. In addition to slots for armor, weapons and rings, there are spaces for a quiver, a dagger and two additional types of weapons - they will allow you to change them on the fly (keys R and T by default). In this case, an increase in characteristics is given only by the weapon that is currently in the main cell.

Identical pieces of equipment can be connected together and thus improved by dragging one of them onto another. This allows you to get the most powerful things: with weapons of the tenth or twentieth class, you will probably kill most enemies with the first blow.

Items can give an increase to characteristics, skills, protection from various types of physical attacks and magic. You can easily do without the last property: the few enemy spells are very easy to dodge.

The weapon can deal one of several types of magical damage. Special stones are used for this. It is useless to enchant a weapon for poisonous damage - its effect extends over time, which does not help in close combat. The remaining types are “to taste and color”. In battle, their influence is almost the same.

Skills and characteristics

With each level increase, you will receive five points to increase one of four stats:

  • Vitality increases the character's hit points.
  • Dexterity affects some skills and the likelihood of inflicting and repelling attacks.
  • Force Increases damage dealt in melee combat.
  • Strength of will increases the amount of mana.

Skill points are given for killing monsters and people, opening locks, activating teleports and stealing. As soon as one of the requirements specified in the statistics is met (reputation menu, F5 key by default), you will receive one point. You can also improve your skills by completing quests.

At the beginning of the game, skills cannot be pumped to the maximum - there is a level limit. The formula is simple: [player level] - 1 = [max skill level]. It is relevant up to level 11 for most skills and up to 16 for magic schools.

To gain access to new skills, you need to undergo training from trainers. They are in many major cities (see table No. 1) . It is better to do this from the very beginning, since as the level increases, the price for their services increases. And if up to the fifth level training costs 100 gold, then from the eighteenth you will have to spend as much as 10,000.

For convenience, all skills are divided into groups. Let's talk about each of them separately, bypassing magic schools. A separate chapter is devoted to magic.

  • Horse riding. Allows you to fight without getting off your horse. Each hit deals additional damage (maximum +200%).

Quite a useful skill, but it’s not worth taking at first. If you want to save time and don't intend to collect loot, this will come in handy.

  • Swimming. Increasing this skill will increase your movement speed on water.

You can go through the entire game without ever swimming, so this skill is a waste of points.

  • Opening locks. The skill is used to open locks on doors and objects.

Locked boxes and chests are everywhere, and you can often find useful items in them. If the loot from corpses seems scarce or insufficient to you, upgrade this skill. It is not necessary to invest maximum points into it; the sixth or seventh level is enough to open any lock in several attempts.

  • Discreet movement. Allows you to sneak, which reduces the possibility of being noticed by enemies (reducing the radius of hearing and visibility to 25%). Required for the Mortal Strike skill.

In the game, this skill can be useful in few places, and playing a silent killer, although interesting, is not effective: it’s easier and faster to walk through the ranks of enemies in the open.

  • Theft. Gives you the ability to pick through characters' pockets. In them they are used to carrying various elixirs, potions, master keys and stones that increase the magical damage of weapons. It's worth it? In my opinion, no. At the last levels you can steal up to five things at a time, but this rarely happens. By the way, it is not necessary to stand behind the victim during the theft.
  • Setting traps. Allows you to place traps, bombs and other similar devices on the ground. As the level increases, it makes it possible to use more effective traps, increases the damage they cause (up to +300) and the time they hold the enemy in the trap (up to 20 seconds).

This skill is best left at level one. At the beginning of the game, traps are great at crippling and delaying enemies, but then only traps remain useful. Although many magic spells are much more effective.

  • Alchemy. Increases the quality of potions made. Without skill, ingredients lose up to 40% of their beneficial properties. At the last level of alchemy, all effects are doubled. The increase is more than serious.

You can search for elements in any order. But let's start with the frame.

Hag and Skelden

The frame of the relic is kept in the treasury of the Karga clan. But no one will just let you in there. There are many ways to get to the treasury. It all depends on your likings. Who is closer to you in spirit? House Skelden, which does not disdain the most dirty methods to strengthen its wealth, or rebels from the Karga clan, who are forced to hide in the mountains and think about how to expose House Skelden?

Let's say you trust Ebrat Skelden more. In this case, go visit him: his house is located in the excavation area east of Tarbakin. Go straight to the headquarters gate. The guard will say that Ebrat does not talk to just anyone and first you need to earn a reputation in the House. For details, the soldier will send you to Sano Moon, the head of the excavation. He, in turn, will indicate where tasks can be found. However, Ebrat is quite friendly, and you can visit him immediately, ignoring the guard. He lives in the second house on the right behind the headquarters gate.

The purpose of the task that he will give you is quite obvious: to deal with the Karga clan while there is still such an opportunity. They have collected too much evidence that could harm the House. But Ebrat cannot simply send troops to their camp; they have too many supporters among the local residents. Ulthar and his brethren will disappear into the mountains faster than the soldiers of House Skelden can reach the clan's base.

Ebrat has a plan. He has a spy in prison. She has a husband, and he knows exactly who informs the Karga clan about the advance of the House troops. You can probably extract the necessary information from him if you threaten to kill his wife.

Go to Covengor and inform Erin Calvo about the situation. He is ready to do anything to free his wife, even betrayal. After a short conversation, the frightened peasant will agree to stop the informant, who will have to deliver a message about the attack on the clan camp.

Tell the good news to Ebrat. He will send his soldiers to attack, and this time Ulthar and all his minions will not be able to escape.

When you get to the camp, it will already be empty, and a priceless relic frame will be waiting for you in the treasury.

If you are loyal to the Karga clan, then go to the upper camp and take the task from Ulthar. You are required to find irrefutable evidence that the House of Skelden is undermining the king's activities. The head of the clan heard rumors that the head of the excavations, Sano Moon, was visited by a former apprentice of the royal mint, who was supposed to have died five years ago. This is not without reason, is it? It is quite possible that in Sano’s home there will be objects that will confirm the House’s involvement in counterfeiting. Time to check it out.

Sano never leaves his house, and it is quite difficult to pick the door lock without attracting attention.

This is a bug: sometimes the door does not respond to attempts to open it. But you can use the alternative method described below.

If you are a magician, then one trick will help you get inside without negative consequences. Stand facing the door and summon some not too massive creature. It should be inside the house. Now blindly attack him with any area-of-effect spell (for example, a fire field). Don't forget to step back a little if necessary. The summoned creature will become angry and try to get to you. At the same time, of course, opening the locked door. The main thing is to have time to run inside. You will have to get out the same way.

What carelessness! What you are looking for is not hidden anywhere, but simply lies on the floor at the far wall of the room. After taking the evidence, take it to Ulthar. He will be impressed with the work done. Still would! After all, you have obtained molds for casting coins and samples with a portrait of Lord Skelden on them. It would be hard to find anything better than this. Now Skelden House is doomed: very soon these things will fall into the hands of the court.

For such a service, Ulthar will offer you to choose any item from the clan treasury. Of course, you will have to take the frame.

There are three more ways to obtain the required artifact.
Killing Ulthar. The treasury will open as soon as you deal with the leader of the Karga clan.
Murder of Ebrat. After dealing with the leader of House Skelden, go to the Karga camp. Ulthar will meet you at the gate of the lower base and tell you that although this was not the best solution to the problem, it is still worthy of a reward.

This is important: you should only release the spy from Skelden prison if you decide to kill the leader of the House. Moreover, you need to start with her: she disappears from her cell immediately after Ebrat’s death.
Pick up the frame yourself. North of the lower camp you can climb a ridge from which you can jump into the treasury. To get out of it later, you will have to sacrifice one of the portable teleporters. If you are not playing on the highest difficulty level, you can simply kill yourself to resurrect at the nearest shrine.

Earth stone

First of all, you need to get the key to the tomb. Go to the village of Windbreaker, west of Catalon, and find Mayor Gordar (usually you can find him near his house, near the well). He has a couple of errands for you. First, he will ask you to kill a lone ogre who has taken a fancy to one of the three mills. Then - clear the local cemetery of evil spirits so that villagers can go there without fear. These tasks do not cause any problems and are performed literally on the spot; you don’t have to run far.

For the third time, Gordar will make a personal request to you. In the Satria mound, in the valley of the Grave Hills, there is a precious crown that the mayor would really like to get his hands on. Quite by accident, the key to the tomb fell into his hands, which he will give to you.

Finding a mound is not a problem if you know where to go. It is skirted by the road leading to the Thunderstorm Tower from Kudinar. This place is not marked on the map, but the square-shaped structure itself is immediately visible. If you still can’t find it, then just mentally draw a vertical line from Ashos. Where the line intersects with the road is the tomb.

The entrance to the mound is not guarded by the undead in the best way: only a few skeletons and ghouls. Inside, go straight along the corridor, and before entering the main room, kill all the skeletons in the room on the right. The earth stone and crown can be found directly next to the coffin in the center of the round hall. It is guarded by a whole crowd of skeletons, which can serve as a good source of experience and useful things. If you are unable to cope with them, simply take the necessary items and return to the exit. The skeletons forgot to leave a couple of guards at the entrance to the hall, so by the time you are already stomping along the corridor on your way back, they will only realize that you don’t really look like a ghoul or a zombie and you don’t belong here.

By the way, the crown is actually fake, and it is unlikely to help the mayor escape from the city. But an agreement is an agreement, you got the Earth Stone, and that’s the main thing.

Fire Stone

You already have all the information necessary to search for the fire stone. It's time to go to Gor Gammar. On the way to the city you will have to face a great many enemies. First of all, these are, of course, orcs, but there are also many other monsters here. Giant insects, strange toothy skulls with tentacles, and golems live here. Perhaps the most dangerous is the lava dragon - its attacks are very strong up close, and at a distance it can launch a fireball at you. The dragon has fairly thick armor, but is not so immune to magic.

This is important: try to stay on the road. The smoke makes it dark, which greatly increases your chances of falling into the lava lake.

The main gate of the Gammara Mountains, oddly enough, is closed. We need to look for another way. Turn left from the road and walk along the wall. Very soon you will find the descent to the Path of the Doomed. The main hall of this dungeon is home to a whole crowd of orcs. Destroying them is not difficult if you have area-of-effect spells. The corridor leading to the room is very convenient for defense. Lure out the orcs in small groups and shoot them with a bow. However, this dungeon is also well suited for close combat. You can easily lead the attackers to the previous hall or follow the arriving fighters and archers from around the corner.

So you have penetrated Gor Gammar. You can easily sneak into the temple and steal the fire stone quietly and unnoticed. If it's not your style, it will be more difficult. There are a lot of orcs here, believe me. And as soon as someone notices you, half of the green-skinned warriors will rush in your direction. During the battle, do not move away from the entrance to the dungeon, set traps on the passage, and prepare bottles in advance that restore mana and health. If holding back the orcs becomes too difficult, go down into the dungeon and take a breath. Sooner or later they will all be dead.

Having obtained the Fire Stone, get out of the Gammar Mountains along the same road.

water stone

This part of the relic is kept in the underground temple of the city of Ashos. The problem is that the temple is closed to visitors, and to get inside you need to get a key.

One of them is kept by a local blacksmith, Uchinao Sakamoto. Hoko, who is looking for her sister, will tell you about him. He is not going to give the key away just like that - only in return for a favor. Uchinao cannot share the inherited forge with his sister. And really, what can a woman know about blacksmithing? But Hidee says that she is well versed in this, and Uchinao is not a person, but a soulless beast who kicked his old father out of the house. However, this should not worry you. They asked to deal with the greedy sister. No sooner said than done. A couple of swings of the sword, and you can go get your reward.

Another key can be obtained while completing tasks for the guard who stands southwest of the gate. Nothing complicated: first you will be asked to run around the city and find out who the smuggled goods taken from the courier were intended for.

Publisher in Russia: "Akella"


During development, Two Worlds was positioned as a "masterpiece", a "breakthrough in RPG genre"and everything else, to the superlative degree. Having waited until the indignant cries of some users who played the original version of Two Worlds subsided, and the pseudo-journalists who played for a couple of hours and made a categorical verdict (it’s good that it’s subjective) ran out of poison - we set off study the project from the Polish studio Reality Pump, which has grown to version 1.5, which at one time delighted us with its fairly high-quality products like Knightshift 2, World War III: Black Gold, Earth 2160...

System requirements

Operating system Windows XP.

2 GHz processor or faster (multi-core recommended).

512 MB RAM (1 GB or more recommended).

DirectX compatible 3D graphics card with support for Pixel Shaders 2.0 (Shaders 3.0 support recommended).

DirectX compatible sound card.

DirectX 9.0c or higher (found on the game disc).

DVD-ROM drive, 5 GB of free hard disk space.

Mouse, keyboard, broadband Internet connection recommended.

In addition, when installing the game, additional multimedia codecs and the AGEIA PhysX distribution are installed (a technology for implementing “physics” in gaming and other applications). If you have problems installing PhysX, first install Windows program Installer 3.1 (available on disk). Then, after the installation is complete, download and install patch version 1.5.0, which terrifies owners of dial-up modems (volume - 1.08 GB!).

Start of dating

At the very beginning of the game, we are treated to a short and rather unintelligible cutscene. They obviously saved money on it - the quality of the graphics is depressing (it’s good that everything is fine in the game). So, Aziraal, the deity and leader of the orcs, died - but it is unknown where he went. The orcs mourn him, but do not stop searching. The first part of the screensaver ends suddenly...

We find ourselves in the start menu, which is decorated with excellent soundtrack (a rock ballad with pleasant female vocals). First of all, let's go create your own profile and register appearance our hero.

In passing, we look through the graphics settings - we note the presence of 16:9 modes, full-screen anti-aliasing, detail and texture quality settings, draw distance, grass drawing, and the ability to play in windowed mode.

In addition, we look at setting up the interface, as well as control keys. Don’t expect an easy life - you’ll have to learn such tricks as “calling a horse by whistling”, “calling a custom command panel”, etc. Yes, the game Two Worlds is not a simple arcade game for you, it is a complex tool (once you understand it, you will get used to this whole control scheme and will use it without problems, automatically). There are some parallels with Neverwinter Nights- there, too, many newcomers had to tinker a little with learning the controls.

Another interesting aspect does not escape our attention - ample opportunities for multiplayer games (network options, voice chat, etc.). Perhaps they will release some kind of MMORPG based on Two Worlds?

So, we've sorted out the first settings, let's start the game. The second part of the screensaver awaits us - main character, a mercenary by profession, carries his wounded sister, Kira, on horseback.

While he goes to check the place for the night, someone kidnaps the woman. Maddened with grief, the main character goes on a search. The screensaver displays a screen with the promising inscription “Seven months have passed” and continues its narration. Our hero appears in a certain village, which was indicated to him in a letter (where it is reported that his sister is alive)...

In general, the screensaver is not very good, the graphics are rather weak, the angular animation and simple textures are depressing. It’s also good that in the intermediate scenes in the game the graphics are very good - we immediately note the realistic faces and good animation.

First of all, after meeting the elder of the settlement, we go to the ruins of a certain temple, in the vicinity of which people are disappearing. The educational part of the game (Tutorial) is quite short, and does not fully reveal all the subtleties of the gameplay - the player will have to figure out a number of things on his own.

Game camera - zooms in and out by scrolling, and you can change the perspective with mouse movements. You can even select a first-person view using the Tab key (however, you won’t be allowed to fight in it - when you select a weapon, the camera will immediately “move” a little back, behind the hero’s back).

Role-playing system and magic

Let's go over the game interface...

In the upper left corner there is a progress bar for health and mana, and also, when choosing a bow, a string tension indicator. At the top center is the health progress bar of your current enemy. In the upper right corner there is a mini-map. Finally, in the lower left corner is the quick command panel. From it with keys 1,2,3, etc. - you can quickly execute some command (for example, set a trap, use magic, drink a bottle that replenishes health, etc.).

The game world is rendered quite well, although the graphics cannot be called outstanding. However, when the eye gets used to the “picture”, you no longer notice any shortcomings - you are completely immersed in the study of the surrounding universe. Which, by the way, is very realistic - there is a change of day and night, fog, and even rain and thunderstorms (rarely).

By the way, looking ahead, the behavior of NPCs (non-player characters - the world's population) changes depending on the time of day.

Now let's look at the rest of the game interface. F1 key - brings up the window of character parameters and skills (the cornerstone of the role-playing development system).

Upon receiving a new level, the hero gets the opportunity to distribute 5 development points according to four main parameters - Life force(affects the character’s health reserve), Willpower (mana reserve), Strength (damage from melee attacks and the character’s “carrying capacity”), Dexterity (improving attack and defense, damage from archery). Experience points are awarded to you for killed enemies and completed quests.

The hero also has skills - special skills that help him survive in this difficult and hostile world. There are thirty-eight skills (!), and to increase them they give 1-2 points per hero level. Not enough, needless to say. Let's list some of the skills. Horseback riding - allows you to increase damage from attacks of the main character sitting on a horse. Picking locks - simplifies the opening of locks of varying complexity using master keys. Swimming - the higher the level, the more equipment you can carry while swimming.

Sniper is a parameter that allows you to inflict critical (several times more than normal) damage with arrows fired from your bow. Also included in your skills is your progress in studying various schools of magic (air, earth, water, fire, necromancy). Each skill has many degrees of development (read: level up). A simple example: the higher the level of sniper shooting, the higher the chance of inflicting critical damage on the enemy.

Here, on the parameters and skills screen, there are indicators of the damage caused by your current weapon (type of damage and size of damage). Damage is divided into physical (piercing, slashing and crushing) and magical (fire, electrical, mental, ice, etc.). Your current protection against all types of physical and magical damage is indicated right below.

Let's move on to the second tab: F2 key - opens the inventory window.

In addition to statistics on damage, defense and hero development, here is a character “doll” that you can dress up with various armor (helmet, armor, gloves, shoes, shield), equip with weapons, and also improve characteristics with various rings, etc. . The "backpack" window displays all the items you are carrying with you. At the bottom (where the indicator with small weights is located) you can see how much all your belongings weigh and through the slash - the maximum carrying capacity of the main character. Nearby is an indicator of the current cash reserve. In the middle is a button for automatically organizing luggage in the backpack.

To the right of the inventory is the interface for preparing potions and items.

Once you learn the alchemy skill, you can prepare all sorts of potions from various ingredients that improve your stats (permanently or temporarily), as well as items such as magic damage stones, traps, etc. Successful combinations can be recorded as a memory. Also know that increasing the amount of ingredients gives an overall bonus to the final product. For example, one component gives a +1 bonus, and five components may well give a +8 bonus as a result. Naturally, it all depends on the degree of your skill in alchemy.

Pressing the F3 key displays the magic window. You have an amulet of three parts, each of which is divided into four more parts (one main and three additional).

In the main part you can “shove” the spell itself from one of the five schools (as mentioned above, the schools “air”, “earth”, “water”, “fire”, “necromancy”) are represented. In additional slots, various amplifiers of the main spell are invested (reducing mana consumption, increasing the duration of action, increasing damage, increasing the level of the spell). These amplifiers are cumulative (two or more identical amplifiers can be placed in one additional slot).

You gain access to the next level of spells by leveling up the skill of the corresponding magic school. As the level of development of a school increases, its spells also become stronger. In principle, upgrading skills in all schools without exception is an unaffordable luxury, even for those who are specifically developing a magician.

There is quite a variety of spells in the game, each school has its own focus. Closer to bright side- air magic (from a certain level you can call a guardian angel for help), and something closer to dark side- naturally, necromancy and fire magic (summoning the devil to help). Don't forget to buy spell amplifiers in the shops - they will really help you a lot.

During the battle - using the right mouse button you activate the first (left) spell located in the amulet. The remaining two spells are not so convenient to perform - using hot keys on the command bar.

We go to the window of the map and the task log (quests), called up by pressing F4.

Everything is simple here: on the left is a map, on the right is a list of quests that you need to complete. I personally recommend that you immediately click on the scroll icon at the bottom of the quest window - it will hide completed tasks that “litter” the information area of ​​the screen. As for the map, it shows roads, settlements, key objects, teleports, and also highlights places with characters or places related to quest tasks.

Among the important objects, we note the “ankh” crosses - these are the places of your resurrection after death (they are also points of free and quick health improvement).

And also objects in the form of a hammer with the face of a gnome - they quickly replenish your mana supply.

The map can be zoomed in and out using mouse scroll. The map is divided into above-ground and underground parts (the area of ​​the dungeons is significantly smaller than the main above-ground game map).

The last item left, called up by pressing the F5 key, is reputation and statistics.

Here you can track your reputation among the various factions represented in the game (traders, necromancers, Society, Brotherhood, etc.). It also summarizes statistics on the “kilometers” of virtual space you have traveled, the number of kills, and similar data that is of interest to statistics lovers.

Character development

In this small section I would like to give some tips on character development. Immediately select his narrow specialization. What is meant? First, choose who you will develop - a magician or a warrior. After this choice is made, decide what kind of warrior or magician you will develop (an archer or a melee fighter - in the case of a warrior; specialization in a couple of schools of magic - in the case of a magician).

There are key skills that all characters without exception should develop - these are, for example, alchemy (only players who are completely indifferent to “leveling up” will ignore improving the character’s characteristics with the help of potions) or lockpicking (without it you will have a hard time).

At the very beginning of the game, many of your skills are inactive. Don't be alarmed, in the future you will meet various characters, teaching you certain skills for a certain reward. Also in one of the cities you will find a character who allows you to “forget” for 500 gold - while maintaining the hero’s level, roll back the accepted distribution of points according to the hero’s parameters and skills. In some cases this can be useful...

The development of the hero’s basic parameters (Vitality, Willpower, Strength and Dexterity) is carried out not only for the needs of your chosen specialization, but also “for a specific thing”. You saw, say, a very good bow or shield - and you thought about pumping up your agility or strength, respectively...

Items, weapons and their improvement

In the game, here and there you come across locked chests and doors. In order to open them, you need a master key and lockpicking skills. The master key is universal; as you progress through the game, you will always have several dozen pieces in reserve. The higher your hacking skill, the faster (and with less master key consumption) you will open the lock. Castles are divided by degree of complexity (primitive, simple, good, excellent, excellent, etc.). In principle, the hacking skill is one of the most vital - upgrade it to an acceptable (from your point of view) level.

In addition, items are removed from the corpses of enemies and animals. There are many animals in the game, and each provides its own “biomaterial”. So, for example, from a wolf - a wolf's heart is obtained, from a boar - fangs, a dodo bird - gives feathers, a bear - a claw, a rabbit - a bladder, a snake - a rattle from the tail, a fox - liver, a beaver - fat, etc. It's time to study anatomy! There are also mushrooms and herbs in the forest - some of them are immediately ready for use, and some are ingredients for alchemical preparation.

There are a lot of things in the game. Sometimes it seems like too much, because... certain moment you start to get confused in all these names of armor and look only at the characteristics. Some armor restricts the character (does not allow you to shoot a bow, swim, or use two-handed weapons).

Your arsenal is divided into melee weapons (two-handed and those that can be fought with one hand) and ranged weapons (various bows). For magicians, there is a wide variety of staves.

The “magical” upgrade of weapons with the help of special stones that increase damage through poisoning, cold, fire, lightning, etc. should not be underestimated. You can improve the magical damage of a weapon only with one specific element (if you have improved a sword with poison, then in the future its damage can only be increased with poison, there is no turning back). Unfortunately, upgrading an item has little effect on its price. The tactics are simple - while you are walking around with a good weapon, improve it with specific stones of the chosen element, and at this time, accumulate improvement stones from other elements. As soon as you “grow up” to a more advanced weapon, immediately pump up its magical damage using a set of carefully accumulated stones...

At first, when you (or rather, your character) are not very different physical strength- you won’t be able to take many items with you. The game adds unnecessary running around between merchants... So leveling up your strength is a wise choice.

We come to one of the most important aspects of the game - improving items, weapons and armor. If two items of the same type appear in your inventory (say, two "yew bows" or two pairs of "ribbed gloves" or two identical rings) - you can drag one item onto the other, and - voila! Two items are miraculously formed into one, but with increased characteristics! Be careful - upgrading an item may require more high level character (the item will be highlighted in red and cannot be used). True, there is a small “glitch” in the game - in some cases, when improving an item worn on a character, it remains on you (and continues to bring various bonuses), although your level does not seem to allow you to use such a combined thing.

And finally, we must say about such an important item as a mobile teleport. After some progress in the plot, you will be given mobile teleports - with their help you can move between stationary teleports and activated mobile teleports. Naturally, such teleports are “deployed” next to merchants - in order to quickly “jump” to the store to hand over the accumulated junk. The mobile teleport is reusable; when you no longer need it, you can take it back to your inventory.

Combat system, NPCs and enemies

The main character can carry one weapon in his hands (or two - if the corresponding skill has been upgraded). This is a bow, a two-handed weapon, or a weapon in one hand plus a shield. Two-handed weapons (spear, halberd, clubs, two-handed swords, etc.) deal damage to all enemies surrounding you at once. The shield is a useful device because it not only increases your defense, but also saves you from the negative consequences of the “dirty trick” technique (when the enemy throws dirt and sand in your face, after which you become temporarily unable to fight). A helmet is just as useful - it saves you from being stunned.

I really liked the implementation of the bow - nothing complicated or unnecessary. We tighten the bowstring (progress bar in the upper left corner) - the degree of tension affects the amount of damage. If the sight remains red, your target is out of range, and if it is green, then you can shoot. The arrows are endless, and you have a quiver in your inventory that increases any characteristics of the damage you inflict. To cancel a shot, simply take a step forward.

The character in the combat system does not have any frills during a basic attack - all beautiful fencing techniques are performed automatically. However, there are also advanced techniques that result from the development of skills. For example, the ability to use a two-handed weapon to knock down opponents around you.

The “sword + magic” combination is deadly: wielding a two-handed sword in a crowd of enemies, you can run back and stun the crowd with a couple of weapons fireballs. You can improve your health in the same way. Remember that both replenishing health and emptying bottles is done at rest - if at this moment you are swinging your sword with might and main, you will not achieve any effect.

A good help for you in case of a difficult battle will be a special object - a source of replenishment of mana or health. Fighting while in the aura of such objects is a pleasure.

In some cities, NPCs may react nervously to weapons in your hands. You can remove it behind your back using the "F" key. By the way, health regeneration occurs only when the weapon is stowed. And one more thing - you automatically put away your weapon if you get on a horse.

You can also fight from a horse (and more effectively), however, do not forget that it is alive, and if it gets several serious blows, you will kill the unfortunate animal.

The best tactic, it seems to me, is to dismount in advance and fight without a horse. In general, a horse is not a luxury, but a means of rapid transportation around the game world. Also allows you to deliver more powerful blows during a cavalry charge. In addition (and this is important!) the horse can be loaded with additional luggage. Come close to the horse (or sit on it) and open your inventory - after that you can load things onto your horse. The horse may walk slowly, jog, or gallop. You can stop the horse, and the space bar allows you to get off the horse and mount it. After you have saddled a specific horse, you can call it by whistling. This helps if you are stuck on a horse in a difficult place and cannot pass - get off, run a few steps on foot and call the horse with a whistle.

The game has such an interesting thing as ghosts of killed enemies. Such ghosts can only be destroyed by magic, and appear at nightfall. Likewise, they disappear at dawn. They give experience points, just like regular enemies. An interesting point - ghosts fight living NPCs!

In general, various representatives of the fauna attack people, and vice versa. Representatives of warring factions can also fight. For example, the guards of a nearby village helped me fight the robbers who had set up camp not far from the village.

We smoothly move on to the subjects inhabiting the game world of Two Worlds. These are representatives of the fauna (wolves, boars, bears, etc.), as well as people (settlers, traders, robbers, key characters, etc.), mythical humanoid races (thunders, gnomes, orcs, cyclops, etc.). etc.), undead (skeletons, zombies, ghouls, etc.) and everyone else.

Merchants are very important NPCs. The store, in principle, is no different - you drag things back and forth from your inventory to someone else’s and vice versa, while keeping an eye on the balance of funds in your wallet. Find merchants offering best prices, place a mobile teleport near them and regularly unload your goods.

If we talk about the AI ​​of your enemies, it is not very advanced. I killed bears, cyclops easily, I just had to run back and forth for a long time and slowly take away the enemy’s health with ranged weapons and magic. Sometimes your enemies use dirty tricks, some special abilities, but in general they create problems only in droves, and in indoors, where you have nowhere to escape and rest.

The game world has its own laws. For example, if you open someone else's chest, its owner, who is watching your actions, will immediately attack you. If you try to open the door to the house of a resident (especially at night, or locked from uninvited visitors), an unpleasant dialogue may arise with the guards, whom you can try to bribe, or pay a fine and leave the city, or engage in a fight.

From time to time you will encounter dialogues.

Usually the conversation is straightforward, there are no branches (you consistently extract information from your interlocutor). There are, of course, cases when you can lie (and also say “no” and refuse the quest), but they are not typical.

Studying the world around us is really interesting. True, such “study” usually boils down to genocide and killing the animals that come across (the playing space is empty), but what can you do - the survival of the fittest. In general, you can really get bogged down in exploring the area, leaving quests “for later”. So I recommend that you do not try to rush through the entire storyline Two Worlds, and little by little, two to three hours a day, immerse yourself in the game world, just like gourmets savor good wine...


After several days of playing Two Worlds, you fully realize that this is the fruit of many years of work by a large number of people. The game world stretching out in front of the main character is diverse, and, despite the fact that it is not perfect in implementation (it has its own shortcomings), it is nevertheless truly interesting to study. At the same time, level loading is very fast, and dynamic loading as you travel through endless spaces is practically unnoticeable.

The number and variety of enemies is also okay. Yes, the AI ​​of some enemies let us down, but it’s impossible to say that it’s a complete failure. The enemies compensate for their lack of intelligence with a massive attack. At the same time, archers run away to a safe distance and shower you with arrows, strong enemies in close combat use dirty tricks, know how to jump away from arrows, knock you down, disarm you, etc. In general, the battles look pretty good.

It’s better to play Two Worlds in doses, for a couple of hours at a time, so that you can get up from the monitor with the desire to play more. Trying to beat the game quickly, at a glance, will most likely lead to satiety and even irritation. Set yourself up for gradual learning game world(this especially applies to carefully familiarizing yourself with the locations and characters inside settlements), the unhurried development of the hero and the completion of various quests.

Storyline and side quests- of course, not very original, but they look quite fresh. For me personally plot outline did not cause irritation, as was the case with many sugary-pretentious pseudo-RPGs.

The game is localized according to the "Russian text, English sound" scheme. I liked this scheme - it’s always interesting to listen to the original soundtrack (cases when the Russian voice acting was superior in quality to the original are extremely rare, usually the opposite is true).

Now regarding performance. On my fairly modern system (Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz processor, 2 GB RAM, ATI Radeon 2900XT video card) at a resolution of 1680x1050, with maximum graphical refinements, and with 4X AA anti-aliasing enabled - the game hardly slowed down, and I did not experience any particular discomfort .

In general, the disadvantages of the game include, first of all, the poor graphic design of the screensaver. Why was it necessary to save on it? After all, this is an important component of the game, and low quality immediately spoils the entire impression of the project...

By the way, it seems to me that you can go through the game twice - the second time upgrade a mage instead of a warrior (or vice versa, a warrior instead of a mage). The style of passing, tactics will change - in general, I am sure that many will be interested in this.

I don’t know what caused the low or mediocre ratings of the game from some publications in the domestic and foreign press... Maybe the whole point is that I played the version with patch 1.5 installed? Maybe these "authors" didn't bother to play through at least half of the game and delve into game process, interface, etc.? Who knows... Two Worlds is not a simple arcade game, it's quite advanced role-playing game, the structure of which novice players will have to understand. And if they painlessly go through all the stages of familiarization, then they will be able to fully enjoy further exploration of the game universe, participating in the most important events of the colorful virtual world.


Graphic arts: 80%
Sound: 80%
Game process: 85%

General impression: 82%

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