Remove all world tanks mods. Correct removal of mods for World of Tanks from JOVE. Uninstall using CCleaner

Almost no gamer imagines his game without additional settings, of course unofficial. Not a professional player, nor a novice, can do without all kinds of cheats and mods.

If you are an avid “tanker” in World of Tanks, or just an amateur beginner, then mods will be more useful than ever for you to achieve victory.

Mods allow you to change literally the entire gameplay of the game, from textures to individual, special abilities of your tanks and interface. In addition, in WoT, thanks to the developers’ ideas, you can easily change the game to suit individual requirements.

What are mods for and the main problems that arise when installing them?

The earliest mods for WoT were the same “skins” and the installation of special sights. The only drawback of mods is that only you can see them in the game, while others will see the standard game interface without your additional settings.

The disadvantages of modern mods, especially fresh versions for the latest releases of the game, include frequent lags that occur during the game itself. Under such conditions, most players become uninterested in what happens to the artillery and tanks, and the need to fix the game comes to the fore.

Therefore, if you notice that the game often starts to freeze, suddenly crashes during its operation, the same problems with graphics or sound have arisen, the reason for all this may be a low-quality mod.

Very often, game freezes can be caused by conflicting mods. You can easily identify them, just remember which mod you installed last, or after which you started having problems with World of Tanks, then you will immediately understand the cause of your problem.

Also, the mod can introduce a number of bugs into your game precisely because of incompatibility with the game version. Therefore, we strongly recommend that before downloading any add-on for your game, first determine the compatibility of the versions.

You can also consult with other players on the forums, who can tell you exactly which mods are causing problems with the game. It often happens that mod developers pursue completely different goals when creating additional settings for games.

How to quickly get rid of glitchy mods in the game

And so, your game stopped launching, started to freeze, etc., due to mods, then this problem can be solved using the methods below.

In the first method, you need to find the root folder of your game, which looks something like this - Hard Drive (C:)\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\(version), matching is optional, it all depends on the build of your game and where it is installed. It is worth noting here that all installed mods are located in the res_mods folder.

If you decide to completely clear the game, then you need to go to this folder, there will be a folder with the version of your game, you select it and simply delete it. We leave the res_mods folder in order to always know where your mods are installed.

If the above manipulations did not help, the game should be reinstalled again. You can also remove mods using special programs, but manual cleaning will be much easier.

World of Tanks is extremely popular and has been on the gaming market for a long time, attracting everyone every day more users. Such great popularity and interest in the project did their job in terms of creating various mods. For example, on this moment There are thousands of different modifications that you can install on your game client and enjoy their functionality. But with the abundance of these applications, a new problem has appeared: some players simply do not know how to remove mods from Jove and other applications. This article will discuss the process and methods of removing modifications in the World of Tanks game.

Mods in World of Tanks

Modifications for the game World of Tanks allow players to receive Additional information, expand the functionality of the client, and also provide the opportunity to make your game much better. But when the game client is bursting at the seams with mods, the question arises: “How to remove mods in WOT?” The question is quite simple, but first it is worth noting that there are two types: from Jove (various modpacks) and individual ones, which you need to find on your own, test and install by replacing some folders.

As for simple mods, it is worth noting that you will have to spend a huge amount of time to find high-quality and useful ones. But the modpack from Jova has a unique feature: it includes in its assortment all the necessary and useful additions that are suitable for almost any tank player.

Mods from Jove

Jove's modpack includes a set of the most useful modifications that almost every player should have. Starting from various sights to unique applications for increasing FPS - all this can be found in the modpack. It is worth answering immediately frequently asked question on how to remove mods from Jove. This is quite simple, since the modpack has a special installer that adds a special shortcut to the program's root folder called "unins1". Using this shortcut you can remove all mods installed from the Jove modpack. In addition, answering the question of how to remove the Jova mod pack, it can be noted that re-installation has the function “clear the client of mods”. It allows you to clear the client of unnecessary add-ons in advance and install modifications on a clean game.

Uninstall using the root folder

But in addition to the modpack there are simple mods, which do not have an installer and are installed by replacing and adding some files. How to remove mods in WOT related to this type of application? Everything is quite simple, you need to find the root folder of the game, find a folder called “res” in it and delete everything that is in it. This procedure will completely clear your game client. But how to remove installed mod from the modpack? Fortunately, this procedure will remove all modifications, be they simple applications or modifications from Jove.

Uninstall using the system

In World of Tanks, you can also remove mods using the built-in Windows programs"Installing and removing programs." It is she who has lists of all installed applications on your computer, even those that are not particularly classified as programs. Just open this program and find the application you need, then you need to use the “Uninstall” function. This procedure will remove all installed mods from the Jove modpack. Regarding modifications that were installed using the traditional method (by manually adding files), this method is not suitable for removing them.

Uninstall using the installer

How to remove mods from Jove using the installer? This point was touched upon earlier in the article. You will need the downloaded Jove modpack, installed add-ons and the game client itself. After running the modpack installer again, the “Clear All” function will become available to you; it will remove all installed modifications and completely clear the game client. The procedure is simple and uncomplicated.

It’s also worth noting that recently more and more mods have begun to receive a personal installer, which is for the better! Now it is easier to remove them using their own installer. To implement this, you need to follow the steps described above.

Uninstall using CCleaner

How to remove mods from Jove using additional software? In this case, you will need a fairly popular program called “CCleaner”. You will need to download and install it. It allows you to clean your computer's registry and remove installed applications. The program has its own list of applications, which appears after scanning the computer. In this list you need to find mods that were installed using the installer and use the “Delete” function. This will allow you to completely remove all installed mods, completely clearing the game client. It is worth noting that for add-ons that were installed using the traditional method, this program will again not work. Manual installation of a modification also implies manual removal, so any other removal methods are unlikely to work.

Modifications are unique applications for the game World of Tanks, allowing you to ensure comfortable game. They don't provide additional features, they do not allow the use of various tricks, they simply provide various information that can help players achieve a particular goal. Thanks to mods, you can improve your game, increase your efficiency, or just have fun. The main thing is not to forget that excessive use of add-ons can negatively affect the game client itself, so it is important to know how to remove mods and with what help.

Fashion is not evil. They often help players and ease the load on memory, for example, by showing the last location of an enemy who disappeared from the spotlight. But how to remove mods in World of Tanks when you are tired of them, interfere with them, or even prevent you from entering the game? Let's consider this question.

How to remove a mod: instructions

Before adding to the game, you need to know that mods without an installer (which are downloaded into the game using the “Copy → Paste” operation) must be copied to the “res_mods” folder, and not to “res” or “res_bw”. Therefore, to remove all mods, follow these instructions:

  1. Close the game.
  2. Open the game folder.
  3. Open the "res_mods" folder.
  4. Delete all folders in the open directory.
  5. Create a folder with the name of the current game update. Go to the official World of Tanks website and look for the update version in the background image, for example “9.1”. This means you need to create the folder “0.9.1”. (As of this writing, version 1.0 of the game has not yet been released.)
  6. Launch the game.

If the game has not completely returned to standard settings, you need to reinstall World of Tanks. The reason may be that after installation the mod overwrote the game files located in the “res” folder.

In the case when mods were installed using an automatic installer:

  1. Go to “Control Panel” → “Add or Remove Programs”.
  2. Select the line with the mod installed.
  3. Click "Delete".
  4. Confirm deletion.

To protect yourself from all sorts of incidents, it is better to play the game without mods. If you use them, then only the works of famous authors. For example, modpacks (collections of mods) are Amway921, Jove, Vspishka and others. It is noteworthy that for each new World updates of Tanks needs to be installed new modpack, and these people provide them within a few hours after the update is released.

Oddly enough, many people don’t know how to remove mods in WOT, do it correctly and without consequences for the game client. This is especially true for all kinds of mod assemblies, the so-called modpacks. Sometimes you decide to remove mods, go to “Add\Remove Programs”, a standard Windows utility, click “Delete” and delete the entire client

In the screenshot below, you can clearly see the size of the multipack and the size of the client itself are the same. So it turns out that when you click delete multipack, you delete the entire client! And then you wait a long, long time for a clean version of the game client to download and install. Tough, isn't it?! 😉

So, so that you do not have such misunderstandings, in this article I will describe the correct removal of all mods.

How to remove mods in WOT and not get hemorrhoids

The first and most important thing I would like to note is that all modpack assemblies that you installed through the installer must also be removed through the same installer. For example, I took two large modders, modpackers and multipackers

How to remove mods in WOT from jove:

Next screenshot, how to remove mods in WOT from PRO Tanks:

Everything is simple isn’t it?! All modpacks that have their own installer are deleted in the same way.

Even easier may be to manually remove mods. For this we follow the path your computer\your drive\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\client version\ and delete all contents:

Often after installing mods on game World of Tanks, the interface disappears for players, the client does not start or FPS drops. The reason for this is that most mods are not compatible with each other. And only in special assemblies (modpacks) it is possible to optimize and combine modifications. In addition, a certain part of players who use mods eventually remove them from the client as unnecessary. Most often this happens with skins with penetration zones. Having studied the most vulnerabilities, the player no longer needs skins. But how to remove mods in World of Tanks without damaging the integrity of the game client?

All WoT players know that mods for the game are stored in the res_mods folder. Typically the standard path to this folder is:


This client folder contains folders with patch names. Exactly in the folder current patch All mods are located. To disable all mods at once, just clear the contents of the res_mods folder. But what if you only need to remove the sight or skins with penetration zones?

There is a special folder for each World of Tanks mod. So, for example, skins are installed in the venicles folder, and sights in gui/scaleform/. To disable a specific mod, you will need to delete the special folder with the mod in the shared directory.

To remove sight mods, you will need to open the folder C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\0.9.x\gui\scaleform and delete files starting with “crosshair”.

To get rid of skins with penetration zones, just delete the folder C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\0.9.x\venicles. If you need to leave skins for a specific nation, then open the venicles folder and delete unnecessary folders by their names.

If you installed loading screens, you can uninstall them by simply deleting the \res_mods\0.9.Х\gui\maps\login\ folder.

Hangars are located in the folder \res_mods\0.9.Х\content\Interface\shells\. In patch 0.9.2 they were finally moved to the general directory with mods.

The most difficult thing is deleting mods that are installed in the \res_mods\0.9.Х\gui\flash folder. Usually damage panel mods, zoom mods, information panel and tank carousel, as well as OVT and other mods. If you decide to remove any installed mod from this folder, then open the archive with the mod and compare the files with the files in the folder. Then delete the files that are in the archive from the \res_mods\0.9.Х\gui\flash folder. This is the only way to avoid damaging other mods.

Perhaps the answer to the question of how to remove mods in WoT has been received. As for modpacks, uninstalling them is even easier. Just go to the “Control Panel”, select “Programs and Features” and delete the modpack.
