Amazing people finale who defeated the romance of fears. Participant of the show “Amazing People” Roman Strakhov: “I showed tricks in bars. Regular Star Members

One of the participants in the show of the channel "Russia 1" "Amazing People" was a 23-year-old programmer Roman Strakhov from Zheleznogorsk. The young man is a fan of speed memorization and mental arithmetic, and also knows how to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded. Before filming in the popular program, Strakhov repeatedly became the winner of international speedcubing competitions - solving puzzles for a while. Roman told StarHit about competition on the project, extreme hobbies and parental support.

“I was told about the project and offered to participate in it. For me, this is a great opportunity to meet new people and show that any achievement is not necessarily an inborn talent, but the result of a lot of training and the desire for self-improvement. On the set, I felt support from the audience. I was very pleased when they applauded, ”the young man shared with StarHit.

Even though the show had many contestants specializing in mnemonics, Strakhov did not feel much competition. “We knew each other before, so there was a friendly atmosphere on the set,” he said.

Roman also said that he was absolutely not worried. The young man is used to solving puzzles in public. The fact is that the participant of the TV show is a six-time world record holder for assembling a five-sided cube blindly. Those close to Strakhov try to support him in everything. They did not protest against Roman's desire to try himself on the project. “They are very happy, enjoy watching me on TV,” he says.

According to Strakhov, he quite spontaneously came to the hobby of assembling the Rubik's cube. A young man from childhood loved to solve interesting problems. One day, he accidentally stumbled upon a puzzle invented by a Hungarian sculptor and teacher.

“I have a pretty standard story for all speedcubers. Being a mathematically minded person, I loved puzzles and jigsaw puzzles. Once I saw a Rubik's cube in the window. I tried to collect, and I was drawn in, - Roman recalls. – I found out that there are competitions in this area, and also there are different communities. Then I was hooked on the assembly blindly, it seemed to me something incredible.

When Roman was preparing to set records in international competitions, he trained for several hours a day. “I memorized different aspects of assembly and algorithms, learned new techniques. Now I train less often, just to keep myself in shape, ”says the participant in the TV show. In speedcubing, believes Strakhov, there are huge pluses.

“When I started practicing, my memory and attention improved. It became easier for me to concentrate on something. Now I can do one thing for several hours, and before I only had five minutes. In addition, speedcubing brings travel and new friends into my life. So, in a month there will be competitions in Spain. Familiar guys say: “Come,” he shared.

At some point, Strakhov decided to assemble a puzzle with eyes closed while riding a BMX bike. According to the young man, he is fond of extreme sports, including trampolining.

“This idea came to me by accident. There is a trick when you need to go backwards. I thought: "Why not combine." At first it fell, although the operator told me when to turn. But then I still managed to solve the cube, and I shared my achievement on the forum. There were a lot of comments, people did not understand how this was possible. But I really liked the process ... I am generally a fan of extreme sports, they bring variety to my life. Thanks to this, I improve not only mentally, but also take a break from puzzles,” Roman said.

Parents advise the young man to be careful. “They don't know about my hobby. It's a joke, he says. “Seriously, they don’t try to influence my hobbies.” Among other hobbies of Strakhov are card manipulations. Once upon a time, Roman even showed tricks in bars.

“When I started speedcubing, I discovered sports memorization. To train, I learned a deck of cards. Then I saw a training video on YouTube, in which they talked about tricks and various manipulations. I was interested in it, and after some time I even started doing it professionally, - the young man shared. - In my student years, I was called to various institutions where I demonstrated my abilities. It was fun. From the outside it seems that you can not repeat the tricks of David Blaine, but this is far from the case ... In fact, I was a very private person, but hobbies changed my life. It became easier for me to make new acquaintances.

Watch the 3rd edition of the 2nd season of the show "Amazing People" on the Russia 1 TV channel from 09/17/2017. After the colossal success of the first season of #AmazingPeople in Russia, the project is entering a new, international level! If in the first season only contestants from Russia and the CIS countries took part, then in the new season the audience will meet unique, amazing people of all ages from all over the world! In the new season, amazing people will have to go through new, complex and interesting tests. 7 contestants take part in each issue - a magnificent seven. At the end of the program, the auditorium selects by voting one winner who has made the greatest impression. The final edition of the show will bring together the winners of all previous releases to compete for the main prize - 1 million rubles! Star guests in the hall help the audience to choose the best participant, who comment on the performances: choreographer and TV presenter Yevgeny Papunaishvili, TV presenter Olga Shelest and Russian athlete, Honored Master of Sports in boxing Natalya Ragozina. A professional assessment of the unique abilities of the contestants in the show "Amazing People" is given by the expert of the program, the host Researcher Center for Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Research, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor Vasily Klyucharev. Follow the project news in social networks: VKontakte: Odnoklassniki: Facebook: russia Instagram: Twitter:

The project goes to a new international level! If only contestants from Russia and the CIS countries took part in the first season, then in the new season, viewers will meet unique, amazing people of all ages from around the world.

The show "Amazing People" gives the participants an opportunity to show their unique abilities, which are hard for an ordinary person to believe in! This is a project about the limitless possibilities of our brain, which are still little understood. The first season of "Amazing People" has already shown how many extraordinary people with unique abilities live in our country! The show revealed to the world such talents as the 5-year-old polyglot girl Bella Devyatkina, who knows 7 languages. The video with her performance in the first days alone gained more than 15 million views in in social networks. And now the number of views of Bella's number on the network has exceeded 100 million.

The project raises geniuses and clearly confirms that it is very important to develop your abilities. The winner of the first season, Eduard Nekhaev, thanks to his participation in the project, has got many students around the world. He teaches visually impaired people his method of orientation in space - echolocation.

In the new season amazing people have to go through new complex and interesting tests. 7 contestants take part in each issue - a magnificent seven. At the end of the program, the auditorium selects by voting one winner who made the strongest impression. In the final, the winners of all previous editions will meet to compete for the main prize - one million rubles!

The audience in the hall is helped to choose the best participant celebrity guests who comment on speeches. A professional assessment of the unique abilities of the contestants is given by program expert, Leading Researcher, Center for Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Research, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor Vasily Klyucharev.

Show "Amazing People" - not a contest of illusions, not a show of circus skills or paranormal abilities. The success of each performance has a scientific explanation.

Show host, TV presenter and producer Alexander Gurevich:

- Like last season, there will be opening shootings. And it pleases. And I am sure that the viewers will be surprised, because we have gathered absolutely fantastic people with unique abilities! These people live next to us, and the more interesting and surprising!

Regular Star Members

Olga Shelest, TV presenter :

- I am very glad to participate in the show again! This is amazing, and there is no limit to surprise! The living example of our participants proves that each of us can learn this and become amazing ... if we just try a little and make our brain work!

Evgeny Papunaishvili, choreographer and TV presenter :

- I have genuine emotions, and once again they are absolutely sincere! The program is amazing! I just watch, enjoy, admire, wonder, comment, ask the participants questions and try to find out something about themselves and their abilities. This is one of those rare cases where we don't have to rate - and thank God, otherwise I would just burst out of doubt! It is very difficult to determine the winners, our participants are all unique in their own way! Let's see what choice the audience will make in the hall.

Natalya Ragozina, Honored Master of Sports in Boxing :

- This project is really cool! Many of the things that our members do seem absolutely incredible and inexplicable. But these are not tricks, but real abilities. real people! Even our expert can not always explain everything. I come home satisfied, happy, and sometimes I even try to repeat something, for example, solve a Rubik's cube. After filming the first season, I became interested in mental arithmetic and mnemonics. So now I am also engaged in self-development.

Program expert Vasily Klyucharev, Leading Researcher, Center for Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Research, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor:

- I thought that after the first season it would be difficult to be surprised at anything. But it's not! I see some tasks in such execution for the first time in my life. Theoretically, everything can be explained, but to look at it is amazing! The viewer will experience the full range of emotions!

Julia Sumacheva, general producer of "White Media" :

- We check the skills of each potential participant in great detail, whether they are really unique. And only after that we begin to work closely with him. The casting took place in several stages. For almost half a year we considered the submitted questionnaires, videos on youtube, traveled to different cities in search of talents. As a result, in the new season we have an amazing line-up of participants.

One of the participants in the show of the channel "Russia 1" "Amazing People" was a 23-year-old programmer Roman Strakhov from Zheleznogorsk. The young man is a fan of speed memorization and mental arithmetic, and also knows how to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded. Before filming in the popular program, Strakhov repeatedly became the winner of international speedcubing competitions - solving puzzles for a while. Roman told StarHit about competition on the project, extreme hobbies and parental support.

“I was told about the project and offered to participate in it. For me, this is a great opportunity to meet new people and show that any achievement is not necessarily an inborn talent, but the result of a lot of training and the desire for self-improvement. On the set, I felt support from the audience. I was very pleased when they applauded, ”the young man shared with StarHit.

Even though the show had many contestants specializing in mnemonics, Strakhov did not feel much competition. “We knew each other before, so there was a friendly atmosphere on the set,” he said.

Roman also said that he was absolutely not worried. The young man is used to solving puzzles in public. The fact is that the participant of the TV show is a six-time world record holder for assembling a five-sided cube blindly. Those close to Strakhov try to support him in everything. They did not protest against Roman's desire to try himself on the project. “They are very happy, enjoy watching me on TV,” he says.

According to Strakhov, he quite spontaneously came to the hobby of assembling the Rubik's cube. A young man from childhood loved to solve interesting problems. One day, he accidentally stumbled upon a puzzle invented by a Hungarian sculptor and teacher.

“I have a pretty standard story for all speedcubers. Being a mathematically minded person, I loved puzzles and jigsaw puzzles. Once I saw a Rubik's cube in the window. I tried to collect, and I was drawn in, - Roman recalls. – I found out that there are competitions in this area, and also there are different communities. Then I was hooked on the assembly blindly, it seemed to me something incredible.

When Roman was preparing to set records in international competitions, he trained for several hours a day. “I memorized different aspects of assembly and algorithms, learned new techniques. Now I train less often, just to keep myself in shape, ”says the participant in the TV show. In speedcubing, believes Strakhov, there are huge pluses.

“When I started practicing, my memory and attention improved. It became easier for me to concentrate on something. Now I can do one thing for several hours, and before I only had five minutes. In addition, speedcubing brings travel and new friends into my life. So, in a month there will be competitions in Spain. Familiar guys say: “Come,” he shared.

At some point, Strakhov decided to assemble the puzzle with his eyes closed while riding a BMX bike. According to the young man, he is fond of extreme sports, including trampolining.

“This idea came to me by accident. There is a trick when you need to go backwards. I thought: "Why not combine." At first it fell, although the operator told me when to turn. But then I still managed to solve the cube, and I shared my achievement on the forum. There were a lot of comments, people did not understand how this was possible. But I really liked the process ... I am generally a fan of extreme sports, they bring variety to my life. Thanks to this, I improve not only mentally, but also take a break from puzzles,” Roman said.

Parents advise the young man to be careful. “They don't know about my hobby. It's a joke, he says. “Seriously, they don’t try to influence my hobbies.” Among other hobbies of Strakhov are card manipulations. Once upon a time, Roman even showed tricks in bars.

“When I started speedcubing, I discovered sports memorization. To train, I learned a deck of cards. Then I saw a training video on YouTube, in which they talked about tricks and various manipulations. I was interested in it, and after some time I even started doing it professionally, - the young man shared. - In my student years, I was called to various institutions where I demonstrated my abilities. It was fun. From the outside it seems that you can not repeat the tricks of David Blaine, but this is far from the case ... In fact, I was a very private person, but hobbies changed my life. It became easier for me to make new acquaintances.

Today on the air of the channel "Russia 1" the name of the winner of the second season of the show "Amazing People" was announced. They became 23-year-old Roman Strakhov from Zheleznogorsk, who is the fastest in the world to solve the Rubik's cube blindly. Our compatriot is a six-time world record holder in the discipline "assembling a cube 5x5x5 blindly", reigning champion Europe in "4 * 4 blind" and "5 * 5 blind" and a two-time winner of the World Championship.

Roman Strakhov explained to the Vokrug TV correspondent literally on his fingers what his unique skill is: “I collect puzzles with my eyes closed from memory. First, I memorize the configuration, and then, without looking, I restore the image in my head and thus bring the object back to its original form.

Roman Strakhov in the second season of the show "Amazing People"

Roman Strakhov also spoke about how he came to solve the Rubik's cube blindly: “When I started getting acquainted with speed cubing, I saw that there were various competitions in this sport. They, in turn, have a variety of disciplines. For example, participants solve a Rubik's cube with one hand or with their eyes closed. And just the last match really hooked me. It seems to me that it is very difficult. That's why I decided to start doing it. I learned how to solve a Rubik's cube without cheat sheets in three or four days, and blindly in a week.

For Roman Strakhov, solving the Rubik's Cube blindly is the main source of income. “In fact, winning the show changed my life, and if earlier speedcubing was nothing more than a hobby for me, then from that moment I decided to devote myself completely to the development of speedcubing and make it my main “profession”. A month ago, I left the company where I was engaged in software development, and this was my main source of income. But this decision was one of the best in my life, because thanks to "Amazing People", I finally realized that speed cubing is my calling.

I plan to take full advantage of improving my results in the international arena, as well as publishing training materials, holding shows and master classes, and generally promoting speedcubing in Russia. This truly amazing hobby is still not known to many people, so my task for the near future is to try to correct the situation.

AT this moment I'm developing a tutorial that will be released in a set with a cube, mini cheat sheets and various speedcuber paraphernalia. Her main feature will consist in the fact that any child who at least knows how to read will be able to learn how to build a cube on it, after which they can easily master blind assembly. This will take a significant part of my winnings, but I am sure that it will fully justify itself.", - said Strakhov. Roman also has other hobbies in life besides speedcubing. Strakhov is a fan of extreme sports: he is engaged in bmx and trampolining.

Roman Strakhov and host of the show "Amazing People" Alexander Gurevich

The correspondent of Vokrug TV could not help but ask Roman why he decided to take part in the show. “In fact, they called me for a very long time,” Strakhov admitted with a laugh. - At some point, I thought that this could be a great experience. In addition, not everyone is offered to take part in such a show. And I decided that it would be possible to endure a couple of days of filming ( laughs.). But seriously, my goal is to show people that even such incredible things as assembling puzzles with closed eyes can be learned by anyone. This does not require years and decades of training or special talents and innate abilities. I don't believe in them myself. In this case, the most important thing is desire and self-improvement. All these methods are publicly available on the Internet, and anyone can find them and learn the same thing as me.

In addition to the proud title of the winner of the second season of the show "Amazing People", Strakhov won a cash prize of 1,000,000 rubles. Where to spend the winnings, Roman has not yet decided. “I definitely won’t spend this money on travel, because thanks to speedcubing, I got the opportunity to visit different countries. I go to competitions, and many people around the world know me thanks to my records,” Strakhov shared his plans.

The winner of the second season of the show "Amazing People" Roman Strakhov

One thousand