Guess what it sounds like educational game. Didactic game “What does it sound like?” Diagnostics of the characteristics of children's perception of music

To play you will need a pipe and a bell. Invite your baby to listen to each of these children's musical toys. Then ask them to turn around and play one of the instruments.

The child, depending on his speech capabilities, must name the sounded toy with a word or onomatopoeia (dudochka - doo-doo, bell - Ding Ding). If the child does not speak yet, he can point to the appropriate toy.

Next time, invite your child to compare three musical toys. Gradually increase the number of children's musical instruments to five. It can be a rattle, a pipe, a bell, a drum and an accordion.

? The game develops auditory attention - the ability to distinguish musical sounds made by different children's musical instruments.

Sound tracks (from 2 years old)

Draw two straight paths (long and short) 2 cm wide on a piece of paper. Take a pipe.

Blow into the pipe for 2 seconds, showing your baby how to move his index finger along a short path at this time.

Then show your child how to move his finger along a long path, and at the same time play a long sound (about 5 seconds).

After several repetitions, invite your child to first listen to the pipe, and then show the corresponding track. If the sound was long, then a long track should be indicated, and if a short sound was heard, then a short track should be indicated.

Playing the pipe can be replaced by a short and long pronunciation of one of the vowel sounds: A, U, O, I, E, Y.

? The game develops auditory attention - the ability to determine the duration of a sound.

Hares and bears (from 2 years old)

Take a drum, tambourine or rattle. Demonstrate to your child how to move to the beat of the drum at different tempos.

Under frequent blows, you need to jump like a bunny, and under rare blows, imitate the leisurely gait of a bear.

Invite your child to complete this game task independently. While playing the drum, in accordance with the tempo of the beats you make, the child will perform different types movements - jump like a bunny, or waddle like a bear.

? The game develops auditory attention and a sense of musical tempo.

Legs and legs (from 2 years old)

While reading the poem, show your child how to move. First, you walk slowly, raising your knees high, and then move quickly, with small, stomping steps:

Top-top-top; top-top-top!

Top-top-top; top-top-top!

Then say only the words “Top-top-top!” at different paces. Have the child perform the appropriate movements.

? The game develops a sense of tempo, coordination of the tempo of foot movement with the tempo of speech.

Rain (from 2 years 6 months)

Draw rain on a metallophone or drum. To do this, hit the instrument with the chopsticks.

At first the tempo of the blows is slow, then gradually accelerates, and at the end it begins to slow down again.

Invite your child to use a musical instrument to show how rain of different strengths sounds, to depict how it begins, how quickly it knocks on the roof and how it gradually ends.

Next time, depict rain using onomatopoeia: “Drip-drip-drip...” and finger game. To do this, show your child how to tap on the table with relaxed hands.

In accordance with the tempo of hand movement, change the tempo of the pronounced onomatopoeia.

Then, without making any movements, just say: “Drip-drip-drip...” at different tempos. Let the baby pretend to be raining at the pace you set.

? The game develops the ability to coordinate hand movements in accordance with the tempo of onomatopoeia or sounds.

Guess where it sounds (from 2 years 6 months)

Ask your child to close his eyes (or tie a scarf over his eyes and pull a cap over his eyes).

Invite your baby to listen to where the rattle is ringing from and point in the appropriate direction with his hand.

To do this, shake the rattle over the baby's head.

The baby will raise his head and reach out with his hands to the toy. Place the toy in the child's hand.

Perform the same actions in different directions: behind (behind the child’s back), below (near the legs), left and right. Each time your baby finds a toy, name the direction where it is: up, down, front, back, left or right.

Diversify the game by offering your baby other toys next time to determine the direction of the sound, for example, a tambourine, a bell, or a squeaky toy.

? The game develops auditory attention - the ability to determine the source of sound, and forms spatial concepts.

Goal: to develop children's musical and creative abilities.


  • give children an idea of ​​the sounds of the world around them and how to extract them
  • consolidate children's knowledge about musical instruments and their sounds.


  • develop children’s cognitive processes (attention, perception, memory, imagination, thinking)
  • develop musical abilities children (auditory perception, rhythm, tempo, timbre)
  • stimulate and enrich children's creative expressions in playing children's musical instruments


  • contribute to the formation of emotional responsiveness, love for the world around us
  • cultivate the need to communicate with music.

Equipment: media library, visuals, musical instruments, objects from the surrounding world (wooden sticks, rustling bags, a bunch of keys, a box of cereal, a bunch of buttons, cubes, a glass cup, metal utensils, a sheet of paper)

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

A fairy enters the hall to the sounds of waltz music.

Fairy. Hello my friends! Surely you didn't recognize me? I am a fairy from the magical land of Soundland, in my world there are a lot of different sounds. It's very fun and interesting there. And I would like to invite you to visit me. And you would like to go with me to my country Soundland. Do you want to get acquainted with the sounds of my country?

Well, good. First, let's get to know you and greet each other.

In my magical land, everyone greets differently, some sing, and some just say “Hello!”, but I want to meet you and say hello with sounding gestures, look how.

2. Greeting

We introduce ourselves with sounding gestures (claps). You need to clap your name and say: “My name is...”
Now let’s say hello like this: “Hello, friends.” (For the syllables Hello - 3 claps, friend - 2 clicks)
Now repeat everything after me. (Children repeat the movements.) Well done! Guys, you and I didn’t even notice how we found ourselves in my magical land.

3. A moment of learning

Fairy. Now make yourself comfortable, I will introduce you to the sounds that live in this wonderful country of Soundland.

(View the audio presentation “In the World of Sounds.”)

You see, guys, how many sounds there are in the country of Soundland, they all surround you. Some sounds are produced on their own, for example, the sounds of animals, natural phenomena, and some depend on us, people, for example, the sounds of construction and musical instruments. A person needs to make an effort to sound these objects (the fairy approaches the table with objects)

4. Sound production “Different sounds”

Fairy. There are objects on this table. Everyone come to me and choose any object of your choice (children choose objects: wooden sticks, rustling bags, a bunch of keys, a box of cereal, a bunch of buttons, plastic cubes, a glass glass, metal utensils, a sheet of paper, a glass bottle). Now let's see what we need to do to make our objects sound. You see, guys, what interesting, different-sounding sounds we made, and we were convinced that sounds can be extracted from what, children? Children's answers: from different objects.

Guys, look what I have. What is this? (sticks). What material are they made of? (children's answers - made of wood)

These are not simple sticks, these are sticks - toys, they can walk, jump and run. Let's make our sticks walk and count: one, two, three, four. Now let’s make our sticks run. And let's do the math too. Well done! Let's turn our sticks into legs and play with them.

5. Rhythmic game “Legs”

Legs, legs, have you walked?
We walked - 2 times (walk with sticks)

Legs, legs, were you running?
We ran - 2 times (sticks run)

Did you dance your little legs?
We danced - 2 times (movements cross to cross with chopsticks)

Feet, feet, are you tired?
We are tired - 2 times (put chopsticks on knees)

And they started everything again. (The game is played 2 times)

You kids liked playing with play sticks.

But on this table I have musical instruments, playing them we will hear musical sounds. I want to play with you the game “Guess what it sounds like?”

6. Musical didactic game “Guess what it sounds like?”

Fairy. Which one of you guys is brave and can play on these musical instruments, hiding behind a screen with musical instruments, and the rest of the children and I will listen carefully and try to find a picture for these musical instruments.

(Musical instruments: spoons, tambourine, metallophone, drum, bell, maracas and corresponding these tools are pictures.)

- Well done boys!

Have you noticed that musical sounds are different from sounds various items? How? What can we say about them? What are they? Tell me, please, what is the name of this instrument? (The fairy points to the piano.)

You know, guys, if you play these instruments with a certain rhythm, you can get a beautiful coloring of the music. Tell me, what are the people who compose music called? (Composers.)

Would you like to become a composer too? I know one interesting children's song. Try to guess it.

(The fairy plays the children’s folk song “We lived with grandma” on the piano.)

Fairy. Did you guys recognize the song? Let's sing it together.

(Children perform the children's folk song “We Lived at Grandma’s.”)

Fairy. And now, guys, you have the opportunity to try yourself as a composer. Let's decorate the song “We Lived at Grandma's” with the sound of other musical instruments that you have.

7. Playing improvisation on musical instruments “We lived with grandma”

1. Primary performance of children’s full improvisation.

2. Secondary performance with a learned rhythmic pattern.

To become good composers, you need to have various musical abilities (the ability to listen to music, hear others in a joint game, and of course, correctly perform various rhythmic patterns). Is it difficult to be composers?

After such a wonderful song, which you decorated with your instruments, you can relax.

8. Relaxation “Silence”

(against the background of calm music)

We'll sit on the chairs
Let's all close our eyes.
We will listen to the sounds
They walk nearby.
Sounds can be made
Shout and tap.
You can also play them
You can sing and dance.
To hear sounds
We all need to shut up.

9. Summary of the lesson

And now let’s open all our eyes, did you guys like my country of sounds? What sounds did you like best? Sounds of various objects or musical ones? Why? That's right, guys! Musical sounds are melodic, colorful, sonorous, and can lift people's spirits. I would like to know what mood you are in today after meeting sounds. And our suns will help me find out. (Shows the children 2 suns: a smiling one and a sad one.)

- Look, are they the same? Match your mood with the suns and approach them.

I'm very glad, guys, that you are all in a cheerful mood. You are all such interesting, creative kids. And I think that if you try, you will become real composers.

Well, I need to go to my magical country of Soundland. Let's say goodbye to you using familiar sounding gestures.

10. Farewell

"Goodbye friends!"

The fairy leaves to the sound of music.

Musical and didactic game “Guess what sounds?”

(for the development of auditory perception)

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about musical instruments.

Tasks: develop stable auditory attention, the ability to distinguish musical instruments by ear by their sound.

Progress of the game:

Music is playing. The group includes children, standing in a semicircle.

Greeting based on the "echo" principle.

Valeological chant :

Hello, golden sun! (children repeat)

Hello, blue sky! (children repeat)

We send greetings to everyone around us. (children repeat)

I am your friend and you are my friend! (children repeat)

We send greetings to all guests (children repeat)

You are very, very welcome! (children repeat)

Musical director : So, my friends, today I invite you to go to the magical land of musical instruments. The path there is very long and difficult. To the music, we will overcome various obstacles. Well, are you ready?

Introductory walking: “On the path” (children perform movements according to the text)

We walk one after another, raise our legs,

And we joyfully walk into a magical land. (walk with knees high)

Suddenly the path is narrow, let's stand on our toes

We will walk carefully without touching the flowers. (walk on tiptoes)

Suddenly a strong wind arose and it twisted the trees.

He leads us astray: “Stop the wind, don’t make noise.” (torso rotation to the right and left)

Along the path, along the path we jump on our right leg (Jump on our right leg)

And we jump along the same path on our left leg. (Leaps on the left leg)

We ran along the path with ease and joy. (Running in place)

This is a magical country, we recognize you! (run and wave their arms)

The children take their seats.

Musical director : Guys, today we will talk about musical instruments.

Everyone on earth has a home.

It's good and fun and cozy in it.

The dog has a kennel, the fox has a hole,

And for birds, the house is a nest, and for an owl, it is a hollow.

Guess the riddle, my little friend,

Where do you think musical sound lives?

Where, guys, does musical sound live?

Children : Musical sound lives in musical instruments.

Musical director : That's right, musical sounds live in musical instruments, and musical instruments will sound when they are played, who?Children: Musicians.

Block “Sound riddles”, Screen 2, window 2. ( Children must guess the musical instrument by its sound .)

Musical director: Guys, our eyes are tired and we need to do eye exercises.

Gymnastics for the eyes

We close our eyes, these are the miracles.

Close both eyes

Our eyes are resting and doing exercises.

They continue to stand with their eyes closed.

And now we will open them and build a bridge across the river.

They open their eyes and draw a picture of the bridge with their gaze.

Let's draw the letter o, it turns out easy.

Draw the letter o with your eyes.

Let's lift up, look down,

Eyes go up, down.

Let's turn right, left,

The eyes look left and right.

Let's start practicing again.

Musical director: And so, guys, we rested a little and will move on to the next task. Now let's remember what groups of musical instruments we know.

(children answer)

Strings, Winds, Keyboards, Percussion. (the music director explains why they are called that)

Guys, I have magical riddles about musical instruments. Do you want to guess them? Children: Yes!

Musical director: I ask riddles, and you must guess them and name which group this instrument belongs to.


1. If you want to play, you need to pick it up

And blow into it lightly - music will be heard.

Think a minute...What is this? (Pipe)

2. He has a folded shirt, he likes to dance squatting,

He dances and sings - if he gets his hands on it.

Forty buttons on it with mother-of-pearl fire.

3. It’s as if the girl started singing

And the room seemed to brighten.

The melody glides so flexibly. Everything is quiet: playing... (Violin)

4. Wooden girlfriends

They dance on the top of his head,

They beat him, and he thunders - he orders everyone to keep pace. (Drum)

5.He stands on three legs,

Feet in black boots.

White teeth, pedal. What's his name? (Piano)

6. They took the hammers into their hands

The records were pounding.

Musical ringing is heard

This is what it sounds like... (Metallophone)

7. There are bells on it,

We hit it loudly.

We will play with him now,

Give me a ringing ... (tambourine)

8. She only needs three strings for music

Oh, it rings, it rings, it makes everyone happy with its play! (Balalaika)

Musical director: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Now you and I will relax a little and play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Musicians” ( children show movements in accordance with the text)

Balalaika, play balalaika for us today.

Unfold the sides of the button accordion. The drum is our drum.

You are a piano, play us songs to make it more interesting.

The tambourine is ringing and tight, you ring, knock and sing.

Play the violin in tune, make everyone laugh!

Musical director . Here, guys, we played. Let us remember what we know about musical instruments? What groups do you know? Well done!

Visual material: drum, hammer, bell, screen.

The teacher shows the children a toy drum, bell, and hammer, names them and asks them to repeat. When the kids remember the names of the objects, the teacher suggests listening to how they sound: playing a drum, ringing a bell, knocking on the table with a hammer; names the toys again. Then he sets up a screen and behind it reproduces the sound of the specified objects. "What does it sound like?" - he asks the children. The children answer, and the teacher again rings the bell, knocks with the hammer, etc. At the same time, he makes sure that the children recognize the sounding object and clearly pronounce its name.

Wonderful pouch

Visual material: a bag, small toys depicting baby animals (duckling, gosling, chicken, tiger cub, piglet, baby elephant, frog, kitten, etc.).

All the toys listed above are placed in a bag. The teacher, holding a bag, approaches the children and, saying that there are many interesting toys in the bag, offers to take one out, show it to everyone and name it loudly. The teacher ensures that the children name the toy correctly and clearly. If anyone finds it difficult to answer, the teacher prompts him.

The following games and exercises help teach children the correct pronunciation of certain sounds in words, help them pronounce words with these sounds clearly and clearly.
