You can't leave it behind. Science and research

I had been doing high-sec diving in the Tash-Murkon region and was planning to take a final look at two or three more systems before heading back to Amarr. I find a wormhole in C3, jump in, and look around. Poses are alive and dead, four additional holes hiding among the signatures of gas clouds and sleeper holes. No people. I send a combat spell inside on the avenue while the alt checks where the rest of the holes in the system lead. The first wormhole opens into the Nulls, one of the regions owned by the Goon tenants. Three pilots at the station or under cover, several active positions. After flying back and forth, I find nothing interesting and return back.

The next wormhole led to C1. I jump in and find an active settlement on the outskirts of the system. Once I'm sure its owners are gone, I jump towards the central cluster of planets. Once again I run through the podscan and notice on it an iteron, two tiers and an offline tower. But this is already something. After half a minute and a few scanner clicks, I already know that the stick and the ships are located near the same moon, and I warp to it to take a closer look at this matter.

Upon arrival, I see an interesting picture - all three trucks are hanging in the middle of space without pilots, several jet containers are floating next to them, and a hundred kilometers away from them a large Caldari tower is anchored, the installation timer shows six and a half minutes until the end. My black talisman works, it works! Obviously, someone is moving into this system and I ended up here quite by accident just at the beginning of the process. I'll see if I can get some fun and profit out of my unexpected find.

However, they chose a strange method for settlement. Why empty Hindus and containers? And, by the way, not “they”, but “he” - according to the information of the tower, it was owned by a corporation consisting of one person. So, what can I do here? The simple thought of borrowing one of the abandoned trucks and picking up a stick did not occur to me, because for some reason I was sure that once the anchoring had begun, it could no longer be interrupted. Subsequently, after googling a little, I still couldn’t find the answer to the question of whether it is possible to steal a tower if it has not yet been anchored. ( Update: checked, no. The "put in hold" option does not appear if the tower is already anchored).

Another opportunity to make money was truck theft. My alt can fly any of the T1 Indians and will soon have access to all their T2 versions. We shouldn’t forget about the jet containers left right there. However, I decided to take my time and see how events would develop further and what else the owner of the tower would please me with. The pilot didn’t have to wait long - not even a couple of minutes pass before another tyra appears on the scanner. The truck flies to the point where the empty ships were hanging, throws out a new container and peels it off. While he is transporting his belongings, I prepare the stage: I put bookmarks on the tower and one of the containers, crawl 150 kilometers away from them and make an additional beech so that I can jump to them when I need it. My combat pilot on the avenue climbs into C1, shreds and flies to the alto. I also make beeches for him for the tower, container and observation spot. I'm looking through the pilot's information - it's a clear caribou. Well, everything is ready, now I’ll wait a little.

A few more minutes pass and the pilot on the tyre returns, deploys another jet and flies off again. Having tracked his direction, I came to the conclusion that he was using a different wormhole than the one through which I entered the system. While he was away, I warp to one of the distant planets, drop samples and scan. Since I knew the approximate location of the hole, after about twenty seconds I already had a new beech tree, and my rug was in its grid and viewed the wormhole from a safe distance. A black blot against a background the color of bird shit - judging by the color, the hole led to the C2 system. I return to the future post and continue observing. Soon the Taira appears again, but this time the truck is welded to the tower. It has already anchored and the pilot turns on its activation, and then gets out of the Indian and, leaving it hanging from the stick, flies away in the capsule. What a careless guy: he left four ships and a bunch of loot in the middle outer space, and he got away. Curious, is he aware that carelessness in Eve is often punishable?

However, I decide to wait. The process of turning on the tower takes fifteen minutes and I assumed that I would still have time to kill the pilot and take possession of all the goodies that he so kindly brings to my disposal. A little more time passes and he returns to the tower on the tenge. Just when I had time to think that I should send a fighter after the pilgrim, my caribou crawls out of it, flies away in the capsule and disappears from the scanner.

It can’t be, that’s the number! Suddenly. I look at the empty tenga and do some simple arithmetic in my mind. Helios in my fit is 65 million ISK. Tenge - 400 million for the assembled body, not counting the cost of the fit. The question of where to put a comma in the phrase in the title of this post didn’t even arise for me. Steal, steal, of course, steal!

With my alto I warp to one of the planets, make a safespot in flight, jump onto it and get out of the helios. I fly towards the tower with the capsule - that’s where the beech tree that I had the foresight to make earlier came in handy. The activation timer showed ten minutes left, when I warp up to the stick, sit down in the empty tenga and rush to the exit. Yeeeha, I'm a space cowboy! The situation is just like in the movies, when a car left with the ignition keys in the lock is stolen in less than a minute while the owner goes out to take a leak.

Without incident, I make two jumps to highsec. As soon as I fly out of w-space, I see through a combat spell that the caribass has returned to its tower again, now on a manticore. It seems like a tenga was here a few minutes ago? No, it seemed, it definitely seemed. The subscan clearly shows the helios that I threw at the safespot, but this does not bother the pilot at all, nor does the absence of a strategic cruiser at the tower. He jumps out of the bomber and flies away. Yes, he’s kind of unbreakable. I arrive in highsec, leave the stolen tenga at the station and fly back in the capsule. While I was wondering which ship I should hijack next, a bomber or an iteron, the caribou suddenly comes back - surprisingly, in an egg, and not in another spike. Holy shit, did he finally realize that something was wrong here? He climbs into the tayra, which was located near the tower, opens it and flies back, but not to the stick, but to the pile of containers that he threw aside. Yeah, it's time for my fighter to act.

I take the speed ahead, take off my disguise and jump to zero. I grab the tayra, scramble and start pew-pew. The Indian saws slowly, looks like he is tanked. I take off half of his shield when the caribou jumps out of the ship and runs away before I can lock his capsule. I fly away a few kilometers, turn on the clock and wait to see what happens next. Having shone on the podscan, my crab returns to the pos and sits down in the manticore. The idea of ​​intercepting it at the stick came to me late, and I couldn’t warp directly from the containers, since the distance was less than 150 kilometers. In addition, in the second window I was simultaneously dragging the alt back to C1 and I didn’t want to leave him unattended in the egg in the middle of the w-space.

Caribas on the manticore warps and hides in the cloak. My alt, meanwhile, jumps into C1 and flies to the safespot, where the helios left there is waiting for him. I periodically checked the scan for traffic and other ships, but the area was quiet, except for the cheat, which appeared for a moment and then disappeared. The crab, it turns out, also knows how to use a scanner, what a surprise - he notices my alt’s capsule and starts chatting locally:

Cpt Rider Kion > uh huh..thats what i thought
Cpt Rider Kion > run bitch run

Ugh, what a rude, ill-mannered, uncultured caribou. It's worth teaching him some manners. Through some strange conclusions, he came to the conclusion that it was me who was running away from him. In an egg. Where did I put my ship in this case, since there are no vreks on the scan and not a single pose except his own? Not to mention the fact that the capsule was renamed and it was impossible to determine the name of the pilot. Doesn't matter. Crabology, unfortunately, still remains an unexplored area of ​​knowledge and is waiting for its researchers. I keep quiet, put my alt on the safe and crawl towards the rug that was waiting for me on the spot. At this moment, traffic jams appear on the subscan. My first thought is that caribou is not as simple as it seems! But the traffic jams are bad. Haha, well, then I’m calm, you can scan me until I’m blue in the face. Alternatively, these were not his probes, but an unknown third one flying past, perhaps from the same cheat. My alt gets into the carpet, shatters, and just in case, I warp it to the wormhole in C2. One of my rules that I always try to follow is to have my eyes and ears in two different places in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Meanwhile, the tower completes the activation process and inflates the force field. Immediately my caribou on a bomber materializes near her, jumps out of the ship and warps in the direction of C2. He arrives at a hundred square hole, almost tearing apart my viola, who was sitting in the same place, then turns around and jumps back. I already know what he’s up to and, in confirmation of my expectations, I see how he flies to the jet containers. The pilot decided to take his ships and things. He boards the Iteron and again flies along the route C2 - the village. He drops the truck under the bubble, does two jumps in the capsule and takes Tyra away next. All this time I only observed and did not take any action. Having felt his first tire with blasters and looked at the killboard, I assumed that all his trucks had decent tanking. The traffic police at the avenue left much to be desired, and therefore I was sure that I would not be able to quickly cut the Indian before the caribou again repeated the trick of jumping out of the ship. Besides, I wanted to raise the caribou and steal the ships. That is, there was no point in attacking the trucks. But I noticed that the pilot acts in the same way, with a rewarp from the wormhole. Therefore, when he flew away from the post for the third time in a row, I approached the containers and took off my disguise in order to quickly get rid of the five-second lock delay.

Caribas did not disappoint me - it flew to the jets at zero, straight into my arms. But here I fail easily and naturally: I miss with a lock and take aim at the last remaining truck instead of an egg. Ytsuken your qwerty! You're the shit, not the cowboy.

The pilot demonstrates remarkable stalling skills and escapes, taking advantage of my mistake. I huddle next to the containers again. Note to self: make a preset for the over, in which you remove everything except the capsules. It was a bit late, though, I realized.

Karibas returns to the village, sits in the tayra, removes the ship's hangar from it and begins to anchor it. Well, it looks like soon he won't get out of there. Let me take care of the last truck, which is hanging out in the middle of space and, one might say, ruined my kill. Yes, yes, of course, the Hindu is to blame.

My alt leaves his post near the wormhole in C2 and returns to the station in highsec. Helios joins the stolen tenga in the hangar, and the egg again makes a short voyage through the wormholes. The crab, no less, detects it on the podscan and transfers to the manticore, but it’s too late - the viola jumped into the zero to the containers, saddled the tayra and was gone. Laughing in the most disgusting way possible, I warp to the exit through C3. I can't help it. Robbing caribou is fun, stylish, fashionable, youthful! I don't need lawsuits, I do it for the lulz.

The pilot on the manticore flies towards the hole in C2. Either he expected me to leave the system through this wormhole, or he habitually wanted to rewarp to the containers and now catch my truck. In any case, he was disappointed. I sent a fighter to the wormhole in C3 to attack the bomber if he did appear there, but the caribass disappeared completely. My alt on the stolen tyra calmly gets to the highsec and adds it to the tenge in the hangar. I'm flying back on the mat.

Karibas briefly appears on his post, jumps out of the manticore and goes to C2. A few minutes later he brings the buzzard. My combat pilot is sitting on the observation post next to the tower, the viola is watching the wormhole in C2. Eight jet containers are still floating in space near the village. I was sure that the caribou would want to pick them up, and that’s when I would pin him down. He will know how to swear locally. Looking at my logs, I found a mark of my first jump into this system. The jets exist for two hours, after which they disappear along with all their contents. It turned out that if he began to lay out his belongings shortly before my appearance, then the pilot had about forty minutes left before the first containers disappeared without a trace. He had to hurry if he wanted to save his property. Instead, the crab began hanging jamilkas and dumpers around the pos. In principle, it is reasonable. Under their cover, he will be able to crawl out from under the force field and try to collect the jets. When the number of electronic warfare batteries installed around the post approached ten, I became thoughtful. Based on my past experience, I already knew that one jamilka could ruin all my fun. The chances of killing a tanked Indian on the avenue under jams and dumps were zero. It's worth changing the ship if I don't want to fly away from this wormhole without a kill.

Having moved the alt to the overview, I send the fighter to Amarr, change from the avenue to a purified fire with a bomb, check the availability of ammunition and fly back. Looking at the containers from time to time, I notice that there are six of them instead of eight. Two managed to evaporate along with an unknown amount of loot. But the caribass doesn’t even listen, continuing to remove more and more electronic warfare modules from the trucks and anchor them. Two more konta dissolve like sugar in boiling water. I drive the combat character 35 km to the jets and begin to wait. There’s not much time left - either the crab will crawl out of the hole to save his junk, or he’ll give up on him, in which case I can fly out of here in about twenty minutes.

Finally, the pilot transfers to the Taira and flies off to his favorite wormhole in C2, which he used as a rewarp point. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six... The Indian warps to the remaining jets. I take the acceleration, remove the shroud and launch the bomb. Bang! Tyra loses half of her shield. And it's all?! I expected to see a crash. I forgot that this pilot tanks his trucks against the EM damage I hit him with. His leaks to KB clearly hint at this. A manticore would be useful here now, not a purik. I turn on the accelerator and rush to the Indian, warming up the diesel and launchers, every second expecting to get into the jam from the pos. But nothing happens. I unhindered the Taira and knocked it down with two volleys. The egg runs away from me again, for the third time - thanks to a glitch with shaders, which at the moment of the ship explosion filled half of my screen with a blinding white color, because of which I could barely see my overview, not to mention the capture of the capsule.

The funny thing is that the pos didn’t even lock me. I believed that if I collapsed, I would not get out of the jam. But my crab, having hung up the electronic warfare batteries, it seems, ha ha, forgot to set the post to attack. A perfect end to the evening for me.

Having collected all the loot that could fit in the bomber, I shoot the Indian and go into hiding. Karibas again raises his voice in the locale:

Cpt Rider Kion > happy now? lol nothing else for you

Yes, I’m quite happy, considering that I stole your tenga and truck with impunity. Back at highsec, I tally up my catch. The strategic cruiser had the usual T2 fit, no pleasant surprises:

The stolen tayra was recorded in the same way as the destroyed one. In her hold there were three mobile tractors and two containers with various sleeper loot and a set of T2 modules. In total, I profited from half a billion, of which four hundred million were in tengu. Karibas, judging by his killboard, felt the truth of the saying “Better two fires than one move.” Over the past few days, he lost three Indians with various junk, and was also missing a T3 cruiser and another truck. And all in order to enter the C1 wormhole. The start of his life in w-space is not very encouraging.

The main goal in the EVE Online universe is power in any of its manifestations. For example, you can gain market power in one space system, constellation, or even region. You can gain military superiority or political dominance, both over a single space system and over an entire region consisting of dozens of systems.

In the space mmorpg EVE Online there are many game styles that allow you to achieve one thing or another - from extreme PVP to measured and calm mining (mining useful ores from asteroids). In any case, for successful and rapid development Player corporations, as well as generating significant income, require joint actions of various types of players.

Don't have an account yet? Hurry up, register in EVE Online and start writing the history of this world together with the rest of the Russian-speaking community!

Wealth, power, influence!

There are hundreds of ways to spend your time in the world of EVE Online, and many of them have not even been invented yet, and you may find yourself at the origins of new military tactics or ways of economic domination! It doesn't matter what you prefer - in any case you will find your place in the EVE Online universe.

The currency in EVE Online is Intergalactic Credits ( ISK). As you know, money is the root of any power. There are many ways to obtain ISK available, and pilots are constantly inventing and finding new ways. Here are some of the most common and easily accessible:

Mining of minerals

Mining the main resources in EVE Online - minerals - means mining asteroids in asteroid belts that are found in any space system. First, you receive raw ore of one type or another, depending on the selected asteroid. After which this ore must be processed in special plants located at the stations. The minerals obtained in this way can be either sold or put into production by building ships and modules for them.

NPC Agent Missions

Each NPC corporation working for the government of a particular NPC faction in EVE has many agents who are ready to hire pilots to perform certain tasks. The more trust you inspire in a certain corporation, the more agents will want to work with you and pay more ISK.

Exploration of space anomalies and wormholes

The EVE Online space is full of secrets and the unknown. You may discover a secret pirate base or an ancient research laboratory, and a wormhole may lead you to a previously unknown system with untold riches.

Science and research

Scientists in the EVE Online universe are researching and inventing blueprints. This allows existing designs to be used with greater efficiency and lower production costs, and also opens up the possibility of obtaining very valuable and rare copies. Drawings invented by scientists can be very expensive, since only they know all the secrets of building rare and high-tech ships and modules.


Any production involves the construction of a particular module or ship according to the drawings. The manufacturer knows how to effectively use plant conveyors, which allows him to save resources during construction.

Trade craft

Businessmen make ISK by reselling everything they can buy on the market in the EVE Online universe. They get along better with brokers in the market, are able to negotiate lower taxes, are able to sign dozens of contracts and place hundreds of buy or sell orders.

Bounty Hunt

Rewards are given for destroying ships of pirate corporations. The more dangerous the pirate, the more reward you will receive for his destruction. Moreover, these can be both non-player characters (Non-Player Character, NPC) and real pilots.


Pirates try to take over the property of other pilots by any means possible. This can be either simple theft or entire operations to seize transported goods and destroy their escort.

What is important in the game is the balance between not being burdened by anyone’s strict requirements gameplay and flights under the strict guidance of an experienced fleet committee. Alternate study, crafting and fun to maintain constant interest in the game.

Having played Eve for several years and without becoming a maniac, I found, in my opinion, the optimal layout of characters on accounts, which will allow me to cover most of the game mechanics.

Applications to join a corporation living and operating in a wormhole, like mine, for example, are submitted mainly by:

  • miners who are tired of 16 million iskohours in the highs (40 in the zeros);
  • misrunners, tired of the monotony;
  • players who want to experience VH;
  • lived in VH, but the previous building “decided to live long.”

There were also those in our ranks who lived in zero areas, but not for long. Zeros provide low margins, but greater stability. Not everyone is ready to part with even a little, but daily earnings in exchange for sporadic but higher earnings in VH

The main character is a miner

Miners in C5 earn a little more than 100 million per hour on gas. With ore, it all depends on the bonuses. Further processing and production brings the hour to a level at which the time spent on digging (1 hour per 1 hold of Prospect) can be pleasing to the eye. Gas or ore mining can be successfully be carried out in parallel with crab sleepers. The insulated system allows you to pull out Roark and a bunch of Hulks on your belt. The exact recipes for the composition and quantity of the fleet are a matter of taste and courage (or stupidity), I will only note that ore anomalies can contain 3.2 billion ISKs in the form of raw materials.

But just digging for ore or gas is boring. Even if you also know how to produce and trade. Need a trained character active game eg crab

Main character crab

Crabbing in VX = killing sleepers. The choice of ships and fits for C5 is not rich. We use Rattle's shield spider format. The ship costs about a billion ISKs, and is currently no more than 300 million.

There is an opinion that the use of capital is unprofitable; capdoresp will bring an additional 180 million in the form of loot, if you add all three types of simple capital: dread, karoo and logistics. However, experiments on “devouring” anomalies with 3 dreadlocks (subcap/cap) showed the passage of the anomaly in 10-15 minutes. There is no need to do any refitting in this situation.

By killing the drifter you will double your income, but you need to find a balance between the number of participants and the time spent. 5 pilots make an anomaly with a drifter for 40 minutes.

But it’s not always possible to crab in VX, so you need another character.

The missing element

Wormholes are the essence of uncertainty. SSR deliberately made them truly unpredictable for players. For example, the exact time between the last time crit and the closing of the hole is still not clear. But the mass of holes always has a random deviation, and it is impossible to calculate the exact number of passes. All that remains is to prepare the HIC (preferably with two bubbles) for the finishing touch and hope for luck. The online presence of a small corporation is also not a constant. All this leads to the conclusion - we need another character who is not related to the main activity.

Quite profitable (max. 180 million per hour) are Sansha Incursions. A huge plus for the commander of a small corps - the fighters in the Invasions themselves learn strict discipline and interaction in the fleet without wasting your nerves. Also, it will be a plus that the skills learned for Invasions have wide combat and peaceful applications. Shield format invasions are well implemented in the New Galaxy Age community. The average hourly rate is 150 million. The main thing about Invasion flights is the lack of special responsibilities. Finished the site - go wherever you want, a replacement is already ready to take your place. So Invasions can be used to fill pauses in the game in VX.

By the way, blueprints for capital modules of the Concord faction are obtained from Invasions. In VH they are easy to produce and install on your brand new, sparkling capital.


  • A sleeper killer (crab), which can also be pumped with a planetarc - it will never hurt and will not take very much time.
  • Miner/Producer with planetarc skill - universal MCV (as in C&C). It is not worth combining a miner and a crab into one account, since the miner is a good neighbor to the crab.
  • The Invader is a character who can reach the maximum in all the necessary skills in a little more than six months, and will provide you with ISK all this time (he will be ready to fight in 56 days with the right development strategy). It is better to keep him anonymous and not be a member of the main corps to avoid revenge and wars. By the way, this character can be kept second to the crab, who is constantly sitting in the VH - you can pump him up to an acceptable level, and then pay only with PLEX for an account for two characters, where the bottomless crab will be pumped up. But it won’t work to combine rabble-rousing in VH and Invasions.

This approach will provide you with PLEX even if you only play a couple of days a week.

However, Eva, this is still a PvP game. Who you go for PvP is up to you. For these purposes, we have a corporation participating in FW (Factional Warfare).

I am sure that experienced players will notice that having a crab in the “zeros” is even more profitable. Yes, a crab who knows how to drive a supercar, and who is renting in the “zeros” can earn a lot. But this is not our choice - we play, not work in Eve. Although we are not imposing anything on you! 🙂

In this guide I will look at PVP in Security Status 0.0 systems. Despite the fact that many of the issues I discussed here are true for PVP in the empire (SS systems 0.5 and higher) and lowsec (SS systems 0.1 - 0.4), these issues were still considered from the point of view of combat in SS 0.0 systems. This guide is intended for those pilots who are no longer confused by the names of modules, have not yet plunged into the wonderful area of ​​EVE - PVP, but are already thinking about doing so.

Contents Who needs this manual and why General questions

  • battle philosophy
  • choosing a character's race
  • principles for choosing tactics
  • principles for choosing ships
  • principles of fit selection
  • overview
  • map
  • local
  • scanner
Navigating through CC systems 0.0
  • route selection
  • camps and their passage
  • search for rivals
The battle
  • "agra"
  • avoiding combat
  • entering the battle
  • fighting
    • at the gate
    • on andok
    • away from all objects
    • in the asteroid belt
    • tournament
  • leaving the battle
  • fleet and its goals
  • choosing a role in the fleet
  • selection of ship and fit for the role
  • moving a fleet, entering battle in a fleet
  • leaving the battle in the fleet
  • naval combat
    • commander
    • core of the fleet
      • heavy ships
      • "anti-support"
    • support
    • avant-garde
    • carpet
    • tackler
    • electronics
    • "trifle"

Who needs this guide and why?

The first and main goal is to increase general level PVP of Russian-speaking players. In this guide I will look at PVP in Security Status 0.0 systems. Despite the fact that many of the issues I discussed here are true for PVP in the empire (SS systems 0.5 and higher) and lowsec (SS systems 0.1 - 0.4), these issues were still considered from the point of view of combat in SS 0.0 systems. This guide is intended for those pilots who are no longer confused by the names of modules, have not yet plunged into the wonderful area of ​​EVE - PVP, but are already thinking about doing so. Typically, these are pilots with two months or more experience in the game.

General questions Combat philosophy

Strange as it may seem to some, there is such a philosophy. Why is it needed? As a philosophy, it defines the principles of perception, information processing and decision making in combat situations.
First of all, I note that PVP is a competition in achieving set goals; the essence of PVP is that rivals often set mutually exclusive goals and strive for them. PVP is not a fight in which you kill someone or they kill you, it is not violence in itself, it is just a competition. Yes, we honestly admit that participants do not always compete by mutual desire and agreement, but at the same time, the formation of a combat situation can be predicted, and you can always take measures to avoid a combat situation if you intend to do so. Simply put: if you are a member of an NPC corporation and do not leave systems with high CC, then the likelihood of combat situations for you personally tends to zero, but by simply becoming a member of the player corporation, you already agree that, according to the rules of the game, your ships can attack, declaring war, and if you entered the SS system below 0.5, then any pilot can attack you with almost impunity.
So - competition. What do people compete in in combat situations? They compete to achieve their goals. The whole interesting thing is that the goals of the participants in the battle can be very different, and their circle is not at all limited to “shoot down/run away”. Of course, goals must be adequate to the conditions of the situation and fundamentally achievable. Thus, we come to the obvious: before setting a goal, it is necessary to assess the combat situation and the possibility of one’s influence on its development. And only after assessing the situation can we begin to set our goals in it. There may be more than one goal, but, as a rule, all goals can be arranged in a hierarchy - ordered by importance. Here we come to an important principle that affects your satisfaction from completing a combat situation: regardless of the results achieved by your opponent, you win the combat situation if you achieve your main goal.

- you have met a lonely ship, flying about its business and avoiding combat collisions, set the goal to “destroy the ship”, catch it and destroy it - the goal has been achieved, you have won;
- you are flying about your business, avoiding combat situations, but you meet a ship that is attacking you, your goal in this combat situation is “to avoid combat by continuing to your destination,” you successfully avoid combat and escape pursuit - you have won;
- you fall out of the gate and see that superior forces are waiting for you there, your goal is “to save the ship by continuing further movement”, you accelerate and warp to the next points, reach them and successfully enter, the pursuit has fallen behind - you have won in this combat situation .

This is the first and most important thing, I repeat:
PVP is a competition to achieve your goals in a combat situation. You win a combat situation if you achieve your goals in it. Winning is not affected by the result your opponent achieves unless your goal is to prevent him from doing so. Understanding and using these principles gives you the opportunity to win in absolutely any combat situations, because... You yourself determine the rules of victory.

The second important principle of combat is that the one who has the strongest fighting spirit here and now wins. You don’t have to look far for examples; many people know what the Red Alliance pilots went through when they literally had to win a place on the map occupied by their rivals from scratch; this is impossible without high morale. There is an opposite example - the ASCN alliance, the same alliance that at one time had the largest territory, owned the largest number of outposts in the zeros and built the first titan. The morale of this alliance was destroyed along with that very first titan, but to be precise, with the destruction of the titan, the weakness of the fighting spirit simply became obvious first of all to the pilots of the alliance, they could no longer deceive themselves with fairy tales about their strength - the alliance died.

Combat in EVE (and any combat in general) is a fight on the spiritual level, one might say that it is a psychological rivalry. Imagine a spider sitting in the center of the web, waiting for a bee. The bee gets caught in the web, begins to buzz loudly, and breaks out, for it this is a great tragedy, and the spider calmly and inevitably... eats. Can a bee kill a spider? Maybe, but her desire to resist is broken by her thirst for life and fear. Any actions directed against your opponent’s fighting spirit, making him despondent, depriving him of the desire to resist, lead you to victory over him. If you keep your fighting spirit high, then you are invincible. But there is one subtlety here: it is impossible to maintain high morale indefinitely if you lose in combat situations more often than you win. Despite any PR, even the stupidest person who hawks the products of this PR knows his worth deep down, and when he realizes that those around him also know his worth, his morale will be broken. Therefore, always strive to admit your mistakes, work to ensure that your assessment of yourself and your capabilities is as close to reality as possible - this is the best protection against a drop in morale, we must know our worth and do not hesitate to talk about it, in this case we will understand , that we still have room to grow, and we will grow into the right fighter. The right fighter is a spider that does not fight its prey, but eats it.

Selecting a character's race

First and main criterion choosing a character that should excite you - you should like the character. You should like his portrait and his attributes. Despite the fact that the Caldari characters Acura are very fashionable today, I note that in about a year and a half you will most likely be completely confused about how “wrong” your initial attributes are, the main requirement for them is that perception should not be underestimated. Why? Because this attribute is used for the largest number of skills required by a fighter, but this does not mean that you do not need charisma or memory, do not forget that secondary attributes also affect the speed of learning, charisma is needed for naval skills, for skills for everything For drones, the leading one is memory, for engineering, mechanics, navigation and electronics, the leading one is intelligence, and for skills on T2 ships - willpower (remember again when you upgrade to perfect). Therefore, if this is your main and only character, I recommend lowering charisma, raising perception a little, and making the remaining attributes approximately the same. In each race you can make a normal fighter. Having lost a little in the speed of learning cannon and missile skills, you will make up for most of this time in support skills, and after a year and a half, when all the necessary skills have been learned, it will not be particularly important to you how many skill points that Vasya was ahead of you, because you will know that in PVP it is not skill points, cool ships and modules that rule, but morale, correct assessment of combat situations and the speed of making the right decisions.

Principles for choosing tactics

The basic principle of choosing tactics is that the tactics should correspond to your character, you should like to fight using exactly this tactics. There are no universal tactics, the beauty of EVE is that there will always be counter-tactics, but if you choose the right battle conditions, you will get a decisive advantage. From this follows the main rule of a fighter - your tactics are the best if you know how to choose the right conditions for its use. This rule has an important consequence - there are no best ships and best feats, but there are best fighter pilots who use tactics correctly. Using the features of ships, we can achieve the highest effectiveness of our tactics, but if the tactics are bad, then no ship or fit will provide us with victory.

Principles for choosing ships

The basic principle of choosing a ship goes something like this: your ship should be the most effective for fighting the battle using your chosen tactics. The ships of each race have certain characteristics that distinguish these ships into a certain general group on battle tactics. Short:

Amarr- this is the best damage to shields (EM), the best optimal in close combat, tanking on armor, low speed (a feature of tanking armor - plates, reduce speed and maneuverability). Recently, melee missiles were added for half of the T2 ships, but they have not yet become widespread; apparently, the Amarrs are still just pumping up missiles for themselves. Infinite lenses can be charged into lasers - there is no problem with the supply of ammunition. Changing the type of lenses in lasers occurs instantly (for other races, recharging takes 10 seconds). The ship's energy is used for firing; no energy means no firing.

Caldari- best average damage: the shield and armor have the lowest total resistance to this type of damage, taking into account the most common feats in PVP. This means that every fighter wants to cover the holes in his tank, and the disadvantage of the kineticist is that he is not too low to cover it in the first place, but not too high so that the damage dealer ignores him. The Caldari tank shield, so their ships have a lot of medium slots, but the problem is with speed, because... if there are not enough lower slots, you have to choose between increasing the damage dealt (damage mods) and speed (nano fit). There is a secondary type of weapon - hybrids, which can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage. In addition, the Caldari have the longest-range cannon ships - this also cannot be assessed unambiguously. The best "switching electronics" are jammers. The ship's energy is not used to fire rockets, so it is impossible to stop the rocket man firing by depriving him of energy.

Minmatar- the fastest ships, approximately equal number of middle and lower slots, this gives some versatility in choosing the type of tank and allows you to avoid the “nano or damage” dilemma when tanking with a shield (we put both nano and damage!), but, like all generalists, they lose in specializations - not the best tank on a shield and not the best tank on armor, the lowest DPS (damage per second), but the highest alpha strike (damage inflicted by one shot), which makes Tempest the optimal naval damage ship. Just like missiles, Minmatar machine guns and artillery do not require energy to fire.

Gallente- the highest DPS at the lowest combat distance (blasters), complete rejection of missiles (most ships do not have slots for missile launchers), the best drones (ships with bonuses for drones). A tank is usually armored, which again reduces speed and maneuverability. Dampeners are not the worst electronics in the game - they reduce the speed and/or aiming range. Firing requires the ship's energy, although in less quantity than Amarr lasers.

At one time, the author was tormented for a long time by choosing the race of ships (born Caldari - Sivir). The author was of little interest in the appearance of the ships, he only disliked the Minmatar ships, he subconsciously felt that the choice of the ship race should depend on the preferred battle tactics, but the author had not yet formulated tactical preferences, so it was difficult to choose the ships, he swayed the Caldari ships a little - not then, then the Amarr - not that, the Minmatar... and I realized that despite the unsightly appearance of the “Minmatar”, they are the most effective in their preferred battle tactics. I repeat - the choice of ship should be dictated by the chosen tactics if we are concerned about the effectiveness of the battle. Over time, mastering new battle tactics, we will upgrade those ships that allow us to be the most effective in implementing these tactics.

Principles for choosing a fit

We must select a fit in much the same way as a ship - according to the chosen battle tactics. This means that if we chose the battle tactic “rotate the orbit 18 km while shooting the target,” then installing two plates in the lower slots is a bad choice, because we will lose speed and maneuverability, which will allow the target to either approach us within the distance of the net and shoot, or break the distance and leave the battle - in both cases the battle will be lost, the only difference is the consequences for us. If our tactic is “come up point-blank, take it under the net and shoot,” then installing artillery (or its equivalent in other races - railguns and beam lasers) will also be a bad choice, because there are weapons that are more effective at such a distance - machine guns, blasters, pulse lasers, if we want to shoot a target from afar, then long-range weapons and damage mods, even to the detriment of the tank - the best choice. You should not have extra modules that you installed on the ship according to the “just to have it” principle, there will always be a module that will increase the effectiveness of the chosen tactics (no need to install a tractor beam on a warship), look for it, you will definitely find it, Quickfit and EFT can help you. You should not place weapons of different types and different combat distances on the ship at the same time, such an installation will allow you not to “hit hard at far and near”, but “to hit hard at everyone”, damage should always be focused on one target, because the target is always tanked and has a limit of tankable damage per second, the more you exceed this limit, the faster it will die and the less damage you yourself will receive.


Overview is the same transparent table on which you see nearby objects (ships, containers, local structures, etc.) and objects of the star system (stations, gates, planets, moons, asteroid belts, system beacons, etc. ). The importance of this tool is difficult to overestimate. The overview has settings that allow you to configure it very flexibly, filtering the displayed objects, highlighting them, denoting them with icons, displaying columns with additional information(speed, distance, alliance data, object type), etc. Settings can be saved, thus obtaining many different sets for all occasions. I won’t dwell on it in detail, look for specialized manuals and study them, kick more experienced comrades, let them share their experience.


The map allows us to find clusters of opponents, determine the location of battles, etc. It has various filters that allow you to obtain information about the state of systems, just look at what filters are there, you will have to decide for yourself which of them you need. From my own experience, I can say that in different situations absolutely all filters are needed; there are simply no unnecessary ones.


Local chat is a channel called "Local", the one that cannot be closed. This channel should be positioned so that you can see as many pilots as possible in this channel - all these pilots are in the same system with you. Pilots may have a colored icon that matches your overview settings. If your alliance's policy does not prohibit attacking pilots, then they are potentially your rivals. I think it's worth mentioning that information about the pilot, which opens through the Show Info menu item when you click on the pilot's name right click mouse, can serve as the basis for a basic assessment of his main type of activity, the level of knowledge of his skills and, as a consequence, his fighting qualities. True, there is not always time for such an assessment, and it may differ significantly from reality. In this case, only experience will help us.


A scanner is a device that allows you to obtain primary information about enemy ships and find their location in the system. I won’t give a description of working with the scanner; there are quite good tutorials on this topic. I will only note that a scanner is one of the main tactical tools of a fighter and the ability to use it well is the key to your success in combat situations.

Navigating through CC systems 0.0 Selecting a route

If we are looking for a solo or small group fight, then it would be logical to design the route in such a way as to get the greatest number of combat situations. We will find the greatest number of them in highly populated systems and on frequently used routes. We can get all this information through the galaxy map, applying the appropriate filters (by the number of pilots in space in the last half hour and by the number of jumps within systems). If your goal is not to squeeze targets out of their habitats, then try not to fly the same route all the time, because... this leads to the habituation of targets, they remember you and hide in advance, avoiding combat in this way, and we strive to get the greatest number of combat situations.

Camps and their passage

A camp is a cluster of ships at the gate with means of intercepting targets - Mobile Warp Disruptors and interdictors.
If you encounter a friendly camp, then you will not have problems passing, but its interception means can be used to catch your targets if, for example, they are friendly to this camp, but not friendly to you.
If you encounter a hostile camp, the choice is yours - fight, pass, or change route.

Some tips for passing camps:

Otvarp. If the camp does not have ships with a high base locking speed (interceptors, other frigates with sensor boosters), then you can simply warp.
- Leaving back to the gate. You hang invisibly at the gate for some time, and then maximum speed go back into them. To do this, we use the autopilot and MWD, set the autopilot a waypoint to the system from which you just left, turn it on and wait for the ship to start picking up speed, immediately turn on the MWD and wait for the ship to jump into the gate. As soon as the “JUMPING” message appears, the autopilot must be turned off. Why autopilot? Because it is he who will turn on the jump as soon as the distance required for the jump is reached. However, even the autopilot sometimes does not work.
- Pulling out the interceptor. If there are only one or two interceptors on the camp, and all other ships are initially inferior to you in speed, there are no ships with long-range meshes (Stasis Webifier - Rapier, Huginn or Hyena) or with jammers, then you can escape from the camp by attacking this single interceptor . The technique is simple: we turn on the acceleration on some object, immediately start locking out the interceptors, activate the guns on the most dangerous one and see what happens. In most cases, the interceptor will stop pursuing, because by continuing it, he risks being shot down, and the support of heavier comrades is too far from him. If the interceptor does not give up pursuit, then our task is to kill him at a distance from the camp, but no further than 150 km, because at this distance and beyond, his comrades can simply warp towards him.

Search for rivals

Our main goal as a fighter is maximum amount combat situations. I will dwell in more detail on the combat situation itself. A combat situation is a situation in which we can set targets against our opponent. An important condition for a combat situation is the presence of an opponent; without him, a combat situation is impossible. Therefore, the search for rivals is the main goal of a fighter, if an opponent is found, a combat situation is found, you can set goals in it and begin to achieve them, showing your fighting qualities. To find opponents, we have three most important tools - a map, local chat and a scanner. In addition to these three tools, there are a number of different ways to find an opponent, in principle, any source of information that leads us to a combat situation is useful - forums, intelligence channel-alliance chat, security agents, general channels, etc.

Battle "Agra"

The concept of “aggra” (aggra, agro, aggro) is one of the key concepts in the combat mechanics of EVE (not key concepts, we are not considering here). "Agra" comes in five types, we are in this moment Only one of them is of interest - the time during which you cannot pass through the gates between systems and enter the docking stations. Simply put, this is the time during which you cannot leave the space of a given system, no matter what, in EVE language - you cannot change session. The duration of the aggro is counted by a special timer, the time is 60 seconds. The condition for turning on this timer is an attack on any object in space. An attack means the activation of any module or drones that causes any damage to any object in space. Such an object can be anything, from a container or gate nearby, to your co-corps member.
Why is agriculture important to us? Depending on the situation, agra can either hinder us or help us. If the opponent tries to leave the battle, then the presence of aggro deprives him of the opportunity to jump into the gate or hide in the station before it expires. If we want to leave the battle or separate our opponents, then after waiting until the opponent (or part of the opponents) receives aggro (attacks us), we can go into the gate, leaving the battle, or dividing the opponents (those with aggro, into the gate they won’t come in, but someone without aggro can come in and give us a different combat situation, more advantageous). Understanding and knowing how to use aggro is one of the keys to victory in combat situations.

Avoiding combat

There are often combat situations in which your goal is simple survival - preserving the ship. You can avoid a fight using the aggro mechanism; you also don’t have to wait to meet your opponent, limiting yourself to only seeing him on the scanner. If you have a speed advantage, you can simply gain distance. But with all this, it is important to understand that not in all combat situations it is necessary to destroy the enemy’s ships; often simple survival, especially if the opponent (or group of opponents) is obviously stronger than you here and now - this is your victory. Do not engage in battle if you are not sure of your victory.

Entering the fight

An important feature of entering into battle is that combat can always be avoided if measures are taken in advance. A very important conclusion follows from this: you must look so that your opponents want to fight you. In the vast majority of cases, numerical superiority frightens your opponents, so your strong point should be good organization, accurate calculations and high morale. The key to victory is the correct choice of location; tactics significantly depend on the location of the battle, and what is an advantage in one place may turn out to be a disadvantage leading to defeat in another.

Fighting at the gate

The first feature of fighting at the gate is the active use of the “aggra” mechanism, the second feature is the exit from the gate 15 km from it. Agra allows you to divide your opponents into groups to destroy their ships piece by piece. A distance of 15 km to the gate is an opportunity to hold your opponent, not allow him to reach the gate and run away from you.
The gates have one more feature - you can almost safely observe your opponent if you are closer than 2500 m from the gates; at the first danger, you simply enter them and warp off somewhere. Good method The counter to this is the "bump". A bump is an accelerating strike with the hull of your ship on an opponent's ship. The bump does not turn on aggro, but it gives speed to the ship it was applied to, which makes it fly away from the gate and makes it impossible to jump into it. The best method to avoid a bump is to fly around the gate in a 500 m orbit, in 99% of bump attempts, the bumper will simply miss your ship, and you will still remain near the gate in relative safety. But in any case, it is better to monitor the speed of your opponents (in the overview you can display the corresponding column) so that the bump does not come as a surprise to you.
The battle at the gate is the most common battle; I think I will not be wrong if I say that more than half of all battles in SS 0.0 systems take place at the gate.

On the andok

Features of combat on the andok of a station are the active use of the aggro mechanism and the ability to quickly restore shield and energy (capacitor charge) and repair armor and structure by docking, repairs and subsequent andok from the station. In the vast majority of cases, combat on the andok is possible only with the desire of those who have the opportunity to dock at the station, so if the opponent does not show the desire to fight (does not attack you), then the battle most likely will not take place. You should also take into account the possibility of a mass undocking of opponents to help their comrade.

Far from all objects

In outer space combat, conditions are almost always dictated by faster ships. Therefore, if you are not confident in your tank or your speed, it is better not to fight in outer space. The advantage in speed allows you to leave the battle at any convenient moment, which a ship that does not have this advantage is deprived of.
Combat in outer space is possible only in two cases:
1) This is a fixed fight.
2) You found your opponent (or he found you) using scan tests.
Therefore, battles in outer space are rare battles in SS 0.0 systems.

In the asteroid belt

A battle in an asteroid belt is a battle in outer space, with the only difference being that the indigenous inhabitants of this asteroid belt can take part in it. The peculiarity is that they most often attack the one who first flew to the belt, so be prepared to tank them if this is you. In addition, if the battle takes place in close proximity to rocks, then your ship may get entangled in them and lose direction and speed, and a loss of speed is almost always an increase in damage received from opponents (read guides on turrets and missiles, the dependence is described there) .


A tournament is a battle with additional restrictions on the pilot's capabilities. As a rule, the conditions of battle in a tournament differ significantly from the conditions of a real battle; as an example, I will give only a few of them:
- restrictions on the modules used reduce the pilot’s combat capabilities;
- the restriction on leaving the battle makes it possible not to install modules that prevent warp on the ship, and, as a result, due to the freed slots, you can improve the shield tank or install additional electronics; speed in battle becomes less important for victory;
- the restriction on the gap in distance almost always makes it impossible to divide the forces of opponents, i.e. we have to fight wall to wall, but the positive point here is that the forces of our opponents are not numerically superior to us;
A tournament battle is a battle in open space, and we already know that battles in open space are the rarest in SS 0.0 systems. In addition, withdrawing from a tournament battle is almost always a loss according to the tournament rules.

Exit from battle

So, we entered the battle, but saw that the battle process was out of our control, we need to leave the battle so as not to lose our ship (if loss is not our goal). The method of exit depends significantly on the location of the battle. The most commonly used:
1) Gaining distance with going beyond the reach of opponents’ weapons and, possibly, subsequent warping.
2) Wait out the “agra” and leave for the gate, or dock at the station.
The skill responsible for exiting the battle - shooting - is the second skill that a fighter develops after the ability to maneuver in battle.


The fleet and its goals

Let's agree on terms. A fleet is a group of ships united by a single command and within itself a clear division into two subgroups - the fleet core and support. Despite the fact that the game mechanism allows you to create a fleet without any restrictions, in this guide I will use the term “fleet” to mean exactly the above.
So, why are we going to the navy? The answer is obvious - to qualitatively improve our capabilities through a clear division of roles and better coordination. As a rule, a fleet is a group of ships of 10 or more, because in such a group it becomes possible to cover the largest number of roles by allocating separate ships for each of them. A smaller group forces its members to combine roles, which affects the efficiency of execution. In the extreme, a fleet can consist of one single pilot who will perform all the necessary roles in it... try to equip a ship for all occasions and you will understand what I'm talking about.
The purpose of the fleet, as a rule, is to fight with comparable forces of rivals, almost always these forces are also combined into a fleet.

Choosing a role in the fleet

The fleet allows for narrow specialization in a chosen role, which means for us that we can do what we like and do best. In other words, if you are the best performer in a role that attracts you, then you will almost always perform that particular role in the Navy - isn't that a good incentive to excel? Three important principles for choosing your role in the fleet:
1) The Navy must need this role.
2) You should like playing the role.
3) You must be able to perform this role with sufficient quality.
The need for a role in the fleet is determined by the tasks that are set for the fleet at the time of its assembly. In most cases, the fleet commander can tell you whether this particular role is needed. If you like the chosen role, then you will strive to perform it as best as possible - this is a guarantee that next time you will get the same role.

Selection of ship and fit for the role

Role specialization gives us the opportunity to use specialized ships that have bonuses for fulfilling a specific role. The peculiarity of EVE balance is that while having an advantage in some specialization, a ship always has significant disadvantages in all other specializations, but the advantage obtained is qualitative, i.e. no reasonable number of non-specialized ships could outperform a specialist. The above is the basis for the qualitative advantage of a fleet with an internal division of roles over a fleet that does not have such an internal division. Your choice of role and fit should be subordinated to only one thing - the best performance of the role in the fleet. If you are a tackler, then your ship should be equipped to capture the target as quickly as possible and hold the target for as long as possible; if you are an electronics jammer, then you should be able to quickly disable enemy ships from the battle better and faster than his electronics do, if you are a “damage dealer” , then they must inflict simply gigantic damage - the survival of the fleet in battle depends on this, if you are a covert, you must have maximum movement speed in a hidden state, mobility to quickly change position, minimum scanning time for scan samples, etc.

Moving the fleet, entering battle in the fleet

A fleet is a group of ships with a specialization, therefore the order of movement of the fleet should ensure its fastest deployment and the entry of its ships into their role, in addition, some roles of the fleet are performed already on the march:
1) Commander - here, I think, there is no need to explain much - general command of the fleet.
2) Reconnaissance is a group of ships - the vanguard of the fleet, the eyes and ears of the entire fleet.
As a rule, reconnaissance searches all surrounding systems along the fleet's route in search of combat situations, unless the fleet has a specific goal and is not heading towards an already known combat situation. The rest of the fleet is moving as a single group. Unless otherwise determined by the fleet commander, you will save a lot of emotions for the commander and intelligence if you are always in the crowd of your comrades, in addition, this will allow you to avoid getting into a combat situation far from the fleet, where your narrow specialization almost always makes you an easy target for any single hunter ship.
Leaving and entering combat in the navy differs from outside combat in that you must enter combat on command, not on your personal readiness. This means that when the command arrives, you must be ready. If reconnaissance is with you in a common voice channel, then all its reports are no less important for you than for the fleet commander; this makes it possible to navigate the combat situation and predict its development, which will allow you to best fulfill your role.

Exit from battle in the fleet

The only condition for your leaving the battle in the fleet is the impossibility of further fulfilling the role. Your ship is turned off electronically, is held by tacklers out of combat, you receive critical damage - these are all situations when you can be puzzled by questions of your own survival, because... in most cases, in this state you are useless to the fleet (but not always, since being a target for tacklers and electronics is also useful). If you leave the battle, then, if possible, inform the commander about this in the voice chat - he should know what forces he can count on in this battle.

Naval combat

Conducting a battle in the fleet is the fulfillment of an assumed role. Let's list the main roles in the fleet and figure out what they are. Let me make a reservation right away that these are not all possible roles in the fleet, but the ones listed below are almost always present. In addition, there are roles that do not require a special ship or fit, and are purely informational, coordinating, here each fleet has room for creativity. Discussing the role of capital ships (dreadnoughts, carriers and titans) is beyond the scope of this guide.


The commander is the head of the fleet. It would be wrong to assume that the commander should make all decisions himself, but in any case he is responsible for the fleet achieving its goals. This responsibility is reputation. Due to the fact that in EVE there are no game methods by which pilots can be forced to join a fleet with a specific commander, all pilots have a certain freedom in choosing a fleet commander, i.e. They try not to go to an unlucky commander. This is an absolutely correct attitude, one might say, feedback for the fleet commander, the morale of the pilots at the end of a fleet operation is an assessment to the commander. The remaining functions of the commander are obvious; I will not dwell on them.

Fleet Core

Heavy ships

Heavy ships are battleships. Their main role, as a rule, is to inflict maximum damage on specified targets and take damage from the opposing fleet. Accordingly, they are required to simultaneously take actions to capture targets and activate their guns on the target. A feature of the naval battle is the amount of instant damage, i.e. the strength of one salvo of the fleet. With ideal coordination, heavy ships (if there are enough of them in the fleet) can kill every target with the first salvo, so, in theory, one time is enough for each heavy ship of the opposing fleet. volley. The Minmatar have the highest rate of volley damage. Tempest ship, armed with 1400mm T2 artillery, it was this fact that earned it the reputation of the best naval ship. But this does not mean that ships of other races are worse; in a real battle, in addition to basic damage to the gun, the efficiency of heavy ships is influenced by several different factors - the distance to the target, its angular speed, the power of its tanking, the simultaneity of salvos of ships, the speed of decision-making of the target designator and etc. Thus, it turns out that if the target was not killed by the first salvo, then the remnants of its tank will finish off, giving the opportunity to shoot at the next target, not Tempests at all, but some Megatrons or Armageddons that have a higher frequency of shots. The most important thing: there cannot be a fleet without a core, so its formation usually begins with heavy ships, and only if there are a sufficient number of them, the collection of ships for other roles begins.


Anti-support is the protection of heavy ships from the support of rival fleets. This group includes all roles focused on effectively neutralizing all support roles for the opposing fleet. Anti-support, as a rule, moves along with the core of the fleet, so the requirements for the speed and maneuverability of its ships are at the level of those for heavy ships. Simply put, anti-support is the protection of heavy ships, which should be located next to them and work against the support of the opposing fleet. Neutralizing the opponent's tacklers, electronics, and little things is the task of anti-support. In the slang of players, anti-support is “anti-support”, from English. antisupport.


An effective fleet is unthinkable without support ships. Fast and maneuverable ships of the "cruiser" and "frigate" classes are capable of performing a huge number of tasks, providing the core of the fleet with the opportunity to achieve the main goal of the operation. To understand the importance of fleet support, it is enough to know that, all other things being equal, a battle between two fleets of the same size, one of which consists entirely of heavy ships, and the second is balanced by support, will most likely end in the victory of the balanced fleet, because neutralizing ships with electronics, holding a destroyed target with tacklers, reconnaissance, bringing heavy ships to the optimal combat distance - all this is provided by support ships. Below are the main support roles:


The scout in the vanguard is the pilot who is the first to enter the systems along the fleet route, going no further than 2 systems ahead. I will not sin against the truth if I say that this is the second role after the commander in the fleet, on whose actions the initial conditions combat situation. Vanguard reconnaissance is the eyes of the fleet and its vanguard. Inexperienced commanders often send newcomers to the vanguard on cheap ships, this makes sense, because you don’t mind losing a cheap ship, and the loss of an inexperienced newcomer is almost unnoticeable for the fleet. As a result, such commanders receive incomplete information about the systems where the vanguard operates; worse, an inexperienced pilot may lose sight of key information, which may well lead to unfavorable initial conditions of the combat situation and loss of the battle. In addition, imagine a situation in which a lone Rifter logged into the system begins to attack ships like a bulldog, for which he alone is completely harmless. Any pilot who takes the trouble to think about such strange behavior will come to the conclusion that in the neighboring system this bulldog has powerful support, which is just waiting for someone to get involved in a battle against this bulldog.
The best vanguard reconnaissance is a pilot with extensive experience in successful solo battles, who can quickly and correctly assess the situation and report everything important to the fleet. Minimum Requirements to the vanguard reconnaissance ship - high speed (from 4-6 km/s) and moderate tanking. The vanguard scout always has at least a minute to receive support from the fleet if he finds himself in a combat situation - 30 seconds after entering the system with opponents, moving away from them back into the gate and another 30 seconds of remaining invisibility after leaving these gate During this time, fleet support will almost always have time to come to the rescue.
It happens that pilots in stealth frigates (covert ops) are sent as the vanguard; such pilots can perform reconnaissance tasks well, but this is not enough for the vanguard. A good vanguard is not only reconnaissance, it is also an opportunity to start a battle and hold out until fleet support arrives. It follows that the best vanguard for a fleet is 1-2 experienced pilots on ships of the Heavy Assault Cruiser or Recon class.
Favorite role of the author.


Covert Ops is almost pure reconnaissance; this role does not imply direct influence on the ships of the opposing fleet. The capabilities of the covert required by the fleet are reconnaissance of moons with POS (POS), other well-protected objects, scanning of open space in order to search for enemy ships and launching their fleet to them, positioning the fleet at the beginning of the battle, i.e. work as a lighthouse. To fulfill this role, only 4 ships are ideal, one for each race. In addition, Force Recon class ships equipped with a Covert Ops Cloacking Device II can also play the role of a cover, with the difference that these ships have a 2-3 times lower scanning speed using scan probes, but with At the same time, they have some firepower, moderate tanking and electronic warfare capabilities, which gives them the ability to hold a single target until fleet support approaches.


The role of the tackler is to hold the target with the help of devices that deprive the target of the ability to warp (Warp Disruptor). Usually, if a combat situation unfolds in a way that is not favorable for one of the parties, then this side seeks to escape from the battle; the tacklers’ task is to prevent their opponents from escaping from the battle or withdrawing from it. In this regard, the requirements for ships and tackler equipment are the following: a Warp Disruptor device (or its modifications), speed to quickly reach the operating range of these devices, and the ability to survive under enemy anti-support fire. A tackler can survive only due to one factor - speed and maneuverability. We can say that a tackler is the first step in a pilot’s combat career, because... the ability to maneuver in combat is the first skill of a combat pilot.


The task of the fleet's electronic warfare group is to neutralize electronic warfare and, if possible, heavy ships of rivals. The first task is to neutralize electronic warfare, the second is to neutralize the core. Why is that? Because if you first start neutralizing the core of the fleet, then the opposing electronic warfare ships will have the opportunity to neutralize our electronic warfare and then neutralize our core, so it turns out that the electronic warfare of your fleet will not complete its task, being neutralized. The main factor here is good coordination within the group, which makes it possible not to duplicate targets and the speed of taking a target; the speed factor plays a key role, because you need to turn off your opponents' electronic warfare before it does the same to you. The exceptional danger of electronic warfare ships makes them the first target in almost every battle. Usually the battle begins with the destruction of the Caldari (Sensor Jammer) and Gallentean (Sensor Dampener and Warp Disruptor) enemy electronic warfare ships; Amarr electronics (Tracking Disruptor and Energy Neutralizer) are less dangerous and less commonly used, and Minmatar electronics (Stasis Webifier and Target Painter) do not turn off on their own by themselves the ships from the battle.


This group can include all other roles performed by light (Frigate) and medium (Cruiser) ships. Typically, the task of this group is to quickly come to the aid of scouts, destroy neutralized enemy electronic warfare, protect the fleet from tacklers, engage the enemy in battle before the fleet approaches, etc. As a rule, most ships in this group can perform multiple roles and are a universal reserve for the commander. Analogue of the "trifles" of the fleet in real life- Airborne Forces and Marine Corps - seizing and holding a bridgehead for the main forces, support in particularly difficult operations, support tasks, etc.


What you have read is important for a fighter, but it is not all that can make him successful. If what is written becomes natural to you, then you yourself will be able to decide in which direction it is better for you to develop in this wonderful area of ​​​​the EVE game.
In conclusion, I thank everyone who has given and continues to give me the opportunity to enjoy PVP.
I thank my comrades - the Xenobytes corporation, it is a great pleasure and honor for me to play with you, you are the best.

Special thanks to Dalilah for her constant concern for our corporation, as well as for offering to write this small guide.

ISK donations and thanks are accepted for the EVE character Svetogor.
© Any reprint of this text for non-commercial use is welcomed with reference to the author, provided that the text remains unchanged. Commercial use of this text or its modification during reprinting without the written consent of the author is prohibited.


It is important to understand one thing: EVE is not a difficult game
It's difficult to understand and difficult to master, but it's not difficult to play. At least not more difficult than any other game.

First of all, the difficulty lies in the fact that it is not similar to what you have played before. Absolutely.

The unfriendliness towards beginners is done on purpose here, a kind of screening out of those who cannot handle the game.

Having returned to this game, after a break of one and a half years, I decided to forget about all my pilots, all their learned skills and start from scratch, in the process describing what and how to do.

Here is the first result. I will describe the mistakes I made at the start in the context of a guide to training missions. Let's go.

After the first login, you will be explained how to use the interface, how to fly, how to warp, how to go through the hypergate, and so on. These are just the basics of management, nothing more.

The first agents will teach you how to play (these are NPCs that are located on space stations), who are divided into professions: Research, Army, Advanced Combat Training Course, Trade, Production.

After my first acquaintance with Eva, based on the experience of other MMOs, I thought that they would let me choose the class I would play as. This is my first mistake.

The first thing you need to do is complete the tasks of all these agents. In a global sense, the order of passage is not important. But the difficulty of passing, especially for those playing for the first time, varies greatly.

My second mistake, there was a lack of understanding of the principles of learning. I, like all of you, am used to the fact that in training, we point our fingers at what to buy, what to learn, what to install, and so on.

They will tell you everything in general, but you need to cover the details yourself.

My third mistake, a consequence of the first error. I started with the Army and after a sweaty passage, deciding that I specialized in the class, I went further along the quests. Then they cruelly bent me over, leaving me without money, without belongings and without a ship. I woke up at the station, in complete aha, I sat and thought - is this all? What the fuck should I do?!))

In short, the algorithm at the start is as follows: we go through all the training agents. After completing the missions of the next agent, he says that your training is completed and offers to fly to some fucking place, to another agent, to complete tasks. I will say right away that all training agents, after completing their quest chains, offer to fly to Sisters of Eve. IGNORE.

  1. Scanning
  2. Production
  3. Trade
  4. Army
  5. Advanced combat course

P. 1-3 is PVE. During execution you will be given a lot of normal ships, skills, and modules. During the process, you will more or less get used to what is happening around you, eat yourself (learn skills) and pass the PvP branches with NPCs points 4-5 easily. During the passage, do not hesitate to buy skills yourself in trading platform stations and teach them. You will encounter the problem that there are a lot of skills and the question will naturally arise - What the hell should I teach? Look at Certificates (the second tab after skills, in the skills menu in the profile), there the skills are grouped by areas and depth of study (Initial skills > more advanced level of study + new ones > and so on). Also, feel free to “sit out” for a few days while you learn your skills. Now for the quests of each branch. The guide was copied from the Eva forums. Depending on the choice of faction, the items and skills issued, as well as the tasks themselves, may change slightly. Do not forget to save the coordinates of Sisters of Eve after completing the branch (right-click - save the coordinates), so that later, after completing all the branches, you do not lose it.

Scan (+/-)

Space anomalies

1 of 5

Item delivery

Get the following items:

Item: 1 x Proof of Discovery: Anomalies (1.0 m³)


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 5 hours and 53 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: after leaving the dock, you will see a green diamond in space (if you didn’t have time or don’t see it, turn on the on-board scanner, it will show it again) and warp there. A container with a document awaits you there. Take it and come back.

2 out of 5

Place: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items:


Completion Bonuses

Walkthrough: jump to the gate, then through it you will get to the second one. Before doing this, take the junk from their container, otherwise they won’t let you in. Next, you will be taken to three points on a guided tour (on the left you can see the ruins of the 14th century). After the excursion, full of impressions, return to the base.

3 out of 5

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Proof of Discovery: Data (1.0 m³)


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 6 hours, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: Charge the cork launcher, get out of the dock, launch the corks. You need a zone with DATA. I won’t tell you how to scan correctly: there are enough guides and I’m still not good at it. Once you scan it, fly there, break the container (Data analyzer), take a piece of paper from the container and go home.

4 out of 5

Get the following items:

Item: 1 x Proof of Discovery: Relic (1.0 m³)


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 6 hours, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Note: the tutorial will give you Civilian Relic Analyzer

Walkthrough: similar to the previous one, adjusted for the relic anomaly and the corresponding cracker.

5 out of 5

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Proof of Discovery: Gas (1.0 m³)

Issued items

1 x Proof of Discovery: Gas Passkey


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 3 hours and 18 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: find a gas anomaly, fly there. Just don’t forget to put the issued tchotchke in the hold, otherwise the gates won’t let you in. Fly through the gate, climb into the container, complete the mission

Thread is complete!

Production (+/-)

Making mountains out of molehills (Making Mountains of Molehills)

1 out of 10

Item delivery

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

1000 x Veldspar (100.0 m³)

Mine 1000 units of Veldspar from an asteroid cluster indicated by your agent and deliver the ore to him. Move the veldspar from the ore bay to the warehouse to complete the quest.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items:


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 4 hours and 2 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: dig up veldspar at a given point and bring it home. I advise you to dig up a full hold, it will come in handy.

2 out of 10

Item delivery

Get the following items:

Delivery location:0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item:150 x Tritanium (1.5m³)

Issued items:

1 x Mining Frigate


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 39 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: if you have accumulated more veldspar than necessary, then everything is even easier. Recycle veldspar (200 units is enough, at the same time for the next mission too) and complete the mission. I just don’t recommend processing all the ore. The proceeds from the sale of minerals received from processing are less than those from unprocessed ore. Market-s. Or process it purely for yourself (for the production of goods).

3 out of 10

Item delivery

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 2 x Civilian Afterburner (10.0 m³)

Issued items:

1 x Civilian Afterburner Blueprint (2 batches, copy, ME: 5, Production Time Saving: 2)


1 x Expanded Cargohold I

Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 6 hours, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: if you already have the Industry skill, then you just need to start production. While your order is being placed, you can dig around. Or don't dig. As you want in general. Once lined up, we complete the mission.

4 out of 10

Item delivery

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 7000 x Tritanium (70.0 m³)

Destroy the rebel drones and get Veldspar to your agent. After returning to the station, you will need to process the ore to obtain minerals. Place: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items:


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 52 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: we arrive, kill a couple of drones, dig and go home. The only question is what to do it with: you can take a miner, change one drilling laser for a cannon and fly right away and fight and dig. You can fly in on a combat frigate, crush everyone, and dig them up with one laser (fortunately, the hold compared to the Venture is simply ridiculous). Or the third option: chop it up on a combat frigate, and then return on a mining ship and dig for your own pleasure. There is another way: drones. But here you need the Drones skill, which you will be given only in 6/10 of the “army 2” branch, and civilian versions of drones only in 7/10. Think, choose.

5 out of 10

Transportation task

Transport the following items:

Delivery Location: 0.6 Brybier I - Moon 20 - Freedom Extension Warehouse

Cargo: 1 x Crates of Electronic Parts (40.0 m³)

Issued items:

1 x 1MN Afterburner I


1 x Expanded Cargohold I

Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 1 hour and 28 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: regular delivery on autopilot. You can complete the mission remotely and before you fly for the next mission to your home station, you can dig into 0.6. I advise you to look for Omber or Pyroxeres on the belts there, you will need this in the next mission. Please note that there may be non-scripts there. You can choose more belts, I think there will be an empty one. Just don’t go too far from the computer, non-writing tends to be reborn. Or, as I said earlier, take drones.

6 out of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 20 x Cap Booster 25 (20.0 m³)

Issued items:

1 x Cap Booster 25 Blueprint (2 batches, copy, Manufacturing Efficiency Index (ME): 5, Production Time Saving: 2)


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 6 hours, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: the required ores are Pyroxeres, Plagioclase, Jaspet or Hemorphite. We dug up and started production. The required batch is made in about 10 minutes. You can still dig.

7 out of 10

Transportation task:

Loading location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Load: 20 x Cap Booster 25 (20.0 m³)


Completion Bonuses:

Walkthrough: quickly drive on autopilot and that’s it. Just don’t delay, you only have 30 minutes!

8 out of 10

Get the following items: 1 x Civilian Gallente Shuttle

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Items given: 1 x Civilian Gallente Shuttle Blueprint (single run, copy, material level: 5, time efficiency: 2) (2778 x Tritanium)

Reward: 204,000 ISK

Bonus (for 6 hours): 191,000 ISK

Walkthrough: Banal shuttle production. It takes about five minutes. If in previous times you dug at least one full veldspar hold on a mining frigate, then there will be enough resources.

9 out of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Production Assistant (3.0 m³)

Go to the designated location, mine some ore and destroy the pirates that appear.

Place: 0.9 Trossere


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 1 hour and 40 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: arrive at the point, start digging. In about a minute, an enemy frigate will appear, destroy it and take the cargo from the container. Complete the task.

10 of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Navitas (10000.0 m³)

Issued items:

1 x Navitas Blueprint (5 batches, copy, Manufacturing Efficiency Index (ME): 5, Production Time Saving: 2)


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 5 hours and 59 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: banal production of parts. There is a truth - there may be a deficiency of some minerals. Either run after the asteroids, or just buy more on the market. The product will take about 1.5 hours to make. You can cook the dumplings for now.

Thread is complete!

Trade (+/-)

Balancing the Books

1 out of 10

Transportation task

Loading location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Delivery location:0.9 Vittenyn IV - Moon 6 - Expert Distribution Warehouse

Weight 1 x Data Sheets (1.0 m³)

Issued items

1 x Mining Frigate


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 20 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Note: the agent will give you a book for the mining frigate. I advise you to put it into training right away, you will need it very soon. Well, unless you went through the production branch earlier.

Walkthrough: we take the pieces of paper to the neighboring system (one jump) and complete the mission (you can do it right at that station).

2 out of 10

Item delivery

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Black Box (0.1m³)

Go there, find what's left of the ship, and use the dismantling module you received from me. Use it to get the black box. Of course, if you meet Serpentis pirates along the way, destroy them.

Place: 0.8 Ainaille

Issued items

1 x Civilian Salvager


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 5 hours and 6 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Note: the tutorial will give you the Survey and Salvaging skills (a very necessary and expensive thing - it costs about a lemon of ISK at the local base!!!). Also note that the civilian version of the salvager given to you does not require skills. You may not be in a hurry to upgrade this skill, but with this unit you will be struggling for a long time every time.

Walkthrough: we fly 4 jumps, shoot the pirate, salvage the wreck and the remains of the pirate with the issued module and go home to surrender.

3 out of 10

Item delivery

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 333 x Tritanium (3.3 m³)

Drill ore; get 333 units of Tritanium from it by processing, then give the resulting minerals to the agent.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items

1 x Civilian Miner


1 x Reprocessing

Completion Bonuses

Walkthrough: fly to the point, start digging, a pirate will arrive. Get him down. One cycle of the drilling laser is enough to complete the mission, but you can dig until the hold is full. Fly home, recycle (about 300 units of veldspar is enough) and complete the mission.

4 out of 10

Item delivery

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Encoded Data Chip (0.1m³)

The Serpentis have set up a listening post nearby, intercepting information and using it to attack our ships. I want you to head there, destroy the post and any Serpentis Corporation ship that comes into your sight. I also ask you to use a data analyzer and open the data storage device to remove the Encoded Data Chip.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

In this area, special restrictions apply to ships.

Issued items

1 x Civilian Data Analyzer


Completion Bonuses

Note: the tutorial will give you Negotiation and Contracting. Please note that Contracting does not apply to an unpaid account.

Walkthrough: we fly to the point through the acceleration gate, take down the pirate, open the container with the issued Civilian Data Analyzer and take the contents. Mission complete.

5 out of 10

Transport the following items:

Loading location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Delivery location: 0.6 Brybier I - Moon 1 - Federal Freight Storage

Cargo: 1 x Encoded Data Chip (0.1 m³)

Issued items

1 x Overdrive Injector System I


1 x Expanded Cargohold I

Completion Bonuses

Walkthrough: Take the chip to the station and complete the mission there by talking to the agent.

6 out of 10

Item delivery

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Tracking Computer I (5.0 m³)

Issued items

1 x Mass Production


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 6 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Note: the tutorial gives trade and retail skills

Walkthrough: Just buy it at the station and complete the task.

7 out of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Datacore - Elementary Civilian Tech (1.0 m³)

Our scouts found an ancient site that, at first glance, could be useful to us. I want you to go there with analysis equipment and find out if there is anything interesting in that place. There will be Serpentis Corporation ships there, but I'm sure you can handle them without much difficulty. Whatever you find there after analysis, bring it to me.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

In this area, special restrictions apply to ships.

Issued items

1 x Civilian Relic Analyzer


1 x 1MN Afterburner I

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 2 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: arrival at the point, activation of the gate. First pocket, two frigates, then through the gate into the second pocket, also two frigates and a container. You open the analyzer issued by the agent (or that was given to you on scanning missions), pick up the item, return and turn in the task. You can search around, maybe you’ll find something.

8 out of 10

Transport the following items:

Loading location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Delivery location: 0.9 Vittenyn VI - Moon 13 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant

Cargo: 1 x Central Data Core (5.0 m³)


1 x Limited Social Adaptation Chip

Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 20 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: go for one jump. The main thing to remember is that they give you little time to complete it: don’t delay!

NB! The tutorial will give you the Cybernetics skill at the end of the mission.

9 out of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 2 x 1MN Afterburner I (10.0 m³)

Issued items

1 x Expanded Cargohold I


1 x Advanced Industry

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 30 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: The easiest way is to either give away two 1MN Afterburner I (one was given to you for the 7th task of the trade branch, the second was given to you for the 5th task of the production branch), or buy. You decide. Again, you don’t have much time, it’s better to stock up in advance.

10 of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 5000 x Antimatter Charge S (12.5 m³)

Issued items

1 x Antimatter Charge S Blueprint (200 batches, copy, Manufacturing Efficiency Index (ME): 5, Production Time Saving: 2)


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 6 hours, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: Start the project in a local factory. Attention! For production you will need an ore called Pyroxeres. It contains all the necessary minerals (mainly Nocxium). If necessary, recycle Veldspar further. With Industry* pumped up to level 2, the time will be 3 hours 45 minutes. You can dig for now. Well, or take on the next branch.

The thread is finished!

Army (+/-)

Cash Flow for Capsuleers

1 out of 10

Your agent has asked you to rid the miners of pirates in the asteroid belt.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items

1 x Repair Systems


1 x 75mm Gatling Rail I

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 5 hours, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

2,000 x Antimatter Charge S

Note: I advise you to complete the task in time - the cartridges will be very useful to you, there will be enough for the entire training. I can’t imagine how it’s possible to not have time here, I can’t imagine - unless there’s a problem with the Internet...

Walkthrough: Kill 4 targets one at a time and return home.

2 out of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Civilians (5.0 m³)

Eliminate the pirates and rescue the civilian miner they are holding captive. You will find a miner in an evacuation capsule thrown out by one of the pirate ships.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items

1 x Motion Prediction


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 1 hour and 30 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: you arrive, kill four frigates, loot, take the contents of the container, go home.

3 out of 10

Get the following items:

Delivery location: 0.9 Trossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille

Item: 1 x Secret Documents (0.1 m³)

Destroy the pirates, retrieve the secret documents from the container they leave behind, and report to your agent.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items

2 x 75mm Gatling Rail I


1 x Propulsion Jamming

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Note: the tutorial will automatically give you Civilan Stasis Webifier

Walkthrough: you fly in, kill the enemies (those the guns can’t keep up with - runner drone - throw the net), loot, take the contents of the container, go home.

4 out of 10

Put the ship in warp mode and get to the area of ​​deadspace you need. Having arrived at the site, find the stargate on the site and approach it.

Place: 0.9 Trossere


1 x 1MN Afterburner I

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 1 hour and 26 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Note: the tutorial will give you Civilian Shield Booster I

Walkthrough: you arrive, come closer to the gate, start raking and immediately go home from there. Mission Complete.

5 out of 10

Meet the pirate at the repair outpost. Follow his instructions and report completion to your agent.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items

1 x Civilian Thermic Dissipation Field


1 x Shield Management

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 1 hour and 48 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: we arrive, we kill (throw the net, don’t forget), we fly home.

6 out of 10

Destroy Wolf Outpost. It is located in the last pocket of the complex.

Place 0.9 Trossere

Normal restrictions apply to ships in this area.


1 x Limited Ocular Filter

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 4 hours and 30 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: There are about 10 frigs in the first pocket, nothing serious. The second pocket contains the base. As soon as you open fire, a couple of frigates and 2-3 stationary guns will appear. The main thing is not to stand, otherwise they will cheerfully start to dismantle you. If you orbit them, there will be no problems.

7 out of 10

Get to the point where the convoy was ambushed and destroy the pirate ships. If your ship is badly damaged during the battle, switch it to warp mode and retreat from the battlefield; a breather will allow you to patch up the holes and gain an advantage over a battered enemy.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items:

1 x Small Armor Repairer I


Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 3 hours and 4 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: everything is simple, you fly in, kill, go home. Loot at will.

8 out of 10

Fly to the hotel your agent mentioned and pick up the VIPs. If something goes wrong, report it to your agent.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items

1 x Weapon Upgrades


2 x Overdrive Injector System I

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 4 hours and 52 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: arrive, fly close to asteroids, get damaged. In principle, after the appearance of enemy ships (three of them), you can simply warp them - the mission is completed. But if you want, you can clean their face. I just advise you to first warp, say, to your home station, get it repaired, and get back into the fight. After which we calmly loot (something valuable is already falling out here) and complete the mission.

9 out of 10

Destroy the drug warehouse and report the completion to your agent.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

Normal restrictions apply to ships in this area.


1 x Stasis Webifier I

Completion Bonuses

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 30 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: we arrive, drop the change, then onto the acceleration gate, we end up in the second pocket. We shoot the little things again, crash on the Narcotics warehouse on the asteroid, you can take drugs from the container (just don’t go through the gates with it in the hold, throw it off at your home station and sell it or forget about it). Mission complete.

10 of 10

Find Wolf and take him down, once and for all.

Place: 0.8 Mirilene

Normal restrictions apply to ships in this area.

Issued items


1 x Sharpshooter

Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 6 hours, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: first two pockets with change, nothing special. In the third pocket the tower is netting and three or four frigates are sawing you. It's quite painful, but you can get through it without warping. The main thing is to go away from the tower and dismantle the frigs one by one. A mouthguard will be missed, but yes, everything is quite passable.

Thread is complete!

1 out of 10

Clear the area of ​​all enemy ships.

Place: 0.9Trossere

Normal restrictions apply to ships in this area.


1 x Propulsion Jamming

Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 3 hours and 26 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: we arrive, we kill, we fly away. As always.

2 out of 10

Ram the pirate base in a frigate issued by your agent. Your task will be completed when the charges explode.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

In this area, special restrictions apply to ships.

Issued items


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 3 hours and 31 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: Board the assigned ship. Don't bet anything on it! After that, fly to the point through the boost gate and then simply double-click on the space station. After the explosion you will find yourself in a capsule. Advice: do not complete the mission right away, take another ship and take the contents of the container, there are interesting goodies there. At the same time, you can salvage a couple of wrecks (including your crashed boat!). Done.

3 out of 10

Find the hiding pirate and activate the Civilian Warp Disruptor on him to prevent him from escaping. You are allowed to destroy any guard ships you encounter, but not the target itself.

Place: 0.9 Trossere

Issued items:

1 x Civilian Warp Disruptor


Completion Bonuses:

If you manage to complete the task within 2 hours and 25 minutes, you will receive the following rewards as an incentive:

Walkthrough: You arrive and throw a disruptor at the enemy frigate, the task is completed. What’s interesting is that you can’t break through it (perhaps there aren’t enough guns), so don’t try. Although he almost doesn’t penetrate you.

4 out of 10

To complete the task, you must complete the following tasks:

Find the missing agent and repair his ship.

Solitaire Solitaire