What games were played in the old days? Methodical collection of outdoor games “Forgotten old Russian games. Russian folk games and their rules

"Harvest". 1830s. (Now this is known under the overseas word “puzzle”).


AND The players stand in pairs one behind the other. In front of everyone, at a distance of two steps, stands the driver - the burner. The players chant the words:

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Stay at your hem
Look at the field
The trumpeters are going there
Yes, they eat rolls.
Look at the sky:
The stars are burning
The cranes shout:
- Gu, gu, I'll run away.
One, two, don't be a crow,
And run like fire!

After the last words, the children standing in the last pair run from both sides along the column. The burner tries to stain one of them. If the running players managed to take each other's hands before the burner stains one of them, then they stand in front of the first pair, and the burner is lit again. The game repeats itself.

If the burner manages to stain one of those running in a pair, then he stands with him in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a pair burns.

Rules of the game. The burner should not look back. He catches up with fleeing players as soon as they run past him.


U Private players of the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paint. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly names it to its owner. When all the paints have chosen a color and named it to the owner, he invites one of the buyers. The buyer knocks: Knock, knock!

Who's there?
- Buyer.
- Why did you come?
- For paint.
- For what?
- For blue.
If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots, wear them and bring them back!” If the buyer guesses the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself.

A second buyer arrives and the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they come up one by one and sort out the paints. The buyer who collects the most colors wins. If the buyer does not guess the color of the paint, the owner can give a more complex task, for example: “Race on one leg along the blue track.”

Rules of the game. The buyer who guessed the most colors becomes the owner.


AND The game starts like this. The leader goes around the players and says to everyone:

They sent you a hundred rubles
Buy what you want,
Black, don't take white,
Don't say "yes" or "no"!

After that, he conducts a conversation with the participants in the game, asks various provocative questions so that someone in the conversation will utter one of the forbidden words: black, white, yes, no. The one who gets lost gives the driver a forfeit. On the field of play, each person who commits a penalty buys back his forfeit. No more than ten people play, all participants in the game have several forfeits. Children in the game listen carefully to questions and monitor their speech. The presenter conducts a conversation something like this:

What does the bakery sell?
- Bread.
- Which?
- Soft.
- Which bread do you like more: black or white?
- Everyone.
- What kind of flour are buns made from?
- Made from wheat. Etc.
When redeeming forfeits, game participants come up with a forfeit for the owner interesting tasks. Children sing songs, ask riddles, read poems, tell short funny stories, remember proverbs and sayings, and jump on one leg. Forfeits can be redeemed immediately after several people lose.

Rules of the game. Players must answer questions quickly. The answer cannot be corrected. The host can carry on a conversation with two players at the same time. When redeeming the forfeit, the presenter does not show it to the game participants.

"Travel along Nikolaevskaya railway". 1857 ("walker")

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Eagle owl and birds

P Before starting the game, children choose for themselves the names of those birds whose voice they can imitate. For example, a dove, a crow, a jackdaw, a sparrow, a tit, a goose, a duck, a crane, etc. The players choose an eagle owl. He goes to his nest, and those playing quietly, so that the eagle owl does not hear, figure out what kind of birds they will be in the game. Birds fly, scream, stop and crouch. Each player imitates the cry and movements of the bird he has chosen.

At the signal "Owl!" all birds try to quickly take a place in their home. If the eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an eagle owl.

Rules of the game. Bird houses and the eagle owl's house should be located on a hill. Birds fly to the nest on a signal or as soon as the eagle owl catches one of them.


AND The players choose the driver - tag. Everyone runs around the site, and the tag catches them.

Rules of the game. The one whom the tag touches with his hand becomes the tag.


Tag, feet off the ground. The player can escape from tag if he stands on some object.

Bunny tag. A tag can only stain a running player, but as soon as the latter jumps on two legs, he is safe.

Tag with the house. Two circles are drawn along the edges of the site; these are houses. One of the players is a tag, he is catching up with the participants in the game. The hunted person can escape from being spotted in the house, since spotting is not allowed within the boundaries of the circle.

If the tag is touched by one of the players with his hand, that player becomes a tag.

Tags with a name. Everyone playing, except for tag, chooses the names of flowers, birds, and animals. Fifteen does not stain the one who identified himself in time (for example, a fox).

Circular tags. The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step. Everyone marks their place with a circle. Two drivers stand at some distance from each other, one of them is a tag, he is catching up with the second player. If the runner sees that the tag is catching up with him, he asks for help from the players standing still, calling one of them by name. The named player leaves his place and runs in a circle, the tag already catches up with him. The empty seat is occupied by the player who started the game. If there is time, a free circle can be taken by a tag, then the tag becomes the one who is left without a place. The game continues, the tag catches up with the player who left the circle.

Cat and mouse

AND The players (no more than five pairs) stand in two rows facing each other, hold hands, forming a small passage - a hole. There are cats in one row, mice in the other. The first pair starts the game: the cat catches the mouse, and the mouse runs around the players. At a dangerous moment, the mouse can hide in the corridor formed by the clasped hands of the players. As soon as the cat catches the mouse, the players stand in a row. The second pair starts the game. The game continues until the cats catch all the mice.
Rules of the game. The cat must not run into the hole. The cat and mice should not run far from the hole.

Ball up

U Participants in the game stand in a circle, the driver goes to the middle of the circle and throws the ball with the words: “Ball up!” At this time, the players try to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” Everyone must stop, and the driver, without leaving his place, throws the ball at the one who is closest to him. The stained one becomes a driver. If he misses, he remains the driver again: he goes to the center of the circle, throws the ball up - the game continues.

Rules of the game. The driver throws the ball as high as possible. It is allowed to catch the ball from one bounce from the ground. If one of the players after the word: “Stop!” - continued to move, then he must take three steps towards the driver. Players, when running away from the driver, should not hide behind objects encountered along the way.

"Wolf and Sheep". 1884

IN In the center of the field is the Wolf's lair, it is successively surrounded by guardhouses with watchmen or shepherds, dog kennels, and sheepfolds. The first of the participants plays for the Wolf, the second for the Watchmen, the third for the Dogs, the fourth for the Sheep (they stand still, so three of them can play). At the beginning of the game, the chips are placed on the corresponding figures in the corners of the field; possible directions of moves are specified by the rules. The goal of the game is for the Wolf to get into the sheepfold and eat all the Sheep. If the Watchmen and the Dogs manage to “lock him up” and he cannot do further moves- The wolf loses.

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ABOUT Dean of the players is the driver, he is called Lyapka. The driver runs after the participants in the game, tries to make someone look bad, saying: “You are wearing a blooper, give it to someone else!” The new driver catches up with the players and tries to pass the slip to one of them. This is how they play in the Kirov region. And in the Smolensk region, in this game, the driver catches the participants in the game and asks the caught one: “Who had it?” - “At my aunt’s.” - “What did you eat?” - “Dumplings.” - “Who did you give it to?” The person who is caught calls one of the game participants by name, and the named one becomes the driver.

Rules of the game. The driver should not chase the same player. Participants in the game carefully watch the change of drivers.

Trap in a circle

N and a large circle is drawn on the site. A stick is placed in the middle of the circle. The length of the stick should be significantly less than the diameter of the circle. The size of the circle is from 3 m or more, depending on the number of players. All participants in the game stand in a circle, one of them is a trap. He runs after the children and tries to catch someone. The caught player becomes a trap.

Rules of the game. The trap should not jump over the stick during the game. This action can only be performed by game participants. It is prohibited to stand on a stick with your feet. The caught player has no right to escape from the hands of the trap.


D The children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Zarya - walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined -
I went to get water.

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run different sides round. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game repeats itself.

Rules of the game. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who should put the scarf on their shoulder.


D The children stand in a circle and hold hands. The leader is in the center. The players walk in a circle and chant the words:

And Uncle Tryphon
There were seven children
Seven sons
They didn't drink, didn't eat,
They looked at each other.
At once they did as I did!

At the last words, everyone begins to repeat his gestures. The one who repeated the movements best becomes the leader.

Rules of the game. When repeating the game, children standing in a circle go in the opposite direction.


AND The game begins with a roll call between the driver and the players:

Ding, ding, ding!
- Who's there?
- Mail!
- Where?
- From the city...
- What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that in the city they are dancing, singing, jumping, etc. All players must do what the driver said. And the one who performs the task poorly gives away a forfeit. The game ends as soon as the driver collects five forfeits. Players whose forfeits are from the driver must redeem them. The driver comes up with interesting tasks for them. Children read poems, tell funny stories, remember riddles, and imitate the movements of animals. Then a new driver is chosen and the game is repeated.

Rules of the game. The participants in the game can come up with tasks themselves.

"Travel around Russia". 1885

C The main goal of the game is to complete the train journey from Odessa to Moscow and back faster than others. You can go either through Kharkov and Kursk, or through Kyiv and Smolensk, but, having reached Moscow one way, you need to return to Odessa by another. The player receives a locomotive and moves it to as many stations as the number of points on the dice. Using stamps (for example, nuts), players buy tickets and pay various travel expenses.

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AND those playing choose a kite and a hen, the rest choose chickens. The kite digs a hole, and the hen with her chicks walks around him and chants the words: I walk around the kite, I carry three pieces of money, a penny each, and an owl.

The kite continues to dig the ground, it walks around the hole, stands up, flaps its wings, and crouches. The mother hen with her chicks stops and asks the kite:

Kite, kite, what are you doing?
- I'm digging a hole.
- What do you need a hole for?
- I'm looking for a pretty penny
- What do you need a penny for?
- I’ll buy a needle.
- Why do you need a needle?
- Sew a bag. Why a bag?
- Put down pebbles.
- Why do you need pebbles?
- To throw at your children.
- For what?
- They're climbing into my garden!
- You should make the fence higher. If you don’t know how, then catch them.

The kite tries to catch the chickens, the hen protects them, chases the kite: “Shi, shi, villain!”

The caught chicken leaves the game, and the kite continues to catch the next one. The game ends when several chickens are caught.

Rules of the game. Chicks should hold each other tightly by the waist. Anyone who cannot stay in the chain must try to quickly get into his place. The hen, protecting the chickens from the kite, does not have the right to push it away with her hands.


N and a small circle is drawn on the platform, in the middle of which sits a wolf. The players, holding hands, stand in a large circle. Between the circle where the wolf sits and the round dance, the goslings stand in a small circle. Those playing in a round dance walk in a circle and ask the goslings, who also walk in a circle and answer questions:

Geese, you are geese!
- Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!
- You gray geese!
- Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!
- Where have you been, geese?
- Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!
- Who, the geese, did you see?
- Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!

With the end of the last words, the wolf runs out of the circle and tries to catch the gosling. The geese scatter and hide behind those standing in the round dance. The wolf leads the caught gosling to the middle of the circle - to the lair. The geese stand in a circle and answer:

We saw a wolf
The wolf carried away the gosling,
The best best wishes.
The biggest

Ah, geese, you geese!
- Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!
- Pinch the wolf,
Help the gosling!

The geese flap their wings, run in circles shouting ha-ha, pestering the wolf. At this time, the caught goslings try to fly away from the circle, but the wolf does not let them in. The game ends when all the caught geese leave the wolf.

The game is repeated, but those playing in a round dance become geese, and the geese stand in a round dance. The wolf is chosen.

Rules of the game. Round dance of geese and goslings walk in a circle in different directions. Everyone should pronounce the text together. A caught gosling can leave the circle only when one of the players touches the wolf with his hand

Big ball

D To play you need a big ball. The players stand in a circle and join hands. The driver with the ball is in the middle of the circle. He tries to roll the ball out of the circle with his feet, and the one who passed the ball between his legs becomes the driver. But he stands behind the circle. The players turn their backs to the center. Now the driver needs to roll the ball into the circle. When the ball hits the circle, the players again turn to face each other, and the one who missed the ball stands in the middle. The game is repeated.

Rules of the game.
The players do not pick up the ball during the entire game; they roll it only with their feet.


AND The players stand in a circle around the rope. The driver moves inside the circle, trying to insult someone's palm while it touches the rope. To escape, those standing can pull this palm away from the rope or move it along the rope. The salted one replaces the driver.

Tops, spinners, spinning tops

Z launch on the racket for a long time; launch and throw to the other side.


N You need to crawl under the arc standing on the ground so as not to fall and drop the arc.


AND two are playing. One player, hitting the ball, twists the rope onto the pole in one direction, and the other tries to twist it in the other - until the entire rope is wound, the one in which direction has more turns wins. You can play for a while.


The player drives the ball with a stick, trying to roll it into the cauldron (the hole located in the middle of the circle), or occupy one of the holes around the cauldron with the end of his stick, although each is guarded by a player with a stick.

Jump rope

R develops coordination of movements. A simple rope helps craftsmen demonstrate ingenious and most unexpected jumps.


X The poles come in different heights: who will go further?


gra at the post. One of the players holds on to the pole, the rest stand behind him in a chain and try to unhook him from the pole.

"Cyclist Races" 1892

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D To play, you need a small rubber ball and a lapta - a round stick (60 cm long, 3 cm thick handle, 5-10 cm wide base). Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 20 m. On one side of the site there is a city, and on the other there is a horse. The game participants are divided into two equal teams. By lot, the players of one team go to the city, and the other team leads. The city team starts the game. The thrower kicks the ball, runs across the court beyond the line and returns to the city again. The drivers catch the hit ball and try to stain the runner. They can throw the ball to each other to hit the runner at a closer distance. If the field players manage to stain the runner, they move to the city. Otherwise, the players remain where they are. The game continues, the second player scores the ball. In turn, everyone on the kicking team acts as a thrower. But players are not always able to immediately return to the city. In this case, they expect to be rescued. Only the one who hits the ball far can help out.

It often happens that the one who hit the ball could not immediately run over the line. He waits for the next player to score the ball - then two players run behind the line. A more difficult situation may arise when all but one of the players on the kicking team are behind the line, then the player who has not yet kicked is allowed to hit three times. If he misses, then the city players give up their place to the drivers.

Rules of the game. Serving workers must not cross city limits. Anyone who cannot score the ball with a rounder is allowed to throw it into the field with his hand. The city team moves into the field if all players have kicked the ball, but no one has crossed the line. Option.

Changes. A line is drawn at the site. Two of the players stand behind this line. One of them (the server) throws the ball, and the other hits it with a rounder. The remaining participants in the game, standing in different places, catch the ball on the fly. The one who manages to catch the ball on the fly goes to hit it, and the one who hit it earlier goes to the catchers. If no one catches the ball, then the player to whom it fell closest takes it and returns it to the server. If the server catches it on the fly, he begins to hit the ball, and the server becomes the one who successfully threw the ball to him. The one who hit before goes to the catchers.

Rules of the game. The one who serves does not have the right to run beyond his line when catching the ball thrown to him. If the server does not catch the ball returned to him on the fly, he takes it and starts serving again. At the beginning of the game, you can set the condition that the game is considered over if one of the players scores ten points, that is, hits the ball ten times without anyone catching it.

As additional material:

Prof. G. Wagner and K. Freyer.

“Children's games and entertainment” 1902

“That children's games have enormous educational significance, developing thought, imagination and memory in children - we will talk about this in more detail in the general part of the book: this has long become a commonplace of a rational pedagogical system.

The proposed book is a collection of all kinds of books for children of different ages; It’s up to parents and educators to navigate this vast material and choose certain games in accordance with the individual inclinations and intelligence of a given group of children...”

Old outdoor games

Today, few people remember the games that our grandparents played. Meanwhile, these old games are very good for health, since when playing you need constant movement, and the whole game takes place on the street. It is especially good to play them in parks, on lawns, and special playgrounds. The rules of the proposed games are simple, so it’s easy to make various changes to them and give them more excitement. These games can be played by both children and adults. Some of them may remember their childhood.


Two teams: one is in the “field”, and the second hits the ball with a ball (bat). The main goal of those who hit the ball is to make it fly further, and not to be caught by a player from the “field team”. If the opponents catch the ball or ball, then the teams change places

“TOWNS” Draw a square in which they build “towns” from round blocks. “Towns can be of any shape. Each player takes turns throwing a stick and trying to knock down the “town”. If a player knocks down a town, they count how many blocks fly out of the square area. They bring points. Then the stick is passed to another player, and he does the same. If a player misses, he must pass the stick (bat) to the next one. The one who scores the most points wins.

“Grandmas” The game “Grandmas” is similar to the above-mentioned game “Towns”, but instead of round blocks they use “grandmas”, which are placed in a stack. (“The pasterns” are parts of the spine of large domestic animals, usually cattle, and were usually the size of a coin.)

Game "WALL" or "WALL"

Children (no more than 4 people) stand one after another, facing the wall. The first player throws the ball at the wall, and the one behind him catches it. Having caught the ball, he throws it at the wall, and the first player catches it. Then the first one throws the ball again, but in such a way that it bounces off the wall and reaches the third player. The third catches it and throws it so that, bouncing off the wall, it flies over the heads of all the players and reaches the fourth player, who must catch the ball. The one who does not catch the ball is out of the game. After this, the players change places: the first one stands up last, the second first, etc. The game ends when all the players play the role of leader. I liked playing this game: A small board, at one end of which a box is attached, is placed on a log. Balls are placed in the box according to the number of players. The guys stand in a semicircle at some distance from the board. The driver kicks the free end of the board, the balls scatter in different directions. Everyone tries to catch them and put them back in the box. The one who came last becomes the driver. Or here’s a game: Children are divided into two teams. They stand opposite each other about 3-5 meters and begin to throw the ball. The one who did not catch it moves away from his team and stands next to the player who threw the ball to him. The winner is the team in which, through certain time there will be more players. Children, and adults too, loved swinging on swings, which was not always safe. For example, they made a swing for themselves (the simplest one): they put a board on a log, stood on both ends of it and swung. Even a lazy person can make such a simple game for himself.

Old Russian games

The new is the well-forgotten old, a well-known truth. Undeservedly forgotten old games that our grandparents played can be no less exciting than modern computer strategy and action games. They will give you the excitement of sports, the opportunity to show dexterity and ingenuity in real life, and not on the monitor screen. In addition, you have the tempting prospect of becoming a yard champion in towns or grandmas!

You will need a siskin and two sticks. Siskin is a short stick with pointed ends. A circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn on the ground - a con, a siskin is placed in the center and a field is determined where the siskin's flight should be directed.

Two people are playing. One of the players (thrower) hits the pointed end of the siskin with a stick, trying to knock it out into the field (you can first throw it up, and then knock it further away with the second or third blow). In case of a miss or if the siskin lies too close to the horse (at a distance less than the length of the stick), the thrower can repeat the blow, but after the third miss he changes roles with the driver. The second player - the driver - tries to catch the siskin on the fly or hold it with a stick and from the place where the siskin falls, throw it back into the horse with a blow of the stick. The thrower prevents this by trying to repel the siskin and send it back into the field.

If the siskin gets into the circle or the driver catches it on the fly, the players change roles.

Participants become pairs, holding hands, one behind the other - forming a column.

Ahead of the column is the driver. At the driver’s command, the last pair separates their hands and runs forward: one on the right, the other on the left side of the column.

The players' task is to dodge the driver and have time to join hands. If the driver manages to catch one of the players, then together with those caught he becomes the first pair of the column. If the players manage to outwit the driver and hold hands, they stand at the head of the column, and the driver starts the game all over again.

The driver is given the ball. The players gather around the driver. The driver throws the ball up and shouts the name of one of the players.

The named player catches the ball on the fly or picks it up from the ground and tries to hit it with one of the other players scattering to the sides. Having caught the ball on the fly, the player has the right to shout: “Stander!” Then all participants must freeze, and the player with the ball can calmly take aim and hit anyone with the ball.

A ball caught in the air also gives you the right to immediately throw the ball up and shout out the name of one of the players.

If the one they tried to stain manages to catch the ball thrown at him, he gets the right to stain another player with it. The stained one is eliminated from the game.

The rules of the game allow frozen players, at whom the ball is being aimed, to crouch and dodge the ball, but they do not have the right to move from their place.

The game resembles tag, but it has interesting feature. Participants in the game tie a one and a half meter thread with a short stick (fish) at the end to their belt. The task of the players is to catch more fish, that is, to tear off more sticks dragging on the ground by stepping on them and to keep theirs. The player who loses the fish is eliminated from the game.

The winner is the one who managed to collect the most fish while keeping his own.

Hopscotch game

With the onset of spring, as soon as the snow clears from the asphalt, classics appear in courtyards and playgrounds. Let's remember some variations of this old game.

Draw a rectangle 1.5 m wide and 2.5 m long on the asphalt with chalk. The rectangle can be drawn in different ways.

The participants in the game determine the order by agreement or by lot. The first player stands in front of the classics and throws a flat round bat into the first rectangle (1st grade) (the bat can be machined from a bar of iron, you can use an ordinary tin candy box, etc.). Then he jumps on one leg into the classroom and kicks the bat into the next classroom.

This way you can complete all classes. You can add a semicircle or another figure (house, paradise, fire) to the rectangles, in which, according to the condition, you can stand on both legs (for example, house or paradise), or, on the contrary, jump over it without leaving the bat (fire) in it.

If the bat flies into the wrong class or the player steps on the line, he gives way to the next player. While playing hopscotch, you can add and invent new rules, jumping methods, and the outlines of the hopscotch itself.

An old Russian game reminiscent of small towns. In the old days, babkas were made from the hoof joint of a domestic animal, which was left over after boiling the jelly. The cue ball - the largest headstock - was filled with lead from the inside and used in the game as a bat.

Nowadays, bone headstocks can be successfully replaced with small wooden chocks, and for the cue ball, choose a heavier chock. The money is placed on the stake line and knocked out from a distance of 3–5 m.

The players are divided into two teams. In front of each team, behind the betting line, dibs are placed in a certain sequence - at least 10 pieces. Team members strive to knock down the bets with fewer throws.

Each sequence has its own rules: the “fence” is placed along the horse line, the “jib” in two rows perpendicular to it. The “fence” can be knocked down from either end, but no more than two knives in one throw. The “goose” begins to be knocked down from the last pair of headstocks from the horse line. If more than two knuckles are knocked down in one throw or the knuckles are not knocked out in a row, they are put in place. Players throw the cue ball one at a time. The first team to knock out all the money from the stake wins.

Cossack robbers

A yard game that was once very popular among children. Before playing, the players need to discuss the boundaries within which they can move and hide - a yard, a block, a microdistrict. Then the players are divided into teams, one of which is Cossacks, and the other is robbers.

The robbers run to hide, and the Cossacks find and mark a place for a dungeon, where they will take the captured robbers. The dungeon can be a bench, a corner of the yard, a sandbox, or just a place under a tree.

The Cossacks will guard the dungeon, so it should not be too large, but not too cramped. If the game takes place over a relatively large area, the robbers should mark their path with infrequent arrow marks with chalk on the asphalt.

The Cossacks go out to search and catch the robbers. Their task is to find, catch up, tarnish and take the robbers to prison. The Cossack takes the robber to prison, holding his hand or sleeve. A caught and stained robber should not, according to the rules of the game, escape. But if the Cossack accidentally unclenched his hand, the robber can run away. The robbers can help out their comrades on the way to the dungeon - unexpectedly run up and insult the Cossack - then the Cossack must release the prisoner, and both robbers run away. The Cossack, in turn, can be the first to tarnish the robber who tried to free the prisoner. If he succeeds, he will bring two prisoners.

In addition, robbers can free their comrades from prison. But for this they need, bypassing the guard, to tarnish the prisoner himself in the dungeon. The watchman at this time can tarnish the liberators themselves. To catch robbers and guards, prisoners, you can split into pairs or groups - this will complicate the game.

The game ends when all the robbers are caught and are in the dungeon. After this, the Cossacks and the robbers can switch roles.

For the game you need to prepare bits and rums. Ryukhi are made from round wooden blocks 5 cm in diameter, 15 cm long. The length of the bats is 80 cm, the diameter is 5 cm. For each team, horse lines, horse floors and cities are marked on the ground. Two teams are participating. You can play with fewer participants - 2-3 people.

The players' task is to knock out the largest number of figures containing rumblings from their city with fewer blows. Each figure consists of five ryukhas. There are 15 of them in total. 1 - cannon, 2 - star, 3 - well, 4 - artillery, 5 - machine gun nest, 6 - sentries, 7 - shooting range, 8 - fork, 9 - arrow, 10 - crankshaft, 11 - racket, 12 – cancer, 13 – sickle, 14 – plane, 15 – letter. To begin with, you can use a pre-agreed number of pieces - 3 or 5 for younger players, 10 for older children. After training, you can move on to a full set of figures..

In towns, as a rule, the figures are installed and knocked out in the same sequence in which they are numbered. All figures are installed on the front line of the city. Each team receives the right or left city by lot. Each player is given two bats for two throws on the pieces.

First, all members of one team throw bats, then the other. Ryuha is considered knocked out if it completely flies beyond the line of the horse. If it falls on the line or rolls back to the suburbs, they continue to knock it out. The kick is not counted if the player steps beyond the stake line or the stake floor. The first blow is always made from the horse. If the player did not miss and knocked out any number of ryuhs from the established piece, he delivers the next blow from half a horse. The next player also starts throwing the bat from the horse, and if the hit is successful, he moves to the floor of the horse. The team that spends the least number of bits on all pieces gets a point.

There are usually several periods in the game; players agree on their number in advance. The team with the most points wins

And here is another game from this period in the life of the Russian people, but from children's folklore - burners. We read about it from S.K. Yakub: “Russian historians of the last century directly connected burners with the customs of the pagan Slavs. Every year on the longest day of the summer solstice (June 23), the Slavs had the holiday of Yarila (and later Kupala), dedicated to the Sun. In the evening, our distant ancestors - the Slavs - gathered on the banks of the rivers, lit fires for night games, jumped over the fire and swam, “to meet the rising luminary in purity.” On the same night, the “washing and nodding” of the girls also took place. In our most ancient chronicle - “The Tale of Bygone Years” - it is said about this: “I go to the games, to the dance, and all the demonic games, and that same wife for myself.” These words refer to more ancient species burners, where a guy can only catch a girl.

On winter holidays, at festive gatherings, the game song “Drema” was also performed, also associated with calendar holidays, the rules of behavior for which were inherited from ancient pagan times. It can be assumed that Drema here is an image of the Sun, who is being awakened, lightly, playfully reproached, and waiting for warmth from him:

In another children's game, “Kostroma,” scientists find echoes of an ancient pagan ritual game in honor of Kostroma, who personified the spring-summer deity. Young girls and women made a stuffed animal out of straw, dressed it in an elegant sundress, decorated it with flowers, put it in a trough and, imitating a funeral, carried it to the river with songs. There they sang and danced all night, and then Kostroma was stripped and thrown into the river, mourning her death, along with which all the summer round dances and festivities ended. It was time for the summer harvest. And in the children's chorus, words about the ancient meaning of the game were preserved: We dressed up Kostroma, We saw off the spring and summer. Although it has an enhanced entertainment function: the outcome of the game is essentially a trap, because children need to run around!

Many games symbolically show the warmth and tenderness of family relationships. This is, for example, “Utena”: She walked through the meadows, made a nest, brought out the children, collected the children. Folk tradition creates a gentle, bright image: The duck swam through the blue lakes, wet her legs, wet her wings, fluttered her wings, fluttered onto the shore

BOUGERS. The playing field (~8-10 meters long is outlined on both sides by lines, behind which there are bouncers (drivers), their task is to knock the players off the field with the ball, the ball is served alternately from one bouncer to another, there are a lot of options for players. a) the bouncer becomes the “knocked out” or newly arrived players) the players are divided into teams and the knocked out players leave the field until all the team players are knocked out, while a “candle” can be caught from the bouncer’s hands, which means either the opportunity to remain in the circle, or the return of one from eliminated players on the field. c) if the previous options are widely known, then I encountered this only once - in a pioneer camp. There should be quite a lot of players - at least 4-5 in each of the two teams. Each team has one bouncer (B) and the rest of the players (I) are placed on the field as follows: Each team takes turns in possession of the ball and knocks out the opposing players, knocked out players from the player category go into the bouncer category, that is, they go beyond the boundaries of the field, take possession Only the player who caught the “candle” can use someone else’s ball (a ball caught from the ground as a “candle” is not considered, the player who caught such a ball goes to the bouncers). The team that still has players left wins, and they start

next con.

(1 option): A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 meters is drawn, in which all participants are placed, the driver throws the ball as high as possible and runs further from the circle, the player who managed to catch the ball shouts “stop” and assigns the number of steps to the driver (the steps can be very diverse and in different numbers, for example, 2 “giants” and “5 “Lilliputians”), if after completing the prescribed steps he manages to touch the driver, he himself becomes the driver. I remember only a few steps, but you can imagine yourself: “Giant” - big steps in a jump, “liliputians” - a half-foot step, “thread” - from toe to toe, “ducklings” - squatting, “umbrellas” - a flip jump , “bunny” - jump - legs together).

“Steps” (2nd option): the circle is divided into sectors - countries, while Voda says the game phrase (again, lost, you will have to invent it) the players scatter. The command “Stop!” sounds, the players freeze, then the water selects a victim (usually the one closest to him) and assigns steps; if he guessed correctly, then he cuts off a piece from the loser’s country for himself, no, he gives up part of his territory (you can cut only by standing with your foot ( feet) on your territory, and then as soon as you reach there (the circle should be large enough).

"POTATO"– the ball should be light, preferably a small inflatable one. Players standing in a circle throw the ball to each other (catch or hit as in the game “volleyball”), the one who misses or drops the ball becomes a “potato” - he squats in a circle and can be hit with the ball. If the ball falls to the ground after hitting the “potato”, then it is not considered missed and the game is resumed; if the “potato” manages to catch the ball (like a “candle”), then the one who lost the ball becomes the “potato”, and the rest of the players leave the circle. The last of the two remaining players, who dropped the ball to the ground, becomes the first “victim” of the new game.“ “Edible-inedible” - The playing field is drawn in a line, where each line is separated from the other by one step (you can play on a wide ladder), players stand behind the last line and the driver throws the ball to them one by one, calling various items. If an “edible” word sounds, the player must catch the ball, an “inedible” word must be missed or discarded; if the player’s actions correspond to the named word, the player moves to the next line (to the next step). The one who crosses the last line first wins and becomes the driver.


- they hit the ground with a ball (palm), with each strike pronouncing another word: “I know 5 names of girls (boys, names of flowers, birds, and so on ad infinitum): Masha - one, Tanya - two, Katya - three, “Sonya - four, Ira – five”, “I know 5...” If the player makes a mistake or makes a long pause, the ball passes to another player, when the ball makes a circle and returns to the player, the game is for of this player resumes from the place where it was interrupted (as is done in the “classics”), while it is better to agree in advance in what order the objects will be named. This game is useful even without a ball, at home.


– the players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, the “dog”’s task is to take possession of the ball, the one who lost the ball himself becomes a “dog”. This is a limited list of ball games, it can be expanded classic games football, basketball, volleyball, pioneerball - a domestic creation for kids (a version of volleyball where the ball is not hit, but caught)


The water stands with its back to the players, who make all kinds of passes, depicting various figures in motion, and says the words: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, the sea figure freezes in place,” then turns around, the one who did not have time to freeze or the first one to move becomes the driver.“ “Move quietly...” - one of the variants of “sea figures”, the driver becomes on one side playing field, the players are at the other end of it, the water turns away and says: “If you drive more slowly, you will continue, one, two, three, stop” and turns around, the players who are running towards the driver at that moment must freeze, the one who did not have time to stop in time returns to the starting line. The winner, the first to reach the water, becomes water himself. The whole interesting thing is that the phrase can be cut off in any way (an element of surprise is introduced), but the last word should still remain “stop”, only after it can the water turn around.


circles-houses are drawn on the field, exactly one less than the number of players, the water goes around the houses collecting players in a chain and takes them away, while telling them where it is leading them, after the command “go home” everyone rushes back and the player who did not get a house , becomes a driver. I don’t remember the words at all, it’s not particularly important, but here’s my hasty version of the beginning of the saying: “the gnomes went for a walk, left their houses: gnome Misha (for example), gnome Sasha (etc., listing all the players), they went into the forest, but got lost, walked for a long, long time, (further according to taste)” followed by an unexpected command “to go home” anywhere in the story - develops attention and reaction.


The players sit on a bench and hold their palms cupped in front of them, the water clamps a ring (or a coin) in its “boat” and passes through all the players one by one (more than once), placing its palms in the palms of the players, quietly transferring the “ring” to one of them ”, then says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch,” the task of the player who received the ring is to get up and go out, becoming the driver, the task of the others is to hold him, if, of course, they have time to figure out who got this ring, it’s interesting to play in the lineup at least 4-5 people.


the driver becomes the gardener, the rest choose the name of the flower according to their taste and respond only to it. The driver gives a start with the words: “I was born a gardener, I’m seriously angry, I’m tired of all the flowers except ... (the temporary name of any of the players is called, for example, “rose”), “Rose should immediately respond: “Oh.” Gardener: “What’s wrong?” you?" Rose: “In love” Gardener: “With whom?” Rose: “Tulip” Tulip: “Oh” ... And then the dialogue continues between him and the rose, etc., the gardener may rightfully be among those chosen, I note that the main burden falls on him, since the names of the flowers are quickly forgotten, and the gardener remembered and called most often. The one who made a mistake: responded to someone else’s name, did not respond to his own, or took a long pause - forgot the “names” of the flowers is eliminated and again the gardener gives the start, etc., until there are two players left. As an option, the players do not drop out, but give away “forfeits”, which are subsequently played out (some personal item). Forfeits are played as follows: one takes out a forfeit, the other (turning away) assigns a task to the owner of the forfeit, which he must complete in order to get the thing back (sing, recite a poem, crow, jump on one leg, etc., depends on the imagination).


the field is limited on 4 sides (moderately, depending on the number of players), it’s something like a pedestrian droshky, you can’t run outside of it. So, the driver in the center of the playing field, turning away, assigns a color, those players who have this color on their clothes calmly cross, the rest - “violators” - must run across the “road”, the greasy “violator” becomes water.


(someone mistakenly, or perhaps correctly, calls this game “Cossack robbers”) The players are divided into two teams, the “shooters” are given time to hide and then the chase begins, the search is carried out along the arrow tracks placed by the “shooter” players on turns, and maybe more often. As soon as the last “arrow” is found and caught, the teams change roles.


- jumping over each other in a chain, “Rucheek” is also known to everyone and is more suitable for folk dances (IMHO).


Players run up in a row and position themselves so that their feet do not touch the ground (sit down, hang on trees, etc.) The driver’s task is to insult the one who could not resist and touched the ground; another interesting thing is that players at a respectful distance can change your location.


The players clasp their hands in a circle and get confused, climbing over each other as soon as possible, while the driver


Two teams, holding hands, first walk towards each other, then back, and so on in turn. And they say: - Boyars, we came to you, dear ones, and we came to you - Boyars, why did we come, dear ones, and why did we come - Boyars, we need a bride, dear ones, we need a bride - Boyars, how sweet to you, dear ones , and how sweet is this to you - Boyars, this is sweet to us (pointing to one of the players), dear, this is sweet to us - Boyars, she’s a fool for us, dears, she’s a fool for us - Boyars, and we whip her... -Boyars, she’s afraid of the whip,.. -Boyars, we’ll give you some gingerbread... -Boyars, her teeth hurt,... -Boyars, we’ll take you to the doctor,... -Boyars, she’s afraid of the doctor... -Boyars, don’t be a fool , give us the bride forever. The “bride” runs up and tries to break the chain from the hands of the opposite team; if she doesn’t break through, she remains on the team; if she breaks through, she takes one player and goes to her team.

"PIKE" -

a variant of tags (tags), the saluted player clings to the water and together they salute the next one, the last saluted player becomes the driver. “?” (untitled) Another version of this game, but those who have been salvaged freeze in place, with their arms open, they can be re-enchanted if the driver allows other players to join them, the last one who has been salvaged becomes the driver.


everyone stands in a circle and walks around, leading with eyes closed: “Grandfather Vodyanoy, why are you sitting under water! Look out for a little bit, just a minute!” After which the merman gets up and selects any player at random, touches it and tries to guess who it is. If you guess correctly, then the guessed one becomes “Water”.


– players stand in a circle in twos (one at a time for others) the driver runs after one of the free players around the outer circle without crossing it; the player can stand in front of one of the pairs and then the one who is third and stands with his back to the border of the circle will have to run away. The salty one becomes the driver.


two teams, the opposite team thinks of a word, some of the players try to portray it in pantomime, the other part tries to guess. If they guess right, they change roles.” Option 2: “Grandfather Mazai” - Oda moves away while the players agree on who they will portray, then they call him over with the words: “Grandfather Mazai come out.” - Hello guys, where were you, what were you doing? “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.” After which the driver must guess the meaning of their actions.

“They were sitting on the golden porch...”

The driver spins in place and rotates jumping ropes around himself near the ground (if they are long, it is better to fold them in half), saying (for each turn a word): “On the golden porch sat the king, the queen, the king, the queen, the cook, the tailor, ... (no further I remember, but it rarely came to this, if you come up with it, figure it out yourself. So, the players around must jump over the rope, whoever doesn’t have time, leads and until the next mistake is called the word on which he got entangled in the rope.


(a shortened version of the game “Boyars”), this game differs only in the dialogue of the playing teams: – Shackles. - Shackled. - Unwind. - By whom? - My friend. - Which one? Next, a player is selected who breaks someone else's chain.

The water knocks out the players lying on the ground with their legs raised with the ball, with which they fight back, but only the one who is hit in the soft spot is considered knocked out.


The water hides an object that players must find according to its instructions: cold, colder, warmer, hot, very hot, etc., depending on the players' temperament. (can be played at home)


A variant of blind man's buff, where two people lead with their eyes closed - “guards”, between whom the rest of the players must pass, those caught change places with the guards.


this game spontaneously arose in our family circle; perhaps there is a well-known analogue (new - well-forgotten old). So, the water (“cannibal”) sits with his eyes closed and everyone touches him in turn; the one he manages to grab by the hand becomes the “cannibal.”

(fun for schoolchildren) two teams play: “elephants” stand in a chain, holding each other in a bent state, riders jump on them and the “elephant” tries to walk with this burden (in my opinion, not a completely harmless game)


Unfortunately, I remember the rules vaguely. The players sit on a bench, the driver whispers a word to the first player, who deliberately quickly passes it on along the chain. The whole point is that it will reach the last player. Then the queue moves and the last player becomes the first - water.


or “King”: Players stand in a circle, lead a round dance around the Leader (“goat” or “king”) with the words: – The _king_ walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest, Found himself a princess, princess, princess, (the goat chooses a princess from the round dance ) Let's jump, jump, jump, (everyone performs the indicated actions) And we jump with our legs, we jump, we jump, And we stomp with our legs, stomp, stomp, And we clap our hands, clap, clap, We shake our heads, and we start again... (choose a princess better with your eyes closed)

“SECRETS” (loved by girls) - a hole is torn off in the ground, a candy wrapper (preferably shiny) is placed on the bottom, something like a herbarium is placed on it and the whole thing is covered with a piece of glass, then covered with earth. Then the girls secretly show their treasures to each other.

Frogs and heron.

The boundaries of the swamp (rectangle, square or circle) where frogs live are marked by cubes with a side of 20 cm, between which ropes are stretched. There are sandbags at the ends of the ropes. To the side is a heron's nest. Frogs jump and frolic in the swamp. The heron (leader) stands in his nest. At the teacher’s signal, she, raising her legs high, heads to the swamp, steps over the rope and catches frogs. The frogs escape from the heron; they jump out of the swamp. The heron takes the caught frogs to his house. (They stay there until they choose a new heron.) If all the frogs manage to jump out of the swamp, and the heron does not catch anyone, she returns to her house alone. After 2-3 repetitions of the game, a new heron is selected. Directions. The ropes are laid out on the cubes so that they can easily fall if they are touched while jumping. The fallen rope is put back in place. The players (frogs) should be evenly distributed throughout the swamp. Frogs can only jump over ropes.

Wolf in the ditch.

A ditch is marked across the site by two parallel lines at a distance of about 100 cm from one another. There is a driver in it - a wolf. The rest of the players are goats. They live in the house (they stand outside the line along the border of the hall). On opposite side The hall is separated by a line from the field. According to the teacher, “Goats are in the field, wolves are in the ditch!” children run from the house into the field and jump over the ditch along the road. The wolf runs in the ditch, trying to mop up the jumping goats. The greasy one steps aside. The teacher says: “Goats, go home!” The goats run home, jumping over the ditch along the way. After 2–3 runs, another driver is selected or assigned.

Directions . A goat is considered caught if the wolf touches it at the moment when it jumps over the ditch, or if it hits the ditch with its foot.

Run and jump.

Several children stand in a line. At a distance of 10 m from them, a strip 30 - 40 cm wide is drawn. At the teacher’s signal, the children quickly run forward. The winner is the one who is the first to jump forward and upward, precisely stepping on the strip.

Directions : Jump only up from the strip, pushing with one foot.

Encourage children to push off vigorously and land softly.

Jumping sparrows (Don't get caught).

A circle is drawn. Diameter 4-6 m. The driver chosen is a large bird. He stands in the middle of the circle. All the other sparrows are playing, they stand behind the circle. Sparrows jump on two legs, sometimes jumping into a circle to peck grains, sometimes jumping out of it. A large bird flies in a circle, does not allow the sparrows to collect grains, and pecks them (touches them with its hand). The little sparrows try to stay in the circle as much as possible and dodge the one who catches them.

Directions . The teacher makes sure that the players do not stand still, but

jumped up and down.

Who is more likely to follow the path?.

4-5 narrow paths are laid out from sticks, cones, and pebbles (width 20 cm, length 4 m). 4-5 children stand at the beginning of the path and, at a signal, jump on two legs to the end, where the cubes lie or sticks are stuck in the ground.

Directions : jump on two legs along the path without going beyond its boundaries.

Complication: perform jumps on one leg; jump over 4-5 low objects (cubes, pebbles) assigned to each person on the path; Jump sideways, from foot to foot.


Three sticks are placed on the ground. Three children stand so that the sticks are between their legs. To the lyrics of the song, children take turns jumping over the sticks, then crossing, then spreading their legs, touching the stick. For every quatrain another child jumps,

“The little white bunny sits and wiggles his ears,

Like this, like this, and wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, he needs to warm his little paws.

Clap-clap, clap-clap

We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny needs to jump."

Directions : jump without touching or moving the sticks; observe the rhythm of jumping, start and end jumps in accordance with the beginning and end of reading poetry.

Complication : while jumping, clap in front of you, above your head, behind your back.

Frogs in the swamp.

He draws a large rectangle on the ground, on both sides there are banks, on them, at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other, hummocks (small tubercles, drawn circles), to the side there is a crane in a nest. The frogs sit on the hummocks and say:

“Here from the hatched rotten

Frogs splashed into the water.

They began to croak from the water:


It will rain on the river."

With the end of the words, the crane catches the frogs, and they jump into the water, where they cannot be caught. As soon as the crane moves away, the frogs jump onto a hummock. The caught frogs go to the cranes' nest. After the crane catches several frogs, a new crane is selected from those who have never been caught.

Directions: jump from a hummock into a swamp in one jump, landing softly on both feet; you can catch frogs on a hummock or outside the boundaries of the swamp.

Complication: introduce a second crane; increase the distance from hummocks to the swamp

Put down the pebbles quickly.

On one side of the playground the children do

small holes (or outline circles) and stand, on the contrary, in a line at a distance of 4-5 m. Near each there are 5-6 pebbles. At a signal, children take one pebble at a time, jump on two legs to their hole or circle, put the pebble down and run back. Jump with the next pebble. The one who completes the task first wins.

Directions : place a pebble in a hole or circle; if it pops out, you need to go back and put it back in; jump all the way to the hole; Do not start running until the pebble is in the hole.

Complication : jump to the hole on one leg; jump sideways to the hole.


On the ground at a distance of 50-60 cm from one another

draw lines. Children, one after another, jump over lines on two legs in different ways: straight, sideways right and left, between jumping in place.

Directions : jump in the indicated way, pushing off with both legs at the same time; coordinate the force of the push with the obstacle (closer, further).

Complication : change the distance between the lines, developing in children the ability to perform shorter or longer jumps.


There are horses in the stable, and grooms with reins sit on benches not far from them. The senior groom-teacher approaches a board suspended on a tree and strikes approximately 15-18 blows. During this time, the grooms quickly bring out the horses, harness them and line up one after another. At the signal “let’s go” they gallop. At the signal “the horses got scared” they scatter in different directions. The grooms catch and take the horses to the stable. Children change roles, the game is repeated.

Directions : have time to line up while the blows are heard; perform a gallop correctly and rhythmically; you can catch any horse; the horse should not run away from the stable.

Complication : Each groom makes himself a “troika”.

Foot target.

In front of a bench or log 30 cm high, they lay out cords or draw a circle with a diameter of 30 cm. Children stand on a raised platform, at a signal, jump into the circles and immediately jump out of them.

Instructions: jump off gently, do not squat too much; quickly make the next jump; the one who touches the cooler leaves the game.

Complication : jumping into a circle, jump up in it.

Jump - turn around!

Children, standing freely, perform three jumps in place in a hoop (diameter 1 m), on the fourth, high jump, they try to pull the knees of their bent legs to their chest at the top point of takeoff, clasp them with their hands, then quickly straighten their legs and land softly.

Complication : Instead of bending your legs, perform a 360 turn. Penguins with a ball. Children stand in 4-5 lines. Opposite each link (at a distance of 4-5 m) a landmark is a tall cube. The first in the lines receive the balls. Holding them between their knees, they jump to the object, take the ball and, having run around the landmark, each returns to their own link and passes the ball to the next one.


Children are divided into two subgroups. One forms a circle in the center of the playground (children walk in a circle holding hands) - this is a “cage”, the other subgroup is “birds”. The teacher says: “Open the cage!” Children forming a cage raise their hands. The “birds” run into the “cage” and immediately run out of it. The teacher says: “Close the cage!” The children give up. The “birds” remaining in the “cage” are considered caught. They stand in a circle. The “cage” increases and the game continues until there are 1-3 “birds” left. Then the children change roles.


Choose two drivers. One is tied with a blue ribbon on his hand - this is the “north wind”, the other is wearing a red one - this is the “south wind”. The rest of the children are running around the playground. “North Wind” tries to “freeze” as many children as possible by touching them with his hand. Frozen people take some kind of pose (arms to the sides, up, on the waist, standing on one leg, etc.). “South Wind” seeks to “unfreeze” children, also touching with his hand and exclaiming: “Free!” After 2-3 minutes, new drivers are appointed, and the game resumes.


    A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit.

    The table is decorated by the guests, and the house by the children.

    He who does not abandon his children does not die.

    Be truthful even towards a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie.

    — L.N. Tolstoy

    Children need to be taught to speak and adults to listen to children.

    Let childhood mature in children.

    Life needs to be interrupted more often so that it doesn’t turn sour.

    — M. Gorky

    Children need to be given not only life, but also the opportunity to live.

    Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who gave him water, fed him, and taught him goodness.

Children's games of antiquity

Understanding the world begins with play. What children play and how they play determines what kind of adults they will grow up to be. The expression “Children are real people, and adults are what is left of them” reminds us that we must continue to play when we become adults and not stop. It's useful and also makes us better.

The games of Slavic children are ancient and deeply traditional. In them, in words and gestures, actions and emotions, the living and eternal are preserved. All of them are from ancient times. They convey faith in the existence of souls and spirits, faith in the animation of all nature and totemism, the inexhaustible diversity of the world, natural and human unity.

In the old days, when both city dwellers and villagers lived in approximately the same conditions, the games were similar. The heroes of these games were, first of all, animals - horses, bears, wolves and foxes, lambs and goats, birds (geese, swallows, larks, quails, sparrows, chickens and roosters, ducks, cranes). Everything that surrounded the children migrated into their play world.

In total, there are several types of children's traditional games. Some are still popular with children.

Finger games - for the little ones (“Soroka-Soroka”, “Kiselyok”, “Horned Goat”) - are the most ancient. Such games promote the development of fine motor skills and general physical development baby. And all because there are active points on the palms that affect the entire body.
Round dance games for youth grow from pagan roots, from the times when round dancing, tank, loach, was considered an indispensable attribute of the spring-summer ritual. His goal was to glorify the spirits of nature, to appease them in order to ensure the well-being and prosperity of people. Gradually, the original meaning was erased, but the round dances remained. These are “Rucheyok”, “Flax”, “Swan”. The children also played games similar to elements of the wedding ceremony and other rituals in general - kidnapping the bride, walking in rye, in flax, driving a spikelet, unlocking the earth, calling and others.

Games involving kidnapping, war, and dragging are popular and beloved. These are “Geese-Swans”, “Wolf and Geese”, “Krynochka” and many others.

Ornamental games clearly outlined the children's movements. They had to move in a certain way to a song or melody. The game itself had a beginning, a climax and an end: a kind of small performance, but very clear and formed; it was impossible to break away from the custom of the game itself. The rules are unshakable, participants are distributed unconditionally and perform only their own roles. These are “Zarya-Zaryanitsa”, “Dungeon”.
Competitive games, especially loved by boys, are aimed at strength, endurance, dexterity, courage and attentiveness. The support of friends and mutual assistance is important here. These are the games themselves: “Lapta”, “Gorodki”, “Leapfrog” and others.

What remains in our time from the ancient games of our little ancestors? Even if only for the smallest, but still curious contemporaries, there are “Tag-traps” of all kinds (“Tag-squats”, “Sorcerers”, “Pristenochki”), “Hide and Seek”. Truly immortal game all children, without exception - “Cossacks-robbers” in dozens of variants, “Twelve Sticks”, “Holes”, “Knives”, “Wolf in the Moat”, “Geese-Swans and the Wolf”, “Ring”, “On Gold They were sitting on the porch,” “A goat was walking through the forest.” By the way, only boys used to play the game “Classes”.
Here are just a few fun and active games for little Slavs.

Game "Zarya-Zaryanitsa"
Children stand in a circle, holding their hands behind their backs. Driver - Zarya walks behind the players in a circle with a ribbon or handkerchief and says:

Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
I dropped the keys.
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined -
Let's go get some water!

With the last words, Zarya carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, takes the ribbon, and both run in different directions in a circle. The one who reaches first takes an empty place in the circle. The one who is left without a place becomes Zarya and the game repeats.
Details: Runners should not cross the circle, those playing in the circle should not turn around while Zarya chooses who to put a handkerchief on their shoulder.
Russian traditional round dance game"Bubble"
This game is very fun and dynamic. Children play it with pleasure. The guys hold hands and form a circle. Before the game starts, the round dance converges as close to the center as possible. The bubble is deflated. Next, the bubble is “inflated”, i.e. spread out to the sides, trying to make the round dance as large as possible. The round dance-bubble is “inflated” until one of the round dance participants, unable to withstand the tension, lets go of their hands. This means the bubble has burst. The game is accompanied by the following text:

Blow up, bubble,
Puff up big!
Blow up, hold on
Don't rush!

Game "Leapfrog". Option 1
According to the rules of the game, a driver is selected, who will have to squat down with his head bent. The rest of the participants must jump over it.
After all the participants have jumped over the driver, he changes position, standing up a little. Participants must again jump over it in turn.
So, each time the driver gets up higher and higher, and the game continues until one of the players, jumping over, hits the driver. If this happens, he takes his place and the game starts again.

Game "Leapfrog". Option 2
In the rules, there is no other version of the game for the driver, and the children simply have fun jumping over each other.
All participants in the game must line up so that the distance between them is about 1-2 meters. All players, except for the one who closes the chain, stand in a half-bent position, leaning on their knees, or squat down.
The player standing at the end of the chain begins to jump over all participants in turn. After he has jumped over the player standing first, he also stands at a distance from him and takes the desired pose, and at this time the player at the end of the chain begins to jump over the participants.

Game "Tag-squats"
This game is for four or more people. The leading tag is chosen by a counting rhyme. They play like regular tag. The difference is that a crouched player cannot be salted! Salka can deceive players - he pretends to run after one, and then suddenly changes direction. And one more condition - more than two players cannot sit down at the same time! If three players sit down at once, the tag can kill the last one who sits down. The upset player becomes a tag.

Game "Twelve Sticks"
For this game you need a board and 12 sticks. The board is placed on a small log to create something like a swing. All the players gather around this swing. 12 sticks are placed on the lower end, and one of the players hits the upper end so that all the sticks fly apart.

The driver collects the sticks, while the players run away and hide. When the sticks are collected and placed on the board, the driver goes to look for the hidden ones. The found player is eliminated from the game.

Any of the hidden players can sneak up to the swing unnoticed by the driver and break the sticks again. At the same time, hitting the board, he must shout out the name of the driver. The driver collects the sticks again, and all the players hide again. The game ends when all the hidden players are found and the driver manages to keep his sticks. The last player found becomes the driver.

Details: The driver picks up and places the sticks back on the swing strictly one at a time.
Children can still play a wide variety of these games today. They are simple, understandable and do not require specific skills, special training or any equipment, except for the simplest: Children's games are full of laughter, joy and movement.

The bright and original features of the culture of any nation are best manifested in the games they create. For many centuries, Russians folk games were part of how Everyday life, and obligatory " highlight of the program» any holiday for both children and adults. They acted as not only an excellent way to have fun and interesting time, but also as an excellent psychological relief, a good means of self-knowledge, unobtrusively teaching the younger generation dexterity, courage, courage, kindness, mutual assistance, nobility and self-sacrifice for the sake of the common good.

In the life of the Russian people, as historians have noted, folk games, reflecting the special features of the Slavic mentality, social structure and general worldview, have always occupied a very important place. They had enormous educational significance; they required from participants in games and amusements not only physical effort, but also remarkable intelligence, dexterity, cunning, presence of mind in any situation, tirelessness and perseverance. Usually all games were played on fresh air and in an unlimited space, which undoubtedly contributed to the physical development of the younger generation, its hardening and preparation for a difficult adult life.

Russian games were varied; both children and adults took part in them, rarely from hard work. holidays could afford to have fun, competing in strength or dexterity, at least throwing away the gray everyday life a little. Russian folk games can be divided into men's games (Babki, Lapta, Gorodki, Taking the Snow Town), children's games (Ladushki, Magpie-Crow), and collective games (Gorelki, Hide and Seek) , “Stream”, “Hide and Seek”, “Guide”).

Games and fun of the Russian people:


The equipment for the game “Babki” was the cleaned bones of the lower periosteal joints of hoofed domestic animals (cows, pigs, sheep) and one large bone used as a bat, usually filled with lead or cast iron for weight. From two to ten children could participate in the game, each with his own bat and several doughnuts. The playing field was drawn out on a flat surface, and dice (knucklebones) were placed in a special window (kon line) in a certain sequence, each of which had to be knocked out with a bat in a certain way. This is an emotional and exciting ancient Russian game that improved throwing skills, developed strength, speed, eye, and cultivated endurance and attention.


“Lapta” is a Russian folk team game that used a bat (it was spade-shaped, hence the name of the game) and a ball, and was played in an open natural space, divided into two sides: “city” and “kon”, occupied by different teams. The game was that a player of one team had to hit the ball with a bat harder in the direction belonging to the enemy, so that it would fly further away and during this time run to the “enemy’s” camp and back, and so that you would not be “hit” with the ball caught by the team players enemy. A successful run earned the team a point, and whoever had the most won. This game contributed to the unity of people, developed in them a sense of strong camaraderie, mutual support, loyalty and, of course, developed attentiveness and dexterity.


“Towns” (otherwise known as “Ryuhi”, “Chushki”, “Pigs”). In this game, from a certain distance, with a special bat, arranged “towns” were knocked out on a marked area - figures from several wooden blocks made of birch, linden, beech, etc. The main task was to knock out 15 main figures, each of which had its own name, using the minimum number of throws. Competitions for knocking out figures can be either individual or team. The game is exciting and requires dexterity and strength, endurance, accuracy and excellent coordination of movements.


In ancient times, not a single holiday was complete among young people without the cheerful, wise and very meaningful game “Stream”, which intertwined such important feelings for young people as the choice of sympathy, the fight for their love, testing the strength of feelings, jealousy, and a magical touch on the hand your chosen one.

The participants in the game stood in pairs one after another, took hands and raised them high above their heads, forming a long corridor of clasped hands. The player who did not get a pair walked inside a kind of stream-like corridor and, breaking up the pair, took his chosen one or chosen one to the end of the corridor. The man left alone went to the beginning, choosing a new mate. Thus, the “stream” is constantly in motion, the more people there are, the more fun and exciting the game is.


“Burners” is a fun, mischievous and active game that develops attention and speed. The players split into pairs and stood in columns, the selected driver stood with his back to them, without looking back. A line is drawn in front of him at some distance, the participants sang a cheerful song “Burn-burn clearly” and at the end of it, on the word “run” the couple opens their hands and runs to the line, and the driver must catch one of them before they close their hands beyond the line . He becomes a pair with the one caught, and his partner, who is left alone, becomes the next driver.

Hide and seek

The game of “Hide and Seek” is a popular children's entertainment, characterized by fun, excitement and mobility; it promotes the development of ingenuity, endurance and resourcefulness, and teaches teamwork. You can play it either alone or as a team. They choose a driver who stands facing the wall and closes his eyes, the rest run away and hide, the driver must find them and call them by name.


The favorite nursery rhyme game for very young children was the well-known “Ladushki”, designed to amuse the child and interest him with funny rhymes, accompanied by movements of the hands and head, clapping of hands, and fascinating facial expressions. This game It develops fine motor skills and coordination of movements well, teaches communication skills and of course brings a lot of positive emotions to the baby.

Taking the snow town

“Taking the Snow Town” is a traditional winter fun of the Russian people, which was part of the daring games on Maslenitsa. The “town” (represented two walls with a gate decorated with a figurine of a rooster, a bottle and a glass) was built from snow in an open space (in a field or square), doused with water to make it more inaccessible.

The game involved two teams, usually consisting of young, strong guys, some were “besieged”, they were inside a snow fortress, others were “besiegers”, they attacked with the goal of capturing the snowy town and destroying it (by the way, they were allowed to be on horses). The defenders of the town (they were on foot) defended themselves with branches and brooms, covered the attackers with snow with shovels and threw snowballs at them. The first one to break into the gates of the snow fortress was considered the winner. Such entertainment was characterized by unbridled daring, fun and desperate recklessness.

The Russian people came up with games and fun with care and love for their children, hoping that with their help they would not only spend their free time fun and healthy, but also become fast, dexterous and strong, learn to communicate with each other, and value friendship , come to the rescue, be honest and not be afraid of difficulties, firmly believing in your own strength and the help of friends.

Old outdoor games

Today, few people remember the games that our grandparents played. Meanwhile, these old games are very useful forhealth, since the game requires constant movement, and the entire game takes place on the street. It is especially good to play them in parks, on lawns, and special playgrounds. The rules of the proposed games are simple, so it’s easy to make various changes to them and give them more excitement. These games can be played by both children and adults. Some of them may remember their childhood.


Two teams: one is in the “field”, and the second hits the ball with a ball (bat).
The main goal of those who hit the ball is to make it fly further and not be caught by a player from the “field team”.
If the opponents catch a ball or ball, then the teams change places

They draw a square in which they build “towns” from round blocks. “Towns can be of any shape. Each player takes turns throwing a stick and trying to knock down the “town”. If a player knocks down a town, they count how many blocks fly out of the square area. They bring points.
Then the stick is passed to another player, and he does the same. If a player misses, he must pass the stick (bat) to the next one.
The one who scores the most points wins.

The game “Babki” is similar to the above game “Towns”, but instead of round blocks they use “grandmothers”, which are placed in a stack.
(“The pasterns” are parts of the spine of large domestic animals, usually cattle, and were usually the size of a coin.)

Game "WALL" or "WALL"

Children (no more than 4 people) stand one after another, facing the wall. The first player throws the ball at the wall, and the one behind him catches it. Having caught the ball, he throws it at the wall, and the first player catches it. Then the first one throws the ball again, but in such a way that it bounces off the wall and reaches the third player. The third catches it and throws it so that, bouncing off the wall, it flies over the heads of all the players and reaches the fourth player, who must catch the ball. The one who does not catch the ball is out of the game. After this, the players change places: the first one stands up last, the second one stands up first, etc. The game ends when all players play the role of leader.

I liked playing this game:
A small board with a box attached to one end is placed on the log. Balls are placed in the box according to the number of players.
The guys stand in a semicircle at some distance from the board. The driver kicks the free end of the board, the balls scatter in different directions. Everyone tries to catch them and put them back in the box. The one who came last becomes the driver.
Or this game: Children are divided into two teams. They stand opposite each other about 3-5 meters and begin to throw the ball. The one who did not catch it moves away from his team and stands next to the player who threw the ball to him. The team with the most players after a certain time wins.
Children, and adults too, loved to swing on swings, which was not always safe.
For example, we made a swing for ourselves (the simplest one): we put a board on a log, stood on both ends of it and swung. Make yourself such a simple fun under hand I'm even lazy.

Old Russian games

The new is the well-forgotten old, a well-known truth. Undeservedly forgotten old games that our grandparents played can be no less exciting than modern computer strategy and action games. They will give you the excitement of sports, the opportunity to show dexterity and ingenuity in real life, and not on a monitor screen. In addition, you have the tempting prospect of becoming a yard champion in towns or grandmas!


You will need a siskin and two sticks. Siskin is a short stick with pointed ends. A circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn on the ground - a con, a siskin is placed in the center and a field is determined where the siskin's flight should be directed.

Two people are playing. One of the players (thrower) hits the pointed end of the siskin with a stick, trying to knock it out into the field (you can first throw it up, and then knock it further away with the second or third blow). In case of a miss or if the siskin lies too close to the horse (at a distance less than the length of the stick), the thrower can repeat the blow, but after the third miss he changes roles with the driver. The second player - the driver - tries to catch the siskin on the fly or hold it with a stick and from the place where the siskin falls, throw it back into the horse with a blow of the stick. The thrower prevents this by trying to repel the siskin and send it back into the field.

If the siskin gets into the circle or the driver catches it on the fly, the players change roles.


Participants become pairs, holding hands, one behind the other - forming a column.

Ahead of the column is the driver. At the driver’s command, the last pair separates their hands and runs forward: one on the right, the other on the left side of the column.

The players' task is to dodge the driver and have time to join hands. If the driver manages to catch one of the players, then together with those caught he becomes the first pair of the column. If the players manage to outwit the driver and hold hands, they stand at the head of the column, and the driver starts the game all over again.


The driver is given the ball. The players gather around the driver. The driver throws the ball up and shouts the name of one of the players.

The named player catches the ball on the fly or picks it up from the ground and tries to hit it with one of the other players scattering to the sides. Having caught the ball on the fly, the player has the right to shout: “Stander!” Then all participants must freeze, and the player with the ball can calmly take aim and hit anyone with the ball.

A ball caught in the air also gives you the right to immediately throw the ball up and shout out the name of one of the players.

If the one they tried to stain manages to catch the ball thrown at him, he gets the right to stain another player with it. The stained one is eliminated from the game.

The rules of the game allow frozen players, at whom the ball is being aimed, to crouch and dodge the ball, but they do not have the right to move from their place.


The game resembles tag, but it has an interesting feature. Participants in the game tie a one and a half meter thread with a short stick (fish) at the end to their belt. The task of the players is to catch more fish, that is, to tear off more sticks dragging on the ground by stepping on them and to keep theirs. The player who loses the fish is eliminated from the game.

The winner is the one who managed to collect the most fish while keeping his own.

Hopscotch game

With the onset of spring, as soon as the snow clears from the asphalt, classics appear in courtyards and playgrounds. Let's remember some variations of this old game.

Draw a rectangle 1.5 m wide and 2.5 m long on the asphalt with chalk. The rectangle can be drawn in different ways.

The participants in the game determine the order by agreement or by lot. The first player stands in front of the classics and throws a flat round bat into the first rectangle (1st grade) (the bat can be machined from a bar of iron, you can use an ordinary tin candy box, etc.). Then he jumps on one leg into the classroom and kicks the bat into the next classroom.

This way you can complete all classes. You can add a semicircle or another figure (house, paradise, fire) to the rectangles, in which, according to the condition, you can stand on both legs (for example, house or paradise), or, on the contrary, jump over it without leaving the bat (fire) in it.

If the bat flies into the wrong class or the player steps on the line, he gives way to the next player. While playing hopscotch, you can add and invent new rules, jumping methods, and the outlines of the hopscotch itself.


An old Russian game reminiscent of small towns. In the old days, babkas were made from the hoof joint of a domestic animal, which was left over after boiling the jelly. The cue ball - the largest headstock - was filled with lead from the inside and used in the game as a bat.

Nowadays, bone headstocks can be successfully replaced with small wooden chocks, and for the cue ball, choose a heavier chock. The money is placed on the stake line and knocked out from a distance of 3–5 m.

The players are divided into two teams. In front of each team, behind the betting line, dibs are placed in a certain sequence - at least 10 pieces. Team members strive to knock down the bets with fewer throws.

Each sequence has its own rules: the “fence” is placed along the horse line, the “jib” in two rows perpendicular to it. The “fence” can be knocked down from either end, but no more than two knives in one throw. The “goose” begins to be knocked down from the last pair of headstocks from the horse line. If more than two knuckles are knocked down in one throw or the knuckles are not knocked out in a row, they are put in place. Players throw the cue ball one at a time. The first team to knock out all the money from the stake wins.

Cossack robbers

A yard game that was once very popular among children. Before playing, the players need to discuss the boundaries within which they can move and hide - a yard, a block, a microdistrict. Then the players are divided into teams, one of which is Cossacks, and the other is robbers.

The robbers run to hide, and the Cossacks find and mark a place for a dungeon, where they will take the captured robbers. The dungeon can be a bench, a corner of the yard, a sandbox, or just a place under a tree.

The Cossacks will guard the dungeon, so it should not be too large, but not too cramped. If the game takes place over a relatively large area, the robbers should mark their path with infrequent arrow marks with chalk on the asphalt.

The Cossacks go out to search and catch the robbers. Their task is to find, catch up, tarnish and take the robbers to prison. The Cossack takes the robber to prison, holding his hand or sleeve. A caught and stained robber should not, according to the rules of the game, escape. But if the Cossack accidentally unclenched his hand, the robber can run away. The robbers can help out their comrades on the way to the dungeon - unexpectedly run up and insult the Cossack - then the Cossack must release the prisoner, and both robbers run away. The Cossack, in turn, can be the first to tarnish the robber who tried to free the prisoner. If he succeeds, he will bring two prisoners.

In addition, robbers can free their comrades from prison. But for this they need, bypassing the guard, to tarnish the prisoner himself in the dungeon. The watchman at this time can tarnish the liberators themselves. To catch robbers and guards, prisoners, you can split into pairs or groups - this will complicate the game.

The game ends when all the robbers are caught and are in the dungeon. After this, the Cossacks and the robbers can switch roles.


For the game you need to prepare bits and rums. Ryukhi are made from round wooden blocks 5 cm in diameter, 15 cm long. The length of the bats is 80 cm, the diameter is 5 cm. For each team, horse lines, horse floors and cities are marked on the ground. Two teams are participating. You can play with fewer participants - 2-3 people.

The players' task is to knock out the largest number of figures containing rumblings from their city with fewer blows. Each figure consists of five ryukhas. There are 15 of them in total. 1 - cannon, 2 - star, 3 - well, 4 - artillery, 5 - machine gun nest, 6 - sentries, 7 - shooting range, 8 - fork, 9 - arrow, 10 - crankshaft, 11 - racket, 12 – cancer, 13 – sickle, 14 – plane, 15 – letter. To begin with, you can use a pre-agreed number of pieces - 3 or 5 for younger players, 10 for older children. After training, you can move on to a full set of figures..

In towns, as a rule, the figures are installed and knocked out in the same sequence in which they are numbered. All figures are installed on the front line of the city. Each team receives the right or left city by lot. Each player is given two bats for two throws on the pieces.

First, all members of one team throw bats, then the other. Ryuha is considered knocked out if it completely flies beyond the line of the horse. If it falls on the line or rolls back to the suburbs, they continue to knock it out. The kick is not counted if the player steps beyond the stake line or the stake floor. The first blow is always made from the horse. If the player did not miss and knocked out any number of ryuhs from the established piece, he delivers the next blow from half a horse. The next player also starts throwing the bat from the horse, and if the hit is successful, he moves to the floor of the horse. The team that spends the least number of bits on all pieces gets a point.

There are usually several periods in the game; players agree on their number in advance. The team with the most points wins

Game Burners

And here is another game from this period in the life of the Russian people, but from children's folklore - burners. We read about it from S.K. Yakub: “Russian historians of the last century directly connected burners with the customs of the pagan Slavs. Every year on the longest day of the summer solstice (June 23), the Slavs had the holiday of Yarila (and later Kupala), dedicated to the Sun. In the evening, our distant ancestors - the Slavs - gathered on the banks of the rivers, lit fires for night games, jumped over the fire and swam, "to meet the rising luminary in purity." On the same night, the “washing and nodding” of the girls also took place. In our most ancient chronicle - “The Tale of Bygone Years” - it is said about this: “I’m going to the games, to the dancing, and all the demonic games, and that wife’s wife.” These words refer to an older type of burner, where a guy can only catch a girl.

Game song Sandman

On winter holidays, at festive gatherings, the game song “Drema” was also performed, also associated with calendar holidays, the rules of behavior for which were inherited from ancient pagan times. It can be assumed that Drema here is an image of the Sun, who is being awakened, lightly, playfully reproached, and waiting for warmth from him:

Children's game Kostroma

In another children's game, “Kostroma,” scientists find echoes of an ancient pagan ritual game in honor of Kostroma, who personified the spring-summer deity. Young girls and women made a stuffed animal out of straw, dressed it in an elegant sundress, decorated it with flowers, put it in a trough and, imitating a funeral, carried it to the river with songs. There they sang and danced all night, and then Kostroma was stripped and thrown into the river, mourning her death, along with which all the summer round dances and festivities ended. It was time for the summer harvest. And in the children's chorus, words about the ancient meaning of the game were preserved: We dressed up Kostroma, We saw off the spring and summer. Although it has an enhanced entertainment function: the outcome of the game is essentially a trap, because children need to run around!

Utena game

Many games symbolically show the warmth and tenderness of family relationships. This is, for example, “Utena”: She walked through the meadows, made a nest, brought out the children, collected the children. Folk tradition creates a gentle, bright image: The duck swam through the blue lakes, wet her legs, wet her wings, fluttered her wings, fluttered onto the shore

The playing field (~8-10 meters long is outlined on both sides by lines, behind which there are bouncers (drivers), their task is to knock the players off the field with the ball, the ball is served alternately from one bouncer to another, there are a lot of options for players. a) the bouncer becomes “knocked out” or newly arrived players) the players are divided into teams and the knocked out players leave the field until all the players on the team are knocked out, while a “candle” can be caught from the hands of the bouncer, which means either the opportunity to remain in the circle, or the return of one of the knocked out players on the field. c) if the previous options are widely known, then I encountered this only once - in a pioneer camp. There should be quite a lot of players - at least 4-5 in each of the two teams. Each team has one bouncer (B) and the rest of the players (I) on the field as follows:
Each team takes turns in possession of the ball and kicks out the opposing players, knocked out players from the player category go into the bouncer category, that is, they go beyond the boundaries of the field, only the player who caught the “candle” can take possession of someone else’s ball (a ball caught from the ground as a “candle” is not considered the player who catches such a ball goes to the bouncers). The team that still has players left wins, and they start

next con.


(1 option): A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 meters is drawn, in which all participants are placed, the driver throws the ball as high as possible and runs further from the circle, the player who managed to catch the ball shouts “stop” and assigns the number of steps to the driver (the steps can be very diverse and in different numbers, for example, 2 “giants” and “5 “Lilliputians”), if after completing the prescribed steps he manages to touch the driver, he himself becomes the driver. I remember only a few steps, but you can imagine yourself: “Giant” - big steps in a jump, “liliputians” - a half-foot step, “thread” - from toe to toe, “ducklings” - squatting, “umbrellas” - a flip jump , “bunny” - jump - legs together).

“Steps” (2nd option): the circle is divided into sectors - countries, while Voda pronounces the game phrase (again, lost, you will have to invent it) the players scatter. The command “Stop!” sounds, the players freeze, then the water selects a victim (usually the one closest to him) and assigns steps; if he guessed correctly, then he cuts off a piece from the loser’s country for himself, no, he gives up part of his territory (you can cut only by standing with your foot ( feet) on your territory, and then as soon as you reach there (the circle should be large enough).

"POTATO" – the ball should be light, preferably a small inflatable one. Players standing in a circle throw the ball to each other (catch or hit as in the game “volleyball”), the one who misses or drops the ball becomes a “potato” - he squats in a circle and can be hit with the ball. If the ball falls to the ground after hitting the “potato”, then it is not considered missed and the game is resumed; if the “potato” manages to catch the ball (like a “candle”), then the one who lost the ball becomes the “potato”, and the rest of the players leave the circle. The last of the two remaining players to drop the ball on the ground becomes the first “victim” of the new horse.
“Edible-inedible” - The playing field is drawn in a line, where each line is separated from the other by one step (you can play on a wide ladder), the players stand behind the last line and the driver throws the ball to them one by one, naming various objects. If an “edible” word sounds, the player must catch the ball, an “inedible” word must be missed or discarded; if the player’s actions correspond to the named word, the player moves to the next line (to the next step). The one who crosses the last line first wins and becomes the driver.


- they hit the ground with a ball (palm), with each strike pronouncing another word: “I know 5 names of girls (boys, names of flowers, birds, and so on ad infinitum): Masha - one, Tanya - two, Katya - three, “Sonya - four, Ira - five”, “I know 5...” If a player makes a mistake or makes a long pause, the ball passes to another player, when the ball makes a circle and returns to the player, the game for that player resumes from the place where it was interrupted (as this is done in the “classics”), but it is better to agree in advance in what order the items will be named. This game is useful even without a ball, at home.


– the players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, the “dog”’s task is to take possession of the ball, the one who lost the ball himself becomes a “dog”. This is a limited list of games with the ball, it can be supplemented with classic games of football, basketball, volleyball, pioneer ball - a domestic creation for kids (a version of volleyball where the ball is not hit, but caught)


The water stands with its back to the players, who make all kinds of passes, depicting various figures in motion, and says the words: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, the sea figure freezes in place,” then turns around, the one who did not have time to freeze or the first one to move becomes the driver.
“”You drive more quietly...” - one of the options for “sea pieces”, the driver stands on one side of the playing field, the players are at the other end, the water turns away and says: “If you drive more quietly, you will go further, one, two, three, stop” and turns around, the players who are running towards the driver at that moment must freeze, the one who did not manage to stop in time returns to the starting line. The winner, the first to reach the water, becomes water himself. The whole interesting thing is that the phrase can be cut off in any way (an element of surprise is introduced), but the last word should still remain “stop”, only after it can the water turn around.


circles-houses are drawn on the field, exactly one less than the number of players, the water goes around the houses collecting players in a chain and takes them away, while telling them where it is leading them, after the command “go home” everyone rushes back and the player who did not get a house , becomes a driver. I don’t remember the words at all, it’s not particularly important, but here’s my hasty version of the beginning of the saying: “the gnomes went for a walk, left their houses: gnome Misha (for example), gnome Sasha (etc., listing all the players), they went into the forest, but got lost, walked for a long, long time, (further according to taste)” followed by an unexpected command “to go home” anywhere in the story - develops attention and reaction.


- players sit on a bench and hold their palms folded in a boat in front of them, the water clamps a ring (or a coin) in its “boat” and passes through all the players one by one (more than once), putting its palms into the palms of the players, imperceptibly transferring the “ring” to one of them ”, then says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch,” the task of the player who received the ring is to get up and go out, becoming the driver, the task of the others is to hold him, if, of course, they have time to figure out who got this ring, it’s interesting to play in the lineup at least 4-5 people.


the driver becomes the gardener, the rest choose the name of the flower according to their taste and respond only to it. The driver gives a start with the words: “I was born a gardener, I’m seriously angry, I’m tired of all the flowers except ... (the temporary name of any of the players is called, for example, “rose”), “Rose should immediately respond: “Oh.” Gardener: “What’s wrong?” you?" Rose: “In love” Gardener: “With whom?” Rose: “Tulip” Tulip: “Oh” ... And then the dialogue continues between him and the rose, etc., the gardener may rightfully be among those chosen, I note that the main burden falls on him, since the names of the flowers are quickly forgotten, and the gardener remembered and called most often. The one who made a mistake: responded to someone else’s name, did not respond to his own, or took a long pause - forgot the “names” of the flowers is eliminated and again the gardener gives the start, etc., until there are two players left. As an option, the players do not drop out, but give away “forfeits”, which are subsequently played out (some personal item). Forfeits are played as follows: one takes out a forfeit, the other (turning away) assigns a task to the owner of the forfeit, which he must complete in order to get the thing back (sing, recite a poem, crow, jump on one leg, etc., depends on the imagination).


the field is limited on 4 sides (moderately, depending on the number of players), it’s something like a pedestrian droshky, you can’t run outside of it. So, the driver in the center of the playing field, turning away, assigns a color, those players who have this color on their clothes calmly cross, the rest - “violators” - must run across the “road”, the greasy “violator” becomes water.


(someone mistakenly, or perhaps correctly, calls this game “Cossack robbers”) The players are divided into two teams, the “shooters” are given time to hide and then the chase begins, the search is carried out along the arrow tracks placed by the “shooter” players on turns, and maybe more often. As soon as the last “arrow” is found and caught, the teams change roles.


- jumping over each other in a chain, “Rucheek” is also known to everyone and is more suitable for folk dances (IMHO).


- players run up in a row and position themselves so that their feet do not touch the ground (sit down, hang on trees, etc.) The driver’s task is to insult the one who could not resist and touched the ground; another interesting thing is that players at a respectful distance can change your location.


The players clasp their hands in a circle and get confused, climbing over each other as soon as possible, while the driver


Two teams, holding hands, first walk towards each other, then back, and so on in turn. And they say: - Boyars, we came to you, dear ones, and we came to you - Boyars, why did we come, dear ones, and why did we come - Boyars, we need a bride, dear ones, we need a bride - Boyars, how sweet to you, dear ones , and how sweet is this to you - Boyars, this is sweet to us (pointing to one of the players), dear, this is sweet to us - Boyars, she’s a fool for us, dears, she’s a fool for us - Boyars, and we whip her... -Boyars, she’s afraid of the whip,.. -Boyars, we’ll give you some gingerbread... -Boyars, her teeth hurt,... -Boyars, we’ll take you to the doctor,... -Boyars, she’s afraid of the doctor... -Boyars, don’t be a fool , give us the bride forever. The “bride” runs up and tries to break the chain from the hands of the opposite team; if she doesn’t break through, she remains on the team; if she breaks through, she takes one player and goes to her team.

"PIKE" -

a variant of tags (tags), the one who has been saluted clings to the water and together they salute the next one, the last player who has been saluted becomes the driver.
“?” (untitled) Another version of this game, but those who have been salvaged freeze in place, with their arms open, they can be re-enchanted if the driver allows other players to join them, the last one who has been salvaged becomes the driver.


everyone stands in a circle and walks around, leading with their eyes closed: “Grandfather Vodyanoy, why are you sitting under water! Look out for a little bit, just a minute!” After which the merman gets up and selects any player at random, touches it and tries to guess who it is. If you guess correctly, then the guessed one becomes “Water”.


– players stand in a circle in twos (one after another), the driver runs after one of the free players around the outer circle without crossing it, a player can stand in front of one of the pairs and then the one who is third and stands with his back to the border of the circle will have to run away. The salty one becomes the driver.


two teams, the opposite team thinks of a word, some of the players try to portray it in pantomime, the other part tries to guess. If they guess right, they switch roles.
“ Option 2: “Grandfather Mazai” - Oda moves away while the players agree on who they will portray, then they call him over with the words: “Grandfather Mazai get out.” - Hello guys, where were you, what were you doing? “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.” After which the driver must guess the meaning of their actions.

“They were sitting on the golden porch...”

The driver spins in place and rotates jumping ropes around himself near the ground (if they are long, it is better to fold them in half), saying (for each turn a word): “On the golden porch sat the king, the queen, the king, the queen, the cook, the tailor, ... (no further I remember, but it rarely came to this, if you come up with it, figure it out yourself. So, the players around must jump over the rope, whoever doesn’t have time, leads and until the next mistake is called the word on which he got entangled in the rope.


(a shortened version of the game “Boyars”), this game differs only in the dialogue of the playing teams: – Shackles. - Shackled. - Unwind. - By whom? - My friend. - Which one? Next, a player is selected who breaks someone else's chain.


The water knocks out the players lying on the ground with their legs raised with the ball, with which they fight back, but only the one who is hit in the soft spot is considered knocked out.


The water hides an object that players must find according to its instructions: cold, colder, warmer, hot, very hot, etc., depending on the players' temperament. (can be played at home)


A variant of blind man's buff, where two people lead with their eyes closed - “guards”, between whom the rest of the players must pass, those caught change places with the guards.


this game spontaneously arose in our family circle; perhaps there is a well-known analogue (new - well-forgotten old). So, the water (“cannibal”) sits with his eyes closed and everyone touches him in turn; the one he manages to grab by the hand becomes the “cannibal.”


(fun for schoolchildren) two teams play: “elephants” stand in a chain, holding each other in a bent state, riders jump on them and the “elephant” tries to walk with this burden (in my opinion, not a completely harmless game)


Unfortunately, I remember the rules vaguely. The players sit on a bench, the driver whispers a word to the first player, who deliberately quickly passes it on along the chain. The whole point is that it will reach the last player. Then the queue moves and the last player becomes the first - water.


or “King”: Players stand in a circle, lead a round dance around the Leader (“goat” or “king”) with the words: – The _king_ walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest, Found himself a princess, princess, princess, (the goat chooses a princess from the round dance ) Let's jump, jump, jump, (everyone performs the indicated actions) And we jump with our legs, we jump, we jump, And we stomp with our legs, stomp, stomp, And we clap our hands, clap, clap, We shake our heads, and we start again... (choose a princess better with your eyes closed)

“SECRETS” (loved by girls) - a hole is torn off in the ground, a candy wrapper (preferably shiny) is placed on the bottom, something like a herbarium is placed on it and the whole thing is covered with a piece of glass, then covered with earth. Then the girls secretly show their treasures to each other.

Frogs and heron.

The boundaries of the swamp (rectangle, square or circle) where frogs live are marked by cubes with a side of 20 cm, between which ropes are stretched. There are sandbags at the ends of the ropes. To the side is a heron's nest. Frogs jump and frolic in the swamp. The heron (leader) stands in his nest. At the teacher’s signal, she, raising her legs high, heads to the swamp, steps over the rope and catches frogs. The frogs escape from the heron; they jump out of the swamp. The heron takes the caught frogs to his house. (They stay there until they choose a new heron.) If all the frogs manage to jump out of the swamp, and the heron does not catch anyone, she returns to her house alone. After 2-3 repetitions of the game, a new heron is selected. Directions. The ropes are laid out on the cubes so that they can easily fall if they are touched while jumping. The fallen rope is put back in place. The players (frogs) should be evenly distributed throughout the swamp. Frogs can only jump over ropes.

Wolf in the ditch.

A ditch is marked across the site by two parallel lines at a distance of about 100 cm from one another. There is a driver in it - a wolf. The rest of the players are goats. They live in the house (they stand outside the line along the border of the hall). On the opposite side of the hall, a line separates the field. According to the teacher, “Goats are in the field, wolves are in the ditch!” children run from the house into the field and jump over the ditch along the road. The wolf runs in the ditch, trying to mop up the jumping goats. The greasy one steps aside. The teacher says: “Goats, go home!” The goats run home, jumping over the ditch along the way. After 2-3 runs, another driver is selected or assigned.

Directions. A goat is considered caught if the wolf touches it at the moment when it jumps over the ditch, or if it hits the ditch with its foot.

Run and jump.

Several children stand in a line. At a distance of 10 m from them, a strip 30 - 40 cm wide is drawn. At the teacher’s signal, the children quickly run forward. The winner is the one who is the first to jump forward and upward, precisely stepping on the strip.

Directions: Jump only up from the strip, pushing with one foot.

Encourage children to push off vigorously and land softly.

Jumping sparrows (Don't get caught).

A circle is drawn. Diameter 4-6 m. The driver chosen is a large bird. He stands in the middle of the circle. All the other sparrows are playing, they stand behind the circle. Sparrows jump on two legs, sometimes jumping into a circle to peck grains, sometimes jumping out of it. A large bird flies in a circle, does not allow the sparrows to collect grains, and pecks them (touches them with its hand). The little sparrows try to stay in the circle as much as possible and dodge the one who catches them.

Directions. The teacher makes sure that the players do not stand still, but

jumped up and down.

Who is more likely to follow the path?.

4-5 narrow paths are laid out from sticks, cones, and pebbles (width 20 cm, length 4 m). 4-5 children stand at the beginning of the path and, at a signal, jump on two legs to the end, where the cubes lie or sticks are stuck in the ground.

Directions: jump on two legs along the path without going beyond its limits.

Complication: perform jumps on one leg; jump over 4-5 low objects (cubes, pebbles) assigned to each person on the path; Jump sideways, from foot to foot.


Three sticks are placed on the ground. Three children stand so that the sticks are between their legs. To the lyrics of the song, children take turns jumping over the sticks, then crossing, then spreading their legs, touching the stick. For every quatrain another child jumps,

“The little white bunny sits and wiggles his ears,

Like this, like this, and wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, he needs to warm his little paws.

Clap-clap, clap-clap

We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny needs to jump."

Directions: jump without touching or moving the sticks; observe the rhythm of jumping, start and end jumps in accordance with the beginning and end of reading poetry.

Complication: When jumping, clap in front of you, above your head, behind your back.

Frogs in the swamp.

He draws a large rectangle on the ground, on both sides there are banks, on them, at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other, hummocks (small tubercles, drawn circles), to the side a crane in a nest. The frogs sit on the hummocks and say:

“Here from the hatched rotten

Frogs splashed into the water.

They began to croak from the water:


It will rain on the river."

With the end of the words, the crane catches the frogs, and they jump into the water, where they cannot be caught. As soon as the crane moves away, the frogs jump onto a hummock. The caught frogs go to the cranes' nest. After the crane catches several frogs, a new crane is selected from those who have never been caught.

Directions : Jump from a hummock into a swamp in one leap, landing softly on both feet; you can catch frogs on a hummock or outside the boundaries of the swamp.

Complication : introduce the second crane; increase the distance from hummocks to the swamp

Put down the pebbles quickly.

On one side of the playground the children do

small holes (or outline circles) and stand, on the contrary, in a line at a distance of 4-5 m. Near each there are 5-6 pebbles. At a signal, children take one pebble at a time, jump on two legs to their hole or circle, put the pebble down and run back. Jump with the next pebble. The one who completes the task first wins.

Directions: place a pebble in a hole or circle; if it pops out, you need to go back and put it back in; jump all the way to the hole; Do not start running until the pebble is in the hole.

Complication: jump to the hole on one leg; jump sideways to the hole.


On the ground at a distance of 50-60 cm from one another

draw lines. Children, one after another, jump over lines on two legs in different ways: straight, sideways right and left, between jumping in place.

Directions: jump in the indicated way, pushing off with both legs at the same time; coordinate the force of the push with the obstacle (closer, further).

Complication: change the distance between the lines, developing in children the ability to perform shorter or longer jumps.


There are horses in the stable, and grooms with reins sit on benches not far from them. The senior groom-teacher approaches a board suspended on a tree and hits approximately 15-18 blows. During this time, the grooms quickly bring out the horses, harness them and line up one after another. At the signal “let’s go” they gallop. At the signal “the horses got scared” they scatter in different directions. The grooms catch and take the horses to the stable. Children change roles, the game is repeated.

Directions: have time to line up while the blows are heard; perform a gallop correctly and rhythmically; you can catch any horse; the horse should not run away from the stable.

Complication: Each groom makes himself a “troika”.

Foot target.

In front of a bench or log 30 cm high, they lay out cords or draw a circle with a diameter of 30 cm. Children stand on a raised platform, at a signal, jump into the circles and immediately jump out of them.

Directions: jump off gently, do not squat too much; quickly make the next jump; the one who touches the cooler leaves the game.

Complication: Jumping into the circle, perform a jump up in it.

Jump - turn around!

Children, standing freely, perform three jumps in place in a hoop (diameter 1 m), on the fourth, high jump, they try to pull the knees of their bent legs to their chest at the top point of takeoff, clasp them with their hands, then quickly straighten their legs and land softly.

Complication: Instead of bending your legs, perform a 360 turn. Penguins with a ball. Children stand in 4-5 lines. Opposite each link (at a distance of 4-5 m) the landmark is a tall cube. The first in the lines receive the balls. Holding them between their knees, they jump to the object, take the ball and, having run around the landmark, each returns to their own link and passes the ball to the next one.


Children are divided into two subgroups. One forms a circle in the center of the playground (children walk in a circle holding hands) - this is a “cage”, the other subgroup is “birds”. The teacher says: “Open the cage!” Children forming a cage raise their hands. The “birds” run into the “cage” and immediately run out of it. The teacher says: “Close the cage!” The children give up. The “birds” remaining in the “cage” are considered caught. They stand in a circle. The “cage” increases and the game continues until there are 1-3 “birds” left. Then the children change roles.


Choose two drivers. One is tied with a blue ribbon on his hand - this is the “north wind”, the other is wearing a red one - this is the “south wind”. The rest of the children are running around the playground. “North Wind” tries to “freeze” as many children as possible by touching them with his hand. Frozen people take some kind of pose (arms to the sides, up, on the waist, standing on one leg, etc.). “South Wind” seeks to “unfreeze” children, also touching with his hand and exclaiming: “Free!” After 2-3 minutes, new drivers are appointed, and the game resumes.


The game is played according to the “Trap” principle, only a new rule is introduced - you cannot catch someone who managed to stand on one leg and clasped his knee with his hands.


They choose a driver. At the teacher's signal, the children run away. The driver catches by touching the runner with his hand. The caught person is paired with the driver. They join hands and catch other children. Those caught also form a pair and participate in fishing. The game ends when all the children are caught. The last child caught becomes the driver.


A group of children stands on one side of the playground beyond the line. A line is also drawn on the opposite side of the site. In the middle, between the two lines, there is a trap. After the words “Once. Two, three – catch it!” children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap tries to catch them. Anyone he touches before the runner crosses the line is considered caught and moves aside. After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are counted and a new trap is selected.


The game is played in the same way, but with the condition - you cannot catch those children who managed to stand on some elevated object (log, board)


The players stand in a circle. The driver with a small ball goes to the middle of the circle. He throws the ball up (or hits it hard on the ground) and says someone's name. The child who was named runs after the ball, the rest run away. As soon as the child catches the ball, he loudly says: “Stop!”, All players must stop and stand motionless where the signal caught them. The driver tries to hit some player with the ball. The one at whom the ball is thrown can dodge, crouch, but not move from the spot. If the driver misses, he runs after the ball, and everyone scatters again. If the driver hits someone with the ball, he takes the driver’s place and the game continues.


The players try to throw each other off balance by jumping on one leg and pushing the opponent with their right or left shoulder. The one who touches the ground with his second foot loses. Children hold their hands on their belts or crossed in front of their chests; You can hold on to the toe of your bent leg with one hand. Pushing with hands is not allowed. The winner is the one who lasts the longest while jumping on one leg.


One child is chosen as a “pike”. The rest of the players are divided into two subgroups: one of them forms a circle - these are “pebbles”, the other - “crucian carp”, which swim inside the circle. "Pike" is outside the circle. At the teacher’s signal “Pike!” the child portraying her runs into the circle and tries to catch the “crucian carp”. “Crucians” hide behind “pebbles” - they crouch behind one of the players standing in a circle. The “pike” catches those players who did not have time to hide and takes them out of the circle. After 2-3 repetitions, the number of caught players is counted. They choose a new “Pike”. Children standing in and inside the circle change places and the game continues.


Gymnastic benches are placed in a square - this is a “perch”. There are children – “chickens” – standing on the benches. A “fox” runs around inside the square (“chicken coop”). The “chickens” either jump off the “perch” and run around the “chicken coop”, or climb onto the benches. The “fox” tries to catch (touch with his hand) the “chicken”, which has at least one foot touching the ground. After the driver catches 3-5 “chickens”, a new “fox” is appointed from among the most dexterous ones. The game is repeated 4-5 times


The game is played in that part of the site where there is a gymnastic wall, benches, ladders, and other objects up to 30 cm high. A driver is chosen - a trap. A colored ribbon is tied on his arm. Children are placed on the equipment. At the first hit of the tambourine, they jump off and begin to run around the playground, following the rhythm that the teacher sets. The trap takes part in the general movement. At the teacher’s signal “Catch!” all children again climb onto the placed objects. The trap catches those who did not have time to stand on the dais. Those caught move aside, and after 2-3 repetitions they are counted. A new trap is chosen and the game continues.


Children walk or run in all directions. At the teacher’s signal “Two!” they pair up with any player nearby, hold hands and run to a pre-agreed place (flag), where they line up in a column in the order in which they run up. If the teacher says “Three!”, then the children form threes and then run to the formation site.

Game option. Children must line up in front of the teacher (facing him), no matter where he is on the site. To make the game more difficult and interesting, the teacher, before giving the signal to form, says: “Stop!” - the children stop and close their eyes. The teacher moves to another place and gives a signal (“Two!” or “Three!”) - the children open their eyes, form pairs or triplets and run to line up


Children line up in a column in the middle of the playground, one at a time. To the right of the column is a “moat”, to the left is a “river”. You need to “swim across” the “river” - walk, imitating the movements of a swimmer with your hands, and jump over the “ditch”. At the teacher’s signal, “The ditch is on the right!” children turn to the right and jump forward. The one who jumped in the other direction is considered to have fallen into the river, and they help him get out by giving him a hand. Then everyone returns to the initial formation.

At the signal “River is on the left!” children turn to the left and “swim to the other side.” The one who made a mistake and ended up in the “ditch” returns to his comrades.


Children stand behind the line in three columns with an interval of 2-3 steps between them. Each column has the same number of players. In front of the columns there are “paths” of two parallel lines three meters long (distance between lines 20-25 cm). Further, the “paths” are crossed by two perpendicular lines with a distance of 70-80 cm between them - “grooves”, and even further, at a short distance from the “grooves”, there are hoops. At the teacher’s signal, the children standing in front of the columns run along the “paths”, jump over the “grooves”, run up to the hoops, take them, put them on themselves and lower them to the ground. After this, they quickly return to the end of their column. The first person to arrive is given a flag or other badge. The column with more flags is considered the winner.

Another variant. The first participants who complete the task, returning, touch the hands of the second players and stand on the horses of the column. The second players run immediately as soon as they are touched. The team that completes the task faster wins..

Proteins, nuts, cones

Number of players: any
Additional: no
All the guys stand up, holding hands, three at a time, forming a squirrel’s nest. They agree among themselves who will be the squirrel, who will be the nut, and who will be the cone. The driver is alone, he does not have a nest.
There is also a presenter in this game who pronounces the words: squirrels, cones, nuts. If he said squirrels, then all the squirrels leave their nests and run to others. At this time, the driver takes an empty space in any nest, becoming a squirrel. The one who does not have enough space in the nests becomes the leader.
If the leader says: nuts, then the nuts change places and the leader, who took a place in the nest, becomes a nut.

Hot potato

Number of players: at least three
Extras: ball
Children stand in a circle and toss the ball to each other as if it were a hot potato. Players must throw the ball quickly to avoid getting burned.

Hare without a den

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The participants of the game stand in pairs facing each other, raising their clasped hands up. This is the hare's lair. Two drivers are selected - a hare and a hunter. The hare must run away from the hunter, while he can hide in the den, i.e. stand between the players. The one to whom his back is turned becomes a hare and runs away from the hunter.
If the hunter hits the hare, then they change roles.


Number of players: any
Extras: boxes of matches
To play this game, you need to divide into 2-3 teams and prepare 2-3 boxes of matches. More precisely, you don’t need the entire box, but only the upper part of it. The inner, retractable part along with the matches can be put aside.

Fight for the ball

Number of players: any
Extras: ball
Team captains stand in marked circles. The remaining team members are divided into attackers and interceptors. The host plays the ball between players of opposing teams.
When throwing the ball to your players, you need to bring the ball closer to the captain and throw it to him so that he catches it on the fly.
Game up to 5 points.

Moving target

Number of players: any
Extras: ball
Children form a large circle, located 2 - 3 steps from each other. You can draw a line in front of their socks. A driver stands out and goes to the middle of the circle.
At the signal, the children begin to throw the ball to each other in order to choose the moment to hit the driver with it. The driver, running in a circle, dodges the ball. The one who hit the driver with the ball goes to his place.


Number of players: at least 11 people
Additional: no
A labyrinth is a type of tag game. Two people are driving - a cat and a mouse. Participants stand in an orderly manner, with their arms at their sides, facing in one direction (forming corridors). At the leader’s command (either a clap or a whistle), all participants turn back. The cat and mouse are only allowed to run along the corridors.
If the cat catches the mouse, then they change roles, or with someone standing in the maze.

Fishing in pairs

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The driver is on the side, the rest are placed randomly on a limited area (15x20 m). At the signal, the driver begins to catch the guys, and they try to run away from him. Having caught someone, he takes him by the hand, and the two of them begin to catch others, surrounding them with their free hands. The caught man steps aside. When the second one is caught, they form a new pair and begin to catch on their own. Thus, the number of pairs is increasing all the time.
The game ends when everyone has been caught.


Number of players: any
Additional: no
Two teams play. One team, holding hands, forms a “drag” and catches the “fish” of opponents moving freely around the court. Players who are caught are eliminated from the game. After some time, the teams change roles.
The team that catches the most fish wins. A “fish” is considered caught if the fishermen manage to form a circle around it. The game is repeated several times.

Enchanted Castle

Number of players: any
Optional: blindfolds
The players are divided into two teams. The first team must disenchant the castle, and the second team must prevent them from doing this. The castle can be a tree or a wall. Near the castle there are the main gates - two guys from the second team are blindfolded. In general, all players on this team must be blindfolded. They are located arbitrarily, the way they want, on the playground.
The players who must disenchant the castle, at the command of the leader, begin to silently move towards the main gate. Their task is to quietly reach the gate, go through it and touch the lock. In this case, the game is considered over.


Number of players: 12-20 people
Additional: no
Two circles are formed: an outer one and an inner one with the same number of players. One person from the inner circle and one from the outer circle form a pair (everyone must remember their partner). At the leader’s command, the outer circle begins to run clockwise, and the inner circle counterclockwise. The leader will give commands that each pair must carry out, and very quickly. The last pair leaves the game. For example, if the leader shouts: back to back!, then the pairs must connect with these very parts of the body. The last couple to do this is out of the game. The couple that reaches the end wins.

Ali Baba - mobile

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The players are divided into two teams and stand, holding hands, facing the opposing team, at a distance of 5–7 meters. One of the teams starts the game with the words:
- Ali Baba!
The second team answers in unison:
-What is the servant talking about?
The first team speaks again:
- The fifth, the tenth, Sasha is here for us!

Two Frosts

Number of players: any
Additional: no
In front of the children are two drivers, two Frosts.
- We are daring Frosts, young brothers:
I am Frost Red Nose,
I am Frost Blue Nose.
Which of you will decide to hit the road - take the path?
Children answer:
- We are not afraid of threats and Frost is not afraid of us.
After this, the children must run to the other side and not get caught by the Frosts.

Hold the ball

Number of players: any
Extras: balloons
Children are divided into pairs. For each pair, draw a circle with a diameter of 1 m. The players stand in this circle and are given balloon. They must, without leaving the circle, blow on the ball so that it rises and falls above them,
and above the boundaries of their circle. You cannot “correct” the trajectory of the ball with your hands. The couple that can last the longest wins.

Move stealthily

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The game is played in the forest.
The leader sets the task for the players: to move behind him secretly, being at a distance of 30-40 m. When the players take their places at the specified distance, the leader goes forward, but from time to time stops, turns around and tries to notice one of the players. Noticed and named correctly by last name, he is attached to him.
This is done until one person remains unnoticed, he will be the winner (provided that he kept the specified distance).

Solitaire Mat